HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-12, Page 4• . •
e v• , •
""a`mlaNlie- ' ea
Ou aceotuit of a changein our plans we
pave, decided to ro,ove our Clothing and
• Furnishing stock to •
. ID. e corner storeWe '
wan o • clear out every -dollaes
worth of wiuier Clothing, if we possibly
04 it our intention to start the
priUg trade . -with. a brand new stock.=
Commencing -
Jan. lath,
we will sell for two weeks only our en,.
tire stock of. Cloththg and. Furnishings
at the lowest price* we have ever quoted
for 'seasonable .1!Oodi;
N+++++++++++4+*424 X4+04+0+++++++tg
Personal Notes
jf those 11041.1 relativer or friend
visiting in team or going+ *wee
notify mot tee Isot seen weeka we
would announee it in the argW,JORA.
. tvi
0111.11f4ORNII114 NifiX14449 40!t 1
00 To
. 111101I110111.
11'he bed of eunimar's eunehine I
...Leaving Toronto Jan, goal-. Um. T, O. Doherty, London, ie
Ocverins panto at interest. ing her father, Mr. Obey. Cole.
Syssiel reused sate, Miss E. Richardson has returned to
Mount eiemen• St eatherinos t"u 4‘fier Vending a week lirt the
cC untry
Biefeel swings. Delightful resorts for thole ' •
whe negate, rest. Best. of hstcleeetanaceation Me, Wiltsa who has been with the
For tickets and full information call on
13 8:111oagens.' 'town Agent
The glinton•NOW Da
Men's Overcoats For large' men only
C..‘ only Men's Winter Overcoat, in 'plain
Nh./. grey and 'black, made from all7vyo0l
. cloth, with velvet collar, our best $10.00
Coats, all -reduced -to 4
1 (IN .only Men's Overco4ts, fancy.Tweeds,' ,
.411 also plain blacks, first-class linings'fa.nd.:(4, jaa asa
- trimmings, best $42.po Coat to go at
oys' Overcoats•
25 Boys' gvercoats, in plain grey ,a11-.
wool cloth, with and - without 'Storm,,.
collar, size 27 to 33, regular prices 0,4"
to $6.58, all to go at
FRIDAY, JAN. 12, 1906
!Sovereign Bank, at Markham, has
Peen transferred to flavelock. -
Mt. and, Mre. Broadbent (brother of.
Mrs, E. Carter) of Thoenbillt Man., are
here on a three naontlis! vista
Mrs. Smythe, who has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Shanahaa„ left for
her home in Chicago, on Monday.
Conductor Smith; who was 01! on R.
• couple of week's holidaYs, is agallAron•
, ning between Buffalo & O'oderich.
A dalgary pallet says that next to Water Jackson, at Kingston, who
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. gaultalo le hasbeen home for a few days, return -
the greatest statesman in Canada. Ile ed to the limestone oity, on Saturday.
may he, .but there are quite a number Miss 'Embalm Gunn, daughter of Dr.'
tpute it, in tlae Univeriiity.
Gunn, 'returned to Toronto on Satur-
day, vvheee she will resume her studies
of Conservative members who will -01'3-
The London Free Press of mona..ityWMts. Pope, 'Of London. sister of Mrs.
- . O. Searle, has been compelled- to
lad Brad an editorial on the possibility go to the hospital for treatment, as
of Mr. Rufus Pope being elected for she is in delicate health:
Compton in the Dominion brelection. , 3,34E4Lillian Jackson, daughter of T.
It was certainly veey timely and op- rao,orgtouttoeircdtd4ovitrroontzeCworii
Church+44444440News \
WESLSY oatillt0R.
Rev. W. G. Howson will conduct
missionary services in this church on
the 21st, not the 14th, as formerly an-
Rev. G. W. Andrews, of Centralia,
nwoiltilneerilefach here next Sunday, Mr.
Manning going to Centralia,
Sunday last was missionary SundaY,
and eerinons in keeping therewith
were preached by Dr. Stewart, dealing
with foreign missions in the morning
and home missions in the evening.
The service of the choir was greatly
No one .should fail to attend the II-
. •
lustratedlectairenn "Th e Homeland of
the Bible," to beagiYen by Rev. Mr:1
filarisfOrd, of Guelph, m Willis church I
on Thursday evening, Jan. 18th, at 8
o'clock. One hundred and twenty-five
superb views will .be shown. The
Guelph Herald has this to say of the
above lecture: "The schoolroom of
St. James' church was almost filled on
Monday evening, when Rev. R. J. M.
Glassford repeated his lecture on "The
Herne Land of the Bible," and those
who were present were highly pleasdd
with the entertainment. Mr. (Bas-
ford has given this cdiebrated lecture ..
several times, but On each occasion the
story is different, which lends a new
interest to the event He was in fine
pertane, for the Free Press had over- resume beamusieal; studies. - - • on Monday, and for over an hal=
held the undivided. attention Of his
looked the fact that, a week before, ' Mr. George todgens, whO has been hearers, as he led them through the
Mr. Pope had been buried under 400 of spending if couple of weeks at hom, e
.._ , Holy Land, touching at points that
returns to Toronto and iefitiolee ma have become historical. The many
a majority fer the Liberal. • • ' work as traveller on Monday. • eustorns of the people, as well as their
any outside paper had enetahinted ing Mrs. Wm. Foster, in Montreal •
is on her way back to 1sTew York; and pinces of interest were graphically des-
Miss M.. McMurray is at presentvisit- aress and. peculiarities," were vividly
, portrayed, while. the buildings and '
The Signal stated last week that
"thapeople of Goderich had woke up."She has been in Weyburn, Sask.,
that the people of Goderichwere asleepSA.ATION ARMY. •
beMiss Doan, whe.has for some years LV
there would have been trouble. But,. eanelcranchtall,AtgulliwirelVwtaaffs aafjelletThelatest and best in moving
tures- grand prese.ntation of 5,000 feet
all the same, they do seem , to have the holidays, returned to her duties on of interesting scenes, 'projected by a
been "doing things" on municipal elec. Saturcity• ' powerful cinematograph. This service
Mr. Joel Sheppard, of Haxtney has been given all over the Dominion,
tionday, apparently netbefore it was, Man., an old resident of Stanley, and and the machine -is said to be the best
tithe. - ' a -a . . -Mr. James-- Innese---Miliera:-Hantneaa- -ever-iusedianalanadaa-inasomeplaree it
contain of Mr. A. Innes, are visiting has been given *three different times;
The British election contest is warm. with crowded h -.Thepictures
. • vicinity.
relatives in this
The King disolved Parliarnenton Mon- alr. Walter Richards, of London, aze all new, and include scenes frOm'
day and new Parliament will assemble Higb Chief Ranger of the Ancient Or- the magnificent Zoqlogical Candelas of
an Feb. lbtli, On Saturday, the first Mrs. John Derry.orn Friday, while, on e
der of Foresters, called on • his 'cousin Loudon, England, a very fascinnting:
t,he busy stl;eets of London..
„election will be held at Greenwich and his way to A/Rebell. the funeral -of Polly Young, the noted
Axmy slum woxier, the Claief of the
the last contest will be over on Jan. 27. Mr. Nelson Bingham, of Whitlash, staff and Mee Wroth, scenes from the
The Haase to be elected will consist of Montana, arrived here on Tuesday; faenreolony, scenes of -the social work
670 members, as follows: Eriglend, 465; 'Mrs' Bingharn'whn is visiting relativesin Miehigatovill be here in a couple of views
in England, many., of the beautiful.
Wales, 30; 1teland, 103'; Scotland,. 72. weeks. They will -visit friends here Land ; the whole service will be con -
of • General Booth in tha Holy
To the last House England sent 293 till after February. . • . ' ' eluded : .by the scriptural incident;
Ctihseratitives, 125 Liberals and 46 Lib- Mr. Isaac 'Sterling,' of Maple, Creek, Christ healing the 'blind nian This
Sask., is visiting - his *. relatives : and beautiful display of • moving pictures
eral Unionists," tend since that 24 seats friends in, this vicinity. ' it is eleven • will be given at the Town Hall here on
have.been.weested by the Liberals from yeais sincehe left here, and he aPpeaes Jany, 16th . Proceeds in aid of the
. • ;
the Government. Tile fabera.lerhopet9 to have diourished with the -country. missionary work among the Indians of
He is engaged in ranching; and likes British Columbia. Staff Captain. 44e -
make great genie in England.the west well, . • • • Lean, who is a veyy e'oquent speaker,
__ - is in charge. Eyeryhody come.
Papers and Periodicals
We receive and renew subscription for all papers
and magazines, and duplicate any clubbing or
special premium offer. -
School Books etc.
For the opening of schools—all the new 03,10,10r- .
ized text books and up-to-date supplies.
-Winter Evening. Gaines
All the new .ones, and the old favorites as well.
.Sx.5o sets of Ping Pong, clearing at 25c
TO COOPER.- St. CO',..
ep's $2 to $2.5c• Pants.at Sisso
20 pairs Men's Tweed Pants,' in a *.
variety of patterns, all well made and •
best fitting, regular $2.o0to $2.50, alle
• at one price
$1.50 and $i.75 Pants ai $1.2.5
25 pairs Men's heav Tweed Pants
to go at
in all siies,,regular $1.50 and $1.75, le
Men's .and Boy's- Reefers
A. Big Sitecess
. It has always been -conceded to. the
Oddfellows that anything they do,
they do well. They were "At Etome"
last Friday evening to their many
friends, and that they right royally
entertained goes without saying.
From 8 to 10.30 progressive euchre and
flinch were played, in which there
was a keen contest for the prizes'
_ofTered, and_whichawere :won by His
Worship Mayor Hoover and Mrs. F.
Hall for the euchrrea while Miss Olara
Steep and Mr. AlbeeleTurner were the
successful ones for flinch. This part
of the tarogram was much enjOyed.
From 10 30 to 11 a splendid lunch was
provided, which, it is needless to say,
was also enjoyed. From 11 to 12 the
ennimittee in charge. had a most ex-
cellent musical program rendered, that
was a delight and a pleasure to listen
to. The Imperial Male Quartette of
Seaforth, that is without doubt a great
credit to that town, gave three excel-
lent nunabersa all of which were en-
cored, as well as a solo from W. IT.
,Willis. Miss Lillian F. Jackson gave • • Constance....---. 147 50.,
present -
Crediton east 175 98r
Crewe ....... . . 19 00
Dashwood . 407 54
Dungannon 692 88
Drypdale ...'106 72
Dunkin, -72 00
Egmondville . 282 00
Elmville . ......... 85 83
25 Boys' Reefers, ;o2.95 to $4.00, 5
choice at •
Men's $5.5o Reefers, reduced, Silt 0
20 per cent. discoUnt will be:
given. off till Men's Aeady- to -
Wear •
• 10 per cent. dicou.nt will be
given off all Boy's Clothing, Hats,
rOaps, Shirts and Furnishings of
all kinds.
Postal Returns-. A ,„
ONT.4.......10 STREET
*County Clippings
Mr. Sherman, the healer, was in Zur
ich on Tuesday.
Mr; Wm: Sweet, jr, Exeter, contem-
plates moving to St. Catharines shrt
Dr. N. 5, • Buctiannan, son of Dr.
Buchannari Zurich, is starting a prac-
tise in Berlin.
Mr C. Severt has rented Mr. W.
Wallace's farm on the 4th con, Howick
fora term of three years..
Rev. Dr. Ross, of Brussels, has re
ceived a call to the Presbyterian con-
gregation of Port•Dalhousie. , •
-Mrs. Case.Si, of the London Road,
. near Hansa% is seriously UT and bua
little hopes of her recovery are enter-
tained., • .
Wtn. Green,Goderieb, who had reach-
ed the venera,ble. age of eighty-four
years and two months, died on 'Wed-
nesday morning.
Mr. A. J. Lowick, of Brussels, has
rented the Fordwich flour mill for a
term of three years and took possession
on Tuesday last.. ^ ' • •
Mrs; Jas. Noble, ' East Wtivanoih,
who has been seriously ill for the past
two weeks,. is slightly better, we are
pleased to state._
Mr. Charles McLaughlan; Forditich
has sold his residence and -park lot of
six acres to Mr. Kent. We understand
the price is about 5700. • ••• •
. .
Master Paul,' the young son of Bev.
A. E. Prior, formerly of • WhighOTO;
died at hie beine Gerieatt, Ohio, •last
Local. Spotting Matters.
In the opening hockey match of the •
season at Ailsa Craig on Saturday last,
Clinton defeated Ansa Craig in a very
close and exciting match. The puck
'was in • Clinton's territory fully two-
thirds a the time, and Craig had much
the better of the argument, but had
hard luck in scoring. Two of Clinton's
goals werealecidedly lucky, one being
a long lift, and the other a carom off
one of a Craig player's skates. The „
score at half time was 2 to 1 in -favor
of Craig, and the • final score 4 to 3 in.
favor of Clinton. The ice was in good
condition. -London Free Presa . •
aTh,e opening game of the Intermede
,iate Of H. A. series played at London
Floptdoe3Y., ALt>tnbd000ngbdeefeeaittliedoeSetaefeolortbhabvye
had an opportunity to practice, the
playing was very fast, especially the
last half. The game was free from •
roughness, not a man being penalized.
HENSALL V. S. LoarnoN.-In a close aite
and exciting game of hockey on TROPP
cloy. the 7th Regiment team of London
won from the Renton teana by a score •
of 7 to 2. The locals lost through. lack
of combination and inability to shoot,
though individually they played a good
game. London was particularly strong
in their defence. J. Crooks, of Clinton.
wag a very efficient eeferee. •
ing game of the season in the interrnee,
diate series O. ILA. was played at Sea -
forth, Tuesday between Clinton
and Seaforth. The genie was even
throughout, resulting in a victory for
Seaforth by a needs to 3. The following • -
are tbe hamsa-Seaforth.-Goal, West -
The fialfoWing staaieties relating to A. very interesting oovehant service week, after a, long illness.,
res in Huron are taken from was held on Sabbath morning." 1' if. The store of Mr E. Col will of Centre, -
the ros master General's returns for teen newamernhisrs were received into
.1905. Clinton Stands' in the second church fellowship,malung thirtythree
place in the ' total revenue received; foe the six ironths ot the 'conference
which is a good index of the business
of the various towns a -a •
Place • Gross Revenue , •
Auburn, .$ 388 - -
Amberly - 180 49 were given in line with tne sable by
aBaarfieldaa-aaa;aaaa . • -502 71 - Miss May- Holland, • Miss Hattie
Belgrave 559 23 Courtice and Mrs. Palmer. Miss New-
Benrniller , . - • 130 combe and MFR. B. J. Gibbings sang
Bluevale 314 33 very appropriate solos. The meeting
Blyth • • -1551i 20 throughout was interesting and' in-
. Brucefield . ' 401 41-itructive.
The League on Monday evening die'
. .
cussed the •topic, "Ho* becoming a
Christian chanes the • life" ;readings
BelfastBrussei s .. . . . .248118 7475 • The W. M. S. held their monthly.
• Blake .. 115 08 - meeting' in the church on Tuesday
ai 00 evening. Tea was served at 6.30 p. m.
Centralia, ... -a 352 10 and the programme provided 'by the
.young ladies of the society. .•
Colpallaiennatbdie60nba7Ye 5262r117 11°04 • Huron Presbytery will' nieet in Wile
lis church on "luesday next.
Ohiselburst 68 73 . Rev. Mr. Osterhout,.Wroxeter, is all
caelow ...I° 131 70 morning. s..
smiles just now, having been present-
ed with a fine baby. boy last Sunday
The members of the Zion appoint-
ment of the Ashfield °,circuit, present-
ed their pastoraRev. W. A. Snaith,
• with fifty bushels of oats as, a Xmas
an instrumental solo that marks her
OA a pianist of very high order, and
shows the Wonderful advancement
she has made in her three years' study
In Toronto. Miss Frances Manning,
and Miss Lily tafoats gave a solo each
that were much appreciated, and their
many friends say they nevem sang
better; also Master Stewart Jackson,
whose singing caused some surpaise at
so fine a voice for one so young.
The Committee which was respon-
sible for so good an evening's enter-
tainment was.Jnhn Wiseman; N. G.
Ball, F. Alcock, Amos Castle, B. J.
Gibbings and Thos. Jackson, the letter
• acting as chairman. •
The evening's entertainment was
• closed , at 12.15 ,with God Save the
King, and good wishes were in order
to the I. O. 0, P.
The following officers of Clinton
Lodge No. 83, I. a a Fa• were in-
stalled on Tuesday evening • by. Dis-
trict Deputy T. Fraser, of Stanley
N. G., Jacob Taylor; V. G., R. P.
Reekie ; R. S., B. J. Gibbings • P. S., •
J, Wiseman ; • Trees H. B. 'Chant ;
R. S, N. G., J. Crooke; L. S. N. G„
L. Doherty; Warden, B. Kerr; Con-
ductor, Amos Castle; O. G., R. E.
Manning; I. Oa A. Turner ; H.S. S.,
S. Seymour; L. S: S., F. Hall ;;Chap.,
J. C. Stevenson ; R. S. V. G., L. PanC
ley • L' S. V. Gan°. Barge; J. P. G.,
N1son Bali.
After the installation the members
to the number of nearlyone hundred,
repaired to the Normandie,where they
enjoyed an oyster supper. and an im-
promptu yrogram was rendered, Mr.
Taylor in •the chair. Speeches were
made by T. Fraser, Mayor Hoover, R.
Holmes, Mae Handy, Mount Forest,
instrumentalaaby J. Rice and Stewart
Jackson, songs by T. Jackson and Dr.
bistrIO Orangemen
Ethel . ... • . '02 °9'
Exeter•265004 '
Fordyce .. ... „, 43 48.
•Fordwich ' 659 94
• Goderich .... 7748 21
Glenannan • 58 00
Glenfarrow 45 00 ,
Grand Bend . . . . .. 244 OT
Greenway • " *174 16
• Hariock .
Hills Green
• Helmer:ante --------153,30
• tampon ............ 355 18
Khiva 40 00
Kingsbridge........ 122 96 0
Kintail 215 44
•, Lanes 57 20 _
• ' Laurier • 56 68
Leadbury 104 10
Lochalsh 153 55
Loyal - 1,02 96
•-7Luinley 127 1)8
• • Londesboro 390 46
• Lucknow ,2466 66
•• Mafeking • 27 96 ^
• Marnoch . .. 33 8•
Moncreif ....... ... 59 25
Mount Carmel 115 94 ' •
• Newbridge ,140 00
• Nile .... .... .....,02
Port Albert'101 40 .
Porter's Hill • 90 14
Pr:asperity. • ' 10.00
Redgrave ,60 94
• • SeAferth..... 4778 24
St A.'ugustine105 20
• 46 80
139 00 •
The annual meeting of District of
Mullett la 0. L.,- held on the Oth inst.
in'the hall of L. O. L. 793, Seaforth,
was very fargely attended; The rep-
resentation from the primary lodges
throughout the District was very good,
and -great interest, was manifested for
the welfare of the Order during the
The *brethren of L. X,. 703, Sea -
forth, treated the brethren present to
a supper, for which they received a
very hearty Vote of thanks.
The chair was occupied by ex -County
Master Bro. 3. Scarlett, whilst the el-
ection and installation of °diners took
The following list comprises the offi.
Cos for 1906 W. G. StOth, Altr M.;
Montgotner 1V1.; Wm. Tten-
• Sarepta • ........ • 71 00
Sheppardton • 6120 •
-lia, was broken into between Sunday cott ; point, Case; cover point. McKen-
night! and Monday morning and all the zits ; centre, Reeves .; 'forwards, . Sills,
loose changelstolen from the till. • Stoddart Sinithers. Clinton.-- Goal,
ed by the Township Olerk•ot Hay.
According to the dur-
the year 1905, there were 75 births,
31 deaths and 33 marriages in the past.
Seiforth and Clinton play on the •
By the removal of Ira Parker from
Brussels to Wingha,m, 'the Epworth
League of the Methodist church there
loses its President, the Sabbath School
a good teacher and the church a
The 25th anniversary of the Young
People's Society of • Christian En-
deavor will occur February 2nd, 1906,
it will' be commemorated by nearly
70,000 societies and by the three and a
half million members Ten thousand
societies have reported a total of half
a million. dollars in gifts to the mission
boards of their denominations, to their
local churches. •
TheEditor of th.e New Era '
DEAR MR. EDITOR. -Should thPre
'not be an organized effort to secure
voters' signatures to' the petition of
the Lord's Day Alliance to the Com-
mons and Senate - for. more adequate
legislation, for secueing•Sunday as a
day of rest from labor for all possible?.
Ttientitne is short, bila the opportunity
golden. Could notleaders in this mat-
ter arrange for a personal canvass, or
perhaps they are doing BO.
Johnsen • a point,. Forrester ; cpver
.tiointallorswortby ...centre,Sheppard ;
forwards; Moore,. McKenzie, Firmer ;
referee, A. all:Aver; Gecierich. • '
• .Mrs: .Rariclal. Graham; Port. • Albert,,
who had been a resident of this pitta'e.
fol years, died on Sunday, aged 80, her
husband predeceased her some 3 years
' Mr. Elam • Livingetone, Blyth, has
met bought a bush in McKillop, and
MesSrs. Carter and Moon have taken
the contract of putting the wood.; for
While playing on theold mill pod
the other da Miss Dora Holden, RICO:,
rink here to -night, Friday. ••,,, • ••
• For Deno:sic "plaildren.
A. physician whose mode of treat-
ment bas been particularly eucceseful,
in. branding up children of weak pb.y-
pique advocates a good rich .beef
with 'plenty of bone in it several times
week. The bone felaishes a jelly
strengthening toa'bones and sinews.1,
• For thiiipurpose. a piece from the• shia
OT lower part of the round is best.
tee, slipped into the water, and only for •
help arraying soon, she :wOuld hav,e Hare the butcher skw the bones in
:been arowned. • order to get all the . Marro*. Covez.
with cold water; then, net an a close ,
lid and simmer several hours. Do not
let it boil. ':Vegetables and seasonings
may be added to mit The same doctor
recommends the use - of punching. bag
for small boys with narrow ,ehests Or ,
a tendency to round shoulders. 'When
a real leather punching. bag is out of
the question a very good substitute is aa,
• Last week Cornehous Gaynor. of
West Wawanosh,' received word of
the death of his • son John, in British
Columbia. The remains were brought
home for interment. •
The next sitting of the High Court
for this county, will be on Tuesday,
March 13th, (jury,) before Justice Aim -
lin, and Monday, May 7th; (non -jury)
before Jaistice Olute.
The Thamesford Star says: -Rev. Mr,'
Greene, of Clinton, has come to be pas-
tor of the Methodist church at Thames -
ford. , He and' Miss Green left Clinton
on Friday and drove down all taa, way.
being almost storrnstayed on the jour-
ney. But they from St. Mary's
on Sabbath morning in time for Mr.
Greeneto conduct the forenoon services
which he did with profit to all those
who had the pleasure of listening to
his discourse: Mr. Greene had the mis-
fortune to lose his partner in life last
Shipka 65 77 July and Mies Greene is now the only
Sunamerhill .41 70
• Sunshine . 2 00 member of his household, Mr, Greene
Thames , a 4,4 58
Varna . . . 401 01 •
Westfield 183 23
Wincheleea 164 52 .
Winthrop .......,110 12
Walton .. . 392 68
Wingham lv 4083 80,
Montreal Gazette are out nil strike,
4 IS a thoroughly practical man and an
earnest and zealous worker , in the
cause of Christaand has a rich fund of
Christian experience to draw from.
He is an entertaining and. forcible
speaker and the Methodist church is to
be congratulated on securing his. sere
vices, and we gladly welcome bah he
and Miss Greene to our community..
Oar three ministers are to unite in the
auy stout bag Ready fined with bran. , •
W Ross Brussels, and his good
obsseiblea.ken. 61 47 . .. '.. .
et 41 I n e altx er cwi ghee nsetivoeurl dp
• A Cali Loan. ae • •
The Inexperieneed One fon Atlantle . • . ..
liner, second day outi-Da Otorge! Baal , •
lady celebrated the 50th anninersary of
their marriage on Christmas at their
residence, William street, -by a home
gathering of all the members of their
Mr. Czar. Rollins, of Cleveland, 'don the seal certainly gives a fellow' a great
of Dr. J. A. Rollins, of Exeter, was on appetite. ., • • a (• •
• • , .
Christmas day united in marriage to The Experienced One ---Not gives, inl
Miss Millie McTavish, .of Detroit, grand: boy --merely lends. • I.
.daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hawkshaw,
of Exeter.
.4 Mise Rosa Lee teacher droved Week of prayer &aril neat Week I any
dead while conainit Orit„.0echurc at little denomination& differences ate
Oxford. lost in the great desire to see every one
of. !?tnuelohststiold(eirather gentle influence of
Wilhiarn Itelloy, an old resident
Tyendinaga, was killed on the railway the 1Va y.
near Marysville, 1,, " •Thomaa Dick aged OS died, on Mon -
.1110. succession &Kee received by the day morning. .11e for over a year has
ney, R. S.; Frecl Welsh, 1. ., Ohas. Provincial Goierninent lest year will been a resident of Hera:all, previousto
ry, chap.) W. Trewartha; Treas.- total About 9700,000. • that he had been a resident of Hay
jas. wer, Din Oer.; ' Fred Scarlett, ' Mr, E. I, Lennox denied at the Alvin Tp. The deceased was a quiet indust -
Sony; J. Marshall, Dopy. Sect. investigation that he had any kilow. rimes farmer, and made a success of his
The meeting closed with the singing ledge of an money being paid Dr, • Calling. Ite-tefis married to Miss
of the National Anthem, Lynd by Mr, W. 13, 1togeri, Schaffer who survives him.
We are pleased to notice the name of
W. C. Wilson, son of Bernard Wilson,
of Goderich township, among the. suc-
cessful candidates in the recent minor
examination of the Manitoba College
of Pharmacy:.
-Last week...Miss Sarah •Bentley and
James Dodds, two employees who have
seen long service with Messrs. McKin-
non & Co, Blyth, were each presented
with $40 an recognition of their long
.and faithful service. • .
Messrs. Kennedy Bros. butchers,
Seaforth, had on display last week a
two year old hog raised on the farm of
Mr. las.. Devereaux, of McKillop. It
is one of the largest seen here for some
time, and weighed 550a lbs.
Mr. J. Decher, of the Babylon Line,
recently sold his fine 3 year old. bay
mare to Mr. S. Sparrow, of Varna, for
a handsome figure. Mr. Sparrow' has
now as finely a matched team of bays
as can be found in the county..".
On December 27th, the remains of
Ed. Andrews an esteemed and respect-
ed pioneer of. the 12th concessionaown-
ship of Ashfield, Were interred in Dun-
gannon cemetery followed by an un -
not declined everal good exporters
usually large number of sorrowing rel-
brottgat as high as $4.90;to 45, hilt the
hulk went from $4.50' to $4,70,
ativeseand friends.
,A.eenns.-Apple exporters have done
exceedingly well this year. Even com-
paratively small Operators have cleared
trona $3,000 to more .than twice that
amount on a few weeks' work, while
the clank% up made by some of the
bigger fellows runs into five figures.
lite from /arming.
Mr, Alex McEwen, of Morris, . had • 6
the good fortune on Christmas day to • .
shoot a white -Owl. The bird was A .
1 ninto Market Report. •
ifargteirtrsehdo ttnin a it% i.si.lititis:e°tiobne tiborreetsa every 'Markley etterridn -
i(a)neaetiotfi Alloy
Whest .......... ...... () 77 to 0 77
in many a day. From Wing to wing it
measured »3 inc_______bes. „
11°ast;Iiir:...., ... 0 42 to n 45
4v .*•,,, 0 83 to.0 34
The Ind mi "lead Vaette thus' to. fere Voss a .... ..... 0 65 to 0 08
to . a. well:.known Clintoniana-The Eggs ........, a• 0 20 to 0 20
many friends of Harold , Steep' are Butter a. .. ; 'al, , . a... 0 10 to 0 20
pleased an tee bim out of tH'e hospital, Bogs .. . .. • • . A 4. • • • ov 0 00 to 0 00
where he has bean laid up for Borne Ducks ...... .. .. ...*.. 0 08 " - .
time with pleuriey, „ • Turkeal le411.V fit ......1 0 10 to 0' 12
SHE•.RPF--E'Yr°pOMFbn BeWSOBUila.tii to
$4.50 ; culls and export bucks e3,50,to
5875; ewe and wether grain fed lambs
$6.25 t� 116.40, and buck $6 to $6.25.
This is an all-round ad•yance of from
10c to 15c, and . the market is reported
firm at these prices., • ' ' •
lionsES.-There is not much ellen
in prices, but trade has a stronge
tone, Several -good young hear
teams were sold at good prices ; on
thought $525, another $465, and other
ranged from $300 upwards. Single
heavy horses sold from $120 to 9200,
and serviceably sound work horses
and drivers about $50 to $80.
Hos.-The average price paid the
farmer for his hogs at country points
this week is$6. Hogs on board cars at
country points are quoted from .$6.10
to $6.15, and at Toronto 116.86 for hogs
fed. and watered, and $6.50 oft car. ,
CaawtD, -There is very little change
to report in cattle prices this week.
The Old Countrimaraet is at present
very poor, but noes at Toronto have *
13. Augustine; of A.shflekl, has. sold
his farm premises to James Nicholson,
of Aublitei. It is a good farm, well
situated, and has good buildings in 'first
glass condition and the price paid was
$4.250. Mr. Augustine intends to ,re.