HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-12, Page 2• For over sixty years tkoCiOtii
.111wei endorsed; Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs* Colds,
Weak lungs, bronchitis, con.,
numptIon. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors op-
prOve. Then trustrtbis the next
time you have a hard cough.
they have * congh,n arse at,..maxeas.
Witshiesteii, o.
AyeireiPliinktisiPthef 100ififelnrogrsher•
Au.vegtab�;Anti gently' laxative.
Diamond Dyes
4. News N
ilenator Charles B, ()Wirth died etul-
denly at Hallfai,
David Gray dropped dead on tit,
Street at 'Waterford.
1103 Edward Blake has aceepted the
DOMinatiert Of Longford Nt4ionali8te,
vaTDAY. J,A.N.. 1906.
Lloyd George says Canada is prns-
revels because she looks:after Canada.
That is something many people do not
- '
in 1005 thirtnominion Imrnigratio
'fficials refused adirdssion to 611 int-
'•ig-taihts who were regarded RE unfit
0 become good Canadian citizens:
Mrs. W. Bushnell, of Bayevilleo
was killed 13y the ftecidentaldisclaarge 1
of gnu,
110t apply GO the Legielattire for Sun-
dayThe Ontario Pard's Day Allianee will
• Sandwickpeople are confident of rje"
curing the United States Steel, Qom,
pany-'s 010,000,000 plant,
The election judges; dim:04860d the
protests in North Bay and Norfolk, no
evidence being' offered.
it is said that 10, D. Gallery, the
disqualified M. P. for St Anne's Mont-
real, may appeal the 'case,
, Eighteen young bank clerks arrived
in Tort:into ircati Scotland, for the Can-
adian Bank of Qom:tierce.
gr• ROO, Liberal, Was elected to
; the Commons in Compton, Quo,
.feating -!ufrits 'rope by over BOO, '
• St.. Paul's Indistria1 School, an In-
dian institution neat, Winnipeg, was
destroyed by fire. Lose $30,0W.
The ' Secrelory'S , receipts -
for last year were $181,901, tire largest
in the history of the department,
Premier 'Whitney announced the
date of the Kingston ,bye -election for
January 29; nominations the pod.
Eleven horses affected. with glanders
in an Ottawa livery stable were des-
troyed by the Government inspector.
. '
• The Grand Trunk has ordered 81
entnotivee. 20 of which ire for pas.
4gee and. 61 for freight traffic. The
't a the engines will be $1,398,000. -
No w (vanes. medical opinion that the
.'''.41.,..lea,• rkathie freedom from typhoid of
Chinese people is due to their ad:
**lotion to tea. Those tea men are
- tendid advertiSers ; they deserve to
• cceed.. But tea may have an hit-
.rittualzing or prophylactic effect aftei
. . .
, all. It'e 'wOrth looking into.' •
,- The folly of removing the gold roy-
alty in the Yukon is illustrated in an
• • _expenditure -of $2,388,355 over the rev-
.., Crahe sibce 1898. Last year's reveene
was $732,500 short. ,The rioh mines
.shbuld pay; the 'cost of government
• 'erecand the royalty szstem ought
o have -been retained to -collect it.
- ' • •
• • Prof. Miller, the Provincial datko.
gist, warns the public akainst wildcat
silver mining schemes which he-saye
Are ueing floated. He says the sharp-
- -Crs are getting ready to take itdvan-
4age of the Cobali, expitement. See
tintt" you buy more than worthless
11. ' 4.paper if you part with pc.iir money
or silver mine shares.
• I in: M. P. 1",e has
appointed Minister of the Quebec
rovincial Government without port-
folio. •
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
'lave placed, orders' for Si new locomo-
tivesktux of which wklr be built To-
Like many other Canadian cities,
Montreal has had a growing spell.
Last year new buildings to the value.
of $1,779,000 were put up
are Hummers
and alWays
NiALUABL.IXE ICUMENT. t B°411:4" 'no Stomach.
••• 4411,44401444 •
Evidence In the United *mph* 1...eye• 'HyothSI 0141lrell Clittorrb by
Oat Ciiihrie For letreies and leer. oreatiao Aromatic neatvles*-1--Ontero Archive*. MO Tar,
•The Mist inlpertant event in the ear,
13'' Motor" of Upper Canada 4, the coin- You elinnOt atfOrd to risk perms -
int of the E. Loyalists. It forms Mint loee Of health by takieg strong
t th toniaela in the vain
Mouse TOr Sale
Ten manse, with woOdalied end Stehle
herd end soft water, lore of lane. Pere
trolly looted for pate:1010re apphr to
an. 12th, -1906
0.11EP4iltlf OMATTIVE
• pieseeeser te4firfiss keit
Lands for Sale
olitee—Eluott iliceit,forentrir 0001504
lir Mr *lett.
the foundations end, baste ot our pro- t g "In the far West' ' Hayford, Axe*, Im• IXOXEY TO LEND .
Tindal life and institutione. Much has bepe of curing catarrh of the nem proved farina tor Hale st• 4* per mire, ....-----.....--.......--....--•.----..,-,-..„
been written abmit t)30 U. E. 140Yaliete, and. throat,- The only true way "of other farms without bandit) s front $6 to 1
012 per twee, good land from one to six BARRISTER 0014I0ITOR NGTARY
much or historical value still remains 'curing catarrhal tretthlee le hY the
to be fElven'to the piiblics, and as 'their use of Ill'otuels Which la tlicatlied miles frenl town. Fare paid to parteei , -
descendants are numerous, powerful, through neat pocket inhaler tbat investing. N. P. °BICH, fieward, Awls. ruot.410 VTC,
characteristically tenacious of the pa- names with every outfit.
iiyomei is not it Seeleit remedy, 4 1,0.11...
able playstOians. ts base is the ta-
and its formula is rett to .all rep Choice Fawn tor Sate I
triotic principles, and sensitive to the
good name of their fathers doubt
documents bearing on their services
and. sirfferingg will contin.ue to appear
In print forllyears: to come, ,
In his researches threugh the papers
and literature of the later part of the
18th century respecting Ontario; Mr.
Alexander Fraser, the Provincial Ar-
chivist, got on the trail of a Valnable
and voluminous manuscript concerning
the services and loses of the U. E.
laoYalkits, a, copy of which, having
come into the possession of the Burean
of Archives has been issuea in the toxin,
of his Second Report...
• The origin of the Manuscript and
Its preservation are a story in there it the roost economical meibod o
• selves: The British Parliament passed ing catarrh,. as well as the, most_re
15111,4"Cantalari Women° will. an. act in 170 ainselnting a commission.
4.. • iral
bear in mind that weak. adulterated', 7 to 19-lassifY 91° claimS of U.
1414)3'911s- If you cannot obtain IlyOnlet• of
The chairman was*Iohn Wilmot and your dealer, it will be forwarded by
and irnitatiou package dytps are still fi ••'d EM reeeipt 'of, rice.
mous micalyptue oil. This is coin- Sibooriber offers toe sale his splendid.
bitted with other beetling, aromatic , farm of 96 scree on the Bass Line, being
pros and balsams, SO that when us- north part of lot 2, Maitland Blook, Mullett
mg Ryoinel, the air you breathe is Good. hriok house, barn end all necessary
tilled With. gernoduinv beaith.giv.. outbuildings; 35 acres.bnifin farm well wa..
ing, curative powers. It kill's all 4a• tend and in good condition. 2 miles from
tarrhat germs and restores tire mu- Auburn. JOHN' SPRUNG, Auburn P.0
cous inenitiraner-of' the nose, throat •
dition, . For Rent•or Sale
and, lungs to a perfectly healklay con• 1 .
The complete Hyomei outfit, eon-
sisting of a neat pocket inhaler, a. That deEdrable, commodious residence,
medicine dropper and a bottle of.liyo- formerly by W, Q. Phillips, on
mei costs but 01.00, and extra bottles Mary St. First due state of repair; 1-2
contbe obtained for 50 'bents, making sore garden, wit13 fruit bearing trees and
bubo. Possession given Oet. lst,- Udine -
alleged, buy.es can have easy terMs of0pay.,
molt, • Can fie inspected aor reasonable
hour. Address JOHN ItAllf3FORD,
••. . Clinton 13,0
Germany has ordered 20,000 freiPt
cars for troop transportation, in view
of the military activity in France, and
the tension over the DS oroccan dispute.
Lord Aberdeen'e ranch near Vernon
B. yielded a crop from its twenty -
acre orebard of twelve-year-oallorth-
ern Spy apple trees that sold for
615 525.
Admiral Rojestvensky has made a
f,tatenient that if Togo bad failed to
defeat the Russian fleet the British
fieet. was lying in wait to accomplish
the work.
no time was lost in grappling W mai , po g
, -work assigned te,, it, But it soon be- Write today _for.- consultation lank
clear that certain claims must that Will entitle you to services of our
h se
sohl by some dt a, e. s vtho care little ler
Rufus Pope, ex-M.P., who was de-
foaled in a bye -election in Compton on
Thursday, by 400 majority, was the
-cowboy of the House, and rather glor-
ied in rough and unchaste speeches, so
long as. he could ereate fun for the
ack benches. His father was a mem-
r of Sir John's Cabinet. Front 1867
it was represented either by
the father or son, but the family grip.
on the constituency seems to be gone.
The proposal to tender,a, banquet to
Sir•Wilfrid Laurier in Toronto next
month has met with so much favor
that it has been decided to give it the
character of a Provincial rather than
a, Torontciaffair. To that end the Lib
' rgttnizations are being asked to
se representative members to a
meeting in the office of ethe General
Reform Association forlkOntario on
Tuesday next at noon, when further
arrangements will be made. Sir. VXil-
frid has already accepted the date' of
February 11 for the event,
, •
Real Estate andlInenrance Agent
• Money to loan .
, ...-
can. HALE, • - - 4011$ itIDQUTr".4
• Drs 'Gunn &Gunn
Dr, W, Gunn, L, G P,. Y.. IL 5.. PAW
Dr, J. Nisbet dome, st. 5. England,
L. R. v. P., Leaden. •
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls
front door of office or residence, Rettenburr.
. •
A.act echoer, etc., office and reiddenee uo '
tario opposite English church, formerly oo
*noted by Dr. Appleton. Clinton Ont. •
• wives, triObl s and daughtete, . Farm tor Sale. phydgian,.surseon, Nto.
If you would have home dyingi done.• be presented and evidence heard on' the medical departmen . w • • seeded. attention given to diseases of the
having the DIAMOND DYgs.. Never Pemberton, and Col. 'Thomas Dundas, Ithaca, N.Y. • 132 acres of first-olos an ibh as a • ' Office and Residenc,e-
London Road innle from Or ton about
• Eye Bar Tlntoat anti Noee.
successfully and vkotilably, ineist upon loot Two commissioners, Mr. JerentY The IL T. Booth Company, Hyomet
be induced to aceept worthless dyes at therefore came to Canada on this dutY. Sold, by It. P. Reekie, Clinton, . garden, has been a stook in tor a num. Albert Street,2 Blocks NortbofltatteiibileF
any price The poor dyes will surely Mr. Pemberton was a barrister of Lin-
the coMfort, profit and success of our
John A McCall has resigned the Pre-
sidency of the New .York Life 'nate--
ance Company, and Alex E Orr was
appointed in his place, at a eatery of
550;000 a year: • '• '
The revenue from paying patients at
the Provincial. ar*lums for the, four
months ending Deceniber 33. was $66,-
712.51, an increase of $29,926.43 over
the corresponding period of 1904.
The recount in • High River awards
the .seat to A. J. Robertson, and the
Conseeyative Opposition in the Alber-
ta, Legislature. is doubled, now sttind-,
ing at two. "
Grumbling and complaining will not
take out the pain of an insect's •sting,
hilt Perry Davis' Painkiller will do so
every thine. Apply it with your finger
to the sore spot. Price 25c and 50c.
• • ber of years, Frame hong*, .large barne, ' * •
ruin your hands tis well as your geode, colnYEe.Inn, a.nd had been appointed to plenty of stabling, Pig boulv for 100 head, W. Nannlog Smith, I D C rt
DiA.MONI) DYES for twenty-five fill a vacancy- en the commissionv Col.
• X t 1 Coneaustan. iraplement building. Foss ssion g• iven at• PHYSICIAN & 2117RGEON•
years the favorites of our women, are . .
OFFICE -Main St4et, 13sylield, formerly,-
sold*by all pi ogressive and busy. drag- occupied by Dr, Pallister: - '
4 kin c. ceBss.oriLtiljo »NrD, AY;net °Perm S'it•a t.
8 &owe ir do 1050I;pIevNne Tne ivOne . rgNy : , - 0 N T A lit I 0 . .
dtiyand until 10 ceoleo
—....-.„. .
Evening iippOlOMentE nitlue.
• -,' , .
eThAerillttleneceNofewlifTeorwkarrelo,nwfinhedosetohrlexer. fatzryintintraze. AOppwinyeLtruhe.aptourme ire irom
Dundas belonged to the anc en• . .
tish family of Arngask, branches of '
which had given leading men to bar, ---.-. , , 1.1.. 19 19A,
ben0h; and Parliitinent. He oWiled the Jounce in an apartment haute, wile i ' - „w
. Picturesque estate cif Carron, Stirling- visiting in Philadelphia not long ago.
ists and genor4 eterekeepers Can-
W.hY n°t 11411'141('.1. missionereld sittings in Canada from tographs and ' viewa, meanwhile es. I The farm of 50 acres in the 3rd con. a
a ;,;'d" •
' Toronto papera'Anea't of e tack cam- shire, and there his fainily resided dur- One afternoon, to amuse the Child, her
Farm tor Sale.
ing his 'absence in Canada- These corn- cOneln shoWed :her e itumber of pho-
• The death of MM. I. bur, h, of 1785, uritil 1789, and obtained %inch. into- and answering questions eos. Huilett,f000npied by. subsoriber is offered
a pia. for sale. All but four sores cleared, and
Nova Scotia, ntAkes the flfth vanancy teresting evidence .from the c man t. cerning them., One of them was
in the Sellate. Ali will be tilled by Ow who appeared in person or by agent.. tUre of WhalsOr castle, Willett, she was wheat seeded down. Running spring, all
in good state of cultivation, 13 aores,fall
time Parliti went meets next month, They- told where they had been. local• the late I fall plowing done but I* acres. New frame
in addition tour t.eW euttturs will be , ed before the outbreak of thte fd, was the residence of
appointed for the Neetlawest •Pro- tionary 'W'ar, the value of. he r Queen Victoria. After looking at it a house, small barn, Ao
bearing orotund.
vinces. ings, stock:chattels, or business, as ,
tb,e moment she Innodentl*InquIred,"What 2i miles froni Clinton. Also team of gdod
i case mighebe which theY had.lost on floor-- did she iive on?" '• • -- - ----- - ' working ho'rees for sale.
Something wbith never occurred in
account- of their loyalty; also w a Nov 17 05 CHAS. MASON, Hallett
t'anada before bitok place at Guelph 1 ,
the station and tile poet office know; 7 6 6 the ------ DalrYMPle.-"dat if I would marry Int„..i. -. -
ing that ir wa$ likely to freeze 01) af- ng altogether valuable sworn eee••
he'd lay his fortune at my feet:" . - • • ' • iwuuni,
Con -
ter the rain,. desired iii have. his horse 1 as to their circumstances in life, and „ . ,
, An tfld he do it?' asked Miss ihn. - —
services their had rendered to the Brit- i prig Hie Fortune; at Her Feet. •
liverer of His Majesty .11.101 between h r tb' had settled in Canada mak- • Farm Tucketsmith to
ish cause, and in what eiPeeitY, and i "H d ne"tol' me" said.Miss Daphne
last week, when Johnny Confhlin, e-
• . .
Rev. Dr. Badgley of the faculty of
Victoria University, Toronto, died
at the age of 62 years. He had, been
seriously ill since November, when a
recurrence of RE illness of last spring
set in. He was a man of wide Oulture,
good judgment and deep charity.
Seymour E. Gourley, ex -,111. P., for
Colchester, died at his home in Truro
Friday morning. Mr. Gourley only
sat in one Parliament, having been re-
turned in a bye-electioe in .Colchester
and been defeated in the 1961 general-
eleetions. While in the Commons he
attracted considerable attention by his Ing in comfort' in fashionable rflgiJbZl
enthusiastic imperialism • and his i homes., Not -a few with "blue"- blood material, Sir Henry advised his wife s
hostility towards the United States, in their veins have cast in their lot . family to send the MS. there. This
frequently. declaring that a clash with h as accordingly done, but it remained
the United States, must come sooner
or later. and he would. be ready to
shoulder a musket or fight in the
trenches. He was art oddity in many
The Goderich Star is booming Mr.
Bobt McLean for the Wardenship.
• There is nothing improper -in this; and
• the NEW ERA has no hostility to Mr.
..MOLean for we shall congratulate him
lf he secures it just as readily as any
, one else. It does not matter to us who
is Warden, but we venture to say that
Mr. Spackman, of Exeter, will get it.
Both he and Mr. McLean have been
•-known t;o be after it fir some thne,and
if report be true, Mr. Spackman has
proven himself to be the best hustler
rtd the 'o.
shod. expeditiously. • AWare that all the qUality of the people who first, in - B
To rent for a term of years, Lot 14 •Con•
cession two, It. R S containing 100.aoreer
Shoeing Shops were-- crowded, he be large numbers, settled down to her, out ' am, r!rivu•' • . 1 • _ .,_„.
horneel4er theraselyee frora the Ontario 'Yes, .he sho' did. It took his ma" 80 acres of Whiola.are" cleared and in a good.
thought himself of- the fact that be forests. As the evidence proeeded the cent to Par fob fohteen yob& of hi; state of cultivation. This farm is situated
was a servant of the King, and at once
• eemmiSsiehers 'Wrote •it down and made grain eyarpet." .' 1 1-2 miles from Kielteri, 7 miles from' See-
: . fcrth, and 3 1-8 from Hensall:'. This form
Magistrate Saunders Wit li, the penalties notes and observations as to its gen- • • .--
AePured the requisite Order from Police
attached. When he went to the shop hilleiless• Still ler e well fenced, drained, and has lint Mass
he was turned avvay. Then he pre- this evidence, and par el
The manuscript containing '.
t f t thin- • - e' .
a Pd rn b Mina Gaussip-4 understand that you
fa s in tbe County of Huron. For terms
buildings thereon, and is one of the best
sented his order, nnd rt is unnecessary Ing to Canada. received n tri co
tuv as good as married to Miss RottleY• r etc aptkly' to Doig & Doig Attorneys, Sault
tO'add his horse was promptly shod.. Chairman Wilmot, was taken, o arro
Mr RaeheTher-Just a.s good aid. even guil Biariemichi '
Han, by Col. Dundas ind left there by •
i • •• P •• 8-11
better l'm not gedng to be -married tie •
, MOUN'r FoR,E§p: him. How it was discoVered and , re- •
•Bverrpoetor 10 this tt,t‘ n tried his •,1844 •
t- • • scued from obscurity is thus told: anybody. ' - • , • .
Si Henry Lefroy was.
• • Choice Farm for • Sale.
organiiing magnetic.. nur7, . To Waal a Pribdetessor Ono Must *iv*
b t to relreve Mrs:J. 1Vithoni.of 'asth- in Canada
ina; 'Wine s'oeeevIled• "For Ye,Irs. vey by order of thp Britlsh Goverrcmoflttad" his iv,extb.
,bothing gave relief.. At titnes'l found Chief justiee Sir jo
' In 1846 he married the daughter or .
hri Beverley Reign-
slie states, "1 was a .dreadail bail:arta' :
it ne-dessaiY th hai71),til the 'tioln's tndson, Bart:', and through this relation-_ ; THE ROOT OF NEURALGIC. ,
When in despair, I heart" o'f 4•14P
history 'of the ' country and in the ,
became interestedrl
• •
windows open Go.• get ....toy ltrent•
zone.' • I used it and now am 'pea -loot- . Washington, Is an irritable .condition of the nerves
that a,.fly ease ot asth all is curable which had then issued a letter point -
from Nerviline; the great•pain reliever 1
ly cured." This proYes - beyond doubt :Smithsonian ' Institute, caused by cold. • Relief comes quickly
,with i atarrhozone. No reniellY so trig out the advantages of accumlating of to -day.•• "I consider Neeviline a•
pleasant, none so. absolutely certain to all manuscript material relating to the
s ory o ne . magical remedy for neuralgia," writes
thorolighly cure. Try "Caton -no -zone" ; hi t f• Ai rica In 1860 Sir He ry
21- IiiIrs. E. G: Harris, of Baltimore. 'Sot
: Lefroy married, as his second Ivife;za. 3... hever worry if Nerveine i,, do the
yourself ; its guaranteed , ••
• .•• . . . grand -daughter of Col. Dundas, the , . • . - , .
nonse. /A teu applications no.ver Yet-
' r d hil
. • •
• •
. E. oya is Gomm ss otter, an -w e
failed to kill the pam. I can also rec-:
staying at Carron Hal), in 1384,' he saw ornmend Nerviline for _stiffnesS, rheu-
ted Police De• time. His old Interest fn early early Canada (nearly 'fifty ytars ; try erviline yourwouldfind a fitting home On this side itmanamaa:mulaadel......4..........n.."....~
• etn Aristocrat Turns Hermit. . ; the. original manuscript for the first inatism and muscular rms." In use
pertinent bilng accounts of very revived and he suggested that the MS. , self.
of the Atlantic, but there being no pub-
lic ArchlYes Office in Canada, at that. ANNUAL. MEETING.
Reports to the 1V1Enin
strange livei followed by people living
In the western plains. of Canada. Some
of the inhabitants have gone there to•
endure hardships in 'preferenee to liv-
time, 'and rernenibering the appeal Made
by the Sfnithsonlan Institute for such •The Annual Meeting of the membere et
the Mciiillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com -
Pan*, will be held in the Town Hall, Sea,
'fords on FRIDAY. SAN. 19th, '.1.906, at
es Henderson, Assoc&
f Methodist Missions,
awa as pastor of the Dom-
ureli in 1007. His successor
be a layman. There are dOzetli
hent connected with the church,
though not lioSSesSing the abfflty
'Henderson, would make an ex -
Associate Secretary.' Thpre is
at as we know, one important
office eqnuected with the
st Church that is filled by a
With the rugged westerners, o g
aristoorats mostly go under assumed there, apparently neglected, till an .Act,
One o'clock, p m.,. for the purpose of ream -
names, In a 'report received recently of Congress was passed transferring mg the annual reports, the election of three
by Comptroller White of the N.W.M.P., manuscripts in possession of the Mitt- Directors, end other business for the good
-there is an interesting account of the tute to the Archives of Congress, 'where and welfare of the Co panv„ The retiring
d they have since remained. During the Directors are J. R. McLean.; &Worth;
• respects.
finding of a strange n v
The. retort is from John Taylor, irr . rnanuscript had received, little or
illOW'S spector of Division B of tbe pollee. He no attention and .he.d. become through
• alone nineteen miles from Seiltfik. ltrse of years the 36 volumes forming
ward for any ease of Catarrh thatca
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure,
- F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year's, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligasions made
by his firm,
1 ' .
petite is caused by
Beechh's Pills
eling of heaviftesS.
Math takes away
• ttite Beecham's
ly Pt?lle. the dia
We offer One Hundred' Dollars Re- was sent last summer to meet the po- damp and decay very frail and difficult -
lice Steainer Vidette, and 'on' his Way to read. The officiala of Congress ave
an Isolated amp .was sighted. On en
• tering he discovered a matt Who, gavel
his name as Tollernache, Mr aylor big the tattered iea.ves site it-ls_from
says' he believes the stringer is a son the MS. so restaged that the copy now ,....
of a baron of Engiand,. who at one time : in Mr:, Prager's custody was 'made. The I beg to anmance the reopening of the
was a lieutenant- in the King's 'Royal manuscript differs from the transcript ' Butcher Shop formerly ocoupied.,by Mr A.
Rifle Corps. His only nompanions were in the. Public Records Office, . London,. Couch, opposite the Post Office, where you
myseaftned, sasenhaoalttceear aleoti.tiolewoifilFrceosnl!
three dogs and a -cat. He' was crippled, In that it contains notes and references
st./lci igftalwits
the result of, an accident. many years made by the ,cominissioners during the
proceedingg, indicating their opinion of duot,the Mildness on a cash basis -the only
true commercial principle •.-• apart from
more recently..employed a special ark -
min for more ,than year, in repair-.
Thos. 'Fraser Brimfield and William
Chesney, Egmondville, who are eligible for
re-election. THOS. E. HAYS. Sen.
. • J. 13. McLEA.N, President.
• •
That first.olass farm, comprieing the E.
111 of, lot 29, eon. 3, East Wawauos 1
acres, one -and -a -half storey frame house,
19x 28; with good stone cellar and kitohen
17122; ,gcod bark:barn '52160' wit „stone
.8%We ; 18 sores of good timber nd 11
sores of orchard. The land is in good
state of cultivation and is till seeded down,
except about 22 acres. Well watered, good
well and neyer-failine.spring creek. •With-
in easy reach of church, 80h001,1 p oat c ffioe
and railway statitin. For terms luia turther
partien1 ars apply to RIDOUT .& HA,LE,
Real Estate Agents, Clinton, or to
JAMES MUTCH, on lot 28, Auburn.,
Wholesale Drugg.ists,Toledo, Q. ago.. He gave no information about Itis
Hall's Celan]] Cure is taken inter- previous life- •
nally, acting directly upon the blopd. Col. 'White expresses; no surprise at
f this kind as the circurn-
the evidence, sometimes cams ea y
expressed. Caneidering the faded cone supply and demand,
dition ef the original, the copy taken Merit by the quarter,
, . Meat by the pound;
Mee for me country,
Meat for the town.
084 fikl 'Eau for choice Poultry`, Butter and
new laid Eggs; also Sides and Sheep eking
Inforinatlon Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per stances of the person,described are by has been, apparently, very suecessfu ly
and mucous Surfaces of the system.
bottle. Sold by all Druggists, no 'means uncommon, even if the supaccomplished and in the printing for
Take Hall's Family Pius for eortstip- position ef the Inspector be true. . publication the Archivist has re;pro-
ation. " •••••.e . . • . ____e duced the spelling, abbreviations, and
phraseology of the manuscript, liter-
•,•,.. , ere,: vi„.; ally, as is -customary in such cases.
. it 424"-ertain -..."8----i The original pages of the MS. are givp
What the .Melbourne (Aliatralia) pap en for facility of reference, an a very
- pers• call a Gilbertian situation -was re' flill iildeX-E huge labor in it lf-lat
furnished as ie also an instructi e in-
eently created in that city by the tele, .
phone girls of the central exchange. troductioti. The whole comprises two
How it is gathered
' A subscriber to the NEW Eln.A. asks as
to how the Bureau of Industries gath-
ers its information conherning crops They misperided all telephone work in parts, of EOM° 1,400 pages, and is a
etc which is published in the anntud the busiest hoUr.ef the day in Order to monument to the , industry. 4/ the Ar -
bulletin. The following answeee is have themselves photographed in a .ohlvist, for a great deal of other work
given by a member of the staff in Min% group. They were allowed five minutesin
thee way of copying, collecting, and
nection with that department :-Re- • for the mirpone by the head of the de,. classifying, was being carried on dur-
garding areas and yieldof crops, I Partmenta but the operation lasted for •Ing the preparation, and progress of the
would say that we know the area un- ' nearly half an hour, during which. Volumes through the press. '
der cultivation for each • township, numberless fussy subscribers PtifM4:t .., AMohg the familiar names of Loya-
from various sources. The Assessors "ringingti up?' In vain, The metionoli-' ,` ha .--
ts to be found in thus report the f ol-
and Collector's returns are sent (a tan fire brigade, failing to get any re- lowing are a few; Ault, Baby, Bald -
Then we have returns made to us by change and retired disgusted on learn- Beckwith, Beverley, BotWin, Ball, BEAM Beaman, Beardmore,
copy) to this department. I Peons% dashed at full speed to the ex -
individual farmers. At one time an,..,,ing ,the true state of affairs. The Mel- Bulyea, ,Burnharn, Butler, Cartwright,
many as 30,000 01 40,000 fanners re -bourne papers are flooded with lettere- Crysler, Embree, Gage, HathrewaY. Has -
ported to us. We know who are the calling for the abolition or the lady en, Holland, Hough, Hoyt, Jamas, Jar-.
best men for sending liable reports.: telephonist.' A board is inquiring Into vats, Jessup, Johnson, Jones, Mactoon-
receive them filled in. We take the I • - • Nelles Page Robinson, Rogers, Ryek- . ell, MelCee, Macaulay, Mabee, Meredith,
Macon -
and to these we now send blanks, Ana the incident. ' • .
retaireS by tOwnships, and find the • He Passed. man, Ryer04,, ippince t, St. Leger,
area in eath crop. Taking oats, for Mr.. Gladstone was traveling some servos, Shaw. Sherwood, small, Snell,
Instance, we find the, seem under that .
erop for those who have reported, and
then find What proportion it btars to •
their total area, under cultivation.
,This inturn is compared with the total •
area under cultivation for the town- I
ship, and the result is as nearly car -
met as an estimate can bei We have
repeatedly cooapared. our estimate
,with the acreages sent in„ by the as -
Season, taking fall wheat se an ex-
ample, and found that they practically
agreed. The yields per acre are made
up from reports 'Sent in by tried
threshers and other eareful cones-
ponclerits, and there are enough. of
• both classes to help us arrive at a fair-
ly correct conclusion. Of course, our
figures are averages for the township,
tenuity, or Provinces as the case may I
be.Vith an average of 26 bushels to an
acre the individual Fields may range
trio 12 to 35 Voile a.
04 Gmbh .
years ago from the northern. part of
Frame to Belgium. He had pUtehaned
beautifill hunch of grape's, whtdh es.
rived in the train N'ilth him. When he
arrived at the Custom house the officer,
refusedto let the grapeil'Pate; "Oaring
that they Were liable. Gladstone re/Us-
ed pay the duty whercunen cue*
tOtit houtiet officer said he %TEAM not be
allowed to pass With the grapes. Glad-
stone humorously sitidsho",would -psis
with the grapes, and taking them out
Of the begket, ate every one of them.
*NOW eV Ina° said tho "Grahd Old
Oast ha the train for Illtsoels.
Ielse, quit and make motley for yourself. Oet out:
_66A,111 jour ovrotbeartt* ea./omen. They vilt show you the. wiiss They
DelfAd tightly Ali idle ireattlIg have started thousands on the road to freedom.
big' Wet. ; Seven dopers a'diy, every day in the year, it be.
*Tot ate *441 VOWS ittleall,“ ISM lob' •log tnede handling their goods, .Write soW,
Stockton, Strange, Street, Stringer,
Sudbury, Tisdale, Urquhart, Venal-
Vanduren, Vanhottle, Vatievery,
Vanderbrugh, VariderliP, Valentine, Van
tamps Waite, Warner, Washburn, -wet-
or000, Virelibenks, Wentworth, Wester -
felt, Whitney, Whiting, 'Wildman WII-
etni,"Wilkine, Wiltser, 1Vinter-
mut% Wood, Woolbridge, Woodstock;
Wright, Yeomans.
Man" trits"b"taii " took Ida HAVE YOU A BUSS ? or are you hide.
pendent? If you Are makjtig money for some 0116
Of Cowie. of elavery Atid be tree Write0„, Magmata, &
and examine a copy of our catalogue, if you
have any idea of taking a preparatory course
hove there is no school equal to ours for
prodneing tgood results. We solicit investi-
gation and oomparhion linter any time. No
Vacations. -
'Yonge and Gerard Sts., Toronto
W. K. mum. - PrInetia.
DAVID U0SHINS, C.P.A., instructor.
Choice Farm for Sale
The homestead of the late Peter Co tb
Goderich Thwuship is offered for vet
Thaproperty is located in one of the ' beg
Sections of Goderieh Toweship, and with
the fine residence and surreundings it could
easily be Made one of the finest farms in
the township. It contains 80 'aores;- Lot"
30, con. 10, all of which, except a small
corner of wooded land, is under tillage.
Fhere 16 80 waste ground and the- Boil s
oodehroughont. The residence is 'fine
commodious brick structure and its ou -
buildings ere In fair condition. Terms
will be made te suit the purchaser.
For partici:dem applyto W. BRYDONE
Solicitor for the Execatore.
' (Sucoesaor to Dr. T, 0. Bruise
Sp eetaIst In Crown and Bridge Work
L, S. --Graduate Royal college Dental Sur
goons of Ontario, leronto. • •
S.-.Fireb•tilass lionise graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto Valve:51W-
Special attention paid to preservation .or
ohildren's teeth. Will visit Reynold e
Offices over O'NEIL'S store..
Special care teken to make dertta tre
meat as painlees as posaible. • W vi -11
Auburn every Monday. •
And General Training for
• RailWakStritiCe
The nevil method of instruction adopted
by this school has proved a groat mimes.
Pupils graduate in the ehortest possible
tine, therefore at the least expense.
Employment provided at once. Write
for free pamphlet which will give full infor
Shoot room in Gordon Mock, opposite
post office, the most dearable Iodation In
the city.
invitedIliepeotion of amities at .Work cordially
el. •81211.12411 oit.irARRIAciR LICENSES
• No witnessee required
• Private funds to loan at 4% per cent and: up• -
wards W. RHYDONIL •
Live stock and general Auctioneer,
.0N -t,
. . .
Farm steels Sales a specialty. Orden' left at •
NEw ERA. office, Clinton, promptly attended
to. Terms reasonable. Fanners' sale notes. .
• Farms tor Sale
50ne 99% acre farm in the Township Of Col-
borne, 7 miles from Goderich and 9 milealrom
Clinton, 1 mile from Village of Elenmiler.lelose
to Post Office; daily mail; churches and schools.
There is a good, large bank barn, buggy house.
implement house, pig pen cud, hen house; a
good large frame dwelling, withten rooms; 2
good hells, fences in good state of reptair.
there are about 18 acres of pear orchard and 28
acrerof apple orchard, fail. and. •winter fruit,
about 6 tiered of bush. This is a first-class fruit
and Mock farm, fall plowing noarly all dos'
and are acres of wheat; half of farm is seeded
down. Possession can be had say tune.
ROBERT LASUC4111,, Stretford, Ont.'
• Paneipal and Inetructor, fOrmerly Dia
Oki esperktiogaileat tit• T.
Also a farm of 160 acres, adjoining the abOva
farm; a large. good atone house, frame barn.
horsastable, large sheep and cattle shed. and a
larae spring near the house,. with milk 'bowie
thereon ; spring runs through farm to Maitland
River. Several acres of bush; farm over half
seeded down and in good state of araltivatiort,
with some 7 acres of good orchard thereon.
This fame is known as cherrydaie Farm; and
has 18 a, emilsreso/ufalElwywmis.PARin
keat. Apply to .0m.
J Be Rumba% Clinton.
J. P. TisDALL. •
Private funds 'In loan on mortgages se
best current. rate, .
General Banking brismese traneseteiN
;aterest 'Mewed on deposits.,M
Sale notes bought
G. 1). MeTaggart. M. D. MoTaggart. •
McTaggart Bros.
• General Banking liSustness
transacted •.
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
. depogits. •; "
Guoagath on.
• MBS. F. gitErTail,
. Comity- Manager,
Clinton, °Merin.,
At goose Fridayi. pa 41:' •
. • .
The • MelCillop Mutual
Fire Insurance •'
Farm andlsoiated Town Prop*
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Kippen' 'rhos'
Eraser, Vice'-pres., Brucefield; Thos, E
Hays, Secy. TprieRatsc,TR
Jas. Connelly, Porter's ' Hill; John*"
Watt, Harlocke G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; Evans, Beech.
woon•; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bee-
neweis, Brodha.gen.
. Each Director is inspeetor of losses:in
his Own locality. :
AGENTS. "t7'
iiobt. &nub, ligiook; ;Ed,911inchley
Seaforth; James Cummings Emend.
ville; J. W. Yet?, HOlmesville. „
Bull tor Serrint.
The undereigned will keep for sce vice the
American ana Canadian registered Hem
ford bull -Proud Duke. Terms. $1,50.
Aloe young Hereford stook for sale at Any
time. E.L. FARNHAM. Lot 11, Con, .9,
Mullett; Constance P.O.
Depends upon' whet goes into the Oven.
Regardless of your stove or your yeast, your
skill or your reoeipe. the bread will not be
right unless the quality is in the flonr-and
this is 'where we shine, • .
has the top notch quelity that always producer
the best bread, aini is especially adapted for
beat iamiry and bakers, use. guaranteed to
be unsurpassed for bread. •
WILL BE • , •
Will you ;tot put an end te your bread
troubles, by ordetiag your next sack from ns
direct, and we Will deliver it promptly. Mon -
ped feed for pigs or cattle -good heavy feta --
at $19.0e per ten. All kinde Oefeea for 4810, 8140
T. H, SciL1112.E0 Propriet0
oia•oarq, Noy. si.
CO .A.1„1
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
eine prices.'" The very best goods
carried in tock and sold, at the
lowest possible price,• \-•
Orders rimy be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware stereo or
W4 J. Stevenson,
Electric Light ;Plants