HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-12, Page 1Sitheeribeilf aft urged to Melte their
renewals prOMptly, and tbus arida the
leas of anYe,Opiee'of the Rerald
Established esse
ROBISAT 11014100.
and Savings Company
and Depositors'
Certiffcates and Passbooks will be
receil,ed at all branches of
TkeSovereign Bank
All necessary payments and .
transfers of money made free
" of charge
• 11. T.12,41.1\TO333
Clinton Manager
Advertisers changing their
advertisements any week must
have their copy in not.. later
than Tuesday morning.
- new Shunning:no '
Sovereign Bank -H. T. Rance 1
The Molson Bank - C. E. Dowding.1
Card -Miss 1301e8 1
•Scientific Farming -W 8 Ft Holmes1
Business Oollege-Elliott&McLauglin 5
Gun Club -J E Cantelon
° Seed Oats -J Avery 5
Restaurant- H Bartliff ., 5
Business College a W J. Elliott. 5
• Meats -J W Torrance .. 5
County Council -W. Lane 5
Funds wanted -W Brydone 5
Notice to Debtors -R Graham ...... 5
Debentures for sale -W. Brydone5
.• January Sale-Hodgin Bros 8
Clothing Sale- ' 41 8
Announcement -J. W. Newcombe Co4
. Stock taking -Harland Bros. 5
"6 • Save money -H. Plumsteel 4
' Furs -Tozer & Brown..5
What might have resulted in a seri-
ous fire occurred Sunday last at the
home of Mr. John Hunter, Exeter. In
some manner the ceiling paper became
. ignited front the pipe leading to the
furnace. The fire was discovered be-
fore much damage was done.
The death took place on Dec, 24th Of
Mrs. Ottilia Hendrick, _Zurich. at the
age of 72 years, 10 months, 22 days.
Deceased had been in failing health for
some time, hence her death was ex,
pected. She leaves a grown-up family
of sons and daughters to mourn her de.
Teacher of Piano.
Pupils prepared fur Tor:Lieu; (Jon-.
setvatory examinations.
For terms, firmly at
RESIDENCE, Ontario Street,
Wedding Gifts
re you in doubt as to what yon
give, ,it so. eome to es tor
assistance. Our sp 'run m
• be of some use to yore and OUT.
ample stock of suitaele presents
in the:newest etyles
Silverware -
and Fancy China
is complete at this season of the
year. Our stock was never so
large :led well assorted.
Wedding Rings - best qualihj
Jeweler and Optician.
Marriage Licen3eseissued
Electric Wiring
and Fixtures
R. W. SCOTT, late manager of the
Seafoeth Electric Light Plant, has
opened, in Seaforth, an Electric Supply
Store. A full line of Fixturesand
trio supplies kept in stock and marked
at bottom prices. ca.bi
nilltutrol nekorsinith,
F. R. Munro returned td Winnipeg
this week,
Mos Mabel Robineon, Of Clinton
visiting at Ilelwig's.
Miss A.egie Riddefl Seaforth, is
Wog at W. T. Riddelre.
Mrs. M. Malley is spending sewe
days with her sister, Mrs, T. Aaniers
Mies W. E. Thompson, of Blyth, a
Miss Zella Whitely, Londesboro, v
itecl at Sturdy's,
D. E Munro was called to Wella
count.), on Saturday, owing to the z
.tous illness of a sister.
The Moore family moved to God
itch this week. They will be missed,
the corarounity in several ways -t,
boys out of Auburn band, and N.910
el" from the Methodist choir. .
The fifteenth annual convention
the Auburn Union Sabbath Soho
Association will be held in the Piesb
terlitn church op Wednesday, Jan.
Rev. 0.. ..Robertson, Gen. Secy. Pr
byteriah'aaaso4ees.saichools, wilt be pee
ent and deliver addresses. A. spread
program has been ' arranged, wi
morning, afternoon and evening se
sions. A union choir will take char
of the singing, and the pastors in t
Union vie assist inAhe services. Ma
ters pertaining to 1,5,, S. woek will
discessedee,nd a very successful an
interesting time is expected. A, bille
ing committee will arrange for the ac
conimodation of delegates. Meals w
be served in the basement; those co
ing from a distance are expected
heap With the supplies. ,
ADDEEsf3„ -The following address
was sent from Auburn to Me, Jonathan
Coupland, Watford, and explains it -
salt :-"As you have gone from our
village we thought it only right to
send this short address after you, and
resord the fact that you have been a
faithful member 6f the Methodist
church choir in Auburn. We' have
not failed to observe your constant at-
tendance in the service,pf song, and
that you have aided materially the
services in the church?... You will
therefore kindly accept this ring e.t.a
tangible expression of love and good'
will for you, and hoping you may long'
be spared to live • and carry outethe
principles found in those hymns, which
are rich in divine truth and will help
you as the days go. by, we all join in
wishing yeti prosperity, and when this
life is over, that you may be received
intce‘everlasting habitations.' (Signed)
e J. Roane, Leader
laRv. J. G. PALLiS,.Pastor.
though the roads were anything bu
good, the congregations which greeted
the choeen ministers on Sunday were
very good. The church choir supplied
acceptable music throughout the dayThe collections amounted to $48. The
tea meeting on Monday evening was a
decided success. Tea A as served in
the basement. The ladies of Knox
church are earning for themselves a
good reputation in this direction. The
Intellectual part of the feast consisted
of music by the Weeldstfichoir and
male quartette solos by Miss Edna
McDonald, and Rev. Mr. Urqutia,rt, of
Rippen ; recitations byeiliss Elder, of
Blvth ; and short but spicy speeches
by'Rev. Messrs. Perlis, Hartley, Urqu-
hart and Reid. We would not
e the
splendid order, although the house
was crowded. The receipts were $112.
The seder en Tuesday evening was
much enjoyed by full house ; the
program was contributed by surround-
ing P. S. teachers. Proceeds of even-
ing, $48 09, making the total receipts
of the anniversary $208.
8 -
Arise ampbell, Hamilton, is visiting
Mise IL Wise, of the Huron Road,
ARM BROXEN.-Miss Carrie Johne,
of eon. 2, had the misfortune to slip
down on Saturday, breaking her arm
at the wrist,. .
Cot/NM-The counell elect for 1000,
viz. Messrs. Robb, McKay, Reeve. Her-
bert °rich, Jos. Atkinson, Alex Buch
Oen and George Dale Oonneillore,
met lit the Town Hall,'Seitforth, on
Monday, Ian. 8th, at 11 o'clock, as dir-
ected by otatote, and each havinganade
the neceoestry declarations of qualificia
than and of office entered upon their
duties. Messrs. T. N. Forth and 4.,
Scott were re -appointed auditors ; Mr.
James Getranell Assessor ata salary of
$80, and H. M. Chesney, in member of
the. Board .a klealth, Mr, Herbert
()rich; having been elected as member
of the council, resigned his seat on the
Roard of Health, and Mr. .W. Wallace
was appointed to fill the vacancy caus-
ed thereby. The council Also unani-
RN:A*1y expressed their conflderce in
the ,present Clerk and Treasurer and
these offices will continue to beheld by
the° rld officers for the cureent year.
The "Hospital f -r aziek Ohildrenela Tor-
onto, was given a deuatien of1010,00.
Election and other aceounts, ainount,
in to $184.46 were passed and Council
adjourned to meet again in Seaforth on
Saturday, February Brcl, at 1 o'clock,
4.,4, Summit, Clerk.
Mr. Armstrong, of Dorchester, Via-
ited friends here during. Christmas
week. ..
Me. Joseph 11004, Of Penee, Saskat-
chewan, as visiting friends around
Mr. Pierce, of Iona, and friend visit-
ed in the home of Mr, johnston this
Mand Mrs • Walker, of Waterloh,
have returned home after - spending it
week withthat lady's father and
mother, Mrs"and Mrs. Wm, Ivison.
Mr. John joriee spent .a 'few days
With his daughter, Mrs. Johns in
ville.this week, and when he returned
she accompanied bun, ad in fends to
remain a week here. .
The Christmas tree entertainments
,held by the Methodists and Presby-
terians were very successful. '.1 he at
terultinee was good, the programmes
suitable' and the children, yea, a,nd
older people too, were delighted with
the fruit from the Christmas Tree;
Lett Tuesday eveningithe Stanley'
Literary Society , bald their regular
meeting,•when the prtneipal item of
t entertainment was a debate on the
subject, "Resolved that fire is it more
destructive agent than water."„ D.
Aikenhead, assisted by Miss Einily
aloarison,upheld the 'affirmative, while
D. Cameron add Iiss Grace Gemmel'
defeeded the uegative. After a spirit-
ed debate the audiente decided in favor
Of the affirmative. • , Next night a
literary and musical programme -will
' Bennaller
Rev. A. D Gischler is not so -well -
this week. His friends hope for his
speedy recovery.
Walter Mew returned home • from
East Saginaw; where he has. been visit-
ing for a couple of weeks.
Stem:emu PAETT. -About thirty of
El. II. Long's friends and neighbors
gave him a surprise party prior to his
departure to Fordwieh, where he has a
school. The evening was spent in•
games and music. During the evening
presentation, accouspaniad by the
following address, was tnade:--
MR. R. H. LONG. .
DEAR FRIEND -It is with regret that
we realize that you are going to leave
our midst to take a position •elsewhere.
We, the members "of the Epworth
League and Sunday School, avail our-
selves of this privilege to express to
you our appreciation of your services.
Yon have ever been faithful and al-
ways ready to do cheerfully what yell
could. As Sunday -School Superinten-
dent you have proved yourself an effi-
cient, devoted and faithful weorker. In
the Ep •v orth League you have always
been the same, always ready to help
without apology or exeuse. We hope
that wherever your lot in Ay be cast,
you will ever remain true to the church,
the Sueday School, and to God, Who is .
the head of all these organizations.
a token of remembr anee we ask
to accept this Bible and writing
net from your friends and co -work -
who wish you success and God's
sing throu h life Si ned o b
Russell Forster and wife, who have
been spending . month at theft old
•hones here, returned to Locust Hill
on Mondays, .'" .
Mr.Will Connell was called to Owen
Sound on Saturda,y, to attend the fun-
• dearest. hiseeletneew
n -la, Mrs, Philip
Connelly of Derby township.
The Holmesville Rifle Association
' will 'hold it fowl and oyster supper et
R. Graham's, Clinton, on the evening
of Tuesday, Jan, 16 ; all . who becothe
enembers, on Levu:twit of $1, wilt have
a free ticket to the supper.• '
• OuR STA.TION,, One would scarcely
think- thatover-$8•10-were taken in laste
year by Mr. Courtice, for railway
tiekets sold at this want, yet such is -
the fact This is the largest, &peewit
received in any year sine() the ; station'
was opened.
- Mr. Arthur Wilson, who has been a—.
resident of the village for a number of
years, has moved to Goderich. The
family will be very much missed here.
This ietives the house he occupied va-
eant, but we understarid that a party
from Wingliara is about to enter it.
WIRING. hles
halt of the Sun ay School and E%worth
Wiring of stores er houses done in
the most approved method and at mod-
erate prices. All orders promptly ate
tended to. A postal to me will bring
prices or a call.
R W. SCOTT, Seat orth
wawa...4e eas•el,,m
Eggs are worth 22o per doz. How
about your hong? If they ire not -
laying now,.
Dr. Douglas' Invigorator
will make them get busy. The mien.
title part of farming is te realize the
greatest possible returns from your
investment. Get DR. DOUGLAS' IN-
VIGORATOR and make your own
Stock Food. It will be much (dumper
and much better titan you oan buy
elsewhere, and you wilt make from
16 0 20 per cent. more out of your in-
11 yon have Ringworm atong your
cattle, or if your horses have soratches,
ir will pity you to see Dolma, the
Manufacturing Chemist.
Phm. B.
Post Office Drug Store..
League. Rename Sarvonri, enpr,
. Miss Lizzie Horton gave a party to.
&few friends on -Monday evening.
,- A -number of people in our neighbor -
heed are talking of starting a literary
society. '
Thos. Ticbbourne, Goderich, was the
guest of his dituehter, Mrs. Horace
Horton, for it few days.
Her many friends in thie neighbor-
hood will be 'glad to learn that Miss
Helen Clark is recovering from her re-
Thos. Fotheringhana, of North Daa
kota, and Mr and Mrs.latalcolm Mc-
Kay, of Goderich, visited Mr, and Mese
Alex. (Mutton this week.
OBITUARY.-Denth has entered otir
community, and has taken away one
of cfur old residents, in the person of
Mr. Patrick Italy, who died on Satur-
day, the Oth Jelly., at the age of -0i
years. The funeral was at 1 o'clock on
Monday to 061berne ceinetery. Rev,
Jas. Hamilton, pastor Of the elturcli,
eopclucted the services at the house
and grave. The inhere,' was rargehr
attended, showing the esteem in which
he was held..
The vacant house of J. W. Ilill•was
utilized by the young folks on Monday
evening of last week, where they
maniacal themselves atith dancing mail
the hours Of morning i the musie WAS
supplied by Wm, Johnstone, Clinton.
Mr. Fitz Sprung and his youngest
eon, of Darlingford, Man., Is visiting
his father, Mr. John Sprung. *
Nina DoMiniele Riynoldoio eutfering
from an attack of pnuemonlaq her
speedy recovery is bopedlor.
Tile wife of itir 3, Oarbert'Eas been in
St Joseph's, Hespitel Landon. She is
suffering frem nervous prostration,
but hopes are entertained that she
may be enjoyingher usual health soon.
We understand that Miss Petrie, of
Brucefield, lute been mimed, by the
trustees of U. S. No, mnilett and
Goderiels, and eounneneee her duties
in the Orange . Hall. Summerhill, as
Own as it can be fitted up for school
purposes -probably next week.
FARM SOLD. -Mr. Soo H. Brown has
sold the tie acres, lot 11, Otla cone kW"
lett, which he purehased it short time
ego from Wm Leitch, Ohiselhurst, to
Thos Adams, at a good profit. If
Mr. Brown can dispose of his other
sfaorrininghe will "likely go west in the
Oonarcars-The Council elect for the
Township of Hullett, viz Mos Mc-
Millan, Reeve; Hugh 11,1011, -Samuel
McCool, James Leiper an 'John. Barr,
Councillors; met in the Township
LootiPshorot on Monday Jahn-
Stb, when having made the usual
deblaratione Of office &a, they com-
aenced thehneiness of the year with
the deteeminatien to practise the
trietest economy. Communications
row, the Department of Agriculture
nd from the,,Vecy Provintial Board
f Health, aslehig Manes and addresses
f Township Officers. From I Ross
Robertson, for it grant in aid of the
flpspital, and on the maim
f Councillors Leiner and Hill, the sum
f $10 was orderect to he sent to the
aid Institutions The -usual 13y7laws
ere passed, for, fixing salaries and
ppointieg township officers; George
tepbenson, Constance, and John
ingland, Auburn, are 'the:Auditors;
NYilliam Carter, Assessor ,• R. Smith,
°hector. The Local Board of Health
ill be the Reeve, Clerk, John Oarberte
eorge Watt and John Sprung: Ten-
ers will be asked for, for the supply
f 5000 ft of rock elm tainarac prank,
o be used chiefly for •re -flooring
ridges and repaimog old culperts. -
he -Council foresees •the necessity of
aving to build two large pew bridges
ver the Maitland this yeat, ; one of
hem, aMcMichaels," is already, under
entracte the other, "McOools, ' is al-
ady condemned for heavy traffic ;
oth of these biidges will cost in the
eighborhood of $5000. This in itself
it very coesiderable item to add to
e next tax roll. .4.. nullifier ' of ae-
unts were etunined and passed. •
hen • the Connell adjeurnect until Fra'
ay, Feby. ld; at L80 p. 1111.
R. Bowsock has moved to J. Gar-
rett's, Where he vill spend the winter.
.-Mios T.
''"9178PPA '.-AX11)14114.14.Q.brrullepeed
dresernaking ill Lenclesbo ro. this week:
Mr. Haulm of Toren to, is conduatine
special services for the .33rethren this
week, • • . • .
Wilfrid Crisp returned to Lonaon on:
Friday, after spending' his holidays at
his hoine. . • •
The Creareery Co: have notices up
fee the lettieg of the contract for ice
for this Season. ,
.Itadford 'has moved hiSfamily
to Dungannon, whei•e he has secured a
position at harnessanaking, ••
'Misses Lavine, and Olvetta, Brigham
returned to Hamilton oil Tuesday, to
resume their respeetive' studies.
Mr, D. W. Boyd returned to Chicago
-on-Erlday, after spending the -New
Year's holidays with relatives here:
• ' Willie Tamblyn, son of J. Tainblen,
has gone to Leerhington :for theavin-
ter, where he wilt attend high school.
. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lyon, from.
near Brandon, Man., arrived here on
Wednesday, and surprised tbeiefeiends.
Rev. N. Leckie _conducted the &mil-
Yersary services ;it Aubure last Sun-
day. Rev. J. Small took his work here.
Misses J. Wisenian and C °hid'
• BUTTER FACTOR:Y.-The report of ren
the factory for the pest year shows heft>
that a total of 45633 lbs of butter were
sold, for which the sena a exto,36 was
seeured. From the 20th of July to the
end of the season the price never
went 'below 200. the last sale in Nov.
realizing 22e. Mr. Ross is an excellent
butter, mak.er, and the Dairy Lispector
says the factory here is onealt the best
he visits. The liabilities of the Com-
pany are only $318. • •
e wed acqoaintances heie rase week,
rereturrungto the WesternNormal
ANNUAT, MEETING. - The animal
meeting of the goimesville 'Cheese &
Butter Mfg, Co. was held on Jany. 6 ;
the attendance as very fair. The
following will represent theBoard foe
the ensuing year :' Connolly, Presi-
dent ;0. Holland, J. Senkins, 0, Wit -
llama ard J. W. Yea Anioant of
cream, 163,156 pounds, making 37,808
pounds butter fat, which tna,de 45,633
pounds of butter. One pound of butter
fat made 1.205 pounds of butter. The
average price received per pound, of
batter was .20293. The report appeared
to eye general .satisfeation to the
shareholders and patrons, a., very
hearty vote of thanks being tendered
to the butter -maker Mr. Ross. and al-
so to the Board of 'Directors for the
excellent, condition in which the fac-
tory stands,
Ooderleb Township
Mr, and Mrs. Sohn 'Green, Whe have
been visiting friends in eastern parts
of the Province, returned lase week.
T. T. Churchill, VS., of Wolsely,
Sask., is .visiting his daughter, Mrs,
N. Jenkins, ivItutland con.; he intends
to stay in On tario foracouple ofmonths.
Mr, afal Mrs. Lewis Proctor, of the
ettecorn, were at home to their frieods
on Thursday evening of last week, and
treated them to roast goose, etc, A.
pleasant time, Wets spent by aIL
MA.nninn 'Smith, of the
15th mita was metaled, on Wednesday
of list weak, near, West Branch, Xieh,
to Miss ,Susie Richardson, goungest
datfghter of Mr. John Richardson. The
ceremony was performed by the Ellis-
eopal minister, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
arrived home on Saturday.
Westfield •
0 Mr. and IgtZis, 3. N", 'Otortpbell, with
their daughters, Belva and till/1E1a,
spent Now -rears day at their brother -
James Maley.
Henry Ilootrer, who has beet: visiting
1Vesti1eld friends, has rettirned to Mt
home in Michigan.
A nun -Aber of the S.0 E. of Clinton
visited tbe Brethren here rest Friday
evening ; they expect to return the
visit Thursday evening.
• Hewn OIR01.0.-The installatiou of
officers will take place on the evening,
of the 18t1i. As other important buil-
iness will be transacted, it good attend-
ance is desired, •
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Medtid daughter
Jos1;:_esie spent the New 'Year's- holidaYs
with her sister, Mrs. J. Risley ; it tarp-
ilygathering vvas held, when tivearre:
.ters ate New Year's dinher together.
The regular tiaiNt-ti t6:of -the R. T. of
T. on Monday evening was fairly well
attended ; at the next zneeting. orethe
22ndinst., a, debate' "Resolved, that',
stertin is more usefulthat electricity,"
will be given.
Harry Falconer is home frit, winter
Mr. Campbell, of Toronto, is visiting
his relatives in town, ••
Communion service will be held next
Sunday at St Andrew's.• •
Dave Gardiner spent Sunday in
on Sabbath evenings.
sermons on the Tee Commandments
Mr. McNeil is preaching a series of
town, the guest of F. A. Ed.4wards, •
Alex. McLeod has return -t. to his
school duties at Zurich, after spending
the holidays with his parents tiere.
The flour mills ere neating complet-
ion, Mr. Thomson expects to hate
thern in operation in,about a week.
John Bailey and Alex. Ferguson,
who have been sailing the great lake,
have returned home for the winter,
The Guild Society in St. Andeew;s
church is having very interesting meet-
ings after the Sunday evening service,
Misses Mary and Bella Wiliddon,
and jack Which:ton, of Goderich, spent,
a few days with their uncle Mr John
Dan. McInnes is lying in his shanty
dangerously 111. Tho people of Goder-
ietatownship should look after him,
and have him removed to theallotase of
Refuge, *here he would get the care
neceesaty for his recovery,.
TnaNtra.-T wish to thank Court
Hayfield No, 1148, Lti.P., for the very
proWpt payment of the policy held by
my late husband, alsofor the beautiful
Wreath sent by theta. With good
wishes for the prosperity of your or-
der, 3 am, very sincerely,
MAIVOillterr Fantettreett.
12 11;)0i3
100440111 Read
Protszterazois.-00 the evening of
Friday last the London Reed Weeds,
of Mri John Aver,' met at the home of
Mr, Wm. Stanbury, and presented
him with a Bible and founti4n pen, US
a slight memento of their goo 11
and esteem, and his housekeeper, es
Dixon, with a Bible (deo, accompanied
by the following addresses ;
Mn. joror Army -We, your friends
and neiglibors, some of whora can re-
member the good old days of boyhood
spent with you, feel that we cannot
let this, the occasion of your departure
from our midst, pule without giving
expression to our regret, and also our
good will, We have always, in days
gone by, tonna your friendship true,
In 'Imes of need you svere ever ready,
with it helping hand, In our sorrows
You eympathized with us, and in 'our
joys you rejoiced with us. At our dif-
ferent social gatherings we will miss
your hearty handshake and cheering
words. We would ask you to accept
this Bible and fountain pen as tokens
of our esteem. Wherever you May
decide to east your future lot, you can
rest assured that the best wishes of the
people of the London Road go with
You, and their prayer is that our
Heavenly,Father may wateh over you,
And that under the guidance of Hie
Spirit von may continue to believe that
"The One above; - • .
In perfect wisdom,: perfeet lave, ,
Is working for the best"
Mis Avery leplied.as follows:
'As you are all aware, 1 ant not
taken by curpriee. 1 feel uucqual to
the effort of acknowlede'e your
great kindness. 1 was ben; and
relight up among ea you, and nothing e nv
but the kindest. , feelings have existed
between us. I had intended passing
Inv allotted tithe with you, but such is
destiny.. There • is A wiser Captain at -
the helm, who knows the emirs° better.
than we do. I may make rew friends, e
but do not expect them like the leaved
and-tried-friends-ofirly-youth. I have
still a yote in Huron and I nuty,!-40,0,
feture da,y, return ' and Vend martY
good times with you, my old friends of
the Loudon Rola. 'Now, if any of y7022shoula come
West should can assure you of
the best welcome in the land. In the
token of repect you have'ehosen, You
could not select anything that collar
appeal more to my feelings, for two
reasons --xt wa,a.a law unto flay mother,
and the standard by Which we Were
educatcreif slow to adopt it Again and
again ; the principle that peompted
the selection shovvin • an kite t in
our morel rather than. our financial
Masa MAX Drxon.- It is withdeep
get feelings of. regret,. thet we have
learned '„that you arn about to seirer
your" connection with this rieigh.bor,
hood. In the few Quirt years you
heve .been, with us, you have, at oon-
miderable telf-saarifite; been willing to
ii§eiSt in our several urtdertakin s
We ask your a,cceptanee of this Bi le.
Red, acknowledgemeita of mit, !as
'Appreciation and expaession of our es-, sa:a
teem. Our prayer is • that wher• "
you may be, our Reavenly Father will'
guera you, that 'you thay stiff "Labor.
on et Ills command., aria offer all your
Works to Rine" .
, eonatitliC0
Miss Hellington esendhig ft few
weeks at her borne in teruseele,
Mr, Hugh C/aropbell has -purehased
from his father the 1,09 acre. farm, lot
con. 0, Hullett.
Mloo McGrorie, of °Warwick Town-
ship, is at present the guest of her *la-
ter, Mrs. Jewitt and Mrs. W. Britton.
Mr. W. Thompson, who resides near
here Ilea bought the Campbell farm of
100 acres, adjoining hie own in the
township of MoRillop.
Ma Joseph Rands bee sold his house
and lot to 3/1r, OM Riley; Mr. Rands(
intends' going to Alberta in the spring,
A Meeting of the Trustee Board of
the Methodist church here was held
on Tuesday evening last, The Treasur-
ers-report.was very encouraging, being
largely the result of the coupon system
Who% has worked immensely, When
the business of the past year was di
posed of, the officers for the ensuing
year were elected as follows Mr. Jas.
Stanley, Treasurer, Mr, R. W. Jewitt,
aesistant Treasurer, Mr. JAS. Hinch-
,lev, Secretary. 'Robt, Pew, Steward,
Win, -McIntosh, Hexton.
lanasearrAaroar, --- The officers And
teachers of the Sabbath School assail&
led at the home of Mr. Wen. McIntosh
and presented Air. MeAlister with a
collection of Scottish songs and an ad..
dress as a token of his painstaking W-
orts in Making the recent entertain-
ment a success. Miss Charlotte Will.
eon read the address, and Mr, R, W.
Jewitt made the presentatiOn. Al-
though taken coinketely by surprise,
Mr. McAlister made it suitable and feel-
ingre ly in which hesaid what he had
done, e willingly did for the Maste
t is hoped heill remain in our mid
and continue to help in the good wor vomWI
•••••••1,..e filfTY•11.•
• flodlerich
W. T. Wilinott, of Gantnoque, too
barge of the'organ in Knox church o
untray, a,nd gave general satisfactio
Alex. Colborne- cliedeatthe residene
of his son, 3. Clolborne, hison
hundredth year t the etamains sver
taken to Paisley for interthent
Notwithstanding the defeat of th
by-law for their assistance, the Glocle
ich Elevator Coe is preparing to con
tissue the building of its cement con
creta elevetor, as soon as the weathe
uratnessenitied weather has n"ecessi
taxed thesuspeneion of work on the 0
P. R, With the installation of
steam shovel here mad ohe neer 131 th,
he contractor will push the work with.
vigor As SOffils-the opportunity effere.
NOTES. -Henry $illib,' aged 80 years,
passed over to the 4 silent minority this
week. The summer laotel is now un-
occupied sa,ve b3r, a caretaker, and a
committee of the Council have been,
instructed to tonsult the town's solici-
tor With a view to conserving the
town's rights. Invitations are out for
h ge o E. Kelly, jeweller,
nd IVIiss Belle Wilson, Rich. Per-
es, of "The Feir," will build a large
ore On the vacant propertyon the
east side of the square. . Strang
and John Kernighan ha,ve been ap-
pointed to represent the town on the
public library board Colborne
was appointed a collegiate trustee ; R.
McLean and Dr. Gallon menabers of
the board of heelth, and R. W. Ball
and W. R. Robertson auditors. ,
•with- Eucalyptol and Men.
,thol, •cures Coughs .atni
Colds quick. Try it.
The Goderiell-Colborne Road Cas
The following appears in the Goders
Joh Star of last week, and exelaine
self .--
"Some Annoyance was felt at the
publicatiou in 'the local press last week
of an itinp regarding the lawsuit be "
tweets Godemeh and. Claiborne bewre,
ships. The item appeared just as given
by one of the solicitors in the map,
e, • under the belief of course that it was
SI absolutely. correct, Enquiry. has sin,
k, been made (tithe other solicitor, IVIt0131G
SEPlarlatiOn. of the case is as follow .`
"The paragraph. which appeared i
last week's Star regarding the actin
k- is misleading, in so far as it leads the;
1:11. public to believe that the claim, of the
•township of Goderich 'has be h
e dotted." The partimilaureceedingyvas
6 abandonedM
, in order that action ight -
e be commenced in another court, it fact
of which the defendants -were duly:
action 18
4E0t4xcetailptAS above stated, thet
„ ..-••••••••••A
- The Central College, at Ceylon.
r •
Some -Copies of •the "Ceylon Indepett:
dent" have been sent to this office,
. with areaccount of the prize giying at "
the Central College there, which is up -
der the principalship of S. C. K. Rdt-
nam, sorein-law of S. NV. Irwin, Clio- •
ton. The affair was 'very -brilliant
being attendsd by many peon:lint t
people .of Ceylon, several of whom, -
gave addresses, highly complimenting
the College on its very, successful
work, and also the Principal, who is
faceted to be a sound educationalist.
The Principal, inhis report, told of
some ..of •the work Witt had been ac..';
eomplished. There are at present 164
students on the roll. Of these, some .•
aee being prepared for entrance to the :"
London colleges of medicine and law,
Oambeidgeeetc. . Many of the studente
who come to the college for education "
have first tie he taught reading, writ-
ing and arithmetic. . A boarding es-
tablishment is maintained in connec-'
tion With the College, and •in this early'
rising is insisted upon-write/a may,
seem strange to scholars in this eouns
try -5 and 0 a.m. being considered late
enough for -those who wish to be suc-
cessful in their cldsses. In his address '
the Principal spcikEttof many things in
connection with the work, and sup,'
.gestecl. possible improvements in th
curriculum, etc..-
• His Lordship Mr. Justheraiii.ciod Rea-
'•terepteeided, and presented the prizes.
the students, and giving them goo& •
advice. A pregram of music, etc.,
was given; Mrs. Rutnarn presiding at
the harmonium, ' •
.. • -Brucefleld
• Trios. Fotheringhaan, Of Dakota, is
visiting at. his old home, • •
The meeting of the Farmers' Insti-
tute will be heid ou Saturday in Dix-
on's hall ; a full attendance of both
men and women is earnestly desired.
The speakers from it distance will be
Messrs. Mason apd Barbour, also T. B.
Carling of Exeter, and John.A.Ilison of.
Thames Road. _eti
• The funeral a the late Mrs. ,binies' ho
Bargess, eged 64, wilt' take place to- "t
day, Friday, from the home of her Al
daughter, Mrs. Jas. Rose, Londoti tha
Road, to Eginondville cemetery, yvhere, the
she will be laid to rest beside her late ful
husband. The family formerly lived Th
in Egmenciville, • but about two years sue
ago moved to Deltota, where ,Mrs, Th
Burgess clied onSaturday last, Co.
Stanley in 1
Miss AL. McDonaldof Blyth, is at i'vh
• Wexuat Distburree-Chief. ,Tteitice
Falconbridge, in the non-jery sittings
;at Toronto •on Friday, heard the ease
'fthe Northern Elevator (Jo , of Win-
nipeg, against the Lake Huron aral
Manitoba Milling Co., of Goderich.
he orthern E1even:n-0o. claim that
ey•sen . the mehog people, eybotra
eyeterm-hgrainemerehantsaritt ware.
usemen," 1:0,000 bushels -Of Manitoba,
wiz northern" wheat bY%the steamer
gonquin in May, 1903. They claim
t the purchasers did not live up to
terms of the centeact and wrongs
ly ccinyerted the wheat totheir use.
ey thereforeask $10,000 damages for.
h conversion, and also claim costs,
e Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling
reply thae they are not grain mer-
nti3 and warehousemen, and deny
other allegations. They state that
903 they bought 95,000 bushels of
eat under a certain contract. This
00 buShele formed part of the
00 beshels, .the Whole is paid for,
they, owe the plaintiff company
present at the ho,me of Mrs.. John Mc- 10,
Cowah, • '05
1Vliss Lizzie McEwen left this Week to and
course at • the Normal• 1 in g' •
resuine her not
School, Toronto.
Mr. Geo Campbell left last week to
continue his studies at the Commercial
College, -Toronto, taught by W. It
Mrs. John Carter •thafflier two child -
0, of Shoal Lake, Man., are this wili-
er visiting at the home of her broth-
er, Henry Diehl, on the 5th.
Joel Sheppard, faritieily Of Stanley',
but now in the harness e business in
itartney, Man., called on some of his
old Mende on the line this Week.
On /Monday evening as Mr. TIN;
Baird, jr. Was watering the'horses. one
of than eves kleking up and eteicletite-
ally struck him on the forehead,inflict-
ing it slight Wound. Had this blow
been more direet it might have, been
Mise Helen Sparks, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis at the
Olilltoh Hospital two weeks ago, has
returned to her: home. She made a
tepid recovery, considering the r sever-
ity of the Cita% having been able to sits
Up with eomfort tree days after the
operation Miss Sparks as attending
echoer at Goderich when she was taken
down With the disease, this being the
Sixth attack that she had.
WANTED,-,,litztter 26o, new•Iald eteer Sete
Moo cash for No, 1. Mink. Clearing Ha% :of
oress,Geoas, Furs, OW.'
GEO. KING, Winahsei
Walton lifoXibbon IS Seriously ill
with typhoid.
Rev. N. Burwash has bought tie
roaW8On property, .
The new G. T. R. etation is raptdly
approaeh ing completion. •
Miss Geddes, formerly of this place,
was married in Detroit it few days ago..
. 14. W. Keeler, of Woodetock, bother
of Mr..Xeeler, ot town, ended his life
in it fit of despondency.
, r. • ,„
West Waiestoah
01r, STA/kn.-It is reported that oil
has been discovered in this township,
and it ayndicatelfaebeen formed which
has leased 1200 acres of land in the vi-
cinity of the supposed oil territory, A
ample of the oil, analyzed in Toronto*
has been declared to be a good speci-
men, and 11 18 said arrangements -ars
being made to start boring at. Once.
Town Connell ,.
The first meeting of the new coun-
oil Was held On Tilesday inerninge all
the members qualifying and taking
their aeats.
The different committees were ap-
pointed, the StreetCommittee being
composed of Messrs V,l
ar,eraliain and
Paisley, the latter b ing appointed
Chairmen. This wee he only, conn
Mittee that 'a,ppointed its: chatrman,
the others being left in abeyance,
The Mayor, Olerk and Finance Corn-
inittee having been appointed to . in-
quire as to the eecurities of the ICnit-
ting Co., reported that the stook sheet
showsd a total of $12500, ,.„veith acida
tioniffstock of, $2500e not shown on
sheet, the seine being paid in the bank
to the credit of the Company, the
:inortgage hits beenexecuted accords
ing to agreement. The only psi* of
the ageeerneot that they are not able
.to fulfil is that earring for the employ -
merit of 30 hands; 'theywill street with
35, and the PUIPber Will be increased.
On motion of Controller Wiltse,
seeoried by Councilor Gfrahata, the re-
port was received end Oh completion
of the mortgage, the Illayor was auth-
orized to pay over the $6000 to the
The Clerk was authorized to adver-
tise for applicatinne foe the different
offlees for the year. .
On Motion .of Ociuricilor Gihhilage.
tieconded.by 0ouncilot Wiltse, j. 0,
Stevenson VMS appointed Collegiate
Institute Tritstee in succession to D. ,A.,
Forrester. .
John Wiseman and P Cantelon were
appointed Auditors. A. lileHenzie
was appointed a member of the Board
of Heald:in:1d also- it inetnhet a the •
Public Library Board, A grant °PM
was made to the Sick Ohildren's MA -
Walt Toronto, ....
Moved hv Cennciler•ri ord, seconded
by Councilor Gibbings, that In the
opinion of tide Council- to •liaste a pro- -
per system of waterworks installed
Would be in the best interests of the
town, and we request the* Mayor to
call it meeting of citizens and of the
Board of Trade, gOite time between
now and the ist of February, to core,
older the Matter.- Carted,
• The'Council adjourned to meet tint
first Monday in Febtelary, .
suddenly on•Thursday afternoon t
John Oolieland, A well-known resi
of the township of Turriberr . •At
company with his two sons, he was
engaged in cutting wood in the bush:
• A, tree had been felled and lodged
among the taps of other trees, mato
afterwards'came down, striking the
unfortunate man on the back of the
head; with fatal results. Decea514
Only lived about an boor after the ae.,
cident but was conscious 'up to the
,eiatl. He had been it respected- resid-
ent of the township for it number of
years and for some years past had
beet a nieraber ot the municipal coun-
cil, and was re-elected by acclamation
as one of th,e Township Councillors.
ISteverin the annals of the history of "
Stephen has the fight for the reeveship ,
been so keenly contested as Was the
battle this year. Both Mr. Samuel
Siveitzer and, Henry are o et
time war horses, having' been pitted.
against each other on several occasions.
First Willert defeated Svveitzer, them •
Siveiteer was 'elected to office, • The .
next time Willett was successful, bue'•
the fourth time -Sweitzer polled the
most votes. This yew/ the electl e -
suited in a tie, both candidate
ing 422 votes. This being t
deeiding vote was given
Henry Either; at, P. la,
favor of Mr. Willett. •
• ,
Molsons Ban
CapitalPald up$3,001);
'Reserve $8,000,,,
Total AfiStatfi $30,00
by depositing...in ---
Bank. It.sloni3 not r
amotoseto begin wit
cent interesteetia
41 and upwards,
now- deposit what.
-add to it Mari
We will weIconia
large or snuill.a,
A. general S:auk
C. B.