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The Clinton New Era, 1906-01-05, Page 3
.W S. tive Poli- ct Drew ngton. cerlsta,a ish Norm points of cunstt• u• forcibly ity Liter - y. Speak- ecttve of eeted his dity and Muni of the twirl mance of any oth- evolving tamed its tlined the ry. I3rief- nfluen(•e the for - 11 time to oth inter- tallrrtents tional aec, een a pro deepening 1 Ise. was e British ong raiemi ,ck, equal ntation fn ttibllity (If net the ur- irth of the .11 of these on. had been was far t place, it )le it pro - ion of pro - by conr.rl- the United 'decal Gov - h constitu- ment had int with a hitt of the ty with an ore demi- drs- Theirs nitr'hy. of govern- ish North individual local af• t wits not f original dvice and c., its sta- of powers oral Gov- some uvsome van tes cunstt ish North net rked •sponsible Senators, sh ]louse he Crown if judge, Ing mark S atf:S ('l, I •d. me- we:1 ler then' .72111111111. Mr 111'• 1.,,P• Tut," in': ,tier] ihls ration of ,e•et. J in it in .I Ill repr'..etn ittle bur of ( heat f-guvern- hnwn to Ariz :bat he very ired Let tat gawp east and •r figures s of the of the ity, vhn t u(L.l,'• 111,111 I11 ng'•ii,l ie ant, \1r e Judge F•c•. f{e n d In 1400 ening a rnnu,n- runn nc n d sat it1 14; 4 (-turned ure and oily till n 141 led las appc,!nt- ntIPBIrr11 41184 s t of tie• ived th• n Lawal he is a d Equal 1' 'ill.' en 1110 1. grit f. sfy his e Inird .1 .11,).1 11• •r 4" I 1 thee l,,,- fi ler=I=d•+ (tea on r wh it THS CLINTON SEW ERA • CRISIS OF GIRLHOOD A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL Mise Emma Ooze Baye that Lydia H Ptnkltam's Vegetable Compound has Saved kler life and Made Her Well Ilow main lives of beautiful young git I, havt• been oacriticed just as they vers ripening into womanhood 1 How many irreg,tlarities or dibplacementb have been (level. lied at this important period. resulting in years of suffering ! 1 iris' must•-tw and oversensitiveness ,;'ten pt!t.,tle their mothers and battle 1 ht .e ,.r.r., bw :.. ti t t' withhold their cuiuir!c:,� c a t :1 c•1 .1 Ica I period. A ru,Iti r ,. !(i wine 10 Ler child's 31:01 31.,i1 r' :. Ler th:,t Lydia E. I'ink- I1:t:: \'-fr•t•t,1hI1• Compound trill at this tith. 1(11 :.are the se, tell; for the corning (quintet. and strut the tucnstrual period in a yolin :• vir!•s life without pain or irr -gultlr•itics. Miss l:uuual'oleof'1'ullahoma, Tenn., (write: : Pear Mrs. 1'i n k hat.:- '• 1 went 1 • ,ell wnu that I tau enjoying bet - 11.r health than 1 have for years, and I owe it all to Lydia h:. Yinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. „ •• \\ iten fourteen years of age I suffered al- n;1st constant pain, and for two or three years l had soreness ural pain in my side, la i..M(1 . s and was dizzy and ner•voute and .1..es :-- all failed to help Hie. •• 1.y.1ia l': l'iukhani's Vegetable Compound was reeom vend.+l. and after taking it my health began to improve rapidly, and I think it ea wed lily 11fe,'l I sincerely hope myexperi- ctr, c 41111 be 31111 14, to other girls who are pass- ing from gill].:.-. to womanhood, for I know yew. 4'eu.pountl will (10 as much for them." If you know of any young girl who is rich and needs motherly advice ask her to write Mrs l'inkham. Lynn, 'Mass., and she will receive free advice which Witt put her on the right road to astrong. healthy and happy womanhood. ratnetfc Incident In Life of English man Who Came to Canada. Here is one of the many incidents which happen in n great city, and which contains much heart interest. During the early part of last sum mer there came to Toronto, from Eng land, a man who had been trained in the insurance business. He left behind him a wife and daughter. His object in coming here was :o find employ ment. Ile w•as not successful. He wrote to his fami',• regularly, but refrained from telling thorn of his hard luck, but at last he had to tell then( of his fail ure here. They wrote him immediate• ly, advising him • 0 come home, and asking s'. hat money he required. lie never r"( c•i\•c-(; tie Ie:'t•r, nor have his friends in England heard from him since See, teli letter: for hits came from England err ]tis et.] toldreee. They were "rel U1'l ''t" mark, .1 "net here." The daughter wrote to at1 acquaintance In Toronto, a p:1the ie letter, asking him to try and find some trace of her fa- t her. One day the father found himself penniless. He I.a';eed a worthless cheque for $5 and received in change after making it purehese $1.30. He was arraigned to the Police Court, pleaded guilty, was sent to the King- ston "pen"• for one year. That is the reason he has not written his wife and daughter, and that Is the sad news th, friend has to send them. New Waterways Chairman. It Is announced that Mr. George C. Gibbons, K. C , of London, has been appointed Chairman of the Canadian Waterways Commission, in succession to Judge \fah(•.•. Mr. 1;ihbons 44 as Bern at St. Catharines in 144k and was edu- cated at the Grammar School there and at Upper Canada College He WAS vnll- ed to the Rar In 1869 and eernmen('ed the practice of his professlon at Lon- don. He was created a Q. C. in 1891, and in 1897 he was elected president of the Middlesex Bar Association. Mr. Gibbons was president of the London & Western Trusts Co, and was cion pres- ident of the London Philarnlonic So- ciety. Bitter Tea Is Not Good Tea People who don't like tea know only the kind that is just bitter, the low- land tea that has more tannin in the leaf' than you can kill with any amount of' sugar. (1 Grand Mogul is a High- land tea, grown on the mountains of Ceylon, up near the sun. ($ Balmy breezes and light soil produce the mellow flavor that makes Grand Mogul a distindivc produrt. High to theme (tea -tone) and l" v In tannin (bitters) it appca'., t t the palate and tones up the nerves Grand Mogul Tea q Sold only in packages lined with paper. never in poisonous lead. "M„r1;I - prem'oms are simply • pan of the ailvorticang appropriation and d.' not dctraa from the quality of the tea. A coupon In every package CAUSES OF INSANITY. 50 Per Cent. of Inmates of Asylums Are of Farming Class --Interesting Papsr by Dr. W. R. B. Smith. The cause of insanity was t he -pr:n- ctpal subject discussed une morning at the Normal School, on the resump- tion of the eighth Canadian Conference on Charities and Corrections. Dr. Helen MacMurchy, in an address on "The ('are of the Feeble -Minded," ar- gued that feeble-minded women should be placed in special institutions, and that defective c'hlldrer should receive special attention. Dr. lee H, Bruce Smith, Inspector of Hospitals and Prisons, read a Paper t n - titled "Suggestfor: foe Preven ing the Increase ul insanity.'" 'L1 every refuge, rescue hoot' and orphanage may be found," he said, "de- ploruble evidence of the nateeetty of solos action br fug taken that will check the eve --increasing number of mental degen\,rates that are being bruugh: In- to the woriel There are hundreds of feeble-minded girls in this province that should he cared, for in surae insti- tution cpeeetL.y set apart and conduct- ed as an industrial refuge. Only last week in one of the stnaller cities of Ontario I counted at least a dozen young w•, ellen who (-011111 be clUssed only as high-grade 11111.0011es, and who had eith,•r just become, or were about to be, mothers. The embattle destiny of their offs] ring need he little ques- tionod. Then, ih, n 1 lool.etl about anti saw the utl:rlto of dc'gcner:u•y su t•vi- (1081 in :teeny of the et het. children, 1 (•n111(1 only womb r 11(1(1 11n1g it will ,:ilii to ate like public• ceuseic•nce to a Mee per vein/ rehensien of the importance of Bib= grey (tut -tion." The time lied c one, Dr. Bruce Smith contended, when as much attention should he given to the prey( ntiou of Insanity tt.; to the care and custody of its unfortunate victims. No also said that the pruvint•e was too lax in re- gard to the admission of ' undesirable, immigrants, and by the pernlelrus sys- tem of benusine enligratiur. ug( uhf abt•oad mental and physical degenl r- ates had been landed here tend finally drifted into one of the great public' charities. "There is no doubt," Dr. Bruce South proceeded, "that 50 per cont. of the in- rnatee of Canadian asylutns are drew•n from the forming cnnrlllut„ly, mint be 0(14lInted for hirgl•1y '1' th• mode of living which obtains in many farm -houses. S;ecielly they are i>ei,I4- ed 'from the world, esl:ocia'.Iy in 111: newer districts. Imperfect bye(. 111.4 surreurllings, the nn.notony f their daily lives, u dietary that se;.le tI c:hr les, often the entire abs •nee of 141 h Ing facilities, and •,we 111'',tt (1:;:.. :1 tore that rev. ale :t .:ate et tl .e • life that no weeder ( ft. n (lid i:1 t; • spair. The ).unlan 1:1,1 in d: e,' •'1 41- versity, nn.1 ice ems. tea •h t::( fertniee rnmmur:ity tont .illy e44e 11 1.1 '• 10 thv1nsv14'e: as .,.li14 1 1. 1to cultivate a Viol:, -r, id. :11 er .. 1 There w( r,• h, - Ir i'ub!. -h el wet t were roe e•endueiwe :ouu(19 s: evil as puree, of mind. Finally. Dr. Itruc•e Smith ,r:\ see rile following v melte-eons: -- (1 1 Tl:;:'. if :'. • • "BIider, Crgp l' of 'Better I Grata. Clean, Large SeeJ Increases the Yield M. rant() ':Nair* ;the giect,,t hit kewieteled very room►'. - Wet of Eve.yth,lln4 you a .ld AI mple way of addtn4. Buy or Sell, . to the ff+l A VVe,* Ce,? px'Qtto.', 4A4iklt HAII mamma M. CHATHAM FANNING MILL CHATHAM FARM SCALE Capacity Three Styles You need a Scalo on your farm. .. You need it right new -to -day. Every day you. put It off you lose money. Suppose you sell somehoge at6 centea pound and trust to your dealer's scales, which are I/26 out. That means a loss to you of 50 cents on every z00 pound hog. �� r Then you sell 1000 bushels of grain at 75 cents. la r This dealer's scales are only 1140 out, but. your -• loss is $18.76 on the deal. 1. ' kgs Capacity 40 to 60 bush. The loss on • few transactions elf this kind <i Na 2-120 Eggs P Ywould buy a dozen scales. �o No. 3-240 Eggs Per ker. When crops•are poor you need every cent) they are worth. When tits3• are good you can't' ' Cleans Wheat. Rye, Timothy, Clover, Millet dlfrard to throw money awdee Oats, Marley, Flax, Peas, Beans, Corn and all You Hoed a scale on your farm at all times. seeds- Tholoss you think you can afford it, the more Hopper, Screw Feed easily regulated, You need it.- Large'aloin chicks may have t d to Agitator prevents t' oggit:g !L -d M. t:bt.tes Tho important paint is to get the right scale. in (beg chinoss by using soiling hops aH 4i teh, grain evenly on screen. The Chatham Farm Seale is built in three ere, and theymtg'htas wolf have tried to cfeatet Lower Sows keeps screens eleaa-no other styles, each one strongly and honestly built, a gold Raine in the cabbage patob. The half - mill has this. ready to stand tho roughest kind of usage. nos3 of a hen is -to lay eggs As a hatchet' ant End shako and adjustable a:amu slicks (fhtco Capacity 2,000 pounds-sutlloil-temp redl t farm brooder she is outclassed 1hat'tI the liu.ineeatl widths). uses. The knife edges are of oil -tempered tool of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder, cult;.. Sixteen 'croons and 1'.1d104, } ••point' any- stool-prac4sica1ly indestructible -insuring (tib- they doitperfoctlY'afidsueoossfut1y. thingfron1 ins,tr:eedtocu;u•se4terain. 1/0/0008 soluteacc:uracynomatterhowconstantthense. The poultry buetness, roper] coridnpted, japamlud-est t rc:�t• The Chatham Farts Scala is easily scows'- pays far bottor than any o.ot. r bttsinetat3fer the:'_ Claves screenings for recd. tiblr into a useful truck. By moving the 1? Y - ' :rs aim- lever you throw the *eight off the unite amountsf Um°andnloneylnvestod. Works easily and s:uuuth.y, cc:* edges on to the solid Irani° Of the truck. This. Thousands of poultry-rainers-men u(.i syd plicity with ingc tete. " , 1 w::for it=elf preserves the knife edges and gives solid- mon all over 1 tn: may and tho United c t.•+esu Thu Chatham nar::,n„ _ .t,. 1 } ,:y it,y to the truck. \\ hen you move the lover to have roved to theirEnt... faceion that:: 1''tlrot1t" over and ut c'r in one y( sr. It i., tt,u grratcab economizer and pro :dt•L.aider on the farm. Ib throw the scale int o me again it automatically able o raise chic; s+with-thy Cbatlutta•.nctY ensures bigger crops of bette:• g: 81.44. adjusts it, elf witti0ut any trouble to you. ]tris tutor and Brooder. ° If it were not the beet it would Lot now be; the only (rt'ale mac civ (:u,ada ti,„ o., will do this. The Chatham 10181" `rn• ^:'d 'flroodetrla fl?oe1:4 r use on hundreds of thousands of farms in Tho 1, hl&tlitui4 Farm Feet lo is absolutely ace uf- esti constructed. '1'hereieno twaddle aljout, Canada and United States. Fernisled with ate, Before we ship aChstham Burin Scale ie. 'voryinchofmaterial isthoroughly tc•y((ted,. or without Bagging Attachment, as desired. it is thoroughly },ono over by the Oovorn- tllo machine le bniltonrdghL' ptdnoipksi, I.'.o ins nlcnt lusOector. Itis isnbsu3utelyacewuloho sulntion is porfoot,thormomete$,relibble. and. : PRIZE AWARDS -Highest awards at World's stamps each poise r°:.d bahim•e with his official the workmanship the best. Fater', tit. Louis • Pan-American, Buffalo: stamp and gives us a t4.ltitleate of accuracy The Chatham Incubator and i'toir(�t`t• is - World's Fair, Faris,- Prince; Toronto, which goes with the w:11Q. C simple ae well as ac ub t o I`t ern Teo tt:ter `1 _.'.: Winnipeg, Halifax, Chaticston, Savannah ''\\s will ship a Chntham-Farm..cale any woman orgdrlcanoperateth3machtiltrti►it$stir•'' '<^'• and Jacksonv111°. where in Canada. Don't send us any money'. leisure momenta. 1i1�® GU years. EE Everymill guaranteed for flue Just septi in your order and well send the scalp . ears Las v a liPetimo. as fast as the railroad can got it to yon. Our our propnsit inn ie this' Wo will shin y -ti the/ i' y terms of payment are acknowledged to bo the Chatham lauubator and I)roodor, fru],,.,. pro- ., We send the Chatham Fanning Mill to any most liberal ever otrepi�ppd. Ask your neighbor. pa_.:, and farmer on receipt of his order, at once, without Send us your name Mid addresson a ostcard • any cash down, and the most liberal terms 01 and we'll mail you our booklet about the You Pay No Cash Until After payment..Chatham Farm Scale. 1906 Harvest. WRITS FOR PARTICULARS and Free Book. Time n mean eoneidet'able loss of money Send for our handsomely illustrated beekleti "}low to Make Dollars out of Wind." to you. by not send the post card today, entitled, "How to Mako Money Out of Chicks." while you think of it A• We ran supply yon quickly from oar distributing. warehouses at Calgary, Brandon, Regina, Winnipeg, New Westminster, B.O., Montreal,. . ' $Halifax, Chatham. Factories at Cu/mum, ONT., and Demote, Miou. fi1.7 The MANSON CAM"4 ELL Co., Limited, Dept. No. 58, CHATHAM, CANADA 'c M Poultry raising pays. People who tell ypu that there is no money rte make'•Yriorro err (Yr lire, 1 wonuer how many or us owe this second sight, this "inward eye which is the bliss of solitude,' to the first a\wakenhlg of our imagination un- der the influence of the fairy tale? It ,rents ro me that there would be many more people condemned to grope their way blindly through life, like w( ;try prisoners shut in by prison wul•14, if their imaginations had not been stirred by tl:e fairy stories of t*eir eh' 1,1 This applies far more to tire- chill] who is brought up In sur- roundings ' f poverty, where there Is tie:eine to f• eel, . verything to deaden 0 Met gine ti':n. .:1 glad to ser- the London County ('tln. it '.' i.e. Howell to understand Hi. 4.;471.• of the fairy story In its en - fent et isede, ;trail I hope that the chil- ^(14(1111''41. 011(1`•!' \\hiell many ea''" '.f (,ren et :l1,• Haidn „Ilrwlley School will tnsan!ty c'rieinnt0' \\,.r • pr'''e rly me .,e' he (ddig. (1, uf!rr the Duchess rt.- 1er•e1e."4 n' u:y "IIa.lcs of t' ' '4I , :1t' .nar3:4, to r, all Julius (oesar instead 01 light 1,• fit 'i,'ett: (_) that 8' I.rltl.• 'Phe tleet,i::t'. it . lit' helm! he .••, fee , 44•,1 n reg: rd lit 1115 !:1:.\N('I:c, i:\'I:l.Y\ \VAI:\\'ICK. nature. , f iii' i:lw i': 4,1.11, r 1..1t 111' y fasten i.'•,L:e. 111 1y p,•„1'.'Il, .'.lu ,!-, 111' 4:.511,•11' e of ,de. ..t1 ,t .: .iii a :1 tl.'t'. car, .-hould be tee. '1 (e pre ',:,1 ' a title (!:(1 refuge f.ri• f• 11. -mind, 11 ..' 0 o1 ILe (i1„,: -i.,...-..•- :(1 e1 Hutt a r3• •rahi('410'',r1 now r :.ilii• t Ir. x.411,1.•r .. 1•. L. r. :. 111 '1, ; r• 4'('4 tion I)i it1",:1i1y Is net 11r' 11,1. 11 hl inertly st1: ly 1., ee disease: (11( :!.a' tho s, tidy •,f eh'!'. character 'end Ili'• ('or fol e,'lls'1,•rati 41 of 111e 510et104 51, its th, (1, wl' fur::' of mens• 1 tee e.11 1111 (luring :h- fed of gi-'' ''l n be e'.1'.1 • re t1• portant; 10) the burden must he ed. ju•tr•.1 to the c111841ty of the in order that it can always h•• e 1101, .. (with etif.ly wain llie is pes"11•e, and when 1t is• net 11e.4i1110 that the !ins et terminate 11, the• indiwidunl h ti ',elf. THE FAIRY TALE. A Prot;,st From Lady Warwick Over Its General Atohtion. Lady \'% u\\t('k i. I,1',I. h.r voter. in still :t(((411 1' (';(11"' . 'I•n(' get''1 11 aheli• lion of the f:iiry 1.0, l.•:t'l her to send the fn!liee ing lett, r to The Landon Daily Mail: Sir,- May 1 1,!ead for the children whom the Dnehe':'. .,f Snrnersel would rc,b of their fairy 1al,s:' 1 read In The Daily lentil a few days age that the Duchess w,s11h•d the village school of :\laiden Bradley, 11.111] wits shocked to find that the children were reading fairy tales of the type of 'The bleeping Beauty," 'rhe Dueh,ss cendemn(•d the tales as nun'_'•ns,•, and said that the chllrlren ought irlstl•<;il to be reading about Julius (;tear and other great men M8y 1 point out that fairy stories like "The ;Sleeping 10:11119" are not nonsense, but centahl lessons of great value fr,r children" Th.. moral sense In a child may best he reached by stim- ulating the Imagine thin. and this you will never do he ramming down its throat farts about Julius Caesar. You must give rein to a child's imagination to develop its Intellect, and thlc can in the first instance he better dune by the fairy story than by dates and the dry hence of history. it seems 1e me that to the fairy story 1. (10 4111, 1 the wiedem of countless g( ru•r.tiees to le:teLing the child the fire great l eeons of ft re. There Is ninny a. (1,1 1 who will in after life t else tie flrsl a((- Ikeling to the love of the un"e111 h and the heroic from the felt. -Mors en pry rine of us 1. n. -Si-, ids:, 1'':(111( " :t depends how inns the -1e. p ins:s sort 11n\'• strong !lin bre ubo • .ire\ :tui the tweet -m- ing celm e e ail '1' , ,I f' '; try 11 real "i'11nr r. r'1: e it t., r Ih• N' by R roil int f:•e:: th. .e141 -line'"' and tenor - fine, Mete Iii: . \..1w life he fere' know; erlr r ;'1"v \ 11:0rtrr`e 441 P snc11 N1e1{F•S t'nl'1 If it i-•0'.' t•,• beeme of 11e,}.htt• e;h•r• i,, ,Moir'.... ' Fleet's eh'I.l ttl:lw LLtn� 1:'.iee. relent :old it l• this •pmt (I]'• kn rhl . I.r11:'% e teue114 by 51. 571,1':' of 41 ,. rb .lit e.4 f t'ry stories \\ hr,' n, r •1 out l 4,•- at,r14 ' , m flat ,f '•('i'I,l. r InN Lens=inetiee 111 1"• onterel 1., its step -eller er hro II . s( f ''.111 el( the (land 1: I r•' "The 1•g.y ihv'kllne," "Ja.ck eel ' i:e 1'r•o, tilde" " " \'n,'.11n and the' \(. •1 1141 i,.o1, '' ' i` r - 411 13enta,'' 31.1 nl' n few w 4,."'' 1 e ra1 Ie oh\ !nus, end it e. ild he r1!ilir 1 't to teach a child 4 h e 1' , -sen': 1.y reading to it the "Con - g11' .4 of (mill ' \vhnt about(] we all an in after life w ithf,e1 Imacilnailon.? Without It we should miss the' mvl:te•ry and the WWI - . 4 `'ennels In Tow. When at nightti}ne a steamer meets a vessel whish is uisabled or for some ether reason (':lnnot proceed site takes i s +u tow', and at (11„ u,:esl'n t i tWO' \'bite lights are shown. This is a very 11e4'e44111'y l,ree:nttlop, as a vessel pass- ing her at right angles in the dark might easily run right Into the boat which was 'e:ug towed unless some indi(•athin of 1'v presence there were given. If a '<tt•itmer Is proceeding alone, however, only one light is shown at the masthead. Pod No Pull. Mr. Makilhrakes tto chanceaequaint- ance whom he has met at a swell par- ty) -If you have any influence with Mrs, Upjohn I wish yotlt would suggest to her that she announce dinner. I'm frightfully hungry. (']hence Acquaint- ance -Me? I haven't any influence with Mrs. Upjohn. I'in Mr. Upjohn. A Cone of Surprtat•. "You ]'ere, .Tames!" exclaimed the Mum worker visiting the jail. "Yes in," replied the new prisoner, who wins in for burglary. "Well, well, 1 certainly am surpris- e•(:." "So was I, ma'am, or I wouldn't be here." USED MEN AT THE OFFICE UP WOMEN IN THE.HOME CHILDREN AT SCHOOL AND Every day in the week and TIREDevery week in the year men, women and children feel all used up and tired out. OUTThe strain of business, the cares of home and social life and the task of shirty cause terrible suffer- ing from heart and nerve troubl . The efforts put forth to keep ups 4 modern " high pressure" mode of a in this age soon wears out the strongest system, shatters the nerves and weakens the heart. Thousands find life a burden and others an early grape. The strain on the system causes nervousness, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, faint and dizzy spells, skip beats, weak and irregular pulse, smothering and sinking spells, etc. Tho blood beorames weak An watery and eventually causes decline. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Gregg Shorthand is easy • to learn, easy to write and easy to read after it is written. • The students of the Forest City Business and. Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplomas.. 95% pass and 65% take honors. Catalogue will give you some pointers about our system and is free for the asking. School teen -Sept. tial June incl lve. :ksxr,• .,• x 4''.f•Wr1r 0 ibir, -;f;.tg% ,, ,.ee.tie4'r '•. ere. fullonk 25 That Cough which ordinary remedies have not reached, will quickly yield to CRAY'S SYRIJP OF ED PPCE iiM It cures those heavy, deep-seated ewe -Its -take. AT tbesoren....-:,r,.ls the throat-...:u:,;,ilea.: the . None the less effective because it is pleasant to take. Jur.( try one bottle and sec how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your druggists. :tic. bottle. 250. RESTORED 1© MANHOOD i The New Method Treatment of Drs. K. & K. has restored thousands of weak, diseased men to robust manhood. No matter how many doctors have failed to. cure you, give our treatment a fair troal and you will never regret it. We guar- antee all cases we accept for treatment. Not a dollar need be paid unless cured for you can pay after you are cured. Drs. K. & K, establi, hed25 years We treat Varlccocele, Nervous Debil- ity, Stricture, Blood Diseases, Kidney B!ad•:tcr end Urfntury Diseases. If un- able able to call, write for Question Blank for •Home Treatment. Consultation Free. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CARED. DRS KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich. ••••••-, 43 X11 A SMALL fatROHASE Is greatly appreciated; we are always pleased to fill small of tiers. i -f not convenient to conie yourself, scnd •with your- neighbor for goods you need. „ , • Men's all -wool home knit Socks, from 35etto line per piair • men's all-wo- honte-knit Mitts, from 35c to 50c per pair ; men's Scarfs, froni5c to 50e each - men's f. r.itt-hood Neckties 20c ea011. ( fur wool Blanket s , sellingat 53.50 per pa ir;sonae Bream Ielannelette,1 yd wide,. was ter, now 0e; a good stocof Flannelette Blankets; Misses hoods,. warm and ,.!a cosy, at Cele each. Ile sure and see aur stock in every line. A trial order will convince that von get your money's worth. We can save you a good per cent. on Coal 011: -Canada P. W., IRc per gal.; American W.W.. 20e. . Our prices for produce is still in the lead•:.. i(ull hotter per 113. '20c. New laid eggs 22c per doz. - ' Bright Dried Quartered Apples 6•c per 111. ' t Highest price paid for all kinds of fowl. P 111 S RrilnE11T CLARKE, General Merchant,. COMM are indicated for all diseases arising from a weak and debilitated condition of the heart or of the nervo centres. Mrs. Thos. Hall, Koldorr, Ont., writes : "For the pasts two or three years L have been troubled with nervousness and heart failure, and the doctors failed to give me any relief. I decided at, last to gine Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and 1 would not now be without them if they cost twice as mneh. I have recommended them to my neighbors and friends. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 50 ate. i per box or it fro,1. (Mere, or T. killburii 0o., V'1 • NAPPY NEW . ifi fiR ondesbora We wish tail our custoiners and fielellde„ a, very Etapp. New Year. YOU (9141) got tt chance to be that way, and helpothers, .lbw,. by makintqq.some purehasea.out( of 011 r1•.1 some t4toOk of goods. Thoy xlecd to to be fully appr'ec'iated. Noihin .bi lasting :trticles, shell iter .Lalnpi Pktw' and ytatleers, Vase , ](+"rtapt • 1 ltae, Prattles, Lnokin Glasses, ii(alls, Oat lart3, 11ariclkc'ri 11efs,,. Glove's. :Altai and all sa' 'cheap. A.Sk„foe:a t:r,•llt