HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 7e= p hart. 1 gimes Angel Will have to do witheat it." 't "'WO 4, without 1t 1" exclaimed Onowlten, with a wealth of reproach his tone. "Db withetit it ! Yen are a ptetty fellow to grumble about, expense and distance! Yon -say you have come on „to VOW York to buy printinoamaterial ; now say csotile on' ,end bdy a bonnet for your the now famous example of the milliner's skill htid been purebased. Accord hog to "probo ram in e .the bloom- ing young girl, who had captivated, his eenses at first sight, waited, upon him. She was not as diffideatt as he ex- pecte& .She served in with ex- quisite greet), ensweod his questions, listened to his diffusive and effusive remarks with an eneluinting air and seemed to like the ydung fellow im mite." ' meneely. "No; I ,guess won't get t The knext time that he dropped in to buy he found theoharming young lady more coadial and merry than ever before, and his intoxicated sen- ses reeled with delight, 80 that he did not know—as his grandmother need to say—whether he was "stand- ing on his head Or his heels." said ltditor Bawsluty. , '"But I guess you will, though,' .repliecl Knoviton., •".Piere, old f.e1-1 auw, is it OW whore they sell aril - Acta!, flowers; let's go in and see if '3)), any. chence there is a bonnet Eo r sale." Somewhat against his will Bair - *hay uttered himse1f. to he drawl). .into tW& trap, and presently Kumla ton wee asking ta see some bonuets. In the rear of the large store the Ionnets were foand and doly in- spected. The •first four were un- aniimonsly condemned, 'but the fifth, svas charming. So thought the two !male connoisseurs its they gazed at ithe delicate affair, held. aloft in the raightliand of die merchant, who :swayed it gracefully in curvilinear 1ines-10mq it a Amex stow to Jar - hoard and now to starboatel. Suddenly the proprietor (was. iblessed with a happy thought. ' . ' "'Here, Jenny," he cried, addrest.4. Ang a blooming, young; girl, the .centre of a group of' live. women (the .same .number as the steck . Of bon - sets) who were enottood in arraying roses and. leaves nitai°ten feet away. eery to -grow .inde and thin over it; "' '"Iliere, Jenny, will Foe be sa good er and as. 1 always" believe in looking 1a8 to try this .on I"' . . .• , . ,tit the bright side, I am, my feiend.e • • tell me younoer lookin°e..than-reiti " . .Tepny was a lovely creattiCe, who; ' ° , ' Koowlemi was dated, but he heard, ' :evidently could make. any hoianeti - 400,111 other then it was .by eimplY, s:.verY' w•Prd as she went `°9.: • • • • ' wearing it. She dio. net 'appear to • "No* I like you. very al-inch—I like ,the. idea of 'disporting heasell diked ,you the first time 1 sitiv. y on;. ;before two strange mon in order to, it:seamed yo good • of.you to urge , ,show off the heowningneee of, on your., friend so earnestly to buy a aaegant, &Eva .o01,-eaang es..aii indrioe... b_ounet for his • Wife. Ybill ' con- . anent to them to purchase the sante; tinned a 'conversation 'about it., ,. it was a little out o•f bee line '• but you aernember, that had eriden- ehe came fora -awl and teied the,'bon-, tly 'begun ' In the street. • Mr. . Xet on, blushing .gloiiionsly: the KncOvitoit‘,, my married life has been awhile,makinci a meet ...faseleating very happy, and although 'my hits - pi ctu re, which the. editor and. Ins ' .band is siek .he iici in • a condition la 0 ,friend. regarded with open • and un- get. well 'again, .and the future is 0. disgaisad admiration. • . • . briobt With hope I harm thought ! all along .that- yen' only . wanted a. The bet' was pronounced "perfec- ' tion Itself, and. the Charming girl geed. witeto .. complete you, and I .,. . • • 40 have pi...eked •out one•fOrlyon who, if. . . Teturned it to Oa merchant with •a you take to and are fortanateenough 1,. delicious air of eoufusion and em-. to win Will realm yeiti life happy.. All at once the fair girl's sweet voice startled him beyond measure. In itilver tones ..te ,dulcet softness, with a word of insinuation in them, she asked; as she. leaned over the °minter, beaming upon him with a melting smile: • - "You are: becoming very fond. of me—stren't you'!" Like Clarke 'Reesell's Gresvonoi.• in a cross sea, his mind was taken all aback, and, like the vessel,. he was in danger .I)f sinking wrong mai first. "Beecease," eontinued the lovely *girl, "I don't want to 'create fslso unpressian. I am married. ,My hosband is an invalid at present, but writ not always be so, and I ex- pect to leave this situation soon. I took it to keep the wolf from the door, but haven't found it diens- 'LOOKING AFISAtl. Al ,aaaramege Oarah bouditey.1 L; 1119 un-golis parting shafts of golll ilv,ired and Oa on tt,nd and wood, t sneak 14,4 in tee hours of old. Ilion tag river batik ato Did net tne.t waning glory east A charm up, m no wing tide, JP,ted give us back this sunlmerti past, Tire ,bleena that 010 lights that dkail Silent, and Ailed withst 'ooze delight, We watche I the suuset brightne is fade, And felt the first cool breath. of night 'Creep up through mist sod mellow ihadei. . ivhispered of a tines of rest. Of pin outlived mud labor done, When all the things we count the boot And live for, shall be fairly won. / # And even in life's rugged Wo.+3 Time° happy thought Of pace retUrn. P.m we hare learned to fix our gaze Beyond the lemmas svaieh men discern, " We irneW la it where td's river Owe, Nor Where its Waves shall „wash, our feet And yet each forotasti of repose • Re gives tt• is divinely sweet. ^ PARAGUAri 'VERSA MATE. J , i • therraement. • ' - •. . ... °I hawse. a sister tah,o• is ;hilt- like, fee 1 llatishay preduced a r.oll Of bills, in overYthingC-4 countexpart in fad; ' 'thus -apparently giviilg -the. lie to, _• 70Z 0 I . r the- legend ' tdao.ut countay editors • sue s employed in a . store, some-. thin" like. this Smaller up the street: jrnile"liOdtY,' ' "d - d.""ded -.''' I 'Will give you: a letter of.introdue- aqietloinch I"• , ,---- -thou, if you like... I Sell doWers, 'she • "Any milliner in town wenld. i sells feathern m 's; yon can her ac- . •• charge you at least $25 for it, hilt as einaintanee,-. buy 'feathers, etc.; and: tieing unusual With as, you MAY have. toin, time . you. may be intimate enough 'cisk if you May Call upon her. I mre 4171 sell hats, and'this •is spine - it br $5.r ' . • • . .: • shall •say nothines....tohor meanwhile, . '1.o '-d'ollate 17' said' Knowlton,. ifiriless you deeire ••••11:Natat if you • wider hie hreatk-- "Five dollars!•imake slow prqpeis I 'Will 'arrange it, • -About right. as to value; 'hut dirt so that you. ,e,en •meet : her at rnV. cheap as hat' prices go." ' ••• „ . . • home; 1 tonsure.she -will like you, "All right," said Bateshay,.. "all and, if you• like' Me, you 'Might to . rioht, : please put itup." .. • • ••• ' like her, • How does theproposition P . ' X-nalton hoped that the flower- 0.1151 you? . • ••. - • . " i '‘ he was infatuated with the fair girl ,elldirltr. 130 speOall and waitecluntil ' who had ". exhibited.' the artiele'pf her wotild be adinirer had recovOecl: '. xlress in such a beiviphinenanner, • sOfficiently to Make answer, The : And 14 could' hard, yil,k04)-: -Ms , eyes. novelty.of the wholo affair,froni the. • . off tee;'.1,, as the pipase tibITS..•.- •. buying of th.ebonnet to the propoped introduction to. a ' mend . fair one, . • Dawsliay, ramjet' man though lie the "dembfou,ndedly per - was, furtively regarded the youno! Paused ' „ail plexed" baehelet 0:exclaim; lady as she , plied her vocation,. . - As red as the roses she was' at work "Well this is'the ' oddest exper- • 4. Native Tea Drank Alt Over tiie South., ,en Part or South Amelia I. 1 -Asuncion aw. Inter oceits.1 - The Paraguayans:Arc excessively fond of their native tea, the yerba Mate, and drink front ten to fifteen :cups of it daily, nut it is not intoxicating, and Dilly a mild: stimulant. The yerba Mate es drank all over the southern half of roiith .A.inerica.• You. ean tint it every. where except upon the Spanish main, and as a drink very well adapted to the climate and re atirements °Nile people, It mates like catnip tea, having a bitter, herby flavor, that is disagreeable*, first, but one soon learns to like it, and the South American would no more do without a cup of • yerba mate tha,n a German without his beer.. Whenever they travel in foreiga couetries they .usitally take a supply along, for it eau not be obtaineO in the United States or Europe. In the markets, by the road- diide, and in the doorwktys of their homes Women can be seen sappitig mate At all hours of the day an& night as a Dutzihnian smeires his pipe, or a Oubeat .his cigarette. • . • • The. yerbe mato grows wild in Para; .itiay in great copibs like hazel -or cran•. oerries but its quality improves under oaltavalion. Ita uses were discovered by the Joeults, those iniumiti 0 fellows, Who were always. prying into the secrets of nature as well as the secrets of state.,' They wera. the best mining prospeetore in South America, and were constantly .exorcising their botanical undechemicat , knowledge for the adVanta,ge of • man. 'Peruvian bark was' discovered by there, • and was ealled chinchona; because a • countess of that name, the Wire of a •Spanish. viceroy; first introduced • qui- nine into Spam. The yerbs, made was originally known as ,JeSurits' tea, • and the gene of'laivola taught the natives • ho* to prepare and use it. . , '.• The sappylwigs are pickel from the .biishes rins:l bung on frac* over - a tire' to dry. 'Whim they becorne crisp ' they . nre redriced to powder. by being rubbed , between the hands., ., For eXport the powder is peeked into green bides., which shrink when exposed to the sun, and -press the mateinto a compact, solid mass. ' Everybody oarries - a mate pup . and a tube called a boiabilla:' The cups are ordinarily gourds,. hitt are often Made of cocoanut shells, and -other_ nuts. 'Sometimes they -are ' beautifully carved. • The bombillas ',are Coninionly. bamboo stems 'with the ,pittt peached out, but • wealthy. people have them made of • sil- ver, and sometimes of geld. The bam- boo tubes are the most a„,ereeable to use: • its they are not such good: conductors of ' heat, end never &geld the lips 'as the ail- veroues.often do." ' ;• , . ' • The cups are half filled with the paw- - peal Yeroateate; when Wiling water is • poured in, Delicate drinkers always threw away the first water, and till • the Ofir) again, as it is neually too bitter for "their tat, but the babitnal ',lois of the weed like that the beat, • and keep pour- . ing in:water apd sucking it through the lithe until the a much of the ,powder ii is exlimuitek.03 oh e refuee•is thrown , out and the cup e 1 ed. ' . Tim yerba Mate fickle, or "yerbales,". of Paraguay, are said to cover ,3,000,000 acres, in their present wild, state, and produce an animal city of :80,0h Wins. spectator woo• Waft "nettiea." Toe Von- ,federa.te soldier was generally a .gentle - Man, ,or'ilesired4,0 appear as -Such. A Forged kixotuse, • [Chicago Newal ,A. nortlx444e 801001 teacher allowed. me all excuse Whieb. ail/Isar-01 boy wrote, for his absence, laat wee'. Re Signed his father's RAMO to it. It read as f011OW$' "aiS$, Kilaa exehuge .10ey. WaS /30008,4 014841104." A Tal,gGRAPHER'S gXPEIVE;',1021. Tho IOW Men. to. Read Er—014 • • • Algona systems. [New York SUri,1 "Telegraph operators have queer eX- poriencos, said. a veteran ha the employ of the Western -Union company. "Many strange things and a gool deal of on: - vete information come to their knowl- edge. I was one of the first operators, on the Morse instrument' sent ao r adelpitia when the telegraph molted there. The instrument marke I the • characters on a Slip of paper. Of coarse . the instrament tieked, but this was long before there was any thought ot taking by ear. Among our visitors were brokers and members of the exchange, and they were much interested in what had al- ready become very valuable to ,theat. One of them, "13t41" Bridges, spent so much time in the office that we gave` Wm a great deal of information and ex- plained the workings of the inetrtt,;, meats. A.bout this time we began to receive complaints that the contents of messages sent trona. New York to Phila- delphia were known to outside persons In the oli.e we began to look upon each other with suspicion. and I finally de- termined to do some deteetive kept watch of our visitors and filially discovered that complaints only reached us eoncebning suit telegrams as were • received while our friend "Boll" was in; the o lice. I therefore determined 0 have all Wisitors /each:461 and an ordeal, posted ' to that elect. Our trouble ceased at one. and my suspicions wore C1101.4311 IIIRECTORA. . St. Paul a Chureh.--Services, on Sunday at 11 c.m. And 7 13. Bible Okras, 10 a.m. Sunday 3cheol, 2.80 p.m. Service on Wednesday, 8 p.ln • Rev. Wttaltart Caele, Reetor Ruttenbury Street Mothodist.--Services, at 10.30 a, m. Ind 7,00 p. Sabbath Sdhooll at 2.30 p. m. Rev. tie, aurae; Raster. Canada Presbyterian,- ServIcee at 11 a.m. s n 3 3.80 9. in. Sabbath School, 0.30 V. In. Rev Ausx, STRWART, P0•501% Ontario Street Methodiet.-Serldosa at 10,80 a. tn, and 7.00 p. m. Sabbath School, 240 p.m, Rev. W. W. SWUNG, Paator. Baptlat oberob.-Service at 0.80 p, nl, Sab bath School. 2.80 P. In. Risi, GaAs, Pastor, Man wool& • prolong the.peoce,se, fora At eat the merry ',little • woman . , noon. . • , - ienee I ever had! • I have alwayS ._ '"Stn itten, eh'?" saii. the eez...m. .,..taii ttra4t 1 ! ilvatter. _slailioil11111.6brr..e.otne of the -friends renchorilir-Illewalk • . DI with the .bandly,x. eon'taining the'. .,in he ana riumnial not; caught fast. Yes. rii -,,sce. ionr siste,g1" seid .. treasure between them.•. • • „, Knowlton, 'decidedlyjum , ping. to Wm • "ell, yes, I a. and nO•ntiatqc•el•• -hie feet and: giving the stool a whirl. returned Knewitort. "That's the "I'll see your sister! and ' if she lg. •.6tirt I've been looking, for -:-I wonder .. i half as jolly and geed. 'ea. -yourself, . how I can evert, get noqttainted witn TR do iny- best to wed: her," .:„...,..._._ her!' s) c • • •• Feather g 'preyed as excellent "That is easy enough " said _paw-. . . • pretext as .goNVOTS, Rnewlton made a • shay. • "You keep - ?anew Ann - - - extraordinary progress • a for ' clou't you W911, open' ATI 41'440'4 brief' Urea s and "Sister I.lattie,' Who . • flower department,. ford, buy your wee, if'anythitig, MOre lovely then • etocicat this establishment, ask the ,Tennv,. Was • eantured completely. proprietor to let.this boanty.watt on Titel;,fitst meeting.Wit8 an .exain p I e • yon ; improve the.acquaintanee and of Sininiteneotts, ;strong intua1. lik, trust to luck." "C14)its1•Smct; as the days sped On ft deep- . • • • ; ' Knowlton prospered in, his hue- )4he' bonnet reached r reet-Own•in, (nese and prospered in his love Atietimese, and. thanye J .bleesinge were husband got ' and evoked ripen Bachelor Krtoeeltott's thereheing nothing in the way the • liege by tho editoes delighted wife, genevotis leteiteler became. it bone who had.,,heen informed- of the in- 4i.et, andanarried Hattie. , • . p- ' •• • •• Knowlton. do it,', Aaid he did, eident of the melitism, and. who „ - wore the hustsind'a appreciated gift . • so daintily and with an air of such IMperial Parliament Will debate supreme e1eg611t:11'as to win at once 'tromp, Rule our eat Of the flyclatte- the) Applause and envy of the Whele nights village. Bawsloty himeelf lied mere In be Confederacy's Last DaY,3• • M. Levis; Republican.] • I visited Mobile in March, 1$65, c on -4sfficia1 basin essrandr-of-co rse400k-a- Week • to deem) day s business in and spend a useless surplus of six months' pay: An invitation to dinner wee an event in a, soldier s 110'0 be sought for ' by patient atratetcy, arid, the dien'er, if secured, treasured • lit • meinory Joe months after.; to be related, item by it,ein, to the ,fboys in camp, ,who took , great pleasure in ltsteniag Ito every de- atl ot• the feast, " ' Tito staple food Was corn brettcl, with haeoo. .and flour gratry, bat, wealthy families had a vary few slang Wheat biseuitt on the table at dinner only. It was eti head of home visitors to eat b Lt one or two of these, on the'Polite suppo- eition that the guests had such delica- cies athono, bat the soldier was nr,ged aud,„ expected toeat his fill. 1 retnember ' hearing an aside remark .taade by one wealthy and hospitsble lady te another a out their clergyman s daughter, wile Was then visiting, or rather foraging, ainoug, the faithful. "She 'eate five Las.- aad dour 000 a barrel!'' Tho comieal alliteration: in this indignant protest 'caused it to -stick in ruyanetoory, romeniber buying a p vir of red negro brogan shoes in a large store on Dau- phin etreet for $itiO, It With the • only pair ;n the gore!, and thesole eferk, boy of 15, was perfectly , indifferent whether 1 took tilm or not, One Meal at it hotel ecHt $5, Mid no ono got as flinch as he eotild eat at that price. A • regular allowanee of writ - meal, coffee, oatmeal, biscuit, fried baeon, and in Some easeS fried ehicken, were served. When, constimed the waiters rinierted pvis out," Fotrie. times a hog et the tablewould take the last two biecuits: holding orie itt reserve while eating the othe,r, but title was rare and apt to be rebuked by scene °named. • • "I knew Bridges had not 'seen any essages, and I wondered how •he.could eve known their conteeti. When I eeused him he burst cat . laughing, and Omitted the whole thing. He • had 'the tick)-ef. the recorder down so fine that e eould take a message by ea, andate as the first Man that ever did it. Not Ong aftereriird the- sounder was intro.- uced, ana since then Almost 8,11 teleraphing in this country has been taken y ear.": ••• "Was there any system of rapid eoin- iunication before the invention of the lectrie telegraph?" ' "Yes, indeed; quite a number. The ystem most goaerally used was the in, vention.of. the Ohappe brothers, two French boyS,' :who •first Utilized it. in - 1794.4 school, where they Saw .each Other only at a distance.- They used a Pivoted beam, which; being placed in _different positions, indicated different • characters. Afterwax 1 the 'French-gov- eminent adopted this • system, and one of the invehtor§ wag made telegra,phie • etigineer and placed in chtirge ' lanes • wore established all along the. Coast and from Paris to the frcinlier." '"IfeW were these signals?" • "By the use of powerfulglasses. The stations were only about ten miles apart, and with good telescopes the sfanals &Mid readily be distiegdishod, and the receiving station woold that. communicate with the next Station." "Could this'. be done rapidly?" "Yes.• remember , a line tbat was worked from the top of the old. custom • house here to Saiidy. Hook.. The oper- ators lased blocks of wood -with largo letters on them, and could telegraph at the rate of about '100 lettere in fire minutes between stetions ton miles 8118INE8.8 DIRECTORY gmtigtrg. EDWIN KEEFER =1M1\14"XX4EtT,, ate of Toronto, Honor Graduate RoyalGollege sr: Dental Someone, • ; Oeats's - Clinton. AllWork Registered. (Moves Moderate. pato'. r‘R. REEVE. Office--"Palaee" Brick Block, U Mattoribury Street, fiesidenee opposite the Temperance Hall, Wesson Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. Office nears trOm.13.a.re. to 0 p.m. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. • ' SCOTT, 'Barrieters, %loom 4e - ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - QLINTOT .21foney .toon, • • • , 71-1VSNING. TAS. soorT. FRANK R. pc...:ALL, . . .Varrieter., Saieltor, A.-dtaryi • . • P4tie, .etc. '011*.iee. Searle's 13lock, Albert4t., Clinton. Torontm.agents t-rdessrs. McCarthy, Osier,. Hoskin, & Creelinan. ' H' Plume Busas vo Lem lowesf• rates of interest.• 381 Ectorn mORTON, Barristers, God. :Oeriel. and Wingham. 0,SeagerrJr,,, Goderith. 'J. A, Morton.• ' • 144% solid eoniferf 'Tor bis five dollars T ie sixth Chicago, policeman has than any fift3r he ever epent, •sectimbed to injuries received in tile And whilp this ig]eve of ft hontor Anarchist riots, .., . • was Creating itc1i it seneeti Free -'4 'bitted, Stetee tnttfle menu fa! tt4 toWn it ii0cXe1fingh peNVertul1 ors have' formed an association in ce ill fn:I.\"pw Tork. Following , literary friend's advice;ICnorlaton he- w6tell 604)ttat AnOttriting to .$150, - mine a enstorneeof the store when 000,000,1 tepp.pented.„ • • • „, Tote -Otis were first used. Long be. :fere the Chriatia,n era; •Rimnan generale • were • able to centnimaieate With dull other by means of flames in different • positions; - and of • Various itembers. Sorae of the Indian mounds in the west • f.tre supposed to -have been constructed. for signal purposes, fire and smoke be- ing a The fiery' areas of -.the:high- land ohief.'quickly sim,nfoned the! faitb.- fat to war. In .later times drums, trumpets and flags were used for.signFt1 purposes', particularly by armies', Itiost barbarous people have methods of tele- graphing. - Among the negroes in the Otteneroons Country, on the west Coast rtittfritrarthwi'encertunieutirby-Meaam• of•souncl, for great distarices. The in- strilment they .use is a -sort of drom, and. the Words are represeutecr by rava tete beats upon it." • . • , . , -....„*.he Resurrection lellariiing. • [Boston Re^Ortf . • The household•WM-rocently• increased • by the advent, unwelcome to all but the yoangest member, of- seven kittens; Their doom,. of course, was. miques- ,tioned: eo, also, was the MAnneie of their taking off. Which, acciirding to the , caatoin of all civilized people, is de:smit- ing in a wash -tub, followed by burial at • the root o' the grapevine, The saerifice Was postponed until such time as the ,f; banger member aforesaid was absent 'On a visit of a day:, When the deed was done. Artived home, the trst. inquiry after breakfast was • ! • Where are the kittens?" TIie to pod. 01.A,OF V.IiiVAyE FUNDS te.L.E.IST VA/ -AT (0) PBS. 0ET $100 F, B. POWM4 Batrister, Solicitor, etc., 888-7 Searle's Block, CumvoR liVIRNCY to lend. in large or small gimps, gal good mortgages or personal security, to the tweet current rates. 1i. BALE, Iltiremet,„ . Clinton . . Minton, Feb, 25, 1851. - l -1y • c, 11-NAVIS01,.." ,101INSTON, 'Law,,Cluineetv,and 1_/ Con veyaiwing. ,Oftice-West Street, • next atm, to Post Office, Goderich, ,Ont. • 57. C. HAYS, Solicitor, cfm: Office; eorner'of ift. Square and West Street, .over Butler's Book Store, •Goderiett, Out: . 07, • ' ieff• Money td Ione si lost rates of interest. MON EY,* • MiltIVATE rotins lend on Town and 'Plum property, Apply to o. RIDOLIT, .00lee, next Ninve.Recone (up stairs),Albert.St. 860.8m • Vailltittg, -E1- CAMPION, BarftiSter,Attorney,• Soliei tor hi itelirdt, Onirenenr.i.toCr7,1,21.0attreeooehit'sAcer.0,rnOleM_7 1 ri o°ce'eur. pied ;y ,Jucliie Doyle. . , • ' RV Any anactunt of money to lottO id lowest rates of interest, 14y. . . . . . , • rttrtiontryitt4. 11101MINS 11101 aineorporitted'hy Actef;Parliginent, 1885, OAPITAL, 12,1000;00 REST, - ,s5bcf,00p . Head °Mee, 1101Vt'll'EA.14. TiloidAS WORRMAN, Presid en t. J. H. MOLSON, Viee•President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Maeagev. Notes discounted, Collections made, Draftts issued, Sterling and American ex - Change bought and sold at low- • 'est current rates. INTEREST AT 4 Pan CLmie..A.s.tomczn Derotifr Money advanced to homers on their own nOtet witkone or more •endereere. No Inottgage (wired as seem' tY. H. C. BREWER, Manager,' February. 1884. CLiNToN tittationtr., ; . . . CYLINTON Lodge, No, 84,..A. F. & A.M, L) meets every Friday, 'on or after the fill moon. Visiting brAinemeordially invited. . J. YOUNG, w. tr. CALLANDER, Sea :• Mt: BAP"' , A UCTIONEEtt for Huron Ofinnte,, Sales .• • (1,;. tended to in any part of the dennty. ares ordersto Goemuclir: .• V.17. , 1 - • • • ' 'HAMILTON* • A UCTIONEER,land, loan and insurance agent •Illyth, Sales attended In town and country, en reasonable terms. A lister farinsi and village lots for sale. Money to lomi on real estate, at low. rates: of irterest: Insurance' effected On 'all classes' of. property. .Notes and debts.colleeted. Goods apprelsecl, andsoliTaii counnisidon. Bankriipt stocics bought and . • 111 Alf bee Hi 1850' • '"•• ;h.; kiTtirrirarg,. • , • •: Jr; E. BLAOKALL.,. Vetegnary. Sui.geon,. Graduate of the Ontario VeterinatY 001100, To - Chum), havilig opened ;in allies in Clint010, IS prepttred to treat all diseases ot domestic animalii on the inostonoilem prin. ; MI Operatione Carefully - performed, and calls prompll.. or • night Pees moderate,•• - OFFICE,--Ll.st ddor W.iist of • Ken- netly'S Ilotel, Clinton, Out. V",17. Diploma 7 was tweessary. w of the aWiftiljruth ewild not be com- municate iwithotirdiger. -They died yestentay. Ire wat•told. "What did you do. with elm" pursued thein nisitor. • The place ot heeltd Wae indicated, and. with it fade expreseit*. thoughtful de- termination tho investigator left the room. Nothing Was 811rIlliSMI of his purpoite nihtil, in the course of the foro. noon, he made his appearance) at the litirstry door, sine:trod with soil but with t 'glow of triumphant batimelenee pn his features, bearin.,0 in his Wring six moist and muddy lumps of tat + whieb wore ine.wing and showina every un- nistelmble sign o ' kittenish life. "I vo got 'eel all hut ono," he pronliv remarked, its he emetieti hi boaden Pore 11andion awl 'wham+ ao no' crla I el he rug. "1 ean t (lad liJr, aal I titbit Tficltu r:1 .114tAnP tO 011 fn nee. geznet weekben)d, spre::07 f Seth:. I eim Aare ti sfotoolsir floildtt t7tettranfood died n'ea trooti flo f nant. Woo' s lost," Latest s4 lee of ladies lialr.cattiug. oiaPnee--.2114,0 area, (1. IA 70 A Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. • • 1. ' 111)141 r !jet s 1601.11 —CC 1TF 146N osi Orlotte, - , ..1‘; Meets irgeOVD 'Monday' of every •month. •Tiall 'Webers, opposite. the Town Hall. ,Visitarebrethren• • 0,6,011492;ftlirays.uutd• ce.q117Enietry, E, ,E' LOODV, Sou. T..,O. DOHERTY, D:3I. . "efor'of4it or to pt, anti Fon SALE OR TO RENT. -That vSbu- 1. farm composed of lots 20 and 20, eon. 8, Hullett, 200 acres, of this 160, acres aye cleared, • balance•goodhardwood bush. Deering orchard. of three acres. •Ordinar1.. dwelling house ; good frame .barn and other .enthuiklings.. Finn . watered, and situated about miles frtni the Town of Clinton, Terms ens. "Apply to M. MeTAGGART, Clinton. • 383-11; . ' • • . -LT OUSE. Avn LoT FON naLi-ealee•iot 23, . • Dineley Street in the1,11, GE OF BLYT11.. The lot is one of the most eligible building sites . ..• in the village and has.a.goosrlibuae.,.. stable; hen. levy, good hard and soft wafer nne, orchard on , • the premises; Apply to A. C. VAN 170,110.70, on the promises. • • lin.369 FOR SALE. ' rr(HESTIfSCRIBE.R offeisifor •,ale four eligible Building Lots frofitini,„ on Albert Strect;.als0 two fronting on flattcnbury Street; eltber ' ttoe'ot separitto tots, to suit purchasers. Per' • further particulate apply to'tlie unciersienC.d.-E, DiNSLEY, Clifiton. " • • . 383 . • " Life Size Portraits a &eaialty, Olillton 'Warble Works, HURON STREETJ CLINTON* PERDLINR wpsooN FRS SALE, -um FCR DITV.GOODS, OR CROCEI1V hind. seal: sonleuss,, v:,1•11)ippi.)cot.cil order.; only. b.een In use tivo , . R. COATS ,f; SONT: :. • 'Clinten,..Rarch 250, 1885. : ,HOUSE AND -LOT' FOR SALE. TIT* Orl ersigned effera for 4143.111S rinoSill.nd Lot on Queen street, CliTIttat. • The • bowie hi newly ; six roonts,.tbreo upstairs end three dew!'; hard and soft wateq.good celbar, Slthate in rising and healthy locality, Terms easy. Apply on the premises oraddress Clinton P 327•ti ' ••• .10silta 4lAitI1C11 • • • a. •04i „ Tli ARM FOR SALE, -That very desiraIdelaite .....A_L;..iiiiieuessne...toita.shifa.coulik.i..orularcc,..im,..- • iirc ' (millpond of portions el block 0 mid .11, . Weskern Division, containing 220 neres, tatOlit 25 ' ;. :, . • ,.., ' •' ne)vs bush land and lailanee Owed ';".elay . and sandy 101,11land.' Spring emelt runningh throug the farm 'Dwelling and out buildings on the premises. 'The whole* or part will be sold •col ' liberal terms. Apply, personally 'or hy letter to 'IM. WELLS,. 'on: the premises, o.rto HENRY W . , 'ES LL, Saltford P. 04 (Mt. , 370. 31)1„ •'I , . W. 1/.. COOPER, Jr., disaufattitrer'Of an dealer in an kinds ef I . 0' • 'Marble 86. Granite, rof Cemetery --svoric nt flgureff that defy competition . . .. Also manufarttlrer of the u„elebrated ...h.nrirretAr, Stant 'fer Penally, pur- poses and Cemetery 'Welk, which nmSt he seen to appreeinted,—All well( warranted to vire satisfaction. . REiVIOVEO. Tr1t n irvo pi sir ET/ has retoeved 1110 .11 shaving' Parlor to Inc Town. 1'01, viler°. • TIOR.REN7'.-The brielci_ct re soul° swan., oppesite the niaric, ritely ,oceopied ' .sz. Co, its a dm, ge0(16 Ptnte. Tile premises' also large room mi stairs with good entrance,EJ • • are new and well fitted Up, with cellar • Apply to W, 0. sroinl.c, Minton, • SoTi.ti . • • • • • • .Tsk WELT,INO :TO RENT.-LThe upsteira 'Pte. -Li rinses oirAlbort street over store,`ctireprite, in0 seven' rooms. Apply to 14. ROBSON. 36S.tf irmanasurecanaicamatrata;amaaar ....-iarre.treaaaaanarmarala , 1 H. BEAOCIWS BOOT 85 8110E STORE • OPPOSITE IIIAOEVS, ALBERT STREET, CLiKTON, • Qrdpred. 'Work ' A §PEO1ALTY. R if!o'i I N G • • ProUOly kitended to. • IL, BEACOM'. t9, POTTS, House', Sign.. . Piinn r.;10.N O12RI.41; PA IPPliPa 34 • f.1 .• 1 •