HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 6Y • The. Bishop .of Oxford se ht to the churohwardens•in his diocese a cir- cular of inquiries les among whioli was : "Does your officiating clergyman nreach the gospel, and is hisconvex- aation and carriage consistent there- with. ?"i'he churchwarden at Wal- lingford replied t'He preaohea the geripel, but. does not keep a carriage." TATIo t P11;L3. are /sugar coated, mild but thorough, tend are the best Stomach and Liver Pill, in use, Fluid Lightning is simply a;marvelions Rheu- matic Remedy. 1 was for' two months a cripple, from Sciatica, One bottlegave ane instant ro- itef, and placed inc on my foot Again. I hove driven fourteen miles today (something I could not possibly have donevaere tt not for Fluid, Lightning) for the express purpose of prpenring another bottle. So says William. Dixon., Ilanan- oquo. Only 25 cents per bottleat tlradrug store. Ina Ireotio 'lush',, .pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indl. date worms. Freeman a Worm Pow- ders wili'quickly and effectually re- move them, r'Y ou Inusn't say 'feller,' JoIinny,'' reulartl:ea the young gentlen)an's Sunday school teacher, "It isn't correct." 'Mel], 1 don't cure, its in the •' bible," exclaimed Johnny. "Isaiah, fourteen, eight 'Yea, the fir tree* rejoice at thee, dadthe cedars of Lebanon; saying since thou art laid down, no feller is .come up against us.' • I lead for years been a• miserable sufferer from uyspepsia, and tried all known remedies and the bait medical ski1I05 my acquaintance; but still grew worse until unable to eat anything without great suffering, or do any kind of work. i'betian to think there was no hope for me, and' that 1 tuust surely die; wiser,:., like. a drowning man catching at a straw, I determined to give Me- (rregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once began to improve ec rapidly that in two months I was as. well as 1 had ever been in •my life• -Nor. Evaas, I•Y.a.4i1R0TOn. Sold by the druggist.. Free -trial bottles.. .A,• USEFUL? 'Mgr 1 t tray be useful;,for, the reader• to know that, the popular• preparation known as Iingyard's • Yellow.oil has proyethe. sovereignremedy for deaf ness, many• certified eures - being on record. Ilagyard;s Yellow . Oilalso cures aches„]gain, and lameness, and may be used:internally• as• well as outwardly, I' • ADvr0la.T01ttotintits:-Ara yon disturb- ed at night and broken 'Of yeti, rest by a sick child marine oily crying _with- pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send sit once and •it a. bottle of "Mrs nThelow's S'potlling Syrup” for Childrerl•'1'eething. Ifs value is incalculable, It twill relieve the pear little sufferer initnediatoly. Depend piped I1, ntotlierS ; Oasis. no mistake about it, ' 1 t cures Dyscuter v and Diarrhoea; regulates • the Stomach ,and. Bowels, sores- \i'iud Colic, softens' the Gllins,•redueos fiiflnintea- tion, • mid giiies tone and, energy, to •the whole system. ''11 s. Rrlhslow's• Soothing. Sw•rtip" for children teething is ..pleasant tp•the taste and is the preeeription of, one of the oldest and best :female• phyi+'ciens and nurses iu the Coifed. States, arid• is 1',,r sale by all druggists th,:oughont-the world.' Price twenty -live i'cents a bottle: :lie sure and asi.. for ''illus. WiNS:Ai: 's SooTotNo and':teka lib other, !dud.. 391-1• ' ' • • • Old Gent f --'And how is your filth,' or, John ?' John : ,'Its •is:•dead, sir. Old Gent :-'Dead'1'dear me•l • What a pity 1 . And' how is your mother?.' John :-'She is dead,.too.';Old .Gent: ---' l ndeed 1 . Dear n)e 1 What -it pity; what a pity: But plow is your :wife, .Joh-n.?' Joftn :-'=She died last Meek sit'.'• Old (lent -•••' Why goodness are: -what a pity 1 ' And. your hgther-in- law, how's she?'" Jolie i:•' -'She's hearty, sir.'•'01d"Gent (abstractedly): -'-llear• me, Whist a pity,1": • Uses Pk•Of. Low's••Stalpliur.Soiip• for. Prickly' haat, Nettie Rash,• Scaly Inv Lotion, :Itch, and all diseased no11' ditions of the skin:. • WORTti I ETlE203Ei;I �1TG'.1 There is probably no better relax, ing remedy for stiff' ,loints,contracted- cords,- and •painful oonges.tion,'than cuietl`111rs. .101151 Siddell; of Orton; -,Ont.; who was afflicted for years with contraction of the bronchial pipes and'•tightness of the cueat. 1t ig the great`reniedy for internal or external pain Nero t)$:. )Wolitlitate.1 aren, You are •el-1owtd• se free hull of (kitty rla.:Is of the use of 'Dr,, Dyes 'Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Snspensory "Apptianoes, for the .speedy relief and. permnpoot care of Nervous Debility, loss of'Vitality and ltlenhood,.and all kindred.' tro'ibtee. Al'o, foe maul* other diseases Completerestorationto health; vigor' and manhoo(1 guaranteed. No riskis incurred. Illustrated,lianigl(slet, with f rti information, - terns, dto., mailed free by addressing. Voltaic Belt' Co., Ilarshall,'lfich, • • 318y -e343 • (1.401/Ai1ii PT'ION CVJt41D• t • Art old physkian,.retired from practice, hieing load placed ie h:s:ltiwualy lAy,511 ]':1st India lwssionary the .formula of -A simple reeetablc *Wetly for they speedy a nt ,erntanent cure n1' Coils initioe; 11:out ,itis, Catprrlt, Astlul:a- olid till tlr•oat and Lunar Alfeettans, disc alops ,tire and.radinal tutu 1'91 NUIVotia 1)et .try lro1 ell Nervous Uoil)j lmnifa, afterohaying tcb:t.1 itil wtruddifil ;ruricfi4,o~I,owtuSi i5. t9r•ut.au,ls of canon;, hos felt it•1 his tlnty to, make it known to his:. suffering teilowvs. '\satofrid by this.,; motive end. a °&.sire to r•,'i1'Ve 1)11511tiesu'ft.:mg, I will; send free " ,•:hare, to ell. who desire it, iln'1• re; tae, in•(;ttrtn•tu, l"rench o1• bullish, ;loft fail du•corns fol preparing -And it,'ng. 4:1,S by coli aeldriaithR,.wvith sia•,ip,. u t:r,ragr thio ;peeper. W. A ..I ur e a,. :149 !'r'„•n't,ija1jci",,Rfcirdslfrt r�« A FOBTTINA:'T E ESCAPE.. • Taira. Cyrus B`ilborne, BestnvilTe,. Ont., bad what was supposed to be a cancer on her nose. She was about to subulit to a oaucer doctor's treat trent, when she concluded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, internally and externally, n few bottles of which en- tirely cured her, • • Years of experience and successfelitsial have proved. 3feGregor & Parked, Carbolic Cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing Old Sores, Festerings, Moors, Cuts, Wounds'Burns, Frost Bites or Felons, and fur keephi g out tiro cold and to cleanse or prevent pproud 1cn1r,.sloughing or decoy. Insist on bar. ingiteOregor . Parke' Carbolic Comte, sold at 260. by alt drttgt,'ists. Sandy :-'t tots a Dake o' soap, cMr. b1'intoah Ch emist :. : 'l ca n a letYehteea:�e o'sos'Ponthe'Saw bath Day, Sat dy.' SandY:._,Bt ye. sell'd that lassie peppermint +trope.' Chemist; -'Ay, ye can Kook pepper- mints, in the kirk, Gut ye canna. wash yereel' Wier•e?I' 'Relit. Rough con:litiona elf• the skin,, Shampooing the head, Pitnpl'rs,. Er- uptions and. Skin diseases, use ,Prof. Low's ,5'uipher Soap,, • A SECRET FOR THE LA:DIES.. The great eueoess•of beauty is pure blood, Eruptions- and all blotches that disfigure the faoer,nlay be quick- ly cured by Burdook Moo& Bitters. Atlnie heath, of Portland, certifies that she was. cured ,by °itis remedy, suffering for two years. • glow do youlike the new preacher, 'Deacon ?' ''Oh, he ts, a good man, 1• reckon, he is earnest and devoted and pious, but he won't suit•our peo ,ple.'• 'I6n1Ghe orthodox.' 'Oh, yes,. straight as: ills epistle to the Romans, but he ain't a' bit funky. Tie ltas,nO sense of humor at all. Been preach'. ing for us three• weeks and haiu't raised °a good laugh yet.'., Never dlaig• tiffs stomach with nau- seating and weakefiirrg:ex'pectorants and' opiates i Ilag,ards Pectoral Bill gam is pleasant and reliable ;;in its effects, and safe in all 'throat and lung complainta' that, if neglected,. end in consumption,. T1iE1 GREAT SOIJRGE of Consumption ,anth many, wasting forms :of disease, eorofala'lurking. in the system.' The true specific for this condition is found in Blu'docisBl'oorl,Bitters; that medicine purifies the blood. and' builds up. the enfeebled frame. • • ' : FEVER' colic,unnatural appetite, fretfalhress, weakness,, and convul• Bions, are 'some of the effects of; • Worms ih. children ; destroy • the, worms with -Dr. Low's 1Vorni Syrup,• 11'O_ :,1)ET-DOOY1'S iia: no trifling sense, but the best' ...ri.tu. O of the world presented. in c'xcelleut and attractive low i o x.co tent:ve]tittt •'ivunde:r," ani, let prices so c Itr~ t 1i i 1 i;1:4,,PY of .4;nt.A./.141.1.( .11'iC'184 d).",r7;") . t nt.Yinitg: la oat; t tulan, im;r.•tiitt t'etavu,l: "ul i.pn, w.liit ntuut'rousfirm illusi10. t. ntl. t,e +•.Mute rept:y bu•utd 1s' 1,µa sloth. ur5nrreuted,•the follow, -taw ec,oh:att41: w"r'le. mlttoridgen 1 ` fi] ..KM'S 1 -.wage Fr."1•T(1Rli ter the Y,1FC.I,TFft I'EOrtm. C 4,741.11.t ' tffP4I'i/i t s,tf.':f, 1 t'•6S i(1t 1'.f.!'1)Ltt7'1(�y. CR1 AM% h, t r.4 •.•r Llit:Ctst VE4 litA'e"LI It,:i. et' tl.e'Vtll:1,». gt'11tL ..t.•ifi i 11l i1'Ultl• ut' the 'T1411i'1 t t i•::lit$' \t' 4.3i. I =°°twee litttirLt.tt low".tNACU fur these four groat \r'orkl 314.50 niy itrice is $2,50 t iposter;aYfl"4i'''tients.prem•.. wen,aer'•.udc in lona' :+t,nxt", than p11r'r •alit"cleat of put- I'a )L W.l1.Fk lii,I. tit eta tsnl(. $2.110 Leer'topy. .11rixixlrttt'1 340-'1'1 1 art]' is tw la,l,,ti, irtit,.,f*'r everybody will- ,vont it,. ,i.itt will thu+ I.t' s11u 111«'uu1 td" ftdw'eet lt;i•rr..e ltit(1' intr',t1ucing, .i' n'nnter,nl•e Ail li5'r titlint lill. inulks II iv tlu! publisher id 17Ut- } 1:;fol^s:tt'•1: t"is ersiinriest 1r 11' le New' Y( oh(%il:y. 1.1 is ti illy. a nlar,•t'1 of lihn ;hilt tt triutllph of modern n e- fur't:;d'•ttrt' 1'hiramioli to aeI ,t' Sulu tic t'.uv Fre P'i4rui,ht'd ut F,) II tt auric; i1'liixt:,1,rrvvt+'it,1 nl iii•^seal l a.'n 'p`1"711t1!'t'lrlt,a; betUL. ",s 4,,•ling..fair past°, t"*'s'pe'nt paper, numerous anal •atrik- •i„•i irl tr:ttiorts; niisntn ria, ittmrly 100-4;11 ase first-class,"- 'iiri,•'au1) i'frans ti•ri, 1'iiittga. 111, • f.TTt14:1•1; 1" a/•' $TA'NI)ARI) 'PO XtTSOetaltainingin one' hnpertra.t ecturo tlalt.lvenu b, hound volume; of *hest° 1.100 pages, Buur<- • goois and Ilruvter type` leadv.t, iha•fotlowtrrg^w0vt*s, t••q:.brldgod Scott's.('4)ntplete l'oettont and prauuntte Works.- (outpietu I'u,'tit nt lrorks of Itol.ert ]turns. ttleutpiety I'uetices 11'orlcs. or. i aomee. jt.00re. Equally good editions of these -are- noir elsewhere obtains - . ells' or 111as'0an $4,40, my pricej2:00postage $1 cents., I ..,1,. ”` t r3.. r I W moo! • ,...L� �,✓ _ NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE.!. ,ELLIOTT'S ,BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in'-Y-uxi ture. 0a11 at the New Store aud see the stool: or • Bedroom .and Parlor Sets, `Lounges, • Sideboards, .Chairs, - Springs; Mattresses, _tie:, and general Household Furniture. The,w-bole Steele is fiom.the very ,best mantifeeturers. Picture l+ramea an l Aiuuldiugs of every description., • ' .).0 CHIDE] Y, ono (1od .West of »u.kson,s_BooktSt re. HONEST \:AiUE Headquarters for New Fruits, Peels, Groceries, &c. . See our, New.. Gilassware, Mugs, &'c TEAS $c GEN •.' AL' GROCERIES. ' , Right' 'Goods • at :the .Right. Prices.: Farm Produce, takenaRghest Price. JBP,OS.. NAREYI& OLD SIAND, •: ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Would'PO C ;• Arepleaeaisttot 1.•0: Containtholtowva. w Qnrcatit o Is 0. alto, .euro, nut° etl.titnal destroyer 0t ivoi'ma in Ci.i.ldrt n or. duitrs A• BARGAK. • .I CENTS In -returning thanks to my many friends and patrons for post patronage, 'f ''oule like, to call their special attention to my. very complete stock of HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, •. ETC., ETC. • Special attention is directed to my stock of .e.'._ .■ '�. ■ r� r . ! . (1 A r'1 tom. i tt � C''f ,. N 111 f.• ij1 V .rtnM,i.iw: iIt will be found verycomplete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by any one. AsI employ none but the best workman, and use tire hest material to be , lioltghft in the market,.;ald who May favor me witb,ttbeir'patronage may feel confident of getting satisfaction. :•, ES" AWAY : DOWN : Trunks .il1Y(: Valises in grsait variety and Prises .Low. ILIMS:TRAtEDS ' 1110I00 16 -r r ihuitr'y, Otossics, .LI13R.I..7tY of CLASSIC PROSE. In one imperial oc„ two volume of about coo pages, itaudsonle type, and 640 0414t 4,..,:.ng,• or 1P,Mointetl, OW following fatuous essays and works i9tltsttvt'ty's Ess'tys on 11it1torre 4711ltiru"tt1IIrt jtflll On Lbetty. 1` 0, IIa1'ttO tun's Thu Isltelloutaaf Zif!sr•' ;Ier')ort Sporty,, en i3trnratifpn. 1.ireat Titoutatts from C,t'oek Author*. l: Croat Tluragttts fay-.tn Latitt 4tta dors. t;uutpiotO"It`ssa';1:i•its Loral llwon. 1 Lou'tpicto "i4AVeric 41' ,}51ulus:" rater°;'+ ]tip Vin 4Y1t41.10 iota Otter Slreteltrsrr It;nnbtnr;tun's raretve11'=t til tMncr A4tltroseco. 141a0:10.1 41'"a 1.1 f.) of ?rod.trielr the.airont: The above cannot be obtained front any other I nbit-hfn' ' lion: a for loss tlutw 10; fry price is $/.7i1; postage LW (.'otter►.. " This is ii.ileed a wonder -book, i t ;ha aloetin 118.1 vol , •.la= llrr•Iiiiry of its contents. Tile" romper is bow sr:* h :t t')p.d.;,• ws hu h ss• r• 11braay int its(:lf, 1•a11 be sulaktfontleh h 10.:,'.-,-•..,• °dist 1C'c+►r•(Il't1, 1'ttt,burghr Pa. Your ' 11'Krorieal AVe idiL'r-lrook' IS a w an'ttrri 4, w crit ,t•t liniv 1u rnspt'rittl ()etavo vu1I51110 44 4)VCr 1,Ofi+ "p1;;;;e. , wi;11)),.i,if. i1lu:ttrations,•elear ty pe, fine paper, handsomely Imulti. tv,n- taitiiug'fotur stunt1ur11 biaaoriaal works of great rolut'. dity`'a= Hum for w 3:.0,"-1,Exs ON J. LO$SIN0,, LL.4i, the Ilisteri ln. t . tee.. >_, C F't-il'i 'a' l cin Ire v*' su(d , ir,, ri ol. with rra1* ra.h, ren 055. rbr ,wtd�ut rt4l=er.,[Abuv,••,vut l4sif acro-„•1r1,In tvn An�aron, tlna••••r FF t25Ort 1.,,..trtl11 )01'.,nu•ntirrrr•unrtteorpar JL 1'1110chartrt0eaeer.1scat• '. P1'°Jfr't' to p.;aac lend t*skate 0,e. 1•*?'11wattflt,i.^1Nan:r,l1n ,i'. ,eras.-s.•r••.r. r.•►as,c+mroivr•`�!rt o,awua t0f.PAG•1' (f 1l'"A1,O 11; +Fist flee, The t;4:t lit* ) erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known, Books sent for1. .X41N41112ION . .B.i+oAr,.P4 2UL`'.L on.reasonable evidence of good.faitil. Address J.O:H14, R•...ALDEN, Publisher, I', a: $071'1297, >toss ewr] Street. Now Torii. -SI3OL:T;D:t ::1``t'E 'r>IEIR OTU)ERS A°1' he ord Oce- A1) PUNCHES., ROUTE81111.8� o ---o- • Lrihograph and:: Leiter: PrQ4a•: jo6"P fig; SALE. BILLS, , . POSTERS, DODG•LRS,•Y SI'YETTS,. • I TV1'1ATIONS, 14. l r 1)144Catiki; EI t s. • SHIPPING' `A it ,',: 7 NVI•LOP1.1 , tt:e': • 43TZTr I�E�DS} INTti"OICES, NO".LL ITEADS, LII2C'UI.AItS, 1-,=i'I.I+'rT1'r Y3>JADS; , • pA:itD,S, ._,�• �.-SlA,1:'tiPl'Ei�''TS, , „ ":C4t1 3' 2 L I'I i '�'i (J•: T. nCOOPERi .SO! The:Best ever Offered in this vioinity for the money. A.Iso. general,' GROCEETES, equally cheap. a F[,OT R A.ND •k'EEDyalways on hand. • t„ S, Declared` 1i3" :cu patl'ous equal to any ffi,' cent Tea solei elsewhere. Get a 6 -.pound caddis before it is all gone ' .t;ioa .Japan Tea. at 30c. per; pound.,. �v`'ewv Valencia•Rmisins, l:iltr9 Selected Ruisitis ISlackgliaslrets, •Se dl'ees Rasguts; New Our:itnts, New Shelled Almonds, Almonds, Filhertf4, New 'Lemon, Orange and Citron • feel. Alt;1(idds of Poultry taken in cxcliangefor Goods, ° ' • (Q,IIOCERS, Corner Store 111 Searle's -Week. r WILL CURL; bpi RE1_ -V DIL16118088, IZ INCb'$, ''0YSPEPSI4'' DROPSY;'•; Il'JDIOEST1DArf ' ' ,FLUTTERIN(l "."`- '*- JAUNDICE " - JAUNDICE, OF THE HL'')3'T,' ACIDITY OP.' riti STOMADII, DRYNESS- EADACIll, O . THI: SKIN, • And evOI'y species of'dlsease arlahi,�•�•frown• dleoederod LIVER, KIDNEY8, STOk1IOtir•, BOWELS OR IILOOb; 1 W1 fl►t•1YM ecir Proprletore .. ,1 « .. ,� e.t 7..f1QNT'Q.. •ERY;SIPELASI; .SALT RHEUM,' ,IIEARrnURN, rat' DVE1T—ISERS, an learn the exact cost ar,iy,prppo.sea.lineof advertisingin'Arnerican papers • by - addressing Geo, P.' Nowell &' Q.; Newspaper Addv'ertfsi*tg., Bttr0t1t5ri.- • 10 Spruoe•St., 1'Tbwr"tentqs. dSarld..i0,cto.•„for.4t0.0.,tlaaar.,,Viarn pat tl, , T II1 ! ATEST'•ST'YLE:S• •O ala I . Socia 0 aim $. 0 0- Autiug Of all -1 inns, in..li'est Stylet knowvu to the craft, O. Oolored Printinga Speoia/tg:' is W6 invite a comparison of our vs'*orkSvith that of trans' othei office - lit i Wdst4of Toronto. to . ALL IWORK 4 STRICTLY' FIRST -CLASS'S ,Sae•'ottr,00took of Ctlts' Citt'ltro you oraox: Prio cozl.tis" t+;:it srit),'g oil mull:: omen by mail prl1nptlynt aided to. WhitelY 86' Ud t S,. ail INT.ON 0,t A iO' b