HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 57,04, ..er; -4' ARE YOU LQ0KING .FOR.THEM? The Cheap Lines pf Dress Goods The Low -Priced Hosiery, The.Big Stook of Prints. • 94 tO VIP place where theykeep them— • GEO. E PAY COMPANY 'The Dry -Goods Emporium of Olinton. • NEWS OF THE DAYi —The first Scott Act case carne before,Magistrate Wells, of Parkhill the other day, and the defendant was. dischaiged, with costs on, plaintiff of $19.59„ • —Tho by-law.to. grant Mr. Thos, Orr $1,000 to assisthini in Starting his planing mill business in Stria- : • ferd was' cavil& • • —Mary Dunbar of: 'Prescott died: last weekt aged iialears; Mary has been married three tines, jior first husband. was secretary to. Gen-. . 'oral Brock. • .. . . —Mr. James Shaw, died recently • at Pal mouton aged 103 years. De- ceased waS born 1784, in the county .of Sligo, bonnaughtilreiand • wliere he lived till ho was 67 yeaR4 Old, and came to Canada in 1850: —The U. S. House •Commitee / on .Judiciary has decided •to report • favourably en the amendmentta the,. constitution declaring, pplyganiy un lawful, • • • —Mr. T. IllacitWelif of .Parkhiii; • has been anointed • agent: of the Grand Trunk EallWay at Worth; in the...room of Mr, W., .g..Twohj7; • . who resigned. his 'situatiotin order • to Accept a more juOtable,..one on the Union Pacific • • —Hamilton htl'a. funny domestic squabble. 'BenjarninAndrews • Will net' engage a hoitso for his- cause her mother insists • On living „• - ' with_ them, ' Mis._!.Andrews w1jrnot- Hire with her husband .beeause she *would have to live with his. mother. The Police Magistrate was appealed: • to, but declined to. order Andrews • • to ilipport. his wife on her own ' terinS: • • • . —The Irish Protestant BenevOlent SocietY, "of Ottawa, at the Minna! • meeting held Tuesday' .paesed re- solution eondernning the Irish IlOine • lobs scheme. and extending .sym- pathy7 to their • follow-lOYalita :in. • Ireland in the nohlestandtheY have • taken. Principalrobds • a the' Ottawa Ladies!, College, • has • ban, • el:04d President of the ;Society:: • - • .—A few days since the Scott Zet Inspector caused an entrance to- be tsffected into the cellar of the prenr- ises occupied by Mr. Campbell, merchant, at Ingersoll, wherein ho he found ft few barrels of bottled Me ---•-and-perterr-41111-sse--were-s- eized-an removed to the police station.. Yes- terday mornhig the matter came up • before • the polite magistrate, Mr: Campbell claiming, that the. geoils• were for. his .owir_use. „ The„refsultr • I was that the magifOrate dismissed the ease, and ordered:the liquor to be restored to the dollar whence it • was taken, • • - . L-A. Grand Forks Dak. spoeial .of ...May 21 says :--"In--1882. the body' • 'of a. Man named • 111cKenzie was found in the stall of it'ieions lion with the top .Of his head, eaten olf,, and the stall: •spattered1'. w ith. .blood, It was :decided thatthe stallion had. kiilodhiin, A. former 'resident of this plaCe, nanied May, has just died in Canada, leaving a written eoufesaioa.that heniurdered McKenzie and threw him into' the stall, and that McKenzie 'Was the third he had murilered andthuldie- posed of, —Mrs. .Mary Chift, an inmate of the Elgin County gad, dahlia to wife' of. the ..tanb afid; . a daughter of God," ani' has made a vow to Pt8Vell0 1101•801.f it.e100411. . S110 hts only taken six male in four ulelts, and for five diys bas not eat,- a.wouthfn1,Shehas beeoine almost: slseletort onsequenee, °Mot ha e jut leen, issued Ovate must he fedi, Vitt. R. W1)0 • a •- NOTiCE. • , The Council Of .the Corporation or tbo County. of Hurn will meet in the Court Room, m the Town of Godorich, on TUESDAY,- lst .11./NE NEXT. All accounts against the Corporation must , be sent in' before the second day of meet- . tug. . PETER ADAMSON', Co. Clerk, .May 1.5th, 1886. 392-2t TO THEFARMERS! Study your own interest and $to where you can get Reliable 2TJaress, I Manufacture ,nond but the Ben OF STOCK. . Beware el shops that sell cheap, .ag they har4 got to Cull mid got prices. Orders • by mail promptly attended to. , trOX--IN . 0:24,,RarEf,R, HARNESS .ENirouzuai, 1v1rient8 Blyth Pump Factory JArarts Having removed' his/business to the pretni.ses for- merly known as TIM • AlOGIVPCASTLE Mut, would thank all old patrons for past favors, and Is in abetter position than ever to promptly mile...tors entrusted to him'. A •steek of ,GOOD PUMPS on hand. Ordered. Work a specialty. Wells dug and completed oh short notice. Al! work guaranteed. Prides reasonable. Ordershy ..nair promptly attended to. . . ' 884 tf • JAMES FERGUSON, pistil. • ADVERTISINGfc:r641}12411 • whkh is P hie at the office of LORD & TROMAS,tLn- Corlidek Block, Chicago 111 • - ; cot -linty nietency • —The second Meeting of the. East Huron Farmer's Institute will be held in the town hall, Wroxoter, on Friday 28th .May, commenctug at 9 a. m. The following subjeals will be diseu&sed !Torestry," by Thos. • Gibson; P,• P, “Wheat Culture," by Thos. Strachan, Reeve; of Gyey • ruses," by Jolie, .Millan, :ReeVe Of Hullett 1)i . cussiOns,will follow each subject, in which those prfsent Will be invited to particirate. . -4alter Gieen' and Others Will onsly-another furinture factory in Wingham.' The: new firni asked that the, council furnish them .with a lot upon Which to . build and ox•-• ernpt the concern frailu taxes for 'ten years. The requesfuias readily corn-; plied with, and the'folloWing day' a lot was secured,' and arrangements, v.ere-at-once-made--to--prateced-With- the erection bf the necessary build- ings.. •Th e foundation for the new factory is raid, .and it is .expected that it will be completed and ready lo_Oceupy by. the middle of. July. The main building will be of frame, 36x60 feet, and two, stories 'high, willt an engine room 16x24feet and a dry kilu.18x24 feet in the rear. colsSERvA.rIvE ASOdIATION.. West. liadinz. of. ,litiron., , • meeting ,of the West 4lifi)14..rot ninon Consorvativo Asseelation.will. be • bavisoil & J.IhnstoWw• 011160;7 ToWN et' Goinntion,, oN TiktotsDA.y, 3nu DAY 01€ Jutis, at 12 o'eloek noon. A large„attend- Untie jS rettpested, • . JAS„ MITCHELL Sqtretary. • • WM OAMPEELL, President. , • • MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every ..l101 afternoon CLINTON. Mom., • •• • 81,50. to 4 50 Pall 'Wheat; • 0 70 to 0 70 Spring Wheat, ••• ••• 0 BO to 0 TO, • Barley • • , 0 00 00' 0 05 Ottts, , • . • • - 0 28 to 0 51 POO,F, •• • •0 03 to 0 33 Appiov;(wInter). Dor 100 to 111 Pettlteee, • • • • 0 20 to 0 25 Rutter • 0 14 to 0 14 tgirSr. • .. 0 3 to 0 10 . • • .8 00 to 0 00 . 000 to 0 00 ' • :4 00 to .1 00 • 00 to030 • . , 0 17 10 on • ell cie tO aRanopg.k, dosirfn corolvoo4,, • ci.s6,.avt.101104..., • •• • Beef • . .waal., • . . , ' . • . ••;\\, re: , • • We have opsned out this week the fellowing,lines -4 New :Gloves, New Hosiery, New Embroideries, New Laces.. Also, Onp, Case Stuff Dress Goods in all the New Colorings,, We are adding Novelties to our Millinery PepaTtinent every week. ^.....••••••• 0 Estate late JOHN HODGENS JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. • 5, per cent. off'for Cash, nrehase o ,r. 0(10000 0. DETLOR & CO: Have made alpurchasaof over 200 Ladies' and Misses Straw .Hats the latest shapes) at a Reduction of. forty Per Cent. ;Off Regular Prices., I Just opened : New Lawns, Nevir qin.ghamp, New Aluziiiis; Ner- Gloves.. Pull Range of Gent's Underwear. • Deputy Reeve Election To' the. ElectorS otOlin,ton : LAfilES AND GiiNTIAnggli'-•:At there largo; number of tlio ratepayers of Clinton, I offer myself for the position of Deputy -Reeve, vaeent by the resigna- tion of Wm., ' Coats ancl'. if erected will do my hest to roprosent yeti faithfully. • E.....COR13ETT. ' May 1800886. To the Electors of Clinton, .,'Oontlemen,—haviug been, request- ed by -my,neighbors an.1 townsmen to allow mysolt lib be lanninated for the ".0.bp.lit 61 -nee. Of; -0.eputY-Reeve, awl. being largely intevedted in. our tr:Ayn welfare I have : allowed myself to be. placed in nomination as a candi- date for the above office of Deputy - 'leave. • r therefore solioit your votes. As it &large • 'another of you have to earn your frying by the sweat of your brow you cannot be expected Ito at- tend the nomination meeting, I ask you now to remember -that “England expeets every tnan- to do his duty." Please remember that on Voting%dity.' I' have now a few words to say as to ray, politics in municipal matters,. -they will consist in doing justice to all parts land parties of the town. 11.4LsAnoe3iu spending money far Int:, provernents. I do not believe in a I do think that' tho ditebeS of 'the. streets are. not kept as clean as they ought to be. Many would have grassy sidewalks to walk t!pon Were the water allowed to 'lain off, While I' belieNto ih Carving out, our bylaws, I bolcl that it is better to warn am ofl fonder Wee than lino once.: Jbstico -without favor. . • Yours Reap?. ctf 011 y O. $2A111,0 • Having bought oh JOSEPII Von, in Goderich, we are now prepared to far- • nisi; •cii reasonable- tering, HEADSTONE$ AND.. MONlatiorr§,. • GRANITE A SPECIALTK Wo are prepared to soli' eVonitev than any other firm nt the nonnty... LEWD; gt410TT, of Cloth...hilt, has been appointed general agent for the• county, and parties . wanting anything in this lino wilLlintt it to • their lutenist to reserve their erten until Ito calls. • • R011ERTSON & BELL. Mai nth, 1886.. 392-3m Rest ROLLER, FLOUR • • A.Tikuui. Nat cwt.. BRAN by the ton .01' °wt. ATr. agte.IPER CWT.,. Dilliered tree. Of ellargennywhere in town., 111918. .T0'111,V ItAIITSDN, Thos. Goop;a: s old stand, - CrA. TON, • FARM F`Oe. SALE-,Situeted on the "Huron • ' Road, three' miles west of Clinton and ad_ joining the village of Holtnesville, eor:voniont to of.numiteru and part of 12, ooderteh township,, . ehitrell •school and post onto: Tho Ims t containing 131 acres, 60 cleared, A. large amount of ceddr and pine on the rernaltlder. Geed frame house and barn and. other er:thventenecs'onthe premises, and a living vtream of water runs. through the farni. A•pply to the • ,proprieter, JolIN cALDICK;11.-..,Inte4vitis 393.40. •JVARNI FOR Sr,,,1E,..:Tle'orr sale, Part of lot 30, ,Ju 6th conces7doon • d ich township, contain; •irg 40 nerco,clued, two acres of °collard; Jarge_hous,:,. part-iogi- part -frame; barn -40x25;7 stable aM,'Ighed 50x30; good well and pump,ete.•, a never failing spring, On the premises. Liberal tertuo, Apply to WM: cuunv, ton. 7, Gioderteh township (clinto» P.O.) • ' 803 1m* lITANTEU-.•40,to 75 tioros• Of land, suitable V V for tu.Poon Nouse', within a mile of 00 limits of tnotovinsorOodorieb, Clinton, seaferth, and Wingham; or the -villages of Exeter; Myth and lirussela, or any other piece In the 'county, withifierincle of notation. ' offors stating price per. gore will he reeeIvedby the undersumed until the 3rd of June . nett ADAMsoN; County Clerk. .4, '303-1 t • •• • .G4Nrg Ar•ANTko—Enarce or Gentlemen:— . . Cfeed..eommiesion• and work easy. .Address Tua.Nsws:Rscottn,. Clinton. • • 884 • VILLAGE of BA YFIELD COURT OF REVISION : • 'NoticIs liereby giren that Court Of Revision for rho -Village of Bayfield will e )1O11,1 filfit Sitting in the TOWN 11ALL bf• the sail Village, oif 11aNnAr, the.SevEN."...n Ao(7131) AalY; sfItoliTt' Nhef t8"411:13)::::. cetn t Roll of or -if' '1 el a the saiti Village, for foe year 1886. 'W. A. 11ORRISO.N -DatedItt-RayfiEltilryiliThrT8E llew Goo New Goods. : :Phokgritplb AlbTne. Autograph Albdtfis. '• • Tliz,s:do and Chinaware. Purees and "Valrets FANCY GOODS ! Of all 1, eke .aper tha ,7101M1'. 27117 s AGENT . , —of railcinsiol:tpr,,,, . , . . • N. coopER) . FireWOtk'P... . Reavei Block nooK STORE .- 8 p fl DE-7?"-crivi.ri., - . i A ,0" PURE SE EDS . i,..-tiiego, May. . • . . Four kinds of Mangold: Sakti., 24 per Ih. 1.IF:1'111: Ilia CCiRF-EALL Wit i te., Bolgia t. CarrotSetd, 49c. Per lb. • . !run ill S ee l , 25,. ve, 11)‘. , P. INA ..: AT.;i!S : &,. 13ANA.N. AS 'NI. e8fet'll Cot Q0:!. 13ticklvimilt:715c.. • . JUSt arrivecL. 0117Cerke.S.59 per mYt. .' . •.: • ' •' NY --Families• supplied' with Ice . . ,., I. wat.:',• a lot of . Oftig in e:xbhattgejtit t-.Tocan. on.shoTt...notice. • ' ; ;A feW E4RT.X OH ICePOTATORS .11'4E •' 'km '... - • SLED at 7e0..• per..bushel, .. . •• niRS. BROvERICIr'' 1. STEEP, i 0111fr'ili ti II • • . .! . • . . ' . JACKSON'S 1.31.0CN.,. • HURON STREET.. . . 24TII MAY Queen's ;-; Birthdy, , . • • • , • • • •%. • • . • , COURT ¶WREVISION . . . VERTISERS ADt': . ,• "The First Mepting of the Court oi Revision for . : theltimiciptiltrortne 1•O‘Fii-Oraintoo *IR lie ' . .• • .•. . .held in the Connell Chamber, in xthc saidn , Tow,' -Make "Ii note of the, fact that THE. NtinPREC10111) as vce• ::orolupi.tisnD.,Acy,,•,tvi,g1,7t,ild7,.i.:,.. jie:A1,4,018t,,e,dnatr80.. to take noti„Tho aSeessment r011 may be seen added more 6:ontr fide 'new . subscribers durinir the at the Clerk's offn:b, at all convenient eifice hours ,. 6 foe the next P...trteen days. • present year than any other paper in this section. , . • Dated th•taisa day of May, 1.880. , , • . ' ' • • ' ' 0I3 ' WILLIAM WAIS'''Clei.k. '1.,\Toto thefact that. THE NEWF. -1/Econir-bas a larger °iron.... -LA Applyto mils, nom:4 moisons- Bank, . f , ' • . o paper this 1104.312SE GIRL WANTED-witges $3 per month. . ktion thin any other in isectiOni.• . : 1, Clinton. ; • 387 ...,_ , T T7VY ANTEM-SERVANT G15X. WANTED. at Note the, fact that TRE 1\ Ews-REcoPn has -one price :only . ono% Apply to mrs. D. A. FOR.1149am, , . . and that price reasonable, .. . . .) Prtn COSS street., Clinton. • . A la, NAPPIES INIMIIITED TO US win 001180 IA. pay amounts to J. WISEMAN, manager . NOTE THE.PACT of the Ifedgens Estate, before the lilt May, Oa after that date acraims will be placed in Court for collection. -C. J. TliTIIILLA CO! 087 . . . • riNASIDIATTON,.-IT1}E ENTRANCE EXAM. • will be held in Seaforth, clinton and wingham 1.1,I INATION for admission to tlie High Sehoo e :: DouDie .. uireulation ...ft..T. ... '#"4 . - 1 ' on •NIONOAF, TUJORJAV tiOd WEDNIOIDAY, the 5th: . Oth and 7th dios of gtily next, commencing at Intend tct write aro requme.l.to send their natiles 1 o'clook, P.M., on Monday. All candidates who TALKS TO T1OuSANi,4 I; .. of the following: 4.. 0,,lioirseene, A.A., Seitfottip' and arldressmot later than the lot May, to either --- „.,:...-!•-•---_. 1 __,.0...._-e -i--,.:...,,....„.„ alt. Turnlitill, ILAE ., Clinton; W. . Groves; • • ....,-. "St 4.A.2, '"••••• - Es.r., Winglittim 01 00 thectalorsigncti. — 1 - • ' D, M Al..A.I.D0(5if, I.D.S;, North'iluron. ' /4: Colonial' Exhibitibn. l i ° a A. " in" r...w...( —Clt, ON-- JOB PRINTING PLAIN OR FANCY: F. W. WATTS, Olin Neal Tlaketsi 1 ....t. mcAtb .nist- an, OF ALL RTNDS, Sanerior Oththtef,', AT lq0DP,ItATE PitICIE88, VADDRES. 4'3476/Alev.) TO a Aldo' cl N NF‘N* - • • ' Vi (-/