HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 3• - I 1r • 'i'.Ii ,LITTLE t)�OLD �vW OINIANT'S 11r.11t1\Tl:�TG.' la 1875 alum livec, IR central l wa a. family by tie mime of Rob- inson), consisting •At'father, another, tad two elY01.Fq•1?3- find; ttor. bein g by4 s, p and. 12 years old rofipAa tivcly. Robinson wt4 well-to-do fanner, well tit i�rght of `thy the neighbors, ctrl tl (rlirlstian man. There was; therefore, no oue who questioned the truth tf the Yucidonthts related. Ile had a broth . r inDes Mortes, vl .) WaS taken vel'i,l,..anclsont for 'Iran, anti ho loft I ane, expecting to be gone at least a• veek,. : o had' o hired than, but the boys iV ro` o f enough to care for the stock, aud, the wife was trot a woman to borrow trouble,. hu141iison was. in •porfeot health when he left hoine, and there was Ino reason to feel auxions for those he fent behind ' Ile •reeia'hed Dos Moines of a Saturday eight, Ilia brother was -very low, but it was be- • Reveal that the crisis had passed noel that lie was Inonaling,, -On Stanchly slight, at midnight, the watcher who had been at the bedside during the first part of•the aright called Robin- son and reti'cocl. The patient was resting easily, aud the watchers had only to give slim medicine nude` every hour. Ile; pai".e it atl 'o'clock, and fifteen minutes later, while he was seemingly as wide awhke as over in. his lifer a little,• old woman . slrcl- deuly entered the porn.' The sick elan was in. the parlor bedroom, and the woman. came from the sitting - room, the .dlboit'n vaudlt1Qod open, Robinson ,bowed to Iher,: toil. While. somewhat surprised'at hen liiesenee, he supposed it was all right,. tttkinb her for a neighbor wlio had come in - ;.,14 -13.43- looked n.5•he"looked• to be 55 years old, tint'.. was very .slnall for. a woman, ' and years afterward he could desoribe her dress and -features. She stopped, in the center of. the, room, and Rob- inspu tip -toot' over.to her and said "The doctor thinks he-" is. ranch. better.,, "You nlust.go:lhome;',' she brusque - remarked in answer: • . . r"Who-Inc "lint I carne" to -help. e'caro•-.'•of•. tT tunes." • • • "'Yciu Must be lionie•by 10 o''ciock to -morrow night," said. • the woman.. She beckonedhim:.further away from. the bed and then' whispered ' 'To -morrow night; before raid Iliglit, three had inen ' will • enter your house to . rob and murder. . You I-ustgo cine:". . `Iiow .clidtl��ou • learn' this'" he eisl eel knowing well 'enough that she would no joke hlm.. at such, a time, but•una1ble to el.edit, her with: all seriousness • fi'Hev lIsonecl your g• to- igI t,' she answered, and they are now sleeping in the baric Thei•e are two of thein now ;; tomorrow night .here will. • lie three:: If Yaw Iorr'e your wife ai d`ehildren do not tarry here." ' "But—but—" • ' o1=-•ahe--eon3•nrtinded bael:- ing out of the rool9tt: • "Charles, ,who is that woriian'r 1W:ed. the sick roan, and' Robinson turned to the. bed to find.his brother 'endo �a Tse. . ' "I do not known." • . ' • "14saw•• her in the room just bo- Tore-.caiue in. Slio came and leaned oven • me. 'She roust be a 'stranger.• " Robinson passed into the sitting - 1'00111, and from thence into the kitch- en, hilt .the woman Iced til isappear. ed. He eallo'cl . his brother's wife, but site had no Such, person. .an Ea' Lipp •9f acquaintances. Tine doors were all locked and the -Windows ,lowu, and it did not scum possible that lie could^hav'e left the •'louse, . 1 hough a thorough search filed: to find the least trace •oncer pre.; �` senee. It was 2 'o'clock when •the search was abandoned,. and. at that hour the sibk anti' wan amazingly bet- tor, Ile not only declared that he had seen the woman and . hoard .all she:said, but he stotitly insisted that his brother, shouldo holnc its soon as possible. At 10- o'clock •in the forenoon Robinson left 'for home. '.''Ire nearest tdllr'oad ipoint to • his home, was seven nult s,. iitttl as he had td wait at a jtiiietiou for several • halms he could nut roach Ills hou,le • .befove• ten o'clock hi the evening. 4. When lie t•eached the statiuu at • evliiolt he toot leave the railroad be • t told his story to the sheriff, and al 'atiir.rr•as•114:ed and s:s...\roilhartned • • -4 ar men Went out with Bim. It "leas half past tun when they reached the They approliclled it across the fields, and came up just as two men had entered by au open kitchen window, while the third was on guard out- side. The trio Were speedily. sap- three', and )hon several points eorro- bt7rative of the little old woman's deelaration were picked up. Mc fourily dog had died sudl"tienly,_witlh ever?, evidence• of having beth pois- ouedl. 'klwc •trans ,s had cit notie- 1 t'hanging'o - ilio lI° cls' afi u a vt. �, ut � 1 before, and two of 'the arrested a i e were identified r 1 Il ws. l tlslyts. fellows. rt v. o �e Thor had slept in tho beu'nlgud they had been' joined bya Chir i, They, J Y, intended to rob the House• t(nd Steal a 'horse and buggy to get a "ay with,. vii hopes .of shorteningg' Iris term of imprisonment at the expense of his comrades, one of the trio turned stato'a ovideneo,• IIe said it was untThrstoottl butwoeu thele tliatwlreu -Mr, Robiusen and -the children awoke tlhoy.w-re to bo killed, . Now conies 1 another singular feature • of the ease. At 11 o'clock• of the night ou which Robinson r'et'ched home, •'•'lis brother's wife was sitting up with him, and, as lie was resting ' well, she fell asleep, The little old woman reappeared, sat down, andsaid to the -patient :• I A a uaaafiaid Medica 4 V'oa'it Fen YNUMB'A MIDDLE-AGED MEN, only $1 by Alail, Postpaid. Illustrative Sample Free to All. "Your brotlitlr rtiaol'led Home in time. I ani glad. to see you getting better So fast," With that she was gone; and home of'tlle.parties I have been speaking Of ever saw her again. People who know the brothers well are finely convinced that they saw- and heard just whatthey allege, and 'those who scoff at tho story find it hard to ex- plain why Rubinson started. for" :home as -he c1id.,, anaLarrived j nst.iu' time 0 -arrest three hardened follows w1 - p were, proinptly sent to state prisoiii • . : �, l WOMA-M'S 1 ENGEACE, .11ir. Hermann Sehoyer, . importer :Of dr• moods and f'anis''r:"ti,ro;••on2St, Pl•aneois Xavier street, •was pass'ing through' the scialithie to wardWS t. James street; Montreal,. when ;a - young won an, who - had• 'evidently boon 'lying inwait, ,nln np behiud and fired' at hint with a' revtalver at a distance of about 20 foot. Scheyer' ,jumperll aside upon. the brass, vv°heu She' again fired twice in: yet ii4 sue- ;cession. There 'was' an ' immense commotion—a largo Crowd, gather- .ing:in an instant, was seen suri•ound- fng a young woman Who stood •still as if dazed.. One:gentleman seized her arins,•an,d'detccthve C;inq-Mars, of, the• Health • Department,.'wlfo" happened to be on 'the scene, ran up and was about, to arrest ' her, • when she fainted away. The . Do- tec'tiv:e then pt•:eketed the revolver a, oniall six-shootot, ,with'` every chamber loaded a ed:pt;'the • thrc;.e. that • had just' been discharged.; Sonne;of the bystanders..asked'to have her removed to Ilei owe Borne, but Detective Cinq=Mars,• knowing .1? �i'e•u e ' a had - his slut f s d and her taken yi .ial k!the: Contra' Police ,.Station in 'a,. The young woman was• soon re -- cognised -as Miss• Victoria Uoiten, twenty-three years. of -age, .whose' action • against Scheyer for, aitogoa seduotou was supposed to have 134cerirsettied.- '1lnitr the •'settl•ertrent'- was anything but satisfactory to the plaintiff may be ,gytih ed„frormiLlier words, .on• 'reeovei�ii b• her senses when iii• the. do teed vo'shands-="Zt's too bad, I • didn't W.1.1 lath i lie ruined me 1 'A FORMEre,tbleIDENT. A. 'couple of ii?oiitlls ago,. when the, case of Vietoffa Cotten v,,. Her- mann S. 'Scheyer, for alleged breach of promise Of marriage and ucluc- tiou -was called before the' Saporior Court, mention Was made; in the 1Vititesss, of -a- sensational • iueident occurred. Tho . young girl had threatened to,shoot Scheyer. with a ',pistol in te lobby : of the •Court house, and afterward ran in a fronzy to li.or lawyer's <ofllee, where. she fell 'exhausted; her position being so critical that" iuedical aid: lead to be.called:4 Only a few days g},o the action lead 'tbf th4rawn; aud •14 pit was. thoifglrt,. wou,d be the last of tl►is sad dispute, iii which the, esyinpatliy of • the public had. caused a good dealer. interest to be taken. ' . ' )Ut. ft(11l13l'tR'S STATEMENT.. • i*1r, Scheyer, who was interviewed.' by .a .Witness reporter at his •of i o. being .1afak0dd -how he explained that 1}1+3 bnllats did not enter his body, Mr. Scheyer said that they wore of very small size. Ila hoard,three re- ports and showed the spots where ha had been shot• --two places in the back and elle in ilio thigh'. The mark of one sof the balls is quite A Groat A1eJical 1Voik ou ItIacctcooci, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and 1'hysiwl De- bility, Premature labial), 'Errors of Youth and thenta l) 14 miseries resulting from i[14h4eYe- tion'or excesses. A beak fur every man, young, ttlictdie•aged and old, it contains 110 presurip•, tions fat 411 tanto aud ehropie diseases, caeli of which is Invaluable, So found by the Author, whose experience for 24 years is each es probably never bongo fell- to the lot of any. physluau. $O0 pages, bound in beautiful• French muslin, emboss- ed covers, full gilt, guaraufeud to be a .finer work In every scope than any other work sold in this country for S2,40, or.the money will be re• funded in every fltutance. pries only $1.00 by Ionil, postpaid. lllusti-ated sample free to any body. Send now, Gold Medal awarded the author &'y the National Medical ,Association, to the Pre- 7dcnt of-whielt, the lion. P, A. Bissell, and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully referred.. The Science of life Is worth more to the young and middle-aged men of this generation than all the }fold mines of California add the silver mines of Nevada eon,bined.-•S. h'. Ohruntele. 'rhe Weida: .of Life points out the rocks and Q!lteksands on wife') the constitution and hopes of many a youui; into hove been fatally wrecked, —lianN,eatc,' 71h' ,r. The Science of Life is otpreater. value than all the medical works published in this country for the past 10years•--AMiura Co,tseitutiq,t. The Salencc • of .Life is a superb and masterly treatise on nervous and physical debility. - Detroit Free Press. There is no member of society to when) The ,setence of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor wt• blur.;ymum-- Argonaut: Address the Peabody Medical Inetl'ute. or Dr. W. 11. Parker, Nu. lhuhineh Street, Boston, Maas,, who•may ho consulted on all dice:tses re- mihi 6 skill and ueportena4, Ohroplcuud oUstlu• ate diseases that hare baffled t o skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treatetisueecssfuliy without an instance of failure. blentiun' Tun, N6ws•lpsconu,ClL,ten, Ont. 334--y 4P•ECl i, NOTICES. PIMPLES I dill inti' (-r re) the'reuiue for• a Ahi,plU NSOISTAIU Iii BALSi 11144 Will al;Stoy5 TAK, 1''m9CKLE9 PCSIILE4 4114. ISGOTcn1•s 1uaviIl g pthu shin soft, a ear.and be4nti•'. ful;•also testrnctidlis for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald, head or smooth fano. Address ;,ineluding sc�stnn,p.•BEb. VANDl14l,' & CO,; 00 Ann street,.N. Y. •• 3rly; TO CONSUMPTIVES f'l'ip advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is,wxfous to make known to his fellow. sufferers the' uleflis'of cure To all who uesire ier lip will septi a copy of the prescription used BMW, with 10e directions for preparing and uslug the same, which' they will hand a sure Cults for d+'al'tltiS, Gums, Co ,SLD,tr"rit x, •AST'tISCA, 1340144111M' Re. • I'arties'wIihing the Prescription Will please address rtev. E. A.. w11:SUx;.-194 i'enn Street, ti\'illiatnsbut'gh, N. Y•I • ' Sfey --MANHOOD. . . Restored. A gedtlesi ad 17aiie innocently ma:. traded the Habit of self=abuse in his youth, and in'eonsequenee suffered all the horrors if Sexual Incapacity, Lost Manhood, PhyS144l Dec ty, endo- end Prostretid,t,' eta., will, out of sympathy so' 1,is fellow sufferers, )null free the reeip4 by which ho was finally cured.- Address in cpplide )tie, .1. W, h'INI,LNL'Y, 42 Oedar-St„ 302$ A.1 A,:1.A:AA...A.A4 iAAAAAAAA v'y Vi' `T`Tv`Txy'VvI'1''V, 1' $1,25 A YEATL. • $1.25 A YEAR: -. veh1:.25 A.YEAR, $l. JAYU.114: THE • 'HURON ' I•;S-1'tirC0I117 THE 'HURON NEWS=RECOT11) 'THE..HU1tON, NEWS-,RECORD '1Ii:E HURONNEWS-RECORD' MORE .READINGia i 1t)l E: READING."° t MORE READING -1A. • . MORE RL;A1)1 TC{' fit' T I POR THE MONEY lug I'OIt:,TIIE-MONEY F OR THE 11IONEt Ear 1 OR THE MONET 251i M725) 125) ($1.25) THAN ANY THAN" ANY' THAN ANY THAN' ANY •, OTHER PA ?1 R • OPHER - x'API1..It OTHER • '1'AP1'11t- O.TIIER PAPER IN J'IiFi COUNT Y. IN THE COUNTY, • ' 1N, THE COUNTY. 1N TIIE COUNTY: TItY 11 TRY IT Iwai . .• TRY.. . • T11.Y IT'.1-`ett • . BUTL..ER'S _Y Scho�i1BQaks.ALBUMe, •. PURSES,: SATCHELS, • •CODERICH. NILS CELLANEO US-- OKS, BOOKS -----Of 411 Kinds,—,- At- BUTLER'S, GODERIOH, ofia'ay Good; .At BUTLER'S, Mae •SQUARE, .« GODERIGHO :Mr 13 UTLER SELLS CHEAPER thtaft.anyone on top of the. earth,.. OTHI ABRAHAM. SMITH MarketarTSquaare,,� - GODERIOH• iabastinc Don't begin Reuss Cleaning without it, It will make your HOMES �•r Walla It is Clil'Ar 1 PURE!. BRIGHT, AND HAPPY -----AN 1---.- A' Yt1L t and CeilingsBeautiful. I" Ally one can :aptily- it. Superior to talsomine tail 1Cllitiug. * 1st TPY Er, '1'111 IT. Only to 'be had :ionh -Iron aud Ifaardwiu a nMercna'nt, • 11Iai'cL, I886. J CUNNINIGHAVIE • • Has been appointed sole,'agent for this celebrated Tea. ' Of itself it Is the' best value in the market, besides which, 'HANDSOME; PRESENT. is given to every purchaser of 3 lbs and upward. It is put itis., in• liivlf- . pound packets' at P50 TQ 7ENT$P�� OUN�d Purchasers need nut buy 3 ihs 'at once • in order to get a Present., -100 �. different 'books. to .choose frolii. • , ir) it! 25 -cent packet:of Li-Qtior Tea; •a lgirSole agent for FL isIotaxN's Y..isr, .the •best'ir'the world;. yj sfi `Or .1 G1;_ D • SUIT- ;INCS •d :TItOUShRINGS S(OTCII .TWEED •SUIT\TGS '1ROUSERIN'GS,' 'FRENCH ANT) i;:i\TCr1,IS.Ii t1'OI%- S'1'.l 1.1 CLOTIIS,, Afiicle uI, iii hest Sry7a anti' 11 tiYX Viand. IP at 4Lralcttirt SIlttlt'>.' Aroth, in. stoe ,, •one : of flee .'clieoZiesft, el9tc?'1i t ata i of • • - • - WiNTER CLOTH[NC •: 'AND. CLOTHS. ' A:Full .Line of f GENTS' PUR- NISHGS IN1,a,lwaysin itoak.' Xt is ft:pay :y.pu to call on • ABBAHAM•.•SM1TN. CASH John Cun ingiia e - Clip to ;, 7CtTItY IT :. IikOT'l.tY 1t"1'.1)1*'11', fierTHY IT f $1.'25 A YEAIt. .$1.25 A YEA.lt.• . . 1,0.:25 A YEAR.. $1'.25 A YEAR. A AA,AA'A.AA.:71.A .AAAA„ VWV' VI/ CA v V,VVVVVVVV1- ruble in the back of the coat, In repIy : to another question, 111r. Selwyn said that lie wants to • be. Ibft iii peace and be protected; ' • ,"1 .'nave tltLidf•r.+3O0 to settle. this . . dispute", he added, ---"not that there Mier '"IIS a 1)1'0111b10 of ntiia'riagio on", icy, part, Hitt in order nut to 'moo- t -110 ivotho ti'otibl•c to have to go into Court auel 1 two' \l'illkt.tu 1,,, left_<iuit't.". 1 o HIDES, ;-SHE 'SKINS, TALLOW, &c. .Highest market price paid. Tiring them along .ACOUGH'BUTCHER CLINTON, 355tt•` .ATTpS TION! FARMERS .. + rrients Int a tints. 1 1•I o C O Ct NI I C Cr S E T. F„ I I I N D E J.t S, ILEAPERS, I1:1O% F tS, SEED IJRCLLS, 11bItSE it ES P LO WS,. CUTTING .BOXES, SH.E.LLEIIS; . .ETC., ETC., Ami -all Iulplements used on a (ti7i'air as Good as. i.lw heat,. and as . Cheap Cheapest, at VcratIt'S • I�ll''1;['.Mt \'1 1' 1'AI1EItOOl11S, 1 he uiiitarsi ne,p has just opehed k new .ISrug• Store, 1)i J: A;CIfSON' ' • • ' ALv1'' 13L041i, •on HURON STREET; -two doors. WWestof the. City • • 72pok a$tote, uitere.iyiU lie fund -a Complete 'assort. went 'of Pure 1h cgs. aand .•l:'lieaaucals, also Patent lledicilles and ' • Di u..•gi .' "11 ='lI thatthe 1 -i' ., .,b SQS ..'.9, i ►dries .a. lubl d.ulay ask for in those' w Hubs. . , . • ctfiito�,;afiti,' atr);nry,isse: A• WORTHINGTON•r• P. S;-�Oaice eduinged from rooieonce"to Store. OR THE PEOPLE! . Cheap Salt, Cheap Groceries. Clump ProV1S1@1sz Peddlers outdone-51bs. good. Young. Hyson Tea for. $1,7- Ilarin; a huge 'stock of sive off Iraiid; oriole will be filfed:at the TtolS rSI ”` lRI'CM ever offered ''in Clinton, as the Salt -Works ,will'be sold assoon as artaiigeiilents are. Coin/doted:'•'Tiluothy,and.Cios�erSei't1:•santcd ,• 37.5-3• m _�G�i�►RAo'' • .-:.rte ,Y LT �Y i CARRIAGE .f yonar .:WORKS e needi.i ' a no � bby rig call A•fyd fJxn'miia�e•�•.,.-:�:,� . A. Ogen and Top or-.: . pEug9'iee, Democrats P foie etrra`Cala- a coo!-fre:�� rimaeI{emeiilber �n ` �'et`!r�''":. � t4, my vehicles are made oftbe,beat materials 1,1d•GroWth'lll'OO( Special i and every' ;'i •his y, ut sell Irately vu merit. ti 1t e' db net ', s granted.'• Priees Novi'. Cell rty,3• rigs through the isee stock:': "T' i /� ; ---,MANUFACTURER, Ok' - • ARIIA E •WA -N •t .- Cornerdf' Huron mad Orme Streets, ,CLINTON., , g. Tire 'Imlproved: TCi npk n 'fuggy ; specialty •• 1•n Dura'biilty, Lightness and App@arauoe.equalled' by no otihSr: < . A11 the latest improved vehicles kept constantly on hand. ,FIRST -.CU! SS LAC WWI TH iu' couneotiob u. ;l'i'st tuaierial and vi'o 1imanship if, all . n h' ALL WORK WARRRANTED. • - PRICES r EASoHABI.E '> 'Repairing ailtl'tepainting_Proinptly Attendee 'bo, 0 Yes, and \l'itll the riglit,l:iird c'f•Annntilitiou; at JAMES.-- N DERSOt '8 • 1' `A ` A v'I OYSTERS iii •Sligl 'kt t Valk, by Diiih ol: Qu Yt;' • �KA.,..l '7 ��ES•YCe, per :pound, QIl•ANCES'aaalINCOPS:25e, per daz„:I OIL AND SEE OS„rd NEXT GRAND 4JNtQbl'a'.•