HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 2a 4 Zug littroti vtott$ Ilecord I —The committee on privileges and elections Adopted McCarthy's , Is 147131,1811Uu report exonereting John White and .17.4verY WIKInesday Morning Mckenzie Bmvoli by 14 to 10. 1 ;"--BY--- —no Woodstock asseseore re - "T OA, turns for 1886 show —Total agates-- , Inept, $1,865,440; population, 6,712; Ay ram mum, :increase for the year, 405. . --Mount •Vorest council has dis- (Albert Street, 01111t017, Ont, posed ,of „mom worth. of deben- tures at 4ft per cent. per annum • 0./.,9,5" in, advance./ 44.1/ not so paid. (bn,lf '')to Hansoi bros., of Montreal. The proprietorsof Tor, OormaIMI NRWS, —A gentleman from 'Berlin (Was' ' having purchased the business and plant in Listowel the other any' °flaw- ' gamateti papers in Clinton, olno osrinet_to get the Connellto give -a of Tunlionas R.seonn, will itt future pnblish the ;anal --lib:der the title of "TUB Iluttox Nntits. i . o f.$2,000, to furnish a suitable , 1300an." bnilding for a button factofyrand 4 MIAMI is the most prosperous town% 40Qxempt the propeaty from taxa - 'Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable tion for five years. i manufacturing, and the centre of the tivest An old Ulan of the name of digricultural section in, Ontario. . YOune. has been found dead in his - Tho combined circulation of T tin ItsaVe- r -tom Tn Stanley street, St. .Tliorrias. . Ilteconn exceeds that of any paper pub• •therefore, unsuspassal as .tea advertising Frwa.y lest against the coming in • • itiated ,the gouty Avon, it is,- Yonng laid in a stook of whisky on medium. fore° Of the Soptt Act, and went in . am -Rates of advertising,. liberal and for a drunk with.the above result 'furnished•01 application. —Mr. and Mrs.' Archibald Scott;' geParties making contracts for iletti-; t mitts before the expiry -of the same, will farm in Blenheim township, .near for over .50 years residents on their -• fled time, who discontinue their advet ise- be charged full Tates. , hey() decided to leave Aavortisernents, without instructions as the old homestead and Peineve to ,o mice and time, will be left to the judg, the village of Plattsvillo to spend • nicht of the com%ositor 3.n the display, in. scale of. selid nonpareil (12 lines •to the earned leisure. •• sorted until for idden, measured ty the remarn(er k9f their days in well , ---The total exPorts of the pro-. tinell); and charged le cents a line for first • ' insertion and 3 aents a line for each sub -- 0' f danada for the.nine months sequent insertion. Orders to discontinue (Iwo.? go- Notices set as RR:tram; ...g'itirsie, . $50,(83,000, and. fey the same. period (measured by a see 4.1,9,4,iNctupaiibl, 12 in 1886 $57,099,000,.: -t121.0 Wand of, tithes to the ancli) chargfil ,at tile Nizte-.61(' .04.goot,ls•entere.(1 for consuniption; - •, oxelmiive ,,ef. british Colinobia., for ..10 cents a, line, fOr each -insertion. . - • --"'..... ' ' the former peritki Vas :$7•3 665 000 ; . 7 2 JOB WORK.' 'We have ono of the beseappainted Job .01lices west. of Toronto. ,Onr facilities in . --IR tueiky to an_.;01.-qui-ity from . this department enable ns te ilo 'all kinds' , the. T3ritish War Mee, it is said that of work—from a calling card to a mammoth Iposter, in the hest style knows t ' to the the Canadian 'Department of A:p..1.4 , craft, and at the lowest -possible ries. eulture has statek‘that •-seven bun - :Orders by mail promptly attended to.. - dred suitable •he,ises .,for 'the Wart ' ' • •Department -may he obtained. yearly * .:Ailtire - • The:News-Record,. at . present. • Considerable demand .. advertisements 11111st-be in writimr. ending the 31st Marehe 1885, was T. - NEWS OF THE DAY. It is reported that M. -Gladstone' has replied to. the Queen that she must dissolve parliament unless the majority Against the home rule bill he:so...great as to. justify its oppon- ents in eandeatakang the government with a chance of ettAte.eaclitIginpass- ing, Irish legislation. Col. Ponsonby, the queen's Inti - veto secretary, it is understood hasoonatged to the Premier a mess- age from Am Queen to tho . effect that her Mejeaty was desirous that a dissolution of parliainetut be avoidi ed, as she feared that that course would have a tlistUrbing influenee upon the business interests of the coun try, . Birmingham 40140R ,the statement ,vaade, it is said, on the higheit authority, that Lord Hart- ington, 'has decided to prepare a home rule sehenie embodying, Mr. Chamberlain's points, namely; the absolute supremacy of the Imperial pa'rliament, tha rettentiten of Irish menthol's at Westminster, and the complete control of Irish finances hy the English parliament. • anti for the latter periodi72,856,-• • Kliiliton. Out la eneated from Greet Britain in eaaseetamooesaisameemo,•, . —,. anemia et v ' . ' ot,te-it—r .r . —• . coast terminus of the C. P. It., • is The Huron News-11600rd boomiwo•Thee. P: R. Co. hovel. —.I — -•-----=-- setected°the site for. their hotel a 1 , nc Wednesdan MaY lattilit., . have advertised for tandem for.eree • the near futitio.ta- ' , `Deeenlber, 1882. , qIIS LOVE WAS EQUAL TO • THE TEST. • The other evening,. When Fits: noodles called on girl, he found her with tears in heti; eyes and her face tied 1-(p. "Its the awful, awful toothaCho," .she sobbed, .as he ashea for an ex- planation. "The Ocala says T must have .two gaf em ont. Will you go with in e 3" "Of course." I "And will y,ou—you also •hatie a tooth pulled V' "'Two of cia 1" "Yes." • -"Before I do I" .1 "Yes darling" 111r4 Jehn. IL A. Mapaenala,, member fel the Etlinbrgh•ana St, Andrettivaniversities, presented: in the ItIoueo of (Q,oinpions a' petition against granting borne rule to •Xte-, land. The'petition was signe44 by 106,894' Scoteltmen. It ',Twos one and a quarter miles long a0(1 weigh-. ed. 274,noundso and wet' borne into-, the tieitse" on thtrgelmniders of stal- wart attendants. •. tiob efeame: '.The timber tan 650 • THE WEEE1'S DOINGS:" acres of .the site of •the now Oity has been siashea; andbouses are going toaazalatkx. np isa -fAst as men can bo. found to, . .• - put thltni • togaber. - ( , —About I „000. iminigranta, almost •__-_Willitlni Dobson, a wealthy - exclusively Of British .origina.passea awl respected farmer of ',Chingitac- through Montreal oneday,last week ouSY. tOwnship, blew the top o f • •-li is :bound. for the Canaclian• .No. rthivest: head, off With a ghat mun•at an early. —The Canadian Pacific ttailwaY ' hour ottie:morn'ing., .7No cause is as,. 'Company's .eerpings fel; tile wneki.- signe‘, • for the oat .. • Hewas ' in ending ' 'May 14th Were $183,0001... ;Baalaipton: bi,s,11341.4, .api,t return-. the same avcci.c last • year, $1.32,000,• '. ed home . in the evening .'"in :.g'ood. ......."$antly -Scott" •.a well •knewn. health and -spirit. ' . ,-,; ... • first prize imported ClydeStlale stal-• .:'' ....,\:' inpet'iii,L; 0...r Imo nofprm ors , of . . . " lion died at Credifml., OA MT°dn6'''' the ()entre Riding .Of Ilrnee will -be . day night; Ho was owned „by •Jast . held 'ia Rartleib's Mall; ChepstoW-,-. .Miller of McGillivray. • .. • . . • on Tueaday, June 1st; at II, o'clock . • —The candian Pacific railway "fi. in.. :A.. largo' attendance of ; the i :company's return of trailica,-earnings 'Supporters of. 4 11 ct, iscidWAt . Adreinis- from :Ma -y 1. to 7,' ',1886, show in tot;o0 is.eXpected. Th3 •new . itid- 1886, 6165,409,v; in 1885, $120,qoo, in g is coteposell of Alio townahips-of inereaee f.eak. • la811,. $45,000. . • • • Iitt, ;Kincardine, Greenock, and • —Over e million baslaels of grain Ehlerslio, Tinearaineitown. and the.. are' reported . to be , eit.-;.#6ilte. -froin. yillagals.of Chesley ana l'aisley. . . Chicago to Montreal,!aud the pro- .. .,—Mr. , George Hess,. of ' Zurich, speets for largo grain 's:hipractits has the centinet of:putting a • °leek frum. the latter.port are regarded: ae. of imnien§e dimensions in the tower • e • • .." • " 'Pt the Lutheran clinrch-at Tavistock, . , . , (mod. —Wm. CoritY7.7„. of - Wirighara, ecitiaty of Path. . Tho 4141 plate is. , .who was seriously injured by falling ,.64, tra.,.diaineter,..tho panda:Lunt La . front a aeaffelging..at itlua.Swaan's ;911;,..lesaiatia,..i.vsi..g44,...0..11ie„,_•_„„„LY.,Ie — •:ljettel,, • thorigh at ono , time•cOn- Wrikingluterinerweighs.361bs. The the mend. '.• . . . ., mg 400 Ths.', antt the houvi on.ai , • bell Wei(' tang I 600. iba, lb° clrif:'-a —On 'Monday, d'un.e 10io,..a new a -: 0 . '. ,-. obts are 1 300 lbs. , 11" WCI, , .11iire e.,f elipter ships will .eonnnerleft• 1 MURDER WILT OUT.. • The suprenui court mipewts of rendered- deeisioni thel Casa of T: Cluveria; convicted in -that -city •of the murder on 'March 131885, of Witiany Lillian Madison.. Thennse is knownse the• reservolie mtirder • •mysterf.. • rtioveris surely. be: ;hanged .unless'aNxecntivti clemency ,interpeses, -Tose the :keeper of . the Richmend city yeservoite,, discovered the body 'of a young woman oa.-trig in the reservoir at 7‘ o,'cloell. on 'the' •tnorning of. March 1.4., 1885. • There wore footprints•of mail and wontat en. the ,mnbankment. Whet,,:the body •wa"s -taken out it,..Was.covexed. with- inud. • The arme Were.tentitip .in,frOnt bk the, 15-0y4. With &lianas Clenahea; rind him ps of mnd griispett, in the bands: :mat a' itlightt bruise4M the,•forphead and another". en the lewer both of ;which, Seemeil .to have been . /nage by, ; .blow, 'The boroner"s ,examinatiOn-• shoived•that slieWould'have. become kmother in about one e: body ; after -severtil..„Libt!Y4aaaas identified rta that of .Faiult•lillita, Ma,disep,.of NiAg and cirettmstancekied- ;fee arrest of T. dt Gluyeris; aWye'r, • ( . Queen 'from Fere, yap fo• nd of emit other... At .3 imeof the death of Miss MadisonilloWever, -Pluverfa was engtv,ed, .1-eVuarried to a. reptited heiress, in the county. Since his ill CaTeeration. thie 'young. lady bas".married another • Then she flaw; the handkerchief from her faceaFbrushed thm. tears from her eyes and gave him ailoug, .Iingering procrastinating kiss on the lelltjew. She itaa•simply been test- ing his. love and devotion; ;They will go to Niagara Falls- on their wedting, trip. ,. sidered beyorl recovery is' now On' paters aro streak on a bell, weigh= , ••' ; The „other- day %passenger who had conia• Swint the west end entered (a• ticketaOffiee in buffalo and, pros: Sented a- tioket, • which had been • :p• unched only tO Patti:PA, slid asked for the. difference In Iltre between that pitiee and 13uffalo, 1 i "We don't (le ;that busSness„".ro-.•• plied the agent. , ao F•ariala 'elm'Wnn"— population, that eon, produce a re- cord of finch works of internal provernents of Inch. inagnitude, oi of suell triumphs and eleill in en- gineeting, and in the prosectition of publie works generally, as.Canadia ean3 Canada., tiaough couriparative-' Ix piing is not without a history, and one ;he need not hesitate to :he proud of either. More than once the ruthless foot of the invader aeseerated her 'soil, and each time her brave Sone •hurled him across her borders. For nearlartiaree.years ske repelled the repeated inva6ione of the United States, when that - country had seventeen men to her moo. The fighting, at that time, was done principally by Canadiana, as Britain was engaged in war with the arch despot, Napoleon, •and, tepid not spare many men to asSiat' Canada, NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the spceial %alert et 'Post nesters and subscribers to e fallowing lynopsis of the newspaper lawitt— '1- ',1—A postmaster is remark:a' ' • !lodes nyt'utrrns. (returning )e,per diry3 .11 ot aaa\yer the law) when.a stibscrther do A, not talre paper oht of the. office, anti 3tato the reason for its not being taken. Any•neglect to do so makes the postmastev... responsible to the publishers for payment. _ No,Mr.Clergyann,n,Canncladoes.not • want any annexation to flip United States. She has iiistest, a nation- ality and a country that hersons are' prolid of; apd such a fOrT1 of gov- ernment thht no other oountry can offer her a better; and though thorn may be a million Canadians living , in the United States, theitirme iis not, far distant when the tables; 'be reversed, and the emigration will be. from tho United States to. her great North-West to develop the -millions of hidden -treasure that lie Concealed in the boom of her Reeks" )(foun- tains and Cascade Range, and 'build. up happy hoMes on Jler boundlees fel:tile plains, where thoro is room for a .14:U05.1re,d. million inhabitants. ' • • "Nrell, that's , An infernal 'Mean I trick on me," growled the old man., ."Titis. Was. my • wi•fe's .tioket. .She alletkat Petreit and so 00Vidn't Use • 'whose Mime Wag in King a connty, .about thirty -;mi Riehmond. . He and th second consins, and..bad. • e • "The to blame, :is it r- (pained. the agent. - ..„:"But am I'? - what they call inferference. of Providence, and if you fella do,n't. shp.ulder half the loss with 'AIN, never let my seeditil wife trav-el a-..iretla: on this road." spa ho was abic • to account for etr04 • hour of: his time spent in Ilkbanond, bet at the trial 110 faildd to do this. ' Tile only motive ascrib- ed' f.03.' 114. Offirk is that Cleve 'is yonng men,. wrighti soanded xis 'Ma•dison, and t ..rtinning iaetarecia' Yokohama, Japtin and Britiah Coliimbia, connecting ,w,ith the Victoria termintis of •the :an adieu PacifiC Railway,- . —The Fred. Billings, a sailing .-.1)31.1 1)011i4 1,irtled atr:. Yokohoma, in Japan, to. eail from birere direct -to Vancouver, en• Juno 10 next. -Her eargehivill ott;- gist or teas and other ;Japanese ;aped's, .,which will come to•Eaatern Centida Ltver the Canadian Pacific railway. • —A commercial traveler And -a Detriot newspaper man slept on the ' .soft aitiPief a Itelich in• the _Grata "f runic station, gli0 I pb, Friday ight, and blessed thokoott act for provid- ing them with Reel) rivtiminojation.' They eame off the midnight entreas• . end. could not get into au hotel. Progsels ITU been excited °Vitt' a voniontie ease, in whieli • the Wife of a blacksmith of that pinee. io odor. Iter fit.,at.)')ushancia e ;non chanting to .he sop,h, reoently arrived. in the villege; • ana had A, warrant isaued for her arrest for big - Amy. After eonsnItation•with the woman end hop presen'iltuahand and .sorne friends, the infotination wns Nrithdrprli by jrnsha,nti •No. 1, tlie • woman hi the ease signing, away taw right of dower, and hi* ”eitinie.sien to ript‘ly toy it divorne. and Luke Cornish, white enterinor a -Toronto .saloon- Were retighly joiiplea -by 'WO Italiana. .•4Wriglit expostu- • latea • w Ahem, when one, 1lenedict Dieri by name, •gra W a dirk knife, and • challenged Wright to fight. Wright .ran into the street to piek Asp, a stone when' Dieri'. rushed at him and. stabbed • hint 'behind' the Left ea'and in the stoma* :Dieri wits afterwara§ :arrested.' 'Wright's wounde were . attended' to, and al-, though. eerions retuate aro not Anticipated.. • - S,. —Twe teem dynamite .exploeions tefoliedn en .at Orange v o one ight. lad. Week?, sone ata. tit° office andithe other at the residence date police mseostrate, Mr. Munro. •The front ,of 0-reda wits'com./440.y-wiveked, peon one of the coolestriini.nals being a,t 'the same time engaged, to ut • wealtli2 young,. lady, he 'deemed- it remaye, r4:,• possible obstaele to his inarriage. ; The evidence,ahowed that Cluver; is waa an arch hypoorits: •fre stood well in bili commenity, Was on ap- parently devout 1,1aptist, a Sl'indar ciiogl.top,olier. rad siiperinter.41ent,, -et for yoga he 1185 boon Oonsorting with women. ,of was refined in his language.. and yet: wrote his oonsin one of the fouleat productionSever put on piper• ire •sang Gospel. hymns when' the floors -were hrtnging him , to mond; and. 'When ConlInittett for the prison cell, fold the oiliaers that lie .avfMted to retire and: pray. Ho has . AN A.113,TORY FA.RSON. • • ,OF AN :OM& F011 lit:GC 1S0 AT) K THU YOUNG • 4,, 1...DIBS OF MS PLOCTi • . 3:!C•V. ;gr. • "Wrightpaathe pastqt:Of.the DiSGipleieela, bed- fera, :Ohio, is •being tried, byka. church CotInitteo, for .indiscritein- Ately hugglillNnd hissing the young latixro,embers of his cortgret3atiolk, k:ttuis, ;kn.-tem:her: of (the Vestiaation. nominate°, said ; . • -. .Wrfglat,lacknoWledg.6c1 Oat while ponversing,avith aizyurried woman npOti One•occesionho.7116414,11is arm' 'around. her • Wribt and' hugged lier lightly. , The,elmage that he Ill aged. both. erms around the waist§ of,girle and . ltfted them . boa ilk' ana the altrOlAteps Waits not denied by hini.; sniathat lie hail hugoed' the av,i4 no siltenciien of Shocking. their . niocipty,, 1tIaity in; Aleuts ivere..cited. whoa° the' min, isier.kiesea the girtetts as her 2—If any person orders his .papor dis- mantled, he moat pay arrearages, oi • the publisher may continue to send it until afayment is made, and collect the whole amomd. *whether lit be taken from , the Wilco or not. There can he no legall discontinuance tuttilthe payment is mods-, 3—Any person who. ta,1,4s a paper from the. postaillice, whearce traded to • big Mane or another, or whether. he has sub. seabed or not, zesponsible for tate pay. , • 4-1f a syroseitiber orders his paper to bo stopped at a*certain time, and the publish. er continuee to send, if the setbsctiber is .bound to pay for it if he takes It out of the .post.aflice, This proceeds upouthe "ground. 'that a man must pay:for Ivlie)t 'he uses. RELIEF TO • THE • • VORICING1 '• • CLASSES.. In ono of his. eharaeterisqc ser- mons Talmage says remark that raid te°14.1e to tlao workfilg 'classes throngh mere thorough dia.- covery on the part of• employers ' that it is best 'for them to let their employes- know ,,inst how matterS stand. The moat the 'capitalists to day Ewe •inakin,g'' less than 6 per cent Lees than 5 per cent less than 4 por !omit; 'on their investments, iler.o. 04. there is an mm031141:I ewal- le wind ' .416 Wn everything; but such -aro tho eXeoptione. •It as often the. Caie that eittployes blanieittheir ein- sployer heGatpe they suppose he is getting alotig. grandly., when ho is 'opprossed to the last point of op-. .apaiesSion. • 17 -knew a ma-nufacttirer •'wile employed more than a thousand hands. said to:. : ,"Do fon ever have any trouble with yetir • ir.orkmen.? Do you eve& have any strikes1" "Ne," h� -said.• • "What in this angry time of cliscussionbe tween capital, and labor, no trouble?" "None at(all—noue." said,"How; is that 1" f`Well," be said, "1 have' is way ot My' earn. livery Little while I call my employes together, and I sn:y. : `Now,' boys, 1..want to Showyou how matte:Oast:1nd. Wltat yon tamed out, this•.year Nought sp.. mneli. You see it 4sn't aS.Antich as •we get last rear. Wad to, Tay you as much. as did, Now, 4yort know I prtt,•all my me:11*in this liiisine§s. W'hat.4o you think ought -to .be 3Thy pkrcentage, and what wage§ might to pay 1611 1, Como let ns settle this.' said 'that manilfacturer, "we are alwaYs unanimous. When. We S4trer, We all •Batrer together. „ When: we advance, wentivance together, and my men ,,woutcl. for, inc.', "But •avit'en.a4nangoemaineng-his-employes- with a stipercilions air, and drivea up t° his factory as though lte were , the . automat. of the ntriwerse, With .the •81111 the !noon in • his. vest .poolt.'ets; moving amid the wheels of the factory, chiefly.' anxi- ona lest a greased or:smirched liana shaild touch his immacillate-broad-; cloth, he will Flee at the end 'he has made an awftil; mistake. I think, etiijahiyera•aiiill• find Out after a whi40 that it is to their interest; .es far lie -possible, la explain matters to thejf am ploy,oa, Yon .be frank with thent• end they will be frank with yon. tg F theVirlsion Count rim Getlerich It -the November sitting a nowspaller halter sned for pay of paper. The defend- ant objected paying on the ground that he hall ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it. The Jtidge held • tthatithrtt 'Was ;tot a' valid defenem The • tale ,pr,eseut proprietor, bad notice to discontinue and consequently could ,ealent, although it waS 'Mit denied that ddendant had notified fin -leer pro- peietor . dise.ontintle., In any event defendant tans 'bound to -pay for the time • lie lied received Abe. paper. and he had-palid all arrears due for subscription.' The lionse is not s0. badly wrecked as the oMce, thoegh this time the cartridge Wag placed at the -front of the liotme, wrecking tile parlor, ottunately nt; tIives were lost. r4e. indignation of tho people is. very great, ns this is the third arid greatest explosion since the initia- tion of thti Heott Aet. Mtg. Hunter; telegraph, opmattor, whoss °Mee next aocir to tite (Acme of the police Ova seen in cowl). He has never ss'ined or sbow/).: 1131t:arnysA, tvIvo: onte, :ma that was When he thought the. molt arounl. the court bens°, wore ready to typal), him. .,„ Lucas, an old 'men be- tween. and,70 Yeara •of age, was arrested tn. "Ileamsville, upon a eharge of horse-stealiitt. The 0591011 horso• 14.ris at the time in, his posses: -Some the,. • aggrieved yermg lad*? told remarkable stories altout Wrigin'S acting towaros-., Thjsspo of tfIstimiony :was taken n;5 - rid womeel)eicinging to the elturoli. 1),VSY IT :WI1,0 ' CAN'1" TC-11.).lSTR ' .ROPRIt".r. I, ottirowyrn, • • . It ain't jest the,stery, parson 'to tell to a • ,• • erowd1ike .this,. . Weth the virtuous matron. a frbwnin',.' riit' elfiCli piggl in; miss, •• • And the good oid, deacon noddin' in 'time with Isis ,patient„suore§, . An'. ,tini shoeiced alek of the eapital aWay through the door. • ,.13ut then lt'S a story klat5 nappened, a0. everY word of it's tiMe,• •. An' sometimes wo can't help tallNite•of the •tlirngs that we sometimes . AA' though good society coldly, „shots 'itc • • doors onto "Teanister thinkin' there's ',lets worse „people that's hotter knorrahan 111111. .1 mina the clay ho was married, an' I daneedat the weiblin', too ; ' • • An' , I lii,tsed the e,•1711NTet . • daughter of AletIrow.., • ' 10•41iind. how :they 805 • ap hcaisekeepin':, two„your4, poor, :happy tools, • • 'IN heti Ain's only stock. was a heavy bunk • an four Itaintuckymtulest • Well, they lived7 along Contented,. wtellt • ••.,-.their "little:joys an"eares,. ' •• • --An'''.every year n baby come, and twiet!.,-- • they+ carnet in 1)111 11 ; •,• • , • • Till the bonse, Wes -1,U11 of children *eat 'their shoutio' and playyt' and stputIls. "241's their singin' latiglon' and ,crylit's , • macle Dedletn witii0 its walls, ' • .• • Tte,•,1; • . ▪ aim, „be seemed ..to like if, an.' • • ....spenri)11 evena'st. Louie, • it was full of mimic. an' light, 111511 '•.';:peare from •pit• to dome. , • tt Ilo t had flit; church, 114/ 116 nseitto,pray thet his heart might *be kept from ' . . The stamblin'eest prayin';L--but brads'and, ' • • hearts ttsectto how When. he be, ' • So they, along in that Way; th sanl aity , • • • .•".. • With pleuty *Of time for. 4rivIn -ark; an little thne for Vey.. •• . • • An' growiielrnund!'em the sweetest girls; ami. the litteliest, manliest bop.. Till the .0,a graY' heads of the two ohl folks Was crowned with .the bendiest joy's. 411 I eomh to my story' I AVell,•• that:s all. • , ▪ . They're lirin' Jost like 1. saiel,i ' -01ily two of 011./0 ls is tiurrrieib, an' one., "Ohierver".,..writ4 the tratteaa; • hare observed an article.= the 'datimns,°f the., 117 ;Mess .of Apr11,11.4,, „ , (written by is gorse/I...who styles him- self !.‘The Clergyman," and. calling , the attention of your readers to the "shape" . Oviedo., and. assertino IJL "with a gotta .deal Mote asittunpa• than triith; that goo•.stich strip of land 'ever :became anything import; ant." • I: would. adviee him to' ,o hack to his tug)), th* some atlas again, and ivill find that in both inoi,gn,t, awl modern agos countripa•imyeex- 'sited .w1tioli antennted.to a groat deal of . importance; and which' were geogreph featly, • more •et isad vantage- onsly situated ;lion tho 1)iniiinion of Canada. 1. alltOv• that •; the Ijilitea :ittitee is a.,,greuntry, find one that lifts Mani advantaoes, and its.podpie avero not slow tolile- velop lie resources, but Canaan, has fully na many teelay,..with a Climate that is 114101! lidaptf.d. to 1i-rodeo:I a finer clam of manhood physically than auY 601)1417 .PAtth. And. lattigtidigit1C, WM aleeping alone..in .ftioni1 Ti -e lind been offered; ea be the blot quarter of n t..,onttity hus her onte6 , when the explogion oc- aaid, $150 for the liorae, ialr, Alex. folly aertionstrated that her people .11te ig nos; bnppily marl tell, rind enrred: it'ortrotately elm sustained service,' of JNiagara town:, 1 p; • • ,. ... ht .' f level tin '0 the .11•01 the sympathy of -the 00111)11011 515 no intery, althortgh the fureittnai the owner. The imtgisitzttla . 0010- P'eources of 0 country and building ',wing to the it n IR,ppilwx4 01 (Hill il !tr. ' in her MOM Wag filt[Tateri 40. the twitter' II i ny te the 8 I., Cutharive u p 3 1101101 ag any other, "'Where tier it rst marries t„ ' Irin(hatiat ro, owro a COttlary With the sAlne ' t • ..., of the boyx Is de .1.. ' .. ,...11 ... • • . 1+ ,An' they're honest,,O .-Llleecot-ain happv,.. _.,.go',. the very', -.though I reckon in brilliant eorntitty ' . • they'd be eounted a littlq slow. oh, you're-p(essed 51),/ tline...7.exerise.soi3 ? • . Sure ,I'm . sorry I kept you so long ; Oootnly,'..••New itc' loeked: kind o' bored. . • like, an' I. reckon that I.was dyrane Te teluseci: a ecitletamplae'qt.'sfory ef two. Snell ennunonplare 1ivt4t -. .' ' Bat we. mai' all get drunk MI' ;ramble . - and light, mut ran 011 \\nth other 1150158 wires. . • 5 • . •1t 'ONE'S.,OWN • Tolle ;•euatorn 'of having a. barber tall at one'slionso has hood= clutter. a faslitoriwithih the 1ftE4tr few years. It is rather 'expensive, lint ••riall tabu eat etana it, • Fifty ce n ts. is the ave- rage -£O0 40111alldtal, *961110 men. hove fitted* •up spechflharbors rooms at theirbomea.. 'Others have easy cliais"fot, the•ateommodation. of 'their 1siubel:s itt their dol,vw•town places • of Imeines. • -U*1184141 to . be Ferdinand •Waill'a•regular aftelnoon mutton. to •familn on his barber 0.8 00033 as busi»nss was ever; lie was a sort of pioneer in thin dowe. in Wall street. Xow there. -are dozetia of apoeulatora ati(l .elerks whofollow out his,. itristoeratieke.gample,--:Noth rorje TO?? . Tito probable cost to Canafla In oonneetion with the Colonial extithi tion' would, be about tilt50,.000. Over 3,00 tons of goods leul boon Shipped, • , T -t ffJliR QREAP5S, , A LOVE OF A. BaNNET ".1 ivoiniseii to buy Iny wife a new bonnet," remarked the editor' of tho Ito:owlet, as -he crossed the street . arnr.in arM boss in frionAtir, Al "11;nowIten, dodging, III truck:as be uttorpd the words, and atithlting the toe of a tight boot against the • curb inpAnsefikience, 'how that yon are in town,and• on Broadway, you might to keep your wont; and buy lier as nice bonnet se you OM find, anAvered hie friend; as ho steadied th0 news- paper man, restoring to ;him his ()quit 'thrill% "Yes, I know 1 might to; lint yon 0e0 WO country editor:4 410 rlOt bles. Sett with S ninny dollare pa there aro <Imola in, the 04.0e. 1 have come on to New York to bny material anti Oa almoteonumittaion inereltant'a ada„ and f renst not rou inyaelf