HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-26, Page 110.
raft As-mm*441u 44'nee.
W1UTEL.y onn, rUbligher41 6
• Additional Locals.
WA, Totiaa., af the city bakery,
believes in advertising,. He has ptd
• up a new sign.
put it up to that grand old Welling-
ton nose of his, smelled of it, sniffid
it again, tested it very uncannily as
13issett •thought, and °lunch to his
constemation. Becoming satisfied
vuouorry.-In tbo emotion ..3fj otal it was only dilute- alcohol oi,.
public, officials • the greatest possible' spirits ef wino, colored,'the druggist
publicity. '841.01 be given to the
swallowed the whOte zontents of the
• tines of holding noininetions hud vial. To say that )3issett was "con -
elections azia. 11.00,4 .there ars a sternated". would be to put itmildly..
Jioputy meve and,sglinal trustee -to R°11:ible '.vi•si°414-ef'a corpse 11°.a_te,(1
deetea! 010144., am, tw.9 ne1;74,.. before, lure,. But Repolds 4:dna
japers published, in town,' neither '‘egyPse"' *41 461°4 .44 °Yes.
!of thein, ap far as we are av'mre. sf, twinkled: nierrily beneath the Over-
. 'received offieial authority to Publish lianItig crags 'c'f his beetling eye••••
„tile aates, . -brows as be watclied, Bissett threw ,
• up his hands and exclaim: ."Ma
•DoN'T. r'os THE Du•sT,-1:geAti-e- Godo, yO4' a deid Mon, licernolds l"
mannot nerinement resident of Bet Reynolds did :,net "doe" for
Glinton,..but Who putain.apeusider- many years after, living Janke. enongh
able .portion of the year here, .and .see the! Bissetts baek to the
• .wIto distributes thousands of dollars .habitual use of the.'"slinenin
- pood-
nulong the farmers in this vicinity, . their" and other forms of the filthy
, vas bleAveting 'the beastly 'duet as it weed. Indeed, the 'Very next day
• 'filled his eyes and ncise and mouth the magint cure of the "Yankee
'and ears' When hegntfree4 fzeie the doeto,__,r, afterwards -the fanious and
:gritty entang,lemonts sliffieiently to just. aceased Dio 'Lewis was dissi-
nee his- Veca1. organs pitted. The cure' consisted in the
4`..* Eingdorn for a horse l" and • substitution• of the harmless' and
added, "1 never had a kiegekom, but •eirtuelest liquid for the Iran
• I have had many: good horses'which.. full of 'snuff, or the Pipe, or 1he quid
some one seems to have prized more of tobene,' The •monient...;' '" re' was
• .4iighlY, and r.if Oro the best •ona X found, to be no Virthe• ii1flie con-:
• ever 1 oi.r.ilnd for a photograph of tents. of the vial, that they -might.
lthe street cofinnissioners of•Cliuton," have substituted a piece of pine.
.''Sd•nnee resigned kall'Proate-for one shaving for 'eil"the -actnel merit that
of the city fathers was . present. tb,ere was, in the tnedicine, thoir
'"Why,!". continued , the:, geliqpitp, . faith in :the Cure vanished. ' And.
qif 1 Stay -here nnich' Jonger,1•11 thqy. 'Afterward for. nearly 30
here expletorated enough moistelay,• •;years and never totallYgave up the
inhaled in the feint of dust, to makeuse of the . This was !An in-
prnore live .1iire Int of mon then they .• stance of “faith'eare " :and of•a re:
• appear to be.," .
• •. . 'lapse,' whenfaith was wanting.
Oen' .Timsns &p Times-L.3)r. 'AS we are On the link track we may
Pio Lewis, -a medicalwriter and mentionan instance which occurred
reftirme.r of world-wide in the far -west mountains Of,British
mown. died in Yonkers, N. Y. ,the • Qolumbia, to a: former resident ..of
.other day.. 'Tito ,gentleman lectured .• Gaderich; and the ludierbus way in
the old •,Presbyterian,., church, .whiett be: "lost his conildenee ;and
•Oode#01i, tMiy yettre rTO .no h bots." • Oet.9oderich readels
professed to. and • aetually did .wil remember Mr, Wm, ,Roberteon
Mire. • r stammering and : ale° • the , of the .firin'Of RObortitiliand•Watson„
then prevalent ' habits of snuffing,,' who built the •briek !tannery in
amrdrinking, ford about 30.years ago. .The
•. A', envious circiintitaimec.• conned., ..er mot Itim:about 23 years ago in•the:
' •ti on •wl*his ohm's ::will he . rceol lec-. • menu tai fastnessos of Pkitish..0ol="
• ted'hyRoderie,h.,04tinters.'' Georgo untbitt about - 400' miles above tbe
anTilann.W.Biseett,brother.Seete..and, ..head- of_ navigation. on . the Fraser
•earpentersi were nated!as ''inveterate. River. .eamPed a1dits'1".
qua trikers'and.tobaeeo users.' The the freil, on'•ths. banks Of Sift
Id fashioned -born spoon. '• being Rivcr,aOonfltient Of. the Fraser. .. He
:their favorite Medium forconveying was.hatless and :bootless, and pro-
• the triturated .product.- of the bably '150 •Miles from •tvls;Ire.! stich
ent and:wenn:tie herb to their TOS,- articles' of prime, necessity could be
.pective shneezin .reCeptaelee. They obtained.' kite?' a shake haiid all
'paid Dr..Dio Levie $5 each to wean ..tonnd.• and mutual' exclame.tions of
4or cure • themi of what thew. Tnever l'.'.(the`'hardly.ever"
.1ledged Were to say the least very :tfr'ss anunknownquantity then.)
•,desirable habits. The Doctor gave "Who, over .thought Of meeting. you
,-each.of them a lea vial of eolne al here 1" ..."Last int on the banks. of
ledged.powerfel liquid wTiioh they .Lake'L4tron and new all of. a • sad -
could . easily :carry in 'Ihoir .yest' deti wo strike 0110 another Over !`dree
pockets, with inetructione that when dousand..Miles avay" in this beastly
they e1t a craving for a 'Snuffpr wilderness on the banks efthis miser-
• :smoke ..or 'chew, to put ' tho. smallest. able' unfprdable mountain,. stream:
0,ossib1a 'drop of. the liqniti 'On their thatif.tkftsaw it in•Canada he wthtld
ton,gries, or ix any way put only the roll p his pantsand wade 'across
most infiniteentil ananity on. They. •Witho t difficulty. Then Mr. Rob
Were strietlYenjom.ed to use. only ertson ieented his. Mishap. Liko
the ,einellest perceptible quantity OurselVee.he was , bound fer a nevi
• possible of the liquid, and 'warned EldOrado who e onecould pull up
that any trifling With it, Such as their grass growing - alongside the golden'
swallowing a drop-ofit, would he streams and every tiny rootlet would •
attended with fatal results.: The. be•fonnd to have adhering telt half
instrnatioxis Were faifnI1 caJ..jOor..whole....:ounue_Luttggets of _gold.
out, atabigiFeek„ two weekspassed And like Ourselves he had "Ortyoosli
• by and the l3issetts had not need the es", • Oregon horses, packed with
filthy Nveed in any possible form. • the' staff .01 1 ife. The inmintain
The weekswore iuto months and, streant inipecled hie nursk„ he had at:
the -brothers congratulaied. tempted to •ford it with his :horses.
selvea thatthey,. wore tis'•fully.and failed: The stream seemed'
finally weaned from the use of ..turned up on edge,it was only abed
tobacco as they had been film that 15.yards nrose but abont 20 yards
. , of their 'mother's milk tifey iyears .deep,. Mr. It declared. It came
• before. Eitt alas I the' time came:. -down its mountain bed at a ter-
. when their faith had a rude awaken.: 'rifle rate, 'fitirlY earning its name of
lug. It was customary for mitony of .,Swift River -or Creek. One laden
citizens- in iliose •days • to' meet horse hadbeen swept down Stream
. in • "Bob" Reyfioldsi drug store, with a 2301b .cargo worth there
situate about where Grant's g,roeery. fully $5 a lh;. So Mr. IL and coni-'
now is, to diactio.all .thattere from rules felled a' tree 'across and packed
the latest scientific discovery-1JY the the baianteof their cargo overand,by
• Raft:618 of the day down to deterinin- fastening topes to hie other animals
•• ing the. fate- of'tiio lniperial Ministry h cods b e had gotten them over safely.
or .of the common eon:mit' of :the But his bootless and hatless predida-,
.,„,town. Those who 'know Bey-'. ment arose the finale. The bark
:Irliblds will reeolieet What h fund of' had washedoff the, log used as a
vised a hat himself, and we separ-
ated, hoping that now that he had
replaced his kat and 'boob) which
went down the stream, he would soon
have his cenfid.enee restored which
had disappeared at the same time,
Lite Friday was the day for nom-
ination of Candidates for the deputy-
reeveship. Not many were at the
town hall t)Willrfbto the scanty pub-
licity given to the time of holding -
such. There were, however, a suf-
fieieut number on hand to nominate
and second four candidates, E.
Corbett was named by Messria.';R
Patterson and A. Bennett. WhC.
Searle bY James Smith, and Thos.
Carling. Curtis Stevenson by A.H.
Manning and John
Johnston by J. ChidleY and D. A.
Forrester. The meeting was ad-
jillirned Until:evening at 8 o'clock.
Ponwe 3(EBTIN,G. ,
In the eveiaing abbot 150 persons
gathered in the hall. Town Clerk
Coats Joel( the chair, stated the
object of the meetine• and asked the
various candidates to take seat on the
platform,. Mews. Corbett,' Searle'
and Johnston. defy; so. He then
stated that he would call upon the
speakers in the order in whiCh they
were nominated • and they.'would be
limited to twenty'minutes each.
Mn. CohnET, being requested to
do s�, addressed the audience in a.
five minutes apeech. He was favor-
ably received by the free avt4 -in-
dependent. .He did not claim to he
a talker, ho was a vvorkor, when in
the Council before he had worked
for low taxes: If again elected his
efforti.would be in the direction of
economy j.h the expenditure Of pub-
lic • monies. Would endeavor to ,
have the county 'Wild an ithn
bridge across the Bayfield liver. In
regard to malting•Clintontith county
town he thought ,nnr Maims had
not been preiiedted as strongly as
-they:might have been.. He would
ergo. them With all thh'• energy be
possessedif he did not succeed he
Would try; try again. He was the
people's eanclidate,' not bought out.
fly any ring.' He believed in giving
the people full, say irL 11191tiCipal,
matters and Out equal
jUstiee t', all classes,' to the capital -
the merchants, the meehanics
and: •the .unskilled laborers, He
hadbeen successful as. their' re-
presentatives in, former years,- he
wmild place himself in their hands
hoping they .would place him at
the head of the poll on election day.
Arii,.SEA:Rxx next took the ros7
train- and was greeted with con sid er-'
able clapPing• of hands etc'. During
the day he had been charged with
the hellions sin—crime some tried
to tnake it out—of ap,pearing as a'
candidate for municipal honors bo -
cause he had at one time declined
them. • He had not intended to
Offer: for any position within the
gift of his fellotf-townsmen. His
present, position: was none pf ,his
seeking. Neighbors and rateneyers
had waited upon him as a large rate-
the proper nianagement of town
affairs, asking him ,to, take the posi-
tion ofileputy-reeve for Ate balance
of the year. • He consented- to their
putting him in nomination. Ile
was interested in the town:, Hie
taxes this year Wouli probably be
.$2407 -that is 1 -40th of the whole
taxes raised, There Was noone else
iu the field then that he knew of.
It was only when be took his ad-
dress to Inh..News-Rnooun for pub-
lication the he incidentally learned
that Mr: Corbett was a candidate.
The editor said they had their forms
inado up and already on the press,
but.41V1r. Corbett had aa anno ranee-
ment in it -might look unfair if Mr.
Searle's did.not also appear, so they
:I:flocked and. made room. for his.
This was thefirst intimation he had
that Mr. Corbett was a candidate, in lit:Tints aro recommended," the
But it seemed that when he (Searle) following were made :—Alma
takes the .field, candidates spring ttp lititutment, belonging to Ontario St.,
hko mushrooms -probably they lilt- Clinton, was transferred to Seaforth;
ed to pitch into him beause he was Summerhill, on nolmesville circuit,
little, but he hoped. to clown 'em all: was recent:1101(1%1 to' be closed,
He nevor,in a lottg menicipal career, Other propositions WCTO made fif,
allowed politics to influenee, him in feeting Hensall north and south,
his public cinties, Did not believe hut the meeting thought itacIvieable
in Canvassing. Wits snubbed by a to make oo ehange. Resolutions
man to -day whose tree he had belted were passedto metharialise the
together years ago _and who.wrill, too fleeeral Conference to melte sotue
tam to pay for the bolt. Refelied arrangements for issuing .t6 mis-
tO hie address and explained wbat sionaty report at an earlier date;
he meant by Venby win and pound 4180 asking it to inalte no ehange 111
humor was eoncealed beneath the
,,etoical countenance he usually wore.
on one memorable evening
'ono of the Biseetts was loudly prais-
ing the coil: that the "Yankee' doctor
had effected., and explained, taking
avial out cir hie poeltet, is the
Amin, all: I had to. klo was to put
dm smallest possible portion' of this
liquid on my tongue every time
desired to snuff, or sntok6,!or chew,
and, 'sorest° I the (helve vanished."'
"Let me seo the magical stuff," said
druggist IteYnoldS, The vial was
herlded to him with meny. injune,
tions to beware of the "polsonoes"
stuit. EePOlds 1,111091eke4 ,the'
bridge, and Mr. Robertson was walk-
ing over it carrying his hoots in hie
his hands when dg,ust of wind swept
off hie hat and in endeavoring te
.save it he feared he would 'topple.
over and be: drowned, At thie
supreme moment up wont ;hie hands
to save his hat, and, to 1380 his own
Words, he "lost his cOnfidenea; and
his bots" as he slipped . and came
down with "one leg on i, both ides°
of the log With an aleerit that
threatened to Bever him in. twain
(110int up to the upper portion of his
apinal column. Fortunately Or
eompany Was able to fUrIlish Mr.
Robertson with boots aUd he iMprO-
pit. Was willing to give his time
to the town gratuitously. He had
clone.so already in ornamenting the
school ground and public streets
with shade trees. Ile was entitled
to credit for this. Re bad put his
money into buildings. • He was en -
'titled to credit for this. Irotwith•
standing 'all this there • Were men in
towit who would not vote for him
because he 'differed from thein in
politics. However, ,if the people
sent him up for seven months be
it would be all right He would.
not Mort to any trickery to get
into the .council. There had been
and were now men in the council
who could only hold their seats by
trickery, whose property was so
mortgaged that they had no right to
kleat. He wouldnot canvass,
would not ask for votes.
Mn. JoniveroN was pleased to be.
placedin the honorable poeition of
a candidate fot deputy -reeve, but he
would.'decline at this time. Would
allow the others to eenteet for the
seat forbalance of year. •But if at
eommencelnent of the year his fel-
low citizens sought his services he
igh t! accede. • . •
Mu. STBPAENTsoasT was flailed for
but he was not present, so that tis
views of municipal :natters general -
1, and . the 'deputy-reeveship in
particular, are unknown.
' • .
. .
We t,dadlY neede, to the courteons
•request of the Rev. A. E. Smith, of
Varna to insert the followliam men-
tion of doings at the recent District
meeting held in Seafarth., Doting
the four year Which -we have pub-
lished THE NEItS-Hr.00111) in Clinton,
•this is the firet instance in which
any person offieially •cininected with
.tho Methodist, church has had the.
courtesy.to furnisli us with a report
of any.•of their meetings, altbougb
we• have the inlet largely, circulated
paper published in title sectiani.'and.
Unmet bh well known that a large
nthnber of pea, patrons are Meth 6c1 iets
to whem official reports ef the work.
'of their church would .naturally be
interesting:-. •. ' •
Tho May meetmg of the Gode-.
rich•distriet of the Methodistehurch,•
was held at Seaforth, on Tuesday
aed• Wednesday int, Bev., T. M.
Campbell, district superintendent,
offiCiating: • •The- first businese was
the election of a' secretary, Which
'resulted in Rev. A. E. Smith, of
Varna, being chosen. All the,
ministetial Members aud young Mon •
on probation on thedistrict,•,,wete
present; The usual examination. of.
ministerial character was then taken
up, all the ministers and probation-
ers being found blameless in life
and doctrine. The young men on
probation wate examined on the
usual questions; and their ansWers,
*,found,Satisfactory. The oiSly'fourth
year man was -Mr; G. F. Salton,'
who was recommended to be receiv-
ed into •full connection and ordain-
ed. The remaining three young
men Messrs Cobbledick Leeear
continued' on trial. The young men
presented their certificates'all first
dna, that of Mr. Birks, being .with
boners. There was • no evening
session, lint the -rnioisters present
Were all invited to ,spond the 'even-
ing at the residence of Dr. Smith,
.where a pleasant time was spent..
On 'Wednesday the meeting re- .
sumed:itebusineSs, all the laymen
who were entitled to take pait
the proceedings being preeent;
The first business tit,' ken up. '4'n the
reading of Circuit Schedr:tes; which
showed that the distritt, :as a whole,
viiias in 4 1014 ftourlsiktug and pros -
porous condighn; the increased
membership in 'ale district hi about
three 'intuited, ;and the finances
Were d1 fonnd to be in good shape.
Vilder the-gnestion "what change
fooliSh." 141ancy Wati thrown eavey the boundary of tile Cruelpla °on.;
by not looking after sidewalks, etc., Aroma°. asking to change
and, in tile management of the gravel
. the mode of electing inctuDers to
the Annual Conference, said elec-
tions tter take place at the May
Quarterly Meeting. The following
elections were then made ;-.To the
Stationing Committee, Rev, E. 8.
Rupert, "Clinton, To the S. S.
Committee, Rev. Gee,Bayfield. To
the Missionary Committee, Mr, R.
W. McKenzie, Goderich. •
The following resolution was un-
animously adopted :- Moved by Rev.
E. S. 'Rupert, seconded. by W. M.
Gray, that whereas •our respected
District Superintendent will most
likely be ren3oved from this district
at the approaching Conference, we,
the members of the district meeting
now in session, avail ourselveri of the
privilege of assuring our brother of
the great satisfaction he has given as
the presiding' officer of the district.
It is therefore resolved that the
thanks of this meeting are due and
are hereby tendered to the Rey. T.
M. Campbbll for the courtesy and
kindness of his official intercourse
with his brethren, :and the ability
with which he has discharged the
duties•of his office. And we pray
that he may long be Spared to Serve
the church of which he is an honor-
ed minister.
. ' •
The anniversary` .of the natal; day
of our 'beloved queen was kept up
• by tile usual abstention from busi-
ness and by our citizens: disporting
themselves in 6is !various ways which
seemed good to theirown sweet
wills..The Goderich and Clinten
Gun clubs had a match. Picnichie•
•was indulged in by 801110, but the
centre of attraction was , the hon6
races. It Was well on in t..1.1b after-
noon . before they commenced, a
goodly nurnher 'being inattendance.
Thejudges 'were W. Dimon, .of
Brueefield;, J. Cnrry, Goderieh; J.
.Torranao Stanley; 'Tinier, W.
chell, Goderich. Secy Itobson '
keeper of Offieialnecorcl. Place,'
Clinton Driving ,pstk. First race
for i purse of $100 open to. hors
that .neVer won_ public money,
‘,, • ,.., • ,
14Nnimtglpi7811forpo, . . ;Xliie• ' , 0"'neF• '
•TIonest Bob.. • Goldduet, T. McLean
Molly B. ' Onieconian Cold. S.MeLeati.
Little Arthur. Unknown. D; •Erwin,
Honest John,. '•" ' Jut. Miller.
PcbhoesrtnGtiirtl...Geo.rge:, olltr'10131calsti.wy. . 3'... Ssnweallit.
Five heats were trotted, Caledonia'
Chief being 'withdrawn after the
second. Little Arahor takin,gthree
heats;•:Chestniik ,George two, Poor
Girl one, the nazi in .order being
Honest John aud.Honest Bob. A
protest was dilly entered against the
.winner, Little.43t,tb' r; isnot being
eligible, havinler , public nioney
previously,. Ot ter 1proteste ,were
entere 4, sotitt, tb e money. has not
yet been-iv:Warded, . The only other
race there was Mine for, ib not being.
concluded •-until 7 o'clook 'was the
colt race. ' There were four entrioa.
Mune of Verse. Sire. . Owner. •
Molly B. 'Cal. Dhief. • S, McLean.
Minn ie. Albion. . JZIilinnSoixie;11.
'Auctioneer. --
GroY DWI% Oloor Brit. ' Di Kennedy'.
Gray lUlly Was withdrawn, The
lace was won in the following.
order: ' .Mollie 13; 1; Minnie 2;
Auctioneer 3, . .
ReeeiptrLat Alta -gide' about --$2.0 ,
,ii'llielt was very good ELS rio speelal
efferts were made , to boom. the
. ••
affair. ' ' •
•• • ' • lio1mosviI1Q.
. Mr, O. Calbook;is on a'. V wt .to
Brussels. . , • - • • '.• "
Ur. Ed, l'..triris' has had his resid-
enad rat,01:.ched with the paint brush,
ais a'Araetive and one of the neat-
est ;al the villarte. •
iib .
Ur. Thos 'ilicLaughlin has bad a
severe attack of inflareation but wo
Anderstansl he is convalescent.
The raising of the' framework of
Mt. T. Mollvoon's bun took plan
on Friday last. Sides were chosen
by E. 'Murphy and 3. Oudinore.
'1'here ;vas nine tall talking on both
sides for a while but at last the vic-
tory was deClared to have been won
by Cedmord.
Obit, We regret that we are
again called upon to chron-Cele the
death of another pioneer, Mr: John
Miller orifnliotb passed away on
Thursir hist at the age ef eightyl,
tetritt fd this country froth Tro-
land when this ,section Was nothing
but the primeval forest, and eget he
and the rest of the family bo
od • many hardships, suceeckiled
making Wooinfortable holt°.
te•-.Au attempt Was mado Sattird
to burn down the office . of' Mr.
Munroe, the Pollee 'Magistrate of
Oran ev'11
• WTIOLE NO, 393
• Joseph Walker and josjilli Clark
of Clinton, were visiting here this
Messrs. Kelly & Solt have just
shipped: four ear loads of flour to
Nova Scotia.
Mr. Giles Jenkins' officiated in
the Methodist Church on Suad4y-
morning last to a very good congre-
gation.MisWith Jones presided at tho,.
organ in the English Church on
Sunday last, in the absence of Mrs.
Whitt. Court for the Revision of the
essessmont roll for 1886 will be held
in the. Orange Hall on the 27th hist.,
when appeals will be heard.
Mr. Geo. Potts, rpainter, of Olin -
ton, has clone splendid work in
renovating, the Central! Hotel.; it
iooks like.:a new building.
We are sorry Co hear our respect-
ed citizen, Mr. John .Bell, has an
infant lying very seriously ill. We
hope the little sufferer will soon bo.
restored to its usual health. *
Mr. Charles Hamilton hada large
gang of men, digging a cellar' under
his hardware store.lastiweek for the
purpose Of m'aking room for more
()Pods. Charley is bound to give
us cheap goods and lots.of them.
There was a large gatheringof
people from the surrounding COU11-,
try and villages assembled liere:on
'the .Queen's birthday to witness the
sports. The weather was most de-
•lightful, although the . first part of
the day' looked rather threatening
for a• shower. • Intbe morning there
was a baseball Match between Blyth
and Auburn; in which the Blyth
boys were victorious by 14 runs and
one ,innings to spare. We rire:serry
ft) report that one 6f the Auburn
boys, kr. Alex. McKenzie, had the
misfortune to, get one of his fingers
.split up .when catching the
which may be the Means of laying
him • ciff work .for h few, days. In
the afternoon the boys mumbled on.
Xing street for the purpose of carry -
in the other games,,which vent
offsplendidly, without a:disagreeable
word being heard. The bicycle
contest wound op the sports for tied.
day; there were sii•competitors for
it, restiltine. in J. 13. Kelly ist,
Tanner' 2nel, John' McKinnon 3rd.
Thelpanci, Under their' leader Salo
Gidld_y, played seine fine selections
at iut•eryals throughout thp•',day..•
,"God bless the Queen."
• •
W: Er en lpst a fine Ton- •
tine .foal Tuesday ,bf last •wok.
The mare. dropped the foal in. the
field rather.nnexpectedly, and before
Mr. Marion was aware of it the
infantile equine died from expos -.4'
tire. It was a beauty. '• • •
• . Goderieli Towdshiii
Mr. Ben. and Miss Susanna S.InsP-
peril. are on a visit to Potrolia, Oil
P.,Prings., Wheeler, ‘,.etieo, •
• ........1)1s.c.A.Q9,40.M.In.k..1...tlie...:Ray.6eLL...: ,
line, has gone to Sault. SLMarine,
where he has taken,Wand.,
Mn George IturnbalD, of the.14th
is erecting a naw residence. 'When .
ibis stated that lie* asi'Yet single no
•further explanation should be need,:
ed. His frequent ••visitto thiriorth
end of the township May terminate at
any tune. • ,
Mr. Forbes ptirchased the Clor-
'don farm freak Mr. McLean for
$5,200, Althoitgli Mr. McLean.
:nada a 'thousand dollars,by the
epee:dation in three 'years, the farm
is etill eheap. .
A• clakiliter of Mr.. John ChM:" •
was taken ' sodangerously ill the
Other "day that it physician had to be
sent for. At last. accounts • the
young lady was recovering nutter
•the pare of Doeter ;Whitely, .
• Dennis my retutited lastwcek
soinewhet improved. from a. visit to
his eons and dett,ghters at Sunshine,
and tear Clavering, -county of'Grey,
in the neighborhood of the none of
what Recalled the Xeppel nl,nrdeV.!
Goderieli•Vistriet Searlot
met .in the hall of 506r Bayfield lie,
en' Friday evening, There wore
present among ethers Companions
R. Tiohbourne, D. L, .Ellietf,
E, Plunkett, if- itei4;:0. Mcgattr
Goderfehr Elliott and Centelon,
Holoteeville. Cook and A.
At. Todd; (Vinton) else' 1.1101Ohc.fg of
306. A' noinber of °and Mates Wei 0'
advanced and a very pleasant and
profitable evening, Was spent.