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The Huron News-Record, 1886-05-19, Page 8
• 407e'1kror News.Recorr ' Urtdillesci:ty, bitty 19th. O''W:L NEW d n.:: arad. Around tC11►g "I Ib..". • OIVn gn1k THE NEWS RECORD has poet; 14ively a lamer czrcidation than 'gyp ;paper publts ;ft en'this se Aori 41 the <Province ;,Zine 7zave several times „proved this..to"tete satisfaction of •act- °vcr^tisers who have examined our list, which is now and always has been. ' accessible to those who mean business. And we have ecdc7ed oveyr one hundred 9zanass eine -the last.'' occasfor . ori• which zvesat s°fied doubti'raq Thomases; no teas than seventeen, additions last weelc. The doable circulatirttrof Tim -N> ws REcOnn lays over thein all, °Firewo1k1 s!' Fireworks! Fire- 'works! for 24th May; all kinds at 13roderiek's, Huron street. • WAriTt n, Ai' oNOE; fi C,AQD A4'rIvia 43or To LEARN THEAR•�T iiiRINTING. :A.rrL'X•ii.T ll.'}IE•NEWY-ItEOOltn Qi°1 OE. \VoonsToou is o ng to celebrate • 'the 24th of May in grand style. Ltirge and attractive posters have been issued from the Evening Stand- arci presses announcing special .attractions for two days. 'Tai other evening Mr. P. W. Tfaywaid smelled, smoke inhis show room. . On investigation it was found that ' thebolting. of ono of the fireplaces in the blacksmith shop was on fire.. A pail of Water 'checked what night have ''been a •.serious Mire."''. BEn,TTr, Duos., hteve purchased ' 1 from P. til' Hayward a grubby two- i n%1R f n�nn� n rrnn �1 seated phaeton; Tun ;grand Trunk Railway tiokot agent et Guelph, W. McFarlane, got six. months In jail for embezzle. went. • RUMOR says a Salvation Arxny wedding will shortly take place in the Clinton barracks. The gentle - hien will likely make. Sa)nilton his stopping plane, providing the lady. will conte J3ee1 with lxim, Fon Two YEAns,-0, Cox. 'Martin of Lucknowv, whose endeavor to "shove the queer"'vdry Nearly ended. disastrously •tb -lilts liberty a couple` of years no, was, at the Guelph. Assizes`last Saturday, sentenced to two • years in the provincial peni- tentiary fbr issuing ooutorfeit money, Doiv'r.- Slay is said to be an iln lucky month for Marriages,' An old bachelor says that, acem:ding to the testimony.. of Ms friends.. who have slipped; their heads into the matrimonial -nose, the other unlucky snonth for marriages are Suns, July, August, September; October, Novem- ber, December, January, February, •March. and.April. Mounimr next will be the 24th of May. As will be wen in another column the 'Clinton Driving Park Association offer liberal purses for horse ' races ou that day. The the meeting promises to be a most successful one, and nodoubt country people and neighboring town -folk will swell the streets of the county "hub" on, that. day.. Art TNslnlous DIsEAs>.. We hear it remarked that the warm weather has developed. among many of our citizens an insidious and mysterious ailment, supposed to be a manifesta- tion of malaria caused by a lack of ozone' in • the atmosphere, •which, scientists• attribute to the "dryness of the Present season. The following prescription' is : said to have been successfully used in many cases, and in fact has never been known to fail in alleviating the aymptoms R 4pts : Sccal : Cereal : vetor.: oz. Saochar : alb : et Suca : Limonis vol Cort.; Limon : reeentis aa.. Act: bullient : ad cornu. Fiat haustus statim sumendus. Ft ad libitum repotondus. .. BUnonAn•i.-•-011 Thitrsclay night last Floody was at- tending a meeting of the' Mechanics 'Institute, some evil disposed person, who had not the fear of law or: liter= aura before. his eyes, entered 'Mr. • 1' loody's? store and cleaned. out the cash box which contained $5.50,. It seems that the rear door of the•store had been left•unlocked, through the 'negligence •of an etn.liloye;'and' it is supposed:;that tho'Iaurglar. effected. an,.entrauce in•tliat way. '. - IT Done PAv-Soiuo. people say it does.not pay to advertise: `Facts prove tha14 itdoes: pay: • A case in point' wase that of a• sale.. made the other day'. Tvs o parties passed other • arriag? shops and came'. a distance of about 14 miles to buyn Clinton.- •And they 'vent .direct .to those who arIvertis�d. ,; u 1 Ftp News -Brenna; and stated that they. 41 not know, .any others Mere than ...those whose advertisomcnts they had read in this ,journal•. A .sale was made and the margin will probably pay. for More than a whole year's advertising.• They are Nnwvs-R.adoizn patrons., -It pays to advertise. in the m .goes to the hoes of the masses..• -Fon Tan OLD Son.=—H.111. Cowan; ' son of Dr. Cowen, .of hx©ter, left last Monday for , the Old: Country: He will complete liis'inedioal.course in London ann Edinbro'. Itis also: his intention to visit the noted hos- 1-pitals of France, :Gernnanyand other parts of ilio continent and .assist in. operations . which •wgi11. material' help him in. hie • after 'profe'ssional • fifer_ Te tvisll-tlke.yaurtg rend.irTt.,a a pleasant voyage . and successful fruition to his 'energetic :endeavors - ...to perfect himself in tho rtob1et and Most ennobling.ecieneo 'Whose my - 'stories man can bring his ;diligence and intelligence to boar,,in the sols - ;n4 of: The T)r. has promised to (let us have a screed from tains •,once , and a While/. and his editorial caper ienoe will .enable hint to Make .cos! respondenco interesting, • • - ST. PA.uL's Crvir,n:---Tlieeutoitain- mosso giVou oll'Monday. evening, in aid of St. Mary's cliiicc'h;• Virden, • Man,, was a suceess in litany wayai. The following programme was filled to tho satis1tiou of every oito;— Part1'.—Instrutnontal ,trio,111iss bl.. .raolcson, J. Jackson, J. Coats; Read- ing,- Mrs. T. Fair, "Bapteezoment o' the bairn"; Song, Miss S.. Greig,, ":The heart bow'd down";' Song, Mr. rr. 'Sihly,• "The ehoristor"; iteoitaa- tion, Miss Nettie '(Joinbe" "Xisher- • Tuan Jack",Song; 111rs; ausford, • "Just as of bldg" Part Jf,--Son;, Mr, Brewer,. "Tho •' fisher boys tingle" ; Song, Miss Hattie Rumba].) ""The i Loon'"; Read ing, Miss Mount- castle, ountcaaastle, "Mr. Caaidle becoailes • a 14Cason"; Duet, Miss' Robertson. and 111r, Oakee, "llarney McCoy";; Read - log, Mr. Male, Selection 'from Dr, O. W. Holmes; Song, Mrs. Rens- 13oLtts, M. D, The public, we doubt not, will properly appreciate the gigantic en- terprise of theNEws-ltEcono inplac- ing this valuable formula at the sor- viee of its readers, and those of, them who.ltavci been. attacked by, this mys- torious ailment will doubtless clip the recipe out and .paste it in their hats for future reference. We'are assured that some of our .citizens who have ' tried it have found it so suitable to thcsir constitution that they Have deolared themselves - as prepared to endure a malarial slim= - are right along if•they could be as- sured a sufficient ard' unfailing Sup-.• plyof the emedy. . . • y1a 4�, i.ILY�MM' fr vw�+r LL PAPER Be, a. Roll up. Carpet Felt, Baskets, Fans, Silverware, Croquet, Rubber Balls, Base Ball Bats, Hammocks,Foot Balls, School and Office Maps, Building Paper, &c. WINDOW SHADES AND ROLLERS,, CHEAP. Towrk CLERK be noticed.by our report of proceedings 'of 'special meeting of our Town, -Parliament, Mr, 'John Call:ender's' resignation as cleric was tendered. .and accepted,Nand Mr. Wm. Coats' resignation as• deputy reeve was ac- cepted and his ,application for the position of clerk granted and: con- :finned. ...There is a:,confliet• of opin- ion; evert ,among Mr.. Coate' .f iends, as. to 'the. :propriety of his resigning t; trust. confided to liiin by. the electors of the town; in the middle 'of tho year: It is'.also alloged•that other possible applicants for the clerkship were handlpapped by Mr.. coats'-fii'st.knowwlodge of the resig- nation'of his predecessor, by -which. ho was enabled to :Ikeda' other applicants .i'il. •securing. support, of councillors. , During the discussion, 'there was nothing brought otit to show that;Mr., Coats had acted. in a dishonorable• Way , in the matter,.. 'For, our own part, without prejudice, to the 'retiring clerk or recent ap piicants, we congratulate. the town in having secured the services of. 1\[r. Coats, That he will 'be a iuethodical and .obligig n official as he'is'"in every Sway competent, we believe.. That he will do.•liis duty without fear•or favor, and i.lupartiayl- ly, itiust,bo conceded until .tae con-, teary is ' shown. 'We have' every' confidence that he will.. His •ro- putitiou.'•among' .his follow •towiu:s- mon from boyhood 'forward justifies such au assumption.. Objection to 11Ir. Coats' .resignation at this time, Was, urged on• the ground of, the expense the election, of another .deputy reeve wvou1d entail. Me lies removed this by declaring his bigness to donate to the town funds a sura-'eiluivalent to the cost of such election; . give le clerk, the clean never dies. ' CHRIS. DICKSON, CLINTON. neighborhood of $5V0,—Six. - or seven deaths in Clinton and vicinity last week at ages from that of the infant to the octogenarian.—Black- all and Wilson V, S. 's of Clinton. and Seaforth last week removed a schirre.s cord weighing five pounds from an animal owned by A1ei, Jameson, Huron Rd., that had been operated en over a year ago,—Tiar- rister Scott and wife returned from a pleasant trip. The Doherty band on the evening after made the welkin ring around the residence. —Jas. Howe hasa new delivery - wagon.-1V1r. • Cameron, hard:va'e clerk, left town yesterday. ---Mr. Rowland, well known hero, it is said, will shortly assume his former position. -Mr. D. A. Forrester has purchased the residence occupied by him on Princess street,: ho in- tends improving .the property.— "Bob" . Gibson left for Luoknow. yesterday.- Police Magistrate has. tendered his resignation as the. dut- ies of the office will interfere with his practice as: a • barrister.—Mr. Fred 'Watts: has the agency of -several ocean steamer lines and is. selling tickets to thosewho wish to attend the . Colonial Exhibition at, very low .rates. --Miss Noble was in Godeieh last week attending the last solemn rites over the mortal re i- of her deceased father:—'TI le liquor case against .Mcl3ilde myth l''1J gas to.be continued in Clinton on the 14th had to be abandoned as ti o adjournment exceeded the statutory limit, -As will be soon by mention by our ruralcorrespondents quite a number of Iliiron farmers are lik- ely to attend the Colonial' Exhibi- .tioiv:—A social at -the Ontario street parsonage. last wook was fairly well patronized.--Mr.Austin Callender isareported to be in financial trouble bathe has not skeddadlod as 1oported:: He is in town facing . the music. What about the 24th. in Clinton'? It is expected that the horse races 'will bo well fillod.=-TheRattcnbury hotel has a new' "dandy" -'bus, just purchased in.Toronto.—There was a meeting of cricket delegatesin Clinton :'Tuesday, from' Goderich, Brussels, Seaforth, Wingliazn, Blyth and Clinton to discuss'•inatters re- lative to the royal, gauge -An effort? is..bcing made by some of the vic- tims of cattle dealer: Craig's financ= iiia, to take legal steps to ferret him out and secure: his extradition and trial,... -H. W. Ball, of Godericb has. posted .up the preliminaryrevised voter's . lists. in Clinton, and will have the.whole west riding .postop_ this wook. • • • l3RIEF Baps.—Fraillt ,Tones' house and lot on Mary street Was flet sold at aatiction on odnesdayleat,: tlie. reserve bid not bWeing roaacherl.--The>' liiinters did .not,. make a mistake in setting up pasturage sale trills; .they followed copy verbatim• at literaatitn. at iiatuau.—=Goneral agent 1>: Can= telon reports several sales of bind- ers, and crop prospects throughout the S. E. part of Huron, excel lent.— James Smith r=eturned from Califor- nia Friday,, • If not gold plateal his' .features are boozed almost• tine hue of the gouts of Mount Diablo.—Geo. Bowel's - purolaatsed Frank Jones' fard" "'1'wvickenhatn 1+"errs," . house and lot for a sutra in the slight to the ratepayers Whose inter. eats he was willing toforego on the first opportunity of personal advance- ment. --It was also a slight tb the members of the Com:mil to be so anxi- ous to got out of -their company. Copp'saicl there was no use forcing a elan to serve againk again'his will. Mayor and Manning snit a member of the Council could bo appointed clerk.. Jackson objected to • that doctrine, and in any event objected to accepting resignation on the ground of ' expense. It was stated that °oats would• bear expense of electing a successor. Jackson in. quirod if =tuber malting • that state- ment would be responsible. • Mayor and Fitzsimons both said that Coats had volunteered to :bear -expense. Copp wanted to know if the town - could legally accept money:from private persons . for purpose referred to. Mayor said there was nothing to prevent town..from accepting dona- tion from Coats in a sum equivalent to.olection expenses,or any othen suns, Resignation accepted by :vote of 5. to 4. On motion to appoint oats clerk, Cooper opposed and said that Coats' ]lied taken undue advantage of Callender's resignation to get a maj- ority:of Councillors pledged to sup- port him before' other possible ap- plicants knew there. wasa vacancy,. The whole thing had beeh • cut and dried by Coats' friends in a very'uu=