HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-12, Page 7iMilitelieleteklemettlielleteelkeete
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If cheerful nien were selling for
-ten cents ()pleat), and" hadi thous-.
end dollars to throw' away, 1 wouldu't
':by one of them. 1 usJd'to have a•
positive reverence for tt. sailliug,
bland voiced. men. ..Meny •a tilde
I've met Smith,. or G goon or .White
ou neWay aown.town, and it.woiild
jump my, soul a foothigh to hear
. • •
hint call out:
"Well, .iny -bey, beautiful Irma-
eli 1 Isn't everything just love:
VI: Why, I Seem to be floitting. in
11141 -air. Why, I .wouldu't „trade
:this earth for all .the IIeaVens preaCh, •
• ed about by the miniiters. Itave
. 'cigar? No? Then have a drink?
Dear, me 1 but. what can I do to
brighten yon•up and:make you feel
like. an angel on roller skates 7"
• And I'd stand .oif and looket him
and wonder if the laud 'beyond the
skies did; •reall y „contain-, a...happier
sonl. AhI The ofti hypocrite.; •
got to know in after years that is
• children were •afraid • of his
wite,,Zemblati. as he entered. the
-dodr„Ad that it.WaS his .dally habit
to growl out as he Jett the door
• "Wod 1 ....I bought 2 worthlast
weok.f' If that's gone. We'll go .With-
' out sintil Siturday. You :are 'the
• mestIktrayagant wOman in Detroit.
I believe you burn it tii..,sitite me.
-Seep Didn't 1 get e barlast-SaV
urday If you, let the cliildion play:
hared . With the' soap you must tike
the.genseetienges. • •Go doiaron the
ferry 1 1,4 like to see myself 'hie.-
' ging three or fouro.yotinguils and'a
Wifsartund torn 1". •
rta wet 1 Xew York salt
See th t the Snuffy Snyder place la
for sale," said the t Id Settler, as he
ecratched a mateh oa his troasers leg
and lit his pipe. "That a a teaser of 0.
farm, an its bon in the fainly fur het-
ter'n 100 year. I'm. wiliin' te go the
jnice fur the crowd that th.' hain't a
man it the house khows hem; the place
Luinstly.Rt. inter the k:nuoY SnYdor
o onewanted to. bet.
"Fur all th't this here story comes
'from the Jijft times, it •hain't got no
In 'ins mixed up in it. Thick e: the lu-
• pus was, paintere and h'are and sich
was •ist ez thick, an' ez fur deer, my ol'
pap usty say th't when a feller went fur
a walk in the woods he had to keep a
sharp lookout,'tutus° deer kep ti.epring-
in' up on all sides, an'. the chances was
th't in jutopin to git outo the way o'
one Poulin' in One d'reetion he were jist
• e likely e not to git right in • trent .o'
one comin i rother drection, an' be
knocked Vother end up ards. An' them
deer was sassy /ez billygoats, too, my oli
pap usty say,
"Off on the north edge o' Big Peeper
• swemp,. 'bout thorn times, a passel o'
folks from down injersey sorahrs hod
made a detain': Most of it b'Ionged to
Ilyssua Peggy, a widderer, Ilis wife.s
sister fluldy an' her stepdarter Kit
kep' house . • fur
Intim' had .a bo lple o' hushan's
• or So, an bein' a widder ag'in. • Kit
were a tol'able slick gal, jist a-cOrein'
18, an' in the market fur to hitch. 'Lys
Begger4they aliuz called him 'Lys fur
short- had a nephew livin' with him
named Bill Groner, Bill were' a SiX
footer; with a red .head, an',, 'from- all
'counts, he didn t brim over with. popu-
larity 'roan' the clearia' He. was a
• fighter, an' th' were tnily ono Wiring he
liked better n a rough-an'-tu al ble,an'
that wore the ,widder's darter Kit. it SP
happened, . though, la'gesh, th t ICit
didn't see no particlarp"mta 'bout Bill,
W'enever he tried to clothe sweet aroun'
her she anti', give him a big •latigh; an'
• didift cotton truth a cent. Kit kinder
giVeher best lo.oks to'rds a'young ohap
.that everytody liked,, an his name were
Snuffy Snyder—leastways that's all the.
.name he was ever knowritl by, Staffy
wa nit ez fat .ez if he'd bet stall fed, not
by no means. - • Pact o• the matter is, he
had mete boneth'it a baton feet'ry;.ah'
• e • fur sinner, • gesbt'imightyl ye eduld
. ha' cut a raw -hide whip Otit',n any part
of h'in. Bill Groner was amazin' dous
o' Stuffy, fet two ..reasons. Fast, 'cause
t- nutty could sidle up .to• Kit am' she
liked. it, an' second, . Cense, Snuffy :had
a bald head„ /debbe that 'newt seem
funny, boys; an' yer smile is 'settiable:
But ye must:'member th' waSIniins
• in them dity's itri' a bald head were con-
isidered.. !bout' the safest pie 'a 0" per-
sonal property a feller cOuld•carry with
him. • .f. -:e, puttin' this an' that together,
Bill Groner an Snuffy Snyder wa'n't oz.
• thickes peas ate, ethraShin', . not by a'
long shot, ' , •
•"Nobody 3:Myer doubted that Wen ol'
'Lys iteggy died the Widder 'Huldy an'
Kit's' fall *inter his shoes an' ' own the
hull of his, property. Jen Keyes had a
;few acres' o' side -hill on the edge o' .the
elearin', an' he Was euttin' shines itroun'
the Widder. • She didn't 'seem to beV r
no objettiond to addint another nanle to
theta she'd bad already; 'an' she matter.
• give JeP ' to., •understan' th't, if things•'
:wha 'greeable;.his'n "d sound -.'boat • as
well es any on the•end o' Vothers.• • One
day,"Lys.Beggy- whie oet choppitt' trees;
wh't should he de but let a big pine:
branch' tumble. plumb On i,im.ilo
never °cleared' -ne more•an' arter that,
an' the Wfdder Huldy- an': her ;darter.
Kit was 'left without • nolieacito their.
house, After ,volle• •folks b'gun thnoke
•ttroun' • an' ast cfneations 'bout "Lye'
*ID fur all they,eouldTarn thl didn't
• seem tOlaeno will. Jep ...Keyes 'ken'It
eallin' on the widder, an' artee a month
or so he thort•th't • mebbe th' 'wouldn't
be nothin"-Out 'to' the .way in birn a kind
• o' .eaein' his own reitd 'bout- the' will:
• so otianight he says to Biddy th'at' it
didilt seem that it was • so long mime
• Uncle 'Lys died, and Iltildy said, No, it
•Then bimeby Jep said that he
.S'poseri th't if trnele ' f ys didn't leave no
will th't Bill Groner'd git the cleFtrin',
..,ahtUltdelv she_sityYes b' h
lep says .good nieht, and never celled..
en the witlder agin. ,Then sure...plough
folks. said;"'Th. liain'iteno will" -
'1,!thhe th' pays."Itildtt
- that hnor-grittitt-• her teeth. 'If that's
all .th't dep Keyes is looltiM fue,' sbe
• says, "little good it 11: do hin if th' is a
will ' •, • .
"Then she went' d.own it a 'chest' .an'•
took out ft lot. o' Old, clothes till nay
&gong to Uncle 'Lys, an' sorted 'ern out.
She eerit 'ein to a poor widder with four
children; all but an o' corduroy coat
th't 1 nate 'Lys • usty sot big •store• by,
an' that tali she elmeked enter a bed, an'
sake: • • , ' • •
"'111 keep that en tO 'member him by.'
"'I'ltat sante-day 11111 Groner.says to
the Widder Huldy tit% he guesserl th t
• pliintatation was his it, an' Oft if wit
• didn't Inarry bun the both b' 'em most
pack up an git. Biddy tcillrhim to go
an' see bit Ire tol' Lit w at he 4 said
. to her mem, •ari'-she Oared up an says:
th' lain t nothin',1,efto' Snuffy
Snyder bat' his boote," she says, 'then ye
. kin cone to Me Ali' Pll merry ye!
'Arter Kit had tol' 13111 Groner'what
she thort about . marryin' him, he
skipped up-steire en" begun '
„She Itnow'd beret' her 'd."-.1tef to
cut Stielca,from4haf; and Whir in: thp,
wi,1400se nation they teds gone to were
nioihn 010 ou1d 0i111101' Ont,V110 sim.was
• behhooin` she looked out o' the wiuder
an' eet%Stuity ehydee eotnin' gong with
' his b ar trap on his - shouldo; an' Itig7,
gin a innik o' beef fur bait, t he stuck.
her head out, an' ea good es she eould
fur eryin' tin' 'Bobbin, she tot' Snuffy
Wet were goin' on, knitly tol' her to
cheer fl, an' that ez soon t be went,
-.downliong.thatiWitinp :an' sot,--hitt.--War -
trap he'd come back an liek Bill out h
his boots, lin' then go an' build Kit en"
her main a eabin on his ' own little
• Your habiluallycheerfur niat:ts an
old., fraud and a' liar. ' I want to see
. a man grin when 'there's anything
.i: .• . to griu ;:t; but when Green getsaip,
' ' in • the morning. and' .d,eclar'es* he
' hasn't had a meal fit to eat for the.
•„,:_„:.„1.0,et_th lei months • a d that • he. ean't_
'• 'see why his wife is always .grcholin-g
. around and his cliildten always
• whining; .be hits no lauSit'ese to stop
• ' the. first, than he 'meets With a smile
. •
, • clear -hack te his; eenr,'-urithliont out:
' "Why, old fel, 'how oleinn yon
• . 'do • leok 1 • Brabe up, :ataii-life• is
.., . Worth the' living ten, thin% .Over 1",
. :
• I used to reverence Green: .• Re
he had a grip of the hancl. like a
carpenter's vice—he had a yteiee as
:. IA nd as .Yune•--Aie.rd• make :a tote
• su ptiye believe that nothing more
tha 1 a sore heel was the matter, I
tiso4 to lie in ainbusli for lilinjust
to lortr hie lieliSy yoide. and see his
serene countenance, and I'd • go
about my day's work ..wolideritg
• what sort of: a guardian Angel he
.\ had. found.out one day When e
. polieen an had to go ittatid stop:him
• fr i he dine* his wike, ' • •
r11011\5 mail ten soar , among the
ang • with bill collectors .ringing
his oor bell—last„week's grocery
'.:.).)ill weld—the rent rrinnink.be,
.. hindand his Wife cottgliitg , all
.% long, lie •ie an infernal Old fraud and
ought to be kieked, When a chap
who has frozen ttio children; jawed
the edolc and blasted his wife ita• a
. a sort of a meeting tonic bafore
leaving the house meets .yott about a
block from the !gate and is troubled
because you haven't got yoltrnilgol'a
harp eu yottr :shoulder, keep yottr
betd oiriiiirefrity half • (loafs -CP -Tr
•happen to have about yon. • Ile's
mot endugh to Steer ehie,ken broth
from a boy with a broken back':
say, Mt,' he says, '"1-t-is-g-n-fiTtfer
be colder n Green lan' rnight. Len' me•
an ol coat o' some kind,' he says, "
"Kit she leeked 'roan' the room an'
see the ol' corduroy coat tilt the Wid-
der Huldy had laid Oat to keep, fur to
member L itele 'Lys by) an' ketchin" it'
up she chneited It Out'n the winder to
Snuffy, an Ire toddled Off tee set his bar
trap, The Widder Ibildy had took
t' other eintlies to poser little Mrs. Bole,
an (tome back 'beat an hour after Kit
bad give Bill Groner his ansWer„ Kit
tol' her mem all about it, and hollered
har.ler n ever,
4..4,11 now „we'll hef to go and live on
Rug ffy's stuteey lot,' she Bap, 'or else go
out an' let the Iikuns seulp us,' she
"Tbe wicider she bust out a latighin'.
'Not w ile these here dockyrnents is
a-layin'b'yer,' she says, 'Orilla' 'roun'
• to git the ol' corduroy coat. 'What" in
the world I'S t'nele 'Lys' ol' coatlh't was
layin"on this h yet: bedr sbe hollered,
turnip.' ea white 04 0 10.1108t111),
thucked it to Snuffy!' says Kit,
elobberin' an' sni
"'Yo 011110%0d it to Snuffy!' yelled the
widder. `Go an' git it!' she holiere.t.;
`Go an git it! Yer Uncle 'Lys' will is
sewed up in that ol' coat, ye bellerire
Id it, an if that's lostbring on yer
sculpin Injins!'
'Wal now, mebbe Kit wanted to be
told more'n•wunst to go fnr that coat,
but I don't think she did. She tore
down to'rds the creek. `slike a wild doe
with the heun's oi her track; She
hadn't gone fur Ven she met Snuffy
• comin batik. Ho didn't have no ol.'
corduroy coat . .
"'Whar's the coat?' - Kit screamed, like
ft wildcat. Snuffy said, seareti like, that
it wa'n't the coat be cared fur; but th't
he'd tied hig Var-trap bait up in it, an'
a. big painter •had conie along an'
•snatehed it; an' went off with it like a
shot. Then nay ol' father said th't irth'
wee Aver a painter give such a yell' as
Kit did, he never heard it..
"Then she told Snuffy 'what was in
• the coat, and that now they mowt e
well all give up, for th' an t nothin'
left hilt wild InIns fur 'em to • depend
on. She told Snuffy never to come
• nigh her agin' till he ketehed that
• painter an' fotehed back Itnele 'Lys'
will.. Snuffy knoved th' Was 'bout ez
• muchchance o' that es th' 'Was p'
clitubin'', a streak o' lightriiii% That
ptiinter hadn I never -rested • tilt he got
safe am' sound in the 'big- painter
• den on tot) o' Mae:, Hole ridge,
.which' had a mire hole%with
no bottom te it, forty foot wide, On one
side of it, and a swa tp on all the
• t ether sides that no '•livin' man had
ever got in dr oftt of. SeBnuFfy know'd.
it Were all up with him an' Kit, an' • he
struck inter the weeds on a dead run,.
W'en Kit got home she jist tot' her
• mother wh the coat •aif Uncle 'Lys
will had gone, an' fainted away deader'n
a groun'Anig 1 "Ja,nivvery. Wen she
come t� her num wore etan lin' bY her.
• " were keepta', thatair will hid 'till
could find out vent Jen.' Kew e were
h inkerin' after,' said the widder. '`I
foun' out,' shosays, 'an' now y"Vci gone
• an an, tlirow'd the will away! -Cense-
kenee is, my lady," says the widder,.th't
• you 11 ;At begin. to rig yerself to. emery.
-Bill Groner; an' thar s an end On itl'• .
" Wet till th' bain t nothiu" left o'
• Snuffy Snyder but his •boots!' says Kit,
• an went doWn-etairs to supper.
• ."Things went along fur a day of two.
Snuffy hadn't shoVt1 up, an' tit begun
to • git Worried.She nor •the' widder
hadn t said a word: 'bout , the ' an'
the loStif of it; an' nobody kneWid it.
Long to'ard. night on the second day,
• Jin t Crane- come in loaded, down with
wopp,in big painters an strung on his
back ' along ,with"ein was a pair 6' cow-
hide boots. They was Snuffy Snyder's
au' no mistake..
see the two painters'a-tearin' along
a Mile south o Blaek Holeridge;' eays
Jim; • 'an' Toth oh 'cm had siithint
stickin warn their mouths that seemed
to bother lern„. whanged both o' the
varmints, an' .they stopped in their
• tracks; W en • I went up to 'Aim I see
that ib was boots that was stickin' Out
o' their mouthelan from. their throats.
I yanked the boats oaten' see that they,
was Snuily Snyder's. • Poor ol' Snuffy,'
•'says hain't nothin.' left of
him but his boots." •
• "That took all_the heart out o' • Kit
nu y was gone;,an' She diclift'
now whether it were. wild in, ins or Bill
Groner that hooked on to her. The,day
atter Jim Crane come in with Snutfys
'remains, Bill he goes' to Lit ansays,
pleasant like: . •
Whet it were sewod;.'ti'yer a the Micky -
meat ez says th't hain t nobody by
Lb' name 0' Groner- agointer hand this
h Ter elearin down to no young uns o'
his'ur ehe says, an' she snipped the Will
under Bill s nose, 'How did ye eter
ketch the painters, Snuffyi'llhe says,
a-huggiu of him agin.
"Snuffy got outside of a bunko' corn
cake fust, an' told 'em all about it.
" went inter the woods,' he says.
`a.wishin th t sumpin'd chew we up, 1
drucmyself along fur a mile or two,
dodgm' a buck ev ry little spell, w en all
of a suddent a great big buck come at
me, boun to hey a rassel. I buckled
inter him, an' the rust thing I knoved
• he gimme a h'ist on his horns, an I
• come down straIrdle op bis hack, 04 slick
ea if 14 a got thar a purpose. That
kinder s'prised the buck, an' 'fore I
could chuck myself off, away he tore
through the weeds faster'n a hurryeane.
I grabbed him by the the ears an' hong
on. I didn't know what we'd feteh up,
an I didn't keer a. cuss. • I guess we
must ha' gone four miles, licky-ty-split,
through the timber, when I see) Bleak
Hole ridge loolnin' up ahead of us.
"'ay the grilaly king l' 1 saya •'He's
pullin' pltunb over fur the big mire -bole,
an' well both both take a trip to'ards
Chiny to'gether.
"'Tho buck kepi up like a fire 111 the
weeds till his fore feet struck squar' on
the edge o' the big mire -hole, Then be
stopped ea if he'd ran agin a mountain.
I didn't, I kep' a-goin' right ou an' up.
I cleared that forty foot o' mire -hole, •
a turnin' suminersets all th' time, way
up in the air, an' then started fur terry
army, • Es I were emit' down; I see
th't I wore goin' ter strike feet fust in
an oponin' in the top o' the ridge. I
went inter that hole, like a stick in
well, . fur more'u thirty foot, an' felt
both feet strike inter -sumpin' kinder
soft like. It were• blaciter'n a b'ar
skin down their- an' es • soon ez
I struck th' come such a yell ez
made me deef an' dumb. The nor min-
ute t was tlopped over on my back, an'
felt myself startin' tip that hole feet
first, like draggin' •fi, pig o n a scaldin'
ba,r'l. 1 grabbed fur sumpin' to ketch '
hold an ez 1etarted,' down in • the bot-
tom o' the hole, en' what I grabbed
went along with me. 'W'en I got to the
to I see I had been yatiked Out o' thar
by two two hig painters. They had
been at the bottom o' the hole, an' see
•me corein'down through' the air, so
they jist got in under me an stood with
their mooths open to take me in. I
shot (lewd -like a faille' star, an' one
foot went kersouse • inter one painter's
mouth, an' t other foot sloshed right
intee rether painter's mouth, in' thar
they was. They was 'almost skeert to
• death, an' Whizzl they werikout o' the
den, draggin' Me with 'em... My feet
had planted theirself • clean inter the
painters' throats, an if My boots hadn t
ha' come • off Ijist es I was took to the
• top I'd • ha' been drug' round' that.
swamp like a harrow. IA it wee, kebiiz!
went the painters off inter 'the swamp,'
an' thar I laid at the mouth o' the den.
•Binieby 1 lookedto'see What it was that
I had ketelied on to down in the piinter
den, an', lo and behold • ye: thar was
Uncle 'Lys' corduroy coat that I had mat:
'b'ar bait in, an' 111 it were the docity-
ments .safe an'. 'sound. An' now, ettyS
.41:iuffy, 'if •ey'rything's agreeable, me
and hiell jist stan' up atore the 'Sqnire
an' let the pereeedings perdeed.' •
"So Kit • an' Snuffy was hitched,. an' .
that's the way, boys, that the elearin'
• came' te git inter -the Snuffy. Silydet
family." . . '
"Ye didn't tell its, major, said the
'Spire,. "how Snuffy got ten .Blaek
• Hole -ridge an' otit'n, • that. fable
. e
• ' !' Wall, 'Squire," said the Qld Settler,
• my poor ol' father prothisel Snuffy
• he'd never let that •git out, an' the Simla
died with tarn. Come, tine me.
• Wlat'll it.be?"
Lei the 13e OA Grim.• •
lDr. Win. MacDonald In Donlon Lancet.]
'net ancient and piens father of .the
'church, Tertullian, designated ShaVing"'
• as a blasphemy against the etturch lt
may surprise not a few when I say
that there can no longer be a dotibt
that the bronchitic affections under
which Ministers Of the gospel so fre-
• quently labor are often due to the
violation of a hygienie la*. The
t4hat-the-Greato on the •
the face of the human male, thus
. Waking it a law of his physical being,
. indicates in a, language •n.ot to be taiS-
understood that the distinctive ap• ,
pentlage was bestowed ra the purpose
of being worn, ••
• 13esides, the Levitical la* is just as
explicit in forbidding the sha of:
. tha head, eXcept in. eases of disease, as
in the reauirement—"Reinenaber tho
Sabbath dhy to keep it holy." Moro -
oyer, physically considered, these views
'are corroborated 'by ekperience; for
diseases of the throat hare'in numerous
instances been traced 'directly to the
shaving of the beard, the liability., dis-,
• appearing with Ha growth, and vice
Versa. Lot all our ministers, , then,
disregaeding fashion, wear beardsfor
the .Bible and natureare in favor of it ,
"'' Wall; Fit,' he says,' • 'th'' hain't
nothin left of hith but his boor, * " Its
tough on nuity,'. he says, 'but thoso is
dangerous woods, alt a in:mist:1 •iS . a
promise. . We 11 tasten this 'clearin in
the•family mix' Saturday, by you an"
me gettin bitched.':
e it said it didn't make tid diffeence
o her when it •come' an' went
up -stairs and hollered sotto mere. Her
ream said ltd ben lesson to her, she
guessed, at' l'arn her not to ohuelther
uncles wills aroun' like, chicken feed
next t. me. ' ,•.
"l'henex' Saturday were 'three days
off, an' Wenit come there wee quite it
•githerin' st tho 1eggy elearin to see
Kit and. Bill fined. 'Squire . ilger had
come clean in front the Dellywar' fiats
to do the Anin. in len minates more
the jinn' 'd ha' hen couimenced, but
then a long, Tank bushwhacker,
barefooted, all dirt an' tatters, an'
lookin' es if be el 'bee oa wind "far
a Month or eel- kinder ittegetti inter
the gellearlii Ile bad 410.,e'Lg.ntiffin'
mintier' his" Arm.' I it. 45 tioNidy 'en&
ttit made :oat 'the handle 'h.bones
raga to be frau y Snyder,- an," she jet
grebt,ed nun it her•atals ltigged
Itirn till, iny .ol' pap says, ye could her
the 1.otiee creek. • • • •
"'Now 11;04 On yenr• seulpin' injins:"
Riti hollere.d, liain't no 13111 Groner
itt inhat.' she says.
, "En ull'y took the bendle front in un-
e'l.et lilts. :Arm. I Mee yer Ultie1e2Lytt',oV •
corduroy mat," eays he, 'th't ye-seut me -
atter •lest' Week.'
• "11111 b yer'e tio. dotes, inent, sa3.s
• • • • • .
Kit. a venklu' the. the linin'
• A 'P;ow Musical Justritment,
troit e rasa.] •
The "Pyrophone" ta the latestmusioal
invention. It is a novel instrument,
constructed to m tire /Mule from gas..
Its cotnpass is three getaves, with a
keyboard, and it . will be played, in the
same Manner as AO Organ. .It hasethirty-
seven _glass tnhes, in,whiett.tientmbar ot,
gag •AO burn. These jete4eilteed 111
contr.aht and. expend 1 'co the
h ' t
fingers o.: -an.„; ‘' ten he small
St. Paulo chureli.-Services on Sunday at AI
L.m. And 7 p, in Bible Clasp, 10 min. Sunda.
ichool, 2.80 p.m. Service on Wednesday, 8 pan,
amt. WILLIAll 05410, ELM, fleeter
Ilattenbun Street Methodist.*Seri ices at10.80
• in, and 7.00 p, in. !Sabbath Sthool at 2.80 p.
ni. Ray. Mn. Berner, raster, A ' •
Canada Preebyterlaii.-- Serviees at 11 an ant
3,80 ro. in. Sabbath Belida!) 2.30 p. Ilav
&LEX: gTISWART, reenteeiN , e e.
Ontario Street lifelliodist,..-SerVices at 10.80 ee,
m. and 7,00 P. in. Babb:101,50ml) 2,80 p.m,
Bev. W. W. Ssalttllso, Pastor.
Baptist Church. -Service at 0.80 p. M. SO
bath Sobcol. 2,80 n. ru. Bat' J. GRAY, rootor,
Ate of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College
of Conti' Surgeons, ,
• Coats's Block; . Clinton.
All Work Registered. Charges 'decimate,
Sind. ,
nrt. REEVE. Office.--"Palace",Bilek• Block,
Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite the
Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the
County of Huron. Office houre, from 8 ajo, to 6
in, ,
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. •1-y
. Pgat
• Barristers, 4.0,,
Ninzey•to „Loam
. FRANK R. povveLL;
, Barrister, Buticitor, Nola. .
, Pubilo, oto: :•. • '
Office, Scsrle's Block, Albert -St.; ClintOn.
Messrs. :McCarthy, Oslor,
PRI;1•E Fl.rs'es TO, 'LEND at 1.0‘;'0Sfe ratesof
interest.• 381
• °EAGER & MORTON, Barristers, , 007
Oerich and Wingham, Seeger, Goderich,'
J. A. Morton Wingham.. • 1-1y.
DAVISON 84'.1OHNSTON, Tome' Chancory,ted
Conveyancing. Office-WestStreet, next •
door to Post Ofilee,'Gotlerieli, Ont. ." .57.
• D C. HAYS, J:
Solicitor, c._ Office, corner of
1 le Square and 1Vest Strcet,•oxer Butler'H
Stork•Goderich., Ont. '• 87.
ire Money to lend at lowest rates of intoreit.
CAMPION, Berrister,Attorriby, Solicitor in
chancery, conveyancer,. sei.. • Office Over..
•'JettiBM'S TirigStoie, the :1'00418 ketIlletiy
pled by., jedge.Ooy1S, , • •
• • it'e Any amount tit Money te leaflet lowr;st
:rates otinterest: •
Autiontering. .
'AUCTIONS= for Huron Comity. Sales at to In aoy part of the County. • Ad-
dress orders to Goniutica'P •
. .
• • .Ci4S.
. .
•A• totimae, land,' loan and insure/Me tigen.V
M .
1„. yth. Sales attemied in town and country,
in• censorial& terms, A list'of farms and village .
lots for'sale. loney' to loan,or, real estate, at
-4.31ii rates of irterbst. Insoranee effeeted on ell
alusses of property. : Notes mid debts collected.
Goods appraised, and sold on ConimisSion. Bank-
rupt steckslionght and 'sold. •
Blyth, Dto.lo, 1880. ' ••
• J. E. Ii3LACKALL,.
Veterinary Surgeon;
or,idt., --1st tloor 'We. t Of Ken.
• nedy's Chotou,?ht. V47:
Ffetert rill et '
Graduate of the Ontario' Veterimirv College, To.
ronto opened an office in 011)1801, 15
animalli on the most ineciei•n prin-
• ciples. Alt operations 'Carefully •
• ptirfortnea, and• eallsvonirit,....
ly ttend ed to brtlay. •
night. Fees moderate,
tile Size Portraits ft SDecialty.
Olin:Loll 114rble Waits
W. H 'COOPER, Jr.,.
Afghtifaeturer of an dealer In alt kintlg.of
& Grottit6 for Canietery
Wo rl figura thaiAry.eolOpetition;
I, 5
burners separate the sound is peocinced, T
when they close :tooth& the mind '
ceases. •
The tone. depends upoti the titunbet
of the burners and the siee of the pipes
in which they burn, so that by a careful.
arrangement and selection all the notes
of the musical settle may be produced in
several octaves. Soete of tho glass tubes
in which the jets burn are neerly eleven.
feet high. Whole the "1"yrophone" Is
played upon with the keyboard it gives
out a rich, full tone of renaatkablo deli-
cacy, and to a great extent resembling
the hutniul Voice. .„
. • , .
. A 1 se. tynt t) re etu etilfil• Celebrated
4,tertmotAt 'Sroete for Building
ewes and CeMetery Work, whiell must
110 seen to be tippreeinted,—All. WOldr
waranted to ffiVi3 matislaetion,
Aftvii!ir Parlor to the TAW» where
be invites old ni,e now potions to pelt for
• at Mean shave and jt a+c Ii511 l'air cut,
Latest. ski tos of !adios ladr.tdALUPg.
Wong to pia,
• ".,1.,ovELL,Bireforr, Soleiter, etc.,Searle's Block, Ctmett
Aff ONEY (oboe In large or quail stuns, an
_LTA good niortgages or personal zettitity, 80
the lowest current tato*, 71, BALE, Huron -49
Olmton, Feb, 25,1881. 1-iy
, •MONEY..
PVATE FUNDS to lend on Town and F,arin
property. Appb to
• Office, next News-Rs:cone (up stairs) Albert. -St.
jricorperated by Act Of Parlfatnerst, 1855.
CAPITAL, - ; ' $2,000, 000
REST, • • - $500,000 -
Head Office, monTuE4t.i..
J fi E. MOLSON. Viee•President. •
F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager:
Notes discounted. Collections Made, If:Omits
bated, Sterling and American eX.
• ehtlIlge bought and Srild at low-
est OutTent "rates.
fronesT Ai 4 rElt CENy. AleLOWED Oil DEPOHT
Revance4 to farmers on their own notee •
• with one or Moro endorsers. No Mortgage re.
eutred as seoutlq.
• . H. 4:1; BREWER,
ry. 1884. Otinen
.1140111e. •
tiLIN.TON Lodge,: No. 84, A. F. & A. au.;
Lj inceta every Friday, on or after the '
• moon. • 'Visiting prethren cordially invited.
J. YOUNG, w. Me • .3. •OALLANDER, Sso
• Clinton, Jan, 14, 1881: • , 1 -
-L. No. 7101
ti1011th. • Mtn 0111)08ittk • ,
Meets l;fECtli'D Mond4 of every
the TwpIhl1. Visiting brethren
. go always Made' welcome.0. .
E.•IFLOItgODY„ Secy.: • • •
tor Wr in*Pt,
able farmoomposed pf lots 22.e1d ,30, eon. 8,.
2u0 acres, of•thIs 160 acres are elearcd,
balance good hardwaed bush.' Bearing orchard
of three acres. Ordiriar5 .dwelling house ; god
franie barn, and other outbuildings: Farm is '
well Watered, end situated about 5 miles fruit
the Town 61 Clinton. Terms easy, ',Apply. to
M. AteTAG G ART, 'Clinton..
. • ' - asset ,
;P°"ES ANL. LOT Pon SALE. -Being lot
Linsley Street in the VILLAGE OF bLYTH.
.The lot is one of the' mat eligible huildieg sites
• in tho village and base, good bonse, stable, hen-
ery, good hard and sett • water me: orchard 1.1).
the. premises. Apply to A. 0., y.AN 1X4.11019,
• on.the , lim3S0 , •
,, • FOR SALE.
Tofferslfor Salo foil). eligible
1 Building Lots fronting on 'Albert Street; also
two frontiug on Iiiittenbery Street; either fp
Wm' or iMeeparate lots, 46 suit perchasers. Fer
further parEientars apply tellie und.insigetd.-- E.
OtINSLEY, canton. • - "3sfIT '
• • •
, .
vip FOR DITY-O001W811.0ROOSItY7F0.
Jj nes. Is good order; dilly boor, fn use two
seasons. Appli to '
• " • .• R. COATS .2 soN.
Clinton, March 260i, 1835. 331 ,
MITE udersigued offers for side his HOuse allti
I' Lot on Queen street, Milton.. The house is •
newly built ; six • rams, three upstairs and three
clown; hard and soft water; good cellar. Situate ,•
• In ,risieg and healthy locality. Terms ear)
Apply on elle premises or addreys Crintoe P 0,, •
• .• • J081111A HAMNER. • .•
ARM FOR SALE --That very desirable In m
✓ in Colbornethmnship,:coteity of FILM »,
composed' of 'pm tious of .blook 0 and
Western Oiv Won, containing 220 neres, about 25
neres bush land arid ‘Indanee (leered ; alny and
sandy lemi'land. hpi Mg creek punning thiough
the farmliwelling and ol6 buildirgs en the
premises. 1 he whole, Or part- wilt he ..dhl on •
lIletnl ter»1», , Apply perronally or by' letter to •
WM. WELLS, on tho premiseson- to If FERV .•
WELLS, Saltford 1'. O., Orit.• • • 370:3n0
rOlutENT.—Tho hriek store in Searle's block,
oppsito..themarket, lately 050(11(10)Iteta: 500. as' a dry- troodd store.' Tim preinisea.. .
are•cmi and well.fitted up,•;ivitli cellar full size, .
also' large room 110 stairs willi geed mitratiee.
Apply to W,0. SEARLE, Clinton. 303-tf
, DrOfq,LiNo TO EFNT.-The upstairs. pre -
wises on Albert street over store; commis.
log Seven rooms, Apply toN, ROBSON. 303-tf •
BO 86 SIVE sppitE
, „
Promptly attended to.
O. POTTS'I-liouse, Sign,
CMItfit11(0.1? te ON:VERA 15.)?,5,1,1NrP.15`.,
1Mpor Molding (8or) Iressmining srenstl
M omm, &hoot DirmIthdards sprol51M. ;Va.
factM's thamostord nda piqres 51'th /So
1150:45no5—.11drii Stied, 0,415V7OV. •