HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-12, Page 6• Rev, Wm. Brownlee, of Kelvin- hauxh, sptaking at the soiree of :the natives of Troon resident in Glasgow, said he hoped they would till echo the. sentiments of a friendat a Dont gregational soiree, who was asked, . how he had enjoyed it. 'Oh, I liked i; real weelt' be replied, sthere is nothing 1 like so much as horses. at a. circus and ministersat a soiree.' -A. SEVERE TRIAL, Those who endure the torturing pangs of iieuralgia, rhsuwaiiein, sciatica, lumbago, and similiar pain• ful eotnplrints are severely tried, but thereie a speed,relief in [fag, yard's Ye avtt.C)il aa,,thousands who hav4 uset4 it joyfully testify. It bas hes pain and lameness quickly. An iplteeper at St. Andrews, in • wit$sel)ouse the Clergy Ye d;dined both before: and after' the' Revolution, beinomslled what was the,. difference between 4te ode andthe, other : answered;,-?6Chere wires not much i in the time of Episcopacy,, Lite Dean .used to call' boldly for a bottle of wine ; afterwards, when,. Presbytery 'camp on the carpet, the woderatgr whispered the maid to:fetch a snag •'nein bonitvi,', As, w Le MAC 1n a recent: letter from R. W. Dowsonl,of Deloraitre, Ont., hestates that he ilea recovered from the worst fon *of -dyspepsia, : after sur. Tering for fifteen years and when a cohiteil of doctors 'pronounced him incurable' he tried Burdock Blood Bitters; six bottles of which restored his healtht, !I oiv is it,, Fogg, that you. are always advising everybody to marry, and`Jet yptz show n0 burry-ttbout taking::it•wife yourself?' Fogg; -'Be- rause, thy boy, I am too:much of a' eintleman to help . myself At itilt everybody else is supplied.'u,,; 1'ICifd a,ightning; Is simply a rarvollons Rftou= ma*. ltcn edy. Lwas4ortwo mouths a cripple; 'from Sciatioa..nnc bottle gaso'nte instant, re. • Ito„, and p1tt bd me on. my •foetsitgain, I have drivch fourteen miles to da • (sewotliini Ldould not possibly have done ' re it not forkkluid . Lightning) for the, enptos . urpo�c of .proecixing another bottle.- So says h t iia 131,01. „ Oanaxt- ogno, Only25 cents per tt Heat the drub store: A, business man in l', kin' ell.,, went to•bis minister the outer day and said r "We heveiit ,.Mort gailb, on this church` building of $1700... ' 1 have t chance. to'go in on taipork.deal, whit h will payme about 3,OOO in thirty days. If I should make, the deal and 'pay., oOE the mortgage do .you think the •Lord would he displeased with me 2' "Well, Brother Iiastings," was':%tJie reply ; "I have heretofore held that .tlie Lord was against this sort of speculation, and while 3 shan't attempt to decide the matter for you, [ think it's•an experiment worth try. • ing,' especially :if-yotl subscribe an additional hundred dollars for' the new belt. " Toe Hectic .F -lush, • pare ioi:ow cheeks and precarious appetite, indi- cate •worms•: Freeman's Worm 'Pow- ders a ill•ioickly and' effectually re move them, A• garne• little chap, about eigllt •years old, had. misbehaved ;himself` so' • far as to strike a lad` near 'double his age, for which he was.taken in to' cus tody., Next clay he was brought be:' fore "the -.bailie. The lad's -mother Being called was asked if she could snot keep her boy: froni'. doing.• such • disgraceful acts,, to whie.h she re, 'plied,:—'CYeel,;your, w.orship, I'll kick better after' Nevin the tifrte to come, but at -the same' time, I. canna see boo Lily led,tie, only eight. years •aul•l, could bea't".t::leddie . near as ' auld again.' . The Dight year,old,, thinking bis Mother was-making.hina-.olit tn.be' less than,' nothing„ convuased. the ` court with as fighter'"byt exclaiming 'Rooze me' tnith'; rooze ate, and I.'il. thump twa softies like blit.' Y1re3 oI experience and suceesatultrlal have u ipoxarbcpRProved tletuand stifactoyomouna r healing Old. Sores, "F'eatcriuge, Ulcers, Cuts,. 1Younds, Burne, Frost Bites or Nona, and ter lfecpingg out the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud nosh, sloughing or decay. Insist on hat•. Ing llcUregor & Parke Osrbolio Cerate, sold at «sic, by all druggists, The celebrated diner out, Theo- dore Hook, surprised in his chair some hours after dinner, exclaimed: --'Yost see, when one dines alone, the bottle does come around so often.' FevIlt colic, unnatural appetite) fretfulness,, wealtness, and oonvul- Bions, are some of: the ief£ects of Worms in children ; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup., Said a Missouri preacher '" here's a powerful sight 'of giggling ick than in the corner, and it's got to be stopped, or the Lord will dele- gate me to open the door and. throw some one out.' It was stopped. • ONE DOLLAR AGA MST FIVE HUNDRED. ' 'Isaao Brown, of Bothwell, Ont., was afflicted with chronic humor in the blood, • He says one dollar bottle of,Burdock Blood Bitters was worth Liore than 1<ie5OO,OQ paid for other medicines. 'It is a reliaflo blood purifier. NATIo'rAL Pius are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach anis, Liver Fill in use, • \Tunkie, dear, can you . tell me what love is like 2' asked a gushing school: miss 'of her bachelor unole. 'Oo alp,' replied that prosiae relative, "it's Mist like suppin' kail wi' a fork, ye never seem to get en'ugh el,' A DOUBLE BENEFIT.. Harry Ricardo, of 'Toronto, certi- fies to the benefits received from the use of Hagyard's Yellow'. Oil as a cure for rheumatism. end deafness his • affliction with these combined troubles being a severe one. It is remarkable what a difference there is in the .sensat'on Mien • you 'get a'lettet h iclosing a ten dollar bill 'and, when you get one inclosin;; a bill for ten dollars. Use. Prof. Low's Sulphur tF-otp for Prickly heat; Nettle. Rash, :,Scaly Eruption. Itch, and all 'diseased can• ditions of the skin. O • irO.DE4 -BOOKS in no trifling sense, hut the beat t.ersature of the world presented inexcelleut andattr'aetwe ren, at pr'ives•scslove a:sto excite universal '` wonder.,' , 1 ;R•.0 Y of sy.4.Y1)41. fit .t1.,1s.2Uiti; C.'ontainins issue valuate, to )..^rias octwve,.t 1.1,4 wire, with• lulrlrrntttsfitWght. int - r .us, tLe irh•+k artily berinet 1n litre eke)+, orr,4e;,tw;a-ed, the Rol'otring; co;ehrat,J works, asubrhlgHa : (Ilii Art 4 /,surer t11R'ronv of the F,INTOTARIT I'eortE.. 1. 1 I l l h"- 111.1s •til i of the ram:slat 1 tlt'ttl,u'i'lttN. CIti.AsY' , •^ifie••u tinCISIV BATTLE'S t , the svlOtt.A2., &C1•111.4.t:tt'r.ItitaTt)it1 oft110TM. lti9CI1.t1t5' • li tiwPFit t lit,nrst-rit ' lowest price for these four great works $14.50; lay price is $2./7O ; postage 40 cents extra. 'tA won'ft+t•'ntnk in more senses them one. The idea of put. ng a work like this tri only $s.54). Per, copy, set uh.i i.'•epnster- •,. an t tt t titers is wisdom in it. for evervbo'ly wifl want nt, -•,;i it will thrr.t ht' the. ineetts of advertisini and introducing se ttunterunit wni''cihrip honks whit -h the pul,lislter is put- n r f++rwnr'1."•- f'hr•.ivtitru •e1 I17n•Ir; New Turk City, It /a truly n rrrrari t I of slits and a triumph. of modern nte- lemi:'nI art Hitt r.itt•h a utahI' colonic t'nn be furnisltr-tl, at so tarts t Inst, sVhether we admire its large pro/tont/rna.'beau: fill boldin . fair page. exesillcnt paper, tiuuherons and .strtk- ttg illustr,ilinns, notal>er big ',gently 100—•ail LUQ .4 4-014,94.9•—• ltrittitife f'tptosure, Chicago, 11 t. • -• • 44731t4If 1' of .' 7 A ,v1)41 PO7iiT.o,frontaining in cam' laiperial ocutro; htantlsot.ICly ts.und,•Glunsc, of about 1a00..pages,•Buur. gooks and heavier type, leaded,. thu'following works, tuta>xrldged; Snort's Complete Poetical and Dramatic -Works. Cs.tnprelt+ ;'netioal t,_fnrks of Robert I2tuna. • - tlomploty Pool/kW Works of.Tktomaa hioore. E4 wally good " editions of these •are not elsewhere obtain- eb1e•for less than $4.550; my price t$2.004 postage Lt cents.' O ILLUSTRATED SHISTORY, e Poetry, Cionside, LIBRARY of CLASSIC PROSE, In ono imperial oc,. tavo volume of about 900 pages, handsome: typo, and lino eiut4 biadtagl, brnantcuted,, the follorwing ramous essays anal ivorIra ; Uaea14 y'9 Ess yet un Milton, john Stuart 'Mill On Liberty, I Q. Iiunaerto%;ro7; an The IeUectnal Lint., Ifcr'.:ort oar: r ort I dnc at:Hort, - r Limit Tirou;,lr:•s from Grcelt thorn. f Great Tltougitts fl'os 1^24141'4ut]rors, {•ontplctoh;nuys 1 y Lord Dison. Complete "Ltttors of Junius.' Irving's I 1p "Fan Winkle and Other- Slretet5oss �1:. Ilio, tort's i'nrewell nod Other .wdetrennoa.. 311acaula,v'•t 1.1fa of r red,+rlel, rho (;roar. • T1 e above cannot be obtained front any other pukdisl,tn btu. u for less than t$10; my price is $1.7.1; postage 80 rem s. " This isindeed a'wortt.'.t:r-book, 11 tilts arno'tlit Sol valt.a:'te finality of its cnntt•nts. The tvoii her le stew aitch n 1•indr, which. is a library hi itself, can be aoldat such a paiwe.'--11rtt'l.- ottlst Recorder', Pittsburgh. I'a. "'l our ' 11 istc>rical 1Von'ler-Look' L5 a, wonder—a wonder how nth iml:eriul octavo volume of over 1,000 vages,'with many ideal rations, dieter, tyPe, fine ]raper, hand omnely bound, e'+rt, tenting fuer standard historical works of great vette•, eau he, ::f)ftl for °',..t,:'.0."--.B4xstix T. Losst;No, LLD., the historian. 0f'0n ++•tit i t"•celtttr ft, lira -ori 2i trri;a t•n.h, ft.., a{. , tr45'7631.171.8.115;7:„._:70, ,rr,•s'x''e•�.•ut 6n" if sane within ten tinynt MY tin tt : n•771.:7-7. m•utlon pnnrnnr w.e-n Th. ntlrris to seeare r n t� t eu N :e.if :'2' r :• un o and loot/cute the sa+in ndrrrrin rte- mane ons. I J f f e^v It t 1 It 1 R 109-P4 GE ('..t 1' 1 LO(,I VE SOW free. "Tire belt eratareof the world at the lowest prices ever ?mown. Ent ilta, seat . for Ex,i2Wl NATION BEFORE 2'1L1':'!I'�w i'•1' on reasonable evidence of gootl faith. Address JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher P. O. &A 2287. • 893 Pearl Street. New Tork.. • NEW STOCK !. NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S 1BLOOK, OLE NTON. • JOSEPH':;:CHIDLE'Y, Dealer it.. -Furniture.. • can at the New Storo and see the stock of Bedroom and - Parlor Sets; Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, • Springs, 1lfattvaesos; etc.; and general llotiseiold Furni-tore.' .The wholo• Stoek is from the very best. nsemufaetdrers: Picture Frames and l"foiildings of•everydescriptiont . -JOS. 'CUlIDLEY,' one door -West of Dickson's Book Store, EST.ALUE. Headquarters for New Fruits, Peels, Groceries, &e. See 'our New Gla,sswa%e, Mugs, `&c. - TEAS & GENERAL GROCERIES. The Right .eoods at the Right _Prices Faryn Produce taken at Righest Prtee..:. 723P,C48 RACEY'S OLD STAND!. ALBERT; STREET, CLINTON. . PREEMIE'S WORM P CWDm on'2. Are rleaooat to t: l+o. Contain their own Rurgativo. Ina sato, snrn, uud effectual dclitttoyaer of worms in C4ildrun or :Adult's BARGAIN —IN To break' up a cold- or cough or its ill results thieve. is -no better rent-; edy, than IIagyards' Pectoral Balsam. A PLEAs'NG DITTY. "T feet itmy duty to say," writes ;ibbn Barton, of. Des rt F. Q4, 4 -that Burdock' Blood :BR ers sired my wife •of liver' cotnplal;nt, from which+ sho had been: t t chfonic sufferer. Iter distressing, painful symptoms soon gave way,. and L tan highly rc- comtilend the medicino ice.adl suffer. ing as .she did." . • ! • certain, minister•of the Kirk Of Scotland, nota deceased, had prepar. ea with , great meet" . series, of 'die courses ori the :par)ble Of the ten uit:gins, and had maths use of them rather .oftener than. some of the; brethren thot.ght hetshoultl'. On 'the evening or a. coninlrunion Sabbath, when assisting a 1 rother clergyman in the same presbytery,he dellveredi one of . bis 'series, which .his friend had heard more than once. When.: the services were over arid; the two minister's were on their way to• the manse, the one said to4 the other:: (Man, John, I'really think you Omit gie up the virgins; ye'ke fairly make big sold maids o' them:'' I hal l..ryears'boou,a tnisorab'e sufferer trent U: spd,ssla, and,trietl.all known remedies and the host erotical sklii t my acgttathtanco, but 8111 brow WO1'40 .until unablo ta.eet anythlpg without ,f'011 suffering, or do any Iti11t1 olvr;vork: Liiogan to. think. tftore•w7ta no hope- for and'.that I ntdq sorely die; w.fmn, lilts a drowning In tib dishing 0.1 a stralV;i determhted try give hie- ansxor e speedy Curest, trial, I At -once begeh.to, improve S7 rapidly that hi ttvo.tnpnths 1 was as moll as I had ever best in my life. tt Vit. Boats, h iteeetro:i, So1d, by the druggist,. Foe Wei. bottle,t, a 50AGEN. POUNOTS 50' —o—o— The Best ever o i ere • in t.ie vicinity for the money. . General. GROOEETEs; equally cheap. FJftOUR &NNt'D 7l'EED always on hatida THOS-.STANB.0 Rif.: ATTENTIO N! FARMERS • Implements.!' implements t, 4rc(;K!I ' LQI SEInF..BINDERS, i2 APREIS, MOWERS, SEED+DPIL.L$,, HORSE, RAKES PLOWS, CUTTING, COXES,, atLLEfis, ETC., ETC., pints` all Implements used on a farm Good ood as the WO, and as q leap as the Cheapest, at • J. R. - '"FIR'S 1'IIPLEMENT WAfEfOOMS a In returning thanks to my many. &len'ls and' patrons ,for post patronage,' I Iwontd like to call their special attention to my very complete stock" of i:ARNESS,• 'WHIPS,:, CURRY COMBS, . , :BRUSHES, ETC.,.. ETC. .Speeial attention is directed to my stock of •r:SINGLE :HARNESSr: It will: be foun3 very complete, and for durability and finish" cannot be excelled by. any one. As I employ none but the best workmen,and use the best material to be bought i;tt the market, all *ha may favor the with their patronage rrray.feel confident •of getting '.satisfaction.. PRICES: AWAY DOWN. Trunks and. Valises. in great variety and Prices tow.:' -B�E ��" - YE7-17r COOPER 8s' SOWS' Declared'. by.. to patrons. equal' to any 6r eent Tea sold elsewhere.. Get a 5•pou td •- caddie before it is all gone., . ' A Geoid Japan Tea at 35c. per 'P•ound. • New Valencia Raisins, Extra Selectgd...Rn.isir "ek§Baskets, 'Seedless Raisins,°New' Currants, New.allelled'A•lnfoiels, Almonds, Flllyer y,• New Lennon, Orange and Citron ••1. ' Ptsel� • Allrkindsot Poultry taken i i excbnnge for Goals. MI -10S_ COOT" R '& SOW GROCERS, Corner Store in Seavls's. Block, ' ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line: of ► rr, � advertising in American Papby er addressing Geo ,owell&: Co.,, K iVbwepSAper Ada..rtieina; I3ttsowu, iO:Spruoe st., New York.. SArWA. 1Qatti, mitt ILICIresscip Rams ,• • SJ:IOtTLD .LEAVE THEIR OIWDERS AT e : New-Record.'''Office .error_ ROUTE' `DILLS AND -a PEDICREES. 0= 0 :Lithograph. and Letter -:gess .:Job : Printing 1 SALE DILLS,,, POSTERS, • • DODGERS; . FLY; SHEETS, • INVITATIONS, .. PROC.L AXMI S, . SHIPPING TAGS, ENVELOPES, &a, BILL HEADS, INVOICEtS; • NOTE HEADS, . CIRCV1frS,, , ' • LETTER HEADS, ' : 'CARDS, STATEMENTS, ' GI?,NE-EAL I'I'�INTI\Cx •T•H E:. LATEST . T1 L:� .:.OF CUTS. • Saciety s•: Pa°iutnegv Of all kintls,,in the best style knoivn, .to' the craft. tf� Colored Printi'nij -a Specialty ,.'cit . II. II „ fIG We invite a comparison of our work. with that of any other o#ice:'ra3/4 il"west oforonto;.01 •Y , --- a --o—o o• ---o— . K STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS"., $eo our stock of Citts before ycku order. Prices consistent with.good work.. Orders by. mart pnnipbly atteneica to. Wbte... pTodc - Publishers ars Frl�torsn • CLIATON1 ONTARECQ„