HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-12, Page 5•
Vito Cheap Lines of Dress Goods
The Low,Priced Hosiery.
The Big Stock PriOse
Goto the place 'where they itebli thepit —
E . -
Dry-GCO:ods; Vilfor.fdire of€1!ito.
• stone s reply to somewhat abnilar
4. •resolutions in 1882 is • considered.
Iis answer was that when Her
- Majesty's' tidvisers intended legtslat
Mg for' the United Kingdom they
Would "coniont tfre../Mperial Podia-
ment.and not that of a. distantde-
pend:eody. . •
• Senator O'Diatohoe• has' giVen
• ;notice that ire Willi 1WOVIte PA-
N cais'y of the ftde'd apliointment,
If John Otbonolmq to the Privy
Cbtrifell; and a 'copy of certain letters
Of Sir John Macdonald to •their
.jordehip's, certain Bishops of »the
Province of Ontario,aS.a other
letters andpapers-relating fra snob
appointment, and foi, col*, Of ali
Orders in ' Connell in;reference.
.the said appointment (trifle:mime:11a-
•ation thereof, •
From away baok ainde'ihe time.
the memory of mai rttnneth n.ot tQ
• the. contrary 'the horse, -the. 'noble
horse : this beautiful auitna.,,* this
-decile eerviceoble-satinial, has' been
the friend, conipanion; servant :of
man. The hills and vaLeys 'of
•, the steppes Of Russia,' the • burning
• sands of Arabia, the siritii7. skies of
Italy,- the soil of Greece, the
highlands and moors and. bogs of
Great*Britaini the painpas -of:South
America, ,the goldbearing..
valley -
and Saffron colored hills of Cal-
ifornia, the Plains.'and prairies of
otar own Northwest, 613: 131118' grass
itegiane• of 'Kentucky ,and the naa,ple
droving ridges and dales of old
'Canada -7-i° all these are the clear
out nostrils, the intelligent eyes, the
• archedneck, the gracefuRy rounded,
• proportione Of the horse ,•familiari.
And :there i probably no oilier
animal to Which Man can shew kind-
• ness with the same certainty
the most fippreci4tiVe. tlits .horsa, is
the most useful of animals.'- The
deMand for 1103:SeS even with all the
iinprovements of steam; for ts;:
portation,. eto.,..fias enormously' in
creased and is likely .to • inerease.
$o much is'thisa tact that there is:a
steadily and ever 'inereasing aten.
•lion, being given to their propaga-
tion. Kentucky and Cuda pre-
sent the most favorable natural con,
ditiOns of soil and' climate' for the
production of the,_best specimens- of -
the equine family, as also of the
human family. Canadian breeders
are alive to this important - foot;
The result iiptiiat Withithese natural:
0 ooncomitantit- and by importation
,L and selection of sires. and:also. with
Or dye regard for desirable qualities
(Iv in 'dams, Canada outratke.the world
• hi the production of the fittest types
of librses. And the county of
Duron is one of the •best. horse
• breeding sectibns. • tit ofhundred.
•probtiNyi...of sires infthIt county we.
may ,tnention4. feVe that have come
under oar thilAseason;. and
whose, pedigrees, like Ceasei'S Wite,-
• are-abovoistispioioni.
horse lifielliere is
Finiooing4Ittp.ortedii1 wholtrs,
a Provfitiatrgititg&i. -He will
travel from goderide township by
way of Varna,: ffrileeteid,,, gxeter,
Birr, London, Hyde Park; Thletton,
Kentucky Star,. .owned by. J, T.
Carter, Blyth, is another fine animal.
His route will be from Blyth to
Manohester, •Smith's Hill, Dungan -
n�, Lucknow;Whitechurch; Wing-
•: Then' there is the Woiderfull trot-,
gig stallion Roan Mud, owned by
James Bailey, of Goderich, 'whose
-route will be from Goderich to Dun-
lep, Sheppardton, Port Albert, Bel-
fast, Dungannon, St. Alleluia:Le:
Nile, Siiiith?s• Holmesville. •
.1-teir4ci-Law is a beatity, with an
,evident :Arabi of the thorough -bred
in, his shapely form'. .He is owned
by Mr.. D. A. Lansing and will dr -
entitle. from Eotadosboro to Smith's
Duna -mum]; Luck-
now, Wingham, Elktettale;•Belgyave,•
Boundary (to Lansing's
Young Accidental, by' imported
•Linaidlattal,, lir awned: by J.W.-Cook
an&wfti kfoOdi dittringithe season:
at Clinton, D. Cook's(Goderich tp),.
HolitelVille, at J. Wilson's,- Col-
borne bridge, West Wawanosh,
• 'Donnybrook, Marnoch, lalythi.8th
con. Morris, Brussels; Kinburn. ' •
= Young Tontine ky worthy son of
that noted sire and is owned by. W.
Elliatte'Porter's• He may be.
seeni at Bayfield, the Sauble Line,
O'Brien!li on? Lake Shore,, :rand
•Bend, Zurich, Goshen and,Babylon.
Lines, again at Bayfield, then' at 4:
PaacoOk's in GOderich township.
.• In imported heavy horses we.find
Fisher & Anderson;, of Manchester?
with..LOrd•: of Vie Manoro
travel through. East and West Wa-
wanosh and Blyth. The same own -
es also havebn the roadthe reeent-
ly.iinported. • • . •
Cock .0' The 2Vbrin, whose route
will be through Colborne, by Ben-
' miller to Jos. -VaitelY's„, Goderia.:
tp„ Fiittees' Hill,
corner, 1 Clinton and L.
lVfoore'l,'Base Line.
Scotland'i Glory, owned by -A.
Carlton', is also Lhis season's impor-
tation, and will-. he located: it East
Wawanoshdgarnocii, telg,..:averMor-
/Clinton; tondhstoro, Blyth.
John Mason,, Hullett, has .the
proved sire Boreland eligie,.4)vho
will be found in his own township
. at Blyth,. Morris, Harlock,
Alma, Clinton, and at Jenkins' andl
Eobt. Thoinpson's; • Goderich.
. Askwith has• 11•••• fihe° sPeelinett, •
The ado of PlionptOu, Who will be
found at Manshoster, Bise Line,
Dungannon; Mile,,etc, •
Reidi & Switzer have Casitly
Prince, .whQ. will be found during'
-the tit:moat). o -hs -;v
• Drysdale's hotel ;
Sauble Line; John Stewattfp,
Curry's and Geo. Sturdy', Coariolk:
townshiP, Tfahnesville, J. G. Steep's;
0briel•Ellicitt's and Varna
• Tlie : horses that we have netnedt
are a perfeet°' galaxy` of splendidf•
Sit'081- 1111bilY pedigrees, as given on
their Mite bills, show they are bred
from stock 801.80tbd by the most
eminent breeders in t1 world:.
The Orange' Societies of 'Ulster
that if Home Rule is given
Ifeland' they must be counted out,
that Ulster must have sepal* home
rule' or 'retain her;•coaineethorii with
the • Dmpire Altiough representation
• in' the 'Inipetial ;Pad tan -tent. E.
liah and 6coteh'stittesmen will help
Ulster,.. antlq. railtdal Cliaariberlain
SV o have opened out this week the following lines
New. Gloves, New .Elosiery, New Embroideries, Mew Laces. -
Also, One Case :Stuff Dress Goods in all the New Colorings,
• Mmictrist, 1.4=)cocit. 'NTELliztaw
Altre toe adding Novelties to our Millinety Deparittieut every week -
state late JO
1 •
• 5 per aent: ogler Cash.
With Braids, Batton.% Glasp-s, Cords &Trimmings to niateiL.
Dr.. Cameronk itbform• tit lather
forItiuntingtfoir in the' 441tiel3ec
Leei'slature;• - clnonitotitt tile whole
•9[411111r011 ,
teal Gait crew. for lkingin,, uP a.
motion of sympathy for Ate1, in, the.Onuing Park Assovat n
Quebec Legislature. • ••
GENTS WANTED-PA414•0i'Cleil1hitten.....
1-1_ Good conunission1aild 15;01.1100y. Address.
; -384
' liewiloods .Nowg
(Corrected every .tuesclay afternoon
• ' ' CLINTON, • • •
e $410 ,to 4t 50• '
1.,1 Wheat', •' ••• • ••'" 0,710; •th 030
Sp.Ing Wheat; • • • • . 0 76 to '0 80
Barley - • •• •• 0 50 to 0 65
Oats,• • • • 0 30' oto '0 31
Peas, • • • it • ••• ••• 068 tb'. 0 53
Apples,(wInt4) per bbl, - 1 00 th 1 IC
11Potatoes, 0 25 to 0 25
Butter •• 0 15 to 0 Di
.406, • r . O 8 to. WO
Hay., •• • . • -• ,8 00 to 900
Pork ., • • • • 600 to .5 00.
Cordwood, • - • 3 00 'to *9 00
Beef • . 0 00 to C 00.
Wool • • • • 017 to 0 lit
641810 & READINGS
WiIliije eiVen in ST'. PAUL'S
• On Monday; Mayl7, at8Y.7111,:.
In' aid oi•St.•-karPs GlittroliVirden,• /
• .
;.,001l11 -TY OF-HtiRON4 gXAMItIlid•
,• TIONS083.6i.
'04:109'.14) toteesionor extunihatiop
oa the ilizt15.1e.choolsihithe Connty onhionday,
.281,15 Arne, Pa: int. Third' class nonprofessional
eitsmihation pt tbelligh Schools in the County
:on Tudealy, .6th July, 9 a. ni. First dais, 'grade
" tondity 12th July, 1 p. in. First class, grades
_AittirLil,-Tuesday_20t1, July, 9 ii.._ni._Candidatte.
• Who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaton),
nlu t notify D. M. ItfAttocp, P. S. -Inspector,
ost office, not Mier than the 25th May,
• abating which of the, schools they Wish to write
'at; arid' thosewho wish to write a6iClodefich
must notify Jobs E. Ton,. P. S., Inspd'etor, Ex-
eter, 58 thelmne date. The notice must be ae
comps.nied by a fee of $4.40, or $4,00 if the Gan
dictate applies for a 311deit5' well' ineiritinVelass
'Milos:14mb No -nem ev51111 ihn4orwardedwto the
Department n Picea Wilma aceeritelifiefit. •
of application map be .bol 'from the seeretary.
The hdeemayters of 'the High, ScheeletliIl please
send the applications of theirocettriftiltes to We'
County 'Inkbector of the ditisfair 1nwhMi thu
.; 'AMSON;
• • — 8134. E. Era.lifii.Srlid; 1886. 304.2t
AT $2.10 POISOW.T.;
. .
BRAN by the ton or cwt.
• Aitr0011. PER CWT. "
Delivered ftee'ot ellargefinvivT.teroin town.
• 111014. JOHN RAYSON0A
Coopoes OLtiXteig,
.FIReT• RACE, given trot. - Purse. $100. ,Open
to, horses that have never.Veffii pUblid-nrotiey,
owned in the minty of Huron. • Mile bents, 8 in
6, to harness. irst horst:400, 2pd $25,8rd 815.
*COZ619,RANpeele Psi rie treat. Oben
under; Mile heats, bestt in 5 to harries:- First
horse $4, 2nd 820,. 8rd $10. • •
• THIRD RACE, 2.30 trot. PurddliliK. (limn
th horses that never. he,t 2.30. line beats, beet
3 in '5 -Id harness:- raw heriel, Op; 2nd $50,
8rd $grd, ••
ThULTSS AND RedabAsioNb.!.-the races to be.trot.
ted under tle -biational Association Rules.
trance Feel° permiht of the Purse Iii all Cases
four to enterrahcl three tb start or no rifee. All
eriMitt West' be made .in , sealed" enxelopes with
theictitrance fee inolosed,, and lodged with the
secretary not later than 10, o'clock, a.m., on the
2411 of May. The Committee reserve the right
to postpone all or any of the races, in the event
"ot unfavorable weather. A horse distancing the
field in any race -will only be entitled to fiat"
J. JOHNSTON, pre's. N. HOBSON, Secy.
Annual Meethig• Ot the Clinton
keehanies'. Institute; •
The annuai Meeting obthe ClintovMeehanies''
Institute., for the Electiod've Offteed rain' other
business,. 'h11 be held in the Library RdOnt'on
• THURSDAY, MAY 13th, at elark"4,'
• steel-01;mo Is reipiestflit: .•
• The First *ding:of-the Coati of Revision for ,
the Municipality of the Town of Clinton will be
hold in the Council Chamber, In the said Town,
Ion THURSDAY, the 27th day.of MAY, 1886, •at 8
o'clock.m.,, of whichordi parties Interested aro
ta co otice. The assetsbient roll may be seen
at the Clerk's office at all convenient office hours"
for the next fourteen,dbys.• '
Datelfthift 1st day of May, 1886> • .
• 390 JOHN CALLANDEit, Cflede.
All parties indebted to T. Jackson, •either by
Note of Book ,acoount, are requested to 'settle
_not.latpr• than. May . 5th It they wish 'Id avoidL
oases: • Pi- .1.a.0118(0flk
tfVrO Ler1-4Viss estirst"or"kin'g and
11 Getter streets. ' •Itent Low. Apply to F. It.
;YON*11:1,•Elearle's block, ()Upton. 880
WANTED-wkee $5 per inert th.
Apply to I4.11.8. BIIEWER, Moltions 'Yank,
into ,
n. 887
• •
noco. Aililly to Alm4.'gORnEnrat;
?Throes street, Clinton. , • . ,819
, • ":\
A LT. PA8T/E81141*II3Tim TO bs VU1 please
.1 pay amounts to J. WISgIVAN, manager
ol the. nodons"nifdtd, before the 1st Nay, as
pfterthat date deeln•nte will be Placed In house
•for collections -O. J;011)0111.1 & CO. 88 •
1.1 r.AMTN115114.1.421 ENTRANCE Ey4s.
1,..4 qat'aiditi‘ifp. to the nigh 8 inicm..
will be hold In Sugeth
ti, and •
en Mose4e,. ,TutioXif an, Wymnsanm,tthe St'r,
eth' end 7th -de.34 Cot d'uly next, cominenclniso
1 o'clec15',' P.M.i tridinI0.- All candidateilowhe
intend to write are recptirZWto send their dunfee
and address, dot later than Vie 1st 5fay, tp:hiMer
of thu follewirm: J. U. HaWne,..11..1t,, Sea'foifth;
Sae. Turnbull, Is, 011affp; W,:Orchlbs,
• $sq., pringtam; or to thb nrilrbridgned.
• D151.1;k418. Nollth11ition
. • •
i.iotograph= AW2ifKle•
• Ohinatqare:-:.
•Pima and Wallets.
Of ail kinds, cheaper than:•ever.
gent .,cm, Birthday,
• • • .•
.• • '• 1' • •
. • • - • . .
_u • ••
..FOnr kinds of Mangold Seeds, Oe. per lb:
.'White gelgiait CarrOt Seed, 40e: per 11?. '•
trnip, Seed, .t5e. per lb. „
Western Corn 90*e.•
freake 0.50' perewt. ' • •
I.kwant a lot ,oil'Oittein4lintdhancie for
Oatuteali4-2-lbe ttethe bushel.' . .
.ari'VwfttlAiElitgoitIO POTATOES FOR
SEElAit Pbe. per bushel.. .
—of all kinds) -
FOr the•24th.lray
Ser' FIWITS OF Ai1t';
IcE..cRuAltii,• •
Phst-k;, APPLE -4 45. BANAi4s.',,
just '
Sir :Familie1 Supnlied-with Ice
Cream on thortnotice, ' •
MRS. .
.licgisoNIEF:gto,cx, HURON STREkT: • '
'Make' a • of the fact, that THE NiNK-Itakoiii•
added nosrp bond Ale ,new sub dt Wt t during the,.
preseveyear thin any othervrpor in this: section. • ,/
Novel. .016• fact that Ti NEWi''4.1IECORID laas•aiarger*.elidniz-
littiop than any othervaperp this section, :
•ote the- fact that Tnt4NtWs2y,AcoRD hay only,
and that pric&reagotatilh. • •
Thm:: D ble dratilation
aitiov. also or- it,
VOA —GALLoivedt:=---
AON'ittss ty".
rill II
• OF ALL • *