The Huron News-Record, 1886-05-05, Page 61 A band of young empty divinity To break up a cold or cough or student, paid a visit to the Manse of its ill results there is no better rem• country clergyman: a flock of tui -1 edy than Tiagye'sle Pectoral Balsam. keys followed them to the door, 'Sir,' said rine of the probationers, 'do you ,allow the turkeys, to come intp the house?' 'Sometimes,' re. plied the minister; 'but T will not permit thew at this time, for I never suffer turkeys anti geese to . ,enter at the sante time.' ONE DOI,L4.R FIVE $UNPRED. Isaac Brown, of Bothwell, Ont., was aitliotod with chronic humor in 'the ,blood. He says one dollar ,bottle of,Burdook Blood Bitters was worth more than, $500.00 paid for other medicines.. It is 'a reliable. bleed purifier. ' Fnvelt collo, unnatural ' appetite'' fretfulness, weakness, and convul. cions, .are, some of the effects of Worms in children ;: destroy the worms with Dr. Lowe Worm Syrup. SEIII,Qa'SCOIJG a and Cousuanption (Awe is sgld;by. J.H, Conrbe, Ultuton,on at guarantee. Itcures Consnmpticn, 385-y Lecturing at Govan recently en. 'Past and Present' Sheriff Nicholson compared the present of Scotland with several epochs of the past. In regard tofoodhe acid Scottish people two or three, or even one,' hundred years ago, lived almosten tireiy on oatmeal and what was called 'hail brose.' life Would trot#. how. ei'er,.as a Scotsman, say one single word against theuse o'. either • oat- meal or kail brose, Indeed, he was sorry .that oatmeal and 'bannocks', bed given; place,, even in the poorest families,: to 'loaf bueadi-aye, .' end - cookies, --4a change which, it was to be feared, Would tend eery much to' alter 'lite national . character; both physically and mentally,' and not for the better. A.PLEAS'TNG DUTY. '•1:feel•it,nay duty to say," writes •lohn Borton; of Desert P. Q:,. '4hat Burdock Brood Bitters cured <my wife of liver complaint, from •Which' Abe had been a chronic' sufferer. 'Fi'er distressing,. painful symptoms soon gave wary, andI can highly 're- corninendthe medicine to all suffer:• , ing' as rho did," C.1'TAAllti CCTR1aD, heaithand sweet breath secured, by snob's- i'atai•rh Remedy. Price 50. cents Nasal In- itiator free. 'Sold by J. Cornbe. • 885 y An American, clergyman;who: is in the*habit of preaehifig in different parts of .the•'.country, was, not long since, at a courtry hotel,, where he o;bserveacl a horse -deafen trying to ;take in a simple gentle 'man, by im- posing upon hit. . e broken. winded lwise for a sound .one. • i'he ` parson knelt the l241 cliaracter;of•the dealer end Wang the aside, told him to be cautioris•of the person he vvcts ,deelin g with. The gentleman declined the p•urchase;. ',and• the !reales', (.mite nettled, observed, 'Par. son, I . bad 'Much. rather .hear you .i,t'eaoh thin see.you•.pfivatel.y •inter. ,t'i'e , in bargains between man and iuiun in this".rt'ay.'' '1t'ell,',replied the parson,.' 'if ;feu had been, where youjouhht to have been .last Sunday, y°ujniight have heard me' preach:' ., Where was that?' inquired the deal. 'In .the State' prison returned u red the'clergymam,' • :.A MODERN DIIRACI:11. 1 n a• recent letter from R. W. • th wson., of Detoraine,, Ont., he States that .he Ms i'eeovered •from. the worst Fenn cf dyspepsia, after suf.. fering for fifteen years'; and, when a council of doctorspirotibuneed, him • incurable he tried Burdock' Blood Hitters, six bottles of which restored Les health. . • -,�,f%lall'PpTAl731t islrnt=yzru- !siert for Constipation, Loss of .A.ppetite, l .:'. Russ,• andall symptoms of Dyspep. S111. Pride 10'ancl 75 cuts per bottle. ,sold by J. Ii, Combe. 385-y• • ;lin exchange tells of a young wife `enio was told, by hail brother, that. her 1,'risband gait bled. She couldn't': be-. Reye it, and, to, coavines' her, the brother took her,.dressed• in'a suit of his clothing, to a'. house where she saw her hubby lose $400. Then she made herself ' no e ,k wn,and matched tire astonished. betaediet home by the arm. :'Vile aeason. isn't very far ad. vauoed.;yet,. but,, nevertheless, this' wouran, ion G ta, elrcumstanee oofn.- Dared to the one we .heard of the •doer day.. She was .also a young wife, only, more gentle, coy and ninil. .She also disguised herself, and following. her gotnbltng lord and master, saw .hies win $780. •She. ladeherself known ;by: jumping on his neck with both feet... Then she :bragged her paralysed husband down' Lea rnil.itnery store and made: hits] sliend the money for a Spring bon- net, after which she stole what small vhange there was Left and broke the, hearts•of all the other waw -:ix 111 the - town, 1'hiiz gambling evit•is getting td be, a Lerr;hie 'Wag. • en I'ieetic hush, pate l:oi'.bw elieeize and precarious appetite, lncli- eate wornis. 1 i'eetnen"s Worn/ • Pow. Yi,sats will q,,iielely anti effectually .re- ui,,ve diem. T rig . 11:ww1 ' Sti'1i!E3-Ii80Uil13, /he,: vio4 lttr,,cl,/ Cirotilttt(:r feu ce' Zara/ilts'lt ad, 141 Glencoe'. 1191.25''zt 71ntzt•.iro rtt ,•,z)at ;. SetrzfJ ttf of all and li:n 'o wu„ r!.41,t: ,v til Ike WILT., TOTT RIFF > it with Dyspepsia and Liver Cowplalnt? Bhtlob's Vital. Iz er Is t,uarauteciw tutors you. Sold by J, FI 4loinbe, 1385 y.e-o-w,. . Na,elgxan Fiera are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach end Liver Pill in use. Church bells aril Said to be going out of use in every American 'city. CROUP, AVlit)(OE LNG C0110 /I and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'a.Cure. Sold by J.13, Clornbe. 835-y aA DOUBLE BRNI;FIT. Ilarry Ricardo, of 'Toronto, cert!. fies to the benefits received froom the use of .liagyard's Yellow Oil¢ as:a cure for rheumatism and deafness.' his affliction with these.00n;bined troubles being s severe one. One out of every three persons in middle life do not hear so well with tine ear as the other, ' _t 'SEVERE TRIAL, 'Thome who endure the torturing pangs of neuralgia, rheumatism sciatica, lumbago, and similiar pain'' fur complrints are severely tried, but there is a speedy relief' in. Hag. yard's Yellow Oil as thousanels Who: have 'used it., joyfully testify: It banishes pain and lameness quickly. SLEEPLESS NIGT-ITS, made miser- able by that terrib e cough, Shiloh's' ()are is 'th'e ;remedy'for you. Sold by, J IL Colnhe. 35•y o -Some one calculates that we shall not have another February contain' 1 g; fire $1111(149 until 1920 It semis. l r-etty hard to haveto wait sq' long for. five .church -going days' in the • month of February, but ad long as' we .have August containing'five Sun- days, the complaint will ..not be so geneual The trolling is better'. in August than. in February.• „ THAT HACKING COUGH cab be •so meekly cured by Sliilob'a Cures We guarantee it) Sold byJ 11. Combo 885 'U'se Prof, Low's S'ulpfitvr Soap for l'riekly 'heat, Nettle Rash,' Scaly. Eruption,- itch, and all diseased con• ditlons'of thb akin' ' . "Ther `1Telshmen,", says the Si. Jraine's Gazet;le, "who do not approve of 'Sundaseclosing actst•:.have im• proved upon a .device' common in Scotland. In .the north country you can sometimes get a glass of whiskey. on Sunday if you pay sixpence for a biscuit to eat with it. The drawback here has always been that some .per sons have drunkthe whiskey an'd - .then given. the biscuits back. '• But in S'c'ales a barbel: undertakes: to shave .you .on "Sunday ,at a higher charge than that glade on, week days, and to refresh you he'uiviss you a, east of beer. Jt has, become -so common% for Welshmen. todefer'. .getting shaved till ,Sunday that the law • has interfered; and Sunday shhv. lug is now :trolled hotter selling with- out a license:'' Nervous, Debilitated Mei, I"on are allowed. .re' tr f e trial of llairty days of, the rise. of Dr:. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Snspensory" Appliances, for the speedy "relief ,and; ':.permanent cure of Nervous Debility; loss of Vitality and Manhood* and all kindred troubles. Also, for rnauy other diseases Complete restoration to health,vigor and mnnbood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet,, with full information, term's, eco., mailed free . by addressing Voltaic Belt ,Co., Marshall; Viich. • • 318y-0343 Flo L"1 P`owDnt3:. Aro :pleesant.to,tom. Contain thetrowi Purgative. Is a sato, snrn,. and. etrectna, deetro er. •ot wont.lit Cid/dice or Adulrt �. .BARGAIN .- 50 ±4 POUND.�'V The I3ost e,ex offered in this Y'ielllity for tae moll'ey. Also* r.telxora3r GnocEiR>1ES, ecitlali)r Cheap. 17LOt R ANIS iLMD ulwagf1 on hand. ' " 0 nSTAR8•R:Y erMIR O.ATA R B YP' E O S A -Z;`' in no trifling senl�e but the t bee literature of the world presented in ecellent and attractive form, atprim; Below as to excite universal "wonder." X- RARY of STANPA. » ITISTORY. Containing la ons volume, imperial octavo, good type, with eumerous ,lee utterer tion,, the whole richly bound in arse) cloth, ornamented, the following celebrated works,•unabridged:. GREEN'S Larger II/STORE of the ENGLISH PEOPLE. ChRLY1.L"S HISTORY of•the FRENCH REVOLUTION.. CREASY'S M'liteen DECISIVE BATTLES of the WORLD. . $CHULi,Eli'S UISTQItr of the THIRTY YEARS' WAR. • H.ARI'ert ,$t BRQTueas' low estprice for these four great works Is $14.50; my price is 82.50; postage 40 cents extra. - "A.wonder-book in more sensesthan one. The idea of put- ting a work like this at only $2.50 per copy, seems preposter- sus; and yet there is'%visdonl in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thud be the mean's of advertising, and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put" ting forward,"—Chrzsfzan nt 1Lo)'k, New York City. 'It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph•,.of modern me- chanical art that sueh a no'bie volume can be ftirhished at so mall a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions, beau= tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik- ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100 -,-all • are first-class. "-- Christer/1iCynosure, Chicago, Ill. LIBRABF of STANDARD PORTS, containing in one imperial .octavo .handsomely bound volume,' of about 1,100 pages, Sour - geol. and Brovier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged t • Scott's Complete Peetlanl and Dramatic 'World.. complete I'oetieal Werki. of Robert Burns.. Complete Pootleal Works of Thomsa i,ioore. ,Et wally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain, i 1e for Isar than $4,iO;, any price $ .0OI postage .84 cents. 00. i iiTtRlsY;i a.. P'rtry, Classlor7i. • I I,r $Ed Y R of dL`dBBXQ PRQg1+1'. XII, oneimperial loco volume of abotet 900 pages, handaoms typo, apd alae' alOth Ornamented, the following famous ewaya s'ad WOW.0. ylscanlay's. Essays on Muton. '( John Stnort tMonli1'a inThen Liberty, lr. Mamer1ntslleety Liiterll, Ilerbert 8penuor on Education.. ,_4 i Great Thoughts from Ore.k Author.. ' Great Thoughts from Latin Autttore. 1 Complete, Essay. by Lord Amen, , Complete +'Letters. of Joteor.►"' - lvvim 's Rip Van 'Muhl* and Other $ltateher: Y1'ashingtoa's Farewell and Other Addresses, Macanlay,'s roc of Frederick the .Great. "----i-4.... hoTuse faoroveess cathnanno$t 1bmobytapinriedce. isfro$m17any; postaothergpe u8b1eenng 1'Thisis indeed a wonder -book, in the amount and valuables quality of its oorttents. The wonder is how such a book, which is a library in itself, can be sold at such a price."—Meth. . 0E4 ,t Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. "Your `storicaL Wonder -Book' $4' a wonder : a won I ;wonder how an imperial octavo volume of aver 1,000 pages, with maw' illustrations, clear type, -fine paper, handsomely ,'bound,:cod taining four standard historical works of great value, Cart be, sold for $2,50."—BensoN J. LOSsINO, LLD, the Historian. COUPON Tbis coapoawill berecelr,d hi llebo[ Banta eash,toward Chet 20::OENT3pr'ceet.uberoraboveworlie,Ifaentivltbl tendayetromdeteos . alas paper (menttoa nems of paper). ThIs offer in to soonr, youk PROMPT reepoti ee and Indicate the poying adrertlting medium& 100 -PAGE CATALOGUE seat free. The best lit.. erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Books. Gent for .0.8:4211LNATION BEFORE ritrarr.arr on reasonable evidence of good faith. ' Address JOHN 'Di.ALDEN, Publisher. &A'` !. O. Tian Stud, Stas read sots. BIN Yodel 1\1'1'1'1'07 IR; - NEW STOCK ! ' NEW STORE ! ELoLIOTT'S BLOCK GLINTON.. JOSEPH •CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Foxier . !Sets, Lounges,, Sideboards, • Chairs,.• Springs,: Mattresses, etc,, and enerld Household Furniture. The ,thole Stock is 'rein the tory best manufacturcts'. Picture I imos Mouldings of every description.. .• JOS. CIIIDLL31'y one door 4Vcst,of Dickson's Beek.Store, HONEST VALUE.'. ITeacl'giutrters 'for •Ne\y' Tiuits;Peels, Groceries; See out' New• Glassware, TEAS & GENERAL.GROG'EmESa nthg.::.Right. `Farm Produoe-taken. at Rightist .Price, ACEY'S OLD STAND, -ALBERT-STREET, CLINTQN:.. •` . ANNEINCENER 1n returnin•gstha .lis to my many friends and patrons for peas;, patronage, d would - like: to call their special attention to my very compte estock of - HARNESS,,: WHJPS CURRY COMBS, - •B'ROS S, . ' ETC., ETC. Speeial attention js directed' to, my• stock. of Fah � .; . 1 .. ... r tt- .. ,a ■ e .Sl N LE,r r :. RN • It will be•1'oitttd R . ery.eomplete; and,for durability' ..aod-finish Cannot be welled by any one. As i e, lby none but the best workmen, and use the best material' to be bought in the m ; • 4t,.all• who may' favor. me with, their patronage may feel confident /ofettin :satisfaction.. -PRI E_,: AWAY 'DOWN: • Trunks and Valises fir great variety and Priees Low. ORCE A. -SHARMAN S . — COOPER & SON'S SHOULD LEAVE. THEIR OBDEI'.S AT' • News -Record —FOR— ROUTE ---FOR R. 0 UE T BILLS : ,J• AND PEDIGREES. ce Lithograph , and, letter: -Press, Jai Print' SALE I3TLLS, POSTERS, • DODGERS; SYE'S, I YVI TATIONS, : '.1'RO.(".rP,A.i1f ikiESy SIi1I'1'I11TG Tt1GS, . Eic*TTELOPE$1 13111, HEADS, IN'V'OICES, - = NO'1`I H DS, CIPCi t 1 Li'1.ER IIEADS, CARDS, .STAIPIENTS, GENERAL PRIR7TIS (' E , LATEST'', STYLES OF GUTS. 'Declared fly 'cit potions erltiitl to any 65 cont Teo sold elsewhere. ;Qat a 5 -pound • caddie before it is ati gone.. • A" Good • Japan Tea at 35e.. 'per Pount 'ew Valencia Raisins,Extra Scleeted Raisins, Blacks iasi:ets,, Seedless 'Nights; New. Cameras, Nttv Shelled Almonds, AInond s, 1 lhbarts, New Lemon, change, mid. Citron Peel. 411,1:nets el Poultry taken in,exchengc for Goods. c s_ COca:eE1R, ..az SON '(fILOCEkS, Corner Store in ,Searle's 13Iock..1 ADVERTISERS • can , learn the exact cost of any proposed Iine.of advertising in Anerican papers by addressing Geo. P.. Rowell & Co.,, br,wspapor' ,Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce' St., I`7evw York, siaete !pets. tee' 1:04entsgts. }P'il=z,utta7at• Society:•: Priming! 9f ,411' l Rids, in the 'best style kiiotivlr to the Craft, 0 Colorer • &thI ing a Sp8ckt/fy. ` !! ll - i ° We invite a conipai'ison of our work with that yf tun oilier officenialt r. Art'west of Toroiiito:`° A , 412 Vii 01> cfsefr 05C. 714 i‘t.jt WORK STRICTLY FiRST-CLAM co our tock of Cuts Before you order. Prices consistent with good work. Order's by mail prunptly attended tci.. WWely Todd P ..bluer _ and printer', • CLINTON;'" CtNTAR.Ot,,