HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-05, Page 5THE..Nt ? The Cheap Lines of Dress Goods The. Lipw-Priced Hosiery. The Big Stock. of Prints. Go to the place where they l:eep them CEO. E. PAY & OOMPANY The .Dry -Goods Emporium ,ofClinton. OLL 1ON 2'tJBLIO SCHOOL. The following is the.report. of the. number. of • pupils enrolled, .and the. average attendance in each room for the month of Ap111 Division. No, on roll. Avg.: attendance. M. Lough's, .i43 87 89 31 5.0 49 4.2 • Alr. Linklater's, 43. - . bliss (Melilla, 38 a M'i'ss Foxton's, . 57 Miss ilelyar's, 60 Zvi iss.Leslie's, 61 D1;iss Ifolmes', T2 Anse Simpson's 130 97 T.ctal, 534 416 As the result or the' 'examinations 27 pupils are promoted ito the Third Book, The. 58 moved from Miss . Simpson's 'oom are promoted . to, Part 11I. of First Boelc, and the re- mainder" of the pupils who are ad- vanced. to higherrooms retain the books they had. One of the condi- tions of advancement- is the regular•• ityof attendance, and any pnpih who does not attend regularly and work diligently will bo returned to a lotrer. 1.0002. ' , Twenty-one : pupils were advanced to No. 1 Division, 34. to•No; II., 64 to No. III:, 56 to No. LV.,51 to No. • V.,58 to •No. VI, 'and "58",to No. ZrLI. ' The result cif the written' examine - tion (.Inspectors 'papers) is given .below : . MR, LOtIGII'$ •DIVIsi:ON. • Senior Section, "marks. attainable' 760-Malco'h.n McTaggart an'cl James McMurchie, equal,•637; Maggie Scott 7Ak27, Eva Spooner 624, Iiardy'"Jvs•ns 600, Anna Irwin 586, Bella Cree 575, 'John Mensal 569, Mary aCarsoti .568, ljattie•, Walker 560',. Maggie Jackson And Nellie Walker 553. ••a. Vit. Junior Section, marks' attr h ..t 1e O -L -Nettie Combe 613, Jas. Stan bury 5, Sydney Smith 564' Norman Fair 547 Syd y,,,,,lackson5401;144h it a y"36, Edith. Rupert nie Cooper 51.1, Carrie. Cooper 41, Charlie Cooper .479..' • MR. r.INKLATER's DIVISION: Sen iors,marks.attainable 423. _ Em:. tea Webb 360, jos. Jarvis 356, Albert Moore 354, 1llinnle Rumball 351, Etta Specht 350, .E-Iattie Dodd 349 Eva Chidley'345r Hattie Ru'nibali i • 344, Mary Paisley 843, " Nellie 4arvis .339. . . Juniors, attainable 423. -Herbert .Sharman 359, Arthur Craig 357,' Lizzie Carter 351, Libtiie Cruickshank 331, Fred Diehi 310, Edwaid .Carter: 316, Wm. Young 314,,Win. Robertson 301, Annie Young 301, Flora Jackson 298. . -- =MISS O'NT' U.Tr�S=DIVISION.- Works attainable 280, -Sidney . Er- win 258, Willie , Bezzo 247, :Wellesly Whitely 242, Frank Boles 214,Ad a ' 7 nes' 230,Fred• Joiner 2�8 Adrian Miller 22i, Ed. Twitchell 223, Dottie Fair 218, Gerrie Young 21.7, Hattie Irwin 211,Etta Andrews 210, fired Brown 3.10.. . • Ernest Hermann 225, Ed.'Cantelon.. 2.20, Marshall ' Morrish 218, Agnes 1 -runt 216, Louisa Worthington 213, . Theo..5pecht 213, Amy Cantelon :a12; Thos.. Diehl 210, .Mary Forden 207, David Matheson 198, Jas. Sliepperd 189, Eine Buchanan 187', MISS P'OXTON'S DIVISION. Marks attainable 280-Cadie-heevo 248, J neptIllacker 242, f-)rplia 4liiler 236, Robert Gardner 235., Louisa Cols 235,.Mabel Kerr 235,. Emnta'Tiplitig. 234; Edith Ross 232, May Biggait 23A,' Ada. Bayley 231, Susy'CJook 23OrZinn- `..ah 'McKenzie 226, Thos. McCuaig 24, ilattie Milford 224, Ernest Coop. f•pi. 223, Carrie' Walker 220, Doily 4pooner 210, Henry .Cole 21'8, Lucy,. Shepherd 21` ,'• 1\n'rriel Irving'~ 2..61., ,l.ps ie: McDonald 214, Maude c resit, 214. •K V' r M18S 13BGYAIt $ Diy 0\ .. 1 �S Seniors Darks at1traole lary Fitzsimons 20l.oaae 2 .• .-- Jackson 189, James Gray 280, John ,Mofftitt 181, Emnia Southcombe 179,. Alfred. Heyward 17.S,.'&len. Angus 175, Ada Jones I7,4., l3irdie Heywood, 1.115,. Nettie Mel to 164, Flossie 1..al,tJ.son 164, Louisa Brown 167.' Juniors,martis,atta4nabie 220$; -lila Holmes 131t•Tob .,1oY I67r. I fIa e- LLenita,tl 100 Amelia .liitzili nnna 153, 151, Amelia Harland 148, Donald McCorvie 147, Jennie Nimmons: 144, Alfie Pratt 1.39, May Herman. 138, Charlotte Everett 137. . miss LESLIE'S DIVISION. . Sr. C1n.8, marks. attainable 120 -- Willie Erwin 116, Junies Fortune 109, Azle Glibbings 109, Mary McMurclie 107, Lester. 'Whitely 10U, Mabel Do, petty,. 100, Dlalcolm' McCuaig 99, Winnie Young'92., Clara Dayment 92, Bertha Aitken 90, Nellie Moffitt 90., Louis Doherty 90, George Forden 90, Nellie. ]3iggart 90, Susie Powell 80; Howard. Grant 30, James Mercer 80, .Dollie Bennett 70, Jessie .Gardner :70, George. Heriot 70, Maud Reeves 70.,. ,,rtes II0tMBs' portsioN. Fourth 'class Grace 'Pedford• Thos. Walker,, Ada McDonald, Nellie McKenzie, Ralph Bezzo, James D1c. Kenzie. • Third .class. Blanche , Shepherd, Jeannie Mci'aggart, Willie•,Tweedie, Frank Fair, Annie .Ilowe, Willie. Doherty.. • Second. class.. -Bertha; Bean, Vina Cook, Ida :.Ilaiimer, Cyril "Craig. Stewart Plummer, Benuie•Webb.. . First class.-- �Vrllie Glatigow,Wtllre Cantelon, Ne • 'llI Dunlop, Ida Everett.. •• ift89 .sIMPsoN DIVISON. • Class Nor '•' 5Atinie : McCorvie, Alinuie, Aitkin, deity hobb, ,James McRae,. Mary Irwin,'Sydney 'Stan bury, . Maude Keane; Nellie' Davis, i1rebsie' Redmond; : Earnest. Joanna Bailey, Annie Carey, Mabel •Detlor. t , Cass No 4. --Tena McCuaig, Mary Carey, Flossie llerriot,' Clara WVise- man, Charlie Biggart, Wilbert' Pttl1- man, Nellie Jones, Ella: Corbett, John Henry Louise I7olrues,Emma Patter- son, Bartle Redmond, Mabel Fremlin. Class No 3. -Lizzie Gardiner,;-andy Forden, Charlie. DIcGregor, Charlie. -Glee, Howard Jac1'ion, Harold Irwin, Hattie Giffin,: Sara Smith,Mabel Scott, Nellie.'Pulltnan, George •For sone,. Dddie•Coolr, Clare Tweedy. Conti qty Currc;iltcy. -'-Mn W. C. Charters, 'of: , has IIori- sall, assignment. 8 made an aSsi�nlllOnt 111 trust to M1 'J:.,C Clauson of that village. r• George .Sadler . had his 'jaw broken by a"wild" ball lvilile play- ing base ball on the:•W'ipgham park. • • -The Win hamites claim-Conyn. to be the cliampion' roller skater, lt7ft�l lit L ri%s sear y '�?Ai [ and aorta back hint for. $500 The•town council of Seaforth has momarializ i ed the. government overs. moot t 0 amend : the Scott Act so as to permit tbe•salo of .beer and 'wines, tomer license from tile' 1ntlnicipality. • ' r)aniel Ransom, of Exeter. has 'beon.removod to the asylninn. for 'the• -insane, at. Louden, and John,. Craig jr., •a IfcGilliviay farmer is awaiting a similar' dcstination,..both being' insane. -Ste„war't It oagl ve-1t4 ,sold, his farm, lot 11, con. 6, Hoick, eon- taining 100 acres, to John- AVM - strong, for;. $4,500. I Er. 1lrosgrove goes to Essex county to settle. The gon11o1nan was.given a good "send oft"' by his many friends. • -A Gland, fiend, : this county,' resident. has gone _into 'the business of breeding skunks for their pelts. .Tho Tree Press,',, good financial ailthor'ity, will not commit itself to the' vie* that: there are dollars in ,the,usi b l n r3 e.. blit' ..� Vl 1 ftcliui ' t titers. will •be a•gootlmany scents in it. • -The Council of Turnborry ow- ing to the death of : the reeve, . 'Ur; Henning, dgeidod to hold the nom- ination to fill the vacancy, at. Blue - vale on 14Eay.10tht 1t is itttclbrstoodb that the ola:reeve, 11 r. lilaolt, will likely fill, the gap for the retnaind'ekt. of the year. Abetter man for the place ootiId•scarcely be foun,6. in the NPLIIP.-e4Oftrsto. ,IP:4,Mar'l1-0n L,tur1.041,, totensl p,, PALACE. of; • We fails opened out this week the following lines ; • '3 • New Gloves, N'ew Hosiery,, New. Embroideries,' New Laces,,, Also,' One Case Stuff Dress Goods in all the New Colorings, .iJ''1,x,'tron, Gc,c ocl ' '1EVE,1u..e 11W'e are adding Novelties to our Millinery Department every week. b state late JOHN- HODCEN8 JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. 5 per cent. o ff for Cash. • ■ GRAND DISPLAY QF THE, LATEST NEW 1fOR �iYLES: O�DERFUL VALE IN DRESS. GOODS, With.Braids; Buttons, Clasps, Cards & nate BEN'S &BOY'S HATS 'IN GaEAT ��RIET'Y. PROOLA1VIATI.ON. ARBOR DAY. - It AY. It' being very desirable to continne orna- mantio'g , and • beautifying our.' Town by;planti• g•trees, flottersand 'shrubs;and having •been.- requested to proclaim 'the sante ,day as recommended to the Public. Schools of the Province, I de liereby. pro- claim FRIDAY,_. TILE 7T11. DAY of MAY, 1886, as Arbor day for the 'Poen of Clin- ton, 'and request the citizens generally to 'observe i. as such,. ' R.'w . WILLIAMS, llayitt:`' CLINTtIN Driu ng.Park Associat'n •1VIONDA:.Y 1IAY'2-. 'FIRST RACE, green trot, Purse $100. Open to bor 'es that s , t hove never won.public money, owned in the county of Huron. Mile heats, 8 in 5, to harness. First horse $60, 2nd $'85, 3rd $16, .,,.. SECOND RACE, colt trot. •Pulse $75.• Or en' to Province breu colts 4 years old this spring, or under. Mile heats, best 3 in 5 to harness, Fist horse $45, 2nd $20, 3rd $10. • .•• THIRD RAGE, 2.30 trot„ Purse $175,0��tton tohorses that never be'•t 2.30. Mile heats best 3 in 5 to tamps'. First horse $100, 2:1(1,350,3rd $25. • . XMAS AND REGIActors.--•Tho races to be trot ted under the National Associatiorl' Rules. En- trance Fee 10 percent of the' purse In all cases: `four't0-enter'and three t5lt'art orrio race. Alf• entrees Must be outdo• in sealed env.elopoe with the entrance foe Inclosed, and lodged' with the Secretary Dot' later than 10 o'clock, n.in.,•on the 24th of May. The Committee reserve the right to postpone al or a t t r ra I h a the:races, in the suet p 1 i 1l r. Y , t alntuft4vontble'tvpnther A bilis,, distend' ng the field: in: any rave will only bq"entitled to first money. . • J, .I,OIINSTON, Pres.. ' N,'ROBSON,"Sect, +..: . `11IrTILS. .. . BEACOM-:-ln'.Smm merhill, on the '1st inst, the wile of Mr. Christy Beacom of son. thit1tia GicS. SCOTT-11EFIER"S -At the residence of • • Mrs. Noble Whitely, Clinton, on Wed- nesday April 28, by the Rev. W. Craig, B. D., Rector of St. Paul's Chttreh-- :NM:es Scott :Esq., 13arrister, . to Miss Annie Ii1elie`rs. both of Clinton, •. 11Pifi tTIL$`o' . CAN`1ELCN---1u Clinton, on e 28th , Alrr•il,, Mary (4 i Evorth ctta, clanghter ot'A1r. Hy: Cantolon, aged -77 years and 12 days. CASI'rELO�T.--1 u, Clinton, on Monday, 3rd May, Annie Mpy, 'fifth child of Mr. Hy. Cautclon, aged.' 3, years. told 7. tnontbs, MAaKET REPORT ,. Corroded every ( ve 3 tttosdity afternoon. CLINTON. '' • Flour, • $4 60 to .4 50 Fall Wheat; �' • . Sprfn4 Wheat, 00, 7070, to to 0 0 0 b(1 80' Durlay . +.: •. 0 50 to 0 05 0 20 '.60 a 31, nasi tf pplos,(tvdr+.t.er - poi l)hl,, 1 026356,.,i00° 10°,316:1 otatoes,• . 0 Nortel ` • . 0 15 . t0 0 16 14N• 0 9.. tis 0 11 Bay, Pok• 8 oil to 0 00 p Po*. .• 509. to, cu 1inef 8 ea. to 4 0o Beef - 0,17; p . 0;47 -Annual 'Meeting. of. the Clinton Mechanics' .Institute. • Tire',, ual Meeting of the Clinton Mechanics' nn f 1 e destitute; for the Election of Officers and other business, will be held in the Library Room on THURSDAY, MAY 13th, dt 8 p. m.. 'A large attendance, is requested r 890 JAS.SCOTT, Socy. HURT OFREVISION The First 3feotinn of the Court' of Revision for the Municipality of the, TOwn of Clinton l be held in the Council Chamber, in the said :Town,• on TUESDAY, the 25th day of ,MAY, 1880, at 8 o'clock p,tn., of which all parties Interested aro to take notice: The assessment roll may be seen at the Clerk's office :at all convenient office hours for the next fourteen days. •Dated this1stday of May, 1880 .' . 390 .TCIIN q'ALLANDER, Cleric.' COMING FOR ORE WEEK MONDAY,MA11( EOTM Pt@..BtfiT. • ODaI'EbY' COMPANY„ . •. ' Openingwith the 'Beautiful Emotional Drama, CastAdrlftorarates Curse i Change of Play Nightly. A11E1IISSIOi, 10 CENTS. Reserved Seats 20c. at D1ekFQ s�iooI�Stytle;,; LAST CALL. All parties indebted to T. Jackson, either b3' Nate or Book account, are requested to settle not later •Gan May 5th if they Wish to avoid JACKSON. i.TOI SE TO LET-'Netir. corner of 'Ring anal l`.L Cutter streets. 'Bent Low, Apply to F.11. .POWELL, Searle'& block, Clinton. • 886 10 URSE Glltt WANTED -wages $5nor month, 1V Apply;, to MILS. BREWER, Molsans Bank, Clinton: 387 • TvANTED•-SERVANT.OIRL WY•A:.+,TED at VV nnee. Apply to Mrs..D..A. FORRESTER, Princess street, Clinton. 870 ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO US, will please' 'pay amounts to J, WISEMAN, manager of the .Hodgens Estate, before the 1st may, as after -that date accounts will be placed ih Court for eotlectlon.-•C, J, TUTIIICIL St CO. 387: . `��'jixAMiNATION.-THE ENTRANCE EXAM. 1J IMAMS for admission to the High Schou•, will beheld in Seaforth, Clinton and Winghnrn, On 1110NOAv 'r snA.Y. and 11'I.DNsaDAr, the 5th, 081) Arial 7th alar,, of July next, commencing at ' o'clock, P.M. on Monday, All candidates who Intend to write aro required to send their names. and address,not later than the ist May, to either of the following: J. C. ifarstotrd, 53.A, Soafortir; fns, 'Turnbull, B.' A , Clinton; W, E. Groves, E wl i s n 1 Mn• or to the. rider ve . 6 r u s d Is Dr 51 NIALI,OC1l,1.P.S., North Tfuron. Best .ItOLLER. �LOUB, A.'.. .21PEE, � �i.1(0 ,Cil CIVV4 .BRAN 1y the ton or. ccui"t>., AT 60e: 6'CIt C'11 1`e, - .' 1l Ile of Lara 1� t t"veirrgastti`•r hRie.ih,foty •• MEN. 4011N I ATSON;, .trhos; Cooper's ol't statk4, • Clfl,,NTONI, 1 . AGENTS WANTED -Ladies dr Gentlerren, - ' Good conitniseton and work'easy.. Address Turf NEw.srliaconu; Clinton:. 8,84 •• . Now .00 ods,New- •� G Goods. P1zot. ' t h • O " ori n2n7i lincllra: „ , sfl• Auto17'a1'i1t Albuarzs.rri Vases and 'Cliinawdn e, ' R•'-+ R, ' W. t,1• • Purses czfzti.Wallets: e-3 ' ".1+ 0 2„ '4 R. �r FANCYsz t-41 _GOODs aOf all kinds, eleayer•tlarever. ■. �J �' '�oi-1 �rr• �cis tinC?i r6 OQc3' �•H�� AE•o : . .• .. w�_ .• ieavei'a%OJC9:i©Ti Qi]F.' .� as tae- • . Pu R • • E:E D3 .. I'otu' kinds of Alahgolu Seeds, 25c. per lb., White Bolgiau.Carrot Seed, 40c. per lb, Ttai m .. 17 COC 2-' S ,, c. er1 ltl b •.p b.. V estern•Cotn 90c. Bnektvheaf 75 Oil Cake $2.50 per crit._.: -'`l ` I' lvai l a Iot'•'of -Oats. in oxchunge for Oatineal; 12.1bs, to the bushel: • A fow EARLY OHIO POTATOES FCR SEED :at 75c, per bushel. J. STEEP, CLINTON to lit 41%1. 1. Cr.- r•� � cis:•Y y 0 g . 1w aN O .. R' _ v to .t O• p .. , O • p n,. cit b o, P., r� tri, 1., Q: .i:,)'& .. y: .A VERTISEFIS ,11' 1:a � a note of theNEWS-RECORD tl e fact that T1`iE''Ba,s dded more- bona Tick new subscribers during the, present yeaar. than' any other paper' in this'secticn. Note he �, t fact that THE : , .E,-, , N�\'��. IZECoIiD has, �,;laibel; Clrcu.7. lation than any other paper viz this, section. Note the. fact that TTIENEWS ' • . ' ��CortD. 110.8 ono price only,, and at 'rice reasonab e, . • ®T . inti.7H.FA:QT;z: ���••. Wit. • , IzEJ. • E TALKS TO: THOU$A11t ar 4I,i; 6uper fir Work Glieitn't a r .. AT: 1ltoDT>RA>n;FE P1,;[,CTirls... r Typa�w. :k ,,e 0 Y ix RAIN, UN, Oil FANCY Oa 451', StS11 of C Rt JOBp 044.- • il4.-- +. 10 ABOtte$S- ON NEVI