HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-05-05, Page 1POir AmmunelAiss etslystuso. 'INDEP.E217.DAy2' 4.14, 414 211141NA Z6172144,P. NorliiivG,' wurilexor &Noo., Pubusbors V.0.4.-.1q,11-4NO, 20, .,CLINTON, HURON- COUNTY,. ON'T„. YV-.EPNESDAY,. MAY A4d!t119}101111.W418. • • %, TOWN PARLIAMENT,. !Met M.onday uiht. All'inemberS .41421ent., iglsy,.or,-'Willianis in the • .:011.40..i?.an. CooP'er of Street bora, Anittoe-reconainended.,inSt..Andrews ward thirty:rods sidewalk. on Maple' •bettf .fen, road on the south side BattenbiliY:St., emit ..of Wiluiam eye:ping from Gil roy'sto *?•• In$f.',Oehrgefe.forty rods side walk ort 'sou1. siL Princess • St,, and. tW4.00.,redo o,t,‘, west side of qneen nor'th of princess, also twentiy- five US‘•ttenh4ry 81.,West or .An:' St. .Tames' .ten.rods• • sideivi'dk?olt,XSifte8":..Strnearly op- Posite old preekyterialy .ahuroh; "twelve., rOds•Ou..Kiner SC, north of btitter, eppd*e Fbundry,.- ten rods „smith of the railway track on James • Si, als0:::Plankler walk•frozuKellye 'Stable to ItteDonaldie gat and. side, ;WalkIrein Victoria St, .along High, fol'Orry's.gate.,. In jOhn's sixteen rods north. of • Mary St., .-nOrtli;,-eide 11,i7-;:ellington St. On east Side:70440 ten 'rods on North•St.,.five roda on Wellington' • 5, rods .e.outh Aide Mary,. fteven. rods to l‘irS..,1116Aet'S' stabld.,; end across- ., MalOPM Taylor's,About fifty cords".of Oavol., Well be: 'req,uir.. ••pd. All this. now iforkand necess- ary repairs can" be done and expense -.kept within approptiation,-Adopt.: • .0bairmitit Manning ...of F.ii*nce tbpovted 'pay fe'Rentien for work . streets, $87.59: incidentals, -':$4,0; DCtin-. 21; Jenif.Soott,. fitting conit room,do:.,$'3; ,;(11tr„ ealary, $50.;.' charity,- 44,53 :eeiptS. Of .i.'weigh. 'scales 4or.: month,: ':$10-•.85',..,fer,tha11ill5,5.50..- ...Reported against- claini:of.S.. Palliser of $125 • 'tor damage* ,flooding of • :' • 13,0b•gb4. (reported tn1anoe. "ini-4-iiiiii•if•:$540:.7.-4.46pted. • • • Chajiiikair"'llaywory.; of 7ii•e",•-a*.4," reeotiiin ended the Purchase '6f-200:faef:liPse at $1,15, ,hose. reel $25, and aome. other ,necessaries in- O8t;30—adopted.• Chairman Copp, of property Coin- inittee, called attentiOn to the'weigli., Sealed:. 'He we's enipowered to have Winn tested, and if iliCeisary lettet.from MayPi Baird, ef Kin :Change Of time • table.ofX:' dna B. railway, read .o4id: filed.. '(' . and, 'Maim:Chic., of Come-. .repOrted in. favor: • 51 straightening OI,OttyiRg in....;•Oeirte7 .40.AINPied• . , . -Coate.Presopted by:law diViding each Ward into two polling • .diviSionsu-ao as .to haVeas as may • be 200 ratepayers . in each, in compliance With4tatutory require- Inents fer'vetin,,vr at eleetienefineni: ' bers.of LegislativeAssembly. Pass- ed through earriest , :First Meeting Of Court of Ittrision toholield on. 25th May at 5 o'cloalc. Manning sum -rested that on sm. * . count of Clerk's absence :ass s ment• rollbe left for the next two weeka- • in some piece easily fiebossibieto he public. Jackson said the Clerk should. inforti the Council whether: will be continually absent, if so: he would. move that another be. appointed. Mr. ballander said he -was in the hands of the Connell,' but as yet he could not telr; would give the Council due notice. Several !places were named in which:to leave the assessment roll during the rie.it •two weeks, jaeltsont strenuously in- sisting that it be in the Clerk's office, not in that of.'any rivets person. , Finally it was ordered to be pieced in charge of Trees. Robson, who was 'appointed Clerk in the- meantime . and tho roll to be in :the Clerk's °filo in the town hall during' busi- • ness Bairn, Mr, Trouoe to have the 'key or office and 'admit the public. in the absence of Mr. Robson. moved' adtotirnment-:.- losL .Tackson InOVed that owing to failure of Scott Act and loss of re, venue to tOwn the Council memori- alize Parliament to anionic'. Scott* Act so as to pertnit of the Sale of 410,beer and lif,•trit wines, Manning moved in itirtriVent that the Council do not it proper to propose Irny amendment to the Scott Abt as this matter Was Uot an issue wbon the, mem:hers were elected end the Act ..Was outi passed 137 the popular vote. The vete Stead .6: and 5 tvhen the amendment Was carried by the cast- ing vote of the Mayor, S. Mercer and P. C. Oar asked the Obimeil to drain away stagnant water' whioh lodges nearly ell the. year 'roUnd in theditch. in frontef their respectiVe premises and made than unhealthy, ' '--Reforred to Street. Committee.. Council adjourned,. GODERICH. •;Miss'Thi is etill indisposed, • Meeting. of Huron .Encanipment on Friday, . , • The town assessor has convicted, :I his roll•for 1886. ' • 7 Colonel the Hon. A. M. Rqs$wa in 'town this week.' R▪ . V. Elliott, of E.Xeter, was in town last Saturday. f• : Bev. W Johnston 4ireitehed in Bayfield last Sunday: :The . Salvation Arany had a. ,bid. 'parade. on Sunday, • • • • Work tIlls crinunenced'oV:the neW Palk Hall;:Aclieteifetruok, ;Miqs Doily Vanderlip prantfort eollege on Thursday; ... the *hotise‘i:',dhingdol bY 'the spring 1104 ',are all being ,repaiTecl, . His Iteiter Doyle...411dd 'Divi ionCourtin town the Park Wuse for pis *suiiimer •:n.tieets *.•• There waS:an Oienniectingof the .0. Of E. T.*cietY,ti#:X613ir even- ing. ,P'erey4roorlidlAo.left on Moilifay on a y,isit.to.his .birotlierand. sisters, at. '•••••• ' Reg.:Oar meeting of 'Maitland loge No. 33; F.:. and A. M. next Tuesday evening.' . " The Salvation Army:, _inarched to the station, to inept the 10 oiChielt 4' day evening Prevented. the .asseifib-. of. the Behool-BOard.... : ' ' Miss Hollingdralce w,,hel•-•was visit- ing in town ,iitatf.the,gnest of her re- lative Mrs. E. 9aMpion. . , , . • Gibson left nu' the: •U•si/cid Zp.A?te last,,WOdneeday, on 4„. visit to 1ier.15rother, in the Northwest.' • Mr. David Morrow,.ono Of °Or old inhabitants, was interred. in :Mait- land Cernetery.bast .Wedneeday. • •'ADrefaatie CompanYhah engaged -Vietoria Hall for a whole,weck commencing Moirday:tha,17t1i..iillit •.MiSs• (Melte: retiiined to tbivn, last: Thursday', after ,a; long Sielt•-• to....1.„.elatioyea at.. Pine...finning; Mich. • .. • • • Jas. Addislin inade iui:0461.Mate!,pf,' the; damage.' OA 'Op north pier 'With a nview • t° speedy , • ..:•• C.: ' '‘Gederichi ALM atenr Thespians gave a matinee 'perforniance „of ,and. - a1atea on',•,Konday afte'ritpenz• , ' ' : : i3rolie1loi ;tit of ' 2L(ontr ing made an exaeocling 'good -job' Of his contract, • , • *Mr. • and ;qrs.. Jim', Smith, of Olin - toni. were in teivn last week attending the ftinetal'of their, relative Af.r.: David Morros.V. Mts. Seeger's Sunday Selmel class „ presented her' 'with an Easter gift last week', The gift was composed of it..eard and 'a pair of vases. • •' • Mr, Alex, Morton has incived into the honee he recently purchas- ed. freal Mr: R.. Marble 011 the western corner of Colborne street. Five hiothers of Clinton Lodge, I: 0. 0.L arrived in town last Sun- day in time to attend divine setilee with their brethren of Huron Lodge; 'The Schooner • IC ollaije left intr. ber on Teesday for the 13ay for fi load of cedar lunthet, This is. the first:departure .of a,Goclerich vessel in 1886.4. • • Mrs, r. jovial' Arid infant left oh Friday omit two pontli's visit to Montreal. Mr. J, who adchipalfied. his Wire Montreal;'. will return -this week, rg? Mr;•WIlhitn Miller Who MS fio long been librarian for the 'Afeelm- nic's in ' stitute severed his tennec- tions with theinatitution last Friday, •Mr. Miller. will for the future reside in the Queen City; • The Warden's committee will ineet'in the Court House to morrow to award the contracts for building new laridgos at Port Albert and Emondville, • . Mr. H. W. Bell Will offer for Public competition, at noon to-mor- rolit,';'at.the' Western Hotel, two ex- cellent building lots, Nos. 420-421 'in the toWn. of Goderich. There' was a pleasant "At Houle" yesterday under the, auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the elinreh of England, at the residence of the pre- sident,. Mrs.4.4Ctene. Angling has conniienced here. On Saturday w large number .ef people;• were on the harbor pier perch fish- ingk. Some of the old hands Made prek good strings.: . 'lir:-Hodgius, .of Bayfield, co ,Oneted the services at St.; George's last Sunday, : The Rey. gentleman prOa.. ehed excellent . sermons both, litquing and, evening. • : • ' • .-th, .fis' :this • harbor IS 1t, - proving, 1,Sayi4g eatehes being, new, . There. are but very fiw. te cfer Cent of eitoh haulheing: trout; , • • • e • . McLean returnedto town, 'after six.manthe sojourn on: thp, Pacifie . coast, last Thursday.Th , )",. nave r:eA (131et fom Iiei b . ; ,he. following are the officers of 60' lawn.,tentis' plubt: . President E. Malcolmsoli; „1st- Viee clo; 10, F.Vsr..(johnstort ; 2nd 'Vice do, ITT.. RI 4.. Starke ; Captain, Dr. H1thes; Secy. Treas.,. Air. . R. S. , Managing • Committees:, 'Alegre- E. N. Lois, 11. AIT ---Bey= (Ntil.da, 0, C. Ross, F-..Widder• and At ltrachai." the fortnightly meeting of, the L..S:.„4',Ield last.. Friday even:, in'i; the following ".protiTtienne was presented Address, the PresidenV .;.:1'.6e4ing; Mr, .11tedd1e;,-readingq Miss 'Oanipb.:.:11-7.- and AleIntire- -;„chorus,:the members.--Editor'efielee., 'tions, Mr: • Heddlereaditig,, •:.'YtOLeci,J-7-sa14.;;. M. C. on ,..dramv 'Mr." itotb;:jurit.- The' &alai Empire, :the :first ;boat of ,the: Sarnia line, 'arrived inport early -On 'Wednesday Morning, and left,ftir the upp er lake shortly:before noon.: , The Empire. had . betWeen forty en4 fifty passengers and about halt' her Sisttal _Cargo:. The weIl- • knoWn commander .OU thie rantei , Robinson, -.+1 again in charge 'and hikappbarance. was tho cane of many o14 f&shioned hancl2-shalcings".. The Vogel, ;nicely refitted:7 and ,'painted..:',duzin(4,', the. winteiy credit' to the dompapny to which 1i belongs.: • . • schr. Maxii7J11, aftcr a longrest 011 iliere.noar the Dufferin pier was brought into,•=r-harlior by the tug- :Teeei,g,lest, Thursday:. On -Friday. ft diver was `PitiploYedtking the 'leaks .in the eelmoner,,and . on SaturdaY: 'portion of the cargo that',fula been placed on the. Ralkbitn; wai replac ed on the Maxwell, and shortly after, Midnight,. the J;essie with the .1Ifax- inlow left for Cleveland. The MaXwell struck On the bar Of send at the.mouth of the hathot 'Soya. ing. .'rfrit .Ame":.-tornoons interviovinw the Government ' for Laid reinovali oLthis hindrance to• navigation I., • The. iiiiembere. -of Huron •Lodge NO. 621. 0. 0. F., celebrated the; anniversarv.. of their order by attendiog:'Diyine service at Knox Church last Sunday homing,, The bi.ethren met in the lodge romn at' 10.30, and attived itt the church Shortly before 11. On Miming the church the members halted , and facedinwards, allowing the teat end of the procession to pais (between the linee thrui formed. On the march the lineextended, from the corner of North St. to McLean's meat Market. 13re G. F. Salton, who; oceupied the ptilpit, read for the lessons tho tifith chapter of Isaiah'and the 10th of .Luke from the 28th to .37th verses. The, Rev. gentleman took as his text the 27th, verse of the second lesson, from wbichhe preached an eloquent ser - bion, using the parable of the Good Samaritan hi an exceedingly abli3 Manner. On the return to the lodge, thanks' were 'accorded Rev. G. F. Salton and the managers of Xnox church, Bros, Josh Beek, P. Trott, and Neil Campbell being ap# , pointed a committee to draw up •a and present a Inerporan4oin of the same. The yards in Goderich havenot been as clear of lumber for many yeami as they are at the present . time. Business must °have been pretty good in 'this Goderieh indos7 try the pest year to have -made 'such a clean sweep. . Mr.'Phil Nunn who has been ill fo'i a considerable period was found dead in. his house on Monday •'morning. 'Poor Phil though old, and, alone as it were, had kind friends who saw that his reinains • were,decently interred in the silent city. .„ •Ittis.nbt true, ae. Statedfn one of. our local papers last week, that:the schooner /Waved/ had nine hundred thousand tons of iron ore as deem). Mr; William Lee who had, a good dealto do with bringing the Max- weli sintbharbor, says that the aboVe.thentioned attionnt I5. a' little .4ver the exact figure, • The' :annual meeting of die Mechanies' InStitutcr toOk Place 011 Monday., evening, . 'The. following were p1e4ed dfficere.for the 'ensuing tWelye months : President, S. Nfalcolnisen; Vice -President;, T, Weatherald; eecond W, tirne 7 Secretary; Geo; Stiveirs;- Treaeurer, A. J. Moore,. Directors • L, - Sharman; W. F. FPate,.E: 0..Ruseell, C. Blake; • :O. A.,.; Hainber.• Messrs; J. 'H. .Col- borne, A. Mottbit and Geo, Rice.were e1,2eted hoonevary ,members: To -show the appropriateness of the reins.rks. Okla() Rev,. G.T. Salton lest 7Suuday on benevolent inetau tion, we.mention 'a fact in connee tion with: an iiistirs,bee'BocietyLpf, • .A.,'brother Who was dying loft;' the ' payment of his. monthly premium to his wife. - She neglect-. to do this, ,and .her husband.dy-. inir she ...:Was left .almost penniless. :Although the society could not pay the widow the'five thousand dollars for which her husband had been for 'many years insured, it Sent a memo- andiut of the fats td., all its poliCy holders. The response was the fetvistdinn. of the fall amount of,the , policy,. t...f,1114',•;.:211.01(ti1giS. th:q..P.1:49-A911, - • • A0.004110 'Club finished -the Season last 'Wednesday by a grand The .hall -the Pelage rink ---was beau . •tifelly eiranged:with bunting, flags', 'evergreens, 311d flowers, and lighted • hy.an iniminse number of . chande, liers. The baud the Doherty Of • Clinton, with Miss Donarrli at the: piantyplayed the newest inusic ii excellent style., In- addition to tier teepeople, there were. invited,: guests from:Clinton, Seaforth, lent, • don, Brussels, Blyth;, Stratford'and 'Kincardine, Shortly :after 9dane- thg and cptplited lill .inidni,ght,' when all, 'preset were • regaled, with an. ecelient • after.: 'which ..daneing Was. 'resumed and -continued till ear -peep o' day:- ThOL'''-dressee. of•.::the ladies. present were the iitettlest we haye Seen for. Many a day, tho style, arrangernent, and colors being .perfeet.P A.ti one tinie ••when thereWere over fifty e5iiple taking parb in • the mazy: dance:,...the effect was dazziing, the garaostumes of the dancers blend.; •Ing harrnotiouSly with the blegantly• lighted hall.' We congratulate the ThTmbers ot the elich- on their taste in, dee:orating, and( the.gentlemanly energy that could provide:. Stich; a, treat as that enieriencect by • ..those present -at their closing ball Wednesday evening.. • , • • LzA young man hes; been fined, $10 and costs for peddling tea around Lueknow Without a license. , . week Inapector .0aVatt,, of Stratford, and constrible"Scott, of Brussels, made it.(Taid on tho house of Geo. Barber, in Howic1ttOkynsill1), near Fordwich, and arrested. Barber for having an illicit still on his•pre- mises. Jas. Burt wa,s also arrested for being a partner in the alai., A Ineshtub and mash were:, found in the :oiler. Some GO gallons Of Honor had been manufactured and sow. The charge was withdrawn against ftrber tind he told that the 'balance of the manufacturing appar- 'Rata was stored in the garret over the kitchen,whereit was found by the Offie.04.'f411 Wednesday night Burt first pleaded not gu ilty but afterwards withdrew the plea. He was fined 000 and two niontlio imprisonment intim County jail. Constable Hicks took him to Cedorieh jail, Spring cropo..',-are taoliR very fast, East Wawanosa, Miss Emma Magill is getting bet- ter from an attack of quinsy. ;Mr, jetties Potter is now ill but it is hoped he -will soon recovek. Wm. Ofttinielt is hired wilt Mr. Parr for the summer, Mr. Ames Qninu • 84 Richard Armstrong intend going sailing. They will ply between Goderioh and Montreal. Good luck, boys. • Mr. Elam . Livingston haki ro- tui'ned from a visit to the States, Mrs. James Roth is recoirering froin a short illness. Mr, Brew Williams has purchas- ed a fine now carriage, nothing: like it'Alr. Williams: ' Mr: G. %Mg° Bently received ..a wound in the leg some thee since which canape him much pain. Stepnen Robertson was 'en-. c ga,red with Mr. William Doby for short time, Mr. John Dingnall has got the ;bagpipes fired upagain and they are heard for miles around. • -There :was iv:game Of base ball played :the:other night ;.13 players 'present• . ' Mi. John Ross has the patent for his :grindstone Which he will Soon be going:ail:Mud With: • . The Literary society OS. S. No. $100aeboans: boon a igrand success this. Cattle and sheep are cropaing on the roads neW; no doubt the grass ;will be good. • Mr. Joe.Bennit ,is now peddling machinery.. 1-10 has -a shop in good business Bel - grave and will do: a 0 as he sells cheep,. ' , Mr. George Gibson . had a' sick lime last Week. but :it. is *Coming by the ekilful treatment of 'Mr. ed e iST'ee:laisn g . -hiesr e lie' t v more esaround ti g' people than in any other township in,Ifbron. • • , A meeting !willbe held iu the sobool house 10, for the:,.putpciee ;n:e. :onliglItkning the Olin" 'Bleck,- • :Mr,. John Wki.s an; and Mr. Tell are to address tit"- meeting. •. Nosh as we hear49 - tRIEELES...L.-WIll..;YOUngi si., has James 1,23iing,• of Auburn, erecting a bay window to hiiliouse.---ht is the telli.that :Sandy is going. fa get Married4 one can't blame. him,for it -Was. what hislather did: before him.: L-11arvey Howell, who left . here a feNi inentle ago• with hoises for Michigan, *turned here on the 26th; he; reports times Cousins, Who, his been under Dr. Whitely's: treatinenkjor inflaituna- • tion of.the ltnigiiis 'recovering niee,. 1Y.—A yoltngi.reart on his ive,y. to Bible clue made Remit excuse to drop in on a neighbor that he wanted to SCO ' lasOolt, which led him to stay rather late ; G. P. is the, boy for ex., eiteee.•--"FIello! *bete Were you the 'other, night?" ,"Down to 'deputy - :Reeve Beek's birthday partY." "The. : evening was line, did you have a -teedqi.-tne-.0 •"A -U ninirrwts rwts flo nanie for it, the bed of the' year" "Many- therer "1.should pingo' ; large Crowd, 'wetly front. the costa- . I noticed also Mise Atkins, of Toronto, •a charming young -lady, .sirhO Was much appreciated by, all find coritPletelymasheda yoUng,gen.: tlemair residing near Carlow." • The , sport'. of the evening). at Mr. Beek's commenced Wirli,:the Mazy dance,. which 'was kept up until abOnt. 3• o'clock; stimulated by the elastic moVem wits of J'ohn's elbow. Thottgh Only a short timel.was 'allowed for, refreshments, it was profitably em- ployed in dismissing theliberal pro- vision that was inade In that lino 'by the host and liOStess, Whose affable manner and hosPitable intent above a,11 praise. Those w11,0 did not take part in tho donee were in- terested by 'literary and sociable amasements. There WAS a recitation by Mr. Wilson, the village sehool teaeher, also by Miss Aint7 MorrOw, A bass 'solo by Mr. S. Williams, and several 'songsby hie younger brother of his pane eomposition. A recita- tion by Miss Alar3r Ann Sands, and Several 80108 by MISS Annie areen, Aviitelt were all well executed. We hope Mr. Peek will have many birthday anniversaries ,And that he will not forget your Scribe. wheat s looking woll, WROLE NO. 890 TO THE FARMERS 1 study your oyu interest aro,i go wbero you, eau got Reliable 1Iarnesg‘ 1. Matnifacture none but tIM BEST Or STOCK. Num eaf Mops that reU cheap, at they hava re to Ms. IN' Call and got prices, grilt,re lay mail promptly attended. to. tT<5X-Xl\T 13Ct• HARNESS EMPORIUM, ONT., Blyth Pump Factory • JAMES FEHOUSON , Raying rani:wed his business to the premises for- merly known as rup notnsrroAsT.cn wviika thank ail old patrons for past fators and is in a better position than ever to promptly- fill all orders entrusted to hhi A stock Of 00014 • PUMPS on hand, Ordered work a speeialtY. Wells dug and completed on short notice, All ' work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Orders by ame prothptly attended. to. 384 tf 'TAMES FERGUSON, Myth. tY, We 'are Sorry to. 'heat that Mrs. Aleteelf es Setionsly, 111.: .• AleG, 1.11,, merchant, has n , liefir a ice aWning put up this Mr. Richard " Hartnett 'loft here on 'Monday for PalinerSton for a few 'days, •• Afr: cousin or :John ' Ernigh, is not:mending as• faekas lilaIriends ' woitillness..lcl.,;.‘1is1.,1 since:his' iecant .' ••. , The Rev'. .R. MeCesh. Of officiate befit -morning and °ironing in Trinity elturCh on Sun- • day next. - r • • Sao -1'4/11(4d of the ,Lord's Supper *as -aliiiiiiisterect.. toadarge. number , of communicants in, the Methodist. church On Sunday. nitining :last. . The members ;of 0. o. this , - village intend going to'...ikuburn .On Sunday afternoon next to hear the ; Rev', 11.-MeCoeh preach a sermon to the Foresters there; . • We are glad -to see Otirtownsman, Ur. %V. Drimoriend, opened out !again in his old stand, Which he has , :occupied for so many years. Success, Ineetine.' was hold on .Friaav . !hotel . fir thepurpose of *.fOiiiiing. egoimitteeS':-. ' and making!tiecessary anungements .. • for the poining 24th celebration; ATessrs. F. -Tanner and, M. :Hamilton, .on behalf of the .band';.! .asked for a grant,of .$30' to ptirehase 'ne* instruments with; it was readily • gro4d te toththem. .rForsyth, nc: o'f, our proptie,. tars of,the New Woolen Mi11s,airi'- id irom-miebigan with me and litive' taken up their abode in. Mr. Campbell's house. ' . • Our townernan, 'Mr. A. Milne, " proprietor of the Commercial Ho tel has afino fcial•fromhis brood: 3,4 sciedbyKontooky Star. :, He thin14. lie .has got- the handemnest. fe,al the County. Ile refused :$100 for it before it was alclay old.. Messrs. Mitchell:it:MI •Durnin can. Vassecl the village leet: Week: to.see What mope °mild be raised to edo- brate . th.d .'Queen's birthday.' They succeeded in raising tipwardv $100. Good Bays. Several of. out members of the S. A. JeftIere on.Satairday..avkiing Tast for 7i.Viiigharn for the purpose of farming a corps in that town,, • They- secured the' hi:Lading formerly: owitiecl. by the defunet Saved Army. - Thoy report meeting with .good one - cess There was a largenumber of people in town on Tlairsday.`laidi for 'the purpose ,of attending ' the • Division Court. '.11is Honor judge Doyle. woe late• in getting"here', it was nine at night before he was Ale ,to dispose of all eases that were brought before him. . The redular Council xi-Methyr,l. was - . • held it -he Orange hall on Monday • evening last. The" Reeve in the - chair., Atirebers all present. The °lark read out a list of rules for the 'maintaining of better order. Two of the members objected to douse 10 in having to stand up in address- ing -the Reeve or chair, they- heing tronbled with very bad corns. After having that part of the clause struck, eift.the rules were adopted, 011in?olni!orotistfownshtu . iild their p's and q's--•-•or aHeast theii owners had, 'NV° have a. pound. keeper Just outside the limitteaf tho town eorpnrationt and . as the town- ship has a cow brlaw, the city folk should not allow their bovinos' to 'ramble' oven. near the pond. Verily,the svf,ty, of the cow is .;