HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-28, Page 8:The .HeronNews-Record
1Ved'*csday, Ap i 11 zath.
I ► and Around the "Huh."
!!it. t'+' N.EIVS RECORD has poli-
iicely a larger circralation.tlaan any
mayor published in. this section of the
=1'roihinee. We "have several' times
yn'ovecl' this to the.satijfaction of ad
ver'tise)s who have examined 0261' list,.
which 4$ now and always has been
accessible to those wire "neait'business.
And we have added over one hundred
names since the last. .occasion. on
ta'leeeli use satisfied doubting Thentases,
,noless than seventeen additions last
Week. The double eireidationc;fTuE,
Icrovs REconm lays oiler them all, •
4,A,PPi.Y; AT TUE T1•:WS-13,tCOI;D oer.toE'..
SST. PAUL'S CflunII.—On Easter
Day the church was :decorated with
ex feowers'in a most beautiful and ef-
fective way. The service was very
hearty and 'the oongregatio'r s large.
On` -Sunday next the Rev. Canon
Richardson, 111: A., Rector Cronyn.
Memorial ; Church',' : London,, .will
preach both' morning and eitening
Mr, Craig taking his duty in London.
Orin SrnmNG I'o1o.-=Sprinkle,
sprinkle little cart,: how I 'wonder
At where thou 'art. Dust here, dust
. there, dust everywhere, dust on the
• streets' dust on the Indies fair;
Dust in . the' .mouth, dust in the
eyes, dust in the :hair, we awa11o*
dust with every breath of air.
Dust in the city fathers' eyes, keep
down the dust the public cries .•
INbt}s'rnIAL.—The great linoil fig iiP
'_of Ii •bodui,Dios., of Belfast, Ii hit's
q "" ancT tterson, stew • : Jersey, f zitva
staiied a branch business In .Baden
for heckling lit*. 'Sixty • ha l
havegeen sent over froin Patterson,'
N. J., and work was comineiMed • an
Monday, a brulcliug suitable.for the
purpose paving .been furnished by
j:4 . Livi1tgstoii. • "Tho • Baden
branch hs to be to ,some extent e,
perimedal •• Should it p ii• ove• sat is-
.. factory,: ,there is a probability that.
another lot of alteratives .will be sent`
out next season-- It is also possible
tha'B'Barbtsair Bros. well . eventually
• start a linen faetolyin. this country.
DIVISION ConnT, Vris held in
the Court House, Clinton, Monday,
before Judge Toms. °The bar was
represented by Masers. Cauhl,ion,
Malcolhmon and Seager, Goderich,
and 'Scott and Powell of Clinton.
A number tf •,4ntricate oases were
heard and judgment reserved.
The court sat from 1 to 0. o'clock p,
Tu. .
Motto LIGHT WANTnD.---Street
darkness has been noticeable p'nights
the past week;. Good Friday, a re-
ligious holiday, find no street lights
in the evening for the benefit of
those returning from. church, Sat -
malty night
at-uiday'night many people shopping.
late in the oyening and no street
light. Sunday evening no street
lights, Monday evening the same
absence of street lighting prevailed,
add wo are asked why this is thus 1
NtiT TAkisu IN -Tars DUE In
ooD,sequ$nce of the revelations re
sulting upon the.departure of Craig
the' cattle dealer, and the knowledge
furnished by TELE News REoonn
from time to time of the swindling
conversion, in ivany other 'parts of
the county, of notes and orders:
given by responsible parties to irres-
ponsible peddlers, public suspicion
has become alert. And some of our
citizens learning that a town trades-
man had given a "city chap" an
order amounting to $1.90 a rumor
got afloat that the said order had
boon•convertod into a note and rais-
ed to $190.00 and cashedat a bank'
here. ' Inquiry, husvev er revealed
the fact that no• such ...swindle had
been perpetrated. •-
P, 11;f: Could.—Tuesday McBride
of Goderich and Pettioock of the
sane :place were charged before
Judge Scott in the Courtroom, Clin-
ton, with respectively violating the
Scott Act.. The last: named pleaded
guilty and the Court imposed a fine
of $50 And costs, to bis -paid in one
mouth. In the to
case sever-
awl witnesses did not appear and In-
. der Yates testified . they were'
zMaterial for the prosecution, the case
*W therefero postponed until the
`1'4t11 .cf May.' Judge Scott Was about
to issue warrants' for 'the 'derilect'
witnesses, but so ie.extenttating cir-
ciunstanocs coming to light ..he did
not do so 'F. R. Powell of Clinton
for defendants.' Mr. Yates Conducted',
leis own cases. In the Peacock ease
lawyer Powell and, Mr. Scott throw
off their costs, Cost 'of 'service' is
all that will be taxed. . . •
• GoNn—$'+01InwriEn +`.—Last nook
Mt•. Win. .Craig, a cattle . buyer Well
.known in Clinton and otherparts' of
the coiiuty':,.left here leaving. large'
htilnittit s unprovided for.' Rumor litre
'1t Cant not only did:> teJeave' largely.
in debt, owing . ;probably •,.$10,000,
but, if the:same authority is' correct
he has,been guilty of making or ut-
tering torgecl paper'to a considerable
amount. . The. amount involved •in°
1>:is'forgad paper transactions is not
so.gr:eet as was atltd. tl ought'tobe,
as:.ednsiderable of it , v'iis' : merely
lodged as "' collateral security, for.
inucli less; mins• advanced. than the
{'ace of the paper. Take Mi. Craig's
departiue:all in all itis a very .re
:gretablo•.circunlstance : on•• account
of those who will .suffer by his indis-
-aration or rascality; on his own ac-
•count, .and-on-acconlit-of _thedis-
trust it• will Cause among =business
men. loan's confidence in Ulan has.
been: - severely shaken . by Craig's
misconduct. . A'lthough it was get-
orally 'surmised that he ' had not.
made ninth, if any, money in the•
.cattle business, the last year;or two,'
his honesty and integrity, as well
his business . ability,. were never.
quostioned by'•tho public, and his
sudden dislppearallee under eircum-
-°nutarees••ptrinting-di•rect;ly to crim'ihral
guilt fell like a thunder -clap on
those who thought. they knew hits
►vu1.1. . •
Neriine NEhv—T1h'ough working
'"4z -night and day, with additions tooter
.: ropier staff, it takes es'all •oihr time
to keep up': with the . orders ; which:
personally -o>''. by )nail come to us.:'
•flood work; moderate pates and no
:ad -throat busi.uess we find pay; and
we intend to adhere to this. Withal
this, as; our.'.colmnue, will; show, Nye.
vo:our;newspaper careful'attention,
f"e'unishing tai' readers wite a greater;
quantity of real. local matter•'than
.•any of` our rivals iu the county.. Of
'course this statement• isnot newt and
• we -do not need to keep: everlasting-
•ly repenting it. : But it is just•as,.
well' to give.a reminder .onee and a
whilethat the are ;to the front.
••Gpi-I ro ••CovnT -Uo sbE. 111 eon
fo`rmuy with, .recommendation • of.
• Judge •Doyle, our: town • council
. - have fittedup. tice 'council 'ohainber
with Court' House •upplittuces that
will insure to . the better, eartyii g
out of Court proceeduro, to the dig-
nity of the bench, to the conven-
ience of the bar, .litigants and wit-
nesses, and.' the: } ttblhc generally.'
A dais about two eek high. at the
nol'tli side of .the a°oonh is for the•
Judge and .t tel e t -he- C•aatta .
On this is a desk from the top 'of
which to . the &or exteiicls fancy.
,panelled , wail.' '1;o the right .of
the dais is'a moveable wituessstaud;
.t1 inoi ible but substantial railing
separates'' the pop:ulaee-front those
having business with the court.
Tho alteration is quito,an . improve-
roan' and .will also• allow' our . town
parliament to conduct their pro-
• cowlings more satisfactorily', : • .
• Tun WILLOW. -.The 'Wanderers,
the junior cricket club of Clinton,
suet at the Rattenbury Hotta() last
Thursday -and elected the following
officer`s lion. -Pres a J. P. Tisdale,
Vice ,1)o. Geo. E. l.'ay; President,
W. Jackson Vice Do, Geo, Mc-
• Taggart Seey.,.H. Il, Staubury
'1'h•easiurer, 3, Jo1inytou; Committee,
J. Armour, L. Kennedy, - IL E.
.13riy, +''. Spooner, W. Harland, It
is pleasant and chairing to trets
thatour young men have', taken,. an
interest in this. .mesio and 'Mind
...-1 ptrengthoning tint -door game, fete
pian' ° melt of Iiritaili in all walks
of Life; whether it be in theology or
law y in "science .or soldiering; in
• .• manufactures oe'lioehanisln, or as
etatesmc;n ..have - nearly all at one
time been crleketere and hoar 'testi-
%ony to its benefiteial • ands tilt
in Intl and badly, '1'ht re•i, not' any
nouns for vapid vanity ithout an t=,n-
Nearly 500 different kinds or Wall Paper and Borders from
50'C TO • I.00 . A ROLL
„,- A.lyWall Palter acid 13ordere title year consist of
American, English & Canadian
Patterns, much superior in finish and more elegant in design than lust year, and also
much cheaper. -• Save money by purchasing from me,
* I airs agent for the. Allan Line of Royal Mail Steamships. ti
Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ip Books, Stationery, Fancy Good, &c.,
0.1.a1\71 ow', •
ternal economy. But the new ar-
rangement of drawers and lock boxes.
also enhances the appearance of
things, The latter have ornamental
branie'. metal facings with bevel
/edge heavy plate glass lights. These
receptacles for letters present a hand-
some appearance and; wore imported
by Mr.4Fair from an American firm
that makes a specialty of Such •affairs.
Each lock• is alone of its kind, and
there are several other ways in which
the use even of duplicate key's °by
unauthorized persons can be,prevent
.ed from having access to thein.
The • designing of tho rieW ar-
rangement is dno.to Mr, lfair hue,
self, while the mechanical portion of
the work was performed • by Mr.
James' . Scott in a manner, which
furnishes ample evidence that lie is•
nota "blacksmith:" at joiner work.
Altogether the public sllonld' to be
.grateful to Postmaster. Fair for his
endeavor to supplement his gown in-
comparable efficiency in the ` pitb.lic
service ';by. 'suchpleasing artificial
'aids ansurrounclings as' maynow
be. seen in the new -old Clinton Post
Office. Wonder if 'he will nowpre-
-:yea'. -vandals ; from 'awarding the,
public' room vitki unsightly orua-
mentations 10 ;;; Fair::has now been
over30 yaars in the. public, service
as. M. hn Clinton, twenty years of
which time•he has occupied the pro -
sent building: He, looks good for'
another 30 years. And then he has.
a fair assistant whom it; would bo
unfair to overlook, and yet, euibono2
,Dons the lilyneocl painting er • fine
gold to be gilded. •
Ii;uNi)' BUSINESS.—'rho Doherty
•Band.made it part of. their business:
on Good Friday, as announced, to be
to the fore On the market,Pquare, and
,by the melodious hr rmony of sounds
they helped to .rentove.some` of the
weariness • . and. flatness from the
.mincls•of those who were iuolinedto'
say: ' -"4 what a dull, day."' •On such
a day, howevei�,'many;were inclined.
:to'say, `j: will sing and•give praise,"
and to those the concord of :sweet
'Sounds, without.. any of%rt ; of • the
listeners, was a great: relief,' bo the
satisfaetioii• :whatever..it May have
been to, the • mei-libels 'of .the baud'
under: a powerful sweltering Mid-
day sun. \aT.•e.might parenthhetically'
interpolate .the question' here:-=
r'Would'it not be well to' have a
-band ,stand, it+iter-a •canopy or' -top
covering, •in some coontral -fart of
the town i" For, the 'pubfio ,gener
ally appear to• relish the playing of
the band. • Anci.indeed the melody
of 'soundsfromeven the sounding
brass and tinkling cymbals, has ever
had an elevatingtendoncy ..Would it
then be 'amiss for our town council'
to provide such public ,benefactors
As the town bandwith a reasonably
coinfortable sttvnc ;It is true there"
may be those ahnongst us o .w loin f
miglit.be said as Lord Macauley said
:of •D'r. Johnson, "ho just knew the
sound of the bell of St.. Clements.
from thosound of the organ." Or
there May, ba soirar':of thed'p'eeuliar
organic' structure of Ilannalh More,.
"Ali; now;
.-"Ali;now; this is somethinglike a
post office" was the exclamation of •
oven the •: Most unaesthetic as they
entered the interior renovated post
:Oleo Saturday, tlib tlajr on which
Mr. lair reinstalled himself in" the
old tuning. for the- reception cud°
delivery of. Iter• Majesty's 'nails.
Tho public portion 'of the office ap;
pears- .larger now than formerly.
The receiving and delivery. openings
and tlio money, order door''are eon-
spicuously black -lettered. with their
reveal -ye legends so• that those• who
are blessed with eyesight and can
road will have no difficulty in going
straight' to the, "captain's office. "•
The dividing partition between the
inner sanctuaryand thopublic room.,
Other than that formed by the letter
boxes and drawers, is of unstained
ash, the beautiful natural' grain of
which is admirably brought out in
"rrrlief by a liberal application of Var-
nish; •lt is nicely panelled and,ex-
tondls to'tlje coiling, the former open
space at the tole being fiilc;d" with
mullioned sash and frosted glass
panels, 'r'howainscotingofthe most
is in Messing with the other portions
of tido joiuer. work. A hardwood
t•littsiastie• lover of the lvill.,ly. floor and frescoed ceiling.collrpietee
Suee,:v; t() "'ht'. "boys," • this ;Ration el the rejuvenated iil-
v . .
couragement the town council would
give the band would probably be ap-
proved by the majority of our citiz-
was kept in the usual quiet way.
The customary church services were
held, and many persons took advan-
tage of the exceeding fine • weather
to drive -out orengage in the luxury
of ultra -mural pedestrian exercise—
"Did you ever 1" "no I never saw
such a continuous spell .. of fine
weather in . April, nearly three
weeks`. of real summer in early.
spring," is tho substance of many
greetings"—Friday evening wound
upd.with a one-horse tornado,. which
Lasted about half an hour, twisting
the •limbs off trees etc. It was fob
lowed by a w:elednno.min; and now
all • nature—the green sward and
budding tions—is lustily .rejoicing
��Tltile the• Post Office was next to
Pay & Co's 'tore, the eyes 'of many
who 'were "waiting for :the • mail"
''were pleasingly, rolievetl' by the
sight .or the flower .garden ' in the
upstairs , windows of D1 Keefer's
office. opposite—Xis. Canioion and
her ' sister. Miss Etty Whitely, of
Luckno*, paid a transciontd visit to,
friends in Cliittoli ono day . last
week -Mr: Geo''. Robinson's. slide
girl fell: out of the window, the
other day and broke one of her legs
above the knee. The tittle patient
is coining around all right—Division
Court was held here, on Monday,
Judge Toms- presiding—Richard
Walker started., last woek tit the
Doliorty.organ factory to learn • isle
art and mystery, of converting crude
material into shapely forms t1t.;
shell ultimately ovelve • musical
sounds..? The initiatory process con-•
sistod••iu,his nearly severing one of
lila thumbs Item' the hand with a
stir: He will again wrestle with
the ."tiger"' so Won as the. wound is
healed—II: � ; Bothwell; formerly
of Goderich, who is now travelling
for aMontreal paint and color house,
'dropped in to see us'. Monday.. It
is':qu.ito possible lio inay, domicile
his family in.Clinton owing to the
railway facilities •available hero --A
correspondent:asks'ne•why we have
'omitted to notice the• tendency. of
business'=to concentrate in 'Clinton
evidenced by the fact• that all; Scott
Actprosecutions- convorge at the
Hub Wenow gladly oallat'tention.
to this new feature in our progress=
David Morrow,•a one time resident
of Clinton, died in Goderich '011
Monday;' Deceased ,was a brother-
in-law, of Mr. John Siuitli, ' town•—..
Choir concert in the. town hall Mon -
clay night—That noble : omtiu, W'
11. Cooper,. has just received a com.-
plimentahy • letter :from a . brother
sculptor in Carrara, Italy -Inspector
Malloch i. abollt tlhr'ou ,b with in-
spection of .Linton Model School—
Mr.. Johnston, traveller' for Dielc
son''s.Clintonlbook•house, ir, raking
in the orders, this firm being partic-
ularly well situated for doing a good
jobbin trade:
:author of "Coolubs in S.eareh of a
Wife," who, after• listening to an
opera, 'wrote : •,S
"Bear oto. some god, 0 quieldy.bear .oro
. home,•'
'ro wholesome rolituile'tlhe mune orange:"
And added, "This apostrophe;..
broke;froin 1110 on coining.from the
opera --the first I ever did„ talc last,
I trust, I over shall go to." But
one must not confound opera music
of Hannah Moro's time • with Doh-
erty band music. Hannah continues,
"For what purpose has the Lord of'
the Universe niacle his creature .loan
With a cotuprelhensive mind, immor-
tal spirit, ete,,•little lower .than tff`fro.
angels l • Why all this waste, if .the
mere animal senses' of sight and hear-
ing (by which he is not distinguish-
ed from the brutee "that 1110ri0) would
have answered as well i 'And yet
I find the same people are scan at the
opera every night listening to what
the greater part of thein do not un-
derstand. Going to the opera brings
its, own,punisl11ruent with it." But
wo do not think that the mass ofour
citizens, are as insenesihlo.a to the,
charpla of band music as 'Hannah
\vitt' (0 uperatiol Inasic, 1111tl Ir11y Pit- ;
A- MIMIC .ST<Lrr :iii••, tf.
In- reply to questions MIA 'have, been
asked, and •ntisloadin• statements which.
have beerl,•nrade'the undersigned beg to say
tilatWl'7n,.Craig, whose forgeries and other
dishonest ants have recently telae to light,.
has not' been,• for several years, a corp-
rnunirtnht inthePresbyterian Chure11:. •
' nr rx: StawAni', • .
1lfotlerator of Session.
• JAs. Tunrinul,r,, ' • •
• Clerk of Session.
Clinton, 401 26, .1886. . -
It being very desirable to continue orna-
rn.anring: and beautifying •sour 1t yn..
by eluting trees, liowrers and slitlrets;'1intl
having been rcgnested .to prec1olnl• the';
name day as. r'eco,ninended"to the Pathe
Schools of the Province, 1 tla'hereby pro.,
claim rittnAY, rill: 7TI1 DAY OP MAT,
1886, as Arbor day tor the Town of Clin-
ton, anis request the- citizens geuetal)yto
observe it as aueh.
•it. Ali, 1 rLLIAnis, Mayer.
All parties indebted to `r. Jackson, either b3'
Note or Book account, aro tequestetl to. Bottle:
not later 'Gan May irth it 'tl'tsv wish to weld
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
* 4
We are .t00 busy on•SPni2IO SOP«nous
,' •to write. out an advertisement,
this week; •
�u�,�'IyIyI it io ��IP i'..��;XNmIDILii_ II_ ih�f` i�„