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The Huron News-Record, 1886-04-28, Page 6
.....�. -''-111" " *". r'""rr°"4"w ♦tt'„�5••? "IN"o■h;4 Say 1 ou to i Piece off It ottst litvel•illirilt •�1'�1wtiQill•t{l w wen, there Is nitwit to be said 1hv wicstion brit',; aske'l of the. banqueter at rho ateragt boarding !louse, conyui)rem,nisetotas.,u:loseren• tititiIty •to the h.)rrs, anti, 1 ectsto:tlt three auto south thereat. I[e, of course,wUI pates, uuie.+i It ,recurs. to hutlthat Ile needs swinge fur his trunk. Shutt," there be any suffering, from tb o t tracts atm lndulganee to elut'h sinuous faro, tom Mt(;resor'p Speedy Cur a 3'n0 and, Gifectual 'inial% for Dyspepsia,' Constipation and all aifeethuhs uftthe ;annum slid liver, told by aU druggist. l ria, tear. • StsS it 1)lt, Lows Pt,r, s:i:vT WOR31 .rnyurr. -.stn agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms, • 4t ,rick, lately, a 'Chaps John' offered a brid.lo,forwsale, when a man m the crowd Ind 'a crown,' The bull was' instantly accepted, and pay inert demanded, It vas the crown of lny hat' I meant,' ;;inti• the pur- chaser,' 'Very well,' responded the other, 1a, bargain's a bargain ; hand it here.' Thinking the .whole,atlair a joke, and judging. himself very eget er, We individual handed t'p the hat, and received the bridle, where- upon the auctioneer very .cooly cut out the crown with «t.petvldnife, a na 1 returned the- restof the hat -to- the outwitted jt)ker, who disappear amid a roar of Ianghter hoeing tl Winch too dear forboth' and his bridle, • A Y$L ETA:, 1 EI'LATu1IE,t.' 'eine of the moat value' lefeatures of,liagyard's Yellow Oil is that unlike ordinary liniments it oar be safely and effectually taken internally as well:ait;'tt'pplted in cases .of 'pains, in• ilzinamation, sore'throat, rheumatism, Mill all painful,..ceinplaint,y'aria 'in. juries.. ' . • 811.IL.4OI{ 8 (:trftE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. 'Sold 'by J. ii'. Combe. • 83 fids 1 i11aria 1611 11411)pe1116110.. • 1•'1'140re Is now 'being utanefaeti.irefr here .an .n•tiele for instantly ,emot•im;:pain of any ;lento • xtevnal nature Mat it is certainly Um most perfect gra for Neuralgia, Hctulaehc, Toothti heand tl>. no that has ever hese tried.. It is narked Mulct ,, i,Ightttinkfrotn tipro thd :aaner.iit 0:1 khItacts,- ,,ad is mnnufaeturod by 'iteU egos $ 1'tirke $o111' Clinton by the din Stet. 3;35.at • o, fn a workshop -in Priisley a knot of • workmen fvere chatting during work ins hours,wheri . unexpectedly •their employer himself choppe(1., in upon thein.- They -nil iristant`ly p•ut; their hands to Something -here and -here,- iniless.one who Was the painter.'ire hail -w paint brush in • his hand,' and could:see nothing` that he reaSenubly could -appear. tobe. working . a, but ~not to be bent be went to the • grinil• stone 'ana•heldthe shit; t.of,the bras,, to it, :r -NASAL fx,TECTOFL` free with• •each Bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh '.Rem- - (-riv, price f t) cents.. Sc I d by J., II: 'otnbe. ' 330 !y t'o.a P.ougii conditions of the skin) Shampooing the bead; Purples, Jr options and: kin fiisetlses, use' Prof. low's Sulplier Scali,, fo a Bordri' county the inmat•s of a farwliouse Were. rinsed •ou' a. chid , November .niglit'by'the alarm of Li •e;. in asliolt time evai'ything; 'wv,rs hus- tle ;and' •excitement Neighbours carne• rushing fi'oui all quarters, and did what they' coultd to stay the. pro gress.of,the. flame., abd saveas many of the' farmer's.. eifects'as . possible: l'o extinguish the tiro'.was,altogether, beyond their polt'er,. and . In'tt'-very short space of time th`e building :was, a mass, of ruins. 'Men, John',' saki a ;ynlpathetio. Vghbor,• :_aclsiressirig the unfortunai i farmer, I'I'n rale sorry fos• ye this• ui,lit; • hut . woo • curl ye no; manage to save yur pair, neither, in law,wha' f learn,bas perished in•.t.be --rIATIft r "''W:t11lirr irficl- ;Toll,,• -will,' something apliroo.ctting to a Prink, ...there wasn't ani.tlier_ halt. on the hail • premises insured hut hersel," • A SUCCESSFUL .11ESUL 1'. • •\Ir.• 'rank Hendry, writing from a �e ktl-sa35:® _`�__4tuillttss i AIL • bottle. of Bitrdocic Blood Bitters to !purify my blood. It did purity it, and 'low- I hale.exeel-len-t• health " As a blood purifying tonic anal system re• - gulator the result- el' taking 1 B. 13. 13. is. tf ways. successful, , TILE REV; G1110- It. rli,\ YEII, of I3ourbon,.Lod ., say's : "Both my,selt 01111 wife awe -our.li've0 to SLI,L[.O1I'8 i;t)1rSU1IP'lleKc oU1tE." Sold' by. 'fy.,'f., ti. Coombe. 336 ly new church having been built fur a par ish in s filth. wester,' 0000- ty, niaterirtls of the gbh one were (1i5 tyoseds of untie'•tdio- .hammer of -the auctioneer. Attending the sale With it eilia ll.country laird; of et good htim• cured disposition, but as he wail sop - posed to be slightly deficient in intellectual endowment, he svgs often mnrte the object of his neigh. ,1)ours' harmless banter,: When the p11-tplt WAS. pd 1. np foe sale, the nt111• rete' addressi1)311dm, said, ';ilan; !•1541,ly,, yot1 should buy the l,niltil, it wItild mak' a tine Calf oris,' •N'a, na,, earl Sandy., (let it gang for some,. thing else nun; it's been. It.cnlf's crib. ,fang' eneneh,''' 'R) y LILf, On the occasion ofst 'induction' -dinner given to a lligltittntl i lergyni:ul the: fitrinei•s attached to his church sent in beforehand liberal supplies of farm produce. A certain) spinster with a view towards matrimony, cent ' the young unlevelled .minister score oilier fattest poultry;. but great was her disappointment when she was told that itoln,dres were to be in'viteat to the dinner, and she indignantly sattl, It's an awfn' like thing tlatlt folk winna get leave to pick. .their. ,tin banes(' CONSTIT11I:'` ' 1 Y 4`•OIERn 3f An old phyician, retired fl'fOnpractice, having had pinc.',l in' his hands by au l',st India ntiti.iunluy 1.Ito formula .of n 11111;1e v ' etahit rt'luctly I'nr tilt! 31;64'y al).el uitltt.l)'itt t'ltTC cr (;unsituiltlow i3ronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma awl all throat and Lung .'t'1l'•'ctton4, Shu :a pos• itiveanti t tlicul,eria1•nr Nervous1)t'bility • and all ;(ervouS Cenlpintnt,i; after having tatted its wonderful etu'ntive, powers in thousands of cases, dlas fe11 it hi:( duty b snake it known to- his staeriog fellows, Artuuted liy this lnolil•e and a- dc>:il'eto. •r.'li(ve huinarl sullbtiug, I will send frri' of char(c', to 11i.;wbu desire it, Ibis N- ON, its (150001,, l rcu'•h or English, ,villa direction1 for prcpating 5101 using Sent by mftil hy adthc sial; wit1, stnibp, naming. this paper, W. a♦ N;.,TCs, 14t' Powells. Block, Boeleesler, L •l: •• t,Sa-ye,O.w.' ARE. YOtT MADE' miserable by In.. digestion, ,Constipation, 1)i/'.'Hess, Lo•s' ,of Appetite, • Yellow ,Skin? Slhiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. :ol(lby•J.. 11. Combe. 336-1y. e.o.it JACI% • FROST CONQUERED, ,Although during the, cold season "Jack Trost" gots in his worts lic'ely, yet Iinygard's Yellow Oil 'beats.. him every time,t coring chilblains, frost bites, -and. all ♦their painful effects. Lt also cures group, sore throaty.rheu. coati m, and roost •painful affections, I,;TTrr ' 13e.C.1NwxT 0s. --Tile steam which raised she lid ori' . the kettle led aphilosophic mind :to' utilize it for man's benetit. No one dreamed , thnx we should now be .dragged along' -by it at -the: rate., of sixty ti i-Ies an Amur. • When Perry 'Travis made a.' -preparation foretite medicinal use • of his family, thirty. years ago, neither ,he nor any man imagined .that it would now be sold hi e t ry land, mid ,drove to ..be the Pin itler, o1 the world: • • • A:younf Mian, .,','cantly • married,' suggested Lo'his wire' that they 4ho'uhl argue sonle'question franitly and fltl1v every morning:in otvler-lolearn nloje. of •odes' other Tho :first question happened to he 'whether a woman could be expected to get along with out a bat•,' and be 'took Ilio mill rill ttve;• and• when Last:seen be • had climbed 'into a hayloft and •Was' put • ling• the: ladder after with; FORDYS1EI' T,' ••anri LiverCorn. •. plaint, you have a Printed guarantee. on .every bottle. 01. eiliildll's:�'ital.i7rr;„ It never fails to•cure: olti;fiy J.1!.. Combe.. • !MK LOST• Ira:lx.eveii1 'of;:T'oplar !Till, Otif;,,,. statos.that leis•brother aged 1 ), wus .afflicted'With a terrible'eold,troll, :the efrects of which, he lost,'hs liagy:ard's.Pectoral' Balsam .cured t cold and restored his voice in the txtostperfect-manner.-Ile.says it can... be exceede't .asa; remedyfor• c9ughsAnd ' 00145. • OtsTaco'riots of. :the :; .Stomach, Liver and Bowels; are promptly re- moved by. Nationai Wills. 385 4t. ,•. 4%171'maeS;11Debi itstef1,Nile!),' 17. on are allowtd alficr! trial of'lhirlq' days of the n,e of, Dr Dye's Cetebra:u'd Voltaic Belt with Electric Sils;;enscny Appliances, for the speedy relief and pi3r.manent C1rt± of Nervous Debility, loos of Viii11i1 and'Mauhond, and ,til kindred trdhbles. Al o, f r tunny rather diseases' Complete rewtoraiion to health, • rigor an man oo gu'r'u iiisT+Tl. h'1r`"r'i'31,. is incurred, filustriited pamphlet, 111b full iinformation, terms,, etc., mailed'. fres by addressing Voltai^ Belt 'Co , 5'itrshall,,lies,, . 31$y.d343' 1 ncLer= '! 'OND. JR -BOOKS in no trifling cense, but the 'best. Literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, at prices so low its to excite universal "wonder." LIERARY of STANDARD JLE$J?QRY Containing in one volume, imperial oetavo, good type, with numerous fine illustra- tions, the whole richly bound to flue cloth, ornamenl,,he following celebrated works, unabridged: ,. is GEtit;('S Larger TTTSTOTLY of the. ENIfiLZST1 PEO 'LL1'.. , C t1tL1•Lk'S ilISTC18Y of the rituram REVOLUTION. (,1<tEASI"S irit'teen. DECISIVE TsATTLES. of the WORLD. S(,HILIAW'S ILISTOItY of the THXIiTIC NEARS', WAII.. Ii.litpali & BrtoTtults' lowest price for these Sour great works lis a14.6Q; my price is , 2.r fl; postago 40 cents extra. "'A, wonder -hook in more senses than one.The idea of put- ttnaawork like atonly $11.3 9per copy,seems preposter- ous; re oster- ous; and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody- will want'it, and,it will thus he the means of advertising and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put- ting forward;"-Chr'islian in it or1a,, New York City, ^it is truly a marvel of shill and a triumph' of modern me- chanical art that ouch a noble volume- can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we' ailnlire its large proportions, beau- tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, nttnieruus, and, strik- ing illustrations, siumbering'nearly 100 -all are i 1st -class." Christian Cynosure, Chicago, Ill. LI-BI7,41RY.of STA NDA RD FQ7.TNcontaining in one. imperial octavo handsomely bound volume, of Mont 1,100 pages, Bour- geois and Wavier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged; Scott's Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works. Complete Poetical flYTirks of Robert Ruins. • • Comprdte Poetical Works of Thomas ltIoore.. Equally good editions of these ,are not elsewhere obtain - Ole for less than $4.50; my price. 2.00; postage Si cents. • NEW STOCK'NEW SCOREL LUOTTJ °roiv, - CLINTO�pt4 • JO ] PH CHIDLEY, f eater iia. • Furniture.• Call at the isiieW .Store and see tlio stock of Bedroom and •Parlor. •Segs, Lounges, ,Sideboards; .,hair,, Springs, 'Mattresses,. etc.., and, general ifonsehgltl Furniture; The whale Stock is from thea cry best luauitfacttirers. 1'•ietiu'e lir•aures and ;♦Lottldings of every d; acriptiou. , ' einD11.11; ', l)7Ic cdoor, West of ple se:0; iBook Store. . N EST. VALU .TTca(lquai'ters for Fruits;, Peels, GrocerioS,&C. S:ec our Neu (xlasstivtire, •Mugs., tic. 1lLrAS GENERAL.GROPERIES. the Right . prices.. Fara i.Preduce.taken t; :igh st Price. RACEY'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET; CLINTON • DINIE MEN Fn retui• lit g thanks to my many. fr ends and patrons for' rns't` patror.pge, I: would • like to'call their specialattention' to my very' complete stock of HARNESS, WIMPS ,' CURRY :COMBS, BRUSHES ITC., ' ETC, Special 4tteittipn•i3 directed •to lay stock of •It will be Muni very complete, .Ind fer•dtirabil'ity ad, finish cnnno't he -.excelled by any one, As temple), none but the best workmen, and use the best•material to be • bought in'the market, all who natty favor' ire with their patronage may feel confident of getting:. satisfaction. 0 0 ,,rii LUSTRATED Poetry, Yls t Classico. s• a U LIBRARY of CLASSIC 2'J SV. In one imperial oc- tavo volume/ of about 000 pages, handsgnle type, and Sue Cloth ptadtn;, Ornamented, the following famous essays; and works; ,d • Ainca:liay's Essays on ll liton. „ ,,k,..( John Stuart 111111 On Liberty. -,. 11..G. namerton's The Iutelleotltal =bid: 7leirbert Spencer on. Education. ,• Great Thoughts fro= .Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from Latin Authors, ) Complete Essays by Lord Bacon. ., Complete "Letters' of Junius." - Irving's Rip Van Winkle and Other STcetches. i Nvashington's .farewell and Other Addresser. macaulay's Lifo of Frederick the • Great. The -above cannot' be obtained from any other publishing' ousel r less than-. 0• myrice is .15 osta e30 centa h o 1 �1,P (`� aP g "This is indeed a. wonder --book, in the amount and vat able quality of its contents. The wonder , is how ouch a book, which is a library in itself, can be sold at suelt`Itprice,"-11. t1i- otlist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Fa. "Your `historical Wonder -Book' IS a wonder --a wonder. how an imperial octavo volume of over 1,000 Pages, Awith marry illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely hound, t+foll- twining four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for $3.fi0."-t;rasos 3, Lossma, LL.D., the Historian. rv.L. . G©ll Pf i 1�. This coupon win no received in Veit or 21 eenfa mob, tames the price of either of above work, It 8551 Mlthl Ht?, day$ from date of asc�-•r5.thle.papee(mention'nam,ofpaper).' ThlaeQer1810aocure)Oue PROMPT response to Indleato.tbo paying adverttxing.medhtm, .10 Pa�dGL CATALOGUE Lse�t free.The o best lit- erature t- eraturaf the world at the lowest:prices ever known. Books sent for. EXA.ITIN.ATION BEFORE PAIr211 N2* on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address ' JOHN E. ALDEN, Publisher, ' P. 0. Box 17; ' 883 Pearl Street, Neil York.• •$1IOUr,U x.I:1 'k: T1T1?IIs ORDER!) tt The .,.. fee li ICES A.`':A- DC TIlnss and:Naises in leat- vaxlet and Prices Low..._ FOR ROUTE BILLS AND PEDIGREES. o� Liloo .ra c� h. and Let,tey.-Press.Pr Jab in tin y . • PO=Sz I)C17).Cll Iiti, FLY SHEETS, PROOfl :I1tJ-`,, SHIPPING. PACS, . E 1rC 1;(11'1,.8, I II:I:. C1.tIJ, 5II[IOII S C i'I'Ai1.RIT REM1111) a positive cure' foi'inaa, Irii, 1)iptherin, and flanker Mouth, hold by. Combe. 336.1y ' A B; .R•Q 9""11 N CENT'S . O po u ri4ELADVERTISERS T. COOPER & SO'N'S > •v I a I t < eskt 1)c'cl(lro(l: fly' (11 .p.tti'ous ,orient t•o:Any 65 cent leasold elsewhere. ,O('t a 1 pot11111 ail gone. uuti,dfu before it is a • 'A 'Good. Japan: xea'at 35c.per `PO:n New Vafrnciu'Itai ins,.Extra Seli'eteil Itnisitlt, 'Black l',askets, Seedless Tiaisii,s, i1.uw Currants,, New Shelled Almonds, Alnlnuds, Filberts, New L•etnon, Orange anti Citron- - ' Peck All kinds of Poultry' taken in exchange for (foods, T:EI0S- 0001:) Eu . B01\1.. • . 11110C1ltS, ' Corral• Stoic in Semis's Bloek, . INVOICES, NOTI ILEADS;. ' - CIRCULARS', ' 1.1 TT1 fl ril Al)8, C 1Er1; ,: STATEALEX1'S. ' GENERAL Pit .Nl'IN( ', air Lli Ir E STY T . 4adsv r u 01 ti�'..s�' rA, elety :•: Hain `--„)f'alt. kinds,.in. the .best style known. to the craft,• • 0 Oofoed P�r�a�inq. a Specialty: •, .. . - 11 if 003"'�We i11 itC a comparison of otlt' work With that of any Miler ufffn Il. Xl `"West of Toromto,"Cia can learn tile: exact costs Best ever oirei'ed in this • vicinity fns' the iiiou i, of • any proposed line of ad ' �.. r*oz oral: G1iOGEJ7IE13, vertlsii4 in American etell ellea ;1f.Salter,0 lrInitovn, Ontario, «. N0torf'ouryenr0hltlicted.wIll: •ifever ` 3Lf Vit �1i1% :l�l;xtL alwayts papers:. b• y, addressing '(line iIUIt,ba111etl.all treatment, until ri �. vh,e tr:teti ''itt(lmcl Blood hitters. • dl' .d• Geo.,P.... t� OWe�l &Co.. hnttl;es-ean(.d her, 411 elirot;ie snrr9 anti ita+tilt,te O. toe !deo.' must. yield T H :ci. It, C15 li.• 1 , -o oro-o�--o•-- I ', PI(ytNapopsir^ Ad'vertieng 13urcav,, Y.iir; �([��il�llP ,Osla' St York. �° • s'i• 1Qr t,'Vt`• I ruse ,,, brew .•.. j.• .. •o ■ S.exa 10,0114, fox, 1.041. Ego Pantph.lat. w-` p a _'---- Ser our stock, of Cuts Before you order, Di icescoilsi (tent. with ;putt tfiul k, Orders by mail 1)iritnpilj attended to. • Whitely e Tod, Publielers a :d Priiitet°5� 7 . C LI,N T O N L O TAR 10.E