HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-28, Page 5kept;, they ' are. likely to have the microscopic spores on them and es- °ape notice, :It Would be .best to get seed from iinafiocteli districts." rt is Scarcely u:eeess:aryto remark that it windd be. it jiidicioust toplant- potatoes in the same field 'tuafollow- ing year after a visitation of the "rot," inasmuch as the grou d may retain the ;germs of the disease. Avoid planting upon :heavy clay.. soil, butt prefer e, light and dry soil. This' presents the fewest .conditions suitable Or the growth of the fungus. 'fire nature of o>,it climate is, riot so eh fay.orable for that development of this injurious fungus as that of Britain; yet as we are sometimes visited: byitt;and although scarcely viewed as a scourge, it is wellthat we Shelia , e`iember its nature and habits and always be ready to guard $ ainst failure if it appears. As last 8urnme'r Was favorable for its props- gation, great care should be eseroised in the selection of teed this spring. • The "rot" usually appears about the first two weeks in August, and if the weather is favorable its spread is. very rapid, for as soon as the thread- •Iike structure which arisesfrom the spore is developed:, it immediately 'be- 4ome& spore -Bearing. Hence the im- portance of eaawining the plants• for the appearance of the brownish spots• that ihd pato the presence of the o fnngns. As soon as Ilsoevereci, dig the pots - toes. P4iay will allow it, tc spread to the stores, and thence to the tubers. If it reaches these and damp weather coaxes, "rot' witi certainly appear. After digging. the •petatces should be put in a cool, ilry"place,, thtis aur: reun(Iing• them with conditions' un- favorable' for the growth of the fun - gee, if any b'appeusto be upon thein. St. Vaul's (llama :11ictal VSs., try .Meeting. Mr. Joseph Colwell:sold 'leis.'' wo year•'old colt, "Pride .of Caron,'; to \I r. Geo.:liumball, Godericli' town- „, s11ip, for $170. • lir. Vin. Duncan drove ono night er recently, in company with•Mrs. Jos :roster, to attend. a case of sickness. • While going down the hill on. the Parr Lino,tlio horse sturnbled,throw- iug the 'occupants headlong' eve :the horse: Both .tvero severely injured,. rued Air. D. now -carries en arm in it litrq. . . The Annual Vestry. Meeting was well attended last tYietiday evening. The minutes of previous meeting he- lot read and confirmed the Iiect(xy Rev.. W. Craig, gave a short report, AS follows Ihave theught it wise to make a short; report of the state of the Per- ish. V irsty Z would, join in the pleasure weall feel in meeting in our new school house.. Yon will be glad: to know that 1t meets onr needs for Sunday Scheel and other, parochial. purposes, quite equal to our best ex- pectaLions. In .referring to the actual work going on in the Perish, 7 must speak with all modesty, but if l< atn not mistaken it seems to be fairly successful. The attendance at church i8 on the whole very goad. or course It might be betteri and . I would like to see Some improvement in the morning attendance on(Sundays, and if 1 may venture to'repeatt myself, a better attendance at the week clay services of all the congregation. During Lent cottage meetings were held in three different parts of.•the . Parish every•week; Great interest seemed to be taken in them. In holy Week daily servi ces morning anal•evening'were .held' as usual and well attended:' There are 152 families or heads of` families in the parish. 'We have a total number of, corn- munleants,140,and an average'attend= ance at the monthly celebration Of 54. It is a matter for devout thankful near that • the communicants are steadily increasing, and. . 'niy heart was gladdened tit the large ttuintler (1.00) -the largest in the history of the Parish—on 1tasteP clay. • '. I ani glad too, to notice that we have not fallen behind, but rather ex- ceeded last yeah in•our Diocesan cord• t;•ibutions, notwithstanding the com- mercial depre'ssion, om-mercial.depression, and the neces• sary outlay in the parish: . County tetrreucy. • ' John Beattie, .of Seafortli, Yvh:O Was not appointed Police Mab "1r;tiato for .the'Oonnty.of Tturon, blas received the. position of Division Court C :1eik; z.tee.T..,. Meyer deceased. --The Mitchell Rcepf•cle7' .(Grit). says that in the- effort .to . remove. Judge .Lizars from the Judgeship of. Iiarth,:(o11nty, . the...removal is, (a der tainty,. and that 'n commission v-IIl issue immediately to .talo ev.idene • • iu the matter and recommend a slid= cessor•. L'1e:tcr eeently lost•one .of its oldest residents in the, person' of John McDonnell; ii■hewas the first liostreester °ofr that 'place.: I11 .1342 he was. clerk. in Guinn & Gordon's store„. iii London; and • rcusoved. to ` l'rancestown, where 'he married the .ilraughtcr of'•tho late ' illinin,:131Jk- well., Ile•had lived in that: Vicinity for 42 years, and loaves' ten children —five sonsand five dau lhtcrs, t>lit'>C>lq. I would draw your attention to one or two tbings•on which I weeld like an' expression of opillion from the Vestry ...Thin parish has been assessed. by Synodicahauthority for '$150 toward the build ng of the See House in Lon•don.' At present it is impossible' • for • us to. begin •paying.this• on tic - :count of the midi remaining debt on the school house: -1 should be glad if the:Vestry would pass a. reso- fution •as to its willingness, 'or other. •tvise, at soil°. futune time, .t;o 'do' something in aid of the -Bishop's' house: • •I•hope toe that we shall be able to devise some plan whereby • We can. .raiee the °mount we teeiwe can devote to Diocesan purposes in a more sys • temaile, lino less haphazard way than now obtains. • ' • • • The church warden accounts:to'•be presented .will bp found •very patio' facto'ry.• Wo enter,.npon another fisert1 Year with much to'encourage, and as I speak in appriciation ot',yoaa personal- ly and as representing O. the emigre- .gation for your•i'nterest in churchvhork you will allow me, Lein sure' .to ex- press the': wish that weall'may •more. and more forget ourselves, and filo all Wo do in .the spirit of honor nig God, and making the churllt'a: power 'far good in this cotnmunity. At et Blyth, oir tlid2lstinst., 1116 .-,- carol-of-aaaanes. letloo-ef• adanglrtor. DEVin> vie Clinton, on the22nd inst , lhannah, daughter of Jas. Ilowson,'agetl , 25 years. . C'iIAMBERS.—In•Cloticrich •on. Wetlnes day, Alan 21st, 18148, 'garnet W.,, sr• Moth soir'of Capt., AIL; Chambers, aged 4 years. Best ROLLER FLOUR AT $2.10 °Elle Orr. BRAN b, y the ton or 'o'wt. A7' 6o(7. C'�:At:Ci1T1`• 1)0cie( free of ch ° Anywhere i ri town. ftrs.;o NItAys4, Thou. Copper's olil stand, • - Ci;INTON% SEED GRAIN, •� Grand Success. Our formal 'opening on. Saturday Was a splendid s aecess: in every particular. It was admitted by the very Lugo number ntilnber who paid us a vis4t on that occasion to be The Orandest Displagoj Mihinery,Fan �& StapleDr Goofs Ever exhibited in Clinton. Our MillineryDepartment is'now in splendid working order,. Any orders given. will be - attended to'with the least ossible delay and at prices that distance all -our competitors.. Stock completein every department. - See our Goods and compare prices.. • ._moo_.—^ AND ALL RINDS Or.. Field( Clover anii Gra -:Seeds, • °JIunitt,ha, Cctl.ifornia, •Defittnre and Blue -Stem SPRING WITEA7'. While 1,tetr'saiiit 11a,70,,$mall Pats, (y(r.itrn .Peac,,ill to Pcw, .13laeic Bye llsarrotrfat Peas; acliF'CE.OSSMAN OATS, Shorts, That and 1i'ced of all kinds, at JAMS STEEP'3 1tiul,anit.reetl tore,, .si, •.ia 'lro . state late JOHN HODGENS 5 per cent. off for Cash. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. UR SPECIAL l Is now in good working cider` and Linder the management of MISS . E who is so favorably known -and:. las been so, 'successful'successful�'in that .department, °which: we think is su# .oient guarantee .for perfect satisfaction: We ask an inspection on of , our AN LE' GOODS,. ORNAMENTS,° &c. The Church Waardens': accoutits•he- int; presented, showed'. receipts f1+r church purposes $1354.15,: 5choal House• $849.91, $152,60. On niotiori theywere referred to J., H. Combo and F.W..'•*atts, auait;ors for thepresent year, The Rector appointed It' W. ;Far - ran his Church Warden. • On• motion . of Dr. -Worthington, . seconder. by' Mr. Ransford, Mr., W. Jackson : Was. ,appointed peoples' 'Warden.. On timtribn of Dr.Dowsley, second, ed by lir. It. M. Racey, Messrs. Dr. Worthington and J. Rensford were appointed delegates to Synod:• 'On motion -of Mr. W. Jackson,�sec nidi tI t,y .' X fr: �ian»fnrc l r. L” ". 'teeter was appointed vestry clerk, • Votes of thanks. were pssssed to the Church -Wardens for their efficient_ performances of the duties. of-. the ofhiceL and: to the .Choir. for their cheerful and.vuluable services. • h Resolutions was .passed in 'refer- ence to -the See I1ouse stating the willin ness\ of the congregation to contribute towards it when :they' are in a position to (l0 so. • A. committee was •nppnintetl' to de. vise a scheme by which the Diocesan colleetions could be More systematic, ally made. • td• • •--Thin strike of New • York stige,r i;efiiitery employees mitt •the •injut by flood(+ to 'Montreal refineries ilttive. advtaueod the' t'vholesale price, of attars enc cent lber.lionittl. ' THE.D# GOODS EMPORIUM. GP .CLJN O.N. . • GRAD t ispLA - OF: THE LATESTNEW K YORSTYLES.. OCiDERFUL VALUE IN ' DRESS 0000 ith Brai4s, Buttons, Clasps, Cords & Trimmings to match. N'S 81, BOY'S HATS IN GREAT VARIET • Ot'ght TO f 1:T--\c,ar (••Oiler pt I(in>; and •,e,•�'- C, tfeu streets_'._•�icnt T,ov. Amply to 1�.1% T' �_ enntrnntll •macho �,,,;,•� YO1 Y j] � ) JJ �N which is kept on g file .at theotlleo •of LOtn) & TIIOa1Ab, dc= LIME 0110, WANT.F.D—w gefs.$5*pormoottli.Cornriol[ niook,.Chicago .111 • lanto-y i -..._. -AnIY.:- •`�•10, XtiV1, 11131,•±lolsu» s Bank,' > e `a cote' of the fact t1l%Lt-. i;t r 1 EWS:T�I;COBD' •rill', ' ]\I added more.:'bona.fde new subscribers during: the present year thrill any other paper in this scctiicl :. Note the' fact tbat THE NEw-ftECoR'n has a 'larger' circa IVI:AIR KET REPORTS., (Corrected ovary. taleadal afternoon • CLINTON.' Cifitrr. .• ('alt avhraB; Qt Lir to 4 50 • 0,70: to 0 80 gyring Wheat; • 0 76. to 0'80 E'nIlR1:• 0 (0 to 0 08 Oats, - 0 80 to if ;1t ileac, • • o l:s, to o 55 Apptea,(telntcr)porbid, 1•,00 to 113 1'otatoas, . ' 0 131 tO 0 40, llnttor. • 015 to00 18 Pap, Ilap„ -• 8 00 to 0 00 pork 5 00 tO 5 no %mRtvomd; ;1 n0 to 1 00 ileef " ' 0 00 to 0 no avuoh 011 to 4.17. 1A7A1'rh:b SEllYANT (;1111, RA\rrn'at V j' bade. Applt to iris . u. A; A ORR.I':STLft, ltrhtcess street, ClhOou, - 370 LL PAft'JiES IN eirr'n To LS will please • pay.tmronnts to J. WISEMAN, managr0 of the 1100gens Estate, before the lot May, es• alter that date accounts will be placed. hr Court for collection (1L'a'1'TI111.L & 00. ' 887. L-I AMiN=\rIO;f--TEE ENTRANCE EXAM. / iNATiON Poi aduussion.to the nigh School,. will bo iietd. in seaforth, 011atnn and la'htgh,ttn, on illo1nAv, 7 (eshnr and, Wlin5asna•, the OGh and 8th days of Jnly no'st commencing at1 1 o'clock,•t'.8l., so Monday, All candidates who intend to write 11111 r0101ro}l to amid their names mkt arl41•cgs,het later thea ttie' 1st May, to either of the folluWin, . J. C, 1•larstoue, 13,A,„ cuPoi'th; Jag. Turnbull, 13, .\ , Conteh; W. 1:. (how, 'Esq., \a'Ingham; or to the Undersigned. • • 13) Ai M tt 1 O01I,1.1'.8,, earth ffnrnn: New GaodSi BOW Good.& Photograph xllbutn. Autograph Alhz(l75, i'(4H1 i amt. Chin nor l'r. Prtr5 e • awl '.alk& ANCY GOODS Of all 1i insiv, rlreaptrr than ever. WAIL COOPER, 2VBir$ AGAINI'y. hies rr .11i;.tn( its. ILO4)lt R . 51 : '' j 1�.+ - 1 ,D ri . - 4 ••�.it Illi ,. ty %• ham. -7U,, tai}r ti',..` c .t th) 1t.i. c (.„ v'rJ :°bt''r4 . mow; 1 1 -itdl. .!,:t.3.....:. W•. .r 't1C.tiM\'w 5. t44 rh - • r: 1 . at elm b'` wC•,p cmc, H w -I tu!J tt o R r.1. Ay ly ro ': w 0'/, • ,` .. ✓.i-. ae • Wienthanany other paper in this section, • tT'ote the fact tart VE XT i i -:l r•.'coltn hats one price may, and that price'i'casonalile. OTE THE . FACT Th e :: Circulation TALKS TO THOUSANDS !. OU 11t yA� a rF4(y 1 0. 11 �. -, ` add � ' ti " '� t \ - PLAIN OR, FANCY. ;r ea ANY MAO 00 : QF A7.I; 11X 17S. (ioB.\. `1'I G ,, su prior �Wortk .Gua,,ra/n',, tc 1\ • Al.i�rOTIBRATE •Piticr y- f;nti. c1lr call ----.i ' AI)Irllli $ �i, .. /j . // ", Ill: .• 1, '