HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-28, Page 21te. :tolewe ivitut lake lii.111:ti life away tide'
- • 3"..
: way ler, you-
N cruusuao • ' the Rev. A.. 'AL
Mvory Wednesday ZIornirg Cohen offeted, prayer for the pris-
• „, „ . once% sinceco deep and. impressive
67f fV.. filled the rum, and was broken
only by the preaeher's trembling
xi"ruma ciericat voice aturthe curses of the murder -
or., Adams Maintained st.oieal hi -
difference) to the Sal11t6 ilbout
Ile gazed en satirically at the pre-
parations fa. •his death, telling his
eyes contemptuously i.lsout, at the
•,,,,Pallows, at the A:Iowa awl at the
deputies. 110 fidgeted nervoitsly
his chair, and moved his hands and
feet impatiently. hlQot rush-
ed to his face in his. excitement,
givingit an unnaterallybigh color.
He was .• evidently, trying, to show.
his nervo, but try as he woold, ho
-Couldn't repress his agitation,
•'"What in do yint want 1"„be
exclaitued.to Deputy Wells as the
deputy nio.ved the pri$oncep
on the platform, • "hurry up you
., •
-- cutthroats," he; =lama -
ed, "et Pll gut tired aud• want an.,.
other drink."
' The deputies then that his ankfes,
when he:exclaimed derisively :
. "Why, I thought Clark was goin
to do this. Tie Me tight, by.
or..P11 got away.'? . • .
plbert Street, Olinton, Ont.,
idt qcluctilo )..tot.t4o. pahl,
The proprietors of Tu a Uo bait en .Nawg,
taring pnrelat.sed the business awl plant
..--0.3•_..1tte-,11e11ool....lteeenn9-- . Lire
3neb1isb the antalganiated.papers in Clinton, 7
1111.11.er the title {.)f Ttft IItfl0NNows,
• -. . . . •
. • Clinton i$ the most prosperous town in
Veatern Ontario, is the seat of considerable -
manufacturing, and the centre of the finest
agricultural section in Ontario.
. .
. The combined circulation of Tun Nnws-
/Iacono exceeds that .r any paper pub-
Jisittal in the County of .111tron. It is,
therdfore, mistirtnissed es..m. advertising
reeritates or advertising, lflerltI and
furiffsbett ou. applitat ion•
itR'Parties making vontrarts for a sped -
lied. time, who discontinne their advertise-
ments before the yr the same, will
be charged:full rates. • •
Ativertisements,, without instructions as
spaeo•and time, Will be left to the judg,
meat of the compositor in the display, tor
sorted Until . forbidden, . measured by -$.1.
AIM! 0 of solid tionpateil (12 lines to the
ineh), and•cliarg&11.0 dents a line for first
insertion and '3. emits t lino .for • each strh,
sequont insertion, ••0.t'tlers to discontinue
a.tvC1tt1*)rn011t3( intist be in, Wijtiutt.. .*.
Notice.a Set- as unAn•mo inarrtm,
. (measitted by a scale of solid Nonpariel,-1.2
lines -to tho charged • at. the Ate , of
.•?. ) cents aline for:each. insertion..., • -
• •
.have- oneof the best appointed Job
011ieds west . of Toronto,.. Otir
this department enable no' td- do all kinds
of work -from a eialiph.t card' to a mammoth
poster, .in thehest styie• known to the
'raft, and; et the lawest possible .rates.
.0 rd ors 'by 133t1iI proin pay attended „to, '.
Addre• .- • - , ,
. Tha-.,NeW.S.-ReCOra,
• • •Clinton. Ont,
• 1Yeremblir,
The Huron News -Record:
. ,Wednses4ay, April 28th.: '
' Nortbitmpton,11.1.ass.,
. Allen J. Achtms; \di()k1lcd Mos'es.
• 14.. Dickinson, a fOrnier,,.. ten. years .
. ago,. Was hanged at,10..37 this mem-
' .ing in the county j.ail, •it the ..pre-
.:,enee or' -about • 123 •spectators.
Adams wag to 'have:been hanged
'live weeks ago to -day, but to days
before that time he Managed., to • get
hold .of a knife, with . which lie
: slashed his. legs attd, Came Verjr... near
bleeding to death', .Gov.-IlobinPon;
:there fere, granted arespite until .to -
„day. Since then Ad.,93.8 bas pei'.
sistently refuSed the ,spiritual• ati
vibe of .1110.R:eV. 'col ten. (if
Easthampton, although. on. .one
easio.ii.,•just before In.. day. tOoint_
et -1,, for •the 'hanging, 41'3. 80111 rOT t110
111ill 4ftrt 111.1(.1 1.0 3 iiraye5
being offered.. .Nr•
Next .114, howeVer, lie, indulged in;
, . .
the same 'profanity and....iteprecationp.
that ...had. hitherto Marked. his int-
• 'prison mina. • JtO 1it1 repeatedly.
'said 10 would. v1)1: -11ang, and
wotrht niUtkua desperati j.igli for
his .•.• . •
• Thb noose waS then adjusted; the
oon down ed calmly swinging
his hea(1 from side -to side, to give
the rope play, • As the black cap
was plaeedon his bead Adams" 1 ilia
.quivered just, a tritle, lint he kept
pp his Mutterings oven tater his
face was. concealed from view,
Sheriff Clark Withdrnw the levet
13111. ".kiuddeuly there was ti import,
a.. dart aoven feet downward of Qv
• ing Toile,.a reboUnd, two or :three
.twistings of the body, and; all- was
still.,•Tho : i Ural er's body. hung
'SW and' Motionless. it 111143 • a very
SuCeessfild liaugi drop • t'el
• at 1037 Adams" wrist :was pulse,
less at 10-.13, and lira heart e.easeti• to
1..mat at 10.54.
. .
At 1,17 this inorning.Sheriff Clark
. :read. the death Warrant to..A.drints in.
• the • Presenc.o of ' threo deputies.'
Adams is -de -41401.1y indifferent.. to
' what was, oing 01), 11-((1, with his
hands in his peckets,. • walked: the
• , ' '
04)11, and. l'• e p t. up . a etrnisiiint 33(1381(101 curses.
. l'"D__',41.z.if I oare what yon read,"
he said to the alierif', "You'd bet-.;
1 er' go. take, a drink of Whiskey t�
stuady your •nerves.". . .' • • .
The, pfigon.WS alms were :then
,qtrappral. at the elbows',lb liis body,
kind die Wasled hitt) the . corridor.
As lio stepped •outof' his .cell- and
tv,AV 'die crowd • ivaitifig-autside the
• jail, he exclitinual 3 . . '• .
"Look here; you, ain't doin."-this
3i,g1tr,, This ain't nu piddle hang-
• ing. 'You've got too many men out
•bete. This is no •media. hanging."
1-Icxa...t3Vkiiic to a ..,„ oell en a level
'WU 11 dil. (441101Vdy . • And. (.11014.1 'Ito
it Opt 1113 .(1. 1:111 ilfg 1110 Of cm.s.es.
111(1 410'11111g:3. 0 lltosi(10 (1101:0'. were
• eighteen 11011/8 Or 81'013 111111(1.:AVILII
speetators.• The galleries ',vole .also
At .1 0.32 • the inardereiv ;Yes led
out, and took his Karat on the *tt-
11. AS Tit:1.0E1)1.r.
-natural condition. And it is sotis. bat be never 811$\s rod nor came tu
Taetury to know that the tendency 11 italt. 114 jmit Sailed over the fore -
N steadilyin that
wheel to lis seat un the waggon,.
now tle•nlon.strato(i that vast areas in gave.the horsee31cut with the, Whip
the Nurth west .which aro not Slated 111111 .11118 R mile away when I went
lo agriculture will sutitaiit vast berths out 'to 'the road .to. inquire if his
of tine cattle ; and them is no reason .chatrn was full -jewelled. -
to doubt that the export of animals • • -
and animal ptodnets NMI continue OWING THE WORKINGMAN
tu inereast‘ iU inipottanco. Tile. .
luigratits settled in Canada last year . CILA.NCE
ntaubered. 70,169, kigainst 103824 “yes, sir," yelled the sooialistip
(11 1884,. Of the steerage adults
lande_d at Qnebec during the year,
-1,061 were formets, 5,419 wero
laborers (prineipaily agricultural
laborers), 886- were meclionicsand
26wete clerks and tradins. About,.
12 per ceut,, of tlie Whole were me -
ebonies. As mote ,than 20 per•cent.
•of Jim existing populti,tion _of Can-
ada belong to tho. nusedianieolaas'it
will be seen that the new art ivalsdo
not fornish competitors to artisans
alietidfornployed,bat rather increaae
•tlie market for hone products.'
,,TiVo months ago' 0fight occurred
in th.0 Vain,: of .1/31nvil:re, Rionsas,
'between' tire biothers• nanted W.eavr:.
or end 8111011 named. ' .The
latter was fatally woUndea, and '016
.theN'irscayer.'boya were arrestel. and.
hurried . away to avoid violence,
'Last. week ..tliey -were, returned, fa a
(Tit11,•bilf their &flees ivereOontintied,
with tAil fixed it $203000 Caph.. 'At
one.. o'clock th is -Morn ing • a mob, of
arined Mohair -kr -Minded thereaidenco,
Of tale Sheriff, 'Where 'tit°, prisoners
were' Under :guer(1. The guard,
hear tug theincruslied• the prisoners
out of:013).11mA. door:and info' the
:basement of 'a 11011' 80110,61
The? Siterilf was taken' prisioner•by
the inob and guarded:. The deli iitiesi
Abiding it useless tti resist, SUTP0114111,
ed. 'The .Weaver brotherdefend-,
0(1.,01011.i8141VV8 NVifil ti. TOVOLVilil WhiCh
they -hail taken •.fr.orn tlio deputies.
They were:finally' overpewered ' by•
the noilvand disarnied:. Ropes. wore
'Iplaeed about their Peeks and prol
liarations woru made 'to. hang them:
.to -the -rafters,, .the ircorip. of
”proacitite.,, feet frightened tire mob,
so :they 'fired 15 • in- 20 shuts 'Intti.
each mon, 'literally •.shootingtheln
to pieeils, and mounting their horses
:rode rapidly aivay.,, The Mother Of
-the bwys and the • wifo of one of
-thorn witti4aed the entiretragedy.
The report of the -.Minister • of
•Agriculture iiis been received.
Nisirly. 100,000 letters wl..r.e.received
by tho (1013111.131(131. during :the year,
and 58,074a -era pont ;.8,518 natents,
copyrights, aml, trade' marks Were
.grlooted 311111. 105,050 iloamigistrits
eettledin the country. ••
T11.• : cattle iMported numbered
1,3.36 ; SheeP 253, swine.13.7-,-11ilnolt
wholly rah:able 811131131113 fur tho
tr(11'Ulll€flt Of :stock; The eXporis
01. anini3ds were ---1 2,31 0. ; hoses,.
valued at $1,0.10,3013 ; neat cattle,
i44;411, valued . •$7,50,043;
sheep, 335,207.,vaitted 34f11,26.1.,81 1.
It is a fact .worth noting that our
exports of animals and animal•pro-
duets are far inoie alttab1. thin
'milts or • purely. agricultural pro-
ducts. 1/Ethe, forreer the expertti.
in the hist fi,4ear,ve3ir wore valued at
$26,503;094 -; 11308o ot tho latter at
$10,19400, - are acettstomed
to. think of Wheat, as oat most 00.
nablc exporrartiele, But .of wheat,
last yoar, • we ex pot tea only. 2,310,-.
956 bushels,- valued ;
of ehocse, Nre • eXported 70, -
A .noble earl, kni-Nn to have a
teuelr of madnesa in ids braiu, bd
agitator, "I am the 'workingman's
"Olt, go long !" said. a, real work:-
"yoo haven't done an hon-
est day's work in two Yeare." • _
"Of course 1 haven't. That's
just iirloge I show my frien(Iship
for the workingman. I keep my
hernia off "so he can have the job,
, Rev. Dr. Paxton observes that the
Scotch 'are the only • people who
ever successfully solyed the Problem,
on this littlo planOt.of how to. cent-
.punelt and. piety.' • Tht0 is
pretty well.put.' • Thoir
31 tenant whohad fallen into their ,OQV, is strong„. and genuine;
Culties, These had brought .hint The remark recalls the rporci0o1ifu1
commentary of a. 6cottiall. Episcopal
clergyman. upon hip treatment at the
table of 5 certain rector in England.:
-'They were all *good people and
:most kiitd,I tun .suto ; but do you
know, nty dear,' aaid the old gentle-
man, -they • gave mo water.to ,think
,tit table and -upon going tobed, es
if 1 hadbeen. .
under thepower do certain litivyer,
whom, we shall eall Mr. Hardie.
Mr. Hardie .used his -power
Sand( in • remois.,eless- Way, 'and
grtigented him • witli.•'0, bill which,
was Most uureasontible And whiuh
the poor Man was tillable , to Pay.;
Sandy wont to tho earl and told. hint
all. .41,,etive him to me,' saidthe earl,
:And I Will .softle With 'him': Ile
sent fur 3Ir. Iitirdie,•aud. bade . him
bring. •a lull..atateinent of 41 Plat
'Was '.dite-.10. hiln by Stnnly
On the.appointed .day • this .1,awyer
appeared end present • the „.
Taking hint Whit; private room, he
asked, 'New are you sere thatyou.
ear with What looked like an -infant
1) V13 put (101111(.V1.1)Which he,
•y ''
in her:arine,' A Very vapid -looking
04498 yo: 'Quito, sure nlLorch
Young: man inspected her f0Te
The earl 'thou locked the dear, plac- moment and then Paid;
ed on the table,..ti brace of .loaded if.that is a .kid: yen .can IniVe my
:pistols, opened a drawer and handed' Seat, but. ifit is 6 Pup yen can't."
to the lawyer the full Lilo of guineas,. "Well it's Pup'," snap ped the lady,
'Not; l\Ir„ Hardie,' lie tolded, 'you'd "but nut es: big .a one ae• you. :go,"
. bettor have it, little re freslunent,' ' The Vapid looking young man ..at
,rincnk.you, my lord,..Yon tusi•••very, ronee got off and. went 'to the wheat
kind tuid 1.• do .feal rather. thirsty.' p1t'
.uut drink .1 haVe fin , youl said •. • • . .•
his hirdship ; butyou ace these two 11. Mis-,ion8ty's
; You -811t/11 eat e1 e:17 ,Dublini,lis linobscure fish market.
m 1 sel of Ilietit befure you_stir :from. The .ve1ldor.4_ of AIL eaSes
• this roma.% The lawyer, looked ag: 1108(e8-11.:31.10,LT' the' edge of tho-
le*, but Smiled as if it 11016 t*. jokechannel, with them sieve of fisli be-
ou hear Me,'. said the earl, ill. to-
.mendous tones those
It Was ii:Seriotte :situation,. in a luck-
ed room :before an enragedearl,
known to,be 11111. 81811, and who Was.
nOW:: beginning•telnitidie the pistols.
:There:was nothing ktaitlia . hut
to, Snechnib. the only .relaxation Ito
90111(1,: get wee berty..toose his,pen
ktdfe: Lo :ctit odt the ' wicks: The:
taskwas' ;ifs 111:81, CormpletCa ; the eari.
grimly bu-wed 1tii3. oat. Anil told him
Ito yonleraber 111,4 ropdst tlio next
Hint. 'Made. out 13is adeoutit againat,
000t dog dog like Sandy.,
. . . •
. , ,,• •
.V 13011 31 C.",,hieago W01111111 wants to
get it aeat in a -street car she wraps
• U p her poodle •dog- and curios it hi
'her armS 08 though it was a baby.
'But the trick is now beeoluing
known, and .doesn't always wo.rk
The other day a lady got into a full
" ',About four weeks ago,' said ..a,
Colboriml f3iruter on theniarket. a
fowdayeago,- csoncloclec.I. to get rid.
of -seireial old. stumps. near the,bain,
and I bought' tit It: 311... R110(1y'14 801110
•giant _..Next day , the
afternoon I Weilt, at the job, and .I.
•leid just gut a cartridge stamped
doWn io the first stuinp when. sloe.
•inin driyo to the house. 'That
•was nothing to llotlier over; lio.wdver,
and, I lighted. tho fu s,o :put .ran
.310011a the barn te.wait 'for °tile
plO38Llfl. :- I 'had only got 'in ' place.
when ; heald a voice callingt-
there, Sharp ! • 1. wont to
sell .yott tlie. best :ch Luning , Machine
ever Wade:. • -, .. •
It WR8 (110 0111111 11410 harariveli
up, 111311 my wife had molt him alit
to had me up. was. within ten
feet of the stump .witen . hit sailed,
r bad a two ini.auty 133,10. on the cart-
ridge when I heard his yoice, 13.181
t1,110(1 1)(14:k
heaven's sake get out o'
get out •rifler ree Pohl a
Rennott churn. . Sharp, •syheill are
., well., „iv,. yeti n tem my earg
if that infernal idiot idn't' wall: up
and vest his ellsoiv on de atuton,
and 110 was there \viten . I ii•Kplbil-
.. 1 tittook a riae of". six
lows, he turned: his trick to .tito
„. . 3 poitinls, ;dried lit, 3;,'S',2335,- feet;elime down spretul-eigle fashion,
14!":11'6,1w111113" i'urce'""1" 210. , It 1lI readilv bo understood Tina Than serainblea" up, 81,1,1 made conceal the ()rune,. Alm victim
1 (11V11 trottrut• that "ahadians. win .310 better by for Wagg011'AV1111 811V(1T8 joking .1.1111lo noise,. came to 1/unk irk from.
;. •
"If‘ive• you anythin;.; s.tyy. 141.:1,111, 11# (1114 1:00b1 '5111 iti1 over 1111/3- 'NV611110 Went by Canada, 41(1(1 11 feNy' 1! (4 ago wont
"4k('`1. t11":',1a'1•11r. ' into 17(.4 mottou. 1 tf 1,1 1 v v.'1' a 1- 3 1 1 ' "f 11 3 out 11 ppine• in the everthot but
' , b., 113 fly,. I,A ri 018%1 ( ;1111 1 1(... • s o
T11411%4 ltOfl uI 1. ,8 (1. elteesi 1141(1 • of hut 1111113. V4111114.; (.11.1111 8.010(1 1(.11 )I'T 1.11.111... 111 1111(11`. 111' ipturnoi, ;tilair has a14-
1)3 11/, ' \\Ini iu foba ;, 08.314 3..t ;,401.1 111 thi.4 :11.0 inerPaspa lw Liitby burt,r, .
, VaN.Notax.
Twenty-nine fire insurance com-
panies did business in t 'anada last
year, They received 0,010,1 32
premiums and timid $247 7f..t,-108 111
loSses. Yet insurance officials com-
plain that there is no moncy to- be
made by .fire inaurance and declare
a combination necessary to keep up
the r3ites to a paying figare.
-Mr. Muma, Dominion ahritrit-
or. of ,Ortinibo, associated with Mes-
srs Quintet and :McKay,. in the hear-
ing of -half breeds claims, writes
front Prima) Albert that they are
experiencing splendid Weather
there. He states that the Indians
tiro quiettind contented, and the
stories of discontont among the
tribes aro invented. .
-Morrison, blacksmith • of Lon-
don, Out,. who' emigrated from .1)a-
keta to•Brirish Columbia, in ponsequ-
once of representations -made, that,•
there was abundance of labor to he
had, writes to. the Vietoria (B. C.).
Times of' the .10th, warning intond-
ing 'etuigrants that there are more -
mechanics there at present than
there is work for them.to do.
• -Geo. A. Hill sued.Win, Rennie,
31 seedman of . Toronto, for $7,45,
claiming 'Unit amount Of damage in'
consequenee'of two pounds of seed
whiehhe purelmsed•from the defer'',
dent :ea flat 'Dutch cabbage,. and'
tn1)1111(1. out not to be.. that variety
Of ealifiage, t all , 'but as one Witneas
put it, a bad variety Of Scoteli kale;
11 which does pot heed up
like cabbage. and -18 only fit for cat-
tle feed., Tile dele4co,was .that the
seeds were not' guaranteed, neither
have they been. paid for.. •Iristord-
ship at the Welland. Aoizes deelln, •
od to•order a non -suit, and the ease
went tosthe jury, who returned for-
th() plaintiff fur .$5,50.
Saturday..flro aiVept Olt
prairie in Lynn., Dakota; taking the
farin of MM. Dolloter in. its track.
Only that lady 1111(1 11(31' Mother were
at homo, and while, attempting to
rescue the stoOk from the barn the
.old lady Was. suftbcated,..' Mrs. Dul
ligtn‘• was fatally burned. •The'farni.
honse span of -liaises and five head
of cattle were burned. ••• •
-There arrived in New York
last week .011 the. steaniiirArizone, au
-ancient Irish harp.. .rt m several.
lurid -red yeare old- and 'woe the lest
instrument played torore tho
• Kings.: It •ie placed inn hugYe .Wpod-
litsx SeVen feet 'high,. and is -in-
tended for exhibition tit • an Irish
coucert to be veOn givenlit that city
•for the benegt.. of the Parnell- fund.
. As it ivill bo returned to its native
fore them. It happened that a 'in is- heath after this 'conce(t the custcon
mu (a revival of devotion hyoloqu- . , . .
atitliOrtties perrni,tted it tobe landed
,ent.,preaolling) was. givou at, 'N'orth
exe,nipt from dtity. Theinstritinunt
- IN.loore Street ehurch, and on& of the'
fishweineu attended, and was.conao,•..J. vaVed at £1;000: 41'7-4)Q.0 • :' ' • ' ..‘ •
- Ito New .1.-ork •leoislature '1 a
days am • . „ • ,, , 1 .8,
'film:110y away for soma .W1 '
li assed , a .b i 1 1 .16 •prollibit lin priS011-
§11 0 TO t0r1.1 at1:3110 wits mot with'sullen ment for debt' in the 'state •of. Now•
looks aucl• shlo remarks from Abe . york, with'.tho - assurance that the
„other.'.Wpmen, who Considered her.
senate woold pass and the. -gover- •
action. in attendi tag - tit a ..Misaion•ii re -
110T will assenfto the Measure,- ' The
'Ruction .on themselves': ''fiunt "fol.
effect of tho.billiwill:bo to.liniit the
ive,1 taitnt, until the.: ilevistee's
ithprisounient to acts of fraud, ;and
I ethnic° iwis'exhansted.. 'Meg Nfol-• .
1 y l' alreoried; 'yon're.,Likin' advert., ,•;,it will 'liberate. a Jitrgt3 number who
are pow•in prison Without. hope of
tr,-,ro 'of me beedinse Pin in the state: ;
f grace ;. but, 'lase GuilI winft Ise relief, exeept •stich.as is tiffOrde(1 by
1.11111 hill
. ' , • •
1,ung. so, and ti 011 even'. with -
you letp Father Tom Burk•e • died in. the hospital:at
, . • ow ork on Sunday, 31131811 who
• was Supposed to be suffering.from a'
,. A recent jury 013333114 11ii eity,in tumor inthe stomaCh. An entopay
which ono' 331101 agreed to ..v.--ute. forrevealed a large•shawl pi1 which be
eenvietion if a certttin other jure' %had swallowed and W 111011 1111(1 pile -
would,. roe:ails: the -fury 'of i -o D.i- otrated the Ws,11 of the stowa611 and
ota e it izene • 3tt i re.Y i v al 1111361,131g. p.1.1110(4.1Tett. 0 LITIrcnrattritrilrirryli?
Aftxtr an earnest ekliortation by 'thedo ioinel cavity.
•spe34-erifii Of this aitizene remark-
(4,ttonof to Zernd.
( to. on) cv Marxtv 1,1,.N 11
F. R. POW ELL, Parrister, snitritnr,
3151 y Sea 00. Inook, cunt
•„, • , AT ti 1'1111 ( 1.11ST.
1t 1 ONEli to lend in large or .41110,11 1.0
iv 31. good mortgages or peronal security, to
the lowest. entreat rave. ILI) 613, nuretpa.,
Chaos:. Feb.15, 1.81,1. 1.13
MON8Y. •
1)RIYATE FUNDS to iella .1.01,11 4114 .1111111
property. Appl to
• a mm17,
omee, nuxt IgEw.uKoole) (up btltiV4A111Vrt.St.
IneorpOsted. by Ael of l'aillantent„ 1E05 .
CAPITAL - $2,000,c.00.
- • ciou,otn)
'lead ()Mee,
11I(03148 WORKMAN, President.
J. II. It. MOLSON. Vice president.
WOLFERSTA:f.1.1110MAS, Cenpral Hager.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Malts • •
issued Sterlino• mid 1118011,a0 ex,
'change bought nuti sold ot
• • • est eurrept rates..
Trrsussr am 4 Pkat 01.3ST, ALIAltrell i)F,P0Fre '
.e,r).:4-. ' . ' ' • •'.'. ' ' ••-. '• .' . : lIov/str Ci.u.i:wix(i;=-...Nrci ing.tter
',What (131 ,say, Bill,-se.e any- low. regal 1i13(' the• routine of (billy
thing i41 it ri' . ' . ' Work litis..gOUb ' on : (131113.16 the. win-
. • 'Well., 'I iltnitte;i waft 1.1i.0. rc'ply•.; ter months, tiro .opening SiyOng re.-
'What•tl.o. yo. think.'hout it 3' 3 • voals Lithe ambitious housewife .the
'I'll tell .you what :111 tier: iiill,' abaolnto neceesity :.; of a thorengli*
said .the iirst 1111 11301, som e wliat 0" 01)001.
' Dou't. be too eager
about it,, siS.ier'$,Litilleas you are e•x
oit.i3,111colifsdvligioxi,ifyot1cepttox 1113tiodA. 3311 111 • uts,-
'iv ill,'- • , . • ..
.-Teacher :-.--:"Ncrlio 'ivii$ 'it . that, be de,m4§,..pui,e,beee.d..846•1140 *3339431180liowevd,„ sailsfivetory or itself, ivill
fird 8111(1• `.1)19Pel'iY Is 11)111)813'!' of lic3alth, Let some • strong -a rifled
7130y:--'1. don't .knowr I,.911)1108u 11 Th11111410 WOrkeil,.,10114 41. hand, in the
was some follow 'litho
., (11(ha 41/1.' "rough of it," it , the SOTVit(18 of a
dumesticated Bridget tire not avail-
- .
• able.. Wight 131 good' season, unde1,.
tiro in tiio aband °nod flutn tt ta13 ing. one or .tWO 1001118 Oilly at a
1)3 ill �t ,Tas. Giirvey, Dunkirk, titno, instead of leiving .the whohe.
last wank, disolosed 0. terrible Mtn-
di3r. The building had been close(1.
for yams,. rind had 130e11 the 'resort
of tramps and.• desperate people. The
fire 11188 0011(10110(.1 after a har(1.0glit,
and investigation ot the
. premises' the body of ti, woman, who
11,18 identified RS wife of i.Tulin
*Boise, woo found itione of the
tooma. foot ti 843 the 'room had
house In confusion at onee. AS, Win
a rum is to have nor 40430i, 1(143ot3-g1I1' tO -be removed first, A.
boiler of hot Water set in the room,
nail, the doors closed for a while,.
Will cense the peper to loosen su
that it may bo taken. off IN:11110n t
alnico It y. The' wood -work Moir
then be C10(11101' ORSily W11110 thy
dirt,' is softened. by the stem
lawn 1001)0(1, and that the body had. Weak:lye is invaluable for cleaning
lawn altnost nude, confirmed the painted woodwork, and saleratus-
13 eight theory that the w•onian had. been water is ewo(14,3 but, both must bo
initrdered, and • the fire startoct thoronglil; rineed. off 'before the
final Wiping.. Whiting is i;crvice-
Ale for the mOstsolled apek. • Ain-
monia., 1130111. 111 the propoytion 'of' a
tablespoonful (or.leas if very strong)
quart of liot wafer,.
t dormer •
• .
Money adratteed„.1.0 farmers on their Owl: ,
51110 01* more iendoisers. No nii,rtge;o: Iv -
(plied as security.
r 1311EWRIt,.
Pobruary. 144. ctisres
. •
(161731033 Lodge; No. 84, A., 31.,. •
Li. meets Emery Friday, on or after the oa
moon. 'Visiting ,tirc..rbrea (*Mildly invited.
J. YOPNO,,w. . (:€1..L.‘,N,I)Mt, Shy '
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1081. • ,
.141 0: 710;--
weota 'acoyn. ..munday ' 61. i:ry
month. 11(01. ttpstair.(, opposite
Cm Town flail. Yjsiting brethren
.f.90 Ithvays made wileetrie. • 40.
. . '
K, FLowiy, . TWEEDY, W. 31, •
T. C. DOHERTY; 1.1,11r
r......torrsoi,sima.azt7xegus,irmawasissicsatzem '
- JiSale or to ';:f,tt, •
131AR:11.1f0Ii KALE ea. so That •(•:.015-
11,1 aide farm .compoPeti of 30(8 29 and .so;
Ilttllott,.(100 aerce, el this 150 _aerses aro elearetr.
brdanee good.kmiliwood busit Boating orchard
of three :Macs. "Ordinary ;
frame hare 'and other Anithutlillog..;. • Farm . •
well watered;•.tind situntell• ttbotkt fro),
tho Town .014-sinton: Torino- ca..y. Apply to
333. MOTAGG 111.7; 011hton. 381ttf • • • '
r1 011SE ANI) LOT F011 SAT.E.- tieing. lot .21;
I 1)insley 331(430( 4,) the V11,b.u: Ole 111,4111 1.
Tbe lot is olio' of the itio6t. eligible .
in the 41114to and 1140: a 335>3 3)433013, stable,' ben-.
ery,• gond herd atid• Soft 31 33o33 at:4 ((101(3) (4 on
the premises. Appl3 te A. C. VAN ECMOND,
on tre premises. . 1m ;i0.1
. • .
!rim stres.Onint,,k1 oEftirRaor• sale Our
Lbts fronting, 011 Street t
two fronting. cot liattelibitry street; eithcf. •
bloc or 13) ..cpariita .1.Uts,- to suit inn•elnMet.4.
further pIrrionfars apply Louie utaler...igmd. E.
.pEDDI..r4 wA6GON SALE..
.• •
IT von nity-oonna_s_9, Gnomon-
ir 1)01T; hygood ()Tann. only hem, in use two
seasons. Apply.to
'Clinton, Mare11.5.5th, 1880, ;131
. - .
rr:3103: tuna:840es .08,3rs- for aide his • If Oti4 anti
Lot'otrQueon street, Clinton. The house 14 .
newiT, built ; rooms, three tiristairs and thre.,
down; hard and soft watow.;.•good Situate'
io..rlsit% arta healthy • Rival ity. 'reran( e81y.
Apply on Ow prothises or adclros .1( 1)..• • .
, • .
fAMA F0j1 SALK.'-11111.4 Vury dr:400,1.3 larn1 110
in Col toWnsbi% LIPUnt.1" 4101011
jog eempmed .4313101(30133 of block (; anti E,
•irislon; containing (140 a
30 cres, 1shout ,
mires hush land and balance cleared.; e3n.,3 and -
Sand' 10.13n: land. Spring creel( running through
the farm...n*011,4r and out ImildIngs. oh 1 lic
preliiiat.N. Vim whole or pi (1 Aria 3so F.ohi
'itberiti toms, Appl,v personany or by letter to
•10111. AV mt,r,(4,.013 the premises, or to 1! E1111
AVE.1.18, Saltford P. O., 0111. 31'0,
.-.-- •
Fon iitor.-Tho hriek Moto' i Ststrle's block,
opposite tho :lately t"oe..npititi by
. Rots a 0.0. SIM ft. drif .goodb i.tore. 'rho 31re3(4331.4
11330 IJCW I11151 Willi fitted up, with cellar full '(/3'
11.33,0 -.also largo room mu .43.1(338 with go.::(1 entrance.
• Apply tO 111,0: SEARLE, Clinton. .300.13
. .
1) SvaLiANG4 To 133311'11..- 115*) op.tatrs m(-
1111804011 Albert street 1103or store, (03(33300'(03(33300'.
11333 seven rooms. Apply to X: ROBSON. 1.91:(41
Ordered Work
• Promptly 'attended to. .
E0.• POTTS, -House, Skill..
HP I A G. )7 1: N I: 1 _4 1s7 Er,
rarer. nanainr and 11atennti.,15,43 33 ef.P.a .te
onqe, Soiroot Vlacklinal do srpoOrt
riregio ihrord Merl am1
heat nee- itory We, ('1.1,410.1,d111