HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-14, Page 8Me Huron News -Record • Wtid1iestItt , April :1 016. LOCAL.NE WS. In anti Around the ,' Hub." t1 iOtUlt 1'ti 1',N.Fi1YS 11,N0W i laza post• riiicl•;/ a larger circulation ancon cop. .rilapc'z•published in this section of the -.Province.. IVs have .several times ;lkovecl this to •the satisfaction o f aa. ertisers who have e:eanabted our list, whish is nocu and always has been accessible ,to. those Who mean business. And lee have added over one hundred agaves. • since the last occasion on -which we satisfied doubtlity 7714011108e$, trio setts tluytz' 0.1101 tech additions • last creek, .The double circuliation of the Tins .1grarsRoduninysOzer#hentall, `,"! not dead yet. They �Frll .give the public •an • out -'loos' benefit next Tuesday evening, LICENSE COMMISSIo` ims.,-Messrs' James Stevens, Samuel Sluan and Teter Fisher 'have been:- nainecl License 'Commissioners. for ,Vest • . Iruron. • •QuEE:rs Bnimt fl at - .The Clinton I/riving, Park ,A ssoeiatio i held 'a 'fleeting. Monday tivening and do- _ ceded to getup a good-prograrntrie and offer liberal'Nurses on the. 24th •aihiy. . P. .0; -The Post Office is now next'door to Goo. E. Pay & Co., pending repairs on old P. 0, build- ing.. • Mr. Fair expects to re -possess. himself, in his old quarter -next Monday. • ON Moii2;a1<•two Goderich lads than • had been ciriving cattle Tor Mr..11ic.- • Loan were lint in quad by Chief Paisley ' for. boisterous conduct: Their employer secured their release a few hours afterward. 0 MYl-That.gidcly using; called . . getting rr ' Spring" tri Cttlll demo - what b� a what bolder; slice snaps•hor eyes and loudly cries to winter who doth hold her, "Soo here, old' chap, get est my lap," then gives hip" the cold shoulder:,' • I'.EAiali; Fla. "natter canto urs et (./agoeclu Hall, Toronto, last rveck, oIi 1>lal4nth#f's auotiuu to change YOBBO from, Goderich to Stratford. 111,otion refused.. Costs to be costs in the cause. Passim, ---The friends of, j.)t•. VI i. Hennes, of iItduiesvillca, will be gratified to learn that et the recent examinatioue in the Trinity ISIedicall School passed, the Hanle of that gentleman appears ad having fin- ally passed.. 1\ri.I.aT's IN A. NAME f -- Messrs. Broadfeof, of Tuckursndt11, and J'roudfoot, of Clinton, mot iu town last week. Their navies suggested the • significance of nomenclature,. and tho subject is to' be discussed' at the' next meeting of the Eliddlowink Society. . Mu, Hera Vi1\I1L•'Ittir who resid- ed for several Years in Goderich has accepted the position of represen- tative "on the road" for.J. A. Rose & Co,, cigar Mauufaeturels, of Lon dun.. flied combines' . the -qualities of a right good fellow•and a vigilant energetic busines3 sisals. A Siam, OE 'rats _and down his store he strode with a "sad and sorry face; `ou4 his mind there lay a loath, for no buyer ever showed himself within the lllaoe. Thou he found a simple Way to sell olf his .largo supplies,' and thus to make his business pay. Now, if you question shin, he'll say "I al- ways advertise." • A deputation consisting of Messrs It'airow tints Coughlin, M. P. 's, and Mr. F. W. ,Johnson, Goderich, wait- ed upon the tl'Linister .of, Inland Revenue 'Tuesday last with refer - .once to having 'a standard barrel for salt, the same_ . as for apples,. The deputation ;vas of Opinion' that the necessity of weighing would be thus obviated.' The Minister •proinisecl to consider the''znattor during recess; IS TREEE .Ar.r; Oilo would assume from the railivay. t niio table given in .the Goderich Star that there ,WAS no such place seas 1 t Clinton on the Grand Trunk lino: 13ut"tlle' "l:fub" still shows up ilii live` and progressive as ever,all tho salve, and is' the`roost` important point be- tween the lake and Stratford: And $ho' only pointwest of Stratford where two of the leading rail 'lines 'of the Piovinee inteisect:each other, !hauls soave •,unto i, daily: going ,edit; west; north •und : south,, and tll•is is, thin only town 'in, the'. con nt.y..:possegsecl. of'..sttch . rstilway factllth's, which causes trade tq.con- vel'ge here. ' And is'also,new drawing the attention :ot' manulacturers.to Clinton not only from the fact that it is so accessible to get to, but frons ,. . the injaoltairlt eonsulelatlon• that rats are. urn'ivalledi'n Ibis part of the Ploy ince, as ti 'distributing point. The • following. time ;table may be of ser- vice iii illustrating:•: •'. • ourat 3, i55'1rit:Y nAft, \Y.;. • cuing, North. (,+,ulg,;5outh, 2.a �: i . U,Sl ,a. al,. express ; 8...,1 taait.tx[,tess 7.05 2s. m, exiiauss j .1.I pau;express GRAND 17iL" k acAilWAY. • .Goiva•Last. Going i.est. 7.25 1 111 e'ptain �9.'iri al, th anixet1 1:05 p• ru. .mixed ;',.0''i. p:M. mixed 1.45 p. in. .mixed, 9,1al:ua.exlaes8 THE Provincial Land Surveyors" • Association: Mot iu Toronto ' and .iamong-the ntenrbois -iyf: eouianittees • 'elected for the current year wo find tho. :name of 11. B..Proudfoot, ' of Clinton,, .as Chairmen of standing cotnlnittee oli;�arainage. AT a, meeting: of;the Toronto Pros' • _ bytory '.last hook it was announced that, call floln•the congregation .of :Kilox,Churoh, •Scarboro', had • been extended to Rev. Jiro, Roes of ,I3rus $1,000, . els "h ti lend offered was .. 9 The 1 4 with Mane and glebe six act's. THAT Pnonrnir.-illeiilbers Of ilia' •Knights of. Labor :infdrm us that cell• esteemed co.tem. was.rather too fresh ' when he last week gave. his solution. of the mystical . white ••eho1k figures. which appeared on thedead•wallsot' • thio town 'a', week or so Lgo,'• It; is • not the first time..: -that' lie slay at-' tempted to. explain that which' he. does not -understand 'r10PEnTY PLRC1IASEll •-- 11E1'. F. Il, Powell, the barrister recently lo- -sated in -Clinton,.having some spare funds' to invest, and being lav oralbly impressed with' the; ,,resent and prospective business future of . our town as wall as with the .prettiness of its situation has • Urehased the P property. of Mr. Jelin Fisher ou the. eorner•of Ding and Cutter streets. • "jowly 500 .dtl%rent kind's of i4 all•Vupev and Borders from 50:. TO I• �.' A ROLL� llty ,Fall ,'aper grid l3 }_•. ii' M year consist of • American En lis & Canadian Patterns, ulttuit superior in hinall and More elegant in design than last year, and also much cheaper.- Save money by parehasing from uie. 11 X an agent for the Allan Line of lloyal .,fail Steamships, - 6X 9 Imparter, Wholesale anti Retail Dealer ie Books, Stationery, Fancy CQods, &c., : CL NTOI : Q�N T4 P iO IrR.LNK KnnLEY and Frank Hines' of Brussels left Clinton station -for for British Columbia Tuesdaayc.. morning last, RELIGIOUS TNSANIr'Y.---A inan nained.11itcliell, from Sunshine, pas - sod ori from :Clinton by the Mon- day trails. He was `being taken to Goderich jail as- a dangerous lunatic 'ifi'charge of:Finlay Scott, of Brus- sels.. lie was very demonstrative in the train. Hie insanity is the result of the sensational religious' services of the .Savage Band. B11IEr Biirs.-Connoillor T.11omas Cooper is. impraviug rapidly and wo hope will soon be all right again.- , Wm. Smithson is 'able to: bo around, although not yet very strong. ---Miss Steep, late organist in the .Baptist'eburch, will be greatly; mis- sed; the loss , of the church is lir: ,Vise's gain. -Miss M. J. I.iitolicoek left yesterday on a few'luouths visit to Orillia.-Quite a 'number from Clinton attended thio Mtitichiestor .show.The Doherty band gave our dry -goods 4►nd• otlsor' business iron a .good send -oft' Sattirchay night.- .Stockmen tiro so well. pleased with. THE Nuws REConn' specimens that orders aro already in from all direc- tions; ive hare:. latest styles, and no superiors in this close, of work;, call', .and see'onr speeinsens;prices right. '-Messrs -A. ll c.D. .• Allan Cleorg' `vary .Sheppard, W. Proudfcot and L. N: Lewis of.-Gode-ieh *ere-i.n4owil_ hast week. -So was,W. B. Dixon of Brussels and Dr; Young'of'Loniles boro:-Messrs Harry Hunt,and Jas.! 'Saadi' left town 'Friday en a trip -towards- the :settin' sun; • but it is not expected they will. be „tibio . to' 'catch on tt1 that fiery .orb, they bring up at the Golden Cate.-lt is. rumored: that Roy.' Mr: Sperling: of 10 (lltAltO street iICt 0 listCl inch , will take a trip to Europa the coin - tug suin ger if he can find an aceep table substitute in the ,dean time.- Miss.Jennia McClymont, pf.Petrolia, sponding a foto days with, friends and relatives in town.- illi•. Wni. Cooper has put up a new 0. 1;,'710, "Clinton, decided on Mon- day night to purchaiie•a now banner for the:couring 12th July.. , FOAL i3nMAY.-Persons 1'1'110 havo a superstitious .drcad. of F-1-idaary= will' not be pleased to, learn that this is a thoroughly • Friday • learn, It tame in on it Friday;' will go.out on • a Friday,• and will :havo -fifty-three Fridays. There are,four months in. the year that havo five Fridays each; changes of the moon, occur fivetii cs on a Friday, , the. lngest and the -- shortest.day-of-the-Year eac1r falls on. 'a Friday, end M. C. Cameron dolly- s'. eyed his"great" Riot apeoclt, in ,the Canadian house or Commons on a Friday.. 0, fatal, fatal day. • : . LATER THAN. THE 'LATE8P,—� patent right -fiend called upon Mr. MoLarnon of Scugog Ontario county; •the other day, offering to appoint him' went for air' invention to dry washed, cloth!ng on a rack' fid around the stove pipes. Mr. MoLarnou mado a verbal arrange- ment whieh was to be written after - Wards,. agreeing to the proposed terms. The .agent ,road the agree- "'lent whieh seemed • satisfactory, and lir. 11'IcLarnon; signal -it .-but. it turned out afterwards that there' was a difference' between: tire 'way' the, agent react the agreement and the punctuation, and instead of the company being eolopelled to furnish the machines "on demand,'" Mr. - Motarnon was to pay, the money on demand, It was, therefore, a note as well as tail ardor. It is stated Mr. ha[:L: offered •the agent something handsome to settle• the fnattnr;: but we have not Wald:whether be sue- and malty worst ftirintsecl iron) rend- t,or•t1rr1 „>I' nitt•.�-• I',mt P.,rry the 4v;la,l.htillt itt',tllgt'et'A, lei' aitortl Sro ilS $ aLE.-The •sale of import- ed Clydesdale stock on the market square, .Clinton, last Friday, was largely attended by buyers, breeders, and •the public generally. Probably. 1200 people Wore on', theground at one tune. Auctioneers' (3. Hamil- ton, Blyth, Bl th, and Il:orwson; of town; . -mounted the rostrum. at the appoint- ed tii.ne„and by, their eloquonceand fair-staments Succeeded in effecting sales at "fair prices. "Gallant's Model" 'Was.tho first sold and reach- ed. S 1,500. Nuhn • bo was knocked • down to.Robt. Martinl•London road. "Young Topstnan," a ibeautiful dark -dappled brown, found al purchaser in J.•P: Fisherr 'of.lMainchester., •tt .$1,385. This horse was consi}dered• a n the the finest- antra 1 b manytd 'ground. "Gray Lad',"•' a dappled grow; and but for his color the -choice of the majority of horse connoisours, slid not 'reach the reserved bid but was afterwards sold to Robt. 'Sp'riing Baso Line, far 81,2.00 ()ash., . "Seat - land's Glory,", au immense anirsattl, was pure,hatsed•by E. Martyn, Clin- ton, for 'U405 05 ' oasis. "Northern Champion" oris 8180 purchased at private sale by E. Martyn and•.Co: irr ; for the same. figure; $1,101, Three ether animals, not advertised., were. placed under the hammer but diel not fines 'purchasers. This, stock sale was a success, the result apparently satisfying buyer's and sellers, • sines affording the bast possible evidence of the ocntrali.ly of Clinton as a place to do 'business in ; and attest,: inti to the good judgment rlisplpy'ecl in sclectiiig Messrs. 1Ialnilton and 11owsop to conduct the mild. t• The prilrtil`;g and. circulation offaireulars, posters, tees., ails also ars important factor in tho stlecrse^of the sato, as buyers (rani it distance had <l:uorrttrsta du ol'ipHolt of tha 511:ilna1IS 00nid took in: the field of _carnage and slauctliter• . Vishtin aOnN ROBERTSON'S wo found that gentleman delighted with the effects o£' his display efforts. Vr0 found .that notwithstanding the demand, on Saturday evening, upon the time and patience of his assistants tls£tt all traces of the numerous :army that had possession of his . store had • •disappeared. ' Our attention • was' called to the:many .pretty things in ladies' wear, the. prevailing colors soomine. to be the varied .tints • of gold:' Gold tinsel frilling and eol- 1ars, gold spangled net work for° 'veils, golden shapes for bonnets arid• hats trimmed • in . colnplementery shades M"1)ttruphcrn',gold and other bloudings. SI'I%Ih:G TRADE::' s la .a. late .tor n is supposedosecl to l tir :The. t 1 pP exhausted all the Borean ;temper - atom that may: hare been lingering : in the atornsphore.• • The latter por- tion of last week was: indeed alto - ',ether lovely. ' 'On Saturday the a `settling' dry goods merchants of Clinton had their stores decked .out. with displays of goods in endless variety•and at `prices 'within the purchasing poyer. of all classes: Iiidoetl', we weto assured,and we. have no reason to doubt thestate rnont; that•i:iover in the history of the dry goods trade has material of equal excellencebeen offered sit tho now low . 'prevailing. prices. Especially is tl'lie the case in silks, velvets,: plusiles, :ribbons, etc. It would bo tedious to- go . into tho causes for these low '.prices Slid of the prospect oft an •advance before next fall inthe factory prices of fabrics of fine texture and material. It will suffice to say that the dress. goods held• in stock by Clinton merchants seem .to havo been select- ed with admirable`caro and with an eye to pleasing the most fastidious, They will be found in all the varied richness of usateiial and in all grads-. tion of shades from that of tho quiet fawo ¢n thrunning tlrrongh geld and ;reels to the most brilliant. S.tTttit At EV141,1INO The Doherty Bated carrying torch lights discoursers sweet Innateto the earswhile thonsanda'of Oyes viewed the'•ahop windows of Dctlor & Co., Goo, V. Pay & Go., the Hodgens Estate, John Robertson and Jackson troy., C. C. Ranee & Co., and Chris, Dickson, and in glowing terms des., carted upon 111A merits of articles in sight from outside while continued 'streams of sight soars, and buyers kept pouting its and ant of those tires. tri' safe. • ' : AT HoDGENS' ESTATE, the first thingthat strikes the attention as one enters- the Millinery room 'is a: pyraillidt of rich dress goods consist- ins of silks; velvets, plushest etc., the apex reaching to: the loftyceiling. ,The various modified shades of ;old and green seem to predominate here. In, `ladies' "head wear the male ' r 'a all•' l at the variety, in: vim U is t 1 t PI this line;: the intricate and ingenious devices, that havo been resorted to by the artisto to snake these articles of feminine• adornment things of boauty avid a joy, if not forever in' tho eirlinary sense of .that' word, at least "forever!' as applicable ` to the cycle of time during which-thte;- fatshion in these • articles should :last..•. • An article of head wear, . whioll seemed to impalpably blend the: fashionable color's of gold, green and 'brortl,'is very'nceh but possibly too: sombre to please those: who strive after a more ,I,iilliant oriental effect The names••of fashionable goods; kept here'' are Pall Mall, -Season,' l i aslllon Yam, um 1ltollnsto „ - Strand,? Mikado. In the whitlows' might be son robe goods, in plain black.'and 1primau colors, •neatly displayed... C5tU1)Ii911ttiL"11t•4. • ArT1Ett THE tiA1'rtti. 1111 ;11.cotal.ry tt10r1nrnqour reporter EXAMINE fre'iL'telluott!•'lG'autn •'wtyiCien.wtri,eten tielfeteilri lterv2U2vu.n .eattelell'leteteivu'ootol, ' •• OUR -CASH-ACGOVNT ! fCil'ie(CU'(2lr•wn,,zeten; now uftCiCwit num tG1CteLGrwuneurunc•it%16iGib'il`t4tdrisuncietenlFria And then decide upon wiutt kind of' a .I.N0 .SUIT °-- ,•,�,�...�.'•..,.,.,�►..' -- Yom.......--• �-..�.• Yon want. When this is done come and taik to`us c � i �`about.. ' it and We ti '1'sht w you one. of the FINEST SToCl S. in the � country .andt Qso; E.• PAY Go. lining no "special", display evidently . relying', upon -,Heir reputation for every day showing :'s stock 'iuirivalled 'in ,showing and • at popular.. 'Briggs. •,'heir conlidenec ' ii1 puhliG angios• - al' did not seem. nrisplimed, for their store Was. crowded the,'whole evening. This firm is. tiro loading :1Ifntlb house - of tlto, •. county `rind -have-attained enviable promixionice. in the- manufacture of: that • dressy garment, DETLOR"& Co word very busy:all. eening. 'their long Tango of counters wasa perfect panorama ,of over. 'changing - :ambles' of . dress goods as the demands and. tastes of the nuniorons:.custonsers were being' gratified. •Tho iuillinery samples were of the latest and the • assort-' meut varied as a cell at •tho..estab- 1'ishincint Will show. .Sod what this firms say in ad' e1tiSillgcolunlns,' 1eTniloo bits •sold his: half in- test -ill .else 11' a batn' oatmeal mill to Win. Clegg, for 111,800. \[t. Clegg takes possession of his interest about the 15 inst.: lVEr. Mol idoo is; disposing of alihis proporty and cf. foots in Wingbaln, it being his iiiten' thin to go to California. nFormerly, �Ta r Cent, Less �n Pr1ce � . 10 Pe _ Wo are allj working for`tlle almighty dollar' and shrowd people who irlayp looney' nowadays are just. the Ones who As 1 c H BIJV AND 8ELLFOR The people who havot9nu1e money during the last years have follow- ed this irin t llo in still their transactions, and we want to. demonsti its to ort i cl +,� the `people how tinny Can inahe money by paying Cask for their Clothing.. Our prices are tut to the vory lowest notch, but we must have the Cash, • . as rye are not able to do a credit business. —o -- See our Halifax Tweed Suitings. See our Canadian Tweed Suiting:. Tweed Su'tih :s. • See our_ Scotch Tw �, g , • See out -English -Tweed Suitin s. g AT Lowest Living Prrc s Fo Y cash. - Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. Of Hamilton; Ont., are. the Manufacturers of este •groateet healing and purifying Compound kno,vn ter Sores, Burns, Outs, Scalds, Salt 1ahouan, Prost ante% etc. It is stated AloUregor& Parko's Carholiu Cerate. He stiro and get the genuine McGregor 1 Parks's Carbolic Curate sold by yuar, druggist at no. a bole. 385 -it BIRTHS. COLBOItNI3.-On the 15th coo Oo lorit'h , '1'(1., en the 76 last.. the wife of ,lir. John"Colborne, of .tt sort, • 31.1.ItiIsialGES, 1811B11, -•-dl'I:CIC'C'.-AtSeafoa•f11, en the Otli dist., by th.c Roy..t1tn 13role7, harry W 1"isiiet•, to Miss Ginnie Specht butt: of Clinton. Y[SNl �1` YAC C'.--ln Cinitsn, in alio reit: rust, at the yuridtitaeo of tiro brido'a • firtittdr hy the Itev. John Gray, tit•. John Wise, tiodi'rieb tott,•tiship, to" MO: - bit.; youngest tlauglat.ee of Iltnry Stepp, • eance e t .*. .* * '.% re :l ave '' jest . .received our l'alst consignment of:SPRING, 4.1 to _.'ClintonGOODS alicl�li�ould;say' :tl the peopla•of •ithat a finer :assortment of goods for:; . WEAR cannot :.be ,found outside the cities.. We pride out' - 'solves -in carrying the LATEST, STYL] SANT ,P.:.1.1'F1t .S OF GOODS in the mtirkot. Iu SUITING • r - We )scree all snakes and shades: in Fine -Worsted Suitin ., 5r:otcll.-' 'i aced, Banockburn Twveed, l{alif'ax and Canadian. : We have .ouo of the. largest tangos in these -lines that )las' over been laid Word tlre:llulilic; , a 1 • In this departmentwe have all thio iiobbyshades for Spring . wear. ','here is nothing tlmt is as useful as a nice •SPRING' OVERCOAT, The, style for; this: spring is the long roll, fly front, sack, ctivorcoat, with silk hieing:; In this department We carry a nIost' beautiful -range., ..The loading styles 'for spring •wear• are: Stripes, both wideand'. barrow. 'We have•thein in all nsalees-French 'Worsted, West • 'df England and Canadian.. . *Aar 'Co the slirmial and'oeonoinical buy of we, would invite an inspectioIn of orlr goods. We can say without doubt that We carry the finost selected .stock of Goods, and •, • Our Prices are Lower Than the lowest. Wo will not bo .undersold and know it. Please call and inspect our stock, and. get prices before purchas- ing olscivhoro. • No trouble to show Goods. • ae� THE H it Ct0'l.'.1llEfl , TI REE BOORS WEST OI' DIOL SO S BOOK a TORE