HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-14, Page 7SPAPER LAWS
WI 0;11tIt p t .tttoution nt Post
11 letters atilt suns:gibers to the following
tyiMpsis or the newspaper 151191—
' I.—A pogrom -der ti required to give
Amble nv 1,10:rrint (returning a paper •does
Ma, answer the law) when a sitliseriber does
t•ot tako his pope! (Uit of the Mites, and,
Itate the reason for its not heing taken.
Any inia•lect to ilo so makes the postinasto
responsible to the publishers for payment.
-lf ailv pen,•111 his paper ills -
!potholed, be most pny all arreatages, or
the publisher may eontinito to send it
t is ade, and collect the
/-11•Ifliole amnion. whether it he taken front
the ollice nr '111ere .'nn no legal
41.tm,ontilkon.nre until tbe payment; is made.
:1:---4tny person who taltes'a,paper front
the post-nfIfee, whether, directed, to 11114,
onme nr another, 41' Mc-111'11ff 1.10 bait$1.1b••
1111'ibed 011, !Int, is responsible for tbo pay.
• 4-11' a subscriber orders his paper to
Irippett at a certain time, mill the publish-
er combines to send, it tko.subseriber• 114
•hound to paylor it if be.takos it -ant or the
trnst-olliee, Ili is proceeds upon tile ground
,„Onit It man must pa.v for what be uses,
P P. P.. ,1
ooriri Iti GOilerioli
11' 1.1)e :Z110%10101%11' silth,gn neivspaper 10113-
• Itsher sne(I nw'p,t.itor lamer, The defend-
• 4 1114 iiitittetetl'intYllig.ea tile gronnd that he
had ordered a proprietor -.or the
tiller to disroutimie it. The Judge held
that tha•t was irot ft V111 IA flofellee.
•14411 1 11; OM inesent proprienw, li 1111 110
'tpltivo to discontinue anti ennsequently,
Noild,e0i1(;‘t, althongh it was tint denied
• that derepillint had initilled former 1110-
.1.rietor to discontinue. 111 "tiny event
dercnalni was Isinull to pay for tile time
he bad reecivati the paper- and until lie
110 111 all a rr-ars dile for silbseriPtion..
. „
TIIE WS1il3Ni.
Wender and alibiing, prophetic bone,
11%, milli 11 it the futiii e to ilivine;
lIerlatre -pink palm, th13 bit in my mini,
• 'fold the wisliand wisidrole' both wore
. • • ,
• r'tv hat ilia you ask Cori"- whispered '•iny
• E,se, • .
Look op siivly with eves 80 11'1111.
T wi ". I( a lleWoreil. ti I 11 Aqui; '1 nen,
"Tlic Wow 111 I win might 100k 141(4.2:you;
A frodcov.romith; and a saney look,
1,,r eyes as (1041314 as funk" lit nnk;
Rel-elleek CS 1111 1).$) a.seasliell's tint .
A nil pale brown hair with a golden glint; .
'1 14E1101.r, that my future wife' may lin
• ' on, I kV14)1113 R *tn. null only
-Iv 1 ii.rinv her Nee bonny brtsast, 41111 said, .
"f811't it ftinnyt that•too," •
)31'011 4D UR TORY-‘6•REA I/En S
• . "I 1e positiy/ilynnglects .yop,
• N.41111ia3-1 Wunder you:stand: it:"
•".1 love hint so, Lena ,. • • .,••
• Lena • Blair. -,tiniched 'the •. light-
brOwn bait of her brothei.t'S betroth-
Oksl.. very temierl,y) but eshade,.of
annoyance erosied her (BM, haughty
num.. • .
"Ycin love him far too 'Well,
olio," she said, rapidly. , "If •yint.
• WOVC not so willing V) accept :my.
sort of treatment from- him,' .1.'111.
• sure he'd not itet 113 lie does. Now;
. last night at The. hop 1 SSW' ,70111.
• pretty eyes;turu toward.:11int Where-
• ever die wits•-•-•-atid wasn't v,er,y
• near yon often ;1ootiet1 that,'• too
of the inOst transparent devo--,
'lion. Why didn't 7011 SJas• heWas
doingl He was deep in ..ri flirtation
With Nell Glynn.. Why.didn't 300
try the same , itninsementl ' You
• might find it as -pleasant, as he .
ur.seeined' to ; flit) (1. • Olen •floy Loon
tried to be civil to -yon, you actually
• snithbed. Min! ' Oh, you ' little
noose I.' So long :AB yon -submit. to•
' 'this sort of thing, se long will- you
• find it•continue4_ YOU are too Dai-
wa, dear.• I alit 811r0 y011.110V0V Sity
4' • •
wotd to Jtck about all his
tion, do' you,„ Nannie,1" • *, '
.4, • T1ie7pretty .gray..eyes fell,. and it.
• flickering e,olor, sweet as, that of tile
wild primrose, cmile, and.. went in
• Nannie May's cheek. • -It Was a vory
'dainty and. floweralth Taco- that
Jmua watched so closely, yot*With • a
-t13uc1i--pf-hnp14t.io1ce 111. ber own
dark eyes, • - •• • •• •
"I couldn't say anythinpd•tmpleae-
lint to him, Lena," soft13-;
'•itml 1 ant sure he loves Me best. al -
"Of course ho. clok; but his 000-
4 11)01 sametimes pains you. know
it does." , • •,
Therewas a slight -contraction of
the low, white ioreheitil, and a sud-
den quive5 of the tips, as• '
they said, simply: •
"SOMeg111(380' 111011 • 1110' added,
hastily : 'he down%
inean to make lite miserable. He
does it all in thongliblessuess, Lena,
"Then it's about tint 1,041.01.101t
him to eonsidor a little. 7 Your
. Patience Will make a confirmed flirt
of him:" • •
# •
• "Wlirtt can 1. do T neYer could
• roturel Nvith Jaek, • 1l would kill
, ino, Lena, if spoke •to him at ail
oti this "subjeet, I know I would
And then ho would kiss yen,
1 and mil you 111114' 41I1 ,jealcus
out reason; •and .you Avould ask his
ordon : and• be e•onlit flirt 1001.0
tit tit over."
"Well, what is there for ute to
"414ke hint jealous,"
"I• never .eould ; 1 am noflirt,
and .1 love Jack toaWPJ.l to• make
him, miserable."
"And jack ought to love you too
Well to WiLlit to You miser-
able." •
"Ho dosen't•think."
"Then teach him to think impa-
tiontly ; "I have a plan, Nannie,
which will Work splon1dIy3, if yoll
Will vitt 14 in- execution.. Situdy•
Alitlersoit comps hero to-morrrw,
Yonitatiw.bim?".. , .
"Oh'vory well indeedi ITO is
au 011111.10nd, in fact," •
".Well, a secret: Ho 18—is 'my
lover, We are betrothed."
"Lena, dear I" with girligi delight.
•"1•uover suspected ! Let me kiss you!
Does Jitck law w 1" •
"No, you eh ild 1 • Po yon'forget
the •old feud between them, since
une-1, forgot the other
good_drubbing at college? And
Jack isn't to know just yet, either.
told you S-mily comes here fo-
morrow, Let tne lay my pan be
fore you, and sue /If -there isn't More
•the comic than tragic ,-in my
They were walking slowly along
13,1101); wit,iiti sight .ot thehotel
nt• 'guests '; both
were • with their pprents at Atlantic
(,)ity,... spending .11 very delightfol•
unitner by "the. sitd 'sea waves," .••
Jaek 131eit . had joined -the • party
two iveeks before, and still b.:ta four
weeks left of the .vacatiou'. given
hilli generously by his senior .part-
ner in the Baltimortibank,•
The' two' trills talked for some-
time, apt when they iricl'finished,•
both were • laughing heartily:
While their faces 'were lyetilimpling..
• with . mirth., they 'came „suddenly
. up -on ft 09111110 sitallp,'"011 .811.11(.18.,
iu ill o very .agreeithle-,to them.,
.depthsof an animated conversation:
'They had a huge 'light '$nushaile
ever thein.:; and the young man—
none oilier than jack. 1)1'tir
—Wasqllik pronounced in his
desire to• protect ltis cOmpanion'S
complexion from the.sini ; he
•was indristriously swa,ying. ft .grent
f111.1 -.TO 1111i1 fro,--q-itite.'.--noar-,111-: far
almogt teilderly..near the"pretty,
netuletit pink and •wilite• Awe. of
Ne I I . Glynn, .saul. to., be _one: -of the
.most. Unsernpulons 101131. -i-ndristri3k8.
of .11irts, and dataittly- e aj ying •
sojourn beside. the' ocean. ' •••
• Lena anil Nannio nodded to them%
and passed on: Lelia lanothed 311187
able sense of injury upon him,
stood moodily nem the doorwa,y,• •
altlionglt Miss. Glynn had sent, a
signal aorts8 the room to hint. •
As the hours Went on, he found
It impossible 10get near enough. to
Nowak: to say evenn word to ber ;
dill this was so unusual that he felt
confused, injured, indignant au
angry altogether:
Aliss May had certainly be
belle that, night, and Sandy Ander-
son hati been her constant attend-
ant. • •
'When Jack walked book to their
hotel with Lena he was perfectly
• ; and his sister asked him at
last bow Ito had liked. the.,,hop, •
"It was a beastly bore i" he said,
half s ivagely,
"Didn't‘o,Nitunics look lovely?"'
she pursued, ••
"Ask Anderson," was the civil
answ.er. *"1,1e never took his .eyes
off -her 011 nidlit," • ••• •
. "I don't think he over elred .for
anyoue else," Lona said, unbl•ush-
lugly. pity the poor follow I", •
And Jitek tugged very savagely
.at his moustache.
The- following morning,. •d irectly
after breakfast, be was standing- on
the terrace, when •Nantiie aud. Mr --
Anderson crossed it on their way to
the beach.. •
•• •
• They did:not return Until. hutch-
bour, • and lie noticed how bright
and pretty..the.girl looked, inher
white -flannel dreas and broad sun-.
hat ; •a,utl he had been no more' par-
tieirlar ,about - the- preservation of
Glynit's • pomplexion 'titan
'seemed Sandy it,hont. his°. comnitn....
•••• • , ••
• •
In the 'afternoon they.---.Nantie
and Andersunl-t-Went driATilig on the
‘sainla ; in the evening, they sang
duets in' the parini... and . whon they
• tinialled, Joel: hearil picnic 'plan -
nod for tho followin,r7dity, to Which -
Sandy asked 1iss',May .if be might
-be 11411' 'escort, awl site soul ingl,y as -
stinted.• •
• TI en Jacklbeeitine ixfindiy; iusan o -
y jealmts, .and die sent Lena to in
duce Itis betrethed to go for a Writ
• on VIM terrace: • ..• • .
-T1e followed Lona aucl then, when
Jack lie(1. drawn her •atin ihrbugh
11 is, Letta left 4140114 and went in., alict
'Joel: • commenced Uptluiding his
pretty love, until he meltedher to
Aeare. • ••'
$trridY nun ie May WOuldnever
• have bezoine a, queon .0f :tragecly;•
ffl' she owned to, everythingthen
nlid .therei. and 'dried. her -tears 'ou
koircl bosom; and Slte eVoll
informed'hiM of his, sister's. engage-.
'nett, in her COD. i • •••
•"Lene 'thought .you neglected no
ftva that 1.took it too :meekly.; .so
sile• arranged: it. all," • she sobbed..
'She tbobglit yon.:niiglit not spend
so. innel'
l of tini.e.. with 'Misa
7(X y an , u.
yoknew how •bedly, I
about you doing ,so; . and she .
made. ihe tryfito,:rultke: yeti jealous.
,Brit you're not atigry,Jaelc1 •• You're
•.tiet angry. at .100' • ..?.• • • '
::-ifts auger did not•seein very . ter-
• •
• self," •lie.declared; •"and: I ril
forgiye':'Amderstin All.. old .-score8.
...11eql not-find...life fall of' 110W0TS if
he heceineS , ..brothor-in-law.
But, my. you ought it otte think
• of being..jeal,Ous of.Miss nor.
of anybody' elke„ there. islio;•girl in
'the ;whole world Sit sweet. • and lov-
'ableyourself;...and -even Lena -
'shall not say I neglect yon hereafter."
'And you're nut Joe:loos?' • •
"Of 4 :fellow like Ancletson't
Nonsense, dear!" . . • •• .
• • •13Ut• he had been, very jealous..l
•• N V,.11,..1SaN)•18'ItATBS.
chievously, . •
• ,"Stilke eneli. an 'altitude .5010e
tune for his benefit," she said, 'an(1
bittAhed a deep' nil,: but
• smiled a -little' 0.180.
.. ,
• Tho next evening there was to be .
il pleas,aut • Jail). at . a 'neighboring
• hotel, and Jack -had .promised ,to...-es-.-
cort Lena anil,Nannie.,..i ...• . ., : •
He was waiting for, them, iis• lie
bail promised :on .. tlifi tirk;10q,, 'it' hen':
his sister approaohed him i alone.• '
.... "Istet.Nannie .5-:141.17 1" he asked:
. .
f 'Ever:0)0(1Y has gone, ;. • 111 i8s. .0, 1 y nit •
'end her mother. went half an hoer .
ado." •• • ' • . •
0 .• •
..,"And Nonni° 1404, been
move 'than hilf au hear," Lena res-
ponded easily. . . - . . .. .
"Nith lio.r mother,1 I tindertoocl
that Mrs, Aray .W'l4S not going." ' ••
. "Sim" is in the *parlor. •Nannie
went with IVIr. Anderson." •
. .
..;Jacic stared.
• "Slte was to go with us." ..
" told you so,, but I wa8,-mistalc-•
.011; • y0.1.1 • 8C07--'---W.Li • will be late,
jack 1" '' • • ' ' .• , • ' .' .
. Jack. offered his arm, and led... his
.SiSter. 410.90 the ' terrace Und.. along
1110.8ailds4 looking iftrifle.greive, •
.:# ".Neanfie ' will be 'Lilo • belle . to -
'night, I'm positive," 'Lona, contin-
u oil, cheerful ly, • "Silo lookedbeau-
tiful in• a thin. white dress, with
pearl's on her arms. • if .1 were. you.
Jack, l'il ho it, .. little bit•• afraid..
Yon ace, Sittury-Anderlion 71184 ad-
mired Nimble a • lung .time, 1tiril•-11e.
is 86 handsonie—rather handsomer
Than you are, my dear, brother."
' "A fop and 'find aiiioll" Jack Ox-.
claimed tlisi4ustetlfy 41441 1' Oild only
. , f 4 .
StiiiIMI. • . . . .• , •
' ney were late, .11114 falillti t110
floor tilled with wall:mils, • ' ...
• While tlitiv'stoott watcliinef the
circl ing eon pl ets, Nann ic floated by,
light as a..seidtse, 'fair, as,:.fi 1lo(rer--L-
11 0 Itl. • by tinnily Anderson, wit Oile.
head 1.13118 bent—rather too tenderly,
it seemed to J Ault—over the fair one
of the girl, ..
She Ivits smiling shyly, and, AK
hal' OyOS Illitt I,11 040 of her betrothed,
she flitshed, in what stritek ' hint as
being it very guilty manner.
Then 1 1,11i-ictir6r Wn1 1 Ara 14 Ict tbein
'and Jack,• 'With a most imam:until-
. A very stringent „Lit -liter .,41.01; was
'rei•l.a second tiiiteln .the lioliSe of
Alaembly.' last: • evening without,
division, • The' meastire -forbids the,
issuing of any bid hotel, shop. and.
wholesale licenses and, the foes. for
these are $260, tif..300 and re-
spectively. --Hotels-will not be Per-
mitted to havo bar,' imi I 1 i quor'is
to be. sold only to, bonei fide giteAtS
'anti '10dgerS at the .table and in
• qinintities not, 'exceeding ti'ile.quiret..
Liquor ,sold ,ju• shops-, is not. to • be.
(11..111114 on the premises, -and. to. be
sold quantities not less than one
pint,. 011 move than, two gallons.
The wholobtio liecnse,an4liorizes the
sale quaniities execeding • ttoo
gallons and not less tlitin one. dozen.
ginu•t bottles. The At places. 1.110
authority to issue 1 i•eonses with the.
Connell of each district, -to one,„or
more inspecters to im appointed by
00011 • Uttl111Ci 1 • i0 liTet proper 01)-
aervitneo of the law. IleavY pen-
nIties itre provuled, not only for
vielation of the Act, hitt upon any
hotly who knowingly Permits il 'egad
selling of liquor. In (lohut11 of
payment of fines intprison•ment is to
impostid, rind • the holder of it
, 'cense who commits a third offenee.
1 forfeits rieenie i'or three years. •
6,01) ABOVT Vitt 1"131if, OF. TON NIIIST
DitV,SADN. -
During V, Cameron's "magni-
ficent" speech in the. Holum on the
fitte. of poor "inintyed:"Itiel he dub -
1 Sir John Mciluuald the "Orange
night of tim 8(30,110t -aorta." If
this title means. anything, it is not of
it 41 IshonOrable uattird.: 'Mid though
1,11e order is not ,of,so ancient date as
the order of . The (h411t1 01088 of
with. Whose insignia. Sit
JOlitt was decorated by Her Majesty
80111(7. time ago, iis .origin .eqrialty
as honorable.. - The Grand. Cross of
1341514, 411; honor never.: before eon -
'feat d on any 'colonial. i [stet) 31141
its. history may be interesting. -
RInights 'of the 13ath are a military,
order,. sapposed to have originated-
At.the time .of the first ernsado, but.
first distinctly. mon•tioned in the :
reign ,of Henry IV,- .groissart says
that at the, coronatioi. of that king
in the. tower., of London in 1399
forty-sii.esquires*were made knights,
and wore called.knights of' thellath,
because they had watched and bath.
ed during the night preceiling„ and
they Wore on the.occasion long coats
trimmed with white fur, arid had
white laces hung; abaut their should-
ers. From that time it was usua1.
for kings 'to..create lc:nights of the
Bath at the cuilniation of themselves
or their.quoena, the birth Or nriiir'-•
age or patios. dr princesses,. Upon.
the CVO. •Of 1.11:011: fOreiga
ilitry: • GX ilt1118, • after
'. battle or .taking •14
town. .• At the c,Ronation of•Chivries.
II,..sixty-eight knights. of the• Beth
were made; but the order was then
negleated and 'discOntinned, till in
1725 George I. revived it by letters
'patent.. 'Ho g.tiVe book of statt!tes
fot its government, by .whichlt was.
decreed that the order' should con-
sist a Sovereign, a grand team
and_ ,,,comr)janiens, Its.,
'badge, of .pure.' gold, w,as to be
seepter of throe united imperial
crowns, from .ivb ieli
the thistle' and the shantroek • and
aroundwineh,WaS inscribed the an-
lent-Motto,"'Trilt June 1,
11511348 to,be hong by 11113(1 sbon
• t'roni Ow -collar obliquely over the'
fright.shouliler. The.. collar should
contain thirty oitnces trey weiolit of
gOldottid" be a • Coinj.ilicatO 'arrange::
.Ment, of niliecro Wus and .cig roseS,•
..thistles, rind shartireeks,' the letter
boinwenainelc14 in their,ProPer
ors arc attachedto the crown by gold
, .
..kito LS 'CliamelettwItitb. A silver n1-
50' logdo ,to•resenible 'the- badge', ands
With. a glory • of rays proceeding trent
its eenter simuld•••intern".,tite, left
'shoulder o'f..the knight, being ein-•
iraterecl• ripen the left side of his
. Tha.apparel of it• knight of
• was -Ordered • to: be
811113011t, lined and edged:With White:
and oticiroliki by a White.' girdle, -a •
• etilllS011')IISIAk lined with 'White. and
fastened. Sliont the neck with a.• cor-:
tion.O.f..white.sillc,• a white silk..lint
Surtnotinted by • pilundfi of white'
reatherli', White boots, rya 'stockings.
and breeches,•and a sword- in a i ttl
leather ' scabbusl. ...•• 18U) , the:
:nunthe'r of the knights of :the:
dttlargod: Tte denominutionS'
• .and.ranks Were then ordidned In the
order, the first eangiStin.ci ofkiiights'
grand crosses, to be conferred:. only ;
upon -officers who had- Ter:Chad the
rank of major -general. in the tunny of
rear, admiral in the naliy,. excepting
that tWal re Of the. number inight,lle
• tiP p ei tad 'for •mitinent civil services.'
e gran d crosses Were d iatin gaished
,by wearing over 'their b nip- and;
star , wreapli of laurel 'winding:
about.'an .eserot, on, which was limo -
;acct., "Ieb. -clieti•."' :Tile •seCond
0111$A, 06118'14h -4i of knights common-,
take precedence of all knights
bachelors in the' 'kingdom, :and no
bile is eligible to a 'grand cross 15111
ho first.been a Commander. The
third ..class, Consisting: of knight§
'companionA..takiis precedence of all
'esqn ires. in' the kingdom, and no' of
deer is admissible ta this diguity
who has net received a Inedal in re-'
ward for valor, Or boon especially
• mentioned EIS. Of signal: merit in 'the
dispatcheilofitig %wafer office. •
• StitOrday afternoon Mrs. Ilstrv,ey
Sent of West N issna 14, dropped dead
while. Idling a kettle of water lrnin
the stover Coroner Nitirray, of I'llorn.
chile, viewed the body, and replied
that death was caused by be,art dis•
• eq., •
Three assemblies of file knights
rif Labor htiv, been organized in
• Loudon since jaauhrv„ iptiking six
• now in existence there A. seventh
I was in progress of 0rgirliiktii011 Wilk)
I It. Was 0444(.1')'0 41111t 110 more 1111-
44111. it., • `ritincntS bee rilft4 08-
riteltlblifoc 11 r1,1 a trades and 'labor
eau nel
IIl(l1. I r s
. •
St. Patti Clitirch.initerri.iss on Sunday at 11 I
3h40l, 11430(4,441, IL"'r;A„(.71:iriv21„1,4,1,14,80"Vg
SKr. 1111.11,141 Ottani. h. Itertor
11 ittottlittry Street Betliorilst.-Sert Ice!. at 10.86
a. In. 411(1 7.60 p. Sabbath 8411031 at 2.50 p.
m. IlsY. Mit. litranT, Paeltoe.
Canada Presbyterian.- fiery ices et 11 non en!
4,80 O. to, Sabbath School, 2.00 Ar. 111. Ithv
tax. 81144 ART, 41015013.
111.00:310.11.7).8001f0p0,41N01.0tist()1(11117! fisegoi(017 5a.18010.111)?ne.1..
net', Of, W. kir4(11,1V0, ['Astor.
Daptit.t. Olitirch.---Scrrive at 6.80 11. in. Sao
lath Schott, 2.101 u. hay .1.44(1.813, 11aSt01.
. _ .
• 5DE.1\1"1',IST,
•rte of Toroutl. Ironer Graduate ito3941Collegg
of Dental Surgeons,
Coat's Bleak, -
&II Work Ileg,istored, Charges MOderate,
(AR. RBEVE. Office -,`,Palace" Briek BIQA,
Ratteribury Street, Residence opposite the
Temperance Hall, Unroll Street. Coroner for the
County of Iferoo. Oniee hours 1401118 :tap. to
p. 111.
. • Clinton,. Jan. 14; 1881. 1-y •
MANNING ai worr,
Ets.r,fores Bum . eLmroN
money to Loam .
'A TT. -.0.txxixe.
A. .
• Public, .
()Ince, Sca,Ott's Block, Al bort:•st.,
• Toronto Agents :. ;Messrs. • NicOorthY, Wort
Ifeskin flr6elnian.
asr PitivArs F.1,1xtxt To Luxe at,lowe"t rate's of
interest; 861
ONAGER & Nrowrox, Ilarristers, , nod-
and Winglatin. C. Seeger, Jr., Ooderieh.
J. A. Merton Witighami 1-I,y. • •
niAVISON Joirlslro.*; Law, ttlaureeily;nnit
• 0611voyancing. .0tike4-, West street, •flon.
apei to, roat.otnec,••oetiorich, pa. • • 87. •
. . • ,
D T A YS , Solicitor. •&v. Office, V011.1 AT Of
I 1, Square Ivo west, street, over Kutler'w.B0O14-
•itore, coderich, Ont. .• 67.
• gar Money' to 'cod id; lowest rates of interest.
poory to Pod.
v." It.' POW1111.1 , Banister« setiv`ter,ete...
:1m.y Sealle'sBlock) Chinos
• •
ONEY to lend in large or email sums, an
good mortgages ur personal security, to
the lowest current rates. 11. DAT P) Ifuromst.,
Chnton, Feb. 26. 1861. • , 1.1v.
. .
1DRIVATN FMCS to le»d ToWn and Farm
4, property. 414,4 to
°Rice, Elpott's Bleck) Op stuirs,Ifuron.St.
Jneorporatety/y Aet Of Parliament, 1865
CAPITAL,• •- $2,000,000 '
„ HEAT, • $500,000
Head Office, - MONTREAL.
J. II. It, MV1,80N, Vice Pt esident.
F. WOLFE itSTAK T110111AS, General Mahagei. "
Notes tlisepante41. Colleetions made, Drat 18
Issued, Sterling .and Aineriean ex- .
change bought and sold at low-
est euri•ent rates: •
AT 4 Pea Nair. A 1.4.031,130 ON DEPO'erf
171.A.M.M1R.S. .
510111V 11,01111c011 tunnel -eon their own notes
with one or more endorser8. No mortgage re-
quired as soeurity. •
11.0, BREWER,
Fe'bruery 1884; .•c.t.ixTrm
. ,
fkiLIN'rON Lodge,' No'4, A.111. g, A. B., •
L./ moat. every Friday, after the ful
Moon. brethren cordially invited. •
J. It011'NG, 41. J. 4A•LLANDE,11, Sso
Cliriton, Jan. 3.4, 1881.• 1.
L,. 710,,
NfeetS encoyn •Aloniley of every -
roorith. Hall upstairs; opposite •
the 'll'Orrir 111411. Visiting brethren
=VA: /690•IthyNt made welcome- '
• . T11 ERD1'. W. IT.
13. MOODY, Sees. T. D. 00111ENTr,
tor ,Ola or.to Xtt,
• CAMPION, Barrister; 44400i 11(1101111
1.11,. 'Chancery,. rAin re,5lin ver, &e: one 'over
Jordan's Orng SO51'0,4110 'MOMS • fortnorly octal -
pied by Judge .
gig- n .• (410 1)1114 043 4440)10) tO lean at 'lowest
rates of .in torus)... • • .
• Alvttonceriog. •
; H.' W. BALL •
UCTEONKElt for Hilton Countv. Sale; ut.-.
tended t)
ii'on • 'tof..43 C '
tiis orders oColt4tglI•tit.
1.1,13! ILl'ON,
('05(011 111141, land, loan iind insnrAirre agent
• 1• 16%;4:10o3r86s;iii!lie'
low rates of irtercst, .Insurance effected on all
Matttos of property . • Notes.mitl• debts collected.
Goods appraised, and 1.1o1d 11 commission. Bonk!
• rtipt.stooks bottgl.it, ittid sold.
l)eq. 16,1880
• .
Veterinary .Surgeon,
rtiadunte of the Ontario Veterinary 'College, To;
(onto, litring opened int °nice in Clinton, Is
• prepared to' treat all diseases Of de1110:141o'
• animals on the rirogt modern prin.
'el plot. Alf operations 14, 4143,1 Ily
performed, 11)111 1344114 prompt-
ly attended to by da)' -or
..1110t. Fees imaterate
• OrPler.,-,,lst 'door. 'West of ICon-
•* nedy's Hotel, Clinton, 0141. V-1
• -Ph3toir 4
Life Size Portraits a Sneeialty.
Clinton NIarble Works,
H. 0O,OPER, Jr.,
•.1144n1)fac4tirer of mkt, ((0,41013 1141411 kinds 11)
f6rb1e & Gran iA for Cemotory
' 'Work at lignites filet defy.compepition
A hm inantifietnrer .the Celebrirted
AttrwtorAn .t4roxe lor Iluilding per -
Eases and Cemetery SWerlt, 11311 1114 1)1)181
,811111 to 1 i" t 1, All wiik
tO 1.11V4t 81)1 14(3111111)1,
Int:s retrieved his
• rIA 1)31 1'411l-$.&1,11 011. IV ttio.NT:-..rrhat 9111
able ftrrui composed or lois 20 and (10,1101), C,
I (1ltott, 210 iteres,,0) 11116 150;0040s ,are. Cleared,
balante good hardwood bush Bearing • orchard '
of tbree acres. Orditic* (15(0111)»? house ; goOti
frame -barn and othar on 0111114bl 083.. !arm.. is..
well•watored, end situated about 5 ,miles awn
the Town of labium. Terms easy. , Apply • to ,
NI. NItiTnflo ART, Clinton. 8138•t43
1.7 0.1.114ANTI 1/1313 1300 SA LE.--Seing.lot 25,
Minsky Ctreet in the 1111.1.AG1i: OF DIATII.
Tho 11 131110 of (1,0, 13091 eligible building sites -
In Cho village and lots a good house, stable,. heft..
cl'N', good hard • 811(1 soft Water tu)13 orchard on
the premises. Apply to. A. 0. VAN' KO310N1),
olithe 4444 1)111138. • • , 1111.280 • •
. 1 RitUding hots frhnting on .Albert Street; albo
tufo :fronting •op Itattenbery tttreet; either eh
Mee 04in separate lots, to snit purchasers: Iota
further Particulars apply tol8,h1,de1'si51a1.d.-
1)081.KY, Clinton. • • • 382 •
.. . .
-E-1, rr you nav.000ns- on. CROCEItY Nitsi.
12 ness, in good order; only been in uee tw 0
seasons. Apply ter. • •• .
. • .• lt, COATS &SON.
• (Iiilton, 543111-6)1 2141), 1885. .4,...:-.- 881 '.
. .
rp TIE lid er,igilea otters for sale hislionse,tiol
Lot on queen street, Clin'1
ton,• 'lle house Is'
newly !mat ; six rooms; three upstairs and three.
(700),)I) had owl s.oft 51(act ;, good dollar." Situate
in ' rriand
.(111:( healthy loentitY1 Terms easy.
Apply.ou the premises br address Clinton P 0..r
027-11 • •JOBII CIA 11AMNE1(
1,1ARM Fall SALK.:-That very desirable him
U in colborne township, contitY 0) 0)11011, bo-
lo.); . composed '6f portions of block 0 and 1.1,
'Western containing 220 floret:4 411)0414 28 .
aere3 bush. lapd 'balance cleared ; Way and
stmdy bruit land, Spring creek rtnitling throUgh
the farm. 'Dwelling And ont buildings oh the -
Premises. The 'whole or part • will he sold on "
ti bent!. tOrin ApplY personally or • by letter to
WNL •WELLS, on- the premises, or . to 11E811Y
'WELLS, Saitford P. 0., .01it:• 370,, tlin"
von nil:We:Jill° trick gore 8 Seario'ildoeii,
U opp• site' the Market, lately occupied :try
notz a Co. Ite goodsetere. Tiro, prenfises
Aro neW and well fitted up, with' collar full sike,
also largo 1)1)003 1141 81144r1, with good entrance., „. • ' =
splay to W, ,snainx, Olinten. 261)))•
liNWELLING•upstairs pre- . • •
11,1,1,34011 Albert street 'over store, comprbi-
tag seven rooms. Appry to 'N. HOBSON, 1158,4f
1300T 86 MOE STORE
Ordered Work
A spaciALTY,
R EP A -1-R 1 N G
Promptly at tedded .10.
• 11. EA COM
EO, POTTS, House, -
e.d.nomog ogivima, !mann.
. $Ib3l,,it Virlor to too '(1.4Y)) Oen, wi(er() Ponce /lama no ?tut, littiewsiwitio pow, d
Ire invites tiiti anti new ;moor., to •t74 tO "2" school ineafkants 41 sPeNelte- -14'41b,r
14 Itivo dolt Altavo Out no 011101• hair 113 "(Ow" °Iittra."tml d"a f11.(Ps.1I'814 r.te 041"'s
rAtiost ten et toy,' katr-i-cittirg, . • Row( nep mroet,(Li.NYV.V... .;03.61.,;