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The Huron News-Record, 1886-04-14, Page 5
Pan au allowance for board 1 The Dominion Act rectifies these out- t goof s clauses by, pnttin4 all on an equal 'footing fend •is .Haus' by all odds the most liberal measure of the rive. AN ILI."irA t'ED JI O or. 1 Huron mala wont to . Dublin last Saturday, and inveated in a gal- tt ion of old rye, which lie put into a jug, Being -of a modest •disposition ire dill not caro about carrying the jng along .the' street without some kind of concealment. So be •put.it in an ancient valise and •sat out, -ac- companied accontpanied bya friend,for the station. ° Just as the coaple arrived tliero the • • ]handles of the "giip't • gave way and • down it come, smash on.tho ground. The IIuionian picked it up •and was horrified to find that the jug had been broken by the shock, and his precious whiskey was: anointing the sidewalk. Ito • dashed along 'in Wont of tllo`stationArid a number of unsympathotie boys' struck 'up .a chorus of "flow are you 'Huron -7'. "What about the Scott act1"' and other equally • unfeeling remarks: The Flnrouian looked •sadly on' the. (•se,:tping whiskey, and Ooze was an Et tn, brute,. expression iii liis•eyes; as ho turned .them • reproachfully on his" friend, wlho, ovi(lontiy not at all anxious to lir, identified ns such, ]offs t acing a greater 'interest in' the 'tops orthe surrounding bnihlings - than i n kis mishap. The Hitroni in seen] 't•tf to fell all thin keenly, and there were teals in his voice when he.Snkil 1'1 wouldn't care t:o.inlieh if it 'flus. Was fur myself; but it's for Jini i4l --r alit] another gallon will cost's 'rife $l.5a." He, however, brac('d up•anti $l ruck the back; trae•k to: the grocery on tlie double ands it is to be • ]toped that Jun got his whiakeyafter . • ull 1. A '1'h.NANT AND FENCE MA'1 J'at',IAL.• Chs foilowing' gutistion and ans- • swer appeared in the 'London ,Free 1'rr •.s of Monday last :. . A hail •a farm rexttesl, and (Luling his tenancy pxit fence on f•Ilrm, ,tllvitling it into two fields, at his own. expense. and f'or his own con vonience.'. B rented farm front.C owner. an A reluove fenee2'.Or would he 'he liable to trespass, in attempting to do so, nowthat prop- Oily is in possession of tenant 134 1'f A cannot Ieg41in py'session: of fence has he recourse. against B, the 1l ('se1I, tenants, or againet owner ? Clinton, April 9,-188§.„TEN:iNT. ANsxrnz,._If the material for the fi•nces WAS Supplied by .A• h0, would have dazing his •tenancy 1' perfect' right to remove thein ;: and on de wand and . refusal. to deliver the rnaterial.could•maintain an action ngainst•Bfor detaining t]ioazmo • •Mr. JtimesDodd left hereon Mon. day afternoon for Manitoba;. • Mr. E. ]Watson'our: prominent cattle buyer shipped soine very fine cattle from this station on • Aionday. 'Miss- Jane N•cCreight left. here on Monday to spend: a • fery days with her sister in Seaforth. • Mr:.John Colclough, of Bramp- ton, .paid a' visit to his friends hero • this week.' • • • lR • • The. Temperance ' mooting in the. hull on Sundtywits larger' attended. :Miss Edith Dantean presided at -.the • organ. ... Mr. ''John Jniigh returned from Michigan, • Ito. reports having wit-• aimed .some very severe . storms while away. ; We are pleased to see Tarr. Thos. •llawden able to• go to work again, having been laid up, for some time with a very Pore habil Mr. 11'. Solvers, our, thrrl'bntcher, opened outs -last Saturday in' the ' stand lately occupied by Afr. 'A: Taylor; He has sec:lrod•• the; able • assistance of Mr. Jabez' Walker. 7 Success, Richard. Mr. J. T. Carter carne home' from. Manchester spring siloly with a first prize .for his roadster,-"1Kentucky Star," baying competed with five ' other horse's. in the sable class. John is oft' for Wingham °on Wednesday, where he expects the same leek. The ladies of our villn;gel were specially invited to the spring open- ing of :Messrs Anderson & Elder's millinery department on Saturday, under the Fin poll' ira}on•of?lies Herd. Some of the ladies better o!i"yivor:Snt 401 httives will bo specially in -itd to, foot the hill's M, some Watt date; Wal. I)rnnunon11, Esti., was np for trial het'oro Mi'ssrs Kelly arid; Yon:1g .1r 11" ire n Sotttrdtiy hist on a' gi' tri lire liGlt of trust. `Matte .114 TO, THE FARMERS! auto your own interest trtld }lo whcte - you mutt get Reliable = : Raruess I trutufaeture none. hat the fesr or 6'roct(. Beware of shops that sell shoo, as thou have gist lice d'." Vail and get prices. Orders by until promptly attended to. lOIIrx IIARN1':sS Earo1111:M, RT Tit, B'lyih Pump Factory Jf1.11IE4 FEItGI'SO'V. !laving removed Ido hganetts to the pleonses for- merly knoWn as TICEMUUNTUASr14J+ would thank all old patrons for past foyers, find Is tit abetter position then eter to romptly 511 all orders entrusted to him. A stock of (40011 eiThILS on hand. Ordered work a specialty. Wo114 lug. -and completed on short notice. All work guaranteed, 1'rices,•easonAble -)r(lers by mail promptly attended to, 3$4 tf JAMES FTUC4USON.,lrlyth, Qno P. O'Rourke, Arr. Ctif; Elliott appearing for plantlltand Air. Proud - foot for tlefeudant. The lxlantit'1' stared that • previous to going to California, some two years ago, he had loft a number of notes amount- ing te mount-ing'to something over ai1,o9o• with defendant . for collection, In the eV ideitco it was -proved that' Mr,. Drummond had oollectedtho money and appropriated a portion of it to* his own 1180, securing Mr, O'Rourke, by mortgage on a portion of the lot 'adjoining Mr. Druinmond's store. °no'pleintifl' was not satisfied with the mortgage as i\Ers.: 7)rtunnlond's oriole}Was not in ilk and ...would not 'accept it, Renee- the eharge. The plaintiff stated •t hot ho had not(riven the defendant • authority 'to ns) said money ']till] clf,•..,bnt' on the other hantl,]1'Ir, Drummond prodne- ed a -letter showing 014110 plaintiff' gave hint power to .callect°and place Said ]honey 'ant on interest, taking m.ol't'gago for seine, and Air. Dram mond did so.• `After• hearing the: evidence the Nnoistla.tes'could . not agree. • The case camoup for hearing. again on Tuesday, , • .4; odcrieli rev lir. Gee, of iiay,held, anti lir Legear, of ' Ilomcsvillo • exchange pulpits next Sunday:, • Oonncillo :.Edwards j. eheson ' ie now able tolgetabout without aid of 'crutches or stick. But ho, was 'Wit ftp for several montihs l y reason 'broken leg. • • �S;tilxl iy some p ties of :'t• swot disposition, supposed to hail f Clinton, bo%1es1 ticiwn•sem e.m. 'sap in -the bush of Mr: Robt, •,A son. Otis Monday 'when' the, prietor' went to look 'for the di sacoliarins.liquid,. 111 found only traces oftalfy. .A yyoung'gentleman, 1esitlrng the Bayfield road, was at a' Salo town recently and purchased .so female attire. O't'coui�se there nothing wrong about that • things are new assuming a very aspect: Where. the Crinni ity of the of'ur' comes in is right here if.:ho; ptlrposesi taking ii hini'self a second wife: while the Our formal opening Oraxid Success. on •Saturday Was a ;splendid success iu every particular. It was admitted by the very largo number who paid us a Visit on, tlmt occasion. to be 7:h e Orczndest Das ..la o - Mihiner ., Fane &- fir..��, y ale• � � Gooa�s Ever exhibited in Clinton. Our Milliner De artmebt'is now in s p lehdicl working order .Anyore gi • ' Y p � � orders given wrili`bc attended to with the least possible delay and at .prices that distance all our competitors, Stock complete in ever.. department. ' See our Goods and compare prices. • l y l p —o state late JOHN HODGEN$ JOHN WI SEM, N, Mwictgger, 5. per cent off for Cash. OUR SPECIAL LE Is now in good,. Working. order and under .the rnana g ement • • 1i S DEARNESS who• -is 'so. favorably known • � �.avirn and. has been so p � .- successful in that de art�.ent � Which we : tai�nk is' sufi�.cien guarantee . , for . erfeet sat sfac•tion; We a te, { a ,,,Ypect10Y1. 0' •()lir MANTLE C (.ODS, ORNAMENTS, '&c. . of s veret: 1'e nl •lp]'e chit-' Illto ,'1 m0 was Haft Ser- ious gal-. oto hist 8c: met em- ast el 1,. Reeve of-- "ris; after council, rel, „the ,ie'. 'tCt. \eA' the 1'er conned school mil ( ;t0, 1'iirt by hn. be ( $at, road th 'and in il✓ .; 11: of I: of .. xll and 1t, lt, 'r it, eir er, fi rpt, of `l •tt Yet :lives: Hor,Mtrstxt.tn, April Sill, 1$ COUN C Ili ItI EI,,TIN ct.--,-CoUnCi I .1 pursuant, to' adjournment. - AL bers: •all' present: •Minutes of I meeting :road and passed. • Tho assessor' handed in his.,r which was accepted. Dr Ito was reappointed medical -health' fiecr: • Mr., • John McDonald, . 1 engineer,' was present, and making some stateineuts to' it Was, moved by 'John •Bosco seconder} hy.J. 11.•Ellio'tt, that i Tp.,`cngineer bent liberty; to employ a provincial surveyor when a rase any 'difficulty arises in the disehnl of bis. duties under the drainage. —Carried. • • Applications for collector of t�. were asked for, .'as agreed On p v-iously the reeve' stable—• that t. taxes must be' pii'id over to'treasu as collected; . so that the cone could meet its liabilities and sch trustees • meet, theirs. Tho coup and collector agrocd on this.coni• that has always been practiced. one person applied. - Mover] John McLellan, seconded b. .Jo Beacom, that Sillnnol• John, ten ciilloctor,—Carried. ; ' The fallowing accounts were pe viz., Thoinas Mtrrch, ,gravel in 1$ 75 ets.; George Hastings rep. ro .9:'L, between lots' 35 and 35 4 con., ,$ > ; ;l)r. Whitely, visit 'a medicine to, one Penn,'indigent, 1885;' $3 : ;War "office. - printing $14.85; Wni. ,r Patton, ;tempora repair of cnlvcrt S..L. snap 7th co $1 25 ; clerks to furnl:.hiva echo trustees with census of children school age, at $1 per school' sectio. Tp. treasurer, for stationery section postage', $5 ; Win, Collins, indigent, x,18.75;' Jose]']] :11ii}ler, ilidigei $18.75 ; Robert Bray, indiges �18. 5 ; nssrnsor, salary, i TO; .lam (Sallagher, for use of his scrhp 38c1a. The Co1I110i1 atl,;o'u'nett, to v again 011 Saturday the 29th IIry ]tfny, as ('onrt of IR.avision, • tl •►atlas P.tTTON', Clea THE DR, Y GOODS EP/WORM/hill EP/WORM/hillOF coNTON. - 1886. `Qn Frida arid Satz rda . April • t� .� 1„ �' 3�', � loth 817 The American e Latest� Ajy�e c Novelties • .. , BigPurchases sus of Tweeds at a :Discount of 25 per cent' New Prints, New osierd „,, ew Gloves New' Embr �'9 Gloves� Oiderzes,, New Ottoman and Satin. Mery Mantle Goods, Men's and,: EO-. Pp ring i ew 'S rin 'Hats, NewCar . • P Ot'SF TO i.ET,-Near corner' of Xing :and T-( C( Cutter stir et'.. Sent Lor 1 l t s t v. Al ply to F. R. '011HLIy Seticle'shlock„Clinton. 80 '. • C l\ro' . CLINTON. Vidor.) 64 r,o to `4• ro Pall 1{'liont, .=-U, i0 to .0 90 t1l.rhlg'11 at, - • '. tl 70, to 0 80 llarrey:. n 60' to o Os .Oath, -,. 0 10. to: p ;iP, .1,0,ts, 0 G6' to 0 66 Apples, (linter) per bb), , ' 1,OQ to r Lt potlttoea; 0 ;IC to 0 40 !lnttex - •.. - ' 046 .too '0 1!} i''og4i -' -' • 0 •0 to 9'1.1 [tat•,, , .. `. . • 8.6o to ono Pyik c 6 00. to 6 00 Odrawood, 8 oo to . 4 ro0 _ • ., 0o t0 0 00 wool . ., 0 17 to 0 17 ort XENT,-That nen.t comtortablcframa. , f residence on Mtery street, situate between. d,eslics cassia' -e she tend the ro fort' now maim o P e 1 ) ' .pl'ed'h} fir. Bohn Itohort4oni.corner Rnttanh"r5 and• Mary etreete. .Apply, at It011 1tTSrt\'3 nitx-•oottne welts. , .• . - 366, • i •e • ' _ ' contradict Matic for THIS PAPFnt AD T1SIN Gwhi¢h;is kepton; 'Ara -at the office .of. WHO' .L, •TIIOMA8, Me- CortntW Block,,Chleko It1, ' ,VEA R K ET' REPORTS: .(Corrected 6rery' atesday' afternoon • 'Tornnto'April 12, 1885. W1nT;AT.--`Tie• demand Is htlliteil, ,anti' to • hltsitu;ss .repot'te'(l:, .'dere 'rip (CIV F ilforil>gs at present tp,otatums,. No. 2 fall' 8 quotid at S2c to 830 for cash. anti mos, telivcry• offered at 863c. 0)50 was p15t1.neet . - ,fie qt pilling, 6,000' Hassall nr tile) privilege it Stile within th Itv,days. .No. 2',8pIitigi ,,,'.l -,...2 rod Wlater aro norliiliol ut Sic 11011: . • iiA111.EV;---Tbero ift little Or tmt'11ines „ loin..,,atel prates ar6'tlitnl inally' t111 OM Ogee. �'e). ii; t'Xt17i ls'tooled. .,lt !%i l', No; 3.t%hU1C1' .t 670 to ¢3e„ and No :3 Itt (Se to• 0(11. `, Ou't's. The'`(t is r fair tittn0ad no 111108 1.111e. firth. A oar or:('111111.0 Ptd(1 at t 1fie, find mixed Ore notniltiil at Site t"ariii,, in ti'a(k, Pit. i oettntis N. dell had 'if'e `o., 2 nominal at 59O, to 60e: ' '•.. It11. There . is stone x1141 n a l a•1er3 are nontlnr(1 at 1501: to tile. }51 r",„, -•--61(+i n;,ta. continuo small and afros rale very firm, There 'hi very ](itis. its butter coaling in, caul choice lets sell It iE jobbing •Way •tat Ma to 2te. L0tge Mk are (Jtrnt(!'1 at 14e• to 1,`1' 1) t.ortlilig to aalfiv. 1'r0rkville (!n`' ` 11l ,. t t y ,} s 1t,t grrutt,tlt. t 24t. 1)) 2i '.: tl t ' p.,,,,,,...41,„ vial l'e i' 'w_ P '', . t y ell npllbt, fi, 1515 Iris' • I1tfe,d r r. 4 I 1igoi. cAgelgl,r tr1'e so/. ', ',Jh at 1.2k 1111 14 p('1''lhl'/,"4t• " - °- MItklt - }Intra 1,•tad'v nt in, P) to 1,":l. er. t, i Cif.tO,1 for 1'nrrga rt4!rvi mut at (Ito :1,501o* 1 fol• lasts 0nttea9, 1,a)tt11, 11tn11• 1 111rf r.. $t.:10' t0 $1.;,u ; fnrntl'1tn'torg,, (a' ). I11. �it.ttnh, $7 to 13$,2tr,, ' : 'f" � � '..�°' U , , ,• . _ . .INI) ALL Field Cls �' t vii 1 1rain:tuba, t,'U�lfi)1;17,u,. • ,-." LC 1S can' -----'11,1 "(l'%1 tie it u.,42. (frown Bite. .. 7 ... r - '11'LrIri'otrfat .i'i1 fJ. -R1.T STAN . sail Iteetl , JAlbt Fleur, and Feed -- ;1. - . ri n �UQk 7'trufnr/wct1 h ATht<trr+a. . - .4 tttotf)(1,l,h, - 1 ((4P-,4-(I:hrl -.y�� jut gm ,�,� x} ti r : 0� fai A+•lllr t:, . - , . '' : .i.:TI r. n ,. Pe..,' er ].hath, -.. . , •- KINDS. O -F 1 �tut3 Grass F eedsi y• i and . . y Bye ,� 4 1, . ^• , . , ''-er. .174 t,4 r��4 _ ';F., .s7• ..V. ?i.� ti ” ; '' ro ro e r, N b' 'In gyp ,•�.h too ! d o' • •4' • O' A'' • • ' hi' a' i `I '.(. tw +� , 4,” CJ '~' (1•2-. - .A••,•, • C -i 0:1 ea td ti ly' - r!, �© . y H `� • tp �] , ; t't" ^= C .A p ,lb• c . ai.. _ a H i1 t~'•, c• t-.. -- c' A., _ tri a, - 'fi` tH ui l '' t .v. CS( tsf. %�. •' s. C , .+ k., "..t ^�• %7 ; 3 �+ ro , �.a.. i I ,_., • ^ -I. ;i ' ,.' s^ n ,,,, y • t '' `- .i' s, .*'" ro .a , • S2 •• ,_ ,. "a ;''41 • ' ti'. 1y % i ': t•:-,,. a'' �'�„ C . g , c.a., .`r;" .. L . Wit.. ,t. k- w , °s, 7.. �'' . t,i P. ;, F,,, '••9+• •'i• y C; te, 1.3 C ' M ,,) n ' 7 ,o C) Q tj . C u, . • r,, . -l"t• "'r. O •' Cto; • ,y� +� t .„ 5:Z1 .• . ' at'the. '' cQ. + n ��." �.. - s., "4Ty (•• T., .Q6: (00']0! of 011 '- ,� oT.EEM Stott', i�! .4The ���D• r'z.01 .. • ' ' .S �. ,"I . RQ� Delowee r Li i ''•-IIAZ S?P(0 ' t>etrs' ✓r q 'et�e 'Black > S 1'• eae, • OATS, she 1 Shorts, ]iron kindH, Ot ' - pi!. V .•, i.1.TMJ'O .. rG i1170.1,{l. )t; . ( l?lrerrea'P. ' 1 (47 f� ll al/e/4. h,)• clot) env,. ice' y�, . GENI;; �.r h • 4 „'C(ift.E. '-..•--_,•• - N '� ;CAMtNATIo�, ••-Til: rte ENTRANCE EXAM. g 1J IN for admission to the High Febdui, will be hold in Scnfortb, Clinton and `Vinghnm, on Mo:aAY,„TIM /AY and WAntrsen:tY, the 6th, 0tli •lard 7th dans of July next, oot'mnenahl1. at " o'clock,: P.M. on Monday. All cdndhhttes'wito intend to are rf glllrmtl to amid triols tim(+y and It111I1 et,, IIOt rater than the ret May,. to'oithor of the toiiotvhlg:.1, C, liarstcne, R,A., Sen:rarth, ids. Turnbull., 11. A, Clinton; 1V,.10. Oravon, hist]., WInghnm; o1" to. the undersigned. ILIA MAx,I.00}t, I.i':5,, North Iftima. 'i , 0 P. ' • .,` �(• i1., ;''\''. . - ,at. - u, '� M mAIL CO NTRAOL . -••• •• ry`r:A1,r•:O TINDERS, o,l re•rrd to the Post• lc nlaetmr(1(mtlntl, WW1. ha rec8lvcd at Ottawa1/41 unfit noon,.on FRIIDAV, 30th' AfNCI, 18=0, foe tliuconve)•aneoof Her M•']eetl''a Molls, oh a pro• papal (:onteuet t:•.r tour Nears, 4; tinges per week eaclt Way, between (.'110101, Post 01lkto and (,rand: lrultlt ltitnwnt Shltrob frau the let.hifnr first, ., ' ]sinter] tintiPaa tonttiniti t• further Informal as Lo' cundutt,,i of propos,`d colloid may he•: at;rn,'ltnd hlai,k tr.rlr,yo,'i'outle1111ty b..ut,t.,l,i 1, at the Yuvtl)fltmuol rltna,. . tl,, My R ot(r'n,, WO: (riliW, 1.1114,ttor:. t'ori /b its tea ootat`a 1)1I'8r•..l 1,4.u40,i, tion moot-, isso. 1 1l F:tt