HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-04-14, Page 1le tett s law eient4i,Ltn, At1vonto
'• MarEta' ei TODD, leidnion et s
Isfror.4 via -No. 17, CLINTON, HURON COUNTY0•ONT. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1886: WHOLE N086
•Navig.ition is now open,
will be service in St. Georges
this evening.
Huvou encampment No. 23, 1. O.
• O. meet unk Friday evening,
Aliss Miller or Port Hurou. is the
gueet of Aria. Dr. Whitely.
Dr',. jlotues of Stratford paid
.the old home a visit last week.
Mr, • le E. Daney, barrister, of
' 8eefort1i, was in town last week,'
, • Mr. E. 14. Dickinson;barrietz,. of
'Wingthain, Wes in town lastweelt;
MO. Best, of Searorth, Was visite
higher relatives of this toWn hist
Mr, Geo. Acheson is buntline;
house ou the lot adjeinhig his priy-
ate reMdence. .
The Ven. Archdeacon Elwood left ,
.• . yesterday for a short sojeure 'in the
Nitegara district. .
Mt!, A. M. Todd; of Tait Hunox
N eivs-REcoan,' was in town ou
• bti-
noss last Saturday. '
Ploughing end sowing is proceed-
ing s8lierectorily in the, neighbering
to wnsh
7 The schooner Ariektiepaire, just
eomideted, make ' her . one of ' 'the
staunchest vessels no afloat..
Mr. Jews Ifenderson after,
winter stey in Kincardine has. rt-
•-• tueried.:tp the' cimuler town,
Eeethody andhis relatives are
1 ktn ibout visiting the Colonial
exhibition during the'aummer.
The titg • Taines Ciaige, and the
sehooner Sligo and BemniNg:Star are
receiving a thorough painting.
i\Iiss Attie Lewis returned to town
°hist •Fridey afki. a pleasant visit :of
many Woke to Chicago and Detroit.
• Several °four -business men say
that 8aturday• was "one .of •the best
. d tys 'they haye, had for seine time..
The'econei.al opinion of.the Owners
'of 'es b,, is •thatthe. present season
will .be no improvement on the Mgt:
The •tieual fortnightly entertain-
ment of 'the High School:Lit:00y
Souty tekes. place* Fridey evemtlig..
• .
Mr. (1. N.,,Davis is re:roofing that
portion of .his •storehoeee ocenpied
by. Mr..- E.' IL Watson as a paint
• Capteins A.-31., Sheppard, J. Me-
Arther ,and Wm: McLean are: al-,
.cii.tdy 'eerily preparing' their vessels,
fiavigtition.1 ' • . •
Th:e rumor that Mr. Chas. Sorter
had received. an appointment from
the Ontario Government turns out
to be untrue. . • .
!Chard was an ekeellent ontoitain
'tient cofisUlting of eengs and recite-
• lions in Knox. churel:Clitit Friday
. i
There will be an !von meeting n
connection. with., the Band of :Hope
in St. GeOrge.'s school room on Frt-
day evening: .
Mrs, Joseph Ltigan of Stretford
wlio was•visiting in- town 'last week
ss the guest of •her parents•Alr.,)Ind
Mrs. 4....Kirkbrido.
The Salvation Armyhad a large
tern -out last Sunday afternoon,. and
„gathered. a 1ugn audience -round
t1eir.kne6.1,11.1:1 particle.,
Mrs, Wine 3,1eLeari;'whe is 'ex-
peeted home by the 1st May, has
disriVed great benefit from her ze-
' journ an the Pacific Coast. , •
Ills Ironer Judge Doyle held
Court at Wingbani last Friday tor
. the preliminary 'revision .of the,
voters' list of hid East -Riding of
I urom '
The Salt Aesocietion ha o organ-
ized for the 8oasofl t;Lith ,gillees. in
Acheson's' block, West street,
• W. I. Foot has received the appoint.;
paint of secretary.'
Miss Mabel Morehouse left for
Pineonning,Atioli.last week on a visit
to her relatives Mesdaes jonningo
and MeCoy and mMr. Graham Moor-
• house,
George Grant who has a
choice ,stdcic of groceries, has. had
her store thoroughly painted and
refitted. Those desiring -value for
Hu& money in groceriee 'should
give Mrs. Grant a call.
On Seterday evening ,the firm of
R. B.. $rnfth & Co., engaged the town
band to play in front of thole establ-
ishment in eelebration of thole an -
mud spring .-openiti 'While the
band was playing it wile almost I'm-
poealle, to get neer Jordan's bloelt
Po groat Was the number of persens
• On the side ivalk.
Mr. E. Campion ofthis town acted
•for the Conservatives of East Huron
lit the court held, by Hie Heine
•Judge Doyle last Friday at Winghtun
tor the preliminary revision of the
voter's list for that riding.
Mr. Frank McDunagh's horse
Gramme is steadily reeovering from
its rough .Mlautio trip. Gnome ie
probably, one of the most solid 'and.
handseme Clydeadales iz Weetern
()uteri?, ,
' The Oddfellows of the .town have
appointed a conuniftee• to make the :
noceasary arrangements for the pre't
per celebration ef the anniveroery of
the institution of their order onthe
American, continent, . The Order's
natal day s tbe 23th of April.
On .Saturday the streets were dry
and free:from duet, so thet` Pedes-'
trians werctenahled to travel in amp
direution,. without • having • their
leather • war soiled with mudor:At
their• clothes covered ivitli dust.
Shortly after four o'elock on Mon-,
(ley morning the fire alarm sounded,.
On turning out our people discov-
ered the.townbiillinutly illtunina-
• ted and tai ing the lurid vet in the
sky as their beacon seen arrived at
Uent. Dancy's residence on Eest
Street; the frame addition to whielt
censisting Of seven or eight ° appart-
mute was in full blaze: The on -
was out shortly after the alarm
sounded and soon reached the tank,.
and the fire cOmpany working vigor-
ously soon ebtnined the mastery over
the buening buildings. The furni-
ture in the front • part orate house
was nearly all removed the carptits
'alone being destroyed. In the re-
moval • a handsome • inita.or being
smashed to pieces. The back' part
of the house, and tho furniture &C
there 111 was entirely destroyed.
'Stored in the south portion of the
building wore sovemi,hunders dol-
lars•worth of ship's_thekle on which
'there was onlyen insurance,cif $100:
All the clothing not in use belong -
in.. to Capt.; Mrs. and Miss Kate
Dtincy was keptin a,wardrobe in the
destroyed poetiOn of • the &inst.
The fire ,was discovered by :gni.
3.)ancY, who aroused hei. husband.
On opening the upper hall . door
Image volumes of smoke rushed: into
the main -building, and emysat-it
speedy closing of the door. The fire
(supposed to have been Ouse& by a
defective chimney) must hare been
Wining some thee before discovered
but the hall door connecting the'
beck With the main portion of tho
building being closed prevented the
the sineke entering• the portion of
the house .oecupted by •tho family
. until the fire lueianade great --head-
way. The hense and furniture was
hleured. ,
"This is lint:a,brief sketch of this
.niost admirable•address,,wbiel1 inight
have been 'listened to with Loth
pleasnre and profit; but for the aborn-,
mable goings on• of a 'mealier of Ror,
.sens who werer'stimulated andassist,
ed by some: young poi:mins-Of both
sexes, members of the •Cinirch ot
England, and some of whom are the
sons"aud daughtrs of our most pro,
minent tewnspePple." • • .. :'•
• ingor the Chnrcli of England Tem -
:pen)* Society, commenicated to
last week's Star. We have netieed
Witli sorrow •• the unruly conduct
complained ,ofi which: hes orown
from bad , to worse: thilikbe the
miler' in. the &Cu., hewever,.
'think tho blame should as much
, • •
on hog') who get up and ..contio'L
suph 'Lenten shows, as On 'softie
young People of both sexes." 8 ti rely
these in. authority at thew meetingo:
should eithek concipct them properly
or.. dispense with them. altogether.
If•our surmise that the :writer °fail°.
article- in 'the. Star is a person Who
.has a good deal ti do .with the Open.
meetings, is correct; would it not be
well for him to chime% the proceed-
ings in -connection with St. George A
froina "8tatO of melWinent" to that
more approdriate Lenten one, fasting:
and prayer and thus afford heads of
femilies oppoqunities of control' i hg
triple children instead of allowing
so. Many Ohencesfor riotous eonanct.
Last Sunday morning the. Court
ef Forestera ..of. this town ,met in
their page room and, marched..frow
thence to the Victoria, street 'Mahe- '
dist chnrch when .the' Roy. Cr.' it.
Suiten : preaOted a.7. most excellent
sonnell from part of the 8th verse or
the 23rd chapter of St. Mathew..
The town bandit Acted the procession
to end front chaech playing sacred
maple yory creditably.
This season Capt. Finlay :AftiPher-,
eon will 'conlinafid- the ilficilaad •
liooer, °apt. Mackenzie the Ariel,
Capt chamhero; tho tug James
Capt. J. W. Green, the Sligo, Capt,
Baxter the Veeizing, Star, and .Capt.
J. AtoPhersou :the Gari/gdeti. :.The
schooner Todiegizis not being.' pre-
pared for sailing'and the Probabili:
ties aro that unlese freights take 4
rise 'she'will, as she did last year, re-
main in harbor all the' Seasen.
Last Wednesdaymorning a ram,'
er'l.teani that had been • left 'initied.
got frightened and ran away.. The
horses dashed around:the square 'it
a lively gait and thoumade the 'eir-
cuit of Acheequ's block -being finally;
stopped in frontor the. post olie
after1ing1i1oekod 'down, alii40Stf•
1' vile liadYtii(iatcilten.thein. StrOlg,e.'
to Mlatetlie pagan' knocked down .
-Was not injured,,and no damage oc-
curred through tho runaway.. •
• • • • • •
The toflo ving is the7-reatilpf the .
prolinduaryroasion of the. ..i.oteee
list 1orthe. West • Riding Of ilnron,
held. ,by Ills Honor Jiidge
last Wog itt the court house.. •••• Add-
ed to the list: • •
• • ' • Cdaserviitiva, Ifaform,Ashfmultl ;
......... : 52. .• 50 .
Colborne, . 22 ' 41 •
Clinton- • 'L ' . 6 •
Geaerieh 20..•
Ooderieli • .52
liast Wawanosb.
West We whkel. 34 31
• --- • •
• Totals •• 174 • 14.4„
. .
Mesas Johnston .and;Campien• ap-
petire4 for the Conservatives, and
Mossrs'Seagor and •Proudroot for the
Reformers,. •
The rolling came to hand to : late
forour lastissue. The usual *nth-
ly meeting' of the School Board was
held last "Monday evening, all the
' members present. 11.1.r. Einbury per-
lorthed the duties of secretary: -The
Principal's . report •for • March was
read, showing numberefpupils On
713-374 boys, 339 girls; aver-
age attendance 278 boys, 255 gide.
Received and Led. The ..repoet of
Mr. J. R. Miller, as inspactor for
188.5was, xead. Mr: •Nicholson
moved, seconded by Crabb, that the
report be received and the resigna-
tion accepted,---Xarried. Accounts
.were read as follows :'8: R. likeDoue
gall, $1.50; Mrs. H. Cooke, $5 ; W.
Welsh, $1.50; • &tined Imrie,
mod*, maps; and, supplies; $22.00.
The aeemint of Mrs. Cooke was re-,
ferred to. Finance' Conimittee, and
'Llic.others ordered to bo paid. • The
Centingent,Cemmittee end thejeni-
ter or Central School reported sun-
dry iopairs needed, whichwere re-
ferred to Contingent Committee.
Air. ..AIortonanoked, seconded by. Mi.
Ball, that Mr.. 3. E. Tem be ap-
pointediespeator or •tho publiC
sehoole, at the same ealary as receiv-
ed by Mr. Miller, he to retain office
during the' Oceania) of the Board,
and his duties to begin at once. -
Carried. The discipline and ,mo-
pese of junior department of St.
Patrieles wind mood considerable
deendssion after which it.was velet-
a:C(110 School Magegenient Conimit-
tee to make such change, as, would
I ensu PO proper discipline. The
Bond then adjourtnid.- • •
• East Waivaaosh.
Mr. Vint had .a very . largely ato:
tended bee On ;his' place the °thee
day; .40 :cords.df gu
-wood ivere t.
. •
MeSsi.s. Elam Livington & Calder
are doing 4 very good business this
cicastie and logs are-plelitifUl• .
Maple segat.making is going on
now in full' blast.' " •
• .
There was it large wood be at Mr.
Ellice's last week. There were six
of those gathertngs. hist weak in
this vicinity, • • .f*
Mr, elarno McGill soon intends
to start to work at his trade.
AIN *Melt who Ni'lts mntentiing to
leave tide township hao changed his
in intl.
Mr.• Phillips intends
next week in S. 8; No. 10.i -
Mr, Sandie ANICity rettn.ned
home lest week, •Mr.iloiht D
Accompanying litikr: •• .
Mr. 1•Nr, MeCtowan Invited' some
of his friends to rc daneimg 'party
at his place last week,
• Sitimiterbill;
There wits it dancing party hi hie
ballore:Wed neaday civenitn,4. last.
All present had it splendid time, •
1 Wts are sorry to state dig ',John
Edineuilson'a child -is-i.ery ipiewe
I hope the: Titho stlireter may :coon 1Yri
lliant•Illi.eSte_r NMI -0g Show!,
elly our own noportot.)
After e storm . them eomos .a
calati." This old saying proved true
on the above occasion, F.arly Frith ty
morning and during the whole day
the sun 'shone strong and the balmy
and bracing breeze made the day all
that could be desired. From early
morning teams loaded down with
human freight, and binders, mowers,
implements, etc.') might lettye been
seen liming toward Manchester.
The roads irde in a fair state, and
at 9.30all the available stabling
roam and 'Church shds were jamined
wait horses end Nehicles-themain
street and side roadways' were all
the Shelter available for many teems.
Fisher's,' hotel accommodation Was
taxed to the, inn*, but if there was
O .single soul in. the 800 or 1000
preseht whe went hungry it wits not
because there was not enoughz. and
to spare. All the lady ,assistants -
and auctioneer Carling -deserve
praise Coelho manner in which they
catered to the -Wants .of the, inner
man ; they succeeded in filling the
bill very efficiently. Joseph Deck,
deputy -reeve of Colborop,4nd other
prominent gentlemen were on the:
ground. 11 a good tuvrioet and ar
first-class exhibit (84 entries in all)
are any criterion to go by, the inning
show of 1880, 'at . Manchester,. Was
.one of the moat successful 'ever hold
in the connty. '
. The variees classes of .horses Were
in the inejority of case Aim looking
anithals. In light liorSeS. T. Cam -
ter, Of Blyth, showed' .4'kentacky
Stale" Jai. Bailey, .0coderieh,:•"Roan
Chencl,". and D.:Lensing showed'
nice animal; those horses hare ex-
cellent :pedigreeO and were much
-Writhed by many speetatars. • In
heavy dratightS,J.P... Fisher limited.
two .and F. W. •MeDenegh showed
one, all splendid loOkiu# animals and
lunch admired; they •wero impeded
only a few weeks -ago. .7 Alf..
with carried off first: hong:ire tor iuis
entire. colt. • ' • - • • '"
.'. 'The she* of cititle was, 'Very...good.
Grainget-and L•34.441ttit ['Pro
amuthig tho:tirizo fs a .sti
.guateittee' of the qunlity of
.the animals. 0• .•
The •grain. and seeds.exhibit was
fair. Belo* is the prize list : "
• . iMases.
.lkst hicavv drat:1014 entire, aged.:
4 years and over, ' 1st: J. 1.?;• '
2nkr, McDotiegh, 3rd, :3: P.'
3blet heavy draught horse;
entire,. aged 3 YearS, Ist Wm". Foth4-
gill. -Bost heavy draught horse, en -
tile, it,,,,,oed 2 years and und,er;• lat Alf.
Askwithm, .2nd Harry. Bedlc, 3rd 3;
McLean:: Boot .agrichltere1.
entire, rtg6a 2 years aed;:oYer,' list
Jelin Wells, 2nd. Wm. AloPee, • 34.1:.
las.Govier., Best read or ;carriage'
horse, entire, aged. 3 Years -and ever,
.1st J. T. Carter, 2.nel' I). :Lansing,
3rd Jas. Bailey. , Beet road • orcar-
riage horse, entire, eged•2•years and
under, 1st. Alex.' Robertson, 2nd
Tiros. Cassidy.' Best heavy draught
mare, in foid,..dr foal by bersido; lst
Jae: MODomigh,•'.3.nd j,j.. Fisher; 3nd
Wite Grainger. Sweepstake
Dipioniaqiia $5.00, to the besthorse;
entire, of and cls s or breed,
.,. • .
Fisher. '
• . • CATTLE,'
, :Best Bull, over ‘1..tVn,years of 'age,
thoroughbred Durhuini, 1St 'Rat.
Medd, 24d. Wm. • Gi.ain,ger 3,1d Jas.
Rose. Beet bull tinder two years.of
thor6eglibred Dtirlicon, lat I.•
li'taher, 2nd J. H... MeOlinton, •31.11
John Washington. Befit bull, over
two years of Ago, any other breed; 1st
Gorden Young. •
• Jeciges:-Dee. Stanbury, Stanley;
Donald Clarke, Kinloss;• T. ]3e11;
Vest Wawenoich ; 'Chas. Proctor,
Belgrave;J:00.•Lialtierjtarieek, •
.• -•
llest two linshels of Spring wheal,
lst' A. W, Young, 2nd sa-& Rime.
Beet two bushels of Barley;- white;
let Gordon Young, 2nd Jelin
Beof two, bukhels of Bavley,
,blitelc,. let Jal: Anderson, 2nd John
Anireee. Vest two• hug -leis of Small
Peas, let. AtiAiyorsou; 2nd John.,
Vareoe..' 'lleSt two bulimia of Gets,
white, let lino: Washington 2inl W.
Symington. Beettwo bushels of
Oats black,. lat Wm, Grainger. liest
two bushels of Red Clover Seed, let
•R. Mittel), jr. •
ter ; A. McD A11n, Goderieh.
After the prime had been awarded
joint Washington sold his one
year-oId Ilittlenn bull to a Mr, Irwin
for $101, 11r. James Glenrj also.
weld his one' yea,r-old Durham, bull
to Mr. :Clarke,
A vety enjoyable Clay was spent
by the immense crowd and all were
well pleased 'with the proceedings.
Erne News -14u.0110 representative,
was °greeted by hondreds of old-
time Mende and aequaintances, and
was kindly offered it ride a Saltfpra
by Mr. Joseph Morris, of Colborne.
By the way,; his' son R. D.7 a req.
affable end intelligent young man,.
hes:' reoully returned lioiM The
rig as in waiting and we were seen
speedinglong. Mr. 14.3). Marris
knows how.to handle the `fribbonS."'
On heci way Many jokes were cvack-
ed, Mn McNeil generally going
"ono better," 1 also had the pima -
tire of meeting Mr. D.. A. McLaren,
who hes a widiespread reputation,
as a successful builder o:nd. remover
Our school examination mune off
en the .8th. Although the roads
were not very. good yet over forty
visitors put iu an appearande.: The'
examination On the whole was a
grand succese. The scholars ans-
wered the. questions very readily
intelligilily,dhat were it to: them
by teachers Thos, H. Alton and
Miss Glenn, assisted by Mr. McKen-
zie of ljelfast. • 'The keenest Contest
was in the spelling Match Which
lasted nearly one hour. Plizes were
distributed, every 'one, ' getting 4
prize. ',rho following.ca.e the names
or the thi.eo first prize.' winners
war class: • Firth ciass.-1st, Thos.,
G. Sheppard, , Senior fourth.-ist
Jeo. E. Girvin, 2nd Edith ,Stewart:
J ler • 'fourth:: --1st - Agnes Me-
Knioht 2nd Sarah J. Boll, 3rd•
terve Bailie. Senior third
Frank Glenn '20 of)vkly Stewart;
3rd. Fiank C'ery. j Olive third.--
ist Sarah J. Ryan 2nd AnnieBog,-
erson, Ord Fanny- , Martin, Part se-
e.emd..„-let'Gearge Ryan .2nd Albeit
aril Albert 11.1a4.' B Si.
41m und jaekson, 2nd .36o.
Mallene), 3rd jane Elliott. ID Jr.
.-b4 1habcth __.:a mylie.
1st Ifarriet ItArdy, quk.I.A1 ry S h Mid e,
3rd Anson '..Great est
proveme.•t in writing Mg the
term, let Maria. Currey;
Girvine Map dye:wilt; in fourth and
fifth *elaSses,,lst ThoS, Slieppatcl.
Map Dreartie,g, third, class, let Nor -
Man ist Thus, G.
Shefiparde (book given .14 •Ches.
Girviu jr); 2nd, Hugh:. Ryan ($1
given by. Chas. Dirvin Sr,) Ti
prizes won Awarded. on their marks,
during thelerm „and on a wi.itten
examinatiOn on each subject:: :
. . ,
Difignifyi4;: glass' giv,tm • by
litr. "Aleckenzie to•the phpifobtaiiiing
the higliestameiber of marks, in tho.
sixth plass, for the month of March,
Was won ley•John S. Mullen.
A. Mckenzie of Toronto
WAS ill the village lot:week visiting
his• brother C. A. AlekenzW. ,
Tim ground is .drying rapidly
aud,no doubt the spring work will
soon. commence. •
The ternalual reeetiug'br. the Chu,
ten High Seficeil Literary and Musical' ,
Society was held on Monday eveuimp .
the president occupying the claim --
The following programme Was sub.
• nutted ; Music, "The Miller's Dangle.
ateurilOnilscien,004uoliti sroectitvg orfeziantiiiotnes,
"Ship•on Fire," Miss Minnie Leslie; •
sem, .!Got up and her the aoor,"
McLean; reading, "Joy in the house:
• of Ward," CI, Brown; recitation, "All's
well,". Miss Paisley; solo, "Tyrolec
Lovely Dell," Miss McDougall ; yea.
tatiou, • “Seheol soeg," Li
Richardson; reading, "IL W. Long.
' fellow," W. Baird instrumental, .
Bolec-; recitation, "I wouldn't, wonid• •
you r' F. Grew. duet, ‘iLarboard...
Watch," Al essrs, Agnew and Miter;
recitetion, "Burial of Napoleon," A.
TemOth; reading, “Ilow Ruby Play-
ed," R. Aguew ; duet, "Catanua,",
Miss. Teylor and McDougall; dialogue,
• "As deaf as a- post," Misses 0. Van -
tassel and T. Copper and Mr; E,
Lawrence; recitation, "Battle of Tel.
obliebir," Mies Welsh; music., !,my
own native laud," Glee Club. TIM. •
,prograAntn9. was °fa Very high 'liter-
ary order, suiTaSsing any meeting
with respect to the selediens maim
by the readers and rockers. The
"r0a.ding at. W. Baird was a literary
selection of a very commendable kiwi •
and Was 'delivered in a nicely and •
iikkesting style, showing splendid '
elocutionary powers. The recitations
of Misses Welsh and Paisley and Mr.
A. Tumoth were well clone, the solea- •
tidos. were good and every idea of • .
Alio writer' was *Vividly placed befoeo eo
the hearers In A pleasing Manner, -
'their voices:being very ' suitable in
this -regpect. The instrumental of •
Miss Ida, BoleS was Well rendered and
received a very hearty encore; which: •
•Waa reapended to in excellent
Greotes recitation was also given
in very natural tone ; he is above tlie:.
average reciter in many respects.
and hearth
T1 ' ° :a ce,
ic music very song
of Mr. McLean :i,v.es heertily °pored, .
but he Vas not pr-a.gpo# condition to
respond .and wae,:et;',4need. Mise Mc-
Dougall'S solo!, 'W*4 admired
ua1 good style end exliibib,l
a high ardor of niusieal talent:-
dnet.:hy the MiSseS Taylor mid .Die- •
Deegan is werthy.:et special mention,
is the highest tritnif,C,:pdoillble to any
dialogue. Tbe mootingallonrned by
singing "God Save ta8 Qt ecu,' Misi
AtoDotigall 'presiding ,at the Organ;
*The meeting was' it grand success
Withoutdoubt, and refleted great
credit on tflo4,e who • prepared tied .
executed the prograilime. ° • .•
• Ihe council is in receipt o'f .a letter ,
from Alex. McPbersolik. of 'Stratford, •
relative to establishing a fouudrY for.
-the Lllithufacturp of threshing, inaelt-
Lilies,- agricultural' implethents, tc
In the letter Mr, B.tc-•
Pherson statoS thab,.he understood •
that Wingliatu ,was offering. a-lxiinis
• of $5,000 t� any one who would ee-
tablush SUCIJA. foundry there, *tiMil,• if •
• so, lie wishedto: take" `a.-dvantaele Of •
the offer. Tho councilhave anpOmlk.7._;..
a committee ta investigate the matter .
and taped. .
• 'Itullett. •
111.r..John MiIlem, of tliellase Line
is very ill at present. •, • • •
Mr, T. Sin KiltV bo lets been
'tailoring .in LuclMOW tor some, lime
18 visiting. the old' folks at home.
He will leave ina few days' to take
a•eattuttioii.at 'Uxbridge:
. 'On Tueoday.or Wedoesday night.
of last we ek• some !lemon curled from
the premises cif Mr; Thos. Fear • a
set 9f double. teem, whiffletrees, and
attachments, .f.c him' were taken to•
be returned,the owner. ironic' like
to have them ; but if they who stolen
the thief had better look out, ,
there may be trouble ahead.. '
• . . • ,
Thom. F. CAlhick left for British
ColembialTuesdav menthe, last.'
- 0
• There was it successful social at
Ares,: McDpugalls, on the cut line,
Monday Might, in rtid dale Tiot.lemy
Presbyterinn chnrell. (Joiiimi llor Me -
Lilian was present and aided much
in making the proceedings inter:est-
ino •.
A. weak ago last •Surnlay two men,
one the bead .or a family living near
the bridge, on the Colborne side,
wore out tramping 0es:forest and
along the stream studying nature in
all. its rejuvenating glory. akRn hoi p
ihoy took fire AMA 11 011$ MO MICA
111 I 110.pNgtaltItge by duck shooting,
•..fas, welch. at 0113 tithe employed:
as 1)ml:ea-Manon the L.
betWeen.Wingliarn" and Lonqop, but
latterly tiMployed 111 the' G. • r. ll..•
yards at, point B lwardovas mit °Vet "
by a train and had both lege cut off
-mar the knees, • from the effect of
whichhe shortly afterwards died:
It is anhounded that the Imperial- • • --..e.
Goverment has decided to subsidize
the new Hue of; steamers betiveen
British Uolninbia, • Bong Kong, and
.4:9Walia. by paying • a • , hundred
Aliougand Tenn& sterling annually
for ten years. Tile steamers must be
first-class and capable Of 'carrying
gnus .and troops.. If required, the
• Government have the right. to WM the
steamers in the event of wai, These
are the usual conditions attached to
steamers carrying mallet • •
••••-•',• •
.11A'NKING 111181.NrISS.Litere i an
'agitation, not a seething one it is
true, bid:a nfethodical business like,
one eterted in town for the purpose
of Homing tho, establishment:or a "--,
britecheof another of our eharter
ed banks in Clinton: It 11 elainuel
that another branch bank liele
would be the • means ofdrawing
business tothe town that now
goes elsewhere, and would be -
mutually beneficial to the -bank and
its tustoiners, And 'this.- witliont
lasoening the business.done by TIlik
• Molsons.. ',In fact the contention is
rongly supported that two btanch
banks here would 1.10 MU?* Own
(10111)1G the 1/ll$4114:158 of the ex ioting
I one, If these inteeested
; only .00-operate/in ferwarding 11115
I idea there might be a prartieal ummi
iconic to MIggestions whielt 85;eel lire •
; only in 1 vary gr, tide