HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-17, Page 8• . • :The Huron Nem -Record wednesday, Mtn% 17th, IrAPCAL NE WTS. --n and Around Ike tlOtint Xallt, 4. .13.05NETT, the leading lwrniture dealer of Clinton, having leaded the premises now occupied by him. for another term of five years,he -intend8 to reduce his extensive doh •of Household Furniture, to enable him to malreeonte improvement in the building. Will sell "Parlor sets at wholesale prices, and other .Furniture •at greatly reduced prices. 4 first -class uhpolster always on hand. A.• 4. Bennett, "Bed Rocker" Furni ure .8tore Jibs. AROUY KENNEDY is recover- itig•froro a severe illness, Councillor Cooper, who has been vett ill, is again able to attend to business. " oMr. Ben Stanbury' has gone to Michigan to teach the youthful Michieanders. Iv A Bony meet a body, at once is heard a, "wheeze"; and e'er they Vat. , they salute each other •with 'a, '"sneeze." • • A. A. BENNETT,bric,k'block," put a British plate mirror, x7 feet, with rich goldbronze Irmo, into the'Grand•Union 'hotel teat week. •'OFF WITH TI OLD 'LOYD 'AND ON WITH THE NDW.—Duringtbe past 'Week we .discontinued two •town .papers and added five country sub-. 'scribers to our lists, We can 'stand ;this -racket all the year round, 'Domitnopr FaAttionisn.—The effect of the lateral provisions of the Do- minion:Franchise is appareilt when it is stated that the number of voters. on the lists at the time of the voting on the Scott Act was only. 13,810,. and the number on the new lists is -11,001. The Tories are not afraid of."the 'people." ", • PDRIEIH THE THOUOTIT.--The BOY. • kr. Campion 1 of Goderich, has had. a 'call to ,wen Sound is ao annouce- ment We noticed inan exchange., . Can it be possible •that our "Ed" has doffed the 'black gown to babili, _ tate larnself.with thaeurplicelllas• the .arrival of two new law firrns•in 'ClintOn diecouraged lawyer Campion of Goderich? Perish the thought 1 . RatDNDURY' .STREET: A dog 'ORUniii a. buy by his pant's leg the ot .day. An exited. pedestrian 'noticed the occurrence and the boy . ••crying. Ile ishd. th the rosette. *bouting "boycott the dog." • Ao- .ther individual who had just made aim dog let go the biiy'S pants ejacu- . - jated , •gnot-by a j4;1\11, the dog tanght •the boy." •' . Sous time ag,p two 'Justices of the, • Peace for the county of truce fined • ono Perry Eli .ori, two char,res •Of 'violatine• the . Scott- A4 Inbthe High Court at Toronto last week the convictions. were quashed, the learn, • ad Judge, commenting severely on the action of he convicting J. P.'s. The Costs were over..$200. A legal - .man in the position Of the J. P.'s would hardly have 'Made such an expensive niistake• . ' jA0k-OF-ALL-TRA.DES.--Owing • to . the iinpatience of Canadian.youth it is difficult to find a good workman • in any trade in Canada, who is of • VAnsidian birth. Tike apprentice , system seems to be carried on in very la* way. Youths stop fl:year • or so at a Calling then:a on tramp and are hardly everavorth mare than • their salt. :There are • thousands o• f ' ready:handed men whoare Jacksof- . • all -trades, but to find aman who is. really skilled in 'any. trade, is very exceptional. The skilled wprlinien appear to bo in danger of following ' the smirians, .and becoming extinct animals. • ' •:SHORTHORN ST00K 3, Biggins, of Elrilmrat,farin sold the' following animals from, the Elinh urs,i , herd last Aveek : Mr. Thomas Car - bort, .EtUlett, purchased the 16 months old Royal. Elmhurst, price -- $180, Royal took the first prize • in his•class at the Fall -shoW, and • , although young he also stood at the head of the first prize herd of tiny 'breed; his dam. Matcblese of Elm- hurst 61,11., took the first prize in her class and the 'lint honors forlhe best animal on the ground of any age or breed, and was also in the first prize herd. M. W. Lang; importer and breeder of Shorthorn Cattle, St, Marys, Ont,, purchased t WO enthrall: from tho same herd. A young heif, er, Matchless of Elwiturst 7th,, and the 10 months old Baron Elmhurst, ' prioe 0300: Baron is from old Matchless '1904, the Ilain of Many prize winners, her first pelf, IVtateb less of Kim:liar 2od (half eiater to Baron EN -aline* :sticceelled in tak- 'log nearly all the first.prizeo in her *does Mid also specialt the Provin cial,. Industrial and Ikestern Fairs for two )(ewe in:I:neat:Woe, • T,EIIS FAvoume litioAnIan Miss Wynn, a Goderich,nvill take part in the annual St Patricks concert in Seaforth on the 17th:--te-day, ,A Boor and shoe concern of Tor- onto has been trying to induce- the citizens of Stratford to offer some inducementssfor them to locate their factory in the olassie city, SATURDAY. V. R, Fitzsimon's roadster made things lively by dash- ing along the street at a furious rate. No special damn°, although the animal tried to walk on the three legs, but is not seriously injured, IT IS SAID THAT A. bushel of March duet is worth wking's ransom, ' • • A peek of March dust. and showers tn.' MAY • • Makes corn green and fields gray, • Dustily -March brings grass and, foliage. • COUNTY MASTER SOARLETT was elected a Deputy Grand Lecturer at the • receut meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge Of °Ontario 'West,. held in Brantford, and the Rev. Mr, Broley, of Seaforth a Deputy Grand • Chaplain. •, • , Fitaarrouti Striornis.—The Grit party of Ontario is to be Congratulat- ed upon the political death, by .sui- eide of Ananias Cameron, member for"W West Baton. To the loyal and justicerloving 'people . of Ontarie, Riel's "friends and admirers. are as dead as the 'murderous rebel is him, self. --Spectator, • „,„ • „ . • :II LED X ROM, Tin WaAam TO OOME. —The date of the end of the world is fixed for this present year of 1886. There is an ancient prediction re- peated by Nostradanins which says that when .St. George. Shalt =cif? the Lord, when St. Mark shall raise, him, and St,'John shall assist at his, ascension, the end shall come. .This. year it happens that -Good, Friday falls' an St, George's day, and Holy. Thursday (ascenSiou. 'day) will be also the feast of.St. John the Baptist, ItevmaunTArtiry.—The town ceini., ail of Walkerton passed the folleW--, inget its last meeting :—No person shall sell 'er offer 'for 'silo .in the, Town 'of Walkerton,. fresh meat in quantities less than the quarter carcass without having first' obtained • a,. license so to do; and that every . license „granted tinder. this' Sectioli. shall continue in force for the period of one year•frorn :the tenthday ef. Maich n &tell end -every year, and • that. the sum. of $20 shall. be the license 'fee' payable 'for, each end every such license. • • • Aminatn FITNESS AND crrAnAc- Tnit;...Mr, John Beattie vents his, spleen through the -press on not lice ing appointed Poiiot. Magistrate:. It the Government 'hare no greater sins: of Omission- to aceoent' for, their offences 'are -of a very venial. nature indeed. Only :one verged in law,' especially that Of .evidence,- shoUld hold -the ppsitisin, Mr. B., is not snch-an 'One;. He is as fitted: for Chief•Justiee.te P.:M.':Hewas neither the choice of the .people nor of those more 'dorhiletent• to decide. • He "vias merely- "Monied" by a few -friends • who :know. his . personal woith,ind which they erroneously caedered:shuuld stand in the stead Of acquired fitness, and • per -Sena 'character dombined.. , •• 0un MRacnalars are replenishing their stocks for the spring trade, uid the indication's already point,,, tha fOr . :Variety and cheapness. "The Hub" yeill-maintaiii..the lead. as iin the past.' EXtraordinary inclose, merits are held out by our clothiers .and dry ,goods dealers, while: our leading .grocers are Cutting' things so fine in the tialine that consumers can save heape_Of money by pur- 'chasing 'quantities in Clinton., .-,And not only would money be saved in any event,.but in view Of the rinn, ored tariff to he pet on tea a saving l'of1.6 :di 20 cents a pound May; be effected' by pincher:dug. in just now,' Take a look it the narriee of- the 'fines which , appear inour columns arid's* ifout" 'statements' will not be borne out.. • Primaamr.----Too great publicity • owlet be given as to thetinount Of taxation a community,bas to• bear and bow it is expended. . The same 'principle should 'govern • all matters -pertaining to -:-voters'' lists, the Weis on which are elected those who hre . reeponeible for our national taxation. Publicity is the greatest safeguard against inequality' and injustice. •The action of the Government and the Revising Officers iti giving the greatest publicity to the preliminary • voters' liste, and the time �f hold- ing courts pf revision for correcting the same, is commendable in 'the highest degree. For Enst Hiner' the Court will be held at Wingharn on the 9th of April; for'West Huron at Goderich on the 6th of April; for South Huron at Seaforth en the 1 Oth April, A week's notice will require to he given to the Revising Officer of all applications to.ainend the list, and ni cage Where a name is asked to he stock ori the perfrott objected to Must :idea • be notified at the seine Jitita and in proper feria. • We have received this week z-1 TON OF GREEN AND, DRAB WINDOWBLIND, 10 GROSS MUCILAGE, 100,000 PAPER BAGS, 250 LBW COTTON TWINE, 72 COPIES CANADIAN FARMERS' MANUAL. Also a tine abortment of PLAWES 01.80ult4.P118, ItgLIEFs, &c.,, from Raphael, Tuck & Sons, London, Ing. LL PAPER - Cloaper ind better than last year. Aecordoons, Foot Balls, yiolirl, Sleifiluit &c., at REDUCED PRICES. Tho Trade supplied. C e t Allan Line °I ijirKso AgROYAL MAIL Chitin •STEAMSHIPS 3 • THE NEWS BBOORD 18 one: of the, very best advertising mediums in the county of Huron. In job work we invite a comparisen with the Werk of any office west of Toronto, GUELPH alderman are privately offering inducements to Stahlsmidt & Co, of Preston, to remove their school and office furniture factory to the Royal City. About'50 bands are employed.. PERDUE VS CLARN.—ID this RO- Lion for libel a motion came up, at Oigoede Hall, on Friday, to dis- mis,stthe action becauseplaintiff has rettad to' answer questions on her • examination—Reserved. ANANIAS CAMDRON'S antipathy to Orangeisni can' only be accounted. for bythefact that he once stepped upon an ()ranee 'peel and sat down so hard that it lef't a lasting impression ,upon his meniory.—Hamilton SPec-' tator. . • • ; " • • A..Mnrnonisr Congregation' intim township of Logan paid $270, •re-• oently, for the use of an organ for the church. That sum•wouldhalf/1 gone fax towards purchasing one of the celebrated church organs made by Doherty of Clinton. . • • RionAiinI3en:44%.$•,. a young:mar- ried blacksmith, who served his tithe. with Mr. ailing of Clinton, died in Goderich last . week.. The re- mains were buiught here teat Friday. .for interment in Hullett, according to the rites of the Roman .Catholic church,- • • . . Sr. • PAUL'S QUILD.—Prograngne for Ma'reli 22: 'Readings and ie- • citations by -Messrs. Scott; Brown and Haacke, and Misses. G. Robert - sen, Staithitry 'and. Nettie, Combs.; duet, Misses pepew and Rippey ; duet,* Misses Greif; and Jackson; duet, Mrs. Ransford and Mr. Jack, son ; solo, Miss . Giffin ; eolo Miss Snath ;- quartett, Misses Combe.and Greic, and. Messrs Combo and • NOR THE NOttilnwnsT.--:-Quite a number of people lift the station here for the Northwest, Tuesday, 'Most. ofthem returning . to their homes there. Among 'them wore Mrs. Mrs. McGregor and foli George of the 6th-;--igis. 'Burnett, Miss: Flora MCDpnald, •Ales. McDonald and Wife, W. Sterling ,wife and family, Arthur Elliott -and • mother, Robt. .Elliot,jr., of the 4th, Wm, Currie jr., andJas. Elliot all of Goderich' townehip. Sonic of them, will'be only. temporary sojourners in the N orth w es t. . , • . HURON' PRESBYTERY. --The Pres- bytery of Huron met in the Presby- terian Church Seaforth on Tiiesday last. .. There was a good attendance of members and a good deal of busi- ness transacted, lint, not of .public interest. The following wore elect- ed commissioners to the general as- senibly, namely; Messrs. Danby, McDonald, Thompson, Pritchard' and Stewart, rninisters,. and Kerr, Broadfcrot, Riddle Murray and Scott elders. • The -next meeting of Pres- bytery will be hold in fondesboro on the second Tuesday of May, at 10:30, a. m.—The Rev. Calvert, M. A., of Goderich,-. a licentiate of the United Presbyterian church of Scotland, made application to'be re, advert AS a licentiate of this -church. Messrs. McDonald, Tlilmpson, Barr and Sproat wore appointed to confer with Mr. Calvert and report. This committee afterwards reported in favor of receiving the application, which report was adopted, and the clerk wasanstructed to forward the application to the. General Assembly and to issue the usual circular letter —The 'Women's Foreign Mission- ary Association .of the Presbytery of Huron also met in Seaforth on Tuesdtty. Six auxiliaries wore represented. The members 140. Money raised laetyear $4.39.75 which goes to the Foreign Mission Fund 'of the church. Miss T. Fair, of Clinton, Was elected President; Mrs. C. Fletcher, Ueborne, Mrs. McKay, Goderieh, Vice -Presidents ; Mrs: W. ROM), of Seaforth, Secretory foithe emitting year. •A • * r.12 Z 0'. • *Ea E" r4 t'v Z R.4 . 0 I" tEt ,c2 lir; Jo 0 c) 2.2.4 0 ,,.. .53 '12 1 an rT•P 0 F-1 •-• • Ce MA g1.114 03 a 64 4 E-1 o _ ?-i ••=. CD r/2 ul fj F2,-; - f=1 14 ^ s r'13 g ; 7.• , g A 5 35 e ° 7.5 tnet 1•0 c-') To. A L a • P-1 F3-1 • El "a• o * W - F02q • THE Court of Assize will be hold- en in Gotlerich commencing on Monday of next week.- . • • 4% •Wilharn Muir, Esti, C. R. Conit Clinton, Mapleleaf, No.16, C. 0. F• . • • Please'eonvey twae officers and. Broth- ers of the' ciourt, my. sinters °thanks for their kind attention aud earnesE soliettude in my late hushund's welfare dmin1.1.. his illness. You will also.expres)3 to the ofti-. cers of the High Court my uppreciation of their kindness in paying so promptly the S1000; 'the Moonlit of the beuetimary cer- tificate. • • " • ' Yours very sincerely, ' MRS:, 4.. KBNITE15Y. Clinton, March 11, 18S8. The Royal'Scarlet Chapter, God- erich District, will 'Oen in the Orange hall here on Friday. next at . • • • Varna. Some bigoted and untrothful per, sons having eirchlated falsehoods re-_ „carding our respedialteefo,:-Mr. Torrance, the following, gentlemen have written and published a state - went showing that Mr. Torrance is altog,ether,guiltless of the petty par-, ,tiaansbip,Iiii'g,ossipy• detractors lay to hischarge :—James 1,IcClyniont, John Sparrow, Jas. Duncan, Moffatt, AlexFoster, Wm, Graham, •Wm. Clarke, Isaac „Erratt, John Johnston, Jos. Morrow. • Manchester. • Our Spring show on the 9th April. We expect it will be a grand success Mt A. Askwith, who has. been confined to thehouse fax the last two weeks, is recovering, • ft Mr. Pi ekard is here sellihg dry goods. The Storekeepers do not like it very well! and no wonder, for some spend their cash with Cheap John and at the same time have • large aceountsat the stores unsettled, • • Saltford. • R. R, eis, able to be about again after a severe Mute. Mrs. W. Lashant is recovering slowly. The fresh herring trade is lively, there being considerable opposition, hot Ellis & Co., eeem to control the market. D. McDougall i; home again, he looks well after the AGM° trials he has undergone lately; L. 0. L,, No 262 Meet§ this Wed-, day evening. A fall attendance is reqiiestedt gr. Geo. Donaldson leaves forthe Northwest 401114 time this month. We wish George good luck. . Miss Maggie Cameron, daughter of Rev. DuneSti Camaro*, of.I.nek- now, had the misfortuno to 1s14 Azad break her legs few dap ogO. • • rotheiv-:- • 0--R-0-0-40-0-0— —0 --n-----0 Clothiers, Fupilibers and Hatters, 0 —0-0--0-1T-0--- -4 CLINTON, ONTARIO. „ "WHAT DO 1.REQUIRE IN CLOTHINer Tile time. for ,answering the above. quefition is here, and to all who are consiclering.the state•of their wardrobe We would ask .from them an inspection of one of the finest stocks. of WOOLENS that has ever been sown in this section. , Everybody knows that people who pay 0448.Er can Make the best bargains, and the ones who pay Cash are just the'people we want to talk • We. have the facilities to dos largo businesS for Cash, and all who do business in this nay wo want to show .thein through our Stock and • quote*Prices, which, we fully believe are • PIPTDEN TO TWENTY per;cont:. less than formerly, . • . • • • We can't afford„to do a credit business and we aro bound to show the peOple•the advantage of paying Cash. .Again wo say to those who are in need‘of a Spring outfit, • .. AND .qE.E OUR srocK. • - ' IN'T THEY NOBB Those Yine Check Suitings that • , • Aro making such a run on. • • • • . . . • It, For Prices 04111.10t bBeat •• • • in the country. Allinneed of § 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 § § § § § § r§ § § § § § § § should Call_ancilea:ve their orders beforethe • Spring.rush begins. Itlictt-N. Good Apprentices wailted. • Tbp.aub'Clothier, Throe Doom ''et of •