HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-17, Page 7VIISP . P'! LAWS' the charigea. of (list tuna.' Lill she ` YDu would not haus known ti!la ' ZY)IAT A HI?SBAN iilD.. 3 / c �/ ------� cane t}Iat he fovea heti 'rirl,. she >vtta so tvin%te and. stern• * iiott . W(! call tile. special Attetltiou of Post T}lore was always a diilloulty ill •get- v `:Your name -was it Adrian Art •--Five weeks ag') tho ' wife of ' - . --- ------I�, - ----•- - - --~~- -'-- _ .. t posters anti subscribers to tlta following ting Leslie to. be gilito serious, but lie 4" she tlemanciod. Chas. V. l.'ruin, a dontist, of Cpica- •kyr ,qf. O S do laN in largo pp or Retail stone, an . . b0, gave birth t0 it child lYlkiClt w,i3 f afi " ro. file lQa'4tlt current rates, Il'. 110 tc' >s ron,et, V1,98 go, ttatkallte tet llttivs; M thtira Wits a ceRtiLitl sh u )fifteen of : 1 good rorty, ate or otuonal �e4urfcy, to y" l a No- sus\vein, but thexe as unit : l , u , I I -,A postinaster is retiuued to Ifnve elle dark eyes Which he hod opine to in tiro man's face; � f'ollowedrby an attack of puerperal -. --, •- -- - - -.- (triton ! . nulux uv 4M;'l"cl n (letta'tein]{ a gen ret does Cl,nton, >T9lt• 26, I9f}i, i.lY. out anylvor the law) lt'iten a snbscti�ter dons : consider 'quite his owe-- a Smile he of iz ,qlis t, 111 , They' "" werH 11Yiu1; in t'ile �r r+�!�r %tot take his. Paper out or the .office, and belived to be his .only --and it is. Yes, said her uncle,@ his name suburb of Oak, Park. As his Wife EDWIN 111,�iP.3 1,�, li r p was Arlie 1.)ef�xe he to4�c tlilIIe, �(,r i ytate the rtitlsni) for its: not beim falcon, easy at five -arid -twenty to hope. grew worse .,µ1, 'I'ru,ln can- + 'Ia$.!N''�xt3`Y',; � ONEYE Arty t(ertect to do pti ntukcsa_ the lastntastel' . Adrian olein i no 1 For one little moment Leslie look- salted a ciGyr gilyaieiani,. tvhu atter a -^-`- ' i D eld d d k w t fat at of Toronto, Ii0ltor Graduate Rol gl College RIVAT6, FUNDS to teed on Tuwq gild karni - i tesponsible. to tile publishers fer payment' Leslie was beautiful' ha . road ed into. the abtlllow,shi'inlcllig black seeing the patient recommeadod the Of Dental ani' sone lzrolrercy, Appr, to. , 9 ---ll` ani, Peron orders ills palter di ; 'eves exd a fast smiler bo 6 . eyes. J. hen- sh � turned away alis- use of au tcstheties to quiet I)or , �1 t� s �1. r. T'MOUT, I, g) e i inOst r " , Coats S Btt)ok . CtIlntOla . Office, l;lliott N Block, (up stnirs)Iiuron•�t, zottOlined ire n,nst ny all arrear� o1 , dainful fi a prineess, and drew out nervva. The doctor here allude.d'ta I + 369.ani • i til ltablislittr Tray rnnthine to send it linen's., . •• uttt'tl Payment is mad atltl, collect' fire i her watch. slid not handle the case but an Oak All work Registered. 1Chargeo Aloderate. ' l y • Ile surveye;l the dark lustrous eyes ti + -_-- - �- --- __� _ _ --- _. - >. whole amount, whether it be taken front Will you take me to the station Palk physician wao stilled ill and i 0m office or not. Tl elv ran ltd 1101egill and 1loaalty clloeks quite at his , i1llh�lt0. i. c ctiirita a ulitil the ut inent is made.. it. and It was who put it into, in time for the train; :11Zr, lkfuago I lie also adopttia the sane course of d.y. ai re l y p �}�C4X>CIrX■ � .____----_--....._..,w. _ .. Yes, dear uacla:,�.Inlistreturnhome. trey Ment, adiniltistar'ing strong � — S ; �1uy lolsan tvlro tal,eR a pilfer from. I utller Delaftel(i s lioaf filet Leslie ■ f of morphine, Ilio lady was - -w-- -- . the post -al c:e, whether duedtpd. to ]its Nast'go tq_..tlle .\i'ltite Olintinitn$ O a anon would 1nClueO11 — t0 fon R. RREVE: Office—„Palace,” Brick Bleck /'� THI MASONS: INK �. : name or another, or whether lie lips sub• frith then) iii Angust, .1,Qslie acL1'el)t+ stay here !" found t0 be rapidly sinking, till LI Rattonbury street, Residence opposite the Rai teed or not, is respgnxtble far the pay, t -One evening Jghn 11f addern stroll- on Sundt( ni ht she fell back oil Ten# eranCu flail fluron Street. Coronerfurthe �' ' •, Orden; i i paper be ed filo invitation with: a girl s 1(21"0... a t the pillow lifeless. Her reathin •County of lInroa: Oslee hours from s y,in. to a Incorporated by Act of Pgrltgn#ent,78t:G 4 -If a subsertber aisle i s. p po of novel( ed Sadly into the an) don q£ Mlles, , p b I P. m. stupporl at u cel.ta;n timr., inti the pnlilsti• y, slid 1\Iadaln I)arroll sou- 3 had ceasod and her friss wasgone. rr. ped a a r send, it the dies abli)Qr . is seated, A tall girl ruse up froin a rustic p o ; Clinton, dap.14,18al, i•$. - CAPITAL, ^ $2,000;000 .� rhnuncl ta.pity far it it' lee tike$ tt out.of fife She irises Jolla I4Tadd'er but she chair. The attending physician, tubo was' 1ZE;T, $504,009 I .1lZost-apses, rl'luspracerdsn]x>ntlroKrO11D(1 wits old a ou r s .Nevi a s e "John !" elle cried gladly. by Ilei ansa, .false the usual "e>ttint^ drat a man rust pay for what lto uses. . illation and distinctly pronounce(i �++e iCt, Rged' Office, ]1�QIYTREAI,4 . , q� argued, People always deeded Soon they were walking arm-Irn- her dead. The -husband was f'ran- -- -- . TFIOALAS woltic�IAN, President. . ^ mono J , , tic, and rushing to the bedside of t + W yP s5 y \VhenGVOl the alaln'ied and arnt under the locusts 1n the ttt'1' rn .) J, if, it. Alof.SON, vloe•Presldent. • t1 "Ii1 the laiviaion Com in Goderieli Leslie. had better marry. where the light. Ilia wife, Llt his Oaf` t0 her heart. 11l ANNTA G .&, SCO TI . F• WUi#kLlt$TAN TEJo IAfi, gsneralManager' ^ . at the Nnvolldwr sitting a newspaper pal?= money • was, • Compared. to Luther "T never tole you, ' John but m Ile tarp a ou ftli t 13a?'risters -o. , * ' . fisher sued for n1 ' ut' Paper 'The defcttt1: , y z. z y dos ed h C ld detect (L n z � : Notes (liscotinted, Gollectiansmade,.Arafts . 1,t I ji :Uolatields dial£ a nlil ion, .7()'1111 Pistn,.Aida died Of a broken,li%irt:, throb. The,physician then assured , issued, Sterling aucI American ex. '• q n#lt. s�ujected paying on the grtmticl that lie ItIadtlel'n suss 17QOr, rr ryrr I Er,LTO7`T s TiLGOJt, CiLIhTON, chair o b asci oidel'ed a for'eier' peolnigtar of the T.til"Ja , a0 -\viten .my Mother Was hiin that life 'Was extincf, but in S boll rat an sold at naw• The latter felt all this thou_ h estranged #'roti: }ler parents -because order to satisfy Dir. 1'rlt n hc� callus y est current rates. . paper to (ti, it, 9'Ire Judge held , g a p. y 1lfonez: to Loan.. • that 'that \sax not a, valici'tlel'euce. 'Phe shl� nlarrted a_11inat their lvill we ,• IiNrAtticsT AT a PER CANT, ALLoIvsn aN Doreen tlalritllf , tine prCSerit prn]tl'lettlt, hall no not a wol'd 1Vas BtLld a, and 1)O' 1Vtta a r 1n an ,doctor Of the , lllryge. A. M 1#fANNI1IG. JAS. SCOTT. t , liroucl, and veld not :hog for Los- .lost fat -bur and mother and wore lett )le,. too, trade an oxamiu:ition and ' notice to discontinue incl' consequently , •, !"fait )rUvtdacl for. :1F_&_"RMZ13RlB . cauls collect, altioitgir it wan, not dun e(i lie S'' lova, $IlrCtl she, toU, Iie(' od 1. confirmed the report o£'his biotilier . p FRANK R, POWELL bloneyadvancedtotarmoteontltetrown'nOtv9 that defendant lied notilied 1,01-11101• pro-, careless and L'IdiffeTenit. ' , . "Aida was but Six teen: Site went pbysiciall that the patient was stead:, r with one, or w6re endorsers. No mortgage re,- „ . nietgr iu: cliseentitiue,,, In ,airy event 0 One $ 'e aulnh r a the into a 3iell lilmil in 1Ve�v Ilam Still the husba-aa could not be ,con,- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, quired ae, security. if. C. IIIc Ent ' d.ofi:tr)ilant wax haullti to pay forthe tine l o Q d y, � 1? . i tilt de )arced f'or'tho 1;'hito ilotin^ Shire us "governess, ti title I IV48 toss- vinced. He placed liis hand upon. ., . 1?util e, etc. " . thlnn»s`er. he lied recctved the paper incl until be p y 1 , rebruary.18s•t., i CLIN•roa . .. a'r' e( dt e. ol•etihscri ttioii, ttlinri; and ho field his .#ecce 'with ed fron> p Mal, to post. by indifferent upon his. wife s ..sliest and by same Office, Seal--lo'o lilodlt, Albort-st., Clinton. _ . bad pard all . ( s l t I .I _ . ,_._-_. - - _ < . what -raoo he.lnlrrht, friends -a troublesome little imp, method tried to produce'an artificial Toronto .agdnte;: ueuera. 1rtcCarthy; outer, , -— r1. a o, ifo9lcfn &,Crcclul4n. �tff.lt£•li$tl►". . .- `I'l1C tl'1) 1VaS tU. be made as.exten- they saill'. respiration, having bade' Q''sheCial . . �y ' , (],71'.1'rt1VA'rE' hU\D& To. LEND gt lQN e9� rates OI', _ t'' ; ., ,,fi�t ^RJEI�I�I ;RS sive: as . l le an sitar .11 1- Tt. WAS -u there that 1liclti n et study of the USQ, Of tt;s1,11`1 013 lu awr-. Interext, ,., s$1 i1Nmo iea�i`o�-sa A. F. -�' OR 11R wp,7C RY . d pus, d Adrian i eft « N ge A Al.; fiefs \gas t1iH liter t deli'rbtful oi' Adrian Auhe. She was very pretty neetioit :with his plofbSs2o't, 11 •• nicots every rrid;ty, an or after the fill t, moon, Vislthi brethrmt cordially invited; v "`"'"'"" . ,loo'la at ions.'kno'lvifug' tine .-end of then; }ylleza is 'health. `!'hey wer,>, •IJrocceded .to work' tl)b attire 1)nek []],ZER tit MCCU,LLOIIG$t J. Yor cG w. �. AT. IDER, `iw . ( , 11 ' a " and I'm ,tb fres intt his hand ,on the )� ,, . , J. c Only $ , s WITNESSED ALAI Ta'i, tiYel`y Wt1t0l'fall, t11G'best,asc4nts the. betrotbell, She Monti his diamond , :ly a . ,ide"i ali alma 8ijicittrs. • ofinton;,l(in;14, ISSI.. 1• - _. o• . loveliest 3etreats, r; ring,, Pilch Aida•!. so lonely, • so sliest, thus ])reducing ,-in- artificial Office. _.- ' <. loving t inovelnant. The t\\:o doctors who. � - ontou• - . .. a - C brave,,bill"ItOUH VU1C0 �t Il$ IlOald y j y , S'OOa }1 llUt .Otil OndAt1VU '(i ' f q Aloita} 1vanCcl and agrein9cd on real estate.;lj�l �� . Suc�l da s , of en G meat such erg c :iltlOn'r file roses and Syralwa$' at thH • IlOnl'S Of,$WCCt. Slll1>11a09, T�eslle fled "lie was Only allillSing'".himi;elf, t ' y y }.. i d JonN\Y, Jlet:t+tmugail. , 'Junes illlla,Vm : � ' dissuade hint from confirming the �.,. _ , Lili(w;: ttit(l.the tall;handsome girl, 'ne\tl known. lie loft Iter to, break her heart. - ""=-{- ti „ O1)firatiou, flint reltlonstratod wttll �'`R1,tGER R MORTON, Jlarrlrters,dre,& God- '. )nllinrr )early crust rs of rho Tialti^ n a Eel al (1 Andnla did ,riot know when she : :' iJcrieh sift \viirsltant.. o.soa or ,rr. aotie T h. Y ■ t a y ]l7m for Continittlli \that thta . Ti 50 710, 1 0 �l And one evening b 0 r, G y' J, A. DlOrtnn t1 tnghanr. , 1%l3'(C s ° T more Belle (ruin its vine,,eould not she' looked u' into: Adrian Delft_ found its (incl brought us home tit ( me 'a' nbf 1 a 10 f tile! : elrl C7:t.,I:C�TTO�, . p lee d_ 1. ,nt nod, fiat listen : tial is lyase. err( uut of fullness of grandpa S dtjitiyll, :5tla needed its as, - '- d . l ll _, Ifo continued 'ills .(:flbrts, atil'l.'aftol' AV(SO� .� .TOHNaTO�7, 7,aw, (ihaneorj;anii j�,T Aieets 9t:co n Afonday of every , ""lis wish to lir'nallntit'an(1 guy; t o 1 t ''1 i`" Mitch as we fteeded 1tei. "Sao hail n [� Cunfor4tleing. OAicit West Street, next �( metria,' TFnll ,upstairrs, . oppveita, , 0 1 Cni't, inaoC ut y S ill , rr 1 db6r •ta Inst UlAcw, God0ich,'.Ont,. 'fin. the'1'otvti Halt, . Vlsiting•brothren • . e:/ . the.. ]sir )o of slime, minutes the 'Tis cern to hu Lwutrr°uud flue. �, , „ fin:ell�tlaa in,the city; Uutalic hroli ht _ Lllell.t.. Oil I al 4 a . patient - be'rarx•' S10W1 tO': revive. -0 -�� atieu•sin4de.welcon#e., r• -liar: you'd better be ort with tliu old love y 11 J' . . Alda ll 9vq, sceilim her so delicate ' 1 � _Y 6 lo - a;�Esa s i a, C. iTAS S, Rnlidt 0r, �Zc i6ce, corn/tr.ot Cl. T'WIFoEDY1 W:. Al. I She line steadil lin )rOVe(l and 1S' r++drnarr<t 1veststraet over Ilutler's Bo.ok E. bLt3Ui>Y Sa.1 7. C: DUilEltrX; .AI,1. 13eibro yuu f1e ori with clic utti:' It ,vas enough; . rhe young mail ,r r j y l I. • cr . \o, site' never ,knew , Aida now . tibio" to .••hove frrojtil(l, '1!ll(j store„poderluli, Ont. er ' ' ` T.(lslie Darrell curb d hw re<l lips snut;ched file White Band $. '.. llrrotc'tt all ottt in a letter ti d . t't __ . _ .__ _ . u ^m u , n �e t10AfOrR COn%'ns�f that she. '`1,0'ihl CCT- tri,” :honey *to lend at luwbst rates of interest,: with a heightwied solid, but, did note . 11 y 3 z ,: It for me Oh I canuotitell you ha\t - � �~ I \vat z>evei ao lilt ",) Ln,rn .lino , y taull helve died but for these oNti'C.- 1"r+t , it , i0 t- ill' Mo Vt- . tutu aur beautiful lioiltl easy ficin, ill- Lesliit ! . yVlia. \would IIut: be .•hero Y, -t .CAi11`10X, Barrister,Attorhey; "solicitor tit = -_- _ . ,. I'lntive` "vel)( over 'that • lett0r. He "ordin r Cflorts at restUnt: ion.' V4., Chancery, r'.onve)•ancer: ic, ,)Aide oter - t110uh11 $lie l:ne1P John ltladderL \1'ltll yon �' .a:,' _ was alt her world, and she b0 )eC $ ✓� JArdan's Prai< Store• the rooms formerly becu• `UC' °""i1' 1,11j ' t tiALAG12O 1.1, 26, (r r ( j , 1 1 0 : tori Ut••.Tud%e Dila l'll llio••IaK .,t,ect Jr, thuVlLeAGLOkJJl.11n.; was fvaittn0 for a aluu60; ,1u,1. she I1u ' 'one'.. llf•tim. instant ,Leslie thtit"he would come b(i - p r r , , 1 C1C to li'(ir: ''ere 1, t .s non of the illmt.(lisibie huiitling sties PICi'. flUlrl tine Vlile as 1TlaII 'rOst33 tom' Anv aniryt(nt"ef money to loan Rf, Joireet ii;'.I v Ilri rind hria a gu,'-'hoase, stable; hon - Cat . d �' Sli rtrnl. 'fiGni 'ilio, velioulent �iiacl(tra^ "I c, Ti understand ' w .r•rrh i ' WIi ' 'ZtrhhL" Y 'U coy 'il ellen. rate's ofdntorost. f.lv. rt', 'rOrnl: and and.. yuft tc' tor. air, orehrird nn ars her' sloilder fingers could close• hU bra t l a X U a Gip'u,° t tins proln, r•, 'APph to - 0. VAN EWN OND, tira-e'life fer her• fora 1•ittle, lvhilp Sltllriit s Cure will 'give irnin&Iiatc __� - . 11 tl r „ ,,. i c°. ltri 38J . around,. yet never ouo turned Ile]' v " ' art knOwOt 1 itS 1V31 and t l n li' f 11 — rf rrl'ief. .Price 'rU( ta.,.9J cta.,,aird �1' . . J . or he l . b 1 e _ (. le,t. el notilill Aidil fact taward:tllU s not ']fusel the to y I - 1..,. „ . rr , . o, ,. Sold l)y J. 11,. Comber. 33G rv. �li.fll0lll'l'lf�tr�. r' � .� � '�^�iLi. raj .rll$t tree lvheratho reality fieri lean-: secicts, and It tlnolo \vas a bund,lau \fouls h,we ll\u(1 tC•be ht11)ps, but NsitU�.li'C,',�I�idi° __ Q -y ?'• 91 •all unacknowledged, It was a V11gue , orhisselflshness4ii('leruelty., Then .• - ! -` . F==;.A ed and lratclied.l101. o : it iT'E OR• nn't'.ouOus vit aEocasiti buet: - and swotit ofie, and left the girl'.an-.:I , think that I Itlinlit •havo loved eras your 1v fR of one of tll,e new { t r a „fiats'?" -]-r, �.��:. '.°l ALL T� ices. lit "dodorder; only,beenin'rse,tiru Was it mere Ctipiicel John i+laa g s )CCti11r ttlat hilt +rias• f) 4: \va Hint %t eserine tis if L fihoulclxtiu for . pollai)sina No; brut •she airs r •,yvue ua: ".Al1pQ'to • . . M4: sweetheart wr#i a' 1• a. 1:3 , y , one,of,tlie d-fa's1110 nes =c la )sin r' t v"" h.:Co Ts d sAa:: dIorli.l:riely that h s t• s uurrht.be )erilotis to another man. - :.shame,! Ol .0,1 1 b L CTTUi�G) K for'11nroD Coanti. Sates at- �! • , ,'+' r' •. I? l .. _ : 9Ckgttll(i0tes. t ,' .' A' teniloa to in any p;trt of the Gleu»ty. Ad. Clinton, Alarch 25th"ISS..".'* . 331 . ' little Capl'lCtUuh , but bon' Were > t i heart s ill from ° ,t ' ' g 1res9 orders tb Gooxntcii II 0. Yd$,' - -- :,u hen Lias e< t hla r n Dont blame Me too.n tie i, .do.11 mlways spoiled, lie argued,` With a 4 ' tine rr vinrr of 'iustanti iafu ttnii T have fiatseen a nrHttti. oaf of Ji)ezl ' . - HOUSE a6iD LOT fdR. SALE. ~ .lender $Illile, , b:,.. a' : 1 ° a.. t- , .. .. whether Adttau: T)ttlatteld suap:ectod and tills 9ne ltad xnoro' 6�ita,las tiler (V .. To -day. there was 11 a. lu kinrr ltneaat- r 6 f 'y. , �iiuniltESS. �iAl�)(1V1 t11N, r lrll: udernigned offers for .alehis •nowc and . - r •, �' tlle.tl ll.th OL 11Ut, he .Wits no 11UV14e, anY Ot1101' I ever luHf. 1 et t0 day �' ', •l,i,t on (tudvn aw,,.t, ••niton. The houar is ' - 'Zr, 'H$11C$ 27b11''Uld. " ) ► 11U i► "* 0- .'oI UCTI0.y1;EI.Iultd loan., 8insuran a n v arse No'' 00 , # �Yea3 ill ht$ he, . t, L In lYUlnen. S lleal'ts and ul'alted hi I IlatC. hlitl- .11i1te .tU the C'lll'9 fl nil- A , Insurance gc t ircrviy hti;lt; Six inerts, tater np.taire and t 1' Bir tit, Sales;ttt0naadFn-toren aiullcoutitr t uncle: and' his tido >ted suultul culne ,,. s, a,.rt:n;hardand tortwaterp and cellar. Situate ticivul0a e titre' all selffishaess and insineeCit !' .rhotp ra 1lb.l..Lzca(zs, + io re:tsun, hlu tnrnts.. ct list 0f fayre cent e,,at a. + f1 r m risiuft and henithr to ,r'it}. Terms ea'sy. lots for sale,, Money: to Iran on renl,dstate,. at. ,\ t 11°'wttltc premises ur•it ilross Clinton P o,. from. T�lorida'the duy :before.. I)id Leslie souls not be iu eusi.bTa to ' S°`"hiin t ` Il ifn y 2� ll' t , ` C e l _ l GU , I Pott (1 out b( f'OiC _ EATL$0' 1'a IL EiZIJZInt.R.. few rhos of irtarcrt. inanrauce offer, nit all o . ' ,JOS1lUA IJAAtNER hanaablti0 aitlrian DLlallold SCO lla+V I i " YaSei [i'J6[l "(��%E'GiLC42UCliP. q alasacs of prolier6%. .:Totes and dehts collected.,, 8.7 tt ' .. the beetle dt folellce, the ar111,#nt too laid.. Juhu, f£ I have given you ;rinds n) rntno(t sift sold on cornu (ss 1 3• 1leautitul Zeshc \vaso Her ,cousin, , • l p t Ion. I.uilb e.'• —„ to vory desirable aril . lint(ietlQnCanstantl ,Ullel'eil}lUr'alld all 11n'Wlll .O.0 OrrYIYC IIICf't P.u75LS IG1l(l )lT[lletS. ruptatnelcsboualitnndsofd: ��!l.�iLJfbOtt...ALL.' 11 t f site' ca11e(l: hiin. Co.usi_n, ,fotsoutlt;l :l y . Y. n •}r, f a p� in colborne totvtrshit), eouniy bf Ilaro 1, l,n- ,y ,. .(r �.:: Blvth: i)ea 1b, tflsa:: ion 6P"" block 0 ahs' w r • tit . • '. atncu. the (til). aavt llduau Lelattvltl eud .T .hn Ill tr 'n lane tilt enn,po.,ea of )art a That iful es S ankh luolLul'r. fel , • .. o �_((,d .l w .1.hat � ice, A-�/ /". ' j� l� � ailinyr 2t U adrFb >ihont £fi a t , p a , , 0 Y �i � irrA �rA a ,� %Vestnimn l'Ji'islori,_etmt: Ili filo aeCldetlt$ Ui tl'aVLl .e,V,HI' .ad _ — y. tho'�irl thaf he t001C ii1tU his a]InS' taev hush laua•:all(1 hninni°e >leured; tlay:.ntytT .lo\v, of S(weai-and . t.wenty; \Ya3 fl p... . a . , rr, r • � - •ands t0•nn land: fi'.iring Urcek run ulrig through. , r ,.,:.• v4 .. ,t e the ehaaces . eoW Last iii. U all X;inct� 1 1. 'Lrr :. . iBc ,o t)'i 6 ": inislia )en 4a , . 1I .Was.all his UW n. . T .. . , chcf617er .than ever. r tt' bt lldlu s - on ten lila t0 tl $ , al d, a C. n C, . 1 . ,, `N Ittrill}��"�r ,116 farm, li.lveliin}, a rd.ut i I aVUI. . .L. ' • ,, i a ... - _-, , lrromraesr The u`hol0' oi' ,,p:iit, will, he .sold' on ae dtt�al�, \aha, lollfna.,,In lichee, h. d - - __-- I ! , iboncl terms. Apply ltersott,elly or'by letter to _. s '1 lie lover, -)resent ]lid •the' to}.or � y �y - , s n ti�e promisee .or' to LlR$ftY :.. , taken a \r}um to adapt h>tn ,as his THX 100I? SEAfiS: `r ` V ���ol v,ll. \t I.i•t, , a t t 41 . heir. r abSkillt iroln. ;tier . V1C\l:, Alld. at ,y , Svci.t,h Sultford I U:} Ont. 810 81n vf, ,� g �,. _ _ _ _ aigjItH.. )(srhie )s women ate a ,t NBT%: S E1�G —1, . �C'i �C/�lLl..I ,, 1 1 v itis be, a• t 1. 1 I . rr idT1 RJ NT;—ThC brtek store in setiilt'9liloel , Quo_K•ou rt th_uli-thexe 1 o Ti1U . our . Uetluiters ,\vino aro : ' •' ?.?'QAC ` . ° f rr"site tlie:.nturltet, lately ocnupied by' ._.._. _ _ to be-lacollstant; Ste) b Ste) -the - . _ y._ ._.a.__-. BeavVr_-LB.luclf:. h19).4i► � L1.. .o►r I. a ruffliltrr of f4athel$ in the dove cot l y 1 - ..., ,;eta.�po,.nit 4, d_rs'_f±oo'dt store; The pS;otniso9 o ,. ilc ualuted. tylia a counts school it�r;�'�nur eQ -- - - Of.tlld Lille$ at the lntl'udur . atuoe Ulan of tlli3 WUlld adv#lll�eea, until Tl.. y .. a1. r, new ttndivnli attod up, with volley full ES[xe, ,, . ht: believed 11e. needed Onl Ilei' nlastCr.ht4 ills a school ebb t tt Ol � . � itso litry;e ror.m ill) stitb•s with: good entraP0. Leslie had alwa S bCan' Condidered Y V ' a,' . ' u Y Vg' /,p 1 �SqL!"�■ l3radustte nf.the Ontario V eterinnry .(/ollegc, To \ppry to W,,C. SI AnLG, Olint,on.. 80a•tf, y )rUl1i1SC 0 tial{0 i:eshe 1118 own. r i ■■;, ��,�V. 1v, ! a rwito,'ltavrh nl,encd tin 00(00 Ill Clhrton •is ' ..."- �-- LUt11C1' XSL'h1t181d;3 I1(i1rOr73; and I,ei; 1 rifles ilo n this cite, tl ere. taw lied ,rel„red @o treat ail tli4Cnsns.of tlo 4estiit . tY • 'd -'t4. lir �r.: Tan n attests 'Pre_ Prepared r.T,7,r n r 1' a 'her iln 1 , u ' AIIs Cosine- sheat e)i1e(1.iil a rlOrl- t t 'nn- a iiinals on the moat modern {trill- nii9en.nn itlbcr•E t teed oW,r•Rtnr,. cou)priA- ;.: ie w s gf d iii not s idol; b t >? out o, a•spelli a school ttfo v nJallt • fied'worlll where here was:nttitittir �i (��!. �,1 ciplos, A,il`operntionsca:rafully`•.' lnt•pnrnur'I,,c.:Anigr.F"� r,r•nrn.+ anYaf . how the intruder had dtsarfllad rill . � � since, and they took a horse and, BOOT.& IJ O-s"YORD, .. verformi:d, and callsprompc• • : resentment With -his smooth tongue sorrow nor. pain. All the bi-ight Ivattended to by &I, or -- - I 3 and chtirmin : nanner's !. surrouiidlnn scene glowed in a rose= bug,,y and drove out. • 'there was a .. C�'POSITE'�tACEY'S night. F'eosnlodurgte. � .,� � ,r - calor. 'l o see ,b:(lyund the present 't;trge•gttithyrina' of fit and. 00ice,-Ist door West of X(41_ ' . t H ' r Who tva 1e.gbact lopking fHl ALBERT STREET CLUITON ONT. iue(!v'sHite!I . is low2” be had heard hum ask Leslio.. fuss itnpossfliI exciting contest (vas 1oal.ed for. f ' s , Cliatou, Utlt VJ7.. zhHy stopped, ane .day, at ad old Just previous ..ta the be ilininn of - - - h'OIi With that Au of quiet ,indlt£er^ g a a'p y p farm. house with gtullrit, diamond Ordeixed.. SPR( o � , *'onbo,.Lesiib.had repiled, lYithouta theoxeicses,ayoungfu11oW, tv'liosc" 5171 'C A�{ �j" ��'�l �ji� ( TT � . paired wilidows. Leslie f'aucieii the' i J l NIS" R? E t1 1 NIJ Tinge of tell -take color:" head would have bumped a six foot .'�Ptc,Ciil�L.�"'1i, .! 1• wainscoted rooms' acid the old .g,p, . • „Air. A2lddern is one ontir old " �-*"'""� r-NIVE I . . clan of hellyliucks slid fraerrant, 1liark and fvltc,ss weight 1Sa8: about rr ��gg ppi�gg ..�^' . .TALLOW; 1SLC. r, , 1leighbol s, southern wooil.:..and waited in ..the 160 bunds called one o , the Do.: R ilr■,. '1: �1 : a@N ' t� p . .11 .. 11Igll68b marirAt- pHee pail. 11ring - C:.. Old nei.ahbot, indeed'!' su) ny sittlug roollt, ll]cii^Uuo ill a : troikors ane asked : Prowptly attended to.. � ' thein alon loastl,nt (renin, for her dinner. •'• 'r 1'14". B N U/' . Lk Ha.hstti been \vial about her aver P (y -70- T_ . °Are. ",you two fellors' going to ;� �� � ''1 1. 0 ' ` ,fife . Nzo httraiU '," Simidty. :Sinco the Darre118 had come' to,the Her uncle and .his adopted son spell is o _-I......_s Lilies. • lilero .baa only be'ellstately had .o.ue to iunlcH sure that tltiiil' ° ''•r'"a MadamDarrell a m t e, (r i - ° cru , --- r^-- rr d ii( nd t} j sweet, ,dyt lc, buauttf:tl Caillaae . holsLs wuuld 1q `I a eyes so. , i ■• Ory. u,,.,tf ` . girl, Aida,.at Meat-thes6.ttvO 'and ceivis'tliebest of care, Ptttty goa(I, at itry r' ___ __ _ their -servants, Suclti(3illy til(#'\villd lllownbounits l • . „ 1 6. 1 A i_ G�J.lAUon Marble., il•orkg, -'- �.1 y T Tie ha(1 ile.vor lino\vn \what ailed .o#' the-<luol'.yard clibrr tree )al'tcd [I t}illik ve can down you all. FIU11oN• STAE}rTi CLINTUN,®� �PI,Jr3L�l`s' r Aida I3,trrell but silo \efts Ending, and lei'( a' shaft Of .at S�ii110 upon You cIo, (1111 No\v. ypu fools a �` �,_, . . " like 'a flo.wor froin day to ally: IIH- the d,itiwund patios of the window," here! - I've conte Isere to -night to � ■ . � . . . - . . It.. , fora tho:,year (stilled the young sister find 1-,eslie saw writing fliers, and sl?ell this school down. Aly gal is .• lI . F P, J r, r, ' ' U file fin^ rbae tb read l.t. till(a� ver of t� oP i ,. F dealer Ir#elf lrTi;cle os C o e I ch Zarb. . e Tons was call(s(1 i'ronr school hese to see he .do -%t. hale t rib • ' . oral. , . ScrntallHtl. by a diamond were the of;jeetiuns'.of yu>tr spellin' along till Imi ieiiient ! Ho had Neon ' commi'saionetlA'by nlirnes't°=(lrlltn Atrlie" anti 'rAida ,, , ... , ' Marble & Graffito for Cemetery` —17 • ,� ' Rs . t t 1 5 „ , . we CUiI1 I . the word f.athT) Il, elft t1 u t nt ttef o t iot ITAVE app6intod ATR. 110BEP.TG0BY)ON, ars . *Madam D riell, witl v,hOtil rte \va$ 1)IlrleilI ,tad it (Mite was added, after (hitt ...Ulf Can't dro down . An �, ..°_. Mork at g rosEl , yc nrlettt 1 `VlonrrxtAgentnf.theGoderieli Marblu Iturss a favorite, to ineet liar at the train. q'he I'balll re(lea around, but rho y , , y . IMple 01 t'S ' fvrttte Coitntt of llurmt. i F{' What a flashin'r Im )cirrous cl:tzzl- evidence fres before bar. acs. filer too soon. , If either clue o you fel: - ., L. "I •. . .JOSEPiT VANSTOXV4 a, l z y , i - _ -Al:-o mantrficttn cr of the Celebrated � . iJroprloto � . 11}g yo(luii et,olWire She was 1 They host -a oarrlilous, common. plaCia ldwg boats me you d'bett:er have' tilt) i AitTrlrrotm, 5roxn for Bailrlint{ 1)nr 06derich, rob. 0, 1883. Ylw..'A .had ,)fti3doa the blow for lieu. _.Ile littler-mati•-strulled into the room, wings, of ft love to fly out o' this, �atjU. roK SF,(,l~.132;?Mr,, S, )osea and Oplucter ,A3'm-;, wit A mit"it . g+ RSAPEEIS A]i)WEl S �xs soeli"'to 1)d,a eciltted,-011 tvurk SEED diid not know that liar lovely $refer;:""an �O�tb'Servecl "luroreulrtttiutl. for I'll giro ire both the all-firedost ' . pl ' ; [p{� �j�s,� �1 tj�� �Jq Aida neeaed_no anxious tllau,ht'o'f ' C'Wondor if' the gentleman 'll r , ltatlanto11to wive xatlsla(,tlolt: L ADM D NA9 � 1061 11 �1 � L Aida, o \ 1 L liekfTlg two dml.as -over got.P SEM,l) DRILLS, 110,11SL TIAinn . 9 . hot young heart,—avaa beyond pain, remember. vl on .he \lrote '.thom . .i PI,r)iyS -~ AIS ALL KINDS O ' in #t ciilcot sf lilies• feat fret' )Ititul namos. J omme' ' sbo• t \vas ni'rll They stood ftp With lllill until all , l a y t ; . �}aru.l,rI2S i� E MOVED, Field) Clove and , (1`rams 'goads: . tl► otltera want, down and tTtH1 at . CUTTTIV( l(? I.S r anaranoe made his llolnrt ticlie \vhfto throe years', I kn(+tv hiin thH iy + y + + - - : . he wondered at her beauty.. moment laid my eyes on Klin, a ia01t £ill 0£'deeliest nTea2ling l3Otlt ' , l'lr ry T. A1tIY�I: FI�MHOR hasremoved his Mc(rlvtol)a, CulifitrlLir6, l eftanre ril:r"1 ,1 . , , . - , . k I t;bavhrsr t'rtrior to tile'Pnwn Mali, whol•o Y Y r "W hou he stew hdragain the bright Ito 1)04ttfi1'fuI geed• at reeullCetin mi( se4 and 1Cft..him. victor, W lien .A nd all ,�mPl6monts used ort a farai I,,, r,vites old, antr, new potrwor to call far= 1>'1ue )(StG?1t1. �I XlING TT J11!ifl7. { ''' . with done"in f oeS. , ' 1 •' )to had carried off the honor le yl. e r , L, lit' . a ilea eleau' Ahavo anis a A611101 hair oat, • l , r j ,, lmptstliaslty was afife your a a Xou ne not like fife otitol. 1 Is l q. rlt as Cloud as tile a I3c,gt, gird # �# C .ftp T.Utoet lttsl0x of ladles Italr•CttttititT, 7lrrcltd II.f[a1rLa16 r,rziley, 5ntal% rrau, face claudetl tr,itll tvool)ina, }lttt filo anew She was' Sma'll;er an, fairer, .arpull(I sill sai(i J as the. 011eapp'st, at - _..- �.__ :_ ,r _ rGYrowa Peat 131 ie P� an, 13rcze* B'yo, w...,.. ;I 'tsharin the . girt had cast over limn (though mot any , better lookin.' 'l6ch bbleegod,,,antl. I ha 'o yon. .h2`arrodfat P, ea& ' ;z stayocl, He Roved lien. - lwas a diamond i'Ing he tiwrit . en1 eton't #'ool Inllrt, Shouldn't t have' #, YY/ .�% I� :��' o.rrcS', *fiQLfSL� c5'/l�N. y.III`Tt; It,DS�[AY�t C)A'I"�, Sbrtrts, tett#i . , with --a Mighty fine, 011e. " , I GA1111IAOV ol, G1sYfiWAL 1 A1JV;fV i. Anti P('r Pd of All i�ltltls :, After thatsltt, had rolnalnoii at the r$ y cared about it, but (Susan. hall her , r ' .. ( talc.' ttattmtip a'id tratvolmi,fnn tirm,ud , at , Two r r .. . IMPLLII'II:1V t Wtil'°I.ItU01tIh> M.Ana., .Sch+,al Blackboat'riea A1,pclale,+1. ,SattB• � �t w , . 4 Lilies, It tv;ld't1Sr0 years ti1/,0. 3ltC `l iVU 311adOiVs liaC� 11t31I$et� in :tElo 1 heart sot an tit, l�n(1 Susan soot eighty fde. An 0traeauteed. guff irioa ttrilh fhe hind% a• AMeS S 1 EY:,!" +,`a �` bad coma to know him well in all, doarw;ty, as Los io turned. 1 scree OF land atld a clrovo of sheoli,' �tK,VV't'tll\. " at Ntrr,tjtjo 1leNiVendR�•:lra)'irslreet,�rrY'tOX, r,3;'•a),t ]!'tent. and Feed S1orr, " t (v N14, ;t I + ._- ,ter,:" di w, _p . . . - I . , i n til ' I � - , ' , . 't: 't.. ,r. , • (^ I 0 E p " %. . • , ..._ "..'.. ... .... - .J. ... -,..... _ _........... . ...... �..- ,. ._..,....-. ..._. - . .. ..... . .. _. - - - - �.• r l , . , 1, . ' rx .,,. ,,.- e „ a , . VIISP . P'! LAWS' the charigea. of (list tuna.' Lill she ` YDu would not haus known ti!la ' ZY)IAT A HI?SBAN iilD.. 3 / c �/ ------� cane t}Iat he fovea heti 'rirl,. she >vtta so tvin%te and. stern• * iiott . W(! call tile. special Attetltiou of Post T}lore was always a diilloulty ill •get- v `:Your name -was it Adrian Art •--Five weeks ag') tho ' wife of ' - . --- ------I�, - ----•- - - --~~- -'-- _ .. t posters anti subscribers to tlta following ting Leslie to. be gilito serious, but lie 4" she tlemanciod. Chas. V. l.'ruin, a dontist, of Cpica- •kyr ,qf. O S do laN in largo pp or Retail stone, an . . b0, gave birth t0 it child lYlkiClt w,i3 f afi " ro. file lQa'4tlt current rates, Il'. 110 tc' >s ron,et, V1,98 go, ttatkallte tet llttivs; M thtira Wits a ceRtiLitl sh u )fifteen of : 1 good rorty, ate or otuonal �e4urfcy, to y" l a No- sus\vein, but thexe as unit : l , u , I I -,A postinaster is retiuued to Ifnve elle dark eyes Which he hod opine to in tiro man's face; � f'ollowedrby an attack of puerperal -. --, •- -- - - -.- (triton ! . nulux uv 4M;'l"cl n (letta'tein]{ a gen ret does Cl,nton, >T9lt• 26, I9f}i, i.lY. out anylvor the law) lt'iten a snbscti�ter dons : consider 'quite his owe-- a Smile he of iz ,qlis t, 111 , They' "" werH 11Yiu1; in t'ile �r r+�!�r %tot take his. Paper out or the .office, and belived to be his .only --and it is. Yes, said her uncle,@ his name suburb of Oak, Park. As his Wife EDWIN 111,�iP.3 1,�, li r p was Arlie 1.)ef�xe he to4�c tlilIIe, �(,r i ytate the rtitlsni) for its: not beim falcon, easy at five -arid -twenty to hope. grew worse .,µ1, 'I'ru,ln can- + 'Ia$.!N''�xt3`Y',; � ONEYE Arty t(ertect to do pti ntukcsa_ the lastntastel' . Adrian olein i no 1 For one little moment Leslie look- salted a ciGyr gilyaieiani,. tvhu atter a -^-`- ' i D eld d d k w t fat at of Toronto, Ii0ltor Graduate Rol gl College RIVAT6, FUNDS to teed on Tuwq gild karni - i tesponsible. to tile publishers fer payment' Leslie was beautiful' ha . road ed into. the abtlllow,shi'inlcllig black seeing the patient recommeadod the Of Dental ani' sone lzrolrercy, Appr, to. , 9 ---ll` ani, Peron orders ills palter di ; 'eves exd a fast smiler bo 6 . eyes. J. hen- sh � turned away alis- use of au tcstheties to quiet I)or , �1 t� s �1. r. T'MOUT, I, g) e i inOst r " , Coats S Btt)ok . CtIlntOla . Office, l;lliott N Block, (up stnirs)Iiuron•�t, zottOlined ire n,nst ny all arrear� o1 , dainful fi a prineess, and drew out nervva. The doctor here allude.d'ta I + 369.ani • i til ltablislittr Tray rnnthine to send it linen's., . •• uttt'tl Payment is mad atltl, collect' fire i her watch. slid not handle the case but an Oak All work Registered. 1Chargeo Aloderate. ' l y • Ile surveye;l the dark lustrous eyes ti + -_-- - �- --- __� _ _ --- _. - >. whole amount, whether it be taken front Will you take me to the station Palk physician wao stilled ill and i 0m office or not. Tl elv ran ltd 1101egill and 1loaalty clloeks quite at his , i1llh�lt0. i. c ctiirita a ulitil the ut inent is made.. it. and It was who put it into, in time for the train; :11Zr, lkfuago I lie also adopttia the sane course of d.y. ai re l y p �}�C4X>CIrX■ � .____----_--....._..,w. _ .. Yes, dear uacla:,�.Inlistreturnhome. trey Ment, adiniltistar'ing strong � — S ; �1uy lolsan tvlro tal,eR a pilfer from. I utller Delaftel(i s lioaf filet Leslie ■ f of morphine, Ilio lady was - -w-- -- . the post -al c:e, whether duedtpd. to ]its Nast'go tq_..tlle .\i'ltite Olintinitn$ O a anon would 1nClueO11 — t0 fon R. RREVE: Office—„Palace,” Brick Bleck /'� THI MASONS: INK �. : name or another, or whether lie lips sub• frith then) iii Angust, .1,Qslie acL1'el)t+ stay here !" found t0 be rapidly sinking, till LI Rattonbury street, Residence opposite the Rai teed or not, is respgnxtble far the pay, t -One evening Jghn 11f addern stroll- on Sundt( ni ht she fell back oil Ten# eranCu flail fluron Street. Coronerfurthe �' ' •, Orden; i i paper be ed filo invitation with: a girl s 1(21"0... a t the pillow lifeless. Her reathin •County of lInroa: Oslee hours from s y,in. to a Incorporated by Act of Pgrltgn#ent,78t:G 4 -If a subsertber aisle i s. p po of novel( ed Sadly into the an) don q£ Mlles, , p b I P. m. stupporl at u cel.ta;n timr., inti the pnlilsti• y, slid 1\Iadaln I)arroll sou- 3 had ceasod and her friss wasgone. rr. ped a a r send, it the dies abli)Qr . is seated, A tall girl ruse up froin a rustic p o ; Clinton, dap.14,18al, i•$. - CAPITAL, ^ $2,000;000 .� rhnuncl ta.pity far it it' lee tike$ tt out.of fife She irises Jolla I4Tadd'er but she chair. The attending physician, tubo was' 1ZE;T, $504,009 I .1lZost-apses, rl'luspracerdsn]x>ntlroKrO11D(1 wits old a ou r s .Nevi a s e "John !" elle cried gladly. by Ilei ansa, .false the usual "e>ttint^ drat a man rust pay for what lto uses. . illation and distinctly pronounce(i �++e iCt, Rged' Office, ]1�QIYTREAI,4 . , q� argued, People always deeded Soon they were walking arm-Irn- her dead. The -husband was f'ran- -- -- . TFIOALAS woltic�IAN, President. . ^ mono J , , tic, and rushing to the bedside of t + W yP s5 y \VhenGVOl the alaln'ied and arnt under the locusts 1n the ttt'1' rn .) J, if, it. Alof.SON, vloe•Presldent. • t1 "Ii1 the laiviaion Com in Goderieli Leslie. had better marry. where the light. Ilia wife, Llt his Oaf` t0 her heart. 11l ANNTA G .&, SCO TI . F• WUi#kLlt$TAN TEJo IAfi, gsneralManager' ^ . at the Nnvolldwr sitting a newspaper pal?= money • was, • Compared. to Luther "T never tole you, ' John but m Ile tarp a ou ftli t 13a?'risters -o. , * ' . fisher sued for n1 ' ut' Paper 'The defcttt1: , y z. z y dos ed h C ld detect (L n z � : Notes (liscotinted, Gollectiansmade,.Arafts . 1,t I ji :Uolatields dial£ a nlil ion, .7()'1111 Pistn,.Aida died Of a broken,li%irt:, throb. The,physician then assured , issued, Sterling aucI American ex. '• q n#lt. s�ujected paying on the grtmticl that lie ItIadtlel'n suss 17QOr, rr ryrr I Er,LTO7`T s TiLGOJt, CiLIhTON, chair o b asci oidel'ed a for'eier' peolnigtar of the T.til"Ja , a0 -\viten .my Mother Was hiin that life 'Was extincf, but in S boll rat an sold at naw• The latter felt all this thou_ h estranged #'roti: }ler parents -because order to satisfy Dir. 1'rlt n hc� callus y est current rates. . paper to (ti, it, 9'Ire Judge held , g a p. y 1lfonez: to Loan.. • that 'that \sax not a, valici'tlel'euce. 'Phe shl� nlarrted a_11inat their lvill we ,• IiNrAtticsT AT a PER CANT, ALLoIvsn aN Doreen tlalritllf , tine prCSerit prn]tl'lettlt, hall no not a wol'd 1Vas BtLld a, and 1)O' 1Vtta a r 1n an ,doctor Of the , lllryge. A. M 1#fANNI1IG. JAS. SCOTT. t , liroucl, and veld not :hog for Los- .lost fat -bur and mother and wore lett )le,. too, trade an oxamiu:ition and ' notice to discontinue incl' consequently , •, !"fait )rUvtdacl for. :1F_&_"RMZ13RlB . cauls collect, altioitgir it wan, not dun e(i lie S'' lova, $IlrCtl she, toU, Iie(' od 1. confirmed the report o£'his biotilier . p FRANK R, POWELL bloneyadvancedtotarmoteontltetrown'nOtv9 that defendant lied notilied 1,01-11101• pro-, careless and L'IdiffeTenit. ' , . "Aida was but Six teen: Site went pbysiciall that the patient was stead:, r with one, or w6re endorsers. No mortgage re,- „ . nietgr iu: cliseentitiue,,, In ,airy event 0 One $ 'e aulnh r a the into a 3iell lilmil in 1Ve�v Ilam Still the husba-aa could not be ,con,- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, quired ae, security. if. C. IIIc Ent ' d.ofi:tr)ilant wax haullti to pay forthe tine l o Q d y, � 1? . i tilt de )arced f'or'tho 1;'hito ilotin^ Shire us "governess, ti title I IV48 toss- vinced. He placed liis hand upon. ., . 1?util e, etc. " . thlnn»s`er. he lied recctved the paper incl until be p y 1 , rebruary.18s•t., i CLIN•roa . .. a'r' e( dt e. ol•etihscri ttioii, ttlinri; and ho field his .#ecce 'with ed fron> p Mal, to post. by indifferent upon his. wife s ..sliest and by same Office, Seal--lo'o lilodlt, Albort-st., Clinton. _ . bad pard all . ( s l t I .I _ . ,_._-_. - - _ < . what -raoo he.lnlrrht, friends -a troublesome little imp, method tried to produce'an artificial Toronto .agdnte;: ueuera. 1rtcCarthy; outer, , -— r1. a o, ifo9lcfn &,Crcclul4n. �tff.lt£•li$tl►". . .- `I'l1C tl'1) 1VaS tU. be made as.exten- they saill'. respiration, having bade' Q''sheCial . . �y ' , (],71'.1'rt1VA'rE' hU\D& To. LEND gt lQN e9� rates OI', _ t'' ; ., ,,fi�t ^RJEI�I�I ;RS sive: as . l le an sitar .11 1- Tt. WAS -u there that 1liclti n et study of the USQ, Of tt;s1,11`1 013 lu awr-. Interext, ,., s$1 i1Nmo iea�i`o�-sa A. F. -�' OR 11R wp,7C RY . d pus, d Adrian i eft « N ge A Al.; fiefs \gas t1iH liter t deli'rbtful oi' Adrian Auhe. She was very pretty neetioit :with his plofbSs2o't, 11 •• nicots every rrid;ty, an or after the fill t, moon, Vislthi brethrmt cordially invited; v "`"'"'"" . ,loo'la at ions.'kno'lvifug' tine .-end of then; }ylleza is 'health. `!'hey wer,>, •IJrocceded .to work' tl)b attire 1)nek []],ZER tit MCCU,LLOIIG$t J. Yor cG w. �. AT. IDER, `iw . ( , 11 ' a " and I'm ,tb fres intt his hand ,on the )� ,, . , J. c Only $ , s WITNESSED ALAI Ta'i, tiYel`y Wt1t0l'fall, t11G'best,asc4nts the. betrotbell, She Monti his diamond , :ly a . ,ide"i ali alma 8ijicittrs. • ofinton;,l(in;14, ISSI.. 1• - _. o• . loveliest 3etreats, r; ring,, Pilch Aida•!. so lonely, • so sliest, thus ])reducing ,-in- artificial Office. _.- ' <. loving t inovelnant. The t\\:o doctors who. � - ontou• - . .. a - C brave,,bill"ItOUH VU1C0 �t Il$ IlOald y j y , S'OOa }1 llUt .Otil OndAt1VU '(i ' f q Aloita} 1vanCcl and agrein9cd on real estate.;lj�l �� . Suc�l da s , of en G meat such erg c :iltlOn'r file roses and Syralwa$' at thH • IlOnl'S Of,$WCCt. Slll1>11a09, T�eslle fled "lie was Only allillSing'".himi;elf, t ' y y }.. i d JonN\Y, Jlet:t+tmugail. , 'Junes illlla,Vm : � ' dissuade hint from confirming the �.,. _ , Lili(w;: ttit(l.the tall;handsome girl, 'ne\tl known. lie loft Iter to, break her heart. - ""=-{- ti „ O1)firatiou, flint reltlonstratod wttll �'`R1,tGER R MORTON, Jlarrlrters,dre,& God- '. )nllinrr )early crust rs of rho Tialti^ n a Eel al (1 Andnla did ,riot know when she : :' iJcrieh sift \viirsltant.. o.soa or ,rr. aotie T h. Y ■ t a y ]l7m for Continittlli \that thta . Ti 50 710, 1 0 �l And one evening b 0 r, G y' J, A. DlOrtnn t1 tnghanr. , 1%l3'(C s ° T more Belle (ruin its vine,,eould not she' looked u' into: Adrian Delft_ found its (incl brought us home tit ( me 'a' nbf 1 a 10 f tile! : elrl C7:t.,I:C�TTO�, . p lee d_ 1. ,nt nod, fiat listen : tial is lyase. err( uut of fullness of grandpa S dtjitiyll, :5tla needed its as, - '- d . l ll _, Ifo continued 'ills .(:flbrts, atil'l.'aftol' AV(SO� .� .TOHNaTO�7, 7,aw, (ihaneorj;anii j�,T Aieets 9t:co n Afonday of every , ""lis wish to lir'nallntit'an(1 guy; t o 1 t ''1 i`" Mitch as we fteeded 1tei. "Sao hail n [� Cunfor4tleing. OAicit West Street, next �( metria,' TFnll ,upstairrs, . oppveita, , 0 1 Cni't, inaoC ut y S ill , rr 1 db6r •ta Inst UlAcw, God0ich,'.Ont,. 'fin. the'1'otvti Halt, . Vlsiting•brothren • . e:/ . the.. ]sir )o of slime, minutes the 'Tis cern to hu Lwutrr°uud flue. �, , „ fin:ell�tlaa in,the city; Uutalic hroli ht _ Lllell.t.. Oil I al 4 a . patient - be'rarx•' S10W1 tO': revive. -0 -�� atieu•sin4de.welcon#e., r• -liar: you'd better be ort with tliu old love y 11 J' . . Alda ll 9vq, sceilim her so delicate ' 1 � _Y 6 lo - a;�Esa s i a, C. iTAS S, Rnlidt 0r, �Zc i6ce, corn/tr.ot Cl. T'WIFoEDY1 W:. Al. I She line steadil lin )rOVe(l and 1S' r++drnarr<t 1veststraet over Ilutler's Bo.ok E. bLt3Ui>Y Sa.1 7. C: DUilEltrX; .AI,1. 13eibro yuu f1e ori with clic utti:' It ,vas enough; . rhe young mail ,r r j y l I. • cr . \o, site' never ,knew , Aida now . tibio" to .••hove frrojtil(l, '1!ll(j store„poderluli, Ont. er ' ' ` T.(lslie Darrell curb d hw re<l lips snut;ched file White Band $. '.. llrrotc'tt all ottt in a letter ti d . t't __ . _ .__ _ . u ^m u , n �e t10AfOrR COn%'ns�f that she. '`1,0'ihl CCT- tri,” :honey *to lend at luwbst rates of interest,: with a heightwied solid, but, did note . 11 y 3 z ,: It for me Oh I canuotitell you ha\t - � �~ I \vat z>evei ao lilt ",) Ln,rn .lino , y taull helve died but for these oNti'C.- 1"r+t , it , i0 t- ill' Mo Vt- . tutu aur beautiful lioiltl easy ficin, ill- Lesliit ! . yVlia. \would IIut: be .•hero Y, -t .CAi11`10X, Barrister,Attorhey; "solicitor tit = -_- _ . ,. I'lntive` "vel)( over 'that • lett0r. He "ordin r Cflorts at restUnt: ion.' V4., Chancery, r'.onve)•ancer: ic, ,)Aide oter - t110uh11 $lie l:ne1P John ltladderL \1'ltll yon �' .a:,' _ was alt her world, and she b0 )eC $ ✓� JArdan's Prai< Store• the rooms formerly becu• `UC' °""i1' 1,11j ' t tiALAG12O 1.1, 26, (r r ( j , 1 1 0 : tori Ut••.Tud%e Dila l'll llio••IaK .,t,ect Jr, thuVlLeAGLOkJJl.11n.; was fvaittn0 for a aluu60; ,1u,1. she I1u ' 'one'.. llf•tim. instant ,Leslie thtit"he would come b(i - p r r , , 1 C1C to li'(ir: ''ere 1, t .s non of the illmt.(lisibie huiitling sties PICi'. flUlrl tine Vlile as 1TlaII 'rOst33 tom' Anv aniryt(nt"ef money to loan Rf, Joireet ii;'.I v Ilri rind hria a gu,'-'hoase, stable; hon - Cat . d �' Sli rtrnl. 'fiGni 'ilio, velioulent �iiacl(tra^ "I c, Ti understand ' w .r•rrh i ' WIi ' 'ZtrhhL" Y 'U coy 'il ellen. rate's ofdntorost. f.lv. rt', 'rOrnl: and and.. yuft tc' tor. air, orehrird nn ars her' sloilder fingers could close• hU bra t l a X U a Gip'u,° t tins proln, r•, 'APph to - 0. VAN EWN OND, tira-e'life fer her• fora 1•ittle, lvhilp Sltllriit s Cure will 'give irnin&Iiatc __� - . 11 tl r „ ,,. i c°. ltri 38J . around,. yet never ouo turned Ile]' v " ' art knOwOt 1 itS 1V31 and t l n li' f 11 — rf rrl'ief. .Price 'rU( ta.,.9J cta.,,aird �1' . . J . or he l . b 1 e _ (. le,t. el notilill Aidil fact taward:tllU s not ']fusel the to y I - 1..,. „ . rr , . o, ,. Sold l)y J. 11,. Comber. 33G rv. �li.fll0lll'l'lf�tr�. r' � .� � '�^�iLi. raj .rll$t tree lvheratho reality fieri lean-: secicts, and It tlnolo \vas a bund,lau \fouls h,we ll\u(1 tC•be ht11)ps, but NsitU�.li'C,',�I�idi° __ Q -y ?'• 91 •all unacknowledged, It was a V11gue , orhisselflshness4ii('leruelty., Then .• - ! -` . F==;.A ed and lratclied.l101. o : it iT'E OR• nn't'.ouOus vit aEocasiti buet: - and swotit ofie, and left the girl'.an-.:I , think that I Itlinlit •havo loved eras your 1v fR of one of tll,e new { t r a „fiats'?" -]-r, �.��:. '.°l ALL T� ices. lit "dodorder; only,beenin'rse,tiru Was it mere Ctipiicel John i+laa g s )CCti11r ttlat hilt +rias• f) 4: \va Hint %t eserine tis if L fihoulclxtiu for . pollai)sina No; brut •she airs r •,yvue ua: ".Al1pQ'to • . . M4: sweetheart wr#i a' 1• a. 1:3 , y , one,of,tlie d-fa's1110 nes =c la )sin r' t v"" h.:Co Ts d sAa:: dIorli.l:riely that h s t• s uurrht.be )erilotis to another man. - :.shame,! Ol .0,1 1 b L CTTUi�G) K for'11nroD Coanti. Sates at- �! • , ,'+' r' •. I? l .. _ : 9Ckgttll(i0tes. t ,' .' A' teniloa to in any p;trt of the Gleu»ty. Ad. Clinton, Alarch 25th"ISS..".'* . 331 . ' little Capl'lCtUuh , but bon' Were > t i heart s ill from ° ,t ' ' g 1res9 orders tb Gooxntcii II 0. Yd$,' - -- :,u hen Lias e< t hla r n Dont blame Me too.n tie i, .do.11 mlways spoiled, lie argued,` With a 4 ' tine rr vinrr of 'iustanti iafu ttnii T have fiatseen a nrHttti. oaf of Ji)ezl ' . - HOUSE a6iD LOT fdR. SALE. ~ .lender $Illile, , b:,.. a' : 1 ° a.. t- , .. .. whether Adttau: T)ttlatteld suap:ectod and tills 9ne ltad xnoro' 6�ita,las tiler (V .. To -day. there was 11 a. lu kinrr ltneaat- r 6 f 'y. , �iiuniltESS. �iAl�)(1V1 t11N, r lrll: udernigned offers for .alehis •nowc and . - r •, �' tlle.tl ll.th OL 11Ut, he .Wits no 11UV14e, anY Ot1101' I ever luHf. 1 et t0 day �' ', •l,i,t on (tudvn aw,,.t, ••niton. The houar is ' - 'Zr, 'H$11C$ 27b11''Uld. " ) ► 11U i► "* 0- .'oI UCTI0.y1;EI.Iultd loan., 8insuran a n v arse No'' 00 , # �Yea3 ill ht$ he, . t, L In lYUlnen. S lleal'ts and ul'alted hi I IlatC. hlitl- .11i1te .tU the C'lll'9 fl nil- A , Insurance gc t ircrviy hti;lt; Six inerts, tater np.taire and t 1' Bir tit, Sales;ttt0naadFn-toren aiullcoutitr t uncle: and' his tido >ted suultul culne ,,. s, a,.rt:n;hardand tortwaterp and cellar. Situate ticivul0a e titre' all selffishaess and insineeCit !' .rhotp ra 1lb.l..Lzca(zs, + io re:tsun, hlu tnrnts.. ct list 0f fayre cent e,,at a. + f1 r m risiuft and henithr to ,r'it}. Terms ea'sy. lots for sale,, Money: to Iran on renl,dstate,. at. ,\ t 11°'wttltc premises ur•it ilross Clinton P o,. from. T�lorida'the duy :before.. I)id Leslie souls not be iu eusi.bTa to ' S°`"hiin t ` Il ifn y 2� ll' t , ` C e l _ l GU , I Pott (1 out b( f'OiC _ EATL$0' 1'a IL EiZIJZInt.R.. few rhos of irtarcrt. inanrauce offer, nit all o . ' ,JOS1lUA IJAAtNER hanaablti0 aitlrian DLlallold SCO lla+V I i " YaSei [i'J6[l "(��%E'GiLC42UCliP. q alasacs of prolier6%. .:Totes and dehts collected.,, 8.7 tt ' .. the beetle dt folellce, the ar111,#nt too laid.. Juhu, f£ I have given you ;rinds n) rntno(t sift sold on cornu (ss 1 3• 1leautitul Zeshc \vaso Her ,cousin, , • l p t Ion. I.uilb e.'• —„ to vory desirable aril . lint(ietlQnCanstantl ,Ullel'eil}lUr'alld all 11n'Wlll .O.0 OrrYIYC IIICf't P.u75LS IG1l(l )lT[lletS. ruptatnelcsboualitnndsofd: ��!l.�iLJfbOtt...ALL.' 11 t f site' ca11e(l: hiin. Co.usi_n, ,fotsoutlt;l :l y . Y. n •}r, f a p� in colborne totvtrshit), eouniy bf Ilaro 1, l,n- ,y ,. .(r �.:: Blvth: i)ea 1b, tflsa:: ion 6P"" block 0 ahs' w r • tit . • '. atncu. the (til). aavt llduau Lelattvltl eud .T .hn Ill tr 'n lane tilt enn,po.,ea of )art a That iful es S ankh luolLul'r. fel , • .. o �_((,d .l w .1.hat � ice, A-�/ /". ' j� l� � ailinyr 2t U adrFb >ihont £fi a t , p a , , 0 Y �i � irrA �rA a ,� %Vestnimn l'Ji'islori,_etmt: Ili filo aeCldetlt$ Ui tl'aVLl .e,V,HI' .ad _ — y. tho'�irl thaf he t001C ii1tU his a]InS' taev hush laua•:all(1 hninni°e >leured; tlay:.ntytT .lo\v, of S(weai-and . t.wenty; \Ya3 fl p... . a . , rr, r • � - •ands t0•nn land: fi'.iring Urcek run ulrig through. , r ,.,:.• v4 .. ,t e the ehaaces . eoW Last iii. U all X;inct� 1 1. 'Lrr :. . iBc ,o t)'i 6 ": inislia )en 4a , . 1I .Was.all his UW n. . T .. . , chcf617er .than ever. r tt' bt lldlu s - on ten lila t0 tl $ , al d, a C. n C, . 1 . ,, `N Ittrill}��"�r ,116 farm, li.lveliin}, a rd.ut i I aVUI. . .L. ' • ,, i a ... - _-, , lrromraesr The u`hol0' oi' ,,p:iit, will, he .sold' on ae dtt�al�, \aha, lollfna.,,In lichee, h. d - - __-- I ! , iboncl terms. Apply ltersott,elly or'by letter to _. s '1 lie lover, -)resent ]lid •the' to}.or � y �y - , s n ti�e promisee .or' to LlR$ftY :.. , taken a \r}um to adapt h>tn ,as his THX 100I? SEAfiS: `r ` V ���ol v,ll. \t I.i•t, , a t t 41 . heir. r abSkillt iroln. ;tier . V1C\l:, Alld. at ,y , Svci.t,h Sultford I U:} Ont. 810 81n vf, ,� g �,. _ _ _ _ aigjItH.. )(srhie )s women ate a ,t NBT%: S E1�G —1, . �C'i �C/�lLl..I ,, 1 1 v itis be, a• t 1. 1 I . rr idT1 RJ NT;—ThC brtek store in setiilt'9liloel , Quo_K•ou rt th_uli-thexe 1 o Ti1U . our . Uetluiters ,\vino aro : ' •' ?.?'QAC ` . ° f rr"site tlie:.nturltet, lately ocnupied by' ._.._. _ _ to be-lacollstant; Ste) b Ste) -the - . _ y._ ._.a.__-. BeavVr_-LB.luclf:. h19).4i► � L1.. .o►r I. a ruffliltrr of f4athel$ in the dove cot l y 1 - ..., ,;eta.�po,.nit 4, d_rs'_f±oo'dt store; The pS;otniso9 o ,. ilc ualuted. tylia a counts school it�r;�'�nur eQ -- - - Of.tlld Lille$ at the lntl'udur . atuoe Ulan of tlli3 WUlld adv#lll�eea, until Tl.. y .. a1. r, new ttndivnli attod up, with volley full ES[xe, ,, . ht: believed 11e. needed Onl Ilei' nlastCr.ht4 ills a school ebb t tt Ol � . � itso litry;e ror.m ill) stitb•s with: good entraP0. Leslie had alwa S bCan' Condidered Y V ' a,' . ' u Y Vg' /,p 1 �SqL!"�■ l3radustte nf.the Ontario V eterinnry .(/ollegc, To \ppry to W,,C. SI AnLG, Olint,on.. 80a•tf, y )rUl1i1SC 0 tial{0 i:eshe 1118 own. r i ■■;, ��,�V. 1v, ! a rwito,'ltavrh nl,encd tin 00(00 Ill Clhrton •is ' ..."- �-- LUt11C1' XSL'h1t181d;3 I1(i1rOr73; and I,ei; 1 rifles ilo n this cite, tl ere. taw lied ,rel„red @o treat ail tli4Cnsns.of tlo 4estiit . tY • 'd -'t4. lir �r.: Tan n attests 'Pre_ Prepared r.T,7,r n r 1' a 'her iln 1 , u ' AIIs Cosine- sheat e)i1e(1.iil a rlOrl- t t 'nn- a iiinals on the moat modern {trill- nii9en.nn itlbcr•E t teed oW,r•Rtnr,. cou)priA- ;.: ie w s gf d iii not s idol; b t >? out o, a•spelli a school ttfo v nJallt • fied'worlll where here was:nttitittir �i (��!. �,1 ciplos, A,il`operntionsca:rafully`•.' lnt•pnrnur'I,,c.:Anigr.F"� r,r•nrn.+ anYaf . how the intruder had dtsarfllad rill . � � since, and they took a horse and, BOOT.& IJ O-s"YORD, .. verformi:d, and callsprompc• • : resentment With -his smooth tongue sorrow nor. pain. All the bi-ight Ivattended to by &I, or -- - I 3 and chtirmin : nanner's !. surrouiidlnn scene glowed in a rose= bug,,y and drove out. • 'there was a .. C�'POSITE'�tACEY'S night. F'eosnlodurgte. � .,� � ,r - calor. 'l o see ,b:(lyund the present 't;trge•gttithyrina' of fit and. 00ice,-Ist door West of X(41_ ' . t H ' r Who tva 1e.gbact lopking fHl ALBERT STREET CLUITON ONT. iue(!v'sHite!I . is low2” be had heard hum ask Leslio.. fuss itnpossfliI exciting contest (vas 1oal.ed for. f ' s , Cliatou, Utlt VJ7.. zhHy stopped, ane .day, at ad old Just previous ..ta the be ilininn of - - - h'OIi With that Au of quiet ,indlt£er^ g a a'p y p farm. house with gtullrit, diamond Ordeixed.. SPR( o � , *'onbo,.Lesiib.had repiled, lYithouta theoxeicses,ayoungfu11oW, tv'liosc" 5171 'C A�{ �j" ��'�l �ji� ( TT � . paired wilidows. Leslie f'aucieii the' i J l NIS" R? E t1 1 NIJ Tinge of tell -take color:" head would have bumped a six foot .'�Ptc,Ciil�L.�"'1i, .! 1• wainscoted rooms' acid the old .g,p, . • „Air. A2lddern is one ontir old " �-*"'""� r-NIVE I . . clan of hellyliucks slid fraerrant, 1liark and fvltc,ss weight 1Sa8: about rr ��gg ppi�gg ..�^' . .TALLOW; 1SLC. r, , 1leighbol s, southern wooil.:..and waited in ..the 160 bunds called one o , the Do.: R ilr■,. '1: �1 : a@N ' t� p . .11 .. 11Igll68b marirAt- pHee pail. 11ring - C:.. Old nei.ahbot, indeed'!' su) ny sittlug roollt, ll]cii^Uuo ill a : troikors ane asked : Prowptly attended to.. � ' thein alon loastl,nt (renin, for her dinner. •'• 'r 1'14". B N U/' . Lk Ha.hstti been \vial about her aver P (y -70- T_ . °Are. ",you two fellors' going to ;� �� � ''1 1. 0 ' ` ,fife . Nzo httraiU '," Simidty. :Sinco the Darre118 had come' to,the Her uncle and .his adopted son spell is o _-I......_s Lilies. • lilero .baa only be'ellstately had .o.ue to iunlcH sure that tltiiil' ° ''•r'"a MadamDarrell a m t e, (r i - ° cru , --- r^-- rr d ii( nd t} j sweet, ,dyt lc, buauttf:tl Caillaae . holsLs wuuld 1q `I a eyes so. , i ■• Ory. u,,.,tf ` . girl, Aida,.at Meat-thes6.ttvO 'and ceivis'tliebest of care, Ptttty goa(I, at itry r' ___ __ _ their -servants, Suclti(3illy til(#'\villd lllownbounits l • . „ 1 6. 1 A i_ G�J.lAUon Marble., il•orkg, -'- �.1 y T Tie ha(1 ile.vor lino\vn \what ailed .o#' the-<luol'.yard clibrr tree )al'tcd [I t}illik ve can down you all. FIU11oN• STAE}rTi CLINTUN,®� �PI,Jr3L�l`s' r Aida I3,trrell but silo \efts Ending, and lei'( a' shaft Of .at S�ii110 upon You cIo, (1111 No\v. ypu fools a �` �,_, . . " like 'a flo.wor froin day to ally: IIH- the d,itiwund patios of the window," here! - I've conte Isere to -night to � ■ . � . . . - . . It.. , fora tho:,year (stilled the young sister find 1-,eslie saw writing fliers, and sl?ell this school down. Aly gal is .• lI . F P, J r, r, ' ' U file fin^ rbae tb read l.t. till(a� ver of t� oP i ,. F dealer Ir#elf lrTi;cle os C o e I ch Zarb. . e Tons was call(s(1 i'ronr school hese to see he .do -%t. hale t rib • ' . oral. , . ScrntallHtl. by a diamond were the of;jeetiuns'.of yu>tr spellin' along till Imi ieiiient ! Ho had Neon ' commi'saionetlA'by nlirnes't°=(lrlltn Atrlie" anti 'rAida ,, , ... , ' Marble & Graffito for Cemetery` —17 • ,� ' Rs . t t 1 5 „ , . we CUiI1 I . the word f.athT) Il, elft t1 u t nt ttef o t iot ITAVE app6intod ATR. 110BEP.TG0BY)ON, ars . *Madam D riell, witl v,hOtil rte \va$ 1)IlrleilI ,tad it (Mite was added, after (hitt ...Ulf Can't dro down . An �, ..°_. Mork at g rosEl , yc nrlettt 1 `VlonrrxtAgentnf.theGoderieli Marblu Iturss a favorite, to ineet liar at the train. q'he I'balll re(lea around, but rho y , , y . IMple 01 t'S ' fvrttte Coitntt of llurmt. i F{' What a flashin'r Im )cirrous cl:tzzl- evidence fres before bar. acs. filer too soon. , If either clue o you fel: - ., L. "I •. . .JOSEPiT VANSTOXV4 a, l z y , i - _ -Al:-o mantrficttn cr of the Celebrated � . iJroprloto � . 11}g yo(luii et,olWire She was 1 They host -a oarrlilous, common. plaCia ldwg boats me you d'bett:er have' tilt) i AitTrlrrotm, 5roxn for Bailrlint{ 1)nr 06derich, rob. 0, 1883. Ylw..'A .had ,)fti3doa the blow for lieu. _.Ile littler-mati•-strulled into the room, wings, of ft love to fly out o' this, �atjU. roK SF,(,l~.132;?Mr,, S, )osea and Oplucter ,A3'm-;, wit A mit"it . g+ RSAPEEIS A]i)WEl S �xs soeli"'to 1)d,a eciltted,-011 tvurk SEED diid not know that liar lovely $refer;:""an �O�tb'Servecl "luroreulrtttiutl. for I'll giro ire both the all-firedost ' . pl ' ; [p{� �j�s,� �1 tj�� �Jq Aida neeaed_no anxious tllau,ht'o'f ' C'Wondor if' the gentleman 'll r , ltatlanto11to wive xatlsla(,tlolt: L ADM D NA9 � 1061 11 �1 � L Aida, o \ 1 L liekfTlg two dml.as -over got.P SEM,l) DRILLS, 110,11SL TIAinn . 9 . hot young heart,—avaa beyond pain, remember. vl on .he \lrote '.thom . .i PI,r)iyS -~ AIS ALL KINDS O ' in #t ciilcot sf lilies• feat fret' )Ititul namos. J omme' ' sbo• t \vas ni'rll They stood ftp With lllill until all , l a y t ; . �}aru.l,rI2S i� E MOVED, Field) Clove and , (1`rams 'goads: . tl► otltera want, down and tTtH1 at . CUTTTIV( l(? I.S r anaranoe made his llolnrt ticlie \vhfto throe years', I kn(+tv hiin thH iy + y + + - - : . he wondered at her beauty.. moment laid my eyes on Klin, a ia01t £ill 0£'deeliest nTea2ling l3Otlt ' , l'lr ry T. A1tIY�I: FI�MHOR hasremoved his Mc(rlvtol)a, CulifitrlLir6, l eftanre ril:r"1 ,1 . , , . - , . k I t;bavhrsr t'rtrior to tile'Pnwn Mali, whol•o Y Y r "W hou he stew hdragain the bright Ito 1)04ttfi1'fuI geed• at reeullCetin mi( se4 and 1Cft..him. victor, W lien .A nd all ,�mPl6monts used ort a farai I,,, r,vites old, antr, new potrwor to call far= 1>'1ue )(StG?1t1. �I XlING TT J11!ifl7. { ''' . with done"in f oeS. , ' 1 •' )to had carried off the honor le yl. e r , L, lit' . a ilea eleau' Ahavo anis a A611101 hair oat, • l , r j ,, lmptstliaslty was afife your a a Xou ne not like fife otitol. 1 Is l q. rlt as Cloud as tile a I3c,gt, gird # �# C .ftp T.Utoet lttsl0x of ladles Italr•CttttititT, 7lrrcltd II.f[a1rLa16 r,rziley, 5ntal% rrau, face claudetl tr,itll tvool)ina, }lttt filo anew She was' Sma'll;er an, fairer, .arpull(I sill sai(i J as the. 011eapp'st, at - _..- �.__ :_ ,r _ rGYrowa Peat 131 ie P� an, 13rcze* B'yo, w...,.. ;I 'tsharin the . girt had cast over limn (though mot any , better lookin.' 'l6ch bbleegod,,,antl. I ha 'o yon. .h2`arrodfat P, ea& ' ;z stayocl, He Roved lien. - lwas a diamond i'Ing he tiwrit . en1 eton't #'ool Inllrt, Shouldn't t have' #, YY/ .�% I� :��' o.rrcS', *fiQLfSL� c5'/l�N. y.III`Tt; It,DS�[AY�t C)A'I"�, Sbrtrts, tett#i . , with --a Mighty fine, 011e. " , I GA1111IAOV ol, G1sYfiWAL 1 A1JV;fV i. Anti P('r Pd of All i�ltltls :, After thatsltt, had rolnalnoii at the r$ y cared about it, but (Susan. hall her , r ' .. ( talc.' ttattmtip a'id tratvolmi,fnn tirm,ud , at , Two r r .. . IMPLLII'II:1V t Wtil'°I.ItU01tIh> M.Ana., .Sch+,al Blackboat'riea A1,pclale,+1. ,SattB• � �t w , . 4 Lilies, It tv;ld't1Sr0 years ti1/,0. 3ltC `l iVU 311adOiVs liaC� 11t31I$et� in :tElo 1 heart sot an tit, l�n(1 Susan soot eighty fde. An 0traeauteed. guff irioa ttrilh fhe hind% a• AMeS S 1 EY:,!" +,`a �` bad coma to know him well in all, doarw;ty, as Los io turned. 1 scree OF land atld a clrovo of sheoli,' �tK,VV't'tll\. " at Ntrr,tjtjo 1leNiVendR�•:lra)'irslreet,�rrY'tOX, r,3;'•a),t ]!'tent. and Feed S1orr, " t (v N14, ;t I + ._- ,ter,:" di w, _p . . . - I . , i n til ' I � - , ' , . 't: 't.. ,r. , • (^ I 0 E p " %. . • , ..._ "..'.. ... .... - .J. ... -,..... _ _........... . ...... �..- ,. ._..,....-. ..._. - . .. ..... . .. _.