HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-17, Page 5• iotlericia Township
;Mt% S', PTlummer will move luta
"tbwn"in a cottple of weeks..
Mr. Honey Murphy of the 16th
coni. has .killed and sold over 50
beavers this winter.
Mr, .Jas. Elliott, brother of the
Reeve, shipped a lot of horses to
Dakota this week,, from Clinton.
Mr. Chas. Baker and Slide have
taken up there residence on the farm.
opposite the old homestead and
.which he has had rented for some
years from Mr. John Sheppard now
of Dakota: We wish thein xtlany
•. happy days..
X111: John Thompson, of the Bay-
field line• has sold three more horses.
last. week,,one for $125. Though
Mr. `J'honapson's Tontine colt that
he Sold lastweek vtias a rare"an," he
has an Accidental driver that is an
equally good one.
,> ;,• A large sleigh' load of • young
• Teiop to 'drove to ,Seaforth one even-
ing., week before, "last. We had
• "Maggie 13." there, and "big Lizzie,"
who wanted' a beau so bad, au
"Alice who spars for her lehoy:"'
Tlie•dltver,itReing along, fell out of
:the rig and h art ,his neck; . be was
not properly protected, - as was evi-
-••-tleleed, by his anxiety fur the : fair
sex, and "never too old to. learn"
will apply in this case.
While Mr.' Geo. Burns of the 16th
con., was at a "bee" drawiing .Wood
for Mr. Lowery, the load upseir, and
his.teamed'rltn away. They an for
hotne and clashed, in. the gateway
but were brought to a sudden stop;
by a. pole which Mr. Burns had
placedacross the gateway as he went
out. He.very'seldom puts this pole
up but had he het done so an this
oceasion•his two children who were
'standing just inside would NO, doubt'
, • have. been instantly killed: by the
noul'dened horses. It" was a very.
narrow escape.
Some disciple of M. C. Cameron'
has been furnishing; your. Grit sotem
with untrue items, that is supposing.
thein 'not manufactured in the office '
of that journal: "Ananias" apolo-
—gibesforuntrutlis-thatappeared about
matters in this township the previous
week and then last rFeek.p.ublishes a
thumper about Robt. Beacom's prize
Tontine filly runninngaway;i.n which.
there was not a Ward of truth.' :Mr,'
• Beacom talks of:bringingan action
•straight that paper; for pecuniary
dem' ages, a,s the public :tion of such a
grosy Itbt;I. Iit:s3rilready injured the
sale of ,thrs., S'ldnable animal • Most
of.psople don't appreciate the,news-
papt r enterpilse that'results in:false-
hoods being published, the only ap-
parent object bt►itig either to Inure •
some itidividu }l or to ,allow the .en-
terprising publisher to make:item by
-ipologizing fur their -appearance. • •
TheLondon-Pree. Press; has been
attehtion 1;o the desirability
_of etinnecting our lake village 'with
LOndon by rail,' tapping the unde-
veloped ,reeniutis of Hay, 'Stephen,
etc. idea is a good ene,•forthe
Govbrtiniebt 'Seems -determined that,
'Our harbor. sball not only maintain
its poeition As the mostacceseibte on
• this iiliore•of Lake -Huron, 'bit that
one as nature has made it the meat
safe. Seine time 'ago THE XEWS-;
RECORD was pleased to draw atten-
tion to the advisability of ei.tending
P. R..freni Gerrie here, via„glinton.
We are bound tri hdve.,;a, rgilway
from some quarter to develop the
commercial importance 'of . this Bee-
ped Which nature has so richly mi -
lent harbor, and -surrounded by one
ef the best agriealtural sections.
and the first come willt•be.first aerved.
If we only. had a ,neyispaper to ad:
long ere this haie coated to fear
that our magnifieent natnrahdvant.
ages were destined to• blossem un-
seen and fade into :oblivion, iiiihon-
In a mention ila' the Sentinel ,of
possible candidates tor 'the County
Mastership, the names Of two of"the
most prominent Were oniittont: Mr.
John Pollock 'of this place, and Mr.
A. M. Todd tlf Clinton. h believe,
and have good. reasons fel; the faith
'that is in me that either of these
gentlemen eould limit secured strong-
er sapped than any other one
named, exoept-possiblY Mr. Scatlett;
• and him these gentlemen did not
wish to. appose. •
The red flan. diaws people to Mre.
Erwin's dere mid. when they got
there they find sanguine, cilitoun;
the name of eraib and high, prices,
It is no "bloody shirt" baittees,
although there terrible slaughter
of shirting material, ae well as other
'kinds Of dry -goads.
** [The Above ie.from a (Mauna tor-
' respondent, whops we deified to be -
it C01110 it regular contributor,. but he
oss he is Bot itt a position to do 80.
8fia Wad, skate come
routs PUs1,IC are Hereby lntor)nea :hall t.
j, have been appointee ',kerne inspector by
the Ontario Government • And uty.duties aro to
enforce the provisions of the SCOTT. AUT, and
to rao?RouTx persona violating the said Act,
known as the Canada Tempenomo Act of t8T8.
Ali partoua In the business aro therefore respect•
ihily requested to govern themselves accordingly
and by so doing save lunch isxrxN8xand 'mouths.
STEPHEN YATES, License Inspector.
QodNriab, 1888. ' 888.31
Noi fie by Revising (Hiker of Prefimin-
• my R c 1siuu of First List or Voters
for the Lleotoral District of.the Wert
• Hiding. of tie County of Hurons
toral District of West Siding of Huron, In
the Province of Ontario.appointed'under "The
Electoral Franohise,act," hereby Ldve notice that
he has completes and published -In the manner
& ested by the •eaid Act, the lint general list of,
voterofor the said Electoral District, and that he
will hold a sitting pursuant• to' the said Act for
Dire prelitnipan- cevtsion of such list,
Ttiesduy,.Gth Payof.fpr11;1886.
Any person objecting to any mine on the said.
list may at any time before the said day, and
any person desiring to add' any Mune the1bte,
-nuav un or before the 29th day of March, 1886,
deliver to the said Revising. Officer, or mail to
hint by registered letter ab. his COW or place of
address, a notice In writing in the term for that
purpose contained in the schedule to the Said
Act, us noanly as way be setting forth the names
objected tor and the grdnntis of objection, or the
name or names proposed to be added to the list,
with the grounds. therefor; ,urd partieniars of
the quutifreation .and ros/donee of fhb pursens
whose names .are• proposed to be added, or the
part's:ulos of any other proposed amendment,.
and the grounds therefor; acid every such notice
Must be signed by the person so giving notice,
and must set forth his residence, occupation and
.post office address. In 'the event ot'the person
sa giving notice objecting to the hauls of. any
. person already on.the.list, the person so object-
ing must also deliver to or mail to the last known
address of the person whose flame is objected to,
by registered letter, and at the same time as the
notice b. given to the Eovising, Officer, a copy of
tbc.notrce glyen.
Dated, Godorich Feb: 271h,1888. '
• 13. L. DOYLE,
Revising Weer for the Electoral District of
98: 4t the westRicling of Huron.
►j{18E SUIISCRI!3E11 offerrsfor sale tour eligible
1 . Building -Lotti fcording _un Albert Street; also
two fronting, on Battenbury Street; either ea
blve or in separate tots, to snit purchasers. Per
further particulars apply'tothe undorsientd.—E.
DINSLEY, Clinton. 882
• MR. WM, ShiITil'SOhi..
While' thanking the..pnblie for past
favors, woulii say that be Iias forsaki a
uui» bet 0r ;;ooi1 wurau BARItewli; • FAIOfd
ROu Fss.' All kinds of jobbing; :cork
promptly Attended to. • Prises•reaso)rn&rye.'
Shop 'nearly opposite Fate's h411, 'Albert'
street, Clanton.
studs` your own interest and go where
ybu can get' . .
Rflhable }Iaruess
I. manufacture none hut the [Nato? STOOK. •
Awareef.slwp* that sell cheap, no'Med have
• potato lice , , gar' Call anti get prices.. Orders
•by mail, prounptls attendedto.
prudence from ;any person,. and: We
think that it would help the village
ii.'sorrle enterprising individual were
to send us the .ri .1 -it kind of news
items•,- We:_bEye nssegultir, cures -
pendent et.Bayfield-Eo,[
nnounc emont.
-'We beg to announce that we have engaged the services of.
MR. JOHN WISEMAN to manage our Business; And would
take this opportunity of thanking our many friendsand cus-,
tomers for their • kind patronage during' Mr. Callander's man-
agement, and hope for a continuance of the same.
Estate of the late JOHN
In regnrJ to the above, I begto state having 'severed 'm connection with
the above' firm as manner. I cordiallyask all friends to abronince' the
Palace, as the Palace has my best wishesimy
for their prosperity under the
management of Mr. Wiseman, 1}t}ving known' him so long,1 feel' assured
;he will eater to the vents of you all satisfactorily; Yours truly,
In connection- with the above, T would take this opportunity of thanking
my many friends for their generous. Patronage accorded me through. the
late firm of Pay & Wiseman, and hope to merit a -share of the same during
my management of the above business. • ' -
JOHN WISEMAN,..late of Pay & Wiseman.
If GOOD' 'CHEAP 'GOODS is };Teat, Fou .are looking for we have got them to 'sell, and we don't intend any other store in Clinton -Shall give
you better value than we will,
We cannot quote priiie because is such a diversity of rices in. the same la e gPRICE
p ..e ..., there3 P, h a es s of goods. We.will give you the�LOWEST
Jt ' We are not selling out We.liave'a BIG STOOK OF DRY -GOODS' to choose fr QmI7 4,.
afraid to tell it..
antl:soe us ill the OLD STANDand got Cheap Goode.,.
about the Cheap Dry -Goods you can 'gat frolu. •
We havegot the CHEAP GOODS and 'are -no
We thank you for past favors: Will alweyc:bo . glad . to see yfau . and tell you,;
Mr. J. Eini;h is- payinghis an-
nual visit to Uncle Sam's territory,
..Qtuite a large number went•out
to; Londesboro, Monday evening, to
hear Rev. Savage and' his band.
Mr. B. Marten has given up the
restaurant business here and is going
to the, States. to .take up his abode,
Messrs: Slater & Sims, our enter-
prising carrirge builders, are erect-
ing, a windmill to run their machin-
Mr. Moffatt, one of the partners
in.' the woolen mil to be erected
here, has purchased the residence of
Mr. Punnebaker.
Messrs.. Livingstone & Calder
, have' started to put material on the
ground for: the .woolen mill.
iMr. Wm. Shane is going to the
States having secured a position with
a theatrical troupe. l
Ilan Benny has obtained apod-
don as baker in a shop at Muskoka
Mills. Success Dan.
.'] he 'teniperanoci Society. have 'en-
gaged. Prof. Clarke, . the .Boot Black
orator, ta deliver one of his lectures.
on Saturday evening next. A large
attendance 1s'pure..
Mrs. Joseph Carter has•returned.
after an absence of two weeks visit-
ing friends in the east.
Mr, Jamoo Barr'a little 'daugh.ter
was crtisho'ct between the sleigh and
gate post last week, receiving severe
injuries. We `wish for the little
sufferer's recovery.
One of Mr. J. G. gbser's 80118p Of
this place, was running. after lily
horse oh Saturday last, when the
animal kicked hint in. theface,
bruising1iim,severeiyr.. .
en's Ready -Made Clothing, full lines just opened : out.
Gent's trie,• `ew Patterns and legis
]Jcrdies zr : Kid G/oue the New Spring Shades, sizesga„.
See Our New . Gingham's and Dress Goods.
Mutt • Biizie McGee, sister of our,
townsman, R. J. McGee, was united
in wedlock to Mr' McLaughlin, of,
H'ullett,.on Tuesday last. Nfe wish
th,em.a. happy and prosperous life.
Mr: J'bhn Freeman,' cattle buyer,.
fron2.13ut1'alo, paid us a flying visit'
this week.
Messrs, P. Belly & Son: laave a
full, gang of men on at present„ and
they are making things listnm in. the
We aro informed that the auditors
have finished' auditing the corpo-
ration books and • find them very
• Mr. John Gosman,has• secured:a
situation as head sawyer in Coultiees,
now mill in 'Wawanosh.
M. Joseph Smeltzer was laid up
a few days ago with inflammation,.
Mrs. Andrew Maillin is ill with.
scarlet fever at present. We hope
to hear of her speedy recovery. `
Mise hate Mob'rostie returned:
hoine last week after a few week'&
visit to hor sister at Manche tter,
Mr,- James Vint removed a few
days ago from his olt3",farm in Ash-,
fieldita his, new oue iht Bast Wawa -
A. great .number. of heroes has
,eliartged.hamis in,llii9•vio pity dor.
the last few weeksand some fancy
prices were obtained.
Mr, Willihni Lwings is now able
to go out.and visit. his neighbors.
after along spell of severe sickness.
Mir, Andrew Ritchie has rented •
the faslii of hit George .White ands
took possession • lastweek. hit.'
Jaines Mackenzie has moved on, to
the .one he left.` .
There have been a greatmanlier.
of "bees'' in this vicinity lately and'
a large quantity of wood has been
cu • inconsequence.'
he Hu11eta assessor ,iiia• beans
throughi our village.
Mr,. Retry Kerr, of Winglutta,
visited, our burgh a short, time ago
and; disposed of a quantity of the
furniture of the late 1ll<"i'sl Whitely.,
The remainder of the furniture is
still at icer late resic3bnce aud'. will
bo• soldi cheap
Miss -Nary Montgomery who wee.
Visiting.friondsin this. vicinity has•.
returned/to her home at Winglialny:
Mies:Fanny Lovett of Varna lids•
}leen spending a week!ith,her par-
ents• ileac here. •
Mr, L Fisher is o,i:t with a tenni
selling•goods for Mr.,Jonathan Mil-
ler, oft ilenti;illc ,,
As the Spring once again 'rolls' arennd, we are reminded'of our,
duty to •inform the people tifvllinton andsurrounding vicinity that
Is the C3FAPEST="pTaoe to buy DRY -GOODS. Flee and Mins Buchanan,/
the ileal .Mi1llilc,vi two now. in -the Eatern Markets buying Goods.
IG•]3ales: Carey Caton, direct from the, Mills, : 2•' Gases Prints, newest -
designs. • 2 Cases Fancy Dries. Ginghams,• 10e, 1 Case Taney
Dress Gingham, 124c. 2 Oakes' Apron Gingham,. $c. , 3,Cases
Dress .Goods, neweststyles, ranging from 10e to 50c.
I yiD1It W4.7 f—•2 case.Printe, :5e. ` '2'casee•Dresf;`.Gloods, 10a, '
Siir Mr. Iioherlson•will frim Ate pnrohsses•this week anld'•will be•
home on Saturday night The Chadd'will all' be hero by.the•lath,•inst:,
Inspeetion.solicited, whetter yen wialr'.to buy or. net. •
ob .r �' t o .'u.. Great : Cash: Eton:.