HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-10, Page 8Mahe Huron ,•News -Retort/
1,:ednesd:ty, Mauch 10th,
In and Alrauu4 the "flab. '
Oouaznocl'Gousdwelling to .let not five
mZ2taz4t wally from: P..
` 'hpe"tt RIIIIDARD..was on sa1o, in
town last week, 1
have returned from a two months:
visit east.
1IR. D. CANTELON has been offer-
od • tt situation• as travelling agent:
for an implement firm.
Mn. H. II,ERR, of Winhanl, spent
few days in town last. week. T -he
;gentleman'is. hale and hearty.
PEDDLERS TN .PERTH,—will have.
to pay for, man on foot $25, with
one horse .$40, with two horses $50,.
MR. CHAS. SPOONER, jr., left Oen.
'Th'ursday last for Minneapolis, U-.
S. He intends following his trade
of painting. ,
:Asx WEDNESDAY to -day. How
would it do for our public benefac-
tors to sprinkle ashes•on the slippery
DROPPED IN: -111r. ben Saults, of
Ooderich, dropped in on us Satur-
day on his .way to Wingham. So
did Mr. •James.Re.id df Stanley.
GRAIN 'SantiuENTs, Mr;'R.Irwip,
tour "boss" grain dealer, has shipped
two hundred, car loads of giain from
(:limon since the MLof Decenrher
toRs'i•F>.,Esit,-A largo number of
American horse -buyers have'b(ren in
41.nd about Clinton the pest week.
'They have soeurcd some very c.hoice
animals • from the- fa mors in this
vicinity., •
MESSRS..13ELI., of`Londosboro,. and
••Jolla. Mason, president .of the Hu.l-
iett agricultural society, will this
week ship'fronr 'Clinton a car load
of valuable 'breeding horse stock to
S outhern Kansas, •
J. xi En.: -A pian named Riley who
was in .Goderich a :few day's ago
taking ordors in the gents furnishing
line for a London,. Ont, firm, was,
tined by° Mayor . Horton ' $10• and,
▪ osts—$•14..50 in all, for not having
a peddler's license . •
SOWING urn SEED:. -The "many'
visiting doctors are literally paint-
ing the towns red.now,:.: The "home-
guaid"• aro .looking on quite=indif-
f'erontly, turd .think they a
will have •'
good hereest;after• t)1 cluacl _v sttoss
have sown"' the. anti gong. hence.
. l,AST Week. Mr. E. A. 14Zrti'tin, nn
exsatuclont with M. E. ,Keefer, L.` D.
S., Clinton, passed his final'exam-
ination before: the Royal (Allege of
Dental Surgeons;Toronto, and was
granted .a eertificate of License- to
practice Dentistry. 11Ir: Martin
was an "Donor tn!tu "''•
Til Canon ti;Ta•„:� Z'i 3•r —'"Young
•wOnsitn, 'it` you: waist tt rinow if a
,young nran has.:any . `go' in.1 im, ask
him••it' he has got.:his.;Bake on the:
.Dominioii voters' list. A young
man withoutsufficient. spirit
to qualify as a Voter is not likely to
have energy enough to get up .in
the morning and build the fires." •
MR. 'CxR7s•DI sQN of tho.®city
book store loft on .Monday for the
eastern. marts. ire. will .also take
part iii• the booksellers'. convention
to he held inToronto this week, and
will not forget a visit to the•aoveral
manufacturing centres• in order to
personally select warps suitable for
the extensive. jobbing trade he has•
es'tablish'ed, as well as fol• the pur-
pose of Sorting up for his spring•ro-
ATTENTION is.' called to a letter in
another'colonsn from Mr: 14anning,
chairman of the la rianesn• cemmittoe
al' the -tow!: Council, 'Wo have
dwellings trial stores in profusion
▪ anrl'st fair amount. of business; but
an effort must be Tilade by der•citi-
zens to "fits titer enlarge the business
of the fowl). `l'liere •can be: ,doubt
that the establishment of factories
ons, of the best moans to that end,'
and any encouragement the town
cast give in this w'ry will be in -the
interest of euer;y tn±0payer, from the
wealthiest property -holder 'to the
"from hand-te-jT)ORtli laborer.
MIL;1'sry - of Chiengo,
brother of the icevts of commie,
loft last week on a trip to the Golden
State. Tle ie accompanied by Mr.
W. 1'T. SmilhTit Iowa, brother of'
Arr..iames 5urith, orclintoil. •I'he”
totrriete will. take in the fan)ons
Yosemite valley, and 'falls which
vin with ouown' \r
5gar;, air the
big trees of C:tlaverae oe M1111posa,
FORM of which •are )tiueiv feast hi
lcitr•tunfhreuc(i, alit. the hollow -of a•
fallen one is lnigc enough to ptninit
a men bill horseback to.l:hicr t:lu'ough
and nutkr.'.their exit at .W knot .little,
'Mk* In" hsbc•x'tole,
Mr. Geo. Doughty at one time of
the', Clinton Woolen Mille, and who
has until lately been engaged in
Galt, has secured •a "sit" in JJuffalo
and ianow residing .there,,
Tar Nnws-Rlioo1D has gained an
enviable reputation for fine job
printing. Of late neat and attract-
ive jobs have been done at this.
office for Bruce Mines, Saltford,
Guderioh, Blyth, Londesboro, eta.,
etc. Those in need of anything
neat and attractive in the printing
line cannot do better than call 'and
see cur specimens. We guarantee
first-class work (plain er colored) at
moderate -prices,
COLORADO. ---4 society with this title
has been organized at Denver, Col-
orado. The 'objoots of this. Associa-
tion ere The promotion of
friendly intercourse amongst Cana-
dians resident in Colorado. 2nd:.
The exercise of charity towards
worthy Canadians in,Colorado, 3rd :
The maintenance of a meeting place
and a reading room supplied with
Canadian publications and periocli-
eels. 4tli : The exercise of hospi-
talities towards Canadians visiting
Coloradu. Persons visiting Colorado
for a short time may become tempor-
ary members on payment of a small
,monthly fee. Thereare about '70
members on the roll already.
GRITS ALTvx.—There 18 to be a
conclave of the faithful of East
Huron—Reformers and : Grits, in
Brussels: on. Satnrday to :select a
Dominion candidate Or' the Riding.
Who. the coining Man is is necessarily
-uncertain just yet. Drs..AreDonllld
and Sloan are 'mentioned, 'so :is . A.
McAlpine Taylor, .Though a po lu-•
'lar gentleman wilth many "relati vee .
and -other firth friends in the Riding,
and a head end shoulders above any
othdr possible candidate .in point of
'ability, itis riot likely Mr. L'ayl•or
"will be nominated, -416 is too lib_
'oral in- hie views, ,too firm a friend'
of British connection• and too• loyal.
to Canada, to bo selected by the
Grit wire pullers -of East Huron.
Lo0ALETTE8.—Rev. I1Ii. ,Cosford
,115;8 'been, officiating in the Ontario
street Methodist• ehnrch for some
weeks, owing to the' illness of Rev.
Mr. Sparliug.=Mr. John Wisdtrcan
spent the 'greater portion of last
'weekin the commercial centres 'of
'the Dominion nulling spriug.•pur
choses for. the : ,_ a .Tlodgens.—•
Mr, Geo. Tobi 1n, a . Tidal' Dope-
lar employe o tho'fit•rn of Pay c45'
Wiseman,. ha resumed hie position
as Sorest ith Geo. E. Pay &Co,
in the .old stand.Mr. and 1G,tre.
J)seph Connoly, of Kirkton, while
'on their' wedding trip last Week,;
took in Clinton and were the guests
O# PII.,J1ud �1lrs ZYiS5)l n; pntatro
•street, -Auks =plow i.s fine weather
and the glorious winter of our eon -
tent, —Clinton
ontent,—Clinton should have' an es-
tablished market day. Who will
be the'first to move in the matter?';
A SAD 'AI'Ftf l --DIT. Thos.
•White, a former resident of Blyth,
now residing• at:Lruen Mines, *rites
us:. "A sadaffair happened here to
a man ; nailed • William Adams,.
formerly of Windham; Ho left
Cockburn Island 'on Friday :thorn-
ing, heby. 26;:itt therequest of .his
wife Who expected to be sick to come.
•to Broce' Mines:ou the ice.- ..A snow
storm came onI}}'.from the.. Northwest
audit seems l he 'got bewildered,
chilled and -exhausted when within
half -a -mile ` of St, Joseph Island.
'l'lre night, Coiling on the ', weather
turned colder with the' mercury .. 26
degrees below, zero. He was
found Saturday evening froien
stilt " and --4, He leaves a.
wife 'encs sic children iii "destitute
circurmtancos, If this •should: meet
;the eyes of any of his or her lr'iencls.
they would 'be doing a kindly act
to help, them in their. distress.
following in froth the Acton Free
P1fes8 yvhrch ha$ a Provincial. repu;
talon for. doing .good • work:—.
"Tho Free Frees .quictly stopped
down and out of the eonfliet• when
:the tenders began to slide down b •-
,low the • point where creditable
work, at reasonable' living:lpshcn,
seemed to be an Unnecessary consul-:
Oration 011 the part of: the County
Council, "the. The Pro Peess.fs en-
deavoring to transact hnisincss upon
business principles, and has a'well,
known reputation : for :first lass
work it fair and reasonable prices,
anll we'do not intend to ,jeopardize
our standing by jointing in the
struggle for a paltry 550 or575
worth of printing„whicli wfe would.
of isec0ssity be. obliged to eseonto
in a thiel -class style for the fourth-
class price to which the tender was
equeeZe(1 down in order tO seenro it,
Yes, we are 051; of the fight, gentle-
men, .until nt`
11 tl
u. a rn
is of the
county are willing to turn'' their'
backs tlpon blacksmithilig work,
'anti t1tg Bounty Council 103001 es
possessed sufficient soul..-- of
which corflnodity corporations fre-
W 111 r1tly 800m to .be tlevoid .-to be
willing to pay $1.0) for 11 tlo.11a)'s
wv 1.111 of work."
We have reeeivsd this. week :---1. 'TON OF GREEN AND DRAB WINDOWULIND,.
COPIES 04, , 4DIAN FAR1114118' MANUAL. Mao a. lino assortuteilt of PLAQUES
QLEQGRAPIIS, 'R LII F3, .4 ., from Raphael, Tuck & Sons, London, Eng.
- t
Chaaperand better than last year. Accordeons, Foot Balls, Violins, Sleighs, &o,, at
REDUCED PRICES. The Trade supplied.
cn IT Agent Allan Line
..A. C. P. R. car with products of
the North west was one of the eights
at the station yesterday, The saur-
pies of cereals, vegetables and grass-
es were fully up to anything grown
in Ontario, the acknowledged ..gar,
den of America. We had a call
from C. P, R. emigration agent, E.
A. Bailey, the gentleman in charge.
License+ Inspeeror Yates was in
town.yosterdny, The gentleman is
an old hand^at the business, and
we have no doubt that,. while Ise
will not resort to so-called- ,persecu-
tion, ' Wiil
persecution,'he'wiil conscientiously dis-
charge the ,duties pertaining to his
position and take cognizance of any
infractions of the 'Canada Temper-
ance Act, which he'may be able to
detect. '
ST.. P:a,ut's'Gu L»: -There Was a
good meeting on Monday evening,.
when - the following ladies and,, gen-
tletnen contributed as toted b'•low.
to the evening'§ entertainment:—
"Tire Pilot," Messrs. 11. 13.:Coinb,
Rev. W. Craig; "Beautiful Snow,"
1lisses Stanbuiy•and Foster;, real-
ing,.Jliss Mountcastle; "Begone Dull
Care," Messrs. Oakes, Harland ancl'.
Smith: reading; . Mr. Keefer; "Lail-
• die," Mrs Ransford; "hope Beyond,"
'MIrs. Whitt, 'Mr. Oakes; r4 Oitatien,•
.Mr. Brewer; "Call the back again,"
Measles. Harland, .Oakes and. Smith;
reading Rey, W. Craig. /Next meet:
ing, -March 22nd.
ago Mr. Biddlecoml e,,,jewelor, got
tt smallbox containing watch -works
frons the'expi'ess office, Worth about.
530:. IIe put it oi.the counter anct
that was the. last lie saw of it. ' Oen
day last week a boy cal lid into liis
sl•oro and tisliecl for carols or; enslst
boxes." The idea dawned ur ou M
On Friday'evening the ompioyfis
of the Dry -Goods Palace presented
ex -manager John Callander with a
gold chain and locket, accompanied
by the following. address:
Rear Str,—We, the unde"rtiiguet7,
hsive now completed our Jong de -
ferret' intention of giving tangible
expressionto the very high esteem
which we entertain towards you,
Since you &moumod the position of
manager of the "Palace” you have
ever treated' us with kindness and
courtesy, and that unity and harmony
which should always exist between
manager and employees, have exist-
ed ,to the fullest extent.. It 1s there-
fore with the greatest of pleasure
that we• embrace tiny-'opporthnity of
.resenting you -with this Gold-Cllain
and Locket, which we hope you will
accept as a slight evidence of the
spirit which actuated the givem. 1Ve
sincerely. 'regret the circumstances
which have severed our late happy
relatieus, but earnestly pray . that
'success may • attend 'your future
career,• and that yon °and Mrs, Cal•
labeler may have a, long, •happy and
prosperous 'journey .through lifearid
at last when you . kayo done with
"time," may it be yours to bear the
woloome summons, "Well done, good
and faithful servant, enter thou into
the joy' of the Lord.". •
F. I:iwn cs:,
D. 0. Moons:.
N. D. F,ie.
F. SWX BA.vx:
• H. E. }la era,xs,
Clinton;,March 5th, 188C.
• .On Saturday evening Mr. Callan -
:der entertained the ."Palac&' • ear-
gtloyees at an' oyster supper.'
RraxT You' rlftn :Chat . excellant
'. journal the Port—Mope Daily '!' news,
34-iddlecoirrho --that-fie--inig 11ttlr r
� ways. "Any person who .will weed–a-
given.the box containinn the Watch
works to :this or some other boy.
He iluestionod the lad,: wlio said he
hail not got a box, with said articles.
but. `• ie _,knew of a boy, whom h
tiaisieii, wile' .brad ' The "cls!ief o
police was detailedto wwork.stp
sehoolethe result has beeter
oase, but.beYond raising a ' eons tee
tion among the boys at the public
n tits:'
, A "LEARNED. EIUJ~ix'D."' : A.$ will
be learned froth legal card which
appears' in another column our town
has• accession to its population in
the person of `lir F: R. Powell, a
talented.young lawyer from Toronto.
The gentlemen wines highly•reeom-
Mended and .we cordially welcome
hint and "hope to sec bite get a fair
share of encouragementfrom•. our
citizens. An old time resident of
Clinton, who --still looks longingly
. towards the Hub, writes. us from
Toronto "lir,•- Powell has the
ambition and the ability to: become
an eminent lawyer , has received
an estscllent professional :training
in One. of the best (dikes • in. the
Dominion, that of McCarthy,,:Osle,•..
_& On. -1 -re his also 'h en in active
prectico,for a year or two with Ales
ars. C.' end 1I, Gstnble, of 'Toronto,
where he made quite t1 seputatiotr
its a pleader, .I feel suer Mr. Pow
ell will readily identify himnself
with theinterests of your town:"
NEW . LAW .FtrtM .-.-In • another
column will be: noticed the adver-
!tisement.of the new law .firm of
1<Lessrs �l bort McCuliough. 13'oth
of thcso, gentleman. come highly
recontrnended; both'being late of the
law firm of floosies McMichael,
• Hoskin eiPs Go,of. Toronto, formerly
the firm .of .Cameron \f Michael.&
Hoskin,. We -understand that Mr.
ill ll0r-110.61inac1t a ;specialty -of chan-
cery law while Mr. ivloCullotigh' has
given .1)ie attention -more particularly
to .crin)inall awn common frim. MI•
142i'ller willbereaclily known to the
eommenity as the son of Mr. John
.MCillei;'-rho well known stockbreed-
er and importer of South Ontario,
which .•
riding he con r•
t.sted in the
Conservative ! interest against
Dryden 1I: P. I'., the present mem-
ber, Me, McCtt,Ilough being also a
faithful follower of Sir John A.
McDonald. Mr. Miller to at present.
in town and will tnako ,known the
loc!ttion of than office ofthefirth
next week,
paper back marked 'refused' -►afore
all arrears are paid up is mean enoUgh •
to steal the coppers from the' eyes' of
his deceased . ;grandmother.' There
are a few people like. that in this
county." fright ..you are brother'
County Currency
— Mrs. IJ. Dawson, wife of a well
known citizen of Seafor•th, died •last
hiiiieday after'only a''few days ill
ness. ',She .loaves, besides •1ie4 bus
band,. a'large family, of children.
—Recently Mr.. M. Campbell; of
Lueknowv received itn is wdale`t lot=
ter out'of..the Bost office, and think-.
ing it was 1'ciretilat':or- something
of little importance, he carelessly
thleiv it rutile: • however, he after-
ward concluded to 'look at the con-
tents of the -unsealed envelop), and.
groat was his surprise to find that it
was from one • of his cuetemers lir
British Golmbia, and contained $34
in. banknotes." • •
— Fire hr ol.e otrtoin • the vestry
of the Methodist Chtireh,Paln)erston,
March 4,- A. fire was kindled in the
_IUIn.tee in the . vestrya in Order`' to
have tho•Chur•ch warm for' the re-.
vival services to be held during rho
Owning,: and by an unknown.eause.
the flames broke out in ;the vestry,
aeon working into the aura::An.
()alert was 'made tosave;the building,
but without avail. . The furniture
was safely carried out, but.tlie'sacred •
edifice is now in ashes: ~ The loss is
c titivated at 53,000;. partially •insur•
Mr. Ilardy's 13iil fixes the ponaitirs
for violating the Crooks Act lit 550
to 5100 for the first offence; second
and • tlrii'tl• offenees;'fuui and"•six
month's imprisonntefrt withoutthe
ption of a fine. •
(Corrected c)ery tuosday ntteraoon
b lour
d4E 0
to 5 be
Atli Wheat. hent
Slur' whom - - • 0 ,0 to 0 78
Itorlr ` 0` 10 to0 78
0 50 too a 00Oola'
Pons' • • •• • 0 28 10 0 80
Apples,(winter) per b'bl, 0 00 •'t0 I U5.
l'otttoos, • - 0 20 to 0 35
Rutter 014 to 016
C bi tC • -' 8 00 to 0 a)0
L 00 .. to 1.00
cordwood, ace •to 4 00 •
• 1.0/imtoa(1? rdo
w.iut 19 to 00
a 15 to 0 1e w..�.. : ..
We have'passed into staock. ; •
One Case English SU Hats,
per Caspian, comprising the Latest,. Styles *from London, -
Eng. ' Our sizes run to 72. No House in the West caI
equal us for assortment.
Those Finn Cheek Suiting that.
.:-r. -�• *1-...77-47-777777717-777
*. 77I k 3.
Are making Such a run on.
or &icesTheij Carnot be B6af
the'counti�y, A l In'rlec( or ix
4 §: § § § . §. § §. § § § §' §
§ §.§.g,.§ §—§
should ,call and leave their orders before the
Spring rush begins.
Good A r•e bees wanted.
s ,AO.
1 '•
Tho Hui Clothiers, '
oa: st Dc' &uk1. } for
0. #.