HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-10, Page 2• Ito :goon: Newg gorord 14 1'111.11.1411E0 sEvery Wedneoday Morning, , a3. min o.t7ftec, • Albert Street, Clinton, Ont, ft,RJ: in, 4dvance ItOt'40 paid, The proprietersofTweGemotiou News, having pure:based-the business and plant ef Tun litmus Uneeitri, Avill ill filthro • publish the emalenatedpapers in Clinton, under. the title of uTrir lleauxe;Nmvs-. /tneonn. Cliuton.is the most proeperous town in. Western Ontario, is the.seat:of egnsiderablo „. nutaefacturing„ and the centre of the finest -ti agriculturalAectionin Ontario. . ..; . . .... a The combined circulatiourof TurNaws- tomie exueeds that ,of Ow. paper .pub- . tishedin the .County .of Ileron. It is, .. liererergi austowassed.'as an advertising - stattilitates ' of advertising,. liberal .aud t 0., funnelled - .... application, .. . . ..',0Part' -4; making contractrrer a'speei.... -Ma time, who (useeatinue their advertist3.. meats perere the ekpiry or the saute will .. ).-.., ;be eherglid full •-. 0, .„ . . A4y.ertisenteiN, without Instruetione as : • to space and. time, will be lett to the,jedg- nient of the .000posit, rdn. the niaplay„ in, SO (.f.1 until forbid(' ,. measuiFen. by 4 setlo or seta 0o41)1 'oil (12 lines to the • -.Itch), and. eltarge,41.0 cents a line for fast -Vasertiot and 0 cents a linejer •ettdh sah- sequentiusertion. -Ordersto discontinue advolltisementli Must. be.in writinir„-!,•. • gm- Notices set as 'ilre;tnixo manna, (uettemed.by a scale 6f41i1Noupariel, 12 lines to thie.inelt) charged at the rate. ,. 10 cents:Viet: for eael: tusertion. • • . ' meditetr, 7--Oroodetbain & Worts, or. Tor- 6nto, ono day last week paid to the Inland Revenue $135,0,00 duty Q11 liquor, and next day paid $1$0,000. additianal. —Wilmot Wilson, The oldest son of Seth Wilson; of Piakering was killed on Monday by a falling tree. Ile was °timed outtilig firewood in F.ston's bush, about, throo miles east of Newmarket, when tho awl& out occurred.. • =Archbish.op 'Twilit), of St. Boni - fate, is atilt) opinion that there will • be. notihng imusuid in the •North-, west•fb the spring; Tho half-breeds are becoming more contented, au fools assured that the Indians will no, more than the Iletis be trouble-, sonie • , At the oponingof the General Sessions in Toranto Judge McDou- gall, in his address to the Grand Jury, referredin strong terms to 1,1i6. disgraceful and filthy condition of tlfololieo headquarters and County court house, and intiunited that trio Crown Attorney Would. lay before thein au indiefinent•itgainst the city corporation, v,tioh. he wiShos, them , to return. - • . —Thos. Shannon, a young farnv • er, was the victim ,of a daring high- way robbery Q110 night, while driv •ing.home near New Hamburg, • -A nulo from ;there he was:approached by three men in a cutter; After. • passiirt, two of thinn.jumped out, 'pu11ed abronoil out of his• -c utter,. and'gagging hfin, TilIod his poCkots el • over four hundred dollars in Wedtern And.Morehants'Bank five and tea.. dollar bills. No. arrests.. Shirnpton, tho yaung titan who attempted. to fasce an em trance' •into• tho • bouSIL• of Monks on the Louden road:a few nights 'ago,.and .Was shot is. 'dead, Shrinipton, 111 .eompany with a far- iner and s. tWo Woman, had been. thinking •in LOndon and at •night driive. out of the !,;it1',16 Monks. who f,-,ihrimPton after he had brokett jOeWORK. haw° orgi of Hie best appointed. ,lob, Orhees-west-ef-Teroutp. Oar facilities in 'this departapplit enable us to dtt all kinds `Of Work --from a calling card:to a mammoth • poster, in the lie,tt styie icillOWD to the even, taid tlt thbflowest..-possible rates. 'Orders by mail proniptlyakttpled to. ' Adtlre • The News-Raord, . clintoll.ent e a panel out of the -door. 1 he IJeeember, 1882.. ' Coroner's 'jun,. said "justiaablo T...,. .• +l ionitcu phelluron.N8usReeord, .. , • ..._, 4. 113 ng co1 umn, coMpJsed T '1 • • . -,------------7-.---7-7--- ofinen from tho ,Frcalerictun a:0 . . WedniAdity,. itfairch. tOtik .. TorOnta infantry Scher)" s and ' the. . . . • '''' -.**. ' ' -. : ' ----"seliboLof cavatry ht. John, P., • 0.,- • . , . ., 77-=-- . • Undar command of General.'"Mid-' ' • "rill: wEIPC'S 1.)0INGS. .s. t• •iio1. ' •11 1 ' - '' • l' • • ,,on, wi . cave .101i,1it.t. 4., on Iwusi • • , , • CANA NA N. : • an Maroli 28,-, 1...1et1.1e113311-ColOnel • ..., Tavier will - 4ro'• as telinfant • and .' —Peter COW, Sfier: II, of N\ el ing, Colonel 1131 111, inspector' 013111111311), ton is dead, likewise .3 elm B.;•..0:ou;11 a's qeartermaster.-general, on .v.tlie .-.4110.te1U11C1a11e13deet1t1e1.,..,.,...:, .... : ..„ enner.ars rZt a 11'...._,..TIte.•.r.re !lend:11011e r --By • con.sent Of .the'..counsel it 'that ho will adoomplish tli-e: 1311) 111 •was agreed to fix Matadi 18 for the two mouth:I.,* • - ' .. tirgument • to - t•est . tho. yttlidity of. .1. ':,0no day last' week the engin - :Mayor llowland's cleat:ton, ,••eer in'ox's phning -Mill ‘Toronto _-Th b percentage of duty on all ' shot him. Cline will die. Lee was Canadian goods is MN), and thearrested. Ilo isa SOU of a respect- aMount of Customs duty paid por able farmer. , head of tho population is $4.29, Dan Folsom of Quincy, Cal., and .01) Sunday morning the body his wife did not live happily'togeth- of a healthy, fully developed fe- 'jr, and it wes said that lie had the male infant was found in the yard best of reasons fur being jealous of of, a pronfineht citizen of Forest. of Db L. F. Cate, Treasttrier of The body WAS frozen solid and had Palmas eounty, Ile threatened to evidently been placed theito during shoot Cate un, sight, and the Doctor Saturday night. ()owner Scott re- discreetly' kept out or his way, after vealed the factithat the child had *flying that there way any came lived a short time after birth and fur Don's jealousy. lint op the..11'th had boon struck on the head before uf the month Volsom met Dr. • Cate death by somo instrument. andlis sou coming out of the Court —A young, man named Samuel Mouse, and at •011(g5 Wined tiro On Bowman, a resident of Port Dal- t'llu 1)0*r• Young Can resPinniva n kind, ' and atter seven or eight basil, died in that village under i natio: distressing, oiranmatanaaa, shots had boon fired Voleom Ho, lmd been ailing, and 'probably died, shot through the jugular vein. not caring to call in the services ef' Neither of. the Cates was hit. A. a Inedieta.man took 'seine medicine. Curouer'e jury rendered a verdict of of hia•own preparation. He, was a justifiable homiCide, and the Doctor laarrioci moo aboat 28 yore, of ago, and ids sow were discharged. All and bits one child; ' It is a sad .three 'ocular° said to be "mwah res, - warning to people who are in the Peeted." ` • , • . • ' habit of meddling With drugs, the• —A telegram) from Milledgeville. ',potency of which they'd.° not fully Ga., says : ,"Tho killiiig Of Marshal understand, ..11aygood by Sam Ileinsun Saturday A few months 'two, a young inan has given a bloody culmination to ao named Andrew Donahoe, of Toes-. of the bitterest feuds over prohibition water, got into a row.. With a Nor- yet cooducted in Georgia. Both woglau Mi in Dakota. • Both parties 1;114etoiiot 1311(1 bloodshed. The s other with incit- drew their pistols and fired, but Donahoe not being used ttli the busi- prohibitionists brought Sam• Jones, fin evangelist, there, HP deliVered, noss,• tho Norwegian gut his bullet in.firsl, and laid the Canadian out •‘' s.P°Och 31114 Preached -4 strkultm• Prolubitiunists allege that with a. ball lodged batik of one evo. Thu anti - In 'addition to this misfortune, he he advised tIlo, rrombition.ists to be was hurried before one of .the sum-. ;ready:4f VA, if neeessaryi to seeere. ' e 'nary courts that dispenses rough m " polling uttheir votes nd. reconi- ut -1 ready jusii-c9 amongst the cowboys, Inended that they" should go to the s •v ankconderened. Co the Dakota. penp011armed .aith• pktols. Tim pro- i-. hibitionists admit that Jones Made tentiary fort hree years. Ills brothet, Mr. John Donahoe, of Teeswater use of some. such expressions, but r000ntly wont. to lie • .nssistnnoo., and they insist that he meant that the .sbould Stand -sttceeeded-in-con4ncim4_Lthe,.,g*r- 1.11111 /Mr of.his brother's innocenee....The younginan was,aecor,finglyliberated ••—is. iaaaa Thiry, uf Now ' and is now we believe hontle.againen6 • • , 0sWegu oumy, other • arrest - 11 TeesWater: • • • .n 1% 130• 0, .'gra• T•. 10. ' • . . •-•-ltlog ',cholera .i.e.reltorterl to be .111ade .4. start litig 3311300V311')! "1(1(3)1 • try to engraft on the Bill before the • Legislaturesumptuary features of a, ebaraeter obnoxious. to a :tarp ele, Mout of the voters. ' • ..decintatincr tlm ,herds of. sWine in 11(3 at .once reported. to the..iudiee.. . 'the distriebtS surrounding' Petnam- Ile waa engaged in some duty that .„ 31110, in Bast II\ liddret.,;(2 , and IC.in- called him to .the .roof, of.!a .Small tore, Solitlw0tfonl..7. ' :* .. • , 51115(1, '311(1 on ,guing.. tip he found a, . p .,--,-The eoliii itution'of Iiinights.iof. small wooden 1.9x.. lie , took. it • Labo.r ...let.i• been '.s1115Mitted to.. the down to the yard; 'where' he opene' ...,. • Pope 'and lie. Aisappleves• Of ,•)(ny it ancl femi(1 it;to.contak,n tbe body Rothan .catholio•. joinine the orean, Of 311 11111(111 frozen still,. ;The ..-re-s •••• ization, .• . . ,, , . ' . . etiti'llS 311310 1011.4/VW to the morgue, , • . ---Ily' tile •burn int; efthe depot Of 13'.111,31, •••001911e1 juluisk0 11el1. ' at' 1.0,,, incflit*.t: . The detectives ire .entlea- ' ' time Canadian Pacific, railway.. • to track: the uhnatural ino- .,,•W.,itinipeg' last ..we,ek the :Company' "'i.lig 'ed. et. 0 1 '.0 (3(3(3 tIter; .• or $40,000., . man Who ,e,,l tVe•his, amIs.lostpropnyVad.,a 1111] it there Was tn insurance --About 1.30 Tuesday mo.rui.rw daslde-, 1)mi:11d was run over in' the Grand • • • ---j. • • W.. Alanni!vg, of. .A1 tnonts, Trunk 'yard Toronto," buth his legs . liaS been apPOinted.by - the ..Ontario t., , , . Government, bittof of the 1)t„‘s,.. ete..,i .oLung oertibli crushed, , • he 13139 re - for. the enfdroe:- -moved to .'the Iluspit;d.iti the- tint. ,partmen 1 organized bulance, 13(11 111 Spite of .every oxer-• ment ot' The Scott. Atit-111.`ctintritieS '311R11 (1 attottte,f : ii,. • .itts tie». lead° 19 SAV0.. ht 1111, expired . shortly before three . o'clockA .. C. .. quarters Nvilt be tit, Toronto: '.. ... .. , P. it. 11(311331 from N), 111/11pte! to .-.t 11 33111)31 1(1011'. '.1T6 'lleig leeswater,- dated: 14"1-1)111i31y 20tri was . made. in 'Montreal for eelebrating round in, Lis. imake.t,, but, _milting .. th Pr(191).Y•to.rian.'0(331 ('1171i.d. 331,131,)1311113(31 is' kwn noao w s thom . he .:)f it .lin 'e,ongro"Ittiong Imvo roPollie(1 conic front or, 'Ayliether he hs, a any. to•dbunn010:01•rIte. it ill 3 8Prie13 of fo14••• friends. .Tlio . deceased \VAS abCill.l, ' ..331111139. SX.f“n(1-1ng-: a Wholo Week; 40 311 111 of age, with black hair anti And 3 00111111L11101 31(11, . Lord's 1,hty ..bi,in.d. „na. 3338.(1ri,883(1 in .tt: g jod • • services \rill . be. held un• the ph :sat". f' brown ourdnroy. .• , 1.1th .0t. .N.I.tLrelt. • —1313. 13I..T..3Tolton,-a7".Windsor •teld by lirs: Rory is a peculiar one, lawyer, hod his office furniture and •81temarried her ihst husband..., 1') effects, including his cottrt goWn, yetts ago .in Oueill piled on a, true]: the other day tu be County, ..when She WAS lb years. olct. carried to a new quarters in the., After her marriage she discos eted ''.,11.:(11-)131y block. 'J., W.' :Hanna, 111 11 her husband waS 33 33031)331 anothe1. lawyer„ happened to come Sue left him after livine' 1311 11 him a1ong;4t131c1• seeing the sacred garment 1 six131011(138, 31111 Im t not seen Mai piled; carelessly' on the,.trunk ax.pus- since. She; 113 31111 Itury in 1884, ed to vulgar gaze, picked it up and Sire' alleges.that her second husband. carefully . carried it into 3 grueety was acquainted WiLll r110 in the storp,tintending tO givit to 'Alortoir. case. •she 1111d hila ar: ested 1' dav • • Ilann11 forgot' all 1,.hout .the gown or twia'ago for brutal treatment, and and ,so . did 'Murton. 'The 'eater- clahnslhat the present prodeedings Prikting grocer looked at ib the next- arc brought against 'her for' Spite. day, and told a colored man Whb Iler first husband's. name svas 10.0kiag„.1.01!_a_jp,It1 li at he I I, Jayrunly„,, ::1.n1 her maiden none RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. =ROE MEN U.ILLED BY SNOW-TIOUCta CAUSALi'LlEs ON MUNDAY tho errand Trunk train which left • Pol timid, Me. at 1150 p.m. was yenning near Loa's Mills last Tuesday night with twoenelnes and a snow -plough. struck a bed of pocked snow iind tore up a section Of the road, • TIIROWING 'THE 'ENGINES , nom Tim Tuatox, The first one went down a sixfoot embAnkment and streak .Q11. its Side. Roigineer Mitehell °Waned, but fire- man, Martin, ill the 1ict WAS struck in the middle of . the back, his hip being dis'ocated, 0.11d 1114 'abdomen ertished, Firenian Philbrick, Of the semind engine, crawled through the steon and hot wateito :the spot Where Martiti lay ender his.engino,' and drew him out of the 'position where he meet have boon. 110R111131X TORTURED. • Philbriek • then fell senseless by Martin's side. The cold was intense, • and the g trutents of both were frerhall.. The men were removed to Bryant's Pond and ether was adnainistered to Moth), to ease his terrible agony. 'until he died. • Aso knEn FATAL ACCIDENT • • A snow -plough being ink; ahead of the Montreal okpress for liilaud Pond. on Momlay, struck an obstruc- tiain '. and • Turned. upside • d03111, 'Eight mon 1101.0. 111 the plough at`the 'ThiliSZ-A16ind•Smith of Island • • could 143es itif he would. 'shovel 1 Ella..A?. (.;i1111 --- • • , tt• •load of coal into 'f he .. , —A: • horrible 'limiter was 601117 ."--W1n. it1"t 1161'el. 1".rPero III"' /flitted about six o'cluek 'On,•11.1onday ersoll, Was fined 650 and costs for • . , °young 011tol, .wo,....k. 11.t the residence selling 11(11301 confraryto tile pi 0'l of .I.ewis Tyrrell, .(colored)pliear the 10119 or 1110; 8('°It 'A''''1."' Wit''' 316s 11(331 1,11131, St, eatherines. Almut a told ‚3)311 11331(8 Wer.c. 3,13 31,N1 With Week. ago AVtdter Tyrrell,. 111)0111 50. destroying. tlie:property aml tlireta-• years of age,,.( I iS)llaytitl unmistakable *ming the Parties Who gave evidenen „.4,431-0..r (31 111113, brJugh 1 en, it is against _Mee. .Jamee•viax.-0anteneed slii)r)04.(1, 1)1.. tin• ov'erstudy uf the - 14' °I'M y''''''''' iii ilat 411.41 -11'0's lb t'w9 •lattu, and as he • lives alone, his /numbs. . . • . brother Lewis took hiin to his place • —011(). TO, 114.1•111')I• froill pra•mli- ill urdt.r that he might care fur hini, )011,'w1it still fiord. under 1 .,1-lat1tont.s That afternoon,. Lewis left home to seduction a ,t and acquitted at the attend some stook he had at iniuthiir last erimil .1 (1.'. (/(( bas.brottglit an brother's?, actteiV, the cowl leaving .__ - . ;..ction 101111)31 0411)1 3, the (Robe for 1113 wifo 113 dm bottsi. with 'Walter. refleetions ellSt ,t1Ptal Mtn in 901/3. (..)n, his return . he - 1111.4 'horrified At 3(4 1)11334 the trial.. It is' not seeing 'Walter standim.,.., in 11)' ‚33311 likelv tile 0107 a ‘aill sillier seriously oeN, Om tyro:Aran borte 01 11(14 %,,ife,3 ill, .1,110 03:10, .. . 1161,1i; 11,NYAV at 13(33' 11(11(1 with a 0 --.1. sioreknep at hi Notre 1.);)m,k street, Montreali exhibited in his. ' window twu sta,tees in ninie female form .re 11 rese ming '',N ight and "Mu: rung." sant .ho has been sem- ' Inoned to appvar beim° a Mit11,101.03P . to 8.110W .a.trom why he should. not be he ,had ,overtak en hor anti 0 nhlwel ;,,...v.itled that. he begin practieing his 0.0nonitted to jail fur olfeielinp.;"pub. :ha to death. Th3.113 h• nutiting 14 (1 der °t(e/Isla mum. ..I.,a,e, refused, but lie modet..ty, Tilf.y. 1111191 /R1 ptetty of ho 's hi.it'il hat it 3)01'1 hill W holt I lie,, 1.3 1.03133 III (4(11 31911(181 .41 cote t,th,tups gu carohth ;mob a or ono of dof otiofflownos, i,otb .1 big iioad 110 0011:301114!(1. (311110 then ell ,,,,p,,,,..., ,1,1,1 duiebti,,es 3,1,111, win bff lltii.! 11841 dillgi'llg . 10 ii. Tbf.. if.rt. biol. T,fw, terribly (313 1,(l 13 raen 1J flee LliiilD. • lunatic has .1.1ven arrest...A,• .. I /procured. a rifle; f011oweti Cline anti hiugain lYns made .taid till: colored riniT islf—Fouptox. man took the gewa.. • There WAS L.-411 the British- liolian of etun-' death . 11 )3 among the co I (trod • mons:Iiealy, Nationalist. 0)3)3050(1 11)3' friends, ;About this. , time, and he generoosly (10(11111(1 the.gOwa.. to the! gnintil'it $(5`),(1°0 for 111Pda143. Yar 1.)01,•0:01..cid, funny for shroud the' . volunteers: 'who ; took part in 'the corpse.....:11,Tortow. )IOW siu•39 Vial. It • „waS dl111111 e1(.10 by. a Vete. of 209 to.65 • .for the -•,,own-' • • • • • • Afontreal speeial sa1s :—G6v. • ' ' *." ,WHiul • 11IGr.11 Air...Fletcher of' Minneapolis, 1mile ..lieen in *Montreal for the last ft4 nigh license as.a method of regii, •days repre..smiting tho flour 'milling lilting the 11,1 nor ti 31110 .in i.ii•tere•48' 01. tlitil, eitY;. illt"vic wing 1e118 litales is rfrOf.-aeknowled g .(I 16 the Canadian Nellie 01116130S 331 l'il.' • ba the best and. the 111OSt ..efficacions. gaid to some impOrtant railenty con-. ' • .. • ..• - . • utietio_.....,, .... _., ...uderscamting: , has sot a, a rifall, . Pruhibitieti 11 1.8 1"aii,..a, 116* "L4 u . . been arriv&I, at by Which Alio Can; W]l0r0Ve.it' hss been tried, and sinee adieu; ,Paeille Will. be extended bv a ledge Bi:ewer's 'reee,nt. deCision ttt weStern.syndiitate from A 1 goma .M ills. _ fr i • 1 - 1 1 .1 )1)(. Cn, W He 1 4 t-MatrCti 1 Ilia • 1110 10 ,iiiiilli, .Sto. Marie, whence a 'air- While there the Minneapolis. gentle, tit() Owners. for. tile val ue.of.prop e lay sts.ta °.f. Kahsats .111'1:-:t„. 'compensate itot lino to Minneapolis is 'building. men matle all becessary • arrange 'confiseitted by the prohibitory (3111101 311031)8 With* ilid Bank. of 'Montreal ummt, evipn.thefri6nds of .prohilpitiou for the monetary assistanee required, Must. begin 10 fai-,q it, is not feasible, and, by the fall ,of J887: 'Montreal Is.. 313539 and Iowa •will doubtless and 111iitteanolis will- be • in direct have lo fall tr,te.14 011 311411 13(113(31 1,9 cote municiatio-n-, Tit). the 'Canadian • the only •mealis bit: Witiolt-thela.affi • 1.)ztpifie, Titi8 will give :\ r in neapolis can be regulated. A 113431 LicensA • a shorter line. to the Seabuaid by 400 "Bill has .alreadY "been introduced in milesthan any eXistit*, 'with .Moir, "tile: New Yorlt.' 'Legisl, 1 tu re, and is ..trbal. for its suminer ports,. :and 11; 1.iing.:-.8tippOtto.(1...by some of :i3,e Choice of ITnited 8,jateS ttiel /nand i me leading religtous jouritale.. 'province 'purls for i1 31313191. ship-. -Tho 'Clieldirin, 1:71. iion,ror inStance, 11101118' to:, Europe, '. Pend; had • AN INOIX 1301:1t • DRIVEN, INT0'1110.; .• • RED BAD, ' killlOg j. Chadwick, of Island • Pond, Was tired intornalty and died ..shurtly after. • • Twe.• or .three Others . were • serio usly • injured but , Te6o•v8r. .. • , • . • - , • AMERICAN. , -0'Ilant, Assist. Superintend- ed on , tho (.111icago ,D iv Won of the Pullman Pa 1 ;Lee Car Coinpank, • lirioni 110313 erysipelas: one morn, ing plunged from Cite back window' 01 11.1(3 room on um 81ori,y,• whkth ovrwookii t111; rotunda bock of tho•liotel Chicago. ',In )ifs' .doitetin3 lie• encountered two .sky- ights, each protected. by a wire net- ting, and passing through these obstructions be re.tchod the . bottom with siight injuries, •so far as could • be aseertained. Tom cline, of' 'Virginia, popularly known as '"Fum, the huge.club. creta portion or am fravpiting. in McDowell fiirnittire-hrol boon thrown Erma the County, he fell in with a yottng udui house into the yard, mid it is tz,up- named Lee. . Conversation turned posed Mrs. Tyrrell tan.. „froth the on revivals. • Lee said 110 11:311 about lionee, hoping tu escapt '110)11 her , forgotten. hew to pray 1(110341 11', 311)413 •.• insane brother-in-law, t 1 t npon Cline drew a 1111)11(13 (31131 81(9- 1)i's boon culleetiont• statistic.," and obtaining °pin ians its to t he working of t ho 1111 nu if, 1313113 'and' has pr 1011 5:7 - ally (mine to. the conclusion that tho adoption of.a laW .for NOW York 11011111 13(1 the imp.p inst. soltition of the problem. SO popidar has the. Illitioisbigh ,,ystsin • 3)31- 001110 that, a similar one is even. re- eommonded lot. the• l'rovinee. of Otitario so bilter an Am011.00- 1)1101)181; 118 3311, palftwin Smith, .11e • (litotes the '14e99e41 ions end 0011(1111)1' 30118 or the Ovid Ian, linion, in .11i9 pitlwr, the 'Wpdt, and • recommends 1.1)33113 .to the advocates of prohibition 131 C1ll.U14 for their sepport, ' Thia seema to he Om view of the religious bodies in Noir °York who .1,10 advocating the adoption of the Illinois law in that I•fitiate, Bishop Irelatul; of" Ht. Paul, the well -k nitwit Roman Catholie temperance reform- er, IA MIVOCalilig course for 'Minnesota, where sueli a law is. (3031111)9 1111 piirativoly necessary. oWz_. ingto the dontinatiOn of the saloon Moment in 1110 mum populous cities,. 'lite only danger which tbriatens the cause 01 133911 license in Now York 18 (113.31 90310 crutehel:,* pe.rson will Josemelem=11814M111404 lay sick au' his Wife worked de truck paten,. "I tame kuowed a Man wifebad de motto. of 'A Penny Saved aln 34, Penny Airned' ia all his poekets, an' no pusson eber found him wid a • dollar in cash to his none, 110 waa all O3 do save an' nuffin .un do airn.' "-Dean' you git de blealt inter yor heads .dat a motto, or a imixin am. • gwino 'ter feed an' clothe ye an, whoop_ up rent' and docter bills. - It's mo' in de man dan in de maxim. I kin show you fuly pussous in - my naybtirheod who sot . on de filmes nal stiMMor linr• keep deir eyes on tie maxim 'industry. ant do Road to - Wealth.' I Mu show -yo .fo'ty too'. who. haug Ain de motto• of 'Provi- donee • Purvidef .arid .sot .tiown • fur Providence to do so. 11. (15 • - wife t)irns a dollar -dot's Providenee,- '.Stidy work. at fair waens; domestic wife to boss tr0 kitchen, - mil motto an' f tir any or 'os.. If anything Ruder nmn . wanted let us strive to be honest, truthful. charitable an' virtuotew We needn't,. • • hang out a sign on de feuees.dat we' • thu strivie„ but jist git ,dar'.*widont • any WO' of - july fireworks !to •traet public attenshen. Let us now purceed," - LOOKING PRICES.• • . ,,witp 'regard .to tin! agrii:idturel • crests, tt? whose leadieg betinehes•We svert 'produvips it sur Its, 1.1teir • hoteeit .attempts to gall theii. deelmations that oil could laliwort.' prives hy duties, thei, promises to .1,1.144 a town population to • every larint-ir's 1101,3. liiiembor 'also etilyttei•litratiott. that they, Would Wirt and emit() not help the limner, .f.00k-at later pril,11:9 for •wool -.and ' ba rley, wIttat and beef, draw. your own conclusions. .4-.M it..0.3L4fc ft. • 41XN1.;.1(1'N..811):)a13.-'1.1 tittss ..sidetillers of • rhetoric mid thu eloganeies Of his• diction. &tell pltraSeti as. "dishonest 'or' tempts to gted.the farmers" are .no ..dontit.• tha. rarreet tiling bli....1;loke'S AVe , •". refrain. trout -comment upon them' and to.a.rauitideratiaa or tlui points lie 1311341. rtrat; as• to weld: fil the early part or reb, 11)79; wqoy .w,fas quoted .,Lond-on 'at from • 18 to 21 eeittli per pound,. Ti, •‘' present 3003(13 31)11 1814(1. •25:'..so that .are v4te-,,t o Jeok • at .wool,e1111 Ilo‘yialsoll to 11133 (1,33 • tittt -"Il.iiliottal'lloltey.)ols injured farther.% in, :We' however, :to 10034 • at .hotil • $ii1ittl • ar t.ife WO.Oripi1g3 3"1, ; . When we n t'. 11)01 (11 tit les ate .401i1 at ..11•011i 0110:131111 to tWii-thirila •tite . •priees charged .30r likti goods in 1878 and • the spring of 1879, vee (Timbale that ' - thi4 part 'pular tiler farmer' has • beeit • • , . •greittly gamer; • he 'gels. sonivw.liat • better ;wive rie• 3118 raw •Msteyhtl,' and p913 103)' 111001,11as fOr the. Itkanufttetated • 1-11-1<e iOites us "look . . . , barley, ,; • en • Pail te'dav, .•.thc tnh, - • --Rehettaryi .18778;4i:0 ey Avaa .011 :the. 11 .tn)il ton " market (It 55.. ts) 58 cents' 141 • • bushel., at .tini vorrestanalllig dale in 1579. . i was quote& at r.,0 to . cents, end -at present' it . is worth 50 to 65. • 11'e' are aide . to "10011 at. ha rley".. ami• kill. .1( ot to • • Coy the Natlimal Pelle); er sve -tlutt • • •. the farmer Ma PACKET AT A REVIVAL. . - . . •• ..A.t the .First Baptist .Chnrch, (*A ou last,. 11.0Y... Sap Junes, 4:4 hat a privilege .it.' 114 to•pray......Now,.'• WAllt; hose Who went down on their knees and .prayedl before they canie to this meeting torisein their seats," About. tw,enty persons arose. %Tho evange- list. leaued against • the ,pnipit and Yon .inoy he Seattedn w,", 'he seld. ‘tWit y, brethren, • y,uu would tind.• Ipuit3 pray ern' f. 01,1 rist, huts hi Rung Kong,. 'C tia, 11)3311 (1(010 31)0 fl this meeting to -day. • ff. you 'can't pray • 1 Want y.on: tu tako .y613.1. oarooss'es .out lMee. don't want yuu to come here 11 -;y',ott can't. Pray ?' aand luau sitting in • 0Iva :.6.1.* 111:0 ..1(ilq).(34 to .his feet, and, in 13 1(3110111(9 •voice •,lotresi thiik it' iS '..ivecessitry..fer a ntair to gel'down on• 1112 lc:1100'S . ,bunsider luysell goo&klitristiau, and 1(1(3 nut like to „hear sitch was abeut to say the sante thing," excfaimed Itev. otithlu'r'of•Pty-• •Turatitit 011i:telt: ';!`t.prityet I 'w ito; 101 Way to church. •• G.utl does not 1I1'. 'Wake wan ts" us to look but IlaVo llOt Lho obila:t ton. • Let us' LILL4tives. paid • 3(33131,14 ror their beef ill 'the .313115. part ..of " 1.1.1181181:8.8'6 7 ';.. . .1886. . . • 1 (hut (1111 itc1 ILL 51 to B.. 0. hi. to lie. • • Fero e'rs 3131'•Ili..41 to 40. to.Ltle.„ 4 tc; 43 'Still WV are aide to look ttoll fail to 31)1 .eeive that tilts !hilltop 10134 .8011131(31 .irrepar; abhi i ory a3,. the hands or "the National poliey, • wheat.: 'Alt -1 • there 188 fall, • In Febrinny, 1478; 'fiat: 111 '11 33083): . $1,,101;.:13i1i11e. $.144, ste`filg Februat'e, • .187.0 •they were (Leonid .a,t ,,b*2)Jv th.at.'11, 1,1"0.1 331141..gut.,(1.03.11, „..9.21.a)01 85.3 ents:iespeolve1y.;:8e1t13e 'now kneos befOre his prayers. are beard," . "Any mere exeulpatury,re- in ark s drawledth evangelist.. &matter ::,--,-"They ar(3-. nut ()1- 11 ettlpatorY remarks." • A Mall, .Wi'Lli. ••1<14 Qua' piliallitted 141111411s with,.viguipus.Tottliding on the Jostruni, -*Said Jones, I' did . net haVelime to, get.doWn: on , nri-knersetopray • for- tuiS'. -meeting. 1, [MVO spent nearly..the entire • day' ruad'ingthe. tile 10. 31 .gatnbier and, • a drunkard,.. and 1.• think' 1 1111 4111 (Med to respeet bere."'.' • Other men and several womeit...bjgan to stand up in se-Veral seetions Of, the.chtireh, hula few explanatory remarks served tosill) the tempest, and .the revival, - fel %Vas permitted to . his, stir- inun'Witliont father interruption, . • ABOUT MOTTOES. "1 (loan" go much 013 mettoes Rflm said Brother 'Gardner is he opened the meeting on the nstial de- gree twid winked itt &Imml shin, to ritip,0 windixy: , onzo knowed a man who sot out lire wid do motto: `Excelsior.' Ile was proud of 11.3313' he statek to itotn' de las' time i saw bini 103 .311334 ill (1.0 pou'-liuttse,„ Its .got so t of leggin' dat motto around dat cotildn't work ober three dayi in' de week; once knOWed 11 than who bad they Loon:mend enly 80.attil 80 eent.S. Thole are outside: iplei at ions iti all (7a8ek. Bet ire t)n& that in letibroary. 1878,. 'red. wheat Was 33)1( 33 $1.70 a bushel in Liver pool, our 31(13(1<11 (33 ultimate disti ibut ion. or 50 nimbi (Mire than the 'timid] tint ptive. At present reilrwlieat is . win 111..6s. 1d. 1)41 taintal or '411.03 par bushel il) ..14.,13a pool (9(133 312 Malts* !Mit& 01111 . !wive, ..00inpared. with' the -Liverpool 3(3h.:0' 3104' 'W.en t wort 11 farm st% glees better thou,31,,. did in 187S -by 37 taints per bushel: 11 tlie same, disparity 313 (14111(11 lie wetiltl'ht able fogoi .()91.y 22 cents for 'hia (310331 (11 • 11111111111)U. 13111. Illalre;Watits "Is .to Iriol; at 'the prices t he fa) ((313 gets for ''0(11 ('3 praduet's.,.' Well, 114 us look; The 31)11)435' ((9 aye stone. ' 'wives:paid !a. 1ehrit13ty',.1.879 nompateci with (31080 31011 31i.111 1879, Feb., 18136.'. Ntatton, parcasp,.. 14,a.. • to (3(1.'Lamb 4 to 5 • ' 41 • itreS4e11 (10(39...._a . to 48 to13 - ....... 10, to 12 • 12 to Ill • Butier,to 80 2o to ea 'Mater, rolls.. . . 5 12 • to 13 20 to 22 10 1333 11,,ogtontriodo.sat :020, 00 1.002 3. IT t,3(3 • For all these articles, exi'e•pt it 11111 1)43 seen, 'the thriller now gets better prices luiti lw gol before ti p 113trodlietiO4 or tile National Poliq %Ile gets better prittes tor his wood, rye, oats, timothy, • vett tonl alstke back plat other arthiles. 313 'act, take .tho 01 through the/wives paid far l'it1111 te"..(ley are 31113141 billy morelthan paw before trodttetion ofthr National Ai(ti.rlie same time 3310 farther par • tnitelt leSs ror'the art ides he is itspdreil buy. In 1878 and 1870, 119 iambi get. nine pounds of gra tro sugar for a do) • lart now he ea a get lilt ; tea 31t171 coffee, at ((mho ialiy cheaper; rotton goods 0.111 than half the prices t Fre de 330140' 18 Money'. liting ; wootoi goods urn much lower ;. obory room in hisliouse. Ile in-. beets sloes ate matetially rheapti variably rushed in 1118 0" 80(41 1(1(3(11(311'; 11.ta agrieultural.imple. '0,11 fen days • meets of all (lest!: im ions. too.' airlv, en' den tried. to itiNTrage1 3.3131 1131 111) p11143 o3,n31lt 3* J1( 1111 thing$ 1)Y 1)111111111 1139 t•Itter8 1131(11(113? t(u 11(3 3131(11(3 Woolya .. (lys too late. '1>e only Qua- only look 'upon it and (.10.1a )t. it 10.1„..g3' 931(34. cashut %Own ho got, (wall void. thee 1311(13.13113).Mr. Blake tells him that. -lot Ivo; when he •!jumped ilia cl'ok itlf `rV(311:.111:'thrit'y 0:1 • ngmi4;:k11:;e,tie411; 311 hourabtad 131 01313 ti111° "11111 niially tosay that Mr, thgn he had a (1001)3(3lit erap was whn1IO.I1w what he is talking aboot,