HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-03, Page 8LOCAL NEWS,
In and Around the o /tub."
.. Bead. Cunninghawe's. Toa adver-
A ROLLER HILL for gristing purposes
i likely to be pit in operation by Mr.
Thos Gibbing on the old woolen mill
THE employees of the firm of Pey
and Wiseman presented Mr, :John
Wiseman with a beautiful pieeb Of
silyer plate upon his retirement from
the firm.
THE Mitchell Advocate has changed.
its form and donned a now dress,
Its make up now is • almost asedit,
able as its staunch support of good.
• government. •
Otis ot* TBE Beare—Monday of last
week Rev, Mr: Craig of Clinton wa8.
oneof the speakers at a diocesan
missionary meeting in Trinity church
Mitchel, The Advocate s t1 s: "Rev.
Mr. Craig delivered a capital address,
perhaps one of the best misaionaay
a Iaresses :ever delivered In the .
Mn. P. W. HAxwntiw, Ilarry Cante-
lon'ii eli stand, not only does a large
busiuese in complett d vehicles, but
;does a regular. wholesale trade • in.
• buggy tops and gears which, he sup
• plies'to the outside trade at bottom
prrc( s. Refilled and supplied a 1•rr,;e •
numl,er of•orders lata week. Send for
price list.''
Rion SCHOOL.='the third . regular
meeting of the liihh=,Soh fol Literary-:;
-Society was held. on Monday evening
of last week: • Mr. Turnbull: in the
chair, The program i� as . rendered
in a very 'becoming and effective
manner.._ The Glee •Club under,the
Ieatlereldp of `Ferry deserves
raise, and is grid g trent e i s es-
• ,teemed and efficient leader..."
BACIIELOR's BALL.—Anlongthe invit-
ed guest at the bachelors ball in Lour
don last week, which was the affair of.
the season,we noticethe • names of l$r.•
Geo. i\ic'Taggwrt,. Clinton; Messrs
Chas: Ross and F. W. Johnston,
Miss Cameron; Mr. and Mgrs. M. G...
• Cameron,'Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cattier;
on, Dr., Mrs: and Miss. McMicking.
Gloderieh. •
MOH • SdHooL.—The membersof
the. High 5,;hool Literary.' :Souiety
Met on Monday evening, President in
the chair. After Rome business was
transmuted tli0. followipg program
' was given :- Mode, Glee Club; reed-
ing, Cora Vautasscl. Debate: "He.
solved that tt wn life is more desirable
than o(inutry life."'- Affirmative, W.
.. Bale, G. MCDermit; Negative, ''J.
Hunter, Gi.. Brown;:Mdsic,,(1ee Clob,
Rua(litig, F. -.Green; Recitti�tiou, IJ
111 iIIer: The critics report being given,
the meeting was dismissed by.singing
the Natioual Anthem..
from, the Edinburgh Vulcanite Company, of
of COMBS �'
Edinburgll,;Scotland; who make the. BUT Combs
in the world.
PROM. le: TO $1 EACH. '
• 1000 copier of Franklin Square Library to hand last week.
The Trade supplied,
OHMS..F) tc I- S 17 Clinton.
Mn. JofN.Rofi nit4ort and laugh-•
ter are' in Toronto.
THE Doherty organ' loaned to the
Grange Ott Londesboro, received en-
coiniume which should my , those
musical instruments are fitfor the
Queen's palace.
WE had a.i call on Monday from
Messrs.Nethery and Gibson of Blyth,
The gentlemen were on their way to
Grand Orange Lodge, 0. W., at
_WE Would -direct the attention of
our readers to the "ad""of•Messrs, C.
C. Ranco.& 0o., the Hub Clothiers,;
in •anather column of • this paper.
This firm on account of their ever-
increasing trade,, have found it.nec-
-:essai y tome ve into more-commodi-
n0re_cominodiousquarters. •
No Soon Gogh' Loci;. -Writing of
how .and shop, licenses the .9dverute
ss: "In St. Marys $`23.O is paid.
for a shop license -'and 11150. for•an
hotel: Seaforth' we Understand .is
• . •sonaetliing; Muller; while in Mitchell
Melee is only. 0100 f6r. either one ot •
the.. other." : Brother: Davis 'should
• remember that �Seaforth, is in. the
-county of, 'Huron,- anti• that however
, :uiuel► appearances may .be against
the:statenieut : the faot• is that the
Scott let : ie. the law of the' laud in;
Huron arid. consequently; neither
`" 7io a uqr slidplieenses are issued for.
• Seaa'orth,
DIVISION COURT here Friday.'.Bar-
'risters Malcolnson and Campion aid-
'ed•dignity to the. occasion by wear-
. int; ;owns. The case of Voting vs.
Beattie.was not, allowed to come in-
to court owing' to, the unsettled.
anio tint being too large. Campion for
• aft:•
•O i the night that Captain Mcpnn
'old's• building was biu'nrd, down' in
Goderieh, Mr. Andrews of Clinton
was driving.frnm Brurefi.Id to: ('Iii
Annen and `distinctly paw .the'fllurniisa
Cion caused 'by the fife a dletance _ of
probably.lift:pen miles, •
' IMroasiBI.3 KrsSING -A young lad
asked our : 'I a d -headed editor, "If
kissing is proper Between •n10,410110
a gentleman who aro nota engaged"
Hisnibbs3 is please(' to reply. "It is
.Perfectly proper, 'brit iuipossil.le: .A
gentleman. cainnot kiss a lady tiniest;
he is engaged -and very pleasantly
'. nukes Appees ABRQAD,—Mr. Henry
Morris "of Colborne, packed sou,e.
"Nonheru Spy" Kepler ow the �3itih
tig Oecolier 18du, for expurt,,au.l wrote
ou a slip. of paper 'Which heenclosed
• in" the barrel: "These'apples weie
peeked on the 25th .of October 1885,
if the party who finds this slip wilt
• 'write:to henry Morris, Gederick' P.
O. county of Huron, giving date of
opeuiug barrel, wlieu received and
rice. fetid Le will ohhe_re."_ A few
clays ago Mr. Moi ris•rtosigeal a Lettt r
' f otri 'Suffolk,.B;ngland, saying the.
apples had been opened on 'I+'eli, 7th
1661i, were found in excellent condi-
tion' and that. the price he p.tiit• for
them there was«.'sevente,•n sltilhn;;s.,
about' $$4:25•
MA-.Yisil . AND VIEW Yum.—The
goual book:sayti: "In your'p.}tience
possess • ye your 5011133." - But even
milli the example and pretxpt ot
many guodsmeu during the last 23J()
yelain 1113 the undoubted• endeatvore
• of Christian men and. women to live
Up. to the teachings of "Ile who r.p.rlte
as novel: wan spake." ,.tlto old ..lilsstli.
still ll} etli and at times . excorcises
his power, and': «i11 000103aonaly
llreVt.iit proiiesoing Cllristitwe from
puss(.ssiug thole souls
tatsts 111 point came up last week,
'wherein Otto Limhwcak became dis-
possessed of his patiouce niot so coo
. 1usu11 iu Lit} i(lcau Ot warn itutl tuurn,
.Alien thea cravings for bti-logit wcLO
'arousing, that he exclaimed me yule
`Anil hitt, yum and forthlvith 'corn-
iment:eat to • devour one Mott.soti. Su.
• ' fair lags Our. lufui•1m`tiuii goes the two
parties to thie affair work in a Clinton
3actery and during alt altercation
...within working hours they (i+tttie full)
coilisiou, when Liurbwerik chLwed
epee (aloof the ears of Aloritson pro-
flar'iLtratt.teg•.11ave•'ititi 'throtigrh the
full ►masticating; and aestnilattrrg
process. The ear however would
iikrt p Lrt company from its original
pettier who soiglstretirees iii the
131 tyor's courts for the attempt to de..
• rive -him of his attricnhtr appendage..
The citrlacottri tissue market being
depressed his worship mulct'd Lilub-
wealeto the extant of only 11.00' men
•'Cost -s, If like produces like what
. %magi e to "ilopp.sre' Liwinvealt would
have. been enabled to sport haat he
fully nates ioeled tan hie iitwjitlabillisticx
ut.b.fiu.3. • '
Me. H. SrrrEve :has Int! '.enrttract
or. the •won' .wsrk for a resi,letlee
for Mr. W. H. Ball of. llutlett. lir.
Sl►arinan, of tins erieh • iv911._ do the
plastering; ear. Mr. Stevens •tins ' sew.
ci•ai other-o(nntraots on band, •ani'
having disused of :tis planing mill
Ile will devote all his atten'tion;to the
building lure. • •
. 'P is oIcl man,i. still malting con-
nections.. Periodically : daring the.
last four or five years, that persistent
1 V Jet rr,Mr..Wie. limiter, has Ito' b d
op to the surface through the local'
press with ah;announeiuent of his in,
genions autoivatic car.•conpler. The
Hamilton . rieetatu•'1• was. so .taken up.
With' the merits of Mr.Hnnter'sceu1•
ler . that it . "stopped' the 'press to
announce that a gcntien:an.iu Clinton.
has invented a car -coupler: •
WICKE':D MITCHELL. '1'he Mitchell
Advocate says : "Rev. Mr:•llraig, of
Clinton, otfierated infTriuity church
Sabbath hitt. Ire is a good preacher
brit hits high cliurohism would scar-
cely snit an evangelical congregation
1 k that-of•Trinity_' F1or vrli_re
bT . Craig is hest hno.t r, he' is In ler. rl`
looked upou as a "high churcuman '
Eiies liigu and evaiig;elieal eetimltte of
the duties piitaiuing to bis 'sacred
'office has enabled- him to do much.
Banni and to endear him to his parish
iorors. "Trinity Congregation" most
b i wedded to their idols if.tliey cough
not appror;iate the preaching and
tt'rtcbutg' of Mr. Craig;. If all who
nter tho -pulpithad as defi.rite cord
libermt ideas of what ,they would.
teach'; we should not have so ,many
ssharpers, and schewors thrusting;
thenisclver forward as the Lord's
a.lioiutcclf,foriiono• ether ` than, the
bhispliernous purpose of advertising
therut(ttelv(s,..'of e,ling their, vanity
alit' 'o' aced:nplikh n , t' t e tr Moroi n try
eiitls. The. now Jerre.a-cm does not
conic within the. lines of their oper-'
atious. •
• l'oiter's 11111..
The conned met in the Town I1a11
Feb. '3.,nd J$86; members all preseuti
the Reeve in the chair; minutes 01
Inert meeting read toad passed. The,
Auditor's report anal vouchers were
presented and after being ext-•.
mined by , the council it was mov-
ed l.y E. Bostnan, se!con(ieti by C. A.
Howe, that the sa.de ti.a adoptee'.
—Carried. Applcation was le by
minder Xnnis tat It* withtintIVI 481 111
S S. No. 6; anal annexed to S. S. No,.
41 Moved by ii, Mooney, second by
S. Cal•Ihick, that all parties interested
be notified to attend the next, coon.
cd meeting, wlhen the matt," -1' will be
cop sidered,-C41'IIe.l. Moved bv.E
Bnstitaii, seconded 'by' S. Csldbick,
that• 0..A. Howe; be insh•ueteal to legit
a contract of repairing road anal
'hingeing a culvert across creek on
sideline' between fits 15 and i6 cin.
art soon as the ground et fit
lig aIle
apting•- 'Carried, • Moved .lis'• ,H..
Monnev, seconded by E. 'Bttd{{sman
that Cr. A; Ilowe he instructed 'o
have' d•ain and faille repaired' at gait'
ti, on .7th con, litre ata soon, as lit• in
the Spring. Carried. "Mnve,I' by 1i.
nnney,•seconded•by 8 Cahihiek,
'that the fol'lowing aeenunta her aid :
W. 11 CInnkv'.Aualitor'a sitlnr'y, ro 10,
M. Cardiff 'le t l'1, Jaa. Net fiery; drain•
on wes esti gravel ,road 't i; 'John
Nolah, gravelling On • boundary be
twerp• Morlls and MieKrllnp $20;.
John Mooney postage anal expenses,
r;5;,.las, Newcombe rresanrer's•salary
$90; Jas Newenmhe:-poatage lural ,.x`
penes• $J tl — Carried., ieal., \1 owed Isy .1 L
ylonn4y Neconslesl hv; :•Bosman that.
the statute, labour for otne'IOt: in width
on the east -and carat • 'i(b8, Ira' tile.
Township be singe 'An the pr,r%Ml
:'roads.- .Carries] 'Move•tt fly S !raid
bir•k a'ecnelleti that the.
Auditor's Aha+trace' be 1,nlrlishnd in'
the' \i;'inghanl rl(l. g,naa.—Ca.rrir.l..
'1'he_cotnril then' adjourned to meet
again on the 29Jfh day of march"next.
' Trier -reenter monthly .s;port of the
-stenting of the pegrils of. rhe Porter's
'fill segued is .given below. 'fele re
15011 bait bee 11 determined linin the
g enef•el proticien0),. behavior and ate
ten(Ienee of ttie pupils .
1'on'ith ass*,1 Edwin ,lervis,_2
Ly(lia Btair, S M innie Gardner.,
Senior Thi rl.....,.1 Peed I'iekard,.2
Maud 1'ickarilt 3 Alice Lite/ream.
Junior Third. -1 Albert Jovial 2
Satnuel•Elliott, 3 Jolla eautelntl
Second. -1 Fred.Burke, t2 Herbert
Cox, 3 Jahn Coir. .'
d'art 2, ,-1 David .111eCartney, 2
Edith Cosi
,.'art 1.-1 Jane ;lfarshall, 2'Walter
Lind I ay.
G.oderich TownlLip
Mr. Andrew %titely, Iately'of Wyom-
Vynm-i g let , who haw heti visiting ,frsenils
the township has•lettumed to iris adopted
hone. It . is 'rumored that' at.leastone
pair•ofeyes areaudrleliedbyIds heparalio:
The 'soeial'at Mr..John• Mitlalletons algal
the eittertanuneut•in the' basenlent'o$ t•Iiy
rhnreh were well 'patronised,. load -about'
$50 will go .to.aili '.India» -Missions in the.,
Salo of stock, <eliattds etr, At VVfn:
Rosa' late resuledee'an the 5tli March:
Wm. •Curriejr„ lois rented" his fai•tn end
will takea tri, r to Dakota. 'He well tike
some stuek wtthg lams en specs a lou.
.ANDERSON -SAVAGE. -=At the' real..
dente• of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Craw
.ford,' on. the 2rrd tilt,. by the Rev Mr.Tu neo ate'. 'r tior.t(rn Anderson. to
Alisa Lizzie Savage, all of Dungannon.
TAYLOR—MORRIS.-At the residence
of the bride's father, on ;tile 1011, tilt..,
1iy •the Rev. Mi., Toruer, Mr, .'Walter J.
'J'aylor, 01 flakota,. to .Miss. Mitniu
Morris; only daugtitor of-MI.-A.Afug:ria,
Famous Clothilli and Fur�is�u�
§ . § § § § it. §§ § §- R
One of the Largest andFinest in the West.
First arrival of SPRING 'GOODS,
C _: F'urnishin -
Two � Gases . , den s g Goods.
school Looks1
_---01• All K1n 18,
Holiday Goads,
Win anyone on top of the earth.
iltint'ardinn skating rink owned by
Iio1ly Bros.wee destroyed by fire. Loss
ii3i3�t):; insured for 0500.
' 1' arket Square,
��'11DE� .g IC
�O � �
INGW & 11IT`1r i i"tINOS,
'lho USr'1t1N G S;
• STEM °LOT1US, ' .'
Made up iia Best S7yle and Work
r anehip at'._4bi•uhani Bustle's.
:-10:1 people 'are .known to have
perished -ln the ret•ent blizzard in
,Kansas, and more than 100 others are
Missing, 100,0 )0 cattle ;have Leery'
frozen to death.
M 1R<T:T .ft`_POR.TS..
(Correotod every 'raesday,afternoon'
Moor - e; $4 50 to 5 no
l all•Whoat 0 76I to, 0 78
spring W heat, - " r • 0 76 to 0 78
Barley fig to 0 611
031., • . r, .0 2 0...,0 11
Pees. 0 63 10 0 L3
Apples, (vaster) poi bbli• •
1 00 , to 1 l+ 00000000- Oo0000000000q.00000000000000O o000000b060000000000000000000
2;e' to 0 3t A1A1.liatatA1MA& Al.MMAidhlaiaaiaAl A1Ata1A1MA1M.11MA1A1AlillA1.A.M. .M.MA1 nAUS.
0000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000100000O0000oo00000000
Nine • .in itry4 ane of the; cheapesir--
and' Lest stucl.s of :
A Full. Linnolof-CENTS4TJ11;---
NISHINGS .always in. stook.;
1t' will pay you to call on
,OT. FT PO' i�rt'%ID3I S1;.
O000O 000000Oboo0000000000000000000000000''00000000 Aro' pltaslint'to.t ho. Coutaiu :hoirows,
00000000000000000 0 eir ..'ti' e. Is a' B in, Bare, Will cr.'octa&
o0d0000 000000000000000000uo0A0Uo0Q,0oo0000o0ootl "' ;warms i CC or Adults
OOOOL10000000 U O¢UoOt) O
f�:;"Brick Block,. wast of Dickson's Book Store.
ergs, 0 15 to 9 16
flay, • • 8 00 to ono
Pork . - R 00 to 31 00
(cordwood, .- 3. 00 to 4 00
• Beef re' 0 00 to • 0 00
Wool 0.17 to 017
Ordered Work
Promptly at to.
-n 13 �- �),�• ACOM