HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-03-03, Page 7• Inswenemmiget' THE Notoa for lieneekeeperta " Pork and bows"do not of necessity go together. Beane can be made very pale. table aaokedwLtb other-meete, particularly corned beef. Use Fox DneenteacieWaerne -A hvglonio writer saya thee thepurity of water oon be teeted bane better or eimpler way than to f011 a clean pint bottle threefourelui full of Water and dieciolve in it a halt teaspoonful of the pueest suger-loaf or granulated -will answer--eork the bottle, mad set it in a Warm place for two days,' If in twenty- four or forty-eight home the water becomes 3loudy or milky It is unfit for not People In nonht ail to the purity of the water they ate ming easily decide the matter by mak- ing this 'pimple teat, . Cavan or Oxsoenses-Put a quart of oyee tem and their lacretor in a porcelain kettle overthe fire, and oiotolithern until they are ifthe verge of boiling. Then take them and pent into a eoltlider over a howl, leaving the oyeteratin the ooltentier. Chop the oYetere fte fine air petite, and.. pound them weltin a thick bowl. Now put in a saucepan a piece of butter the size °fa Antall egg, and when it.bnbblea throw in a :gener- one tobleepoonful of flour, stir it well with the egfe.whisk so as, to cook the flour with- out allowing it to oolor. Now pour in the oyster liquor and w.hen Well mixed over the flour, add the peunded' oyster pulp and a pint of good (Foam. Page this all through the, elev.°, season it carefully with salt and cayenne popper; return it to the fire to heat without allowing it to boil, and juet as it hi about to beserved add a half-oupful of freeh cream and a piece of lbutter the size of a small pigeont :egg.. Whilde it well with the egg -beater, keeping it hot, withont boil ing, over the fire for a minute, Peter into a waren tureen and serve immediately. BAKED EGGIS.,-Break eight egge into well -buttered dish, season with pepper and. salt; one•half cup of dream, one :tablespoon. • . • a " ful of butter, eeein the len and bake twen- ty minute. C014 Briastre-liPut two tahlespeonfule Of 'wheat fiour into a quare m7eaeure : and then fill it with Indian Meal: Turn this into ce sieve, adding. two teespoenfule of stager, half a teaspoonful ofralt, two leasPoonfala cream tartar and one tatospoOnful slide.In . place of the cream tartar and soda, two heaping teaspoonfule of baking.powder may be need. -Sift all into a bowl and mix' with oneSquart of milkeene egg and two, teaspoon- fuls' of melted butter.; beat thoroughly and pour inte a medium.sieed dripping pan. pall greased ; bake in a good oven. . When Eon° out in 'einem and serve 'hot for break; fast. - • : • ' OnenioneAwn Punnetrea-a-Two ounces of "butter, four ounces sugar, ehree' eggs; two minces flour, four. .omaces •breadorumbe, a gilt of milk, three Queue lemon peel, three ounces dried cherries, a little eseenee of lemon, and' some aptinot jam.. How to use them r• 13eat the butter to a *ate, Add the sugar, then tho ego' -one e.t.a time; stitsin the flour, add the breodorumbe and milk; mix gently together; then Mad three drone of eisenpe of lemon, and the When -peel and • cherries chopped &tee pour the mixture bete well-buetered mold; twist -paper. over and steam (me hoar and a hall. • Diesolvirthaif pot of apeioot jam: in e tablespoonf al of boiling water. When the pudding is cook- ed turn into:a dish ,and pour the jam over. Serve at oxide. • eer • Ill -Mannered ,quentio ' In the matter of heirs for meals, ter ria. in.g and,retiring, conform without beeltation or comment to theme . of the hospitable household. It Is underbred and selfieh to • keep breakfast 'waiting, became you have overslept yens:melt:qr. dinner Or tea,: while you have prolonged a drive or walk uneeee aonably. If a meal is well cooked, it is in. „jure by standing beyond the proper :time of serving, and if our boats' time 1. worth , anything on are &atoned whenyeti west° it. . . It is quite as:selfish invent of tactful re- gard for others' feelings, If lees • glaringly ---einoonvenient,-te4reeentsaysitiraelf_helows athire long before the stated breakfast hoer. You mayhats like to Sit in year bed -cham- ber; the parlors may be in perfect order for your nooupsnayor the library tempt, you to anateh-eaquieliehottrIeraretteling.....hut she is an exceptionally oven -tempered hoetwis who Seem not flaeh uneasily at finding that you : came down by time the servants opened -tha.house and haVemade yourself at . heme ID the living remit ever Orme; . The Infer- ence is that your sleeping room was gnome- fortable, Or that ehe is 'indolently ntornind-, ftil of your breakfaitleas state. . I have an anguishedrsoollection of a long "AAA paid to my finally by an acoomplished ,gentleman wheels eierY. intention Wall pure- ly humane, yet who descended to thepar- lor each morning at an hone so leculearonely "early that he had to light th'e gas to see the piano -keys on whioh he drummed until breaktast wait reedy.. There is a Saving Oen- gelation in the knowledge that, if he hi die- tieguishing hitriself in the heavenly Man. • done ail a player upen,instruinentertherais no Weather with citeething baby and a heed-. • ache in the mein overhead. • That Boy, Is the house tunred telloPtiliTT Does it ring from etreet to r0Oil Will the racket still continue Spite of all your nind reproof? Are you often in a renter Are you sometimes thrilled with jtly then I have my grave suspicions ' That you have at home that bor. Are the walla and tables hammend 7 Are your nerves and Mk upeet 7 . Hove •Pro oyes so bright and roguish Made you every one forget Have your garden hede a prowler Who delights butt to deetiroy ; nem are well-known indlottions That you have at home that boy. Ilave you seen him playing ohne- With his head upon the mat And lois been in mielair twirling -- For hie audience, the oat 7 Do vou ever atop to listen. When his merry Emudes annoy - Listen to a voice that whhipers, You were Once just like-thathoy 7 • Have youheard of broken wIndows, •,_And vrith nobody to blame 7 Have you seems treusered urchin (211100 unconscious of the same 7 Do yell love a reaelne mixture Of peridexityand joy You may have a detect daughters, Bat I know you ve got -that boy • .4--arealkulwri TE ENGLISH IN ME SO1JDA.N: A Skelles Idea of England's Duty--Tke Enormous "Daughter of Arabs.• ' The Hygienic Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption. Dr, 13. W. Itiohardoon bag revived, in his " AeOlepaki," Oeriaill rules for the hygienio Weatment of ooneemption, whieh he enun. oiated as far laaok as 1356. At that time they bend, very little fever, being regarded as the ideas of it dreamer -that the fatal theme could be prevented generally, and treated epoolally by hygienic measures,' to•dayrunder a revival of the old animal. miler speoulatioes as to the origin of some diseattea horn living forma,-tho entity doc- t inc in a new dresta-the conception of the hygienic treatment of p.nlmonary oonoump- dim basfbeen aocepted narao as well es praotioe, as, if it were new in word and deed, the height of praotiosl learning and okill. So ideas change, and the disfavored of one generation is the favored of another. But It mitten not hew or by whom it is borne, so long as the torchlight:of truth meltes its way. 1. A. supply of pure air for respiration is the first indioation in the treatment of the consumptive patient. 2. Active °aerobe is an essential element in the treatment of coniumptives. - S. A uniform climate io aro important ele- ment in the treatment of consumptives. . 4. The dress of the consumptive patient. should be adapted to equalize the tempera. tare of the body, and ao loose that it in- terferes Inuit way With the animal lune - titans: 5. The hours of rest of the consumptive patient should be regulated mainly by the absence of the stun 6. The occupation of the oonsuniptive pa- tient should be desponded if it is indoor or sedentary, but a certain amount of outdoor exercise may be adesotegeoue. 7. Exiiessive mental exertion should be Avoided by the'oonsumptive. • ,S. Cleanlineas of body is a:special point in the treatment of consumptives. 9. Abstinence from all habits of groom sensual indulgence is an °menthe' part, both In . the prevention and the onre of oonsitnep. tivee. . . 10, The diet "Of oonsumpblve patients should be. am ' ple and should oontein a !erg, er proportion of the reepiratory constituents of food then is required in health. , Whenever dietinot evidences of plathisie have set in in an individtiel ofeither sex, the •marriage of such a person it -wrong r - while the marriage of two pereene, both vic- tims of the diseaea, is oppoctedstbaeaton and humanity, . Ili a recent interview held by the corms. pendent of the London 2intes with Sheik Haesein Murgh,ania, a member of a religious family in a tribe dispersed throughout the Soudan, the chief of which rendered great assistance to General Graham's force at Su- aleim, the Sheik amid -"The Mahdi's move. ment originated in misrule. Hie encomia produced a belief among the ignorant that he pommeled miraculous powerae which be- lief created fanaticism. pat this 'has to a great extent dieoppeared and the -move- ment ie now Maintained by eimpleueoeseity. The Soudan la reduced to the uemostS mis, My. Bich and pbor alike artreasterving , on an allowance of ewe dollar' monthly from the Treaeury. They are advaneing, and will continue to advance, northward in the mere hope of plunder. There is no pousibil- ity as yet of any other neghtiation than that of the sword. Yee, thief Were beaten at Gleba, and are dispersed. That is nothing r they will reeesemble in greater force arid he, gin again.. Why ehottlei they do anything else? Starvation la behind' them ; • plenty is in front .A aystena of subsidies would do much, but not until they are thoroughly beaten, end for some years not without the presence of a certain force within strikilao distance. '•A IlibIENSE SLAUGIITE1t, "I estimate their foto° at Wines at 5,000; If you killed all 46 time,atheyennel. still send'a Similar term ten times. The merest point at which you gen hope to do anything is Dongola. There you can oominunioate With the different tribe's. If Lord Wolseley had reerritined twenty days longer at Don- golte the, whole movement vvoued not have collapsed: There ill no exaggeration in this. You do not know the effeot produced bv the Abu Elea and 0:abet:victories where 15,000 ef the rebels were killed. , ou must nit tell :me that it" is impozeib'e-I, am speaking of what I knee,/ poeitivelye not what I think or have heard. The liladhl sent 24,000 men to meet General Stewart.; they returaed only 6,000. When the news wee -brought to the Mabell he eat with his halide over his eyea and said, How eau I -ask wore to fight them men, when out of 24000 only 6,000 are left V This , I know from eyo-wilneasee-enot one, but many. I am net eieggerating. I will owner that I know that numbinevvete kUlod,, • • • s. • •• "Why di you retire? The fruit waii at your fest. For the ' we're of. twenty dap' yell gave up eyeeythieg. As to the future, I say you mint, metst,• Mast go to Doegola ; you will there hold tte• reboil+ by the throat. From there you :ben negotiate; but the at- tempt is utterly impoesible, hem any print - further to the north. At every step back. ward the Malidiste will follow you ; every etep increases the number who 'become beg- -gawritn-de-therefererrebelar---1! the Etioliehs retire, from. Egypt they will sweep the whele oo,untry. They have no goal-Con- straatinople, .Londort, Parierethey dent know themeelvert. They fear two thinge- English soldiers and -Abd•Ol-Eader Pasha, tile former •Governor of the Soudan, new Mb:litter of tho Interior. The substitution of Turkish or Mosleni traps would neither make thinga more • easy nor more diffioult,• if they were as strong as, the Britieh. At the oommencement of the insurreotion the Turk. and Christians were equally. infidels ; now they would be Nuttily men standing be- tween the'rebele and plenty. • • • A JUSTOOVERNMENTAEQtaitato, Stained Hands. • Young inen are sometimes. deterred.from pureuing er vocation which they. are in- clined by the fear that, being "unfashion- able,' it will exclude them from "society." An eminent mechanical engineer 'began hie life -work by filing iron in it maohinethop, , At night, after hie, first day's work, he Rooked at his 'soiled hands and broken fin. ger-natio, and thought, "How rum I go into society_ with enoh hande as those? What will the young ladies think ef my finger- nails?' Then came the tenaptation to abandon the shop, and beam° olork.• He resisted, gave up society, devoted himself to hie trade, and in e. few years construoting ships. He had the courage to give: up society that he might accLuire 'kill in me ebonies, , Atnpere, ° the great #renoh chemist, though one of the most intellectuol of laden- tists, found that he could not be both in "society' and in his laboratory. Ho onoe went to dine with a fashionable lady, who ,plade a polnt of gathering notable peraeni about • her. ttis hands were stained by a harmless drug which blackena the skin for a few days,. Ampere wrottl-to. his wife - " Sho declared that my hands, look'ed an - clean, and ended by leaving ,tho Wale, eay. ing she would dine when I was at a die. twice. I prornhied not to return there le - fore my boucle were white. Of centre I ellen never ,etter the house again." Ampere became great ; the vulgar woman hi uskown. In Santa Clara aunty, California there 13 is rat allied to the ground-neot making. species, whioh climbs small trees and molten a compaot neat of twigs among the broneheo, eemething alter the manner of tiro gray eguirrel, Irifinotted rowers of Nemory• ' The following case given.by Dr,. John Abercrombie, much abbreviated .for want of spate, eb,ewa most 'strikingly that me- mory is a pi war unlimited in ibs operattOn, and that in Its uneoneolorie workings itc. it moist vigorous and overmastering where its oubjeons ere le* cultured and neareot the condition of the anitnal world. .41. girl of 7 year's, employed in tending, cattle, alept in an apartment next to one occupi- ed by an itinerant fiddlero a ninOlcian. ooneiderable skill, who frequently -*pant the night in performing; plebes Of A refitt- ed description. She fell 111, was token Careof by a lady, and eventually became her lleTTant. Some year's elapsed; awl the family were often eurprieed to, hear Music during the night. At length tho gonna was traced to the sleeping room of the girl, who, fast Weep, -Was warbling in s manner exactly resembling the :evreet. est tones of * omoll violin. It was found that after being kwo hours in bed•ehe be. Calp0 restless", and, began to mutter to herself ; then, uttering, noises resembling the tutting of a YUAN, site Oohed off, after some prelude, into elaborate pieces of musics, whielt ishe performed in a °liar end acenrate manner. A year or two vaitoed away, and ohe began to vary her perform:Lanes by imitating the sounds of an old piano in the house, the singing 01 the inmates, and further on she began to discourse en a -variety , of tepies. The justness and trith of her remark's on all giibjeoto exolted the utmost: astonlehment in these who Were acquiring .intormition. She was known to conjugate correctly 'Latin verba and to speak severalglutei* es in Feeriela. -Daring her paroxyanis it was almose impoesible leci 'wake her, and When her eyelids weremitred and a can. die brought near the eye he 'seemed in- sensible to light. Alioub, 16 she began to observe those who .were.ia the aportment and anawered 'quotiena pub to her with astonishing aeuteneed.: Thianitration went On for ten or 'eleven years. She was, *heti .awake, a dull, awkward girl, Slow in yeoeivihg any kind,of instruction, :without any turn for music; or apparently any recolleotion of what painted bn her Sleep. At tho. age of 21 , ahe beoarns im- • . Cairses of ,Erysipelas. The causes which are usually said to pro. duoe erysipelterare'bothnumerous and di- verse. Certain individuals, and even •cer-. ta,in fatale°, appear to be More 'liable to sufferfrom the disease than others. • What io the cause of this special susceptibility it is impost ible even to conjecture. Erysipelas Is common in newly -born ohildrenelantsfFoi-n the first to the twentieth you it is by , no moans omen= ie after ehis period to the fortieth year it in funuent au an -mute di- sease; but in more advanced age it 000nre chiefly as a ohronia and legs importent :tidy. Gouty people heve been found to suf- fer from. it more, frequently than othere. Errors in diet, and especially eating certain indigestible substenoes, sin& aa shell- fish arta improperly smoked, Belted, or preserved mote, are said. to act as exciting' mason. iolent mental emotiens ere elect amoused of, being. ocoasionally the cause, , and it is said to have been brought op by anger and. fears Somothrree no maw oun be mullioned for its (meet; but its ocourrence is premoted by all oieonmstances that tend to de.bilitate the body -by intemperance, by previous di - :settee, by low spirite amd.auxiety, by inn:effi- cient nouriehment, and by. foul air. Form - oily, when /eel attention wait paid, to cleanli- neaa and; ventilation,. wan. Much more oominon in'bospitals and ihfirtlearies than at present. Injuriea to the skin, such as ahrasionce. acratohes, .viotinds, burns; or, blisters, .witerever they are situated, mei, be the starting point of tho inflammation.' Sometimes even tho preeenoe of gout in a particular joint; or the irritation maned by dheased teeth in either the eipper cr lower Jaw, may deteriiiire-The.scat oVoneete-Italse probable that the most oommon oaten of an attack of erysipelas is its commetniestion from one person to another. In erysipelas the constitutional symptoms'. may precede the lotted, oreednecia of the 'skin rna.y make Ito appearance% before tho. fever commences. The former mum is the more common. The neoaerities are, .firet, a foroe to go to bengal& ; isecond, a good government sup- ported by a force et.Dangole ; third, money to effect a peaceable settlement lifter some time. Aa to the force, you want 5,000 Eng- lishmen, end theenaree number of Tarka and' Egyptians for two cr three years. As to the governraente it meet be military, and Other Chrietien or Moslem, provided it be. jut. Ae to money, it is too early to ray; but you want:lees than you Will spena otherwiee.:' YOUNG RANDALL'S ROMANCE. Ile Dared Not Marry the Girl ile LoVed, and Finally Killed . • Jahn K. 'Barden, eged 32 yeaere the liaarien ef the Baltimore Mercantile Library) died by his oWn head early the other morning. Almost at tho tame hour his father, an inmate of the government hospitel for theinsetne, died ' from old age end mental exhaustion.: Needy ten' yearn ago young Randall bedtime enamored .ef a young lady in. Annapolis. After a long courtship he Was inioepted as her affianced husband, • The girl Was young, betartiful, and wealthy, and Itandalleseemed devotedly attached to her, Not long after the en- gagement *se announced the elder Emden became hopelerialy insane,. It Was then de- veloped that insanity wes hereditary in the family,and young ;landed' decided to poste pone hie marriage. No one ever doubted his love for the girl, but, as years rolled by, be showed a morbid fear of marrying her, and thug subjecting her to the possible offliction of haeleO an insane hutband, In vain did his Mends urge his fine physioal condition and freedom from all signe of mantel disorder. About cighteeramonthe ego the %nese*, portent was broken off with the conteat of both persona, hot .Ituidalimevor again showed the mini° interestlin life, -Two Wetkii ego he received invitations to the marriage of hie old lovo with a young naval officer at Annapolis. This wee undoubtedly the di. not emus° el his taking bin life. Ile 'shot himself through the heart in hie boarding hones). • The higher the ceiling the higher the .rent, ' Berlin iit going to eateblish an /enthrone- S ATI, 'fl '4. I - ,r-FIIS- Iogio,ti Garden, in whioh families of foreign people who are Abbot) stand the climate are nu Er Vila I FAVORITP ect continually reside. while every summer there will be importations of people from tropical and other countries. There is no excuse for your Buffering any longer frtni Catarrh, Bronchitis, eto., when Yeas can get remedy guaranteed to cure, anel which is perfectly Sate, Carsoled catanb oure in a pleasant and tflectual remedy. !telt your Druggist about it. 'newerwoossemmemmotsersoersosmisse: A GENTS IT *ATMs voie THE REST SEEK" ING Patented Article in canoe to -day. Send 28 cent a for Sample and agents' Terms, Detotcsi m oo., Qualm. ThilLANE11 KNIVES, STAVE CL77KER-STATE .:-101, jolt:tie. chees_e_bilvene_er_, i_e_ather ep_l_itting_ Galt *nobles Knife Work% Galt, Oat. ; pod for pries Plante of beet quality, manufactured by PETRI/ BAY, bookbinders, miaowing, tenoning, and other machine asagrouTaBLIS, ii &WAWA FOR fi &LE CHEAP: 1- mounted on trucks; can be pit down ready to denim with a threshing modem Addrere, tun in two home' time; specially ad. ri...pted to...! g. CHANT/BR, Weiland, Ont, WWANTED -10,000 faillmen .and otbereintereeted y In ',noblesse to Send name and addreee for a copy of my No. 12 Illustrated catalogue: sent free: R. W. rarnia, Ilaottiniet and; General Machine Dealer, Brantford, Ont. I . ENGOILIRIPS SHORTHAND AND 13USINE8S imitituto, Toronto,. le the oldest, 'arrest, cheap- est end beet on the continent. Busking men elm - plied with oftio holp on the ehortest possible notice - Write tor deectipluve.cidendar, Taos, BINSOIJOH, ',readapt 0. H. BRooms. See'y•Treas. . ' ._ . WILD LANDS FOB SALE -it 421, CONCESSION 2, Nottswksags., Simooe county; 100 sores; one mile trom.stayfier i will make a firet.claes grain or don y farm ; aleo lot BO,/ Yorpra ; 100 urea ; will be aold cheap; also lot ate -north boutdary Stephen. Enron County; 100 acres; willies sold cheap. Apply to Ti, Ens, Barrister, Toronto. • • ., . . ' . • BIG OPFER. -Tin introduce them, we will , 00„ 20 Day Se , N, Y. . A . GLYN AWaY 1 OCO Belf•opeeating Washing Ea. • china. If you want one send us your nams, P. O. aizd express. Wilde at once. THE NATIONAL. SILK FREE, I 09ra faffaelkari)ggcleinithlf Oriental Kenoington Silts,laeporetetecolon• ALL four leki ; 3 lots 25 Mc postpaid, by Fareone & 0o., Baotou, Mass. SUCCESS AGAINST ALL PREJUDICE - Williams' Eye Water has prrved itself a semen •y I who hammed it according to directions, .2 their oyee werh curable, se wit) be seen by the undersigned oert Ricotta.. It oured 1,e,8 years Mad, fenfd. O. Fortin; ha4 owed sue, omelet woula Dot try ma ittes.r dor Witt d ; 6..earis bliud; Chart Amiott ; 4 years, Elle Dufour; 33 yet a 4:died A Ad Low I my, John Le- oroix.• .kelt son origgismr for it. whemiesaesateres, bone o oe.; 381 Ei,. Faust. Montreal. ISELPU ONSLNESS COLLIEGE,Guelph,Oid That man only le rightly esincated who knows moral and -was Zismissed.„--Itisk- believed. J322Z-ta-.Efinailm hiM.ect elselh1,,.m.ythouspiosekeielsiszessereaapbrineolog °that Otte af ter War4 became insane. * to4gotdgte e vs, legit:all^ itotherebilat Dr. Xoffet relatee that after preaohing a nese otPdItO. • a sermon on "Eternity" to IMMO Afrinaile or men le.tho de0ign and purposs tettu. peat all over again bati group of natives vim; K LEn.1701.0 401tEi - IN norr with uncommon precision. the very vs. I.' Fremont, Soothe Co., Miehigan • 176 acres cleared, and bateau In down timber.land ; well tures beteg reproatioech On telling him he heard. a ethiplelboking young Man re- m.eituFgkezitTkot?3;iceii at Die oollege or address, that he haddone'more 'than the original teat fol; ad Wellilenood with poet and rail in Viand ; we. watered with a living spring run- preaciher could, do, repeat the merinon ulug aoroki one forty veneered house`, 20 x 42, the wing Mall.; stone cellar under Dm whole building ; verbatim, the savage touched hie forehend timtbarne, 'ono 100x20, tho o'her.02x52 ; both•20 feet .aikiirdeinseaidin,t•':hWerJr, I hear anything. great !i)48lleitylioatig ooraohard of 200 trees ; ten poi:easy Is WO Mein roads, in an excellaht neigheorhood4-good-schog-1vi4i1in half a mile; near - en church tem mils: nearest mark.t and railwar • Young Glrla atation eemilee'ress sAauso Tosniseuren, Bast 20 miles from Pert Huron. For full are at a critical period when they are about vrtioulars ada remora P. O., Sanded Co., Mich. maturing and developing WO women, The hick af .eatishful pare at this time may re. urci:Oostinetzeptzrocl,okteh5Lsvotiter6iesinndmenefaistitatnisa. Suit in fixing irregnlealtles -upon delicate organs and entailing a long list of " femele teinitlee • SW :461; a 'Miles rionatilhael;nur islet smtkpeth,e,..,..4:1,e,,11 thin may be avoided, and cuitteation ; sk mores in hea7ailitrib4ruddworiovdart;inifrbaomre.; the young:wo1an come through thie period well watered by an arm of the tottioaree Irriziget • AP?, gaTper acre if Hold ?birthed in all the beauty and etrength : of a Let buret:Sy beelthy organization by the aid• of Anton, or to 2, EDri, Bargiajr, Toronto. :IA7C1113°Z41 . • r. Pleree'a " Favorite Prescription " pre- SIIIORTHIAND.TACCUT FRU by mail Sim writing, Penmanship, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic; of the most successful phicians of the Geamman Classics, Matriculation and Civil Service^ 'pared especially for female trembles ty one dents thoroughly prepared in Shorthand,Type, examinatione, by attendlag our Seaderoy. Students ' The Savannah News says that during'the helped to Lienationo whim profloient. Shorthand cold Spell in that section a wagon containing abooke and periodicals wholeiele and retail: Inamedi. tely addrese, The Union Shorlhanders' Commercial three or four permute, drawn by en tax, pass- Academy, Arcade Toronto ed. through Maiden; Fla. "win' the (moue ' ' . AXLE AND MACHINE SCREW WORKS pante lied planed a layer of earth in the body' cif tho wagon, on 'which a typie,o1 Florida pine...knot 'fire Was brightly 'burning,. from which they were warmed.", : , -, -. .. • * * - -'* 'Male wealenese and loom of power' prompely..oured. Boole, 10 cents in stampee World"! Dispensary Mecileai Aersociaelon, 663 Min St, Buffalo, N. Y. :, .. . - Harry Worman, a height boy in Poetoria",_ Ohio, showed no ranch Interest in electrical. experimente: that he :became a privileged -chowder at tba---eleatricr-rlight works, -no .other onteider.being permitted -near- the dynamos,' The Other day he wanted to re- ceive a "good shook," and ao got a pall -of water; 'and, touching the toeitive pole of a dynamo with a Tod iii, ono hand, put the other, hand ihstlheewater.iind fell back dead. : Russell Sage ' . • a ' well-known operator in Wall street, who is generally considered as "up to snuff," Hence, it may have been qttite natural that a oeuntraman who reeds inc papers reoently oalled at hie office and asked for a naokage •of Dr. Sago's Catarrh .Remedy, He disco -to ered his mistake., but he made no Mistake in t is article ealkd . for, , . This Reneedy, when &milled' with Dr: Pierce's "Naafi Douche," . well surely and rapidly .eradicato the most aggravated hater ef catarrh, with all its . un. pleasant{ anddongertitui adoompanimente, Mr, John Bicldulph Martin, the huaband: of;Viotoria Woodhull, in* is 'booker in a lead- ing Landon .7'0iiii. which 'date's' back to,the time of Etizabotiraelle- bilenge to an old family in Herefordshire ; ' arid is extremely Well connected, Ilia marriage: is net re- garded .evith, eatiefaotion by . hie relations and .frioirds,,, imperial .Cough brow.; will give Positive mid Instant Relief to those suffering.. front, Colds, Hoarseness', Sore Throat, eta., and are ifivaluable to Graters, and vocalists. For sale by ' draggietse. Kla)90011100t10III3Tile Be te T. WATS ON, ,Manufaoturcre, T.Agroatrc;utired granite statue bis been dia- . covered*ten•milee away In the desert. near Alexandria, 'in Egypt, • It ratiresenti the. famous Pharaoh, who :Was responeible for all the Egyptie)n plagues, and on one side of it is 0, etatue, of a iittle bebva mild to be that of the next Pharaoh, who perioheci in 'hie Nish attempt to drive• through the Red Sets.. It has been lying there,3,Q00 Years. Catarrhal Headache, hawking and*Wray up phlegm, etc., at once relieved add cured by the nee of Dr. °anon's Catarrh Cure ' No Meson Why you Mould suffer anothet day. deny °tees of Catarrh of long manding have been oured by * single battle of Dr. Canon's Catarrh Ours, All Druggist*. $1.00,Per bottle A Sestet mountaineer has asoended the Sidelhore. in Midwinter (Deo, 21), remain- ing on the MIMMit . two, hour', He fiund tho temperature rather mild, and desoribea the Atmosphere as far clearer than in the Warm °weather, ea that the view was gleri- ous,' This peak id over 9,000 feet in height. The entriee for the great Colonial and Indian Exhibition still come in from all quarters of the Dominion, and oorporatione, societiesi, and institution's of all aorta, aro cootribating to make the display of the most varied olaareeteree One of teto novel. features in the Dominion dleplay will be a journal priritod in the huildirg, This paper will he edited ond published by 'Canadians, printed from, ()enaction tl po, on 4 Oatutditee press, end from Canadian made paper, It , will be published by a syndicate of gentles men, ueder the name of the " Trades Pub- .11ching Co.," with tfacee in Tormto and Montreal. , Exercise Neoessarv for Aged Persons. . M. Bouchardat, PrOfeseor of Hygiene MI the Paris Faculty of Medioioe, protested in stroug to terms at a teeent lecture againet the advice given by puma hygienists who re- oommend almost oomplete rest . to the aged, in the following, tame "1 protest spirit the oft -repeated adage that , old age is the age of rest. ,This stonier:the has led to a very greet error in hygiene. The regular *geneasslexeroile of all the organ:, of nutrition and of liteometion le neoeseary to persona of all age!. The grated attention oir this point is all the moro. necessary that the ten- dency to rest bring on a gradual dinabiution: of the strength. If the -old MAU does not 'resist, hie strength will visibly and pro- grcosively diminish, and the few : days •fie may have era live May be transformed into juet so many houre. Isa proOf that regular daily exercise is benefieial to the aged ono has only to ebeerve the multi in some of the handsomedold men, who take' little or no rest. Moderate . exercise particularly walking, should he the leading precept of thehygiene of the :aged, without whioh longevity is well nigh imposeible," Profes- sor BOnehardet also rethemmeheleathat old people should maintain their intelleetual facultiee, or otherwiseathey will get into a atitee of incurable torpor. This II best tio. oornpliehed by having some. 'steady intelleet, nal puree% surd by taking an active interest in the event,' and progreas of the day. In our boyhood we' remember a very old man, who told us he kept in as peifeot health as an old man oan be by &eloping weed for an hour or two every day. Thide he regarded as sufficient exereite for him. Another old mart we know lin& hie health very greatly benefited by Dewing wood with the ordinary book eaw.-Heraid ' Putnam's Corn EXtractor Is the beat remedy for corns extant. It acne quickly, makee 110 sort spote end diode .,tt radical care. A hundred imitation's prove its value. Take neither ethatitutee offered as good nor the close Imitatione of 'the gen. ulna tOo"•‘often 'offered. The only thingo that look familiar at sea ire the donde, These ere meesengers front :lone; sea how weary and diebeneolattY, they appear t.tretching nut along the horia.n, 109 if looking for a hill or remintairetop to rest upon -nothing to bold them up,- a roof without walls, a span Without piens. Qae gets the improesion that they are grown faint, nna must preSectly, if they reach much further, fall into the isett,*.arsen. . • LINTON, LAKE Mantifaoturezeof ell hinds cif earriam ar.d Waggon Arc lea, Ir 81 and Steel th,t and , Cap- Screw*. Studs . for clyilinder Rade, Steam Chests, Ptin3pra.ho., • cia, ONT. ' Bronze Medal, at industrial Exhibition1881." Ptioe List on, Apollo:4'40m . . , ......1.1.1•1111•1•0111100.....M•••••••••• All_ISELIEVIA_GON AXLES. Mantifaoturers of the Celebrated , Anchor a_refele-lelle-lef-E—waileiraR Itrand u U.iWL 8 .12-ad4u • 11 uNaual 'porno.. T. .P.EVI3ER & 00, Guelph, ewe,. nur Ditles axles are all to be had at. 811 the 1)ncliipli al tilwrits Store. etn.lhe..1Semiblon. - NO B'Baking WZBAt P det ow ^ 'THERE IS The Snow orut *flaking Powder 01., 13,aniderd, Ont. REE The Billing Out mid Elalegeklaugirf.'or Nurserf- Leading hardy Mods iululeang isisti "ten.iterrs •a Oa our own grounds, Woe. "tinati, taa' gaed H, Hurd& Son, B 74gotne„,Nurs.eryit its. • REES JAMES PARK & SON, Pork Packers, Toronto, L. 0, Bawl, Rolled Spice Ramon; o. Batton, Glaegow Beef Hams, Sugar Oared Hata, Detect Beef, Br set Barion, Smoked Tongues, Dm Fork Flokled tongues, Oheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lard in Tube and Fails. The Beet Bomb at Eng. lien Fine DairrNalt 8,tmelt Wheal may cure/ do not !neon ntorely to stop them for a time and then have them return again I mean a stake.' onre,AVAvoci iruade the disoase otnigITS, MVO" or SICKNESS .fludy. warrantremedLlo ouro the word'essek Because othoraEirci, =don frfr aretiargtAr land oostityou nothingjor akin', and I will ogre nu.. meinfalliblo mimeo y. 'Ave supreme end Poet 021 •,..Addri Da. M.D. 11.00.7,185 Pearl tit, nevexor SEEDS RENNIE'S SEEDS ARE THE BEST Illustrated Cesealegme for 1358 - Containing description and micas of the choicest FIELD, GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS Mailed free. Eymy Farmer and Gardener should hare a copy before ordering seeds for the eominn 050909. ha',.,1wmettcatalostte onblished lo Canada Witi RENNIE TORONTO -CELEBRATED- Crocker Roller Skates . One Millionpa r in use in Canada and U.S. filimpleety strongest, lighted and eantiet- running. Send for Oatalogue. Liberal Indneenlente 110 puttee building rinks, Local scents wanted. CROCKER SKATE 00„ 1.48 King St. W.. Torooto, Ont. New (D1.611111E1 Cart Oo'y CrIPE ISO 0, -ItAIMA01711Reati- Winters' Patent Wood ,Cart, Buggies, Carriakes, Sleighs,: &e. end foe Catalogue. • • .r. "WINTERS, Manager. • Galt, tint 'Ailait Lip.o• Jioyal MaliStAmshipoi -Bailing dnring Winter from Port am' even ',tondo, and Halifax every Elatnrany to Livertlnol, arid la annalner from Quelue everyaaturday to Livsrpool, esitleaa' L3n donderry to land raal's and paasengera for Scotland: and Irel•ndiAlto from Btltimore, via Ilalitax and fit.John't, N. P., to Liverpool fortnightly • during tunini•r mOnth I. she elaaalere 02 the Glsilgow 1100e ,all estrum wooer , to and Voir Halifax, ror•Lind, Boutin' aind Ph.Jad phlayand during mollifier between Glasgow ao.d.lidoo treat, wc4rir, &avow and Boston, weekly; and o,t4e. gow-ard-Philadelchit, fortnightly. ' For tosightapaeSego, or otber lefonnes toe apply to A. Solaumeono; So Co., Baltithore ; a Cunard ec Co., Halifax; elhea. ee 0 , Sr. Joastet, N. F,'.• 'Wm. Thomson & Co...St. Joan, N. B. , Allow& Co., Chicago; Lay° & Alden, • New . 51 ork ;.H. Hourlier,,Toronto ; Allans..Rae & CO•i• Quebec ;'-Wm., Brookie, Philadelphia ; A.• • Allan, Portland, Boston, Montreal ., • ' CONSOMPTIO I Save a positive romedy tor the shove disease; by Its litio-thousands of cases ot the'worst kind and of long .landing have been cured. Indeed, o stron gls my fat th '• in its efficacy,that I will send TWO BOTTLES 1,1F3e.., together NV ith a VATATABLIS TREATISE on thls dinette. • to any sufferer. Give express and P.O. address. DR. T. A: BLOOM Ed.Pearl Bt., Now York: FOR TH4 ?MILLION. Mong the line of the Chicago and Northwester liallvraY In Central Dakota surd NOrthern Nebraska. New sootione are Ming opened up arid rapidly eettladjn these wonderfully productive ' • region*, and the "first comers" will have "ant choice " of location. For full information (which wM be emit you free of • charge)about the free lands and cheap homes, apply JOHN-liktiteRLIEY. • • • Western•Oanadlan Pam, Agent, C. a N. W. By., • II, H. HAIR; • 9 York St , Toronto, Ont, General Pine. Agent, Chicago, IJID, • . • , • e opium, Morphine,. and Kindred Rabils. VI limbic treatise sent freP. The medicine May be given in tea or ooffoe, without the knowledge of the person takieg it, If eo &mired. Sind two 3o, stamp for full particulars ancl testimonies'sof those who bave been mired. Adeross. ' • . Ala V: LIM IIN, 47. 'Wellington Street East, Toronto, Canada:, • ilimMinniiiiiinlillilaillaillISEDISkusazosakeistaismishe ••- or les s lis • Are mane only at the QueenCity Oil'Dr' orksr an -d have'reeeived durut g, ' the last .three Years MX= citaXIIIMP itiCE31330ael9LIMIS; Bend fOr Pimple buena 1111 doee trot prove eatisfactory We will pay freight both way'. SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., 80 front St. bat, Toronto, E EAGLig BRAND VINE BOOTS .a..ed3 SHOES. AO t MARK ' latingailtal • Wearing, esI . . Looking IN TH4 MAitKET Every pair and eveiy box bears this eagle AS TRADE Illalalt, .VN igezu An 0 0 THERS•