The Huron News-Record, 1886-03-03, Page 5N:EW DRUG STORE. • n t, TI111‘1114114,41.191 leas just opened ,1 new Drug Store, in JACKSON'S IchlW ilLUUh, on HURON Sfit1.1'+:r, two sleet, uebt of the City ]3 ri: •iStute, where will he found a coutplete al+sutttil•1tt of !'I1re la rIIgs muni Chemicals,. WSJ ente,tt Medicines mud. Druggists' tSI,lidl ies—all that the public may amt, for in those lined. A. WORTHINGTON. ollnton, lath: January, 1886. P. 9—flttice nhnnged from residence to store. . FOR THE PEOPLE! Cheap Salt, .Cheap Grooeries' Bog Provisions Peddlers outdone -514s. good Young Hyson Tea for $1. Having a huge ,tock of SALT on hand, orders will 4u'filled at tlto LOW EST PRICES esu oCered in Clinton' as the Salt Works ks will be Auld as soots as art uugewents N, ire completed. 4� l iwothy and Clover Seed wanted. JOHN MCQARVA. •:1 NOTICL to FARMERS .A1�D OT22�[ERS'_ Having taken advantaged' the exceedingly low Leather Maeket, .1 have purchased fol cash, 200 Skin's of First -ll &ass Hai iu ss Leather, at a t,+lee that enables Inc to give a sinal set of Double Harness. for $25, Single $10 to $12: ALL, WORK 'WARRANTED. Gnat Robes $6:50, Blankets 90c... Boots and Shoes, Low. `Noll is the tine for Barf ctins—cede and inspect our Stock. TMritehell, ••. Clinton .slaaio�l atll J6 uo; l:,z) l?n41a1 t :to 't[tivuto f+S pWGuwaa (powazndta( taorf.6it) a) sasnaszp h7 pun `syi,,disdts- `vinfoaaSi `tattat/1( /mg `•stotunlJ `s7?off,' 'PPRolt 'saldtuya ',e aurX pun.taa77•ai/l josunlaoa f'Ir 'aaypunnr.'vysdads14Q 'so:ts)iv/pq `utn}cafyp w 'a rlacbrli sstvr autz<l fr'saanD. INN Qoo1El ATTENTION1 FARMERS!' 1nplements :. imp!ements--�!� me coEt11i ciZ •:SF•f,C�tlI*fUEY�S, ILEA PERS; AlS, f3EE') DR1aL•S, 4•1Okt:SE RAKES CUTTING BOXES,. $i-iELLEES, . E`1`C., 'ETU., • ' r1 rd all_ T1.ttlpinn14•111 s uvivl 0.11 a farm x� (Good as. slit+ 131 at', and las' Cl►rap` as the Cheapest, at • J. B. WEIR'S IAtPLEAENT WARE.E0OAMS,: ci.it�'Tt111+'. crtNTAItIO RESTAURANT co. TOBROOERICKS UR— OYSTERS Ladies anti (1ent'a Parlors now open, band. squally rurnished , end 114141. ap in •A .i style.. S•rnlcti•I,lr FlttsT•.Ct.n s:. ihurfpotollery86 Fruits iYholer;are and Retail. • 7'he •chtlieest • brand'' rf • •,_ . Cigars Tobaccos a.nd Cigars *Tltl.. TIXEM h`urtpttrtt hilt cap on the shortest notice. Oysters arrirtutr twice a week nutter and ):eggswanted, /Celt!! respectfully solicited.' 8/? ODERIQK's Jualaozcfs Blocks, Huron Street, N w ood New goods, Photograph Albums. Autograph Albums. • Vases and Chincware. Purses and Wallet,. FANCY GOODS1 01 all hinds, elieajer than ever. WM COOPER, NE WS' AGENT; leaver. 'at,lock STO1tE., A BARGAIN IN.. 0CENS A A p UN, 0 -0-0 The Best ever. offered in.thih vicinity for the money... Alco. :tcneral GROCERIES. equally cheap FLOUR AND -FE -E -D -always on hand. THOS STANBuRY. T U KEY To !Han!. BP DOG 1`fL00D Bitr Unlocks iii the Clogied :Lug t.es of Inc' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying. gradu illy without weakening the syettm, all the impurities and final' haat my of the sed•^tions ; at the seine time Correcting Aclity of the Stomach, curing EE1. 1ttd..es., Heartburn, Iiiz� tineas, Heartburn, Constlpaticn, Drynesq of the Skin; Drops r, D:m- ,lessofVision,J,Q,izndice• Saltilhcum, Ery3inelas, Scrofula, Pluttering: of the Heart, Nervousness and General. Debilft'r; nIlthese and many other simi- lar Cmmnl•lints vk;l,l to the h^ape influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. "Sample Bottles 10c;1 egitlar size $1. • For gale by all dealers. T.1tt11E11tt1,ttN at CO., Proprietors, Tema, I•UItIIAAl Ll I L VOR SESVICE.—A there. (/ bend Shotl•t+orn Pull is kept for set vier at the Stapleton Pig Miro. Tv. s 1 at nano et +art Ice., with tI c r rivtlege of returning 11 fleets. ,cry. 41. CASA Eft, Foreman. • tinouncement • We beg .to announce .that we have engaged the services of MR. JOHN WISEMAN to manage our Business. And would take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and cus- tomers for their kind patronage during Mr. Callander's man- agement, and hope for a continuance of the e same. • Estate of the late JOHN HODQENS. • —o—. -,o • In regard to the above, I.beg to state having severed my connection with the above firm, as manager. I cordially ask all my f.'rilnds to patronize thi Palace; as the Palace has my best wishes for their prosperity under the -management of Mr. Wiseman, having known him so long, I feelassured ho will cater to the wants of you all aatisfact.;rily, Yours truly, JOHN CA.LLANDEIt: • In connection with the above, I Wouldtakethis opportunity of thanking any many fzien+.isfor theirnerous patronage accorded me through the late firth of Pay & Wiseman, and i pe.to merit.a share of the sane:during my management of the above business. JOHN WISEMAN, late of Pay & Wiseman, • IT AGAIN I. WE REPEAT IT! 4.000D CHEAPG•OOb'S. is what---o—o—o-=-=o— ' you aro looking for we have got them to sell, alis' we don't intend any other store in Clinton shall give vola better value than we will, •• We cannot gttote prices becsuse there its such •a diversity of prices in the:same elasset''of' goods. We will' Kiva 'EVEthe L INRY . LINT:: . .. , . youOlYEST Pl�iCE. We .arenot selling out. We have a PIG STOCK OF DRY-GOODS:fo c -hoose from: We advertise in our own name, do• not use any other man's to work up trade: We have got•• the;GJIFAP GOODS t►nd'at•e not afraid to tell it: .� ' Como and see us in the:OLU S7APi) and get Cheap Ooodq. Wethank you for past favors. . Will alwnya be 'glad to sae you .and tell you zhont the Cheap Try -Goods you can get from . THE DRY GOODS EMPORJUM OF CLINTON. artfesgoin; 00003 �t °TOH r o the North-West can secure RVELLOUSL Vkfry.close quotations for Goods'bought by the piece or in tlitnntitiee.`�p • CHASE OF EMBROIDER, ,ice" Imported direct; new deafgens and atterns. See our SI.10. W -S• .• • !AND TOBOGGAN IATTERiST' Prlos f o m_&J.° o $2 per yaicl.; "fit•' +— .pro oCD CARRIAGE (� )")tin are newish R�A7. rr g 4 :!Robby rig call and examine A n and 'Ton Buggies, Democrats, PhcctonS„. Celebrated Cantolon . Gear. rld the Ratrte„tber, tar vehic]etr am to )tuber, roti th 11 or mate of the hest materials country,k 1l �I11` hilts. V a dt' and wets rig rou rated: but sell purely on merit. , not )et'ddle rigs through the Y 1 ICC 13 Low, Veit sad dee stuck,' 0h'” 1., 71 S5. -•_MANU `,AOTU.. • itRlt OF— .. GARR'iAGES WAGONS &O. Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTOi . T,he 91rnpr 'ed. Tint:p11in t limy a spPei lty. in Derabil]ty, Lightness awl Appearance equalled by t,o other, a.q,, .Al1:hit infest improved Vehicles kept aonst,aelle on land.,' FIRST CLASS. BLACKSMITH In 0010)406 )n. Rest material and wurkmanahip to all Isranuhea. ALL WORK WARRANTED. - - PRICES REASONABLE. 'Repairing o,nd EepaintingtPromptiy .Attended to. • .1 ts ivotic� i NOTLCEL As he Spring, once again rolls around, we are reminded of our duty to inform the lieoplo of Clinton and surrounding vicinity .that Is tilt: C1IEAPES r piece to buy DRY -GOODS. 110 and 'Miss lfuchaunali' the lioag Mi11't .er, are now in the:.astern Markets buying Goode, ARRIVED! 10 Eales "Grey Cotton, direct front the Mills. 2 Cases Prints, newest designs. Oases Fancy 'Dress Ginghams, 10e. 1 Caeo Fancy Dress Ginghains, 12• c. 2 Cases .apron Gingbams, Se, 3 Cases Dress Goodel;newest styles, ranging from 10e to 50c.. U DI.It WAY :-2 case Prints,. C. 2'cast e Dress Goods, I0s. Z1 t Mr..ltoberteon will. finish his 'purchases this week and will be home on Satntday. night.. The Goods will all be here by the ltth inst. lnepeotion Solicited, whether you. wishto buys or not. Robertson' ., . lsa Creat Cash. • Stare.