HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 7.. ._ . ,. . , .. . , 7 I . . t • I . - i • aWp� AetCa TTIrI Public School will re -open - • • • oil friday, 7th January, Alal.e. A "?�Yd"ttr, cote of it. 1.110. RUWARD BAY, of Woodstoc]I,. . , • _ spent Ills 'Uhristwo liolidaye inw Y e ft r _ I lie C dN_ • Clinton, tir_ "Cickaftt io'Y'oro4 , T. R. all local ztoints A:llss 1 l,riiA RUMBAt,L is visiting ` V 1 r ,~ an G, T, R. , � ! � Visitor Glz Ttt I ),rs' hole sister, Alre, It. A. (�Tallailder, of , 1"9 Altnniltobmt 41141 , - ESY 30i� X11110 w ro SfG go ca` 1I« i'. lit. Ar]>ona, . Ottly office txhero b,1 nage can, .a clieck0sh r . - ,:R!_.-_ _.. � P RAND ""' ' T to rlestivatiou. Ilii, AND liI'1zb,. JaIIN ��' I8Da14N, - _ : j- - ;A Passenger loavin� .Clit7ton at 1.Ua n,, spent New f'ear's Keith the lady's P' parents at St. Mar s, Monday, trill bo in Vi,ntipag oli Thursdoy t y :• ' Of all lcinds su W ! I ! �' n)ornlnl at,9.40, • Da. JouN STEVI>, Of Winnipegis , itable fors,- -_ . I . ._�_ I { r Tickets .ta - PAXOTA, CALirolixrA, hvlldnyitlg with relatives find friends - N 1Q, `k c' NEeilAir,:A, KANSAS, .l'LatiIDA, etc. Bay in Clinton and VLCluitiy, . . _ - •, : e N EW, 5toiu•'Afel:ets from n,e,; whether you travel GIFTS;,.: - _ � s__ „�� - - J North, Lnst, 1ifi0st, orSuuth• Clinton Carrrye jVorksnis�o t rho'■ I u - ��''"~ F "f Ch T -,r _ 0firce.-S'atITH'i3 BLOC near Grand Union ` In Sweflield's il:zrdtrarot3toro ' aleft Iist. Ilisittatly friends will by . !t . , -� �' '` �t L-�• ;Ind to hear lie is reeovering.1 Large variety and prices away down, • ' . . A • �j�t�• �����• T11'Q '�1 i7o1�, Air, Boss is the nanro-Af the . . . --- . �__-__ gentleman aagodiated wifli ul�Beatty • in carrying on- the old established 'T,he.Huron /Veins -Record! • e 1p. sinew hris. ��.0 ��7�'a. � ],xl.� d'3 .A 11 . --��.� by ty sof D. B. l�enuedy, ur,lmb", Rt . J IT. B. ProutlfooG, P; L. S, spent �1*eainesQta> y, .3axiiiary .,tit. rho' Now Year day in Cliittou; .9 :] Io . � �_ Li G,L% Xft a e • - . . Was fu Exeter aid file N$th Dec. and 11IIss-Doom, of Winobntn; is tile. Eittir.liice Ei,littilt; tialls, . R'V most of friends in town, . ' 'reports, a .good many more Grits g .LOCAL Nli' r'S. than 13isltop Men about* PnDioxrrn Ilotisr .Sff1PUrNT,, �- ^-sssss i'AssED •AT o,ong. idu, lilt. H. S. HOLrtrrs, son of the kir "-'Eli Bateman ship pori from Alton, Jose, Ii l3aliast.,, ,, ,:,;, Q ]Iii mid Araant j dile '�I(tiib." . shippod P , 499. ,.� 7, veteran G; .C, Jt. ' conductor, D• CIi4Gon station, ,Tail. 4th, four Bissott,� Alex, 1 •Calbp1'uo,,.......G41, a 1LF �JOv[:S, Sit14 t11,e. End -M,1,11 O.f. to cei.'tain -blade ---_-_�_ Holmes Will -'shortly roi)iove froin splendid euti.re young horses. Tile Crabb,Frank, Gudorieh M,S.,,,,305 Minstrel. ;il'OUpr✓,' "Gtl,lX UU tell irie tI0 tr tlJ 'lit':> attJJt (alt Ct. . . t 1 est 11101iey 3'hed'f'ord to Acton and assume the ailituals are flora i)np6rted,'rogister.. Christilawr, Alpert, Shoppartttoll.421 's0 tlJtit,lt will. 7'O the farthest V-' .: `" • . Chilton ' , --- . . . •' 13Q1'. 1F''.Alli'fiI;-D,faTearia fire Art 1pos;:tiou.'of sfrition agent utero:, Ed staall Reel ,vlxirever tnkEit Lo they , 1.itus., GudErieh i11.S<,,rp�33 � of I r iatt"lly.. Alzz)7,/ .at fur; Nr,tvs; nru drulilminfr of titre •SRYvaion cannot but enhance the already Donaldson, Albert, Saltt'ord,,,,.447 . t. V0, 11it• TH01YtPSON x Cibii't alis er t '' . tItEcoiiD o co. enviable re utati0li •of this count LdtvarGJ, \Villiaitt, fi Goderich ..433 « . . , ' • W I lint, ih Arnly frightened �a horse -on Now P y F dein r can, i • I.Year duy_so ,tilat the-,14nit rau ,or procittetng fit:st drass.stock. lir. ysonr llnlcolm, I:oahals11.455 Colas and Saucers caul Toys -of cell, .Rway,and collided with a ;tele -rash.. Batoman ,will"go itlong slid .bo ac, 1+atlishi Kenneth, 10 A.shfield...547 � . •i7u1'1 are_lc•'s. /� f >olE. Mroakiurc Clio s pt " l o0m ar,ied My lir, as.. Gouutill Gl6dhi[1; tS, 2 Cal,, 13enntill `l tfit;�y Z pail; Iho.w You lhves mon ' m~ . a taira.in..Diok•10ats Boo 1 , g t i 1 , ft's of tlt6,cut- . 1' y, , e1,4Z1. Y ti e, SO tllizt it ,Vill O "Store h ter. Me wish then success. - . (rant, Jobb, Godevich' AI,S......439 the fartIleSt ?'i, .,, . . . 4..Z : , . . _ AN AT 11o.up • mnH' IXG., _Oij JublIstgzz, John; 10 Aslifielcl Vie$ • ' A Ciro:ice railroad man and a � . ry . T ,,gltllston; Win., 9 A811fiolcl....,5.2, rr 3, �, Oct 71ortraitetntles and r.Zre.asrs lnarle Chicago reporter .both say that it is New Y6ar s FvE ovi l .a scorn of dile T r 2 � Vl�l1 r' T i)ll P.C1St be stamps;. tO l?v SL1re :t� • ' w,la at Robertson's, 7,.1 i11isc Crtrre17,. becoming' Ashionable for you n,, boarders at the Grand Union lJotel. `Io.�ii, l;dwin, Portcr's.Hill....578 1. • • their of tilot . cit to kiss each oLhep 'surprised the hostess, Mrs.' llot+le' Lot ouzel, It,, 2 (.ill>., Bon.titillor:450 a ,wire is cazt,rtg sztcli a seziseitiQtz L!1 Y. t Y+ a Jim- pesfect•!4,;. . . .42'1, vigorously sylien they pat t f'or' ati by pt•eseniing.her with s IrandsbMil ,Aruruoy; Fred.; GA'rici 1I,S,:.53S1. 'Ion th af'tiuio and tvllon dile meet and valltabfe' silve 'butter Qoalvr in 1ltolrislr, Jalnes,•13enniillea.,.....463 • ---- _ 7 . _ larC1a2n3,, 3arrla at S, n'tilU 10 clads agilin•, y reCca11ft10u of .their, aI')1)leeiaLion of 11'IcI.onilan, Z)onaitl,"LoehnlslJ..,:474 Tile abOVe 1 , VG�1'y` X0()(1, milt we would- like' t0 toll OFl . .Zonyer.' The zi+laole':stocl,: o ZYetir,- . . the home .like co)ilforts )rov'cle •klcKenzio; ltodorick, Loohalsh,478 tllitt- -you can mitke a'n00(i ill 8S ' .y . , T TrTn L< 9T 3trrTiNG: of" he d►'i•ee- 1 t.. d 3' . �, t111 ... i'. YOU come Ind. 4,, -fol• thele b A'lc•ICee, ri)aitic, Shelpli:il'elton•..,.�.421 ' A Ex nn{1 FA\Cr GooAs zztust ire dear- y n'%rs, Dlorley •aur ltot • Sh ,. ti make a . purel11LSe Of SOillb .Ot' Otir tOrs''of' dile Ifullett cl;rlcultiirill So- assistants. ' A..suitable adclresa tic. ;, oo)tan, 1 atrick; Godaricli_C,s:473 , �cl: oz4t dit ten c7alls' at ae(lztcect pn iars: coty a'cvlmnittoo ands 1PpQintod to latt, Iiahart Goduricil: i a A+tctiuraslcle.Czerrl.ctenhiriat.7I)..ar'a coilimi't,to:tivritina tlicii• rerrrotntt)t0 compauNd the present.. 11Ita. Afore r,, ., ' k • S •.•.4.A . -Sete?Zes 67001•,- :P, E. C6RBETT.. rleiitli of their late trelcsb ` -lo3 ©xpiressed .hex thanks 'for tha liebie, Gharies, I.Coll>orno.::,.400 _- _ _ ural, AIr. , Tipert,.'Ja 116'-ShopParilton. ..4SI` i rB- v ' 13 � "' hanelsolno ^tft.'• Said t'ttouId enol a�,�°�' _ rl)otiias Cooper, and"fortt'ard the be )lor'consiant'afin to.seo •tiiat .Cl o. Vanstone,�1,1 Co11I., 136nrnfllEa'.47rJ - r; r, Fl AN.c J:iarsbN: is i3Olfi}a rfnrc in salvo to.Alrs, Cooper, n t williizrtts J )I. {Godeticll )IL -8.4811. . „ u g guests and .boarders at the Grand ti t .RC tr 7, i the 11116• y AFTER t]le Crit Ainn's.fitfttl fever Ullladl tPCrO ]n every wa `.tnaCle t0 p g y `trhitEly, Albert, a Goderich ,,462? t MR. En. Lrtvrs spet)t 'rho. after- the citizons should turn tboir• energ- feel at `h,omo. - Tu .rtiferenco La tlieit Addison, lllicv, (lotlericlt II.,S...452 noon_of Friday last'in tile''IInM" , ` :yes to ehopping.tlto fee from the Bind mention. `f Boll•Grace, Goderich i1l.S .. ,ir' o tl.o rooniiu. of tho ti .401 �VC:arC! Citi]'1yll.y tl ii b StI 11 111(1, s8lliitn .'it sidewtdlcs iii front of.their�liientistm-.liotls6, its-cleaulihe'ss and ' Lolti•oll; li[ttry,,.),'ut'ter's Hill,.:: 4 ' . .' � Wonderfully lilt. �T: 111: COOK left Alenday'for n the Iffier- LmO x rices. Sllh'erv(l eCi 1 + a seeotld ec ttrs.o at ho Ontario Vet the ratlts Of. Politics aro alavay's slip al'ity of.tho' tiiTaCit :'it evi ,a' f�utr tli, Fruity, Goderich AI:S.:.41 p . p 8 1110 diJ1?h't Gi,ite ' ir4CKl : of poly; , ,bitt that is no :reason wit ' ,e t fitly, tt as a Cairielc 13eIIii 5 �4Ta:lns Should come. ,,and inspect.' r i• . , ,. '. ' J •in6iy� College, TorOi .to: • y' gi at laasuro to l'lor to Have tiltei•1 , ,.3 Asllfield.......446 speCt }� t ,11.0 COI1fiLlellt i n tlioso liel'aI)gina to_the Colporat>on •good words; abd ho ed that tho:lii � rvaus, A UerLrt, Gcdc,rich IVI;S...412 ': we C�`1XI .. ease u. A,j,DExx.lN D. T•' I[r NN -Egli 'teas should'bo' likewise: ' . • • P.. it Edivard k:Iar 6 Go a ' - yo .'• /' , llonor,cd frith n . bon'hi•e •Afond , • tu<<1 goad feol.ino tt hld'h ,existed be- �` •. y l d ,i is 11..:....404::- . , . .B ,y "'filo G:I;lrsnamed'Henry.Lelslio tt�.een'tvoctld alw. I+osterl: )lea SAo, ardton,..:�,.4.`J . '. - night. Ile hoadvd the poll in St. ,, , " -, ayg be maint,unod. ,.., U . , . PP 51 ', .. r of . ],Irua, and lhotilas . 7Ial1octl • a utt)tug.: remauied, for lie'r•. to, ?;tu,ay, 7�tzaie, 9 Ashfielci,:;...:,•560 .Toho a Ward. shoddy led ,__ Fraser, 5,. t .' --- _ I(.tz, �,_�_11oTtirE :of n y I dlo.r of Goule, ,have acid but to"Vis thema'IlnPhyNo'It , Jouute, Godellch 1\I,S..;4o0 . n � �,• ` X_ —��,...- " —Pig Moan... 117 aat�l • incl oTtn.tn�tt�c -f r Xeai:" �1£tar to istg nn _ G:trdnvrr:Dl:inliie,'7>arter's Ilill'.475 Sprin s" Qnt.,. N1th0 was visiting hta __.___ ..-._ ,, so gs and In •_.. , •, a.. tl lal tt.nclrruo"nils . f:$4QOf4)l> 1 .JitTO :tril,lecttial co horse 1'07 several hours-C`►tln; 3�1-Iia7Meth, .., Gedc'rielt•::.:3.90•- ...- _ Is sfstrr, Atrs.. S. C udlett , 'retu.ruaet eteelr for attelii tine to bri' ' ' the Gralian hirdie _ -- - _ . . lion; -c last .week` " _ •' .`�"`"- ; P g be Censer. , company separated sorry to part. G . ' 1, , odel ich �\I.S , 443 9.. , T7 t vitives Of. the township'of 11rallace: To•w.v PxltT,TaatNNT met of c a • Joil'cis, Josic, I Colborne ....,,,473 - nr Yovsc 11IrN's CONgrttvcfivr. so as. to in arida o 'h ' '' 1 '!r t . t i y, Jet'vts 1T 111 e '.. 20US-CL T *� '� - . nt , 1 oltol s Itr11.,..440 THE �[. j��• Y . 0 t. eu votes, . tlght...1110 frinttliat .faces of Al6ssre.. r . r Htlher lliiiltie ASSOCIATION • will meet; `in their ' EDITOR •AIoymt, of .tlte 1)erlin: 7.hos: *Jackson, It. Haywood Ju , ,Goderich II.S.440 rooms on Alonclay •Evenin :next at.$ nreles. is on hiC Muscle.- . Ce : ),. de tut -loo Y ' s. AloGonliell, Tlnr r, Goderich(:,,' ts,le. 3ieai Hill , I'1 I Y vo: Corbett and y 5.43U- o'clock. Maters of irnlportanco' ry '1'he.' need llei'.ladoist 1 alas, itiat af'tl onto 7' i ' ' klePherson, N., Ge'addricil 117.8 4Slu. ' - - _. _ blot fol •who 1 otmis COoper, AI , , . quire a full attendance: All Con' lromiscd:to• sI)oi' us . jtere�niissinrc a`t this 'p cGattiiov lillte,•I'Ortel s Ilill.532 ' I I>.ese Bible. g , I lob:t}>Iy .tiro Cl o �' � '° €'y ., .. AICCii1Me Mal• rc ,'' servatives twill roceive a hearty vvol- with:tl)e p7issaao Ilouottr file Ttfnn g tha bo'tLy cvr 7ulato g n on C��ria • � �� r. „ ltjst ioetin' of y, St, An nstinos.s.4�r t ome. e • hasn't done so: yet..: 1f,ife will own of Clint'on,'.of -1886. :Tho :'ltd ori ''4loIntosh, )+10., Goderioh,C.S.-.:383 . . - . 3 e i1'fart +. IIA1'L BLPN . Drar,rvr:D.—AL1..11o,s_, .lticicsgn up that u:ns ttltstlkan- tvhteh we I sone, duel,`. councillors. Doper r tu, 1 10.,'-14 1Y .11"frtvilOsh.50 1 ty, t z leclltted contesrin�,, t to . ; .•. ,... t. I+ft.a n r [. , Doig GOder'ich. icecvtsbip, 1 nett ho tvag-rtvo sltalltloal li stent- r.t tmai;>z, 11laUutlln pail Thos. y .'. ' .. nI �S .,....43x1, VED ` ,? } ti9 If ole g g Ah C E1. r : 91%Euzio •x l t li II,.AInt. , Godorictl 11,'' rr If, clod busiliess oligageuiealt,;, : ]y lvi't]'i aiii1 Zk e. I ave- na %vish to . e o piesout: ;'1tlanviu J �.,3$, t in l}ritaili w tilrl ) g. Tutus : klar r r �'• ' y, S, Itloul, u Itt>o�tt,hs clvvat h.Lv.o�aily' ittlpletsstntile,s xith any- resented Docolrtber financo re 'ort. .•..•'459 1nrc 1' , r I� t.17A ti na.lLrine� ,_ loco 7 5oq�0, 13artliit . Gocl r rttl_a..isz Lllc lel ,oiie'11ut tvliCn a rtost:ion f v n meadia . pi• ine,nt > e Ic h:::,:.:::431 Cb:'i'IiF' NFle �. �, i i — --.. o eraclty g.l J . of pau sal . ., . �V P'&�11iIS1;S GY THE � .. eltst�hataa 6f.tl vl�d�tli f t1stL lti'=` cOn)e$ u it mush-nly:to-7ratrs 1 _.: _:. , ,r .Strarton,�ollib, Goderioli 11X. .495 •.a 7 ai P t bo sett- Te;a'; - 8� 'fig , to Paisl'e3; .�p,i0; _ ^S n , f l of t nt pa5it,{oll: rfirtinn a0count "Iii iidilifiiiu ao the itiMove ti numb-. 11I;R. JoiTv (".trltriY, the clerk at the 1? . g .. , k4I)ltely, & 7 oGld, , ® ¢j 6f6s' i 9.'"' ` . I, ,. 5.50.• )rl r, bol of othety wore rc o' ��� !r" � ��� ��1 v�'. ' � O1 R"r� ..' S. 1.RlaTins.—lir: Powell fs' C'rrtud Uiiiun I4iita) watered ii )ou . „' I nttng account,'1ti.:Ftotmas,:, c tnmeniled. 1)ot a. c r' t l . St .Thos . V If•t11e.ia; Admission is ail y ���h•��f �%�� �`��, ; can ltc}ata for trCtstn6 in , S't: 'tlta \o7v I ear iiucler a S titsally. ch,irit necOttnt' $ . etlonE.tl :1p3 s favorable .5' y . , t '1110 p70ti)ls0s bate ba6il fitted n t and are largo.. "1Vn. ;i 'i• ''^ ' James vv,ird. 5.:7 •x+0.10`. ' W.iiliain tl e Piopartinent tticir iinllies will b . ... r.. . And1 ows trill: •.auspices :is: unan elic man could , Goats, electron u ever to attend to file Iva] f il•,e i7 t 1171 aI.1. o t : osc A.U. rc + 8 expen 18 Ila a:: published. o the 11x1.>lr: } P Cttnutnnhalu. to St. :Cho ploPiieLless, the.: 'MORrdors 1 , , iland,l3.i.os,,�1.8,3,,;• �► ,,,. lrtttc �leoircE's..xRles4t:c J., l 1 s I).. B. I{euued rent ra$si u "t �• 4 - , 'u rl,ostti.. tilde' 1 to np•oii, and at 0116, Fetid,, and othots, plasented . Y:. of pound, 1 { T "> mnii,, . P,.., " .^ + II. Stepp elected •Uv ttceliuntitinu f 11x1 'w" o ITttty.chartty accounts .ere "" .'`1I niton• . or tl ith.a' 2, fur cailp,.silh Itiind- , , �, X13..64 �a]cer,.Ihuly:. ,................. .441 _•,�:_.r . i• SSL. Altdreu's aud'St. ,Turin s., karehiets an:cl rift -efts .of uRl(iti total; X154,07.. Pecr.tltrts from 13otverntan Arnold... tvei«h scales 2 a �' ' GI:N'rs tt+� m r 1, 5, from ]lnl.l, Fall, Drinlal..,.:•......, 591 N LL, Undies or . entie, en:— 31ir scholars of lIl, I3ootli's cuss aItl�hoatmat7ttg fob. ILs a cluosLton g 51Q A. d llze71I'?£iLE®' • twlt'h-JellT) W e b X30•' Janies;Smith teas 3;lnted +tt } " • •' 1`r,aZ4lktVd'emnnrteslc,nnrd Werk ony}^.,,,Acdres9 .1. I�� ')lc s�►: " 11 ...1. I I ` lira.: hattteubu7y St. Alvthodtst 11 t el to olteu exit in rein tg ,i L. atett, L7nest It ...:..:.........,491 >71txc0an, cuntun. ss. in eLtirch ,Sunday school mctoue.even- .the furricr, newt's. faruishiurc or nsiotr of trisGs and Z'� . C. Searle' •Funicle, Ilotraeo FI ..:.:........ "h g. SS Oil ac,6aunt.of untenanted btiil'd Gi.enOi' * -Jot •481 S � 016 �f to ing •last twee}: zit `the iesiel )fico. of doll.: bttsivass: - g ; J, ,.) n A .....:. ...........1;76 .. _ .Y' • . Airs. I{i,rr and presented thti•g axle- C'unGrit Iialier'of"Gocl�zicll pelvo Ings �` e tallos of th►eo of fom Htirvey, Wesloy 11..."'; ............518 Q�, � . ___ ,: ntrlividu;if's; small aliiotints, n%oro re- 11Sitcbel.l llrill.i ��� ntvn tt,iLli.,n'lianclyunlestivei�,r�ir .ltin•;' ntcs:,;, ,covt;itlttecl•use of tito:Itoes. , htn.................A54 �' ; irtlttvd an ao6ount'' of iliabi f rilirr.. 'fire ._,1laste s- vav` '. 4 Iloadarsin I t tit. 11Itt1droty Po...............- .: 7 . 0 . KP .. Idl3ti .rho, Gotiu.lcit foxt0shtp.ila the- s_ ,, Y s - .telt..::514 • .. ..1, til, I �+� ( I 11 d S otlths with an oxcel'[Ent Ifo )e of coli r ' • : a� ' ltc colleeto'r' s n oc 'tiFittit ice" 1�,3irahaln. 7 ' nlq sipl,o7rr4f0cl to act a9 ton and . , . I welting the . for ifs of other to .. ,, .Willis rans�er: 'aper 1' ttern aglints ')ii fl,r. luitnshlp of. (,,,tler' 011 for. the inrltiIna lxes hall bean poi y' y , d .in innocent " asti n' that nlifuici'lit Y • d in iexcollt VEritY fere' ,.. _, , _ thi (rant )lir, ;. i) ):, n , n p ! e i i y litttf' good, Gists•, that ei a rate.)a:'e' • , y ..,••':,.:4$1 .Solei In Str7ps.fot rut$rmd0r 13rtldtn • - ,,:. ) 411y .lt s ll xt.Ling I(). . 1 y i.t4ho had been ill 13611; X'Ilie...:.. .....:.. :. eta: a1 y'— 9`, n,5u,c itt tial nld arlcl r14,aiil0 Farn,e 'u fora few Lours,' Air.'' Booth ,eat- .. rJes so. 1 hw rntroduction. ' of ........0.35 , so couridete des%nns, for Sii, )urs )])raced tli(I` a tis ' for some ttiue and tvho was still I;1 ry , n 1, , . r,. , 0 1 I , , Cunrl,nny silmilll apply, to- vitbei�'1'iraaiAA cc,,stun to. allow •rho 'Gliosv,Iteacltrs lrns been leolcerl 1i on lettngton, AZatgniot. :,......:431 1 isc.l.ats, At+rans, ladies, Cazi,3, Sn)„km, ,... h confined to il'l's lfottso. `1'ho 1' n Cu pe etc. r NrtLAt,a, dliti,.lorl, L. O. I or SArtrr•.I,. interest ho felt fn .71iq ,sebo.lars" b • 99 a I)ONtieal .dodge. Butt the c ettti n G'rir,g, A -Ilio ...................... ,641. i , � l ho ;iianIgn ls' .tvarrante t :lift,,) , , • , >, y a oil of the roll was Aloi`eforo i)ot'ttt ariih, ?t0 elf rho ,n ler n ytN,4 Stnlntth. I:., 0. 11cn,I>t prekonting •oncll of thorn tvi h all .settattve teacbuins of to ry postponed I)►eks, IND d:, :... ........ ..., 'r I , paper P turn onto cc, e, uod old ..,,,i 7 atteuC„i(tt$]l;l)a rten,,,• I,t g ttutil.tho I7tIi.Janttai'y, Ad'ournod., 1i tit c rub ptf th'e ttbr7a tvbe77 t7auyi'wt0d. A, . . appropra f_atti3 boot. �. ,.. y ), I la..T:,,,1. r. ''Mlo will lict,Yet be tltx6ltrdttd for- •,.•,.,:430 si,)en<tid as9urtntOnC of illop,'•Jnnit3rd, 1$86 8'et-7111 . - •r Rollins, Venrl,...,.:.,,::. Dlcl I,irr., STot7le. 1\axlr,T,losgi', J, guy cautliihttian. of it for':paliticui .. , -T'', , ••••])•••.:.581 l and ��'. B.' 11'att, of ,�Saileltt; OIffy purposes. CLti�JC)� GUUIICZL ,Stvtvart, 'iVlaagio•,•.-.:.. i.m sort r ; .,w.:�'.4I6 . F +� ASR l.Y.; ANCY �OQD 6'�Ri�-`PA� �-” . S l lift. t'.. , - - ,r. v . ibhn Archy, forntorly Regis- ilial arwI?r...ti Williams 1 v s anti bic,vtli is or , lortllorn ✓ V [ iams-acclama , . y trar•of the ("Ounty of l,incc, Ilas cit, tion, NL1VS _NQTL,S ,_. ' W. Caer B�ksller ' Cnid,lo' and .Cl' Ilosrlal0 ,•' • Iroi 4es •arid • rf tercel alt action • tt atilst the ,' nnicf trinnet:s of !',ho ]+i'kiligton Sltivl,i; 'ii r ��p+ , 8 , . [d.eve—A: Afclurcho neclama- """` o t flea y�5(lattho'1'ot'p11t0lnclltstt'i:tl i3a1 C7otjtoration of. I3tuco In t,ho 'tion. A firttont]to ntoruiiirr of o �M an n r�y� n n17]� ,�p (lgStt'O a f^UOf.S. i . 3sxflibi,tion 1Sb3, sttvriadtirl for.tlty gli Luitrt of Justice Coutmon Uc�,ut� llteze-A: ii: Manning,. J` d al>ollt25;OU0'worth of . best herd of ])tire bred cattle Of.a ly Pleas Division, ClaiMin� X20,000: ; 2y1 I+., (, 1• �` "-' —AT-- . g' PrOlicrt in l ort,tge I.& '_Prairie, Having bolt ht ou't Jasi rlr 1AV4'" <: brood the property of ollii vxllil�itor, , ` 'o britt, IS4� Iuaiority for Y , rn�r,, .R8 ;' , '. clRtttnhos fol libel, , It twill. be• i'e• klttuuiiig 107. "flan,. ,n Uodur,<;ti, we aro,now ,ru l»rest to fur- recalitly, purelirisetl' f'rotll 1l', ,T. lila= tnantbvrl d ,that .lie. was clisutrssr. oU Lv . . in C on reairnWe I l Y tI orbtolz Cil Now Years day, 300 .natives a trims, .. -^ Bilis, Ulintoti, rho fo'llo.tvulp Shur`t- flatti of}ice• ou accouut'of ':eharc,'es _ ; r III;A7JS'PONl;S ,r St, Anekio s : T I. Il'uster t -here burned o AND l 1ONUArF.NTS 8 t Tad T _. hotiiq t� '1I itchlvris at'' f`llmlltlrst 3t:il l+ticl aautt4t . -hint by tl7e (7ut)itty ',I o G, T. d 0th by tt fine in , _ , y. I llotvity 85, J. Johnston 7f, Lha Peoples Palle, Alnilras India, • GIiA;VIPI; A SI b:CIAI,ZX.. drill . llatClile95 of l ,lmltrt>sii ,1.1Lit �oirnctl of I3rnoo, that )to It, 1ultli- , , , We are pre}iat0cl to sail cheaper then any r (which wnro AdVertigeel iii tli.is llelcl f'GI o alit+rcr,.4 to fro toll 0. t Jaa�ies�: H. Ii 1Yallcei, ne he fir I ed. rrnly ftCtson 1111PUtos. . • olantation Il nt11er firm 7tt 4i,o cnnnty. DCII, Li•;tt•19 CAItTJtI.1 of all kinds, l��sIV ri1DI'1.9 , 1, os. SVoriy, aCelatuia- -t , .., A�r.t,u err , ,, . , , , __ _.. __ . ----_ p-t-tt'l, Afriteltle s27t' 1'.Iiillln1 3x11 Iona to,tim coblity. ! l• '1 y' L llfr.,G schen has anreod to: ac- ' , of Coderfeb, has )seen 0intod 'Qalit'oi•Illa G,ltA11.S, AI.1 , IGS id iresttt tht) same ct)Itr as i\[atchfEsg COT,, IiOss u}itoinecl ;, Ion. .. , oe:)t office uliclalt L' d `� genetalagent Por the eriunti<, and]) ,rt.i0q NL11' DA`1'I18. a inalotlty of St. Joltlt S—�D. I3, Donned S¢ 1 of Salisbury ori want,ug n11ytTai11 r in thtaTinO.tvill.tind'ft to s Of XiliAllar "hill which kir,„1�'aiLt only 17 in ,fila town of • Clinton, X y ,. cortittil conclittona, His' cot I. C + r •; ,,' , r )urehaserl fr0ui tli ,li 1 ',o t. Z •.CO.oper (ic3, G. Overberr . 62 A. t qe is theirinteresC to teservo their ordttrs until Yc1TLIiSi 0.1 11 .I f 35cpvrrll... 1 e 1 n )first hood .1116 young .11,011's Liboral C,ouserva- .Gorroll 30, II, Stoe . , y , APPidvod by tho Liboral•Unlonist .ire calls.., . with 4 other young llatchlessas a .Ivo Association did noble work in St leaders: . - ' . . ROI#EitT90N !t B},;I;L. TOBACCOS, TOCACCOS: ,L, P foxy years rtilica Ilncl teas one o[ tt)o hr,Ilt �ig to reduce L]le I gin, rl'ivtts, Cnnrrje,s 1i. Fitzshnrnone 8x7, ,� . . May 17fh. 198.6, ' 39 •3tn Cit ilhS, CTfiA1t,: ntcst succrasflil girfze , tvtnt cis ill Ot•'g' n 7 it T. L. Doltor•ty 79, J. Smith 53, •--011 n Logan, a late candidato for .. , t, Orit . ' Riad it noL Iiveti to.r tV: C. Searle) 46. 'I'ho two hfM I ` sldenc of the Unite Tho best iveiv 1tas7ns, t w CnrrRtlf c, (;ansrlst, 111. Ill";;tins tuav not bo siel uesstliitl fixe unaveidnlilG)Gtliseneti i ghost the vree- tie y d Candies' 300. perlb'. n each . . S i1. N, I3 — C t, ward e106tcd. t, $eg; ie Heady. �.,O,Ot/0 'hag $IrC;lrl,y (� �! O.Y as erltcnsivn•tt braeda)r as rionta, but of`'asavoral CilllsarvaLives .anti the 'I')io to '•` ' .- Mr.on raised � ��j,11''jj�� � , 1•,It�q 5L.1tVI�.) " . , .. tvli C(tt1nC1I fol the ensuln pts d fol Clio, benefit of )lib . ,,� ii�Ll' R 1 u t IN A];L STi I,F�. 41iat f1lat;enablca Fief Co devote' his too"too . I,)resonc0 of several ,Gilts year twill bo coin tosed of , Widow, Ile died poor, Butte a i " ptot'son'11•attotitioa and oxcrefso Itis 'ivho' gtvoro, ill tiloii' votes .ront,rnr Williams; Alatot I ALT $2.10 Pri It Chil'''l'' r ti G feel ,f, 001is. Fowl oP all y ; i,'ecvo l4ic �Ittr6ble D13- • Tlldgo . `I?oreance, :o tbo Sti tor- Tc,nda honght, ril7a J'ttrinrne•11t in sait,ctin and tllis. to rho »tittuto ill st1v11 cases tnndti )fit ,ltieeva r. • I%/�/i/ 6 I. itig, for }>reetltn pitr;posti�, Llan befit nracl tiOVt`<lei I . Y $fanning, couucillers OrNtlrt, Alontroai , d-iod o i Su y twee ton or Cwt'« - ' 1 fixe Moil. A: At: Rosa' Ji. Foster, `1`itarf.. llul , eddy, , . ludiviclnal rnombersofO)e bast padt”- nra,Iority, woud have been totally r Holloway, It. ]l, Ills tleatl lYn9 the result: of a'Cold A�' dile. P1e6i !.!!1'I'. � t1 all ey ,Ths, 1lteit T> )3, I ontrorly caught h ' Delivercrl fiefs at 1,' , �t .y, g tvlTtla:11t1 �vns attending the ehalg0onywhrrcintottn.8,80DERI scion tattler, fro it atlt[ally Cfii1- wvitaed out, triol a rosPooLabl0,1lan13 W1 Cooper, Ii, 1. Nv,-4 it)tnoilsr T. U. � funeral' of Llto 1' r .x O� S sefoiitious and e:t)yort, oto Judge Ituinsay Hits. «i4lillllT":)lt.;lli,80"!'f nn the OtItG I sitic, Ditherty.. a p ' 4 Tl,os. Cuc,l,er's olds#anti, " . CI,II. Jacksotl'a Blrietc • 111.rnn 8treot 4 rinnt:a r bout:a weolC rtNl 11$1 ! f '. , . +, . , n I ..-.. w front bichoh'11, � .1 �1.1.s, Book f}tore . � � I , .- r _. __ - , . -111- ��. r . . . , r: ,. _.. "-. I I. . . .e r Ail.