HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 5R� 118871, 3 91e *i,sh all our , cu' stomers- MY '.NOW Oaf t * i_ _ THE DRY-rCOODS' EMPORIUM OF CUNT.Ne was to voto to Ivit in neon «hot;, the l TO TF�E' F¢LRMERS wuntl;y (lit.) not know,, '•)lie QUI le' 3nni ;be Stihl in- iogard to tllo Study your oµ•u interest and %p athero 'you !)o)uiniolt contditt, And fourthly; lnrl nt(i,t impoi'tilnt, of . all, 'thc eau gqt z , Rel lab) a :. � am zsucs tvi!'l bc,dill'eluu't ; t1iA•seetnrian ._ , e ss. wy Will not be riltsed . and if there 1 U1ag11taCt•U rQ )ilio blit Il1Q IIIc»T eF STOCK., q s -till 'su cilienc ill the 1. F.,ns a y _ Ilxn•nrc of,tXeQps flea4 sell oheap, rtx they have Uutf Bn lave : Ute' kali andgat priCos• Orders rtllxiflg cry, Sir john..will bet the, ' by arall,proulpflA attended to. hun'eii't o'f'it: _ I_T- 03a N(' T. ` IIARNI:SS" EltiP0l;I1111,'BL-VIP11, ONT. _ ___ SCiti1T11'i,1�71aTil\IQ�T. +, So it appears that tlle'll`On.J.' Til' lilglin one of tile, editors of the `ror-. Into Globe bas .been' d6w•n- by . the Regular meeting of the L._L, 936 i11 their hall on Monday night. on consulting with the c essionl st8' CNov.a'fic0tit as to their.progranlrne +; Mr. Air.: Jaures . Hdwitt' of Gr-hnsty,. rir the apfi oacbfng DduArtion Dioc m forerly of t)i>t; .tawny is, visiting ions. 116 has bead • doing riziasionary' fritruels' liege' - rork, and the following extracts.' 3,11r. Dougal. Till err of IfidAilton, :1 roti his receticspeeches 'sutiioiently-,ss spending hi1q Noty Yeiit's 1lolitlays •, i ndicate the mnlint i in which he has with friouds hero. ;one it.. Tile tilriff there is a vexed uestion the, (frit eleinen't Cil ;that t - ,Satuiclay being New Yetis-cPay, it :,4 )rdvin6,e )las always lle6n•op;posetl to was 'o'bserved here as.a holiday, all. L, so Mr. A llgl'lil. tells :there that the places' o£ business- were closed.. W-ional Policy'.is to be, done away..i. rith and that there is to be 'rat c,oul f'7 Niryl tl, )racier ifte,ecti n ° Y 1 > aro being -the Mete c11ange in •th6 character and `T".1d ib . I'resbyterran, church one .of the whole fiscal .policy',f' en 'this {geek• c ailing firet, the. removal of the flout ' • •DTI:'. Robert. • Durri'io'n of tbo ' iaties. Thea, "a Ljberral .GOverri• .I.Queon's Hotel' g#tve a buil and su.p- Ment, if lu tower, will, I think,' W lt�ie to arrange that. question soiilQ•: , 1 per oil New Yoars . e"ve. 1'i•ihprug what to the satis,la'atiou of the peo-.,- file ;li"hlit •fanttistic wits'-indul-Ld in ..P. Zile of Nova Scotia.." In addition to , 'anti .tlio Logo. still. hours. t this; "If the Liberal 'tmrty were Ih( _Xamhiation. for school Thlrstocs power to: morrow, Mr. Illitke wotald• i ivlts 6.11... In t;lroe''0mu o' 111111 - on I lie willing to, re eonsider-the whole plan -of Confedettttion, and not 1%1ednesdnyc D'Tessrs; R. I-1You .nn )n•ly to give you more for your rat l find .Alos6i, xolocted :13Y.d Jit1l?os Me-c Geo; Juni:, eleoted, in ilico 6f Afr. ways, k,ut'aceord to your necessities tlI that you entitled, to. He I .r. J6iuCs Awleers013-rCtiTfng. ,are' mould be willing to look nt ;the ')'lie an:nlvcl l'try services, of rho 'It vhole question fairlyw,'ith the' eye )f justice, not to be too exg6ting (o. Tpiscopal,ehut. li'livre wi'L! beheld n ' :he smalie'r Provinces, but to give. it-t)ossa oil' Sunday next. Tli'e' Poo. ''.1\ii?. si ottt;g' of .Lond'on. will' preach ,hetu Lor4i,4+&&fe-•-m-ore every' ;ban:th+*y arestrictly entitled to.,) ., , a 111o1e aro to betltioe services. J`he`, tl 86cessioil first., tariff rc,jeetion. next 'C011•ecti'Un will`' ix) .in .nisi .of .the '' td it' both Ol.tll('So will not: sufllce, bUilldi-llg fllll'd; is the. ' l ext move. The •iteryr i o lames 1 truly f •M r e e s t ly .lie o) , and a8 • In'eonse len . 1 ceoft lzeset.$' ' am %1 H Utak) knd Taylor havlua {wthdrasvu illy honest, as truly in the interests the oountly;.a.s the "llies,oti• the f1'onl the contest'f'or ullillici al 1ft 1i P.' I{ 'follvtvill leelf',trovergmen.t of 1S.essrs, Dfi1p ' .ors for •1881, the :114ve tl enzie, Blake; and Cai t,wright. , been elect4d by.ti.cclatnildiou : Diea srsj lnoclsr-:=i{-7; �aTev; 11IcIvnou aj - = - �,altftbrai.. and Wilford.' I'- Koll was ele e ' i n y... Ct �l ., o i�Cit'd-IiG'CO7'CZ �, Iseeve byf v9 majority. 1' DI.AR S1Ii,—Will.you,ploaoe allow_ A:tjtllo regular' meeting'' Cid trha 1.aI e a •alliall Space iu your"pitpee• to 'members. of, the A. F., antll'A. 1tI:, ply to aletter I sate fii last.lssue of , G. X' C:; • in, their hall. on. Dm 27 tl' e Goilerich- Grit pap -or signed by, e"'Ajax-•-the .jacca; s editor wtlitild i the following 0"111cers wore dilly in- :ti • - al a better uailie for' tlie,lying fool to wrote • the; letter. Ili the' first stalled; A, Diuidock, Ll. ' D: (.ari�er,' e5, 1V.; Sant' Gidley, J. t ace lie kuo:ws very well,tlia.t-tht' tv 'W.; J. Iottel,'lreas , C. E ltnne'r;' ,me of this "dilapidated" burg has Sec.; E. Alountcastles 1, G. '. J.` eu changed to that of Saltforl"If -G, ;math, `Tyler; hast Allister tilrilson, t, he must .'be a bugger fool than, Obaplaln.. 1►ought he wits:. XUt •all tj)Coplo of oelli;cnco :know that hv' )las not 13 The ftinelal of the late Dr. A. Gins onou„h to• puuud sand, if I ly be allowed to usd a slanr;phraso. • Slon,l, of 'L' lstoti•e1, Logit'. place bu Sattli-1 . from his fathei'siesidonce 4 tlto s su(i plact;:Izg Says. so)xly- }tole,,. followed by about 80 sleiglis, iug about voting4or wbiskey'aud headed ;by the Blyth band.. As '.GI trytisfll: I ti•ot11d like 'to );like Ajafx he -had been -•a ino' I or of both the ' ) le'ever , dranle whiske3°, Ido not Aw ,•lttlt I -have: Seen. him drunk ,>1Tflsonic Order and O: I+Or:csters: a �e()Clly number Of •the: brotbran•�of- '. oui;h _to'lie down anti, foeF u}lavart ' the ,,.trO,lI11CI, lltlt still ilU lil'l ll,t both Urdel•a some er ii'a di # 9... 8taij0e,' . ve had a fainting; fit: 'As to Tor iltlilitpldtite(L'+ were -in ,attandan0; . They miirchecl iu to, t11e ill Hl u, thU majority of tba 1lrocessiotl . so end- of rf,ba.vo iubelligonde.opo.6gh to 00te the village ,wllel'e. aleiglls' were:.ju g;oo,:t goverutnent- gild against '. ehbisliop Lynch and rebels. ,'tin- waiting to to take tbein' to the Tj'tiian conaeletty.., At the grave the ligeub rubel voters "are .like hens'' lth, few and far between, as all we , liltsonic•bt i4t sorvice was canduct- Vo have living in-thc blrrg are very 'que•,oi eel -oyer the, departed brother, . The pmfents o.f. rho •deceiisod. nlan- V. .Bat tile. lead ng.oues is clan that canvassed- this part of ,have young . . the sympathy the wllole ' ) COUllty with 8a. potitiun•'fpr the• community ill llleir' beveavelawnt. eft Act' itutl. only the other day The” allrt lfsorbing topic for a {reek ' .Sent 111.:4 son. 'tat. town' for isk'ey'ttlluci l to by Ajax,and :on .I)asthas been who would bo the reeve ftax.'-1.-687-It was dooided-on,D'Ion-s---l'-1 r {s iwsw l7 e filo boy fcllil0"' rda 9 one of our w1liskey l+oriosl' as in ill .'Oi-Ange 'hit11: Dell . re . Tiff ?' O Y • ►x calls us i °ku him Piz -Iced c d r up: and, eel{ e(1 123 and • Yotin 94 votes,: a. 51, g. � B)t ,ed part efthe hovorat;(t for. his majority. of 29 for )wily: Ill tllie'° 0 1. Ili conclusion 1.4681 to toll, ovening there was a torchlight p1'o- Ir( tx or ,lackt,�ss.,q> .Whatever is his�'OnAsion hom id by':tho baud, P,- •Al )per name; tli,l,t' if lie ever feels lined to vist.tl. our 'little burg to' 1{clly ,being drawn by men and I'o Id us. word and. lie ntay rely on ,ai11U td reception.. C1lanktuR ysutklntl• boys iii it cutterti's the And of the 1'OCOs$lon VF�ttl'0n .�@ p °sat' illuminated For the spatia 1ut,yiour paorn.,Lrel. viows�and iilscrilltitbtls got up by Po the Blyth - 0•trtoonta.4, of what ]Las Co OUY(I .tr U1 , ,111) )tined, in Our bug" 11 o for the past) BeIl(, A1px,A Il;En1SLt., "few y�BarS.s a alnst, t1le Melly • QT (3' AT TIIU- THE DRYIItLGOO'D'S. PALA,O E. .0 0-0-0-o'.0— ' p WOOLLEN GOODS. somewhat Ovvintrn to the esnitillllell fine wlaatUer for the past xlios,th we find our si:ocl,; of y be��,�•ier than it.sbould be at this ,seaso>a of the year, and in order to clear them .out..before , the''edncl of the season, we have ' +' SARK MIHI:3�11.1 SOWN r To prices that will, suit the -closest bia�,yers. Jast opened out, aucither Case of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS. THE MRNtLE .QEPARTMENT is a u�^L �rR1iG1 ' cess—a splendid assortment of Cloths to choose from and at .Vopular Prices, � s w « .0 `�' �,�% �1 epi e� �'�• e� �• � �` %�®. Joie' - ♦Y NEVANy W �A, �i Q s Va oe J. ' HOD GENS, : Even Farmer-SAOU.Iff get aViews- ecor Imarla ' < <. r A Ha,�PY New. dear To A�l� nilnlsttration, ,by their opponents. ELECTORS OF. ST.OEOi;GE'SWARD. ° A most aollsplclous ono t{as-,Turn- my's printing office to 3 ll «d over b „ L&DIR» AND GK9iLRMRX t liavirlg bocri requeFt• N. o� �+ '�r�'�: d 11_lr ed by a largo d)uruber of my tcllow , ." o mi•cra to � '} � .CL:.9. the {wind it hate boon '"'b10{t taro allow nlyselt to bo nutuiunted for YubI�Q,Scbool ;. 9' lrustoofo"'it ' tliroi gh its ¢pluntns. 'of Tato. After 're oust rn"d Xea>v tt ill {{'red, T ueoeded tQ their In making his bt)w, )could beg to spy ihat: 9 , • 1 y tisk your votes to Diouf Zhyllu thalikiu•� itis Dill custo,ners anti tit th0 111'OCe$SiOn hr0i){0)lild(d 1110 uic. If elected I s""hall (to my bust to -oconom. t110i a •, n 4 a l)3'IACNI)ill streets 'Lt C119181'8t d. at all i'irlly nitd. Qllicicntly gunrd•yqur.iutor,ars {n•the "'s 1 �tQ be ltlalry fn1` tll_ 11UUra1 llph'CHagC 1 , lreutisale, t:.- ���� l so �eactpusly ehtendeil to )tint iu the stat aarl hour, feoling.'slit►sfied, timl; Yours, - ,, Past'. Y r o hal is U strict a'tturition ) ,` y to l,u, ales• and. S. J. ANUIiEW$. ; . ;11ery hn(1 not liouli aa' much en v LoNlq,hbl tl e IIFST G1iS)ton,aan. S, Iss7.. g 11.51 CxOODS at the ;husiasnl in our burg for a. number L011rLST 1'lIIC},:5, to iilurft a ;reuc�tnl of r� their Confidence i�trtll su,pliol't• He .ollcts• )f y�Oal$. :, NOTQ•0E. i extrtr- i do iu . The ladies of . the •, M-Ullodist. � sli aireh. bterc have, been 'busy -64 Tato nlriF. AN'Q4AI..htL•'L•"PINt3 of tbo a) otn •er» of N yn !V t, -/4-. �1I 1 tlio Tonal»blpnt ttullett Agricultirc.uaciuty �w veucso{I. s' : .L eti.- ]ral.Jug preparations 'for,' holding- willbuholdatNonnody'sllotol,ou'1'hln•sday,l8t, hell annual teal)) et�llttr, It '' lust„ at I o'clock p: ol, for the election t,t ufx- p11n' r- e. is to em ro the r aingin price from 255. to r ensuing_ year.. Tberc;.svill also be , + 10 .1101(1 on t11Q 10th' in8t 1ti . th0 'rresented astaten)cnt of receipts and n sliursc- 11''ltlI C. 111.18L111a,9 GAO' .(Is h0 Xriln'+'+°o.. hall. A£ eli 'll ; ), r- 11106 Of the Society for the past year. a A t n�w>l , par- . i$ troll su )ileal tlrrcet NEW FSR N. iloB'ox pl : UiTS�s 4 U - IA N SON, .n a . a a:.' r 1tn of tl7c h . od 1 tl - t, n s re wll,l ... _::'•—f�ant-T.�asto-r-u-of-imes: .._.._r__ ---•.,—_ .,' �:.____ , y Socretiirx,--- -_ ^- tic., l'ro�tdol)f,... _._ �� ,_ - - _ otire to ;tl' e. rorty lerance hall where 'He sells th i 'a ISINS X.laclt Basket, Landon Ta`'etr < '= 1. - e n , t t110 tow- Valencia; Laveis, See(Iloss, ete. 'also \' 11r ovel'ttl'of thi3 ministers will aciclross est prie(1 and just' to CU1tItAN`l'S Figs, Layer t he and•ience. A:'' good rt)arontnmQ :. 1�i90TlS'iC >, , ye Dates, 1lmoutl, g p' b suit Ilio •trines; l+ilberf and` Wallatits-nll fresh from the• f music ''has been elc +' b $ etvd 15 .,ire r Y T lane of growth.., rx Tile annual meat n,• of^ � t f? 1 . AN ]l'A it)11T I � • ' i ,.. that . fgiCilln 1 .14t1 t raf l , �F.. r T 1 n` C 1 t c.Gr I o China • a il(� (: and, r , , h Pre In •' �, o r su a o. O 1 S)' e y Jt1 Nile o. t.cf rnJ Com tun •' •' r . ♦ v twl_$ e 1 i Ctrl y . L 0 tl .11111 1 be bel in -the ei , G .S'1 tics• ''' l S1 1 s d t vn ,. I;I('rlt:te:rs a t h�•, , alla • rowd'.ed. hall, Seaford), on Friday-,. that 21st, da)• Of .lana.. GlaAwal'e, Ile 1Poulli L+'ssm Y('Isy� of ill kinds: trey, 1887. at the hour of one o'clock, ra s ' u. gn for :and hlsll: kxtaTs-1'Uar>'rti;•Coltrr; 'pail • e -o a the purpo»sof.recetci0};ahcnrnu:rlstutynignt,of. •. •' $fly 10 one flnCl all; • the company, electing directors and oilier 'bus;- F )tlt$Cl']t S r 1' SUUCATUSII, all lit: • )I iltiWh lltil•l 4':'Se. N AND A130 UT TUE COUNTY. ness. ,0z 1 • a v and best 1 Also .a lirg Tl}OS,E. RAYS, W.' J. SH.AIjNQN, of ` Wire, just go ' 10 . be stud; of _ President , .. - ,. kewatarl. cllllla NAB. That t{.aa a lutldcn gtrange deat.lr ��. Crock ery; °04intL 11T1(1 G1ctiSSVPr1T2 f Nin-: Ilen.iy •fill, •of lied Bit y; - houglit ill the bests markets nild bit the ren, oith-Bruce, formorly of Stephen, �" niu'stiavorablete•1 _ „r q .• ,us. I►a c1.►'1`➢DjiiVeS )' +,tg7 r 1 lch • occurred ill : tlle'1 csi(lcuce of. . f• >tu B'c:1 Tutt �� ,. $'* eq .>Lar,tl i.e►llet lsetsor' is brother-in-la{v,• A'Tr: )Vin: Balk- -ill � Call' iflld 1'IOt1''nlll'•DlS :ill, xetei,on- Ai:ouda + of ;last CAPE r y. L _)Ct]It1l.TQ�11, 1LtAIlL�aAl, eek.. 'W•Gill and wife ]lad* come... ' 11 ltlntla of It<tll`r Nont ali taken fha �=1i A )'Txcte3+'t$ spend the fi'sttvo$Qason, :. SECTCO:�-CiRASD-NAIIEOWeTos•.mryR _ , excllau4o foie Goods. ad repaired to the residoiice of N%r. ' i 6 !:! 7 y / t H . I ?1 �'t, llbtir . ' T'r�% , !� 2C v s or1•a�e alki''t ' 1' ,b�•taeitoft: � R (� ,(��j�T { 1 I ti•horU Ito nrriveti a i fir-. ' f � lU>,J�1JiJli ` ' ' ' ) 1 � .. Chln�� will Albert -St, �� Cl��:. - �on1 �+ xtly..in. good) hc,•ilth. E4-rl ,';'taxh _ - Y'F. ALED Ti�.NI)EI A' nd r •ab , ittlrait •eve11•inrc'he. A11' $ , d ed torho•under y , o C 18.�1`Uln •fi' :.»ti;ard•a,id cudarsctl"Tcnd6rs ` • tur•l,apq'uro, gg a ton Railwriv"'will'be'roce'c'r i - >Onr'8ta . , t eJ at this oftice u ' , oltu and ALE: U. thin - 1 �>� . [7b . a ;tq nooa on 1 11111 wdtr�, ' or ccs l) - - i`� . • '�yyp�' gp.�� rat i,' t da) Of Jnuuury,; ®..2L'�•.✓I� N' • BOA,��,��`�'�i �- Ig' 118 was. .1ltyinry' Ofl, cannht 1887, for•eQrfitin korks'oreonsEr •tl n •-- -'�` 9a - n. a o Plans apd proxies will be o )on forgilia cation 4 llrl alld $t00(1 _hint 'erect. 1It lya '"trttlie Oliice of th4 Chief. En �incor till il. GCltera Ata,i:i to 1 i '' D ''(lyll1s10i1 ; liQ, beCa111C llllCOn- F r off 6bueralment' Raiht'ttys at' Ottawa,, t At mrd also at tho oltice of the CO .a 6rcton the 24tY < Y� i0,149.and IIOVer spoke after, dyt•lli^•, •utl«ort Ilnwkesbatry, c, tl., on.und atcerthe 27th ' above stated.' • He had .attmuea day. of Decooibcr,.18cto,whoathe general specifi• _ .. cations and' fdrnt•of tender 1pay bo obtained u on •,f� IS ago of 51 yealls.. arpplluirtiou: p Iii+, L"UrCh'l$e Of _ mq tt-nd r will he an b r t1ie Latest _ c tcrtnlned attic»» on on of - ltbe'printed forms and all the,i,tindit;oua aro :complied with. The recentretreat.4dud mis ' �^t . s10nC• By.order, A, P.' at9 n RA LEY I tl n Old th 1' 1' li 1 (� Ole IU JJ l (, rhe, 1 c 9 of 1: e tt c 2 b �. Q Seer, tri. r . n I a h,da. ;a•' o $tit ii d 0 8 e#1'ect oI tie Do t. of Rnilunt» n xl Caii ) 1t ale Ottntta 16"b* nights of Labor:'' A ulinllter of.. ` Deo., 188U, 423.3' 1 •n :. At 0 e 17aV0'1'C 1 $ n4d iiI oril'Ar Ci..- pn^' . h• lI){ted ter-pati.tzoi�iar_..aol�_..tlt��aeza: �...___. _`1rR�1�_�i=E=�-F=9R 1.he most`t onilelfuT vale' a offoi'ec iu this section. S1re veuture't11e.Rss r� Ont. dtion ':that..tl;c = aro .b fat's the Cheapest A AHP into the onclosura of Ilio stth»ciiber lot y pest Eatifs 'in the (OL1Ii ' Of Illll' (y ) oli;: t]oi,ailii edrtoi'141 LC :%02lYtL- V 41, Bayfield emicQssim,, Godllrieh totYuslf > , • c,; :• Litt or.about:tho'lot November, ifti,olw bei er Call. Lalli ,Litt)) BCClT1'e:a''ba]'galll'bef'01'e lite ;al'C, ;till solei... cZc 1 n eras'ti terns boldin that Ilio rJsi,tp two y.e:rrn vl,ltnaidy, roil lust) Of a roan1i • ' y esent national lnovenielit'is:an in- color: T$Q'ownor w,iii loaso_'_irove property_ q rw - pay Qnponse8 ultd take tbo atdmal awnyr • The Dress . and : Mantle la ,► o Catton Of a 8p11'lt of illSnbUr4lina 42831 {t;I4LIAAIL. REED. } alp7g. )n wid'revolt, Vvhioh beiu« fostorod - 1 , b I�'lhlantler ..-Cut; ; F n/ loug.tho pooplo; illi, burst ou.t at tie. V/fai( y f � i! y grvop iuonlen't and ..bo attended:, arm .-. Town' y' : � th rho most, doplorablo Aonse- AND— 00, D ETLOrl + 1l�LLAGE PROPERTY ACHAN."El"': 11f13y ttte }leo. a: 1:. �Q �.Il 1ve11. at tho:klt'tholtt ai:a n, S% i..E.'% i ionfort'li, on Dee.'.Oth, Ali..' John lien, HE EXECUTORS DI ':' NO, /� A*1 xRCTSfCCS of Ghc)f Salford, to 11Ii88) :!bulla `1IIOn1I)8on,L Lat'te of the Into AW2l`04l•Rttm*offor for sale'bi" ,r rho followut valuable•,ro .., • . - .tho tottu of Undellcll. � t perry, Mattel,.-RYr 'r Building ,A/.IG1i;-COLI;:.—At the re8irlr;tlC;n of g LotK numbers d20 and 421,, jn.thu `' � Totan'ot uodorieh, uarternf tut note ench, fairly 4 w o he bridt s brotUer, by' the Re. J, X+', tencet and verydosintble'tor: baiklh'»autwsQs.. + _ " - fib, I Howell; or, Scfitm'th, '31t»a S, Gt)1'ei. `leo-' 1111f abre frhntln ..Alin Road .Town b +" 1' Oof 8 , , sip of `�'i L. AdamGlaz,er .both,o.Hallett. letloh Hein art -_ -' _'.:8: .o �- s� r f f t p nt lot d 1p. nit 3tattl:intl � {J !� �'�L� • Concession of the said 'Pok•nship. Niab [rinnptQ " cottage an:r frahtestnhla: " Wo,tvlIl fie)):.any ariicl'o:in our tn,meltsa stocl( of CRne?t(lui,: Ass). CrLtss illlLt�l'j,I 3. l ot.naitther 8, tionth iide of,lfilJar atrocb.Iicna- r . ; r., t , ;C . _ .. ruillbri-Vill0tot• of un•atire., Sai,au,fialue,dwuil• v _ {tAI1F; at a I�f. T U �\.l Ul+ 1(J ISI.II GI4 1 f:(J1i• U 1S1 AVARD.- Ii1. Blytl'on the 18t of .Tan,., guy. p•� 1io wife'of It. [Inward of a al ,ht - THINK, T' a, l b u. Bnikling, lots- hutuliors R08annd.804,''iti tl+c . JUST S� Ti� 0 � • � V � � �rr ' Town oP:Ulmt.on, .q,gnrter oG an attire cath,;luau, $'Y5' 00 C11ina Tori Seta -44 )feces f ' + ` + ,' tifullysftttattxiOttsoGtli'slde•of (Jaron atrcot f +. , pieces , Ol.::,r ..:..,.: .:,$113 50 (,itsl>;;, I➢G ,O'll'11.1' � rtdr)y renabd:. . 8" 00 (.Irina .Lea S'cts, 4-t );aces fol::.....:....:. ,, r 2U +�. The Lastlralf of Lota2,son..1.1, West Wawan s, 00 China �lttla SC).t�• 44 tCCOa' f01 I 01�i:--Ln Blyth, last x!edt, ut, his. ash• ood'ln ,. p > •.•.••••, ,. a 40 C o,ill';' Ir land, GU to Kill ro 15 '00 Decorated D1 itler '0 Cash., 1. Sts 1 L9 tr r Rth'i a 1'e8i IUtiG:, Dr, Ant11 blCCaa nminddr•ti�jryered; about 4•,milos=from i;u!11, Ott, , ice&. f01' .................. I 1 r 3 uU ;1411, of Listuwell, ill his 27 year. atnd•afronl Winghatn;gbodrriand 11 00 Decorated Diilnel`,Sets 104 piece a For further particulars aptity to 1 1 8, tG11 ..•:.:..,:...a::.,v ' 9' 90 f,.aell t. _ ,� , $ OO Decorate() Uolltb►uution Sets,. 85 ]ytC2Cst for..,:.:,,,,.. 7' 20 � E. CAffP10N, '; •. , r , .,r ., . • AiA11I 'i':•I11;i'l1ItTS.' 4fe•tt Barrister, (ig11Qr►et, 0 00 Decorated Stone 1•o-&,ts;.4.4 IJiece:),. for,.. .......... 5 40 (;ash 'l`ea,5ets,'44 ).);aces, for... ,',r.:+.::,_ 3 1 (;fish'• (Corrected epory3 50 Decorated Iv 'Puosdxr atteruuon,.), 2 25 .StOIle'l+C?a rC't?t • r' . CLINTON: o ''v •7 6, 4• pIQCOR, ,t 01 ,;rr. �..y,.......,,'r ....�....r. 0,x'1 {iaF11;: �✓ 5' 00 Decorated' Chatu'lo-Tr, Se s 10 r , t iters fur..:...: ltt1•z..':*.....,.w..>:+.rrr•(C4-(�()-t0 -. __ - , .., ._. ., ........_._..., .-_-�L_�.Lflr-IZ.ti3t._ ..-'- . �....= ,30• --- _ ----�- ---- '� � U(i"�ocorated �Glianl.lrar' S'cts, 10' ie..a.Cs• foh,,,..r,,. ,,.... •3 . l .Wheat,. tsew t4i old U 75 to (1 7t) GOfYINiiSSIaN B0it1KERS 250, Stone'( iia111beI huts . 1 I ' C'ilsh G0 ing Wheats r :. 0 75 to 0 79 „ 9 1 ;coos, EbP: 2.2:5 Cas.lt; . `e�rrbert;>~orontoStooE$(iliange of t, Lanip f'ol` q I.J�: I'icuteiltlJBr, th13 sale I' 1,8 30 C1i1 `y Eley UlU to U 5U•• Flnoanh'urt ct: r, , J .+. 0 2> to 0 26 � to .4. PrfvaitorvirepttlTOItON'10 BtON1'TiPA>;, -MAYY //''yy �l��yy a8 to U 5i) N ft YORK CIIICA ` , r /J R O jBI . P -S ..::.. .......... U 5t1 � r � � r „1x0, au ., ples,(winter))perbbl 1 0( to l., 50 OIL CITY. In 1.'11 roQePi0t0111' StoC)t ttn8 never >aier aafan dote,- All on' PatoQs......... 0 45 to, C1 5C) o „i as fft-W ' Iiabiit ort Ours int,, ` STOCTf9, I30NL?S_ GI%AIN P cell, Wtillmts, Altnonds,•bl,ll)bitsl. Gi1)iir•ehoner ere,? nxx. n and v 1. flet ...::... . .....r:.. ,. ROVIS y, l d % sk . att sold fie U 14 to U 1.5 . clleal)asttu.+cllaapest. Call iii anrl`see .what \rat.. fire 44; iftrhws wit) IONS and OIL, bolfght and sold b y t O(31 ].It . .:.: 0 15 tci 0' 17 ' far cash nt' h,ut cin. BAKINGt'I'ti3VDIM andJONA+S 1?1Ttxs4li)IiING I'XtY€AY11% To t:vet• � ptil •et aser. y:r ......., ....r.....: ti W C6. ''0 OU ?r..._ our storo_ollilaecetitber 24th ago wih••.�+ti%.n I)t.vorated Cil) ni ' ' y ,) l iii .k 5 5() to b '4)' . Cx,,X1\Tn 01 qx, 'XCO ; 1 .. tri Saucer• 1'Ve or G n,ly ...,:.... ....i..s .r.• , , y q»atrtity of'4oadvlllitterr, ],hgs, PtSftltryr Potatoes find 1P8arl;.in exelranga,for );nods,, dvrooti .1 00 to 4 (N) Lorrter Rattotihitry h,id Albert stat, Give tis A CaW it will pay yoll, ...... r ..r.r.. 0 00 to U 00 .+� M ' )f'. r Jac rQ ..... g, too 21) *son ^"^. 1THEM /�{/�� Th. �l .1 CtltitPn,,,TulJ.14,88$w �JA/ U. iJ a ' r • r . _ • QT (3' AT TIIU- THE DRYIItLGOO'D'S. PALA,O E. .0 0-0-0-o'.0— ' p WOOLLEN GOODS. somewhat Ovvintrn to the esnitillllell fine wlaatUer for the past xlios,th we find our si:ocl,; of y be��,�•ier than it.sbould be at this ,seaso>a of the year, and in order to clear them .out..before , the''edncl of the season, we have ' +' SARK MIHI:3�11.1 SOWN r To prices that will, suit the -closest bia�,yers. Jast opened out, aucither Case of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS. THE MRNtLE .QEPARTMENT is a u�^L �rR1iG1 ' cess—a splendid assortment of Cloths to choose from and at .Vopular Prices, � s w « .0 `�' �,�% �1 epi e� �'�• e� �• � �` %�®. Joie' - ♦Y NEVANy W �A, �i Q s Va oe J. ' HOD GENS, : Even Farmer-SAOU.Iff get aViews- ecor Imarla ' < <. r A Ha,�PY New. dear To A�l� nilnlsttration, ,by their opponents. ELECTORS OF. ST.OEOi;GE'SWARD. ° A most aollsplclous ono t{as-,Turn- my's printing office to 3 ll «d over b „ L&DIR» AND GK9iLRMRX t liavirlg bocri requeFt• N. o� �+ '�r�'�: d 11_lr ed by a largo d)uruber of my tcllow , ." o mi•cra to � '} � .CL:.9. the {wind it hate boon '"'b10{t taro allow nlyselt to bo nutuiunted for YubI�Q,Scbool ;. 9' lrustoofo"'it ' tliroi gh its ¢pluntns. 'of Tato. After 're oust rn"d Xea>v tt ill {{'red, T ueoeded tQ their In making his bt)w, )could beg to spy ihat: 9 , • 1 y tisk your votes to Diouf Zhyllu thalikiu•� itis Dill custo,ners anti tit th0 111'OCe$SiOn hr0i){0)lild(d 1110 uic. If elected I s""hall (to my bust to -oconom. t110i a •, n 4 a l)3'IACNI)ill streets 'Lt C119181'8t d. at all i'irlly nitd. Qllicicntly gunrd•yqur.iutor,ars {n•the "'s 1 �tQ be ltlalry fn1` tll_ 11UUra1 llph'CHagC 1 , lreutisale, t:.- ���� l so �eactpusly ehtendeil to )tint iu the stat aarl hour, feoling.'slit►sfied, timl; Yours, - ,, Past'. Y r o hal is U strict a'tturition ) ,` y to l,u, ales• and. S. J. ANUIiEW$. ; . ;11ery hn(1 not liouli aa' much en v LoNlq,hbl tl e IIFST G1iS)ton,aan. S, Iss7.. g 11.51 CxOODS at the ;husiasnl in our burg for a. number L011rLST 1'lIIC},:5, to iilurft a ;reuc�tnl of r� their Confidence i�trtll su,pliol't• He .ollcts• )f y�Oal$. :, NOTQ•0E. i extrtr- i do iu . The ladies of . the •, M-Ullodist. � sli aireh. bterc have, been 'busy -64 Tato nlriF. AN'Q4AI..htL•'L•"PINt3 of tbo a) otn •er» of N yn !V t, -/4-. �1I 1 tlio Tonal»blpnt ttullett Agricultirc.uaciuty �w veucso{I. s' : .L eti.- ]ral.Jug preparations 'for,' holding- willbuholdatNonnody'sllotol,ou'1'hln•sday,l8t, hell annual teal)) et�llttr, It '' lust„ at I o'clock p: ol, for the election t,t ufx- p11n' r- e. is to em ro the r aingin price from 255. to r ensuing_ year.. Tberc;.svill also be , + 10 .1101(1 on t11Q 10th' in8t 1ti . th0 'rresented astaten)cnt of receipts and n sliursc- 11''ltlI C. 111.18L111a,9 GAO' .(Is h0 Xriln'+'+°o.. hall. A£ eli 'll ; ), r- 11106 Of the Society for the past year. a A t n�w>l , par- . i$ troll su )ileal tlrrcet NEW FSR N. iloB'ox pl : UiTS�s 4 U - IA N SON, .n a . a a:.' r 1tn of tl7c h . od 1 tl - t, n s re wll,l ... _::'•—f�ant-T.�asto-r-u-of-imes: .._.._r__ ---•.,—_ .,' �:.____ , y Socretiirx,--- -_ ^- tic., l'ro�tdol)f,... _._ �� ,_ - - _ otire to ;tl' e. rorty lerance hall where 'He sells th i 'a ISINS X.laclt Basket, Landon Ta`'etr < '= 1. - e n , t t110 tow- Valencia; Laveis, See(Iloss, ete. 'also \' 11r ovel'ttl'of thi3 ministers will aciclross est prie(1 and just' to CU1tItAN`l'S Figs, Layer t he and•ience. A:'' good rt)arontnmQ :. 1�i90TlS'iC >, , ye Dates, 1lmoutl, g p' b suit Ilio •trines; l+ilberf and` Wallatits-nll fresh from the• f music ''has been elc +' b $ etvd 15 .,ire r Y T lane of growth.., rx Tile annual meat n,• of^ � t f? 1 . AN ]l'A it)11T I � • ' i ,.. that . fgiCilln 1 .14t1 t raf l , �F.. r T 1 n` C 1 t c.Gr I o China • a il(� (: and, r , , h Pre In •' �, o r su a o. O 1 S)' e y Jt1 Nile o. t.cf rnJ Com tun •' •' r . ♦ v twl_$ e 1 i Ctrl y . L 0 tl .11111 1 be bel in -the ei , G .S'1 tics• ''' l S1 1 s d t vn ,. I;I('rlt:te:rs a t h�•, , alla • rowd'.ed. hall, Seaford), on Friday-,. that 21st, da)• Of .lana.. GlaAwal'e, Ile 1Poulli L+'ssm Y('Isy� of ill kinds: trey, 1887. at the hour of one o'clock, ra s ' u. gn for :and hlsll: kxtaTs-1'Uar>'rti;•Coltrr; 'pail • e -o a the purpo»sof.recetci0};ahcnrnu:rlstutynignt,of. •. •' $fly 10 one flnCl all; • the company, electing directors and oilier 'bus;- F )tlt$Cl']t S r 1' SUUCATUSII, all lit: • )I iltiWh lltil•l 4':'Se. N AND A130 UT TUE COUNTY. ness. ,0z 1 • a v and best 1 Also .a lirg Tl}OS,E. RAYS, W.' J. SH.AIjNQN, of ` Wire, just go ' 10 . be stud; of _ President , .. - ,. kewatarl. cllllla NAB. That t{.aa a lutldcn gtrange deat.lr ��. Crock ery; °04intL 11T1(1 G1ctiSSVPr1T2 f Nin-: Ilen.iy •fill, •of lied Bit y; - houglit ill the bests markets nild bit the ren, oith-Bruce, formorly of Stephen, �" niu'stiavorablete•1 _ „r q .• ,us. I►a c1.►'1`➢DjiiVeS )' +,tg7 r 1 lch • occurred ill : tlle'1 csi(lcuce of. . f• >tu B'c:1 Tutt �� ,. $'* eq .>Lar,tl i.e►llet lsetsor' is brother-in-la{v,• A'Tr: )Vin: Balk- -ill � Call' iflld 1'IOt1''nlll'•DlS :ill, xetei,on- Ai:ouda + of ;last CAPE r y. L _)Ct]It1l.TQ�11, 1LtAIlL�aAl, eek.. 'W•Gill and wife ]lad* come... ' 11 ltlntla of It<tll`r Nont ali taken fha �=1i A )'Txcte3+'t$ spend the fi'sttvo$Qason, :. SECTCO:�-CiRASD-NAIIEOWeTos•.mryR _ , excllau4o foie Goods. ad repaired to the residoiice of N%r. ' i 6 !:! 7 y / t H . I ?1 �'t, llbtir . ' T'r�% , !� 2C v s or1•a�e alki''t ' 1' ,b�•taeitoft: � R (� ,(��j�T { 1 I ti•horU Ito nrriveti a i fir-. ' f � lU>,J�1JiJli ` ' ' ' ) 1 � .. Chln�� will Albert -St, �� Cl��:. - �on1 �+ xtly..in. good) hc,•ilth. E4-rl ,';'taxh _ - Y'F. ALED Ti�.NI)EI A' nd r •ab , ittlrait •eve11•inrc'he. A11' $ , d ed torho•under y , o C 18.�1`Uln •fi' :.»ti;ard•a,id cudarsctl"Tcnd6rs ` • tur•l,apq'uro, gg a ton Railwriv"'will'be'roce'c'r i - >Onr'8ta . , t eJ at this oftice u ' , oltu and ALE: U. thin - 1 �>� . [7b . a ;tq nooa on 1 11111 wdtr�, ' or ccs l) - - i`� . • '�yyp�' gp.�� rat i,' t da) Of Jnuuury,; ®..2L'�•.✓I� N' • BOA,��,��`�'�i �- Ig' 118 was. .1ltyinry' Ofl, cannht 1887, for•eQrfitin korks'oreonsEr •tl n •-- -'�` 9a - n. a o Plans apd proxies will be o )on forgilia cation 4 llrl alld $t00(1 _hint 'erect. 1It lya '"trttlie Oliice of th4 Chief. En �incor till il. GCltera Ata,i:i to 1 i '' D ''(lyll1s10i1 ; liQ, beCa111C llllCOn- F r off 6bueralment' Raiht'ttys at' Ottawa,, t At mrd also at tho oltice of the CO .a 6rcton the 24tY < Y� i0,149.and IIOVer spoke after, dyt•lli^•, •utl«ort Ilnwkesbatry, c, tl., on.und atcerthe 27th ' above stated.' • He had .attmuea day. of Decooibcr,.18cto,whoathe general specifi• _ .. cations and' fdrnt•of tender 1pay bo obtained u on •,f� IS ago of 51 yealls.. arpplluirtiou: p Iii+, L"UrCh'l$e Of _ mq tt-nd r will he an b r t1ie Latest _ c tcrtnlned attic»» on on of - ltbe'printed forms and all the,i,tindit;oua aro :complied with. The recentretreat.4dud mis ' �^t . s10nC• By.order, A, P.' at9 n RA LEY I tl n Old th 1' 1' li 1 (� Ole IU JJ l (, rhe, 1 c 9 of 1: e tt c 2 b �. Q Seer, tri. r . n I a h,da. ;a•' o $tit ii d 0 8 e#1'ect oI tie Do t. of Rnilunt» n xl Caii ) 1t ale Ottntta 16"b* nights of Labor:'' A ulinllter of.. ` Deo., 188U, 423.3' 1 •n :. At 0 e 17aV0'1'C 1 $ n4d iiI oril'Ar Ci..- pn^' . h• lI){ted ter-pati.tzoi�iar_..aol�_..tlt��aeza: �...___. _`1rR�1�_�i=E=�-F=9R 1.he most`t onilelfuT vale' a offoi'ec iu this section. S1re veuture't11e.Rss r� Ont. dtion ':that..tl;c = aro .b fat's the Cheapest A AHP into the onclosura of Ilio stth»ciiber lot y pest Eatifs 'in the (OL1Ii ' Of Illll' (y ) oli;: t]oi,ailii edrtoi'141 LC :%02lYtL- V 41, Bayfield emicQssim,, Godllrieh totYuslf > , • c,; :• Litt or.about:tho'lot November, ifti,olw bei er Call. Lalli ,Litt)) BCClT1'e:a''ba]'galll'bef'01'e lite ;al'C, ;till solei... cZc 1 n eras'ti terns boldin that Ilio rJsi,tp two y.e:rrn vl,ltnaidy, roil lust) Of a roan1i • ' y esent national lnovenielit'is:an in- color: T$Q'ownor w,iii loaso_'_irove property_ q rw - pay Qnponse8 ultd take tbo atdmal awnyr • The Dress . and : Mantle la ,► o Catton Of a 8p11'lt of illSnbUr4lina 42831 {t;I4LIAAIL. REED. } alp7g. )n wid'revolt, Vvhioh beiu« fostorod - 1 , b I�'lhlantler ..-Cut; ; F n/ loug.tho pooplo; illi, burst ou.t at tie. V/fai( y f � i! y grvop iuonlen't and ..bo attended:, arm .-. Town' y' : � th rho most, doplorablo Aonse- AND— 00, D ETLOrl + 1l�LLAGE PROPERTY ACHAN."El"': 11f13y ttte }leo. a: 1:. �Q �.Il 1ve11. at tho:klt'tholtt ai:a n, S% i..E.'% i ionfort'li, on Dee.'.Oth, Ali..' John lien, HE EXECUTORS DI ':' NO, /� A*1 xRCTSfCCS of Ghc)f Salford, to 11Ii88) :!bulla `1IIOn1I)8on,L Lat'te of the Into AW2l`04l•Rttm*offor for sale'bi" ,r rho followut valuable•,ro .., • . - .tho tottu of Undellcll. � t perry, Mattel,.-RYr 'r Building ,A/.IG1i;-COLI;:.—At the re8irlr;tlC;n of g LotK numbers d20 and 421,, jn.thu `' � Totan'ot uodorieh, uarternf tut note ench, fairly 4 w o he bridt s brotUer, by' the Re. J, X+', tencet and verydosintble'tor: baiklh'»autwsQs.. + _ " - fib, I Howell; or, Scfitm'th, '31t»a S, Gt)1'ei. `leo-' 1111f abre frhntln ..Alin Road .Town b +" 1' Oof 8 , , sip of `�'i L. AdamGlaz,er .both,o.Hallett. letloh Hein art -_ -' _'.:8: .o �- s� r f f t p nt lot d 1p. nit 3tattl:intl � {J !� �'�L� • Concession of the said 'Pok•nship. Niab [rinnptQ " cottage an:r frahtestnhla: " Wo,tvlIl fie)):.any ariicl'o:in our tn,meltsa stocl( of CRne?t(lui,: Ass). CrLtss illlLt�l'j,I 3. l ot.naitther 8, tionth iide of,lfilJar atrocb.Iicna- r . ; r., t , ;C . _ .. ruillbri-Vill0tot• of un•atire., Sai,au,fialue,dwuil• v _ {tAI1F; at a I�f. T U �\.l Ul+ 1(J ISI.II GI4 1 f:(J1i• U 1S1 AVARD.- Ii1. Blytl'on the 18t of .Tan,., guy. p•� 1io wife'of It. [Inward of a al ,ht - THINK, T' a, l b u. Bnikling, lots- hutuliors R08annd.804,''iti tl+c . JUST S� Ti� 0 � • � V � � �rr ' Town oP:Ulmt.on, .q,gnrter oG an attire cath,;luau, $'Y5' 00 C11ina Tori Seta -44 )feces f ' + ` + ,' tifullysftttattxiOttsoGtli'slde•of (Jaron atrcot f +. , pieces , Ol.::,r ..:..,.: .:,$113 50 (,itsl>;;, I➢G ,O'll'11.1' � rtdr)y renabd:. . 8" 00 (.Irina .Lea S'cts, 4-t );aces fol::.....:....:. ,, r 2U +�. The Lastlralf of Lota2,son..1.1, West Wawan s, 00 China �lttla SC).t�• 44 tCCOa' f01 I 01�i:--Ln Blyth, last x!edt, ut, his. ash• ood'ln ,. p > •.•.••••, ,. a 40 C o,ill';' Ir land, GU to Kill ro 15 '00 Decorated D1 itler '0 Cash., 1. Sts 1 L9 tr r Rth'i a 1'e8i IUtiG:, Dr, Ant11 blCCaa nminddr•ti�jryered; about 4•,milos=from i;u!11, Ott, , ice&. f01' .................. I 1 r 3 uU ;1411, of Listuwell, ill his 27 year. atnd•afronl Winghatn;gbodrriand 11 00 Decorated Diilnel`,Sets 104 piece a For further particulars aptity to 1 1 8, tG11 ..•:.:..,:...a::.,v ' 9' 90 f,.aell t. _ ,� , $ OO Decorate() Uolltb►uution Sets,. 85 ]ytC2Cst for..,:.:,,,,.. 7' 20 � E. CAffP10N, '; •. , r , .,r ., . • AiA11I 'i':•I11;i'l1ItTS.' 4fe•tt Barrister, (ig11Qr►et, 0 00 Decorated Stone 1•o-&,ts;.4.4 IJiece:),. for,.. .......... 5 40 (;ash 'l`ea,5ets,'44 ).);aces, for... ,',r.:+.::,_ 3 1 (;fish'• (Corrected epory3 50 Decorated Iv 'Puosdxr atteruuon,.), 2 25 .StOIle'l+C?a rC't?t • r' . CLINTON: o ''v •7 6, 4• pIQCOR, ,t 01 ,;rr. �..y,.......,,'r ....�....r. 0,x'1 {iaF11;: �✓ 5' 00 Decorated' Chatu'lo-Tr, Se s 10 r , t iters fur..:...: ltt1•z..':*.....,.w..>:+.rrr•(C4-(�()-t0 -. __ - , .., ._. ., ........_._..., .-_-�L_�.Lflr-IZ.ti3t._ ..-'- . �....= ,30• --- _ ----�- ---- '� � U(i"�ocorated �Glianl.lrar' S'cts, 10' ie..a.Cs• foh,,,..r,,. ,,.... •3 . l .Wheat,. tsew t4i old U 75 to (1 7t) GOfYINiiSSIaN B0it1KERS 250, Stone'( iia111beI huts . 1 I ' C'ilsh G0 ing Wheats r :. 0 75 to 0 79 „ 9 1 ;coos, EbP: 2.2:5 Cas.lt; . `e�rrbert;>~orontoStooE$(iliange of t, Lanip f'ol` q I.J�: I'icuteiltlJBr, th13 sale I' 1,8 30 C1i1 `y Eley UlU to U 5U•• Flnoanh'urt ct: r, , J .+. 0 2> to 0 26 � to .4. PrfvaitorvirepttlTOItON'10 BtON1'TiPA>;, -MAYY //''yy �l��yy a8 to U 5i) N ft YORK CIIICA ` , r /J R O jBI . P -S ..::.. .......... U 5t1 � r � � r „1x0, au ., ples,(winter))perbbl 1 0( to l., 50 OIL CITY. In 1.'11 roQePi0t0111' StoC)t ttn8 never >aier aafan dote,- All on' PatoQs......... 0 45 to, C1 5C) o „i as fft-W ' Iiabiit ort Ours int,, ` STOCTf9, I30NL?S_ GI%AIN P cell, Wtillmts, Altnonds,•bl,ll)bitsl. Gi1)iir•ehoner ere,? nxx. n and v 1. flet ...::... . .....r:.. ,. ROVIS y, l d % sk . att sold fie U 14 to U 1.5 . clleal)asttu.+cllaapest. Call iii anrl`see .what \rat.. fire 44; iftrhws wit) IONS and OIL, bolfght and sold b y t O(31 ].It . .:.: 0 15 tci 0' 17 ' far cash nt' h,ut cin. BAKINGt'I'ti3VDIM andJONA+S 1?1Ttxs4li)IiING I'XtY€AY11% To t:vet• � ptil •et aser. y:r ......., ....r.....: ti W C6. ''0 OU ?r..._ our storo_ollilaecetitber 24th ago wih••.�+ti%.n I)t.vorated Cil) ni ' ' y ,) l iii .k 5 5() to b '4)' . Cx,,X1\Tn 01 qx, 'XCO ; 1 .. tri Saucer• 1'Ve or G n,ly ...,:.... ....i..s .r.• , , y q»atrtity of'4oadvlllitterr, ],hgs, PtSftltryr Potatoes find 1P8arl;.in exelranga,for );nods,, dvrooti .1 00 to 4 (N) Lorrter Rattotihitry h,id Albert stat, Give tis A CaW it will pay yoll, ...... r ..r.r.. 0 00 to U 00 .+� M ' )f'. r Jac rQ ..... g, too 21) *son ^"^. 1THEM /�{/�� Th. �l .1 CtltitPn,,,TulJ.14,88$w �JA/ U. iJ a ' r •