HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 5R�
91e *i,sh all our , cu' stomers-
'.NOW Oaf
t * i_
was to voto to Ivit in neon «hot;, the
wuntl;y (lit.) not know,, '•)lie QUI le'
3nni ;be Stihl in- iogard to tllo
Study your oµ•u interest and %p athero
!)o)uiniolt contditt, And fourthly;
lnrl nt(i,t impoi'tilnt, of . all, 'thc
eau gqt
Rel lab) a :. � am
zsucs tvi!'l bc,dill'eluu't ; t1iA•seetnrian
._ , e ss.
wy Will not be riltsed . and if there
1 U1ag11taCt•U rQ )ilio blit Il1Q IIIc»T eF STOCK.,
s -till 'su cilienc ill the 1. F.,ns a
Ilxn•nrc of,tXeQps flea4 sell oheap, rtx they have
Uutf Bn lave : Ute' kali andgat priCos• Orders
rtllxiflg cry, Sir john..will bet the,
' by arall,proulpflA attended to.
hun'eii't o'f'it: _
I_T- 03a N(' T.
IIARNI:SS" EltiP0l;I1111,'BL-VIP11, ONT.
_ ___ SCiti1T11'i,1�71aTil\IQ�T.
So it appears that tlle'll`On.J.' Til'
lilglin one of tile, editors of the `ror-.
Into Globe bas .been' d6w•n- by . the
Regular meeting of the L._L,
936 i11 their hall on Monday night.
on consulting with the c essionl st8'
CNov.a'fic0tit as to their.progranlrne
Air.: Jaures . Hdwitt' of Gr-hnsty,.
rir the apfi oacbfng DduArtion Dioc
forerly of t)i>t; .tawny is, visiting
116 has bead • doing riziasionary'
fritruels' liege' -
rork, and the following extracts.'
3,11r. Dougal. Till err of IfidAilton, :1
roti his receticspeeches 'sutiioiently-,ss
spending hi1q Noty Yeiit's 1lolitlays •, i
ndicate the mnlint i in which he has
with friouds hero.
;one it.. Tile tilriff there is a vexed
uestion the, (frit eleinen't Cil ;that
- ,Satuiclay being New Yetis-cPay, it :,4
)rdvin6,e )las always lle6n•op;posetl to
was 'o'bserved here as.a holiday, all.
L, so Mr. A llgl'lil. tells :there that the
places' o£ business- were closed..
W-ional Policy'.is to be, done away..i.
rith and that there is to be 'rat c,oul
Niryl tl, )racier ifte,ecti n
° Y 1 > aro being
Mete c11ange in •th6 character and
`T".1d ib . I'resbyterran, church
one .of the whole fiscal .policy',f' en
'this {geek• c
ailing firet, the. removal of the flout
' • •DTI:'. Robert. • Durri'io'n of tbo '
iaties. Thea, "a Ljberral .GOverri• .I.Queon's
Hotel' g#tve a buil and su.p-
Ment, if lu tower, will, I think,' W
lt�ie to arrange that. question soiilQ•:
, 1
per oil New Yoars . e"ve. 1'i•ihprug
what to the satis,la'atiou of the peo-.,-
file ;li"hlit •fanttistic wits'-indul-Ld in
Zile of Nova Scotia.." In addition to
'anti .tlio Logo. still. hours.
this; "If the Liberal 'tmrty were Ih(
_Xamhiation. for school Thlrstocs
power to: morrow, Mr. Illitke wotald•
i ivlts 6.11... In t;lroe''0mu o' 111111 - on I
lie willing to, re eonsider-the whole
plan -of Confedettttion, and not
1%1ednesdnyc D'Tessrs; R. I-1You .nn
)n•ly to give you more for your rat l
find .Alos6i, xolocted :13Y.d Jit1l?os Me-c
Geo; Juni:, eleoted, in ilico 6f Afr.
ways, k,ut'aceord to your necessities
tlI that you entitled, to. He
I .r.
J6iuCs Awleers013-rCtiTfng.
mould be willing to look nt ;the
')'lie an:nlvcl l'try services, of rho 'It
vhole question fairlyw,'ith the' eye
)f justice, not to be too exg6ting (o.
Tpiscopal,ehut. li'livre wi'L! beheld n
:he smalie'r Provinces, but to give.
oil' Sunday next. Tli'e' Poo. ''.1\ii?. si
ottt;g' of .Lond'on. will' preach
,hetu Lor4i,4+&&fe-•-m-ore every'
;ban:th+*y arestrictly entitled to.,)
., , a
111o1e aro to betltioe services. J`he`, tl
86cessioil first., tariff rc,jeetion. next
'C011•ecti'Un will`' ix) .in .nisi .of .the ''
td it' both Ol.tll('So will not: sufllce,
bUilldi-llg fllll'd;
is the. ' l ext move. The
•iteryr i
o lames 1 truly f •M r
e e s t ly .lie o) , and a8
In'eonse len .
1 ceoft
lzeset.$' ' am
%1 H
Utak) knd Taylor havlua {wthdrasvu
illy honest, as truly in the interests
the oountly;.a.s the "llies,oti• the
f1'onl the contest'f'or ullillici al 1ft 1i
P.' I{
leelf',trovergmen.t of 1S.essrs, Dfi1p '
.ors for •1881, the :114ve tl
enzie, Blake; and Cai t,wright. ,
been elect4d by.ti.cclatnildiou : Diea
srsj lnoclsr-:=i{-7; �aTev; 11IcIvnou aj
- = -
and Wilford.' I'- Koll was ele e ' i n
y... Ct �l .,
Iseeve byf v9 majority. 1'
DI.AR S1Ii,—Will.you,ploaoe allow_
A:tjtllo regular' meeting'' Cid trha 1.aI
e a •alliall Space iu your"pitpee• to
'members. of, the A. F., antll'A. 1tI:,
ply to aletter I sate fii last.lssue of
, G. X' C:; • in, their hall. on. Dm 27 tl'
e Goilerich- Grit pap -or signed by,
e"'Ajax-•-the .jacca; s editor wtlitild
i the following 0"111cers wore dilly in- :ti
• - al
a better uailie for' tlie,lying fool
to wrote • the; letter. Ili the' first
stalled; A, Diuidock, Ll.
' D: (.ari�er,' e5, 1V.; Sant' Gidley, J. t
ace lie kuo:ws very well,tlia.t-tht'
'W.; J. Iottel,'lreas , C. E ltnne'r;'
,me of this "dilapidated" burg has
Sec.; E. Alountcastles 1, G. '. J.`
eu changed to that of Saltforl"If
-G, ;math, `Tyler; hast Allister tilrilson,
t, he must .'be a bugger fool than,
1►ought he wits:. XUt •all tj)Coplo of
oelli;cnco :know that hv' )las not
The ftinelal of the late Dr. A.
Gins onou„h to• puuud sand, if I
ly be allowed to usd a slanr;phraso. •
Slon,l, of 'L' lstoti•e1, Logit'. place bu
Sattli-1 . from his fathei'siesidonce 4
tlto s su(i plact;:Izg Says. so)xly-
}tole,,. followed by about 80 sleiglis,
iug about voting4or wbiskey'aud
headed ;by the Blyth band.. As '.GI
trytisfll: I ti•ot11d like 'to );like Ajafx
he -had been -•a ino' I or of both the '
le'ever , dranle whiske3°, Ido not
Aw ,•lttlt I -have: Seen. him drunk
,>1Tflsonic Order and O: I+Or:csters:
a �e()Clly number Of •the: brotbran•�of- '.
oui;h _to'lie down anti, foeF u}lavart
' the ,,.trO,lI11CI, lltlt still ilU lil'l ll,t
both Urdel•a some er ii'a di
# 9... 8taij0e,' .
ve had a fainting; fit: 'As to Tor
were -in ,attandan0; . They miirchecl
iu to, t11e ill Hl
u, thU majority of tba
1lrocessiotl . so end- of
rf,ba.vo iubelligonde.opo.6gh to 00te
the village ,wllel'e. aleiglls' were:.ju
g;oo,:t goverutnent- gild against '.
ehbisliop Lynch and rebels. ,'tin-
waiting to to take tbein' to the
Tj'tiian conaeletty.., At the grave the
ligeub rubel voters "are .like hens''
lth, few and far between, as all we
liltsonic•bt i4t sorvice was canduct-
Vo have living in-thc blrrg are very
eel -oyer the, departed brother, . The
pmfents o.f. rho •deceiisod. nlan-
V. .Bat tile. lead ng.oues is
clan that canvassed- this part of ,have
young . .
the sympathy the wllole '
) COUllty with 8a. potitiun•'fpr the•
community ill llleir' beveavelawnt.
eft Act' itutl. only the other day
The” allrt lfsorbing topic for a {reek '
.Sent 111.:4 son. 'tat. town' for
isk'ey'ttlluci l to by Ajax,and :on
.I)asthas been who would bo the reeve
ftax.'-1.-687-It was dooided-on,D'Ion-s---l'-1
r {s iwsw l7 e filo boy fcllil0"' rda
9 one of our w1liskey l+oriosl' as
in ill .'Oi-Ange 'hit11: Dell . re . Tiff
?' O Y •
►x calls us i °ku him
Piz -Iced c d r up: and,
eel{ e(1 123 and • Yotin 94 votes,: a. 51,
g. � B)t
,ed part efthe hovorat;(t for. his
majority. of 29 for )wily: Ill tllie'° 0
1. Ili conclusion 1.4681 to toll,
ovening there was a torchlight p1'o- Ir(
tx or ,lackt,�ss.,q> .Whatever is his�'OnAsion
hom id by':tho baud, P,- •Al
)per name; tli,l,t' if lie ever feels
lined to vist.tl. our 'little burg to'
1{clly ,being drawn by men and I'o
Id us. word and. lie ntay rely on ,ai11U
td reception.. C1lanktuR ysutklntl•
boys iii it cutterti's the And of the
1'OCOs$lon VF�ttl'0n .�@
p °sat' illuminated
For the spatia 1ut,yiour paorn.,Lrel.
viows�and iilscrilltitbtls got up by Po
the Blyth - 0•trtoonta.4, of what ]Las Co
OUY(I .tr U1 , ,111)
)tined, in Our bug"
11 o for the past) BeIl(,
A1px,A Il;En1SLt., "few
y�BarS.s a alnst, t1le Melly
• QT
.0 0-0-0-o'.0—
' p WOOLLEN GOODS. somewhat
Ovvintrn to the esnitillllell fine wlaatUer for the past xlios,th we find our si:ocl,; of y
be��,�•ier than it.sbould be at this ,seaso>a of the year, and in order to clear them .out..before ,
the''edncl of the season, we have '
+' SARK MIHI:3�11.1 SOWN r
To prices that will, suit the -closest bia�,yers.
Jast opened out, aucither Case of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS. THE MRNtLE .QEPARTMENT is a u�^L
�rR1iG1 '
cess—a splendid assortment of Cloths to choose from and at .Vopular Prices, � s w
« .0
`�' �,�% �1 epi e� �'�• e� �• � �` %�®.
Joie' - ♦Y NEVANy W �A, �i Q s Va oe J. ' HOD GENS, :
Even Farmer-SAOU.Iff get aViews- ecor Imarla ' < <. r
A Ha,�PY New. dear To A�l�
nilnlsttration, ,by their opponents. ELECTORS OF. ST.OEOi;GE'SWARD. °
A most aollsplclous ono t{as-,Turn-
my's printing office to 3 ll «d over b „ L&DIR» AND GK9iLRMRX t liavirlg bocri requeFt• N. o� �+ '�r�'�:
d 11_lr ed by a largo d)uruber of my tcllow , ." o mi•cra to � '} � .CL:.9.
the {wind it hate boon '"'b10{t taro allow nlyselt to bo nutuiunted for YubI�Q,Scbool
tliroi gh its ¢pluntns. 'of Tato. After 're oust rn"d Xea>v tt ill {{'red, T ueoeded tQ their In making his bt)w, )could beg to spy ihat:
9 , • 1 y tisk your votes to Diouf Zhyllu thalikiu•� itis Dill custo,ners anti tit
th0 111'OCe$SiOn hr0i){0)lild(d 1110 uic. If elected I s""hall (to my bust to -oconom. t110i a •, n 4 a
l)3'IACNI)ill streets 'Lt C119181'8t d. at all i'irlly nitd. Qllicicntly gunrd•yqur.iutor,ars {n•the "'s 1 �tQ be ltlalry fn1` tll_ 11UUra1 llph'CHagC
1 , lreutisale, t:.- ���� l so �eactpusly ehtendeil to )tint iu the stat
aarl hour, feoling.'slit►sfied, timl; Yours, - ,, Past'.
Y r o hal is U strict a'tturition ) ,`
y to l,u, ales• and.
S. J. ANUIiEW$. ; .
;11ery hn(1 not liouli aa' much en v LoNlq,hbl tl e IIFST G1iS)ton,aan. S, Iss7.. g 11.51 CxOODS at the
;husiasnl in our burg for a. number L011rLST 1'lIIC},:5, to iilurft a ;reuc�tnl of
r� their Confidence i�trtll su,pliol't• He .ollcts•
)f y�Oal$. :, NOTQ•0E. i extrtr- i do iu .
The ladies of . the •, M-Ullodist. �
sli aireh. bterc have, been 'busy -64 Tato nlriF. AN'Q4AI..htL•'L•"PINt3 of tbo a) otn •er» of N yn !V t, -/4-. �1I
1 tlio Tonal»blpnt ttullett Agricultirc.uaciuty �w veucso{I. s' : .L eti.-
]ral.Jug preparations 'for,' holding- willbuholdatNonnody'sllotol,ou'1'hln•sday,l8t,
hell annual teal)) et�llttr, It '' lust„ at I o'clock p: ol, for the election t,t ufx- p11n' r-
e. is to em ro the r aingin price from 255. to
r ensuing_ year.. Tberc;.svill also be , +
10 .1101(1 on t11Q 10th' in8t 1ti . th0 'rresented astaten)cnt of receipts and n sliursc- 11''ltlI C. 111.18L111a,9 GAO' .(Is h0
Xriln'+'+°o.. hall. A£ eli 'll ; ), r- 11106 Of the Society for the past year.
a A t n�w>l , par- . i$ troll su )ileal tlrrcet NEW FSR
N. iloB'ox
pl : UiTS�s
4 U - IA
.n a . a
a:.' r
of tl7c h .
od 1 tl -
t, n s re wll,l ... _::'•—f�ant-T.�asto-r-u-of-imes: .._.._r__ ---•.,—_ .,' �:.____ ,
y Socretiirx,--- -_ ^- tic., l'ro�tdol)f,... _._ �� ,_ - - _
otire to ;tl' e. rorty lerance hall where 'He sells th i 'a ISINS X.laclt Basket, Landon Ta`'etr < '=
1. - e n , t t110 tow- Valencia; Laveis, See(Iloss, ete. 'also \' 11r
ovel'ttl'of thi3 ministers will aciclross est prie(1 and just' to CU1tItAN`l'S Figs, Layer t
he and•ience. A:'' good rt)arontnmQ :. 1�i90TlS'iC >, , ye Dates, 1lmoutl,
g p' b suit Ilio •trines; l+ilberf and` Wallatits-nll fresh from the•
f music ''has been elc +'
b $ etvd 15 .,ire r
Y T lane of growth.., rx
Tile annual meat n,• of^ � t f? 1 . AN ]l'A it)11T I � • '
i ,.. that . fgiCilln 1 .14t1 t raf l , �F.. r
C 1
t c.Gr
I o China
• a il(�
(: and, r , ,
h Pre In •' �,
o r su a o. O
1 S)' e y Jt1
Nile o. t.cf rnJ Com tun •' •' r . ♦ v
twl_$ e 1 i Ctrl y . L
0 tl .11111 1 be bel in -the ei , G .S'1 tics• '''
l S1 1 s d t vn ,. I;I('rlt:te:rs a t
h�•, , alla •
rowd'.ed. hall, Seaford), on Friday-,. that 21st, da)• Of .lana.. GlaAwal'e, Ile 1Poulli L+'ssm Y('Isy� of ill kinds:
trey, 1887. at the hour of one o'clock, ra s '
u. gn for :and hlsll: kxtaTs-1'Uar>'rti;•Coltrr; 'pail
• e -o a
the purpo»sof.recetci0};ahcnrnu:rlstutynignt,of. •. •' $fly 10 one flnCl all; •
the company, electing directors and oilier 'bus;- F )tlt$Cl']t S r 1' SUUCATUSII, all lit: • )I iltiWh lltil•l 4':'Se.
N AND A130 UT TUE COUNTY. ness. ,0z 1 • a v and best 1 Also .a lirg
Tl}OS,E. RAYS, W.' J. SH.AIjNQN, of ` Wire, just go ' 10 .
be stud; of
_ President , .. -
,. kewatarl. cllllla NAB. That t{.aa a lutldcn gtrange deat.lr ��. Crock ery; °04intL 11T1(1 G1ctiSSVPr1T2
f Nin-: Ilen.iy •fill, •of lied Bit
- houglit ill the bests markets nild bit the
ren, oith-Bruce, formorly of Stephen, �" niu'stiavorablete•1
_ „r q .• ,us. I►a c1.►'1`➢DjiiVeS
)' +,tg7 r
1 lch • occurred ill : tlle'1 csi(lcuce of. . f• >tu B'c:1 Tutt
$'* eq .>Lar,tl i.e►llet lsetsor'
is brother-in-la{v,• A'Tr: )Vin: Balk-
� Call' iflld 1'IOt1''nlll'•DlS
:ill, xetei,on- Ai:ouda + of ;last CAPE r
y. L _)Ct]It1l.TQ�11, 1LtAIlL�aAl,
'W•Gill and wife ]lad* come... ' 11 ltlntla of It<tll`r Nont ali taken fha
�=1i A
)'Txcte3+'t$ spend the fi'sttvo$Qason, :. SECTCO:�-CiRASD-NAIIEOWeTos•.mryR _ ,
excllau4o foie Goods.
ad repaired to the residoiice of N%r. ' i 6 !:!
7 y / t H .
�'t, llbtir . '
T'r�% ,
!� 2C
v s or1•a�e
alki''t ' 1' ,b�•taeitoft: � R (� ,(��j�T
{ 1 I ti•horU Ito nrriveti a i fir-. ' f � lU>,J�1JiJli ` ' ' '
) 1 � .. Chln�� will Albert -St, �� Cl��:. -
�on1 �+
xtly..in. good) hc,•ilth. E4-rl ,';'taxh _ -
Y'F. ALED Ti�.NI)EI A' nd r •ab ,
ittlrait •eve11•inrc'he. A11' $ , d ed torho•under
y , o C 18.�1`Uln •fi' :.»ti;ard•a,id cudarsctl"Tcnd6rs ` •
gg a ton Railwriv"'will'be'roce'c'r i -
>Onr'8ta . , t eJ at this oftice u '
, oltu and ALE: U. thin -
1 �>� .
[7b . a ;tq nooa on 1 11111 wdtr�, ' or ccs l) - - i`� . • '�yyp�' gp.��
rat i,' t da) Of Jnuuury,; ®..2L'�•.✓I� N' • BOA,��,��`�'�i �-
Ig' 118 was. .1ltyinry' Ofl, cannht 1887, for•eQrfitin korks'oreonsEr •tl n •-- -'�` 9a -
n. a o Plans apd proxies will be o )on forgilia cation 4
llrl alld $t00(1 _hint 'erect. 1It lya '"trttlie Oliice of th4 Chief. En �incor till il. GCltera
Ata,i:i to 1 i ''
D ''(lyll1s10i1 ; liQ, beCa111C llllCOn- F r off 6bueralment' Raiht'ttys at' Ottawa,, t At
mrd also at tho oltice of the CO
.a 6rcton the 24tY < Y�
i0,149.and IIOVer spoke after, dyt•lli^•, •utl«ort Ilnwkesbatry, c, tl., on.und atcerthe 27th '
above stated.' • He had .attmuea day. of Decooibcr,.18cto,whoathe general specifi•
_ .. cations and' fdrnt•of tender 1pay bo obtained u on •,f�
IS ago of 51 yealls.. arpplluirtiou: p Iii+, L"UrCh'l$e Of
_ mq tt-nd r will he an b r t1ie Latest
_ c tcrtnlned attic»» on on of
- ltbe'printed forms and all the,i,tindit;oua aro
:complied with.
The recentretreat.4dud
mis ' �^t .
s10nC• By.order,
A, P.'
I tl n
Old th 1' 1' li 1
(� Ole IU JJ
l (, rhe, 1
c 9 of
1: e
tt c
b �.
tri. r .
n I
h,da. ;a•'
o $tit ii
d 0 8 e#1'ect oI tie Do t. of Rnilunt» n xl Caii
) 1t ale
Ottntta 16"b*
nights of Labor:'' A ulinllter of.. ` Deo., 188U, 423.3'
•n :.
At 0
e 17aV0'1'C 1
$ n4d iiI oril'Ar Ci..- pn^' . h•
lI){ted ter-pati.tzoi�iar_..aol�_..tlt��aeza: �...___. _`1rR�1�_�i=E=�-F=9R
1.he most`t onilelfuT vale' a offoi'ec iu this section. S1re veuture't11e.Rss r�
Ont. dtion ':that..tl;c = aro .b fat's the Cheapest A
AHP into the onclosura of Ilio stth»ciiber lot y pest Eatifs 'in the (OL1Ii ' Of Illll'
(y ) oli;:
t]oi,ailii edrtoi'141 LC :%02lYtL- V 41, Bayfield emicQssim,, Godllrieh totYuslf > ,
c,; :• Litt or.about:tho'lot November, ifti,olw bei er Call. Lalli ,Litt)) BCClT1'e:a''ba]'galll'bef'01'e lite ;al'C, ;till solei...
cZc 1 n eras'ti terns boldin that Ilio rJsi,tp two y.e:rrn vl,ltnaidy, roil lust) Of a roan1i • '
esent national lnovenielit'is:an in- color: T$Q'ownor w,iii loaso_'_irove property_ q rw -
pay Qnponse8 ultd take tbo atdmal awnyr • The Dress . and : Mantle la ,► o
Catton Of a 8p11'lt of illSnbUr4lina 42831 {t;I4LIAAIL. REED. } alp7g.
)n wid'revolt, Vvhioh beiu« fostorod -
1 ,
b I�'lhlantler ..-Cut; ; F n/
loug.tho pooplo; illi, burst ou.t at tie. V/fai(
y f � i!
y grvop iuonlen't and ..bo attended:, arm .-. Town'
y' : �
th rho
most, doplorablo Aonse-
AND— 00, D ETLOrl +
11f13y ttte }leo. a: 1:. �Q �.Il 1ve11. at tho:klt'tholtt ai:a n, S% i..E.'% i
ionfort'li, on Dee.'.Oth, Ali..' John lien, HE EXECUTORS DI ':' NO,
/� A*1 xRCTSfCCS of Ghc)f Salford, to 11Ii88) :!bulla `1IIOn1I)8on,L Lat'te of the Into AW2l`04l•Rttm*offor for sale'bi" ,r rho followut valuable•,ro .., • . -
.tho tottu of Undellcll. � t perry, Mattel,.-RYr 'r
,A/.IG1i;-COLI;:.—At the re8irlr;tlC;n of g LotK numbers d20 and 421,, jn.thu `' �
Totan'ot uodorieh, uarternf tut note ench, fairly 4 w o
he bridt s brotUer, by' the Re. J, X+', tencet and verydosintble'tor: baiklh'»autwsQs.. + _ "
- fib, I
Howell; or, Scfitm'th, '31t»a S, Gt)1'ei. `leo-' 1111f abre frhntln ..Alin Road .Town b +"
1' Oof 8 , , sip of `�'i
L. AdamGlaz,er .both,o.Hallett. letloh Hein art -_ -' _'.:8: .o �- s� r
f f t p nt lot d 1p. nit 3tattl:intl � {J !� �'�L�
• Concession of the said 'Pok•nship. Niab [rinnptQ "
cottage an:r frahtestnhla: "
Wo,tvlIl fie)):.any ariicl'o:in our tn,meltsa stocl( of CRne?t(lui,: Ass). CrLtss
illlLt�l'j,I 3. l ot.naitther 8, tionth iide of,lfilJar atrocb.Iicna- r . ; r., t , ;C . _ ..
ruillbri-Vill0tot• of un•atire., Sai,au,fialue,dwuil• v _ {tAI1F; at a I�f. T U �\.l Ul+ 1(J ISI.II GI4 1 f:(J1i• U 1S1
AVARD.- Ii1. Blytl'on the 18t of .Tan,., guy. p•�
1io wife'of It. [Inward of a al ,ht - THINK,
a, l b u. Bnikling, lots- hutuliors R08annd.804,''iti tl+c . JUST S� Ti� 0 � • � V � � �rr '
Town oP:Ulmt.on, .q,gnrter oG an attire cath,;luau, $'Y5' 00 C11ina Tori Seta -44 )feces f ' + ` + ,'
tifullysftttattxiOttsoGtli'slde•of (Jaron atrcot f +. , pieces , Ol.::,r ..:..,.: .:,$113 50 (,itsl>;;,
I➢G ,O'll'11.1' � rtdr)y renabd:. . 8" 00 (.Irina .Lea S'cts, 4-t );aces fol::.....:....:. ,, r 2U +�.
The Lastlralf of Lota2,son..1.1, West Wawan s, 00 China �lttla SC).t�• 44 tCCOa' f01 I
01�i:--Ln Blyth, last x!edt, ut, his. ash• ood'ln ,. p > •.•.••••, ,. a 40 C o,ill';'
Ir land, GU to
Kill ro 15 '00 Decorated D1 itler '0 Cash.,
1. Sts 1 L9 tr r
Rth'i a 1'e8i IUtiG:, Dr, Ant11 blCCaa nminddr•ti�jryered; about 4•,milos=from i;u!11, Ott, , ice&. f01' .................. I
1 r 3 uU
;1411, of Listuwell, ill his 27 year. atnd•afronl Winghatn;gbodrriand 11 00 Decorated Diilnel`,Sets 104 piece a
For further particulars aptity to 1 1 8, tG11 ..•:.:..,:...a::.,v ' 9' 90 f,.aell
t. _ ,� , $ OO Decorate() Uolltb►uution Sets,. 85 ]ytC2Cst for..,:.:,,,,.. 7' 20
E. CAffP10N, '; •. , r , .,r ., . •
AiA11I 'i':•I11;i'l1ItTS.' 4fe•tt Barrister, (ig11Qr►et, 0 00 Decorated Stone 1•o-&,ts;.4.4 IJiece:),. for,.. .......... 5 40 (;ash
'l`ea,5ets,'44 ).);aces, for... ,',r.:+.::,_ 3 1 (;fish'•
(Corrected epory3 50 Decorated Iv
'Puosdxr atteruuon,.), 2 25 .StOIle'l+C?a rC't?t • r' .
CLINTON: o ''v •7 6, 4• pIQCOR, ,t 01 ,;rr. �..y,.......,,'r ....�....r. 0,x'1 {iaF11;:
�✓ 5' 00 Decorated' Chatu'lo-Tr, Se s 10 r ,
t iters fur..:...:
ltt1•z..':*.....,.w..>:+.rrr•(C4-(�()-t0 -. __ - , .., ._. ., ........_._..., .-_-�L_�.Lflr-IZ.ti3t._ ..-'- . �....=
,30• --- _ ----�- ---- '� � U(i"�ocorated �Glianl.lrar' S'cts, 10' ie..a.Cs• foh,,,..r,,. ,,.... •3 .
l .Wheat,. tsew t4i old U 75 to (1 7t) GOfYINiiSSIaN B0it1KERS 250, Stone'( iia111beI huts . 1 I ' C'ilsh
ing Wheats r :. 0 75 to 0 79 „ 9 1 ;coos, EbP: 2.2:5 Cas.lt; .
`e�rrbert;>~orontoStooE$(iliange of t, Lanip f'ol` q I.J�: I'icuteiltlJBr, th13 sale I'
30 C1i1 `y
Eley UlU to U 5U•• Flnoanh'urt ct: r, , J
.+. 0 2> to 0 26 �
to .4. PrfvaitorvirepttlTOItON'10 BtON1'TiPA>;, -MAYY //''yy �l��yy
a8 to U 5i) N ft YORK CIIICA ` , r /J R O jBI . P -S
..::.. .......... U 5t1 � r � � r „1x0, au .,
ples,(winter))perbbl 1 0( to l., 50 OIL CITY. In 1.'11 roQePi0t0111' StoC)t ttn8 never >aier aafan dote,- All on'
PatoQs......... 0 45 to, C1 5C) o „i as fft-W ' Iiabiit ort Ours int,,
` STOCTf9, I30NL?S_ GI%AIN P cell, Wtillmts, Altnonds,•bl,ll)bitsl. Gi1)iir•ehoner ere,? nxx. n and v 1.
flet ...::... . .....r:.. ,. ROVIS y, l d % sk . att sold fie
U 14 to U 1.5 . clleal)asttu.+cllaapest. Call iii anrl`see .what \rat.. fire 44; iftrhws wit)
IONS and OIL, bolfght and sold b y t O(31 ].It .
.:.: 0 15 tci 0' 17 ' far cash nt' h,ut cin. BAKINGt'I'ti3VDIM andJONA+S 1?1Ttxs4li)IiING I'XtY€AY11% To t:vet• � ptil •et aser.
y:r ......., ....r.....: ti W C6. ''0 OU ?r..._ our storo_ollilaecetitber 24th ago wih••.�+ti%.n I)t.vorated Cil) ni ' ' y ,) l iii
.k 5 5() to b '4)' . Cx,,X1\Tn 01 qx, 'XCO ; 1 .. tri Saucer• 1'Ve or G n,ly
...,:.... ....i..s .r.• , , y q»atrtity of'4oadvlllitterr, ],hgs, PtSftltryr Potatoes find 1P8arl;.in exelranga,for );nods,,
dvrooti .1 00 to 4 (N) Lorrter Rattotihitry h,id Albert stat, Give tis A CaW it will pay yoll,
...... r ..r.r.. 0 00 to U 00 .+� M '
)f'. r Jac rQ ..... g,
too 21) *son ^"^. 1THEM /�{/�� Th. �l
.1 CtltitPn,,,TulJ.14,88$w �JA/ U.
iJ a
' r
• QT
.0 0-0-0-o'.0—
' p WOOLLEN GOODS. somewhat
Ovvintrn to the esnitillllell fine wlaatUer for the past xlios,th we find our si:ocl,; of y
be��,�•ier than it.sbould be at this ,seaso>a of the year, and in order to clear them .out..before ,
the''edncl of the season, we have '
+' SARK MIHI:3�11.1 SOWN r
To prices that will, suit the -closest bia�,yers.
Jast opened out, aucither Case of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS. THE MRNtLE .QEPARTMENT is a u�^L
�rR1iG1 '
cess—a splendid assortment of Cloths to choose from and at .Vopular Prices, � s w
« .0
`�' �,�% �1 epi e� �'�• e� �• � �` %�®.
Joie' - ♦Y NEVANy W �A, �i Q s Va oe J. ' HOD GENS, :
Even Farmer-SAOU.Iff get aViews- ecor Imarla ' < <. r
A Ha,�PY New. dear To A�l�
nilnlsttration, ,by their opponents. ELECTORS OF. ST.OEOi;GE'SWARD. °
A most aollsplclous ono t{as-,Turn-
my's printing office to 3 ll «d over b „ L&DIR» AND GK9iLRMRX t liavirlg bocri requeFt• N. o� �+ '�r�'�:
d 11_lr ed by a largo d)uruber of my tcllow , ." o mi•cra to � '} � .CL:.9.
the {wind it hate boon '"'b10{t taro allow nlyselt to bo nutuiunted for YubI�Q,Scbool
tliroi gh its ¢pluntns. 'of Tato. After 're oust rn"d Xea>v tt ill {{'red, T ueoeded tQ their In making his bt)w, )could beg to spy ihat:
9 , • 1 y tisk your votes to Diouf Zhyllu thalikiu•� itis Dill custo,ners anti tit
th0 111'OCe$SiOn hr0i){0)lild(d 1110 uic. If elected I s""hall (to my bust to -oconom. t110i a •, n 4 a
l)3'IACNI)ill streets 'Lt C119181'8t d. at all i'irlly nitd. Qllicicntly gunrd•yqur.iutor,ars {n•the "'s 1 �tQ be ltlalry fn1` tll_ 11UUra1 llph'CHagC
1 , lreutisale, t:.- ���� l so �eactpusly ehtendeil to )tint iu the stat
aarl hour, feoling.'slit►sfied, timl; Yours, - ,, Past'.
Y r o hal is U strict a'tturition ) ,`
y to l,u, ales• and.
S. J. ANUIiEW$. ; .
;11ery hn(1 not liouli aa' much en v LoNlq,hbl tl e IIFST G1iS)ton,aan. S, Iss7.. g 11.51 CxOODS at the
;husiasnl in our burg for a. number L011rLST 1'lIIC},:5, to iilurft a ;reuc�tnl of
r� their Confidence i�trtll su,pliol't• He .ollcts•
)f y�Oal$. :, NOTQ•0E. i extrtr- i do iu .
The ladies of . the •, M-Ullodist. �
sli aireh. bterc have, been 'busy -64 Tato nlriF. AN'Q4AI..htL•'L•"PINt3 of tbo a) otn •er» of N yn !V t, -/4-. �1I
1 tlio Tonal»blpnt ttullett Agricultirc.uaciuty �w veucso{I. s' : .L eti.-
]ral.Jug preparations 'for,' holding- willbuholdatNonnody'sllotol,ou'1'hln•sday,l8t,
hell annual teal)) et�llttr, It '' lust„ at I o'clock p: ol, for the election t,t ufx- p11n' r-
e. is to em ro the r aingin price from 255. to
r ensuing_ year.. Tberc;.svill also be , +
10 .1101(1 on t11Q 10th' in8t 1ti . th0 'rresented astaten)cnt of receipts and n sliursc- 11''ltlI C. 111.18L111a,9 GAO' .(Is h0
Xriln'+'+°o.. hall. A£ eli 'll ; ), r- 11106 Of the Society for the past year.
a A t n�w>l , par- . i$ troll su )ileal tlrrcet NEW FSR
N. iloB'ox
pl : UiTS�s
4 U - IA
.n a . a
a:.' r
of tl7c h .
od 1 tl -
t, n s re wll,l ... _::'•—f�ant-T.�asto-r-u-of-imes: .._.._r__ ---•.,—_ .,' �:.____ ,
y Socretiirx,--- -_ ^- tic., l'ro�tdol)f,... _._ �� ,_ - - _
otire to ;tl' e. rorty lerance hall where 'He sells th i 'a ISINS X.laclt Basket, Landon Ta`'etr < '=
1. - e n , t t110 tow- Valencia; Laveis, See(Iloss, ete. 'also \' 11r
ovel'ttl'of thi3 ministers will aciclross est prie(1 and just' to CU1tItAN`l'S Figs, Layer t
he and•ience. A:'' good rt)arontnmQ :. 1�i90TlS'iC >, , ye Dates, 1lmoutl,
g p' b suit Ilio •trines; l+ilberf and` Wallatits-nll fresh from the•
f music ''has been elc +'
b $ etvd 15 .,ire r
Y T lane of growth.., rx
Tile annual meat n,• of^ � t f? 1 . AN ]l'A it)11T I � • '
i ,.. that . fgiCilln 1 .14t1 t raf l , �F.. r
C 1
t c.Gr
I o China
• a il(�
(: and, r , ,
h Pre In •' �,
o r su a o. O
1 S)' e y Jt1
Nile o. t.cf rnJ Com tun •' •' r . ♦ v
twl_$ e 1 i Ctrl y . L
0 tl .11111 1 be bel in -the ei , G .S'1 tics• '''
l S1 1 s d t vn ,. I;I('rlt:te:rs a t
h�•, , alla •
rowd'.ed. hall, Seaford), on Friday-,. that 21st, da)• Of .lana.. GlaAwal'e, Ile 1Poulli L+'ssm Y('Isy� of ill kinds:
trey, 1887. at the hour of one o'clock, ra s '
u. gn for :and hlsll: kxtaTs-1'Uar>'rti;•Coltrr; 'pail
• e -o a
the purpo»sof.recetci0};ahcnrnu:rlstutynignt,of. •. •' $fly 10 one flnCl all; •
the company, electing directors and oilier 'bus;- F )tlt$Cl']t S r 1' SUUCATUSII, all lit: • )I iltiWh lltil•l 4':'Se.
N AND A130 UT TUE COUNTY. ness. ,0z 1 • a v and best 1 Also .a lirg
Tl}OS,E. RAYS, W.' J. SH.AIjNQN, of ` Wire, just go ' 10 .
be stud; of
_ President , .. -
,. kewatarl. cllllla NAB. That t{.aa a lutldcn gtrange deat.lr ��. Crock ery; °04intL 11T1(1 G1ctiSSVPr1T2
f Nin-: Ilen.iy •fill, •of lied Bit
- houglit ill the bests markets nild bit the
ren, oith-Bruce, formorly of Stephen, �" niu'stiavorablete•1
_ „r q .• ,us. I►a c1.►'1`➢DjiiVeS
)' +,tg7 r
1 lch • occurred ill : tlle'1 csi(lcuce of. . f• >tu B'c:1 Tutt
$'* eq .>Lar,tl i.e►llet lsetsor'
is brother-in-la{v,• A'Tr: )Vin: Balk-
� Call' iflld 1'IOt1''nlll'•DlS
:ill, xetei,on- Ai:ouda + of ;last CAPE r
y. L _)Ct]It1l.TQ�11, 1LtAIlL�aAl,
'W•Gill and wife ]lad* come... ' 11 ltlntla of It<tll`r Nont ali taken fha
�=1i A
)'Txcte3+'t$ spend the fi'sttvo$Qason, :. SECTCO:�-CiRASD-NAIIEOWeTos•.mryR _ ,
excllau4o foie Goods.
ad repaired to the residoiice of N%r. ' i 6 !:!
7 y / t H .
�'t, llbtir . '
T'r�% ,
!� 2C
v s or1•a�e
alki''t ' 1' ,b�•taeitoft: � R (� ,(��j�T
{ 1 I ti•horU Ito nrriveti a i fir-. ' f � lU>,J�1JiJli ` ' ' '
) 1 � .. Chln�� will Albert -St, �� Cl��:. -
�on1 �+
xtly..in. good) hc,•ilth. E4-rl ,';'taxh _ -
Y'F. ALED Ti�.NI)EI A' nd r •ab ,
ittlrait •eve11•inrc'he. A11' $ , d ed torho•under
y , o C 18.�1`Uln •fi' :.»ti;ard•a,id cudarsctl"Tcnd6rs ` •
gg a ton Railwriv"'will'be'roce'c'r i -
>Onr'8ta . , t eJ at this oftice u '
, oltu and ALE: U. thin -
1 �>� .
[7b . a ;tq nooa on 1 11111 wdtr�, ' or ccs l) - - i`� . • '�yyp�' gp.��
rat i,' t da) Of Jnuuury,; ®..2L'�•.✓I� N' • BOA,��,��`�'�i �-
Ig' 118 was. .1ltyinry' Ofl, cannht 1887, for•eQrfitin korks'oreonsEr •tl n •-- -'�` 9a -
n. a o Plans apd proxies will be o )on forgilia cation 4
llrl alld $t00(1 _hint 'erect. 1It lya '"trttlie Oliice of th4 Chief. En �incor till il. GCltera
Ata,i:i to 1 i ''
D ''(lyll1s10i1 ; liQ, beCa111C llllCOn- F r off 6bueralment' Raiht'ttys at' Ottawa,, t At
mrd also at tho oltice of the CO
.a 6rcton the 24tY < Y�
i0,149.and IIOVer spoke after, dyt•lli^•, •utl«ort Ilnwkesbatry, c, tl., on.und atcerthe 27th '
above stated.' • He had .attmuea day. of Decooibcr,.18cto,whoathe general specifi•
_ .. cations and' fdrnt•of tender 1pay bo obtained u on •,f�
IS ago of 51 yealls.. arpplluirtiou: p Iii+, L"UrCh'l$e Of
_ mq tt-nd r will he an b r t1ie Latest
_ c tcrtnlned attic»» on on of
- ltbe'printed forms and all the,i,tindit;oua aro
:complied with.
The recentretreat.4dud
mis ' �^t .
s10nC• By.order,
A, P.'
I tl n
Old th 1' 1' li 1
(� Ole IU JJ
l (, rhe, 1
c 9 of
1: e
tt c
b �.
tri. r .
n I
h,da. ;a•'
o $tit ii
d 0 8 e#1'ect oI tie Do t. of Rnilunt» n xl Caii
) 1t ale
Ottntta 16"b*
nights of Labor:'' A ulinllter of.. ` Deo., 188U, 423.3'
•n :.
At 0
e 17aV0'1'C 1
$ n4d iiI oril'Ar Ci..- pn^' . h•
lI){ted ter-pati.tzoi�iar_..aol�_..tlt��aeza: �...___. _`1rR�1�_�i=E=�-F=9R
1.he most`t onilelfuT vale' a offoi'ec iu this section. S1re veuture't11e.Rss r�
Ont. dtion ':that..tl;c = aro .b fat's the Cheapest A
AHP into the onclosura of Ilio stth»ciiber lot y pest Eatifs 'in the (OL1Ii ' Of Illll'
(y ) oli;:
t]oi,ailii edrtoi'141 LC :%02lYtL- V 41, Bayfield emicQssim,, Godllrieh totYuslf > ,
c,; :• Litt or.about:tho'lot November, ifti,olw bei er Call. Lalli ,Litt)) BCClT1'e:a''ba]'galll'bef'01'e lite ;al'C, ;till solei...
cZc 1 n eras'ti terns boldin that Ilio rJsi,tp two y.e:rrn vl,ltnaidy, roil lust) Of a roan1i • '
esent national lnovenielit'is:an in- color: T$Q'ownor w,iii loaso_'_irove property_ q rw -
pay Qnponse8 ultd take tbo atdmal awnyr • The Dress . and : Mantle la ,► o
Catton Of a 8p11'lt of illSnbUr4lina 42831 {t;I4LIAAIL. REED. } alp7g.
)n wid'revolt, Vvhioh beiu« fostorod -
1 ,
b I�'lhlantler ..-Cut; ; F n/
loug.tho pooplo; illi, burst ou.t at tie. V/fai(
y f � i!
y grvop iuonlen't and ..bo attended:, arm .-. Town'
y' : �
th rho
most, doplorablo Aonse-
AND— 00, D ETLOrl +
11f13y ttte }leo. a: 1:. �Q �.Il 1ve11. at tho:klt'tholtt ai:a n, S% i..E.'% i
ionfort'li, on Dee.'.Oth, Ali..' John lien, HE EXECUTORS DI ':' NO,
/� A*1 xRCTSfCCS of Ghc)f Salford, to 11Ii88) :!bulla `1IIOn1I)8on,L Lat'te of the Into AW2l`04l•Rttm*offor for sale'bi" ,r rho followut valuable•,ro .., • . -
.tho tottu of Undellcll. � t perry, Mattel,.-RYr 'r
,A/.IG1i;-COLI;:.—At the re8irlr;tlC;n of g LotK numbers d20 and 421,, jn.thu `' �
Totan'ot uodorieh, uarternf tut note ench, fairly 4 w o
he bridt s brotUer, by' the Re. J, X+', tencet and verydosintble'tor: baiklh'»autwsQs.. + _ "
- fib, I
Howell; or, Scfitm'th, '31t»a S, Gt)1'ei. `leo-' 1111f abre frhntln ..Alin Road .Town b +"
1' Oof 8 , , sip of `�'i
L. AdamGlaz,er .both,o.Hallett. letloh Hein art -_ -' _'.:8: .o �- s� r
f f t p nt lot d 1p. nit 3tattl:intl � {J !� �'�L�
• Concession of the said 'Pok•nship. Niab [rinnptQ "
cottage an:r frahtestnhla: "
Wo,tvlIl fie)):.any ariicl'o:in our tn,meltsa stocl( of CRne?t(lui,: Ass). CrLtss
illlLt�l'j,I 3. l ot.naitther 8, tionth iide of,lfilJar atrocb.Iicna- r . ; r., t , ;C . _ ..
ruillbri-Vill0tot• of un•atire., Sai,au,fialue,dwuil• v _ {tAI1F; at a I�f. T U �\.l Ul+ 1(J ISI.II GI4 1 f:(J1i• U 1S1
AVARD.- Ii1. Blytl'on the 18t of .Tan,., guy. p•�
1io wife'of It. [Inward of a al ,ht - THINK,
a, l b u. Bnikling, lots- hutuliors R08annd.804,''iti tl+c . JUST S� Ti� 0 � • � V � � �rr '
Town oP:Ulmt.on, .q,gnrter oG an attire cath,;luau, $'Y5' 00 C11ina Tori Seta -44 )feces f ' + ` + ,'
tifullysftttattxiOttsoGtli'slde•of (Jaron atrcot f +. , pieces , Ol.::,r ..:..,.: .:,$113 50 (,itsl>;;,
I➢G ,O'll'11.1' � rtdr)y renabd:. . 8" 00 (.Irina .Lea S'cts, 4-t );aces fol::.....:....:. ,, r 2U +�.
The Lastlralf of Lota2,son..1.1, West Wawan s, 00 China �lttla SC).t�• 44 tCCOa' f01 I
01�i:--Ln Blyth, last x!edt, ut, his. ash• ood'ln ,. p > •.•.••••, ,. a 40 C o,ill';'
Ir land, GU to
Kill ro 15 '00 Decorated D1 itler '0 Cash.,
1. Sts 1 L9 tr r
Rth'i a 1'e8i IUtiG:, Dr, Ant11 blCCaa nminddr•ti�jryered; about 4•,milos=from i;u!11, Ott, , ice&. f01' .................. I
1 r 3 uU
;1411, of Listuwell, ill his 27 year. atnd•afronl Winghatn;gbodrriand 11 00 Decorated Diilnel`,Sets 104 piece a
For further particulars aptity to 1 1 8, tG11 ..•:.:..,:...a::.,v ' 9' 90 f,.aell
t. _ ,� , $ OO Decorate() Uolltb►uution Sets,. 85 ]ytC2Cst for..,:.:,,,,.. 7' 20
E. CAffP10N, '; •. , r , .,r ., . •
AiA11I 'i':•I11;i'l1ItTS.' 4fe•tt Barrister, (ig11Qr►et, 0 00 Decorated Stone 1•o-&,ts;.4.4 IJiece:),. for,.. .......... 5 40 (;ash
'l`ea,5ets,'44 ).);aces, for... ,',r.:+.::,_ 3 1 (;fish'•
(Corrected epory3 50 Decorated Iv
'Puosdxr atteruuon,.), 2 25 .StOIle'l+C?a rC't?t • r' .
CLINTON: o ''v •7 6, 4• pIQCOR, ,t 01 ,;rr. �..y,.......,,'r ....�....r. 0,x'1 {iaF11;:
�✓ 5' 00 Decorated' Chatu'lo-Tr, Se s 10 r ,
t iters fur..:...:
ltt1•z..':*.....,.w..>:+.rrr•(C4-(�()-t0 -. __ - , .., ._. ., ........_._..., .-_-�L_�.Lflr-IZ.ti3t._ ..-'- . �....=
,30• --- _ ----�- ---- '� � U(i"�ocorated �Glianl.lrar' S'cts, 10' ie..a.Cs• foh,,,..r,,. ,,.... •3 .
l .Wheat,. tsew t4i old U 75 to (1 7t) GOfYINiiSSIaN B0it1KERS 250, Stone'( iia111beI huts . 1 I ' C'ilsh
ing Wheats r :. 0 75 to 0 79 „ 9 1 ;coos, EbP: 2.2:5 Cas.lt; .
`e�rrbert;>~orontoStooE$(iliange of t, Lanip f'ol` q I.J�: I'icuteiltlJBr, th13 sale I'
30 C1i1 `y
Eley UlU to U 5U•• Flnoanh'urt ct: r, , J
.+. 0 2> to 0 26 �
to .4. PrfvaitorvirepttlTOItON'10 BtON1'TiPA>;, -MAYY //''yy �l��yy
a8 to U 5i) N ft YORK CIIICA ` , r /J R O jBI . P -S
..::.. .......... U 5t1 � r � � r „1x0, au .,
ples,(winter))perbbl 1 0( to l., 50 OIL CITY. In 1.'11 roQePi0t0111' StoC)t ttn8 never >aier aafan dote,- All on'
PatoQs......... 0 45 to, C1 5C) o „i as fft-W ' Iiabiit ort Ours int,,
` STOCTf9, I30NL?S_ GI%AIN P cell, Wtillmts, Altnonds,•bl,ll)bitsl. Gi1)iir•ehoner ere,? nxx. n and v 1.
flet ...::... . .....r:.. ,. ROVIS y, l d % sk . att sold fie
U 14 to U 1.5 . clleal)asttu.+cllaapest. Call iii anrl`see .what \rat.. fire 44; iftrhws wit)
IONS and OIL, bolfght and sold b y t O(31 ].It .
.:.: 0 15 tci 0' 17 ' far cash nt' h,ut cin. BAKINGt'I'ti3VDIM andJONA+S 1?1Ttxs4li)IiING I'XtY€AY11% To t:vet• � ptil •et aser.
y:r ......., ....r.....: ti W C6. ''0 OU ?r..._ our storo_ollilaecetitber 24th ago wih••.�+ti%.n I)t.vorated Cil) ni ' ' y ,) l iii
.k 5 5() to b '4)' . Cx,,X1\Tn 01 qx, 'XCO ; 1 .. tri Saucer• 1'Ve or G n,ly
...,:.... ....i..s .r.• , , y q»atrtity of'4oadvlllitterr, ],hgs, PtSftltryr Potatoes find 1P8arl;.in exelranga,for );nods,,
dvrooti .1 00 to 4 (N) Lorrter Rattotihitry h,id Albert stat, Give tis A CaW it will pay yoll,
...... r ..r.r.. 0 00 to U 00 .+� M '
)f'. r Jac rQ ..... g,
too 21) *son ^"^. 1THEM /�{/�� Th. �l
.1 CtltitPn,,,TulJ.14,88$w �JA/ U.
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