HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 4. r• h . • • w . AN I:NI'P•,R:I.TriU CALL. -•-All parties of the universe lead made a mistake �'I).1 ONAl,��.11T(-T,i'1tS • The Bxeter �'itiaes previous t4, ' a ndobted to Tuz; NE\vS-RE0O.uu I to placing before mankind -,'for thou ' -^ -�- tdurbig and Since the carrying of the r ' r • - �Tllo CGIuLe pooh, poO1,'s the ideair is ,by . y ription instruction and' ediftoatiou, His re- Scott'Act, a firm as d intelligent sup- for Ozt.c' or more eels sttbac of ono•sovezttli o$ the people of this • aro regtwated to pay�ip Wo are xeale.d iVord."""Tliesa P,totestciti.t p 1 porter of the Act, ltaa this to say ., T11 Province iulittn the either six- - ,w a_, 11 '019 welding now and ,enonstve ina- latter clay worthies who earn •tlioir 0. about rt'i�n its. last issue: --"The do - 6n chiuory,to our plant and intend bietid ancl.btttte> b�v at other times t• supposing three- "feat of DJr. Swenerton, in South 'V ' sevenths, But. walciug greater i'mprovew-wt's in preaelriuug au' bpe' I. Bible and its seventha of the people agree,. as f, Hurou., implies tnOre• tilwn a victory. ' TO 0[IP.-- the .case of Mr." ViewIat's supporters,,, ' T'izi>: Nt ws-ItEconD befora long. groneral' distribution among Saints t £ fan" tIm. 3xefotun party ; a nlearls a, UNDRd ,o be ruled',byC the ouo-soventh or • _, i • nd sinners,.barbarian and civilized, victor far tljose lxllo aro opposed to J,, -y d011ar.o:awing tlus,liiica fur a .. Subscription or JoIM Vvinling during the rete"zit polhticah contest iho purpose w�f enl►Y1[rng their party the Scott Act. The cuf'orceutent of 1'artIieir atrana�*o dariun oar Sals rititicinn.i;t ono of the' • to hole pif'rco, the one•seventlt does the Act is in the liaud:s of Ilio Mowat , patronage �: T should Lo paid 1nitltellftutoly. I Ci]attrpionotl'tlre ca.rtse of those who Q. scary. AVXC>*at XXCCi �.I 1 rule the six-awwonths, C ua,gne order or, re rstored lotto hold that the SV oral of God, its in- CQverumornt, and it is unnece �" �`I -" to say thath,helr o0lerrils have Peen, at our rias,, �G'az•rELr .fir T.Oun. effablo grace earl 1a�sdonl,. is ,only • . y b , • The political necessities of � .' , e 11e �Ve l+ave evets• bfid :scatty hundreds of d'ollamg worth' of goods have• . -- T--- - c;tilcltilatod for iho �tloct tow t►ncl Hilt ilel3 d'crilct rn t.Ilett cat',• y t t j t ��, has..catised liiin to sow" I;loen sold to rejwicing multitu+,env p Mowat . he Duron Iflecu �I►eC ,/ onr elfildreti, shall only leave road majority ref the elcetors•have saidby - • - or . seed of .undue- prejudice against ' ...-,o_ .. . - T =� -- to them: anbh put bns as�thoso een' Ctltholica. Tlu�b prejudice. hill re- thoil votes that they approve of the d `i'oduesilaln .Tanimmy n.LI1" -w i sors of the wisdom of the Almighty act upon hitnself so; that a thior ilio ! way in 1vl icl► they lmvo neglected . I . •. =- - -- ----= 'shall see fit to place before them. C,,thelics or the 'ratestants will thee"' duty. Xr. S•%tellartan,•was in ,THE GREIRT "GRNTiC CIS SOLE the fiol'd' as a. toms etabee ;candidate, ,� !fits" Il�lV01?AL Y701TORY., Mr. Mowat's victory to, an im-' have their ha11d upon " bis. traitor P ' d moral one because many of L,is Pro= throat ere mata,3r 'Sias, Jfo has .a'nd is a"tomperance man not merely , OONTINUES UNTIL THE, MT.:. - > u the lioight Ofi'ther generoslt}' tosfant clerical au) 1clrbars . Ti'or. ATr, r,. :, in • narria, but in reality'' incl ill ' ll atonsotl to.t teas a7stutos. th�itwzll an,l. o:ut of ,the depths of their ° i nd the th resin I e ' lire bill,inre• Oirour sifts rllirst. go, Buy., your pii>cel,g early, is the TilllT an and otho.s conilomued him tiuc 11e, s . t e b . the . a" prove a. scourge• to whip his .:Deva k . . Wel ;that• inay become rather nnf ropitious, l�ca prvat asked for ilia Loy. ^- Sympathetic, souls, the Glatt press . for his. emasculation of the \Nord of election 1wvi1 have thootlect.asstated I h . ', are saying:tint the Conservatives of ' Goti. ectad of seek their conseien. back with, above cannot' 'rye itnsairl. Tho, iiulself. _ - i Ie.mrast ilt?niu'd y . - . - this: ,Province hill take 11,0,1A of , pp y I:tieter Times:- "In accounti'41 Scott Act g m 1,.' �: tions o ositiort to his client -of'; ,: « , ,Tlthou Ii right in litn- �'rice ovortlaeir recent tin�succossful u gg� rt ' . >;'Ii01I . e Godless education at the liohcist of for Air: Swonerton's defeat we eau ciple, -reale" be Lotter rcpvenl'od .than :9-IIJf-r YEAR , •�� �-�•�r�+�1 -�� ' attellz.l)b bo ous5 ) r; A) O -vat from 1\Iammon and political; partisans ou'I nttrihuto it to the. lac]: cf. sir 1- remain a. -lead .hotter incurrhig large n 110 1! t L Jt '►J Q L`V..) • •,ow4r• a*d„ elaiin• the result a3'' a - Y 1 1(ir] LL" ,e • n ! Y « ,r" ex len litilt'0 and 1'ediiClItn the I'0- 114 L (;ash Store, � • "moral victory au'Mr. Mowafls Y tory ia.an intnloral tempos Ince m nc,f'tTtEad ti gfSss$ ps uoittiol The 11 o at Gove nmen b , . " ' - (*;•c;6f' : P P• l a 1 y have .dertiand'ed .frena tlae Co, of Thai Conservativeswill do nothing one because it ]vas brought about :.ported. hili as it was• tiheir duty to _ -- . @'f We, I;rind:, The `rill .class, the b the work: u'f those who. declared. ; t" i .1111 beau. mem_ Ifuron $1,327 to, itwq. "O lair' pay ogg . T)ie Vote fa E., St i;811ron. 'H'11ts' Vote i l't cEl Mimi. . y y do ho would o ch 3 re outcolrp; of the recent elections as their belief in the iiuliioral tlindeucy ' b"or tot' South pinion' ar1l;'6hio' repit- '.0tliCiala, aitch as License' Inspectors `lhe,_fQllotving tiro. the complete �. �- P Tho follow to u c the official -fi 1. aai i»tltaoa'ezl victor fbr 11Ir. Afot3at of iho toaclvin and Comintssioners, for doing Both- returns: of this, riding, as certified"to, ,ores for his Iiidial - y gs .4f pot tions o'f: the , batten of bhv oonstrtneucy asvlliali R91as inn " lay the 1%oturntug Uthcor ;- t G t; .1 . and his Grit, following -=-a 'victory inspired tYoxd" of God. ; .: Fon 1>y tI 'currying the Scott Act a Gibson Hays 1. r °, i.• r secured at,t1ko'exponao of all that is ,Mr,'ATowzat'avictory isan'inlmoral-vo•�tl�l have been mainta%uecl." 4 . � -h ' � �- . . T -he TzalzpeTtcad CC, . clemg)t, Con ' BRUSSELS _: , Mtiniu,lialityr. _. .:e . e. r. . ,,Q, - o . hold -lois to lovers of British free one because rt hits ^iven aid and a = 4• c, . „ ^ etom, maultoodi freedpm, seatrc.. 1.. comfort to tho'onenties of the Dib lo,. Prof. ;1V, Sm 'th ?rofessor o'f- trolled' b •the 131tilces t'hc Cla1 tstiara - 1 4G. , 30 w ,•n . Smyth, Ou>ardian, controlled by Dewai•t,wh0 .1 u. 2 V1& - 531 .' r " ` ` freedom, `roht,tot1s freedbri2; ehvil 11 r. "AIo.avat s victory is an i.t neral I' Aiacloru l] istory iu the University of 1* 41 . 35` • • GbcNriich.Town l 41 a0 .:. - sa1•ppoited.0 Donoghue ag inst hut- :. o. 3 44. 5G • - fieodoul-xkotory secured by deny- one, because it is the 0,es t of all, Cralnlirid'p ,.111 his,a.Ullotatpons to his -. . ' .. inn tlie' most' vital principle attem 't though a un one to.undo !ublisbed lectures Sri s• iul: referenda ellen Coatslvof tit, .n class, leacher in I 139 1'33 3• 52 98 . . p . a. P 3 r t Y . lira a-vn ehureb; aziii. ,the .PresL, ter 4 il. 35, . , ,4*. time v�trorated. cO.t>'3titiitioii, a free -what •aux forefathers•'strngglod'-for 'to'statutory laws regardibg relfb xaus / n1j.0-rity 6r Gibson -TA.• ) '45 4T•• r o a Ziblo anti' tlte�f`hfailibitit of'i a aura,controlledLy J3lackettF olainson, .,. i.; •'G ,- ► ' I• y generations to• o#I'0et,. the free anti sects; "But. noitltor.' ,on the 'ono G d6. 47' i - . its varied though wondrous torch- untrammeled use' of the whole ls'fde nnr tlie' obher arobthos)iritua] who .is,contlohed h3% the puUlic ! �o, 1' .6i3 • 53 7.32 - a9' o. i fags..: Bible. .Contrast tli'c eaner..desro of Pastors ectad teacliors to, the listened 'Painting he gets from 'Aiowat, were i No. 2 5h 23 9 ... ,.: c tb. l 0 rna : e - ` •rn • among the faetors that manufactured, .. 'Nb. •3 . 103.1 31 Goaerieh:Tp:,t.T 3.0 65 .. . I Art. AI°ow,ats -"i2or is. an. tin- the people for the word of God to St, t s n 1-i11 never adv, ce ._. ' .. __..._ . -: _. false alarms for the Catholies who No.4 54'' 35, 2 38 73 Iiloral :ono liocnlise "it:.tvttis broughit ''.tho Sall a` 3 s" - o tCi© r,e ormatton the c1v11. and lellgloos tutorests of . 1� 1i y 3 No. 5 69 4T , .i 5 '.41 k2 .. ilio coznninuit if the •.fife t0 wait opposed 11Zr, •AToI'editll's •supporters, tliout iSy. a. cOrnUiinaEion, on a c"oor- with the ilio "hlil'f hearted' al)lneciation t yr 3 ;, Xo..'Cv. 7.5.. a 49 - - ,.0 :. n ' till thio can setthe in a rrlaunei sat- ; lhoso all0ged eyponents•of.lilie' alit' No. 7:4 40 ASI, eld ., ..:.I A.7 ,(i4 ... Dino heli§,. of `iho oaecuthvo civil of it by.uo,in'e i� these deoeneraie Y • n t ti 'n • I 7 . r °wetIf . of Ilio commonwealth -with days.' "I ��lishnieti'' s s a scholar is$actory -.to tl'to Dissotitnb tenclior" nd '.Pt 0 es antlst -Rely u:>1itCCl in • _ t.67 r . .. •r l 0 3 0 aY - ' *` >. « , .:aiicl iho • Istilblishad Cl arclt'inali to __ . '-' the ioceut coutesta in, Cxitariia and ..,499 :' 283. 3 69 4� ..t. ,.politico -clerical executive lie'ads of \� ;, . , , 5 tnuo, "were so eager for 36` 0 .11 n> n the Ronan Ciatliolicand to the each 'Strove to excel iho oilier, iu- 11•I'tjority.forGibson-215.' . 4 , of . a t'eli.iona� • livinority • ,of '.iho ,tin ooClle"1 as .to affirm 'that they , . , 5 10I..15 . .. . ,. iandoirin-I.adulation of AIr..11owat MORRIS: I. Prov=ince, hi-LIed; and abetted Ly iho - wonld b•n3. a \err, Testament even. testaut .mi:nister; their opl)QSU0 1 0 . 6 43 lr" y g if the h l to niv a 11ii drecl lice s 'claims and o linious , fol• bis.sacrifice•,of •principle. ',Chose' •N,o. l' u 68.: ' 49 7 65 2U . F polikico clerical infitien•ce,of sgau0 ;of 3 c :, p P, I e1. - ' '' T'iItest•airtc 'i ragants maI. y have act cl. ]V a. 2 7'Z :, •., 301 _ 1 i 9 iho exeentivo hoads'of.tlie lin Prean' of .monoyfor it." . `llnny.Canndians , . 1 e . 3 e y r , g ' . " .. The'iall0kranee of I ,., A`lowats• upon. the AIddites.'uien. ::rinciile. 1Vo. 3 . „5., . , nosh.] : 5.1 r0...:: 57 W •Wltf ra lilethodist tend Presbyterian bodies. ' apimrently -vould suj)p1•ess theLtble.r P fl p 1 . ,No ,IV .'62 • 40, -�2 48 46�' le0,sl�tti6n. Ts so `aiiPR?-ont that Ila, That profouud j hilosopher .says : ' Ur, Irowat's victor i au fainter= ,0Y u thougll-.tliej had to btko `;a i ,\I O.,, 66 13.7 ro 63' "... ... . .. who.lool;s into our'.public le isla- •'!Xo;exvarthrow any-reli, ion; or'•nny • " ��o: 6 50 i8 . . al ono:because L'hsho Clear •, Arch hundred pieces of atone}:,or a'suug . p 3. tioli• canii6 < iaiLto see .it:. ,Hail ,in. , intictilar sect in reJi«ion,'.,1ve ,tltust -- - 5.3 4- J3 3 bishop T.yuch ancl` otlacr venerated. flat1. for their uefllrtoals.treacliety n n 331 tolerance to the. malglit3,. through assail by ilio. good:tllln0s .of. this. 360' LastAl.a^canoeh.l c r. 39" " teichets `of their C•hu"tela hurled to'tlleir calling and to the best' in-' 2 :: the acquiescence of, roue tic minor .world and b "elle ho es of. fortune ; Majority fos� Gibson -39. 81 57 dWu.e anatl1,0jiias at thio:opp.onents. terests of;soctoty. :..... y r• 3 64 43 k . . . ' - .. ' . portion of them,. is as •ropxohansihl,$ nat. by 'that which z *I' men ro , ' ' fIIILt,ETT. ' . of AIr,•]liaivtiit: I1t Ilittittersii't that. ni6irat's victory Is; an in1'moral. 4 5.$, 3T P as intole•ance t6Nvalsi?a,tllcr.mtuorl `1. ": ` ,- , ;':' :: n... t fyY,, met3lber t ,out 1)-y. that which -;fuses �o �=:6� 36:� _ _ 'G : - - .104 ,.. - . theso..c1oI03 men .a11e0od ti>att a, aavll ono. because 1l sires as if sanction, . .. . `No. 2 .: ; 85 . 3pi - .Iutoloiance",begets. zepttsals' he them to•forryet it- not b -tli t which : Colboxue..,.,...,1 84 51''' ?: . ` riglitguarantomlby.onrCoustitutieiy -to"tllpcondept-of-the-;aifatrs:-rjfthis "` `� .n Protesiaut 'majority snail: sotrretitnb. outranos Iii i iiia 1 Y NCO' 3 �4 53 < n c but •b evor. 42 29 1 y.. .1 . y 3 .. tolileiri)eoplo-that.of llavnb Sopa Provinca..' U'y 1vh.icii it . liiis bgen u:. ... ,., To. 4 . 83 35' 3 86 79 arrest supremacy.. Ionise I'ia God 1t _ '.1 I ate Sell tva ry f �+ : bzo nlit,t0 the vel fi1:. Ua19'hru 1tc 1' Yc . .. 3 thing vhtclr soothes 'tlioiri and tihvs. '; . ;,` r :' _ I 5c octls s n dense}. J bern0 . .u0 1 Y. . 4 4.7. �4"..... .,.:.. . shay 0 ei. ,' . , lvitI lab loratiOn, €ricilztates ilio_ assigns of liurr�anit ! 251 146 _ -a'testeilfiont,them, L'or'thia nth slanctigtlto ertravagynt aia§te uf, •'.� - P Y: T a:. '' '...Tlle.intole-ance ox our ancestors in,. ,in obla ninn the • )redoi' in•lnoe" `i\ a' r• r.Gib on -115.: 'i 3 " olics will beliovo their spiritual ad- the 'resources o:f..tlip, Pt`oviatce• . . , .� b, 1, • 1 lI Jo Ity fo . s . A Ingham ...,>..l. 36 3 - . . i the form: of reprisals produced.tho Szoti blr. ALowat'i's elideavortnn ' ' . 11t'S'ILLOP. 2 '33 35 t .. • viseis.eyon",agiiinst the well atteste"a snuction to 'favoritism iii," xelievir g y' i . ..... saboninat3lo files in Srnttlifield,:and, �'th u. 40 4G evi'1'ence bf t}reir oRu .en 3 olfendetrs a�+ainst..th0 leers-uoto,i-. : , �t0 oveitlilow: th+a Ca>Pholiv eligion No. 1•.-, 45 30 p a g se.. iho g. , 4 59 v4 . thee-pen�•11-or�'ckrsrsb]-iu;g lanes an►lnst .. •q i ; ..: No. 2 -.65 23 . Catli `l'r •e er�v have. n 1,,t iousl against the •Scott. 1ict-from 0 :-... 13y a killzno -. uh ki dbess policy. T "a _. o.i.. J. . Arch Y 0 .,. ,d,tssentersandCatholicstnEn«laud_ .No,.3_ . 55 551 ' _ .. 0 r -- r Clhntou 1'1'7•...24 iiiedes •sc:3akierl:for- another Ivor -14' * int ited . 1)ttuidhlitout-snnctiort to .'-': -- ho 4• x'-26 47' . . , � .... Scotlan,h. ad, Jreland. . . 111 n lig ,. n. onto VONT AFFECT' TIIE 'o. 5' r' S6 35 ', 4. 0,1,1 -latch to rest tl>e_fnlctatn of-tl>gta_hl�shia=o u a e:,,:. ,,1`zL...... :., _- �' ,,rl. 42 37 " 2 44 23 rolirytotts lever:, a 111 v v ,which ha1.sboongraduall �takinr,all�av • : DOMINI011F ... No. 6, ` 43' i o n 1 s. 0 e thou . , �. .. 3 g , The Montreal Tininess rn,toferring • . T - 4 - Al*:.3T' . frOin the tianutui lzalities the rl ht i0 N.o. T - 23" 27 ,. •'5 30 95 Dien ZSarticul'ar aworld, Tlie ,terrors 1 to the recent-ehectionsdia-i•s errone-' 11�o'afiseri thateuen.iat.this earl ; No, 8 15 , 42 ' of spiritual rttl11sl1ui:eat •over a) . 'nranano• their Oren; local affair .- .. -.-..I ..•_ . _. �' Y _ 6 2oJ '33 P t one, . a, n ons colic U.. from the a.esult c thio "Darnel§ sn � ortiun .i1Tt`, - - . - . +ti ). - th'o Colisot� A.L.vo . ole' cal sanetton to . lLo}tia�'s s. �m lath: • wit r r, • n J 1 P o c 302' . 7 :11 37. , ... -Political . V. J 1 3 1. --hon it says,:-' s the ,engin nt n, rhes. 397 , ,....' J P 0 1`.Iawat.'are. taking Lis success as• 8 .sal..' 34 . . pathies of• t'ne t .,WIolrc people 'of Riol. alul robollion-sa'>*etrun to'. i, f': UutariO' Aia'orit for'Gil)sorn `15 . 1 � .. sholyn that the .popple o piesagtng .ilio dete,tit ..of. the, P.L. l ..3 - k1 •' t:h,, .r 'i . ;, 1 % rr� i\ writ' a s tirtrval h . er . .. - ;� I pit ice, ,,trd.probnUl} 9.0 out 10. s ,1i , of t e 1 rpt of are. :zealous T lotestauls and ;11.111 110wiix. ITullptt.. ,: ,5 3.� 3(i. . - r donalch 1111111&try, Put tlfe past.: : , of ever bandied -of theta votech \'ova Scotia to ,secede-sanctio.u' to. ii ° 6 57. 33 .. ••- -- --.� •-.. - LIL f L -- - .-- ._r,-_ . not ttu u a deaf. ear to the ohdt nes No. I , 50 ' •16 r . ,•. 0 ptoses all shop-reasoutng fallacious: T. c r T ; 6$ nc 1I watssuppoa^tcrs., - •AI.O--ats'-special. N-Yisl.tibn .vliiih ,,�,f andeiinn. to rolinhbus'. ite'u= + , 'I•N.o..2 _ •11 . .66'. i , n. r P g g l J . .'lifter the great Natlional I Dire' vac= N7o. 3 ri1' 98' ' . '55 .. MVIT' is vibtdry tileroforza.,-was'•atl ales. on.e' area(4,spBainI priviteges "dices.. glue laevo choana 'them. . r J ;1, y tot •of..18r8, tivhen. On setlt No, 4 Ga ��3 .., ` ` >ilyth.. ...:'1 35., 53; ,_,_ ....' i uitporal dpo ,bseause. kt, . was tlxus. cleared another�sauetrOn:tb AiOR at s «selves to lie. eslzoeiully ;joalotis coif= : of a majority to sir - No. 5 8; ` . ? `2• - 3 i 40 • . "_ ' r } ai c l-=�iUtaiilbrl a sottitin "-rood against creed. t clown tavority J y p . , . . , obtained* n t ponllutrutitful 0 g `corniii011 .efidiency Of the Public - ,,....,. P Pert• that' hritici1)le end Sir::Joh ' 1, IYO. 6 55 63. I ' _ statements ti t11e Grits .4iat.Gath "ltc• AIaR at s 1 rotOl u+-iitlaittat i.. -_ . - . Y o k 9sc. Dots 1'1)o mess o sorva� Alacdolialcl, ,iho local olocti.ons 1vore " ., 21 • , --• . .'235'8 2021 434 61 ria ik;righta arose tbreatened by. ilte erre because., tt is srgurficeltt of the tions ate moto jiist.-i'llen in refer i . ]dont v ' 389 �48rJ i C 1 .trcli and Ste 0 held. 'Cousexvatnos.lvero cont ., ' ` Totr,umaj. for Itibss,. 3i7: ; Conservatives;. also tbat. tlia' .unte own3t -halon, Aof.-. it to tO Iii Clezry'spi►stoivil file's: :. - . Maj.ority for rays -7u0. - . ! that the -rave of public opin ou l .stt Ctecl�,ri?hit to teach their `faith to ,against 'the itllerttee, crv11 „ncl:119- "It Stands t� rear 'i �ROXETign: � ­ i: 0 n . e o ..pn .tn•a church) In would defaat-ATr. Alowat, but .it did �'- : ' riSSUr1tIAG, �J.O0 ItUCH.:. - -i Illeii own. pgehle .in;tdle%.> oil°u.. ave ]loiOus, of the• p „ople. .r, leo. 1., GI. 2.9. . 3 aihich Ilio clergy do not acf as;tn-.,' not, ho then securing about tliesame �y U. • . - . A sal' ho�cever .i educi Alit"crit fo'r C3ilisozr-3... , m lnipotrlied. .� tun. s d ble dtvuluais, bat at tl Ulnc�littg of tine Otitsy' as• lac has now. 'Phis. in. J Y The s+oronta .News, Indepeitclent ' :x" f to a oni. n :1illmoral Yidtor r . ' J . TtrRWJiERR?.� .. ,Grit sa •s: 'lie trinin ,halo teturn: . :: ,. . lk.hllo:tlioro ay.1s nctt.thto 3llbhtest; . r0 1. } . y, Jc : ono man, and In lch the voters roburn a, iinated tato 'opppnovts bf' r .' �r 3.. I n.eireral! happens that the evil and '_i No. •1 ftfutichatrou for, iho basis ,p ion .-wlarcll.. 0 y l 1 Obey the clergy, tI one linin must . \ atioital . Poltc .with the tm-• 50 47. ' " of I r11)iei 14foivat,has nlnclo thio G1 it ; . 1., .the . 3' , No. 2.: 88 42` ' . ' ;Dress amore confident_ than 'over t•.1.: leas'built CAllolic anti )ath to Col -l" ", amedy. grow uli. ' al)out tho Same .', locoiiie the real ruler of tlte-coun. a i) al T o ' sir i 1 f ,h let •a of:' ' . 1 Y 1-, ,., pression. that at: the n ext 11 o to , . N o. ,3 . 88 ,4 , th n predict o is ..o the defeat t . g" e •• t"mo: 1110 .a•emea'y rnay'. lot I:,e as .;c'tr_• and `can Aietate .terns 'town ,, Y r ''ir Jeihn Aiac�louatd ivlteu the ser-attvo, 40.000x., uo b leve tilat Y � y the bontt.itou electorate,, the Y. 0011W, . ! o.. 4...55 50 apparent as the: evil,bitt it is -vitlriir. ;",ioveriiment- J LerO _baro Leen, in defoiat the Government, ;but a'vhcn Doillinion elections t,%ko Pluto. It flag vnulenti mouthwgs of ilio ileal 0 ' s assumed tLnt'tlio, faot.ors ziil in- - �Jav color t 'tl e lib, f the Grits leach .1bl.the same. J ho etorilal lifer "solus ; eountriils verdicts of unciae that appeal was °' over, the rertult, 28.1 180 i . g, a•. Q. 1 s o , ''' �.: _. fli encos which ,]rave . dccldocl• tliw:,. ' which. imposed : osed tb. a tittO.t.al victor . rnlluenc» .--l1eu> the cherry, -veto. while Slightly reducing, the major-. AIa tltit .fol Czibso:n 1:01. , As wo' Itavp roi+sped, iho �lfctt? ,fol p y ^y' 11 left it .u.vto t o a davitiUle i y case as bot-veeu Al Ivat aild 1'1oredith, . '" - will'also as stivel • roduoe it's efrects. ' 7f r t .have. threatened t ity, sit q,. .0 ii .lwal 1rii►;)urity for.. libson•--4�3. : .. Several. years -ve can el}1 ucl a of • , ,• .p 0 r 3 01")16 aro;thlo same, or nearly Su, as thoso;• .... . S P Quad d neo tire ter- 3 1 fa Ontario, and 'Lii•gor, if: aIL thlttry Tolal vato •. pollod«,--.GibS.on 2,30131. :iltg ositiou' take b that journal' ]light has already appeared to.glttn- r0rors. of,. ail,' iinforgtvou otorn.it P Y J . 0' y than lief'ore.tlie ]iuusovwas ilissOlvocl, } ayK 1"8U3. which will Sottlo the question lie- • feoin'the tern r. of .casual datracts pier, and l,hbaglr -Ie may: for a ie -t ° <lgirtnst'.thoac -rho diel. not vote as in:,the entire 7-ointn•io'n'' Ontario :. ' .' tweon Oftawa:paxties. As the News 0.. ' years .be doomed to bean "taut 101',11 •' ` trnt ted. Such a. gudingrr was sent• down to:iho House 50 censer - ,` _;.- "- - has proviously pointed out, .o re)•-. ., .' from it avllicls•-a,o,fa�ltu,tllns. ta,tt.tlk4 3. . l :`tea , b '' I •t . hen. `--P,htl Wllklns was' Ill 0 rt 110- ienuo has shown that that�is not the - , f c 5 op'r.- tangos. ' -X an'd spu'ttuat t3 teeny, attotlter elec : "eminent] , ust, If` thio )romise of natives to 38 opposltto t, yet w . . ill.]. t1,Q, .3. e�,cl _ .0. 3 a . • ..,1 foie the mayor -of Galt, acid -lase..; Lt the first place' iho; cou- tt4u; will Sense the baht 'to Lroak... <rsil0u again bet a few iuotitlia after the ;. '1 btrrt' .' Victor is .all. tln�. " ,- • a t ey :or.,uht0 thrsnt Of tlte.loss .Of . 0 ' ' fined ,c„+20 and'costsl or thi'rty days in stitlte>ao%e3. are n tlla saillo.' Sir , Ur J,i ; y Ontario ministry 4'aced the electors, f ) ! ud of an rant; re ,. it fo •• dint_ brig' -the: -Salvation __: 1.. fot•t tolt. __.:c �_._ : _ 11.._ t3 __ ..:.,_.altutltw.n__is._uinci.4rs_.azifls5enc4,, b 1, th ntli y-1 z u1 0 rupia iiircl' Proinro l -l. vat'l;iavo 06611.; . • "2 • 1t1:q.1'nl Dun beemtga leatlttlg I lbtest-. tlrpy were able to go ac . . , . , , >n , rr nlandet'edt, the 1 rbVitigo ; to , , ,, a;ncl,tlie cl lr,of one law for all,, ir- +sltTs'1•tr t0. rinpl-test"'belteVels, this eight of nine zualoraf .., ,:�hov'fncial' Ar1rry.Galt<magrstratosaro:dbtormzll:: ge y r ., . ant clotg3 meri,sti7lttfied• thenisclyss Inc rnitli'u'iss r stiffs o widel cd to protect iho Arn1'yi, strengthen their own• art Secbzrd- . lr '. d clariury . th, iho `rP 'd of Al­spective -of-, party, • race or, creed, .''stupendous sputtual';tbreat ,' more � 1 13.0 o t e • s . y . 0 ,Il i Y. ' y. {} ' ° - 111). 1 y: linent . ... 1t, oa will nppoalk. « n d,iiorent that theta is rootu,,for, df A Sections accident ha Sacci to, ] ,,, the mete fact of a, riivert • Intl,ilt',Ciod, Jlis.statemputs,. toach- so, . Itoasbnin0 from this, :fie iii>'Ve' ver ing. fronl,atii.et tart lines and DI':iss Amanda- Ziegler, a ' 'young. Jternn, acct possession gives it . U. Olt 3 ' ,heard 'vary astute I'Oman Cathohia: a g , 0 party lines, g J g o inns aiid.cotit•m4.nLI4 ns..00iitailied fact:, ,11 t11c records..crfi3hi.kiactisliow t}istt .woman working in. ilio shirt faetbryt,:. `t1}xeS6tg9 find an ,.influence Borth -f q ,. -.A, ►a1'Gstono Carver, sg to that "lawyers •declare "that to their eo. th 010'etor full ,rscugui�a We. ' fin' .Ilorlin O .7luesda 6fternoon last, In tlrousttn.i votes. This told t.bc Tt4ul,o aro-tun;/ernztHand crxxru)) g c, e s y fort ' out ,ot fiat o eta hs coi},toi,u religionists Ouch %.t.h'eat ,is 5 our o.wn courl,tyt Ni . knorw. sslveruL, 11y ebm means her long' hair got on tire 28t1u Iaecotnber on t}►o Grit t1t,; v, It.cyet;a class of, mon,wobo a, y y . P P ,,. - . :. eldetors t,+ho .sw acted Col.. Ross caught ialbe shafting -when she was Side, noxt:election. it frill cairn fbr . 1'nm>;g br.,l4gs.falsehood,,.but,he lays implied in the,tssue of woomliland�, t p g gulus-.heavou,tp,serye.tliCclpatl ins, 0 dow wallet, and ehisolr to ; add :•,. "on the, part of the, ehurolr:'ana bllati but would isnot, hoo. clone so ,had , drawn ilu, and earned once arbithil taleTories. , ',l'Jiii,d'lyy thacouspicuous it was.thloProtestan>;;OVr ynien who., "How 1g � freedom. ' end,J the, thou htthat tl`;.e Success of Mr. the sh4t,beforeshe aouldberesctled weakness cf.tbw ProViticlal 7oriils.za .. However, hung"a nuan, who wont therefore ao ,. is ati,i=W. e h, lie y f3.. ' , , roaehod in iul )it anal,oli 1)latfornl .li a little bel) a de rot out, 'erltaniianf.t Q ler' be z r{,,o Vida. Afowat. Meant the d'ofoaL of. Sir, receiving such seriotts f0jilrie�tbAt..the: lack of co 1 ,.t<& son, .. P 1 . 1 e tot 1, I. g?' c ia, w d s ai#ed of,,, loaaors.:• To:vo(o,to put•&l0Wat6t d,lo- 1 P ff�a�.tli� �.�lav,>i3e,yCluinlpotont,ruler.. bl".a.,bitl,b,�,,, . , , ;Iv:litt,::�...11�tteslbl;:. •auks lif .�Q ¢ . . ,, . , •V- .. , . . . f /I