The Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 3I.— __ _ � _ _ . . .. _ _ - _ . .... . _ _ _ . _ _ _ «v.- . �-� .. . , . .�..r» .".,». .,,�,:,-�R_. ....,a-_T--,.,,-:te a . >.. ;,111+1 .. a__ 4o-�- , .� A Man(�a r[1,111edlel, 1 IVtI►I•k'"' • .1.0411ags From ' life. Ili yt saved ,Tile!, Anvwny. _ SILL NYE ON H6TEL ETIQIJETT' .n' A DroOklylr woman Is I pilig iii a hook h ley health got run dot511, I fniicd in trade __..__.__. UNG : �` `4►!l ,@.,Lt 4.f►G+�+c*` Varriage .. !list of things shw ought to purebwo, Iut nasi I thought, 15votrld go to fnthti'tg Up tolllirasts the .L•`ni:lieflw SraSv" Iog1t. F-, ,., & MIDE AGED MEN, i! .. rromot.alYoaci to•5rear, l`ho calla the bo call 3tltftr•, �vttit hitt DAotlfa"a Itntta,tor., 1111.E $X 11/x' 31nil! 1100P. 1%411 , , itwr ou •ht to•bu .o -t aptly. 1 1 ht n1p a pie -Z. or' htu:1 in Aroos o0k..IIA'F E IWIRN-_ y r p y , 11111 t n1y wlf a ca' in snit set towork cleat+. " k. i,v'it•'tn it 1, botcls ii a snllkc' that be* ' X11ttsiratlte Olan;,elle Free t`u,, 111. ' • ^-�--'- 1116- 0- 1 bis 5va' forty years aj o. 1t was 15etnt but i gkit ly t1' . upon by ouc 1u<xlern ; Salvation Army sq::adron lit La+rilnis, fn rtTie tail. I dblu't have title to bund piida4nplty an+l yo, it is it subject th•tt Iles _ ,r It[feh„ ativort sell It "four days epVelxl at- -Aach of A hou•Pp, bo I j 1st clap•,ed sh!ngles' Vpi;v nr:tir'lo every Au'erican,lit a:% Hal, I HF 1)i.- " " ,� ,. _:.: Ko"MOVED pt AER10 tapk. ou the .<1CvI1,'' 1t'e hailal not y e„t ; ovplthet t .cl:;. 'ltJ5us'ra! her vold for us-- j 1100 Itlretttiy nlel a r0tnrnts. Pta Mond 111, a X � 0'ri LSF �•_:1. 41 learlrtid who .cairle out tthr, ' my w fe and laic, 11-o di in't t•1 ep very ca It 11'oty iuJy t.tlttaos.0 T3% operate, I }vo tld :� F - 4'' ya TO 7'lI2) NEW Itlt);lill5]?S U;v THI: oo,nfortabla n'fihts, A friend, .loll u,i to go ; fi a y t a0 toy strong ells[ iuSuonca' and A soap p1ridlr r efinl0 nrnr tieing mobbed' an afr-litiht i:tove rut it big t'liunk of wtinrl trot liltti IWIl in :lh.t da•ec.ion. L'i uetto . ' T ln.Chica l th?othercin Chtcagpans will I �P�ia �* << O�„® P���°���� g` Y• a at l.o:rls, I,atll on the tit o£ the proprietor ®o T�ba3 Q.6"a ,'I s�,�s.I w >< etancl aJlnvst anything but a personal insult in when 5vo wenn tv �ecl, trill khp coals would part R' 1 '- • .,'• keep all.11ight find wartu the ca i.n. Thoin ai°d his hfr-Al•'gs a•+d the guest, iy amattei E� STATION. !e��y••�pl. " thtt= c.li. lou t1 . for Lnt i ovtment '. tt A (i rent 1fIctTiwai WorlF ell Aianlinorl. �0�0 HEYi'ATM�.91Si. She (timLdl3 )--I hope you are not %reckless, , ronild sha t iron auol ii uG i t0vi s had Lust Y ] I lixhausted Vitality, Neryou b i Tile reitiNe, bay be p colne into faghidn iben: I*4' aria, olio arta• 19.0 lilt 1" witi er alulte. t5ould )Yell repay , b'ut5 ' ,nntura S,' o arici 1 }sical lie. 1' 7 a ell fitteowkIp an(l arc lithe, We are now fu a bcttpi positfwn tliarii clrfvr•rt ; sot her up, ,A short tmi-i be tore I ttu. al ll a p`u+u •truly, I�roui title tardy and of ,tied t i i •t; oiiiitolil""'�etliau ryylan, 1Srroreuf ncwth ever to nttcutl to tltw wants ci•thp lulilic. lit Ill, p , an i tfil0rittos resultuil, frons Ildisuro, 1 o Ile (flssPngly),- No, altboa^h I was couslci` 1 put lit a heavy churl, c of lie ich w cod•, that labeler tit the Ore.e easr to the vii-haat and i tion lar vxcossos. A book fur every ti)au, Youni , • • eied qni e r eek a4s when young. I•d sawel ]•hitt oil' it 1 +g. We turned in 'Racfa• eglra' v£ ilia bud,lin; weal, all wftitero,. iniddlo aired and• old, it enjitaiwa iZ6 prescrip• 'gam' �� She Otaivelyl-Oh, I ail so glad I did not � ate deser vL , * nE hJlusvulrica cru'9 tions for till aouts' and chroitle diseases, each' of e e a �'4' pi Clinton., �1 on W 11 earl and he at to tall. over :ot r iron Lets b p "il h lay I 9 a y begall, 1 R " ti•litch is 1mValuabhi.- Sv fpuittl by theAuth,tr, . h wttl you thou, wti; lhl'U55'n nil Cfiltt'll't viii!! fi W:L ter Ito New' whoseexpertoom for SG yearsls ouch as iryttabiv `=�•¢ - - - ---••-•:-,.-:-.:•�. - in otic new life.. ,. i I beld a ii. tie band in mine, ' Wbat a grrind thring that• air .1glrt stove 1-0.1, la4t sunitoor IN hd-& inauneri Nil far nover before lilt to tho Jot pt any pbysician. ;inti , �. And �a6-er l; •zed uliou 1'G, is fol• us, ALa1'Y Etion," says. I, more pvti•hed ,hair my 055'111 Livery time t' }urges, bomi inbcautittU I•reuclt ntuslin,vmboss-°' " i l��fl�t° ' 4 r9r cb e')m.td ft would ins lira a line, ''1 es, '. sa .s she, =`buC'niu't it getting caw Ilia stnndii,g there, }visit. his rutmwdiata , ell covers, fuel g'IIt, guivantecd to, he tt itner' L t � [,� �t �I� ''• Y S�.tl1u, % l w 1'k w e5 cry sense tl),tn NII' other work sold ill C . i R II C6M E �■ �G"tN �4 49i� a VI p ntnluotis soil s5vitllow-tatl cost, and the, i till% wuutry int+ yL.nO, or rho metas will bore- - `r Of tit is brief, s[tnl,Lo ouuet:' iltVg, too warlt> for eomfor;T And then 1. droppad it like a ; bot, 1 told tier I d dn't ku•)w but It was and so far -away, chustenel look or, •ono who ha,l funded ill Ivory !stance. Price only sl..ti0 by Q L 1E�T Q.L'V b:• u imfortunaty nut not •(rushed, I felt 11,1411, postpaid, llhtstrattul snwpte, ivee`to•an� .. Au<.l made no vain e entice.: I .ur11'd dowu'one'ginlG. I3efote we get to + bully. bmoJ now, Oollnredalatvarded the author -^o-1'--v . For who. Gould hobo to will a pot a!gop we h id ,a tutu tiolyu another µhilt. It that I 5vns a w .rihy tel be 55 aite,t upon by l;v .the National .Medical Association, to the 11 AT itch g I. u^ -b 0 dont. thorou;Miro,, and i' sfdeat of whieb, the Ile))*. 11, A, iitsssfl, rad Ill Stock a Number f Cutters, 1 1 � +. Upon a liau of datcpst ' was s cold night but fila" new air -tight „£ on wished .hat wo h..d more t 0 S, S 6 k18, Buggies a]lC� �Pa QTI`a.. ' - ---- seo:ned to. beat up tremeildously.. f. ie hbclr men tin• .assoc3ato utticors of rho Board tiro loader. Is . 0 -. - o . . Old Mr, 13eutly-I see a bre'titfast has been "I never saw huch a htatef" Jeri " s% s eotigi os respectfully referred. " The Material ilia, ntnnuPaptitre"is of the best quality incl the Ir r r - Y, Y . The 8elence of Life 3s worth ni re. to the yonnid k 1'l, Y an 5 oil,, livasurpasseil.. g'Ivea to an actor in New York, and the Mary I :len and uil4dlo•aged u<an of this renerntion than ail Ill'tiirt tt'0 tialrp it au ilii]>ortmtt frntnI or our business to use only the Lest pro Those Y ,I paper says the guests were All seated at 1', "Nuither filth . "says I. f S41, r'. the gold n,tues of Califoruliran.l tl'o ,,fiver mins � curable tnatcri4l aud tits best wodonauship, hose in Heed of CII 17.E+1iS•o'clock. In ibe life, I s, :- tip and It lvasso �anrm of l5ulada cowbinert •S. /•' Clovtnicic: antl SLI:1U11S, 'lit tit% latest n1111<es null st'Ics slioltld not fail toTheiicienceof title ponrts out the roeksand'01..1 Mrs. 13ently-one' 010O.•ki I b'lipv0 that -T corned' do;5n .another lilt anti lett pall.nnd see tis, ) 'q 2 Z?rittksandttgn whish thcconstitnthtunudhOpea izrgptthl' up'eaily, int 1 woulQu't git out ci- nothing lint a sheet over us= 1l'ell, ila filet _ , Gi ofunllays5}ounginamhntp bovnfataily tv,eciced. -o---.11 I heli at 1- o'clorle to eat ilia, best' bi•t,•,itfaA ' tnorniug 1 got tip aud went to the Riovo to ``-.Vuuclirxler.ltrrrrt. �s,sWARRANTED �E }� p': �4 [yip 1beWeneoof mitis of greater value�tttan till O�'ei"� R�N i-iv�de oval' cool.etl -Li'o. ,, stir up the opals and',put on some more 4, • f 1'f" the tllelile;tl well 3 rulillsl rd In this country for -0��� ::. 1 !. ALL 5^ood. COalsf ]310: s _. e, there waswt. a _ -.% fi , thin past 50 yeat'a.--.•i 1witaCons6hitien. �.-, -'n ' o q p • r 'Pita, Sex of rho IocalnwtJve• scot rk In tile, stovt•l 'that big, I:eech olmuk ) : the Setcnee of Lifa Is a:Vnporb and master) . !lam 1L©71c�+11�n. r1iZd Rr�l�ai�lt nl� Promptly t]tt%nded^ 111ty," asiced the fat 1'a:ieu,,,er, '`,lost. wasn't. even 'clidrrecl. There hadn't been• :- 1: }� . treatis4 err nervone and pltysla,tl debility; 1 -•---.o til•" jj-•� j� !q ht 1. t1 52 + ]Jct, art Free Press, 1'.t nu sttuleer always caii.ills pngi'ne 'shor"' enough fire in that stove, all night, to :tsr•h' �` •• PACTORY ORY On C4rT1elY t]$ ' tl t , (114 g, 7 hero is no wenibor of society to i+hem The H vett and Orange Streets ,CLINTON.... Thera was . a n:oulcnt of etnbrtrr?sgln� air -Illy pipo'witlt I he beech 'log wits too • `' c �, .' � , t Scicuce of i.3fc is -ill nut ho nsofnl,. whether y oath, _ b f . s 7rince, a5 hon the man lila the wood be t ,hnl ,soggy to xlnrut tts.,up, lett that new air, -r.�4. h `� r l i parent, guardian, Instructor t.r cterganatn,_- .,"...g Qry a.. ' '1'.'n 5 �: !t,•Jeilallt. ,, ' - soinetlifn.; a,t'out "iter. head i,;lit;' ahfcit tight atelia, and our iniagmtttfori dirt the . ' '' :nddress Me Peabo d was follutve1.11y ft hollow grodu •all atolig hn-iunss jast as well, -[Ofd Swtiler in Lelia • , b t . til tedlcril.lnstitute, fit Inn:SF g 1 ` 11' i , h ' ' 1y !I, parker, No, 4 13u1 lnoh Atrf,et, ilostan, . ? 9 - � + 7, the live. Lou Juur'ual.,f.t' rila.s , 5vbo utay bc, consulted on ali diseases re. "Bueaugp,'t een'itte(1'thptall, tltiil pl'scu• �1 ,,' quil'A'�'-aisOland-e�,rerianco. ('hrontcnndobstin% --- •, - t1' g,r, "the More you, 'throttlo her the fas.ar IDreakini; in a Successor, ' ' d oto diseasos that'havo hnfged the skill of all other to • . h n `. it Physicitms sills, inW Such reatedsucees'f, lir - s o 'O e s h r n A story they toll about-Atutrew Jeck, the *`; yt'T + [ J'' without n t�'instsince of failure. lt'letition. Ttjs _. .. ■ -60 _ 11 - But th's 55'ns La; rel out trader the rule4. Veteran ia,llway mail citric, eonies.iil tgcll at., - , is ,', " .' 1 Nsps•ILseotin,Olinton, Out •- - $s4 -y • U_ ' The mail 55lth ti,q s5tnpls cilia, stt;gesGed ti,is time, tvlten.tliwy` ora ntal:ilio to many` q l s, • "because s':e run, tire, mail," but evetyboQy ehatlgeb in the postal service, Jeck is the. �_ _ 'i ��' ^- �OSi tLiltl )lritlt 111.0 lipji$ j 111(1 Of tL]llll)71u1t7.tJ11, lit ;5., i ., q olid "Ali, there!' .so darca;ticnlly thttt -he •o,tlwt ra{Iway mail clerk in'Hallie,. au•l there tt a 7 d - npoiogized ' The crosl pmsafigar; said The- 4hi foto, if any. on the postal cars Anywhere . �� hit>li:1 p F, �' 9 .s , s . , -ause iliero was so mai'll bust:o 'antsy. ban6- a.s o'd as' he .' '' , l e 1•e i, aotivo, efllciaut, aud.' t-'. i , r .� about her," and. lie 55as.fiuccl cigars for 1110. 'a4 sharp a+.a letter. of rLt.lov:tl from 1 ilae, . �' OYSTERS in Slle11 and Bulk 171 4. . ,. crrwdou the s;rot.. The baghf.t� pasgE,iig is Teats ago another felfpw'succe; de,l i.11 ;,ot-• ;• i'felt f7fat I eras ¢tttwortho--.1,1, " n , by . .11 Cr Qualt. gala laaybil It 55•tri b'L luse''she pulle,i tire•• titig hiins',?lf,)])pointed to All Jeclt's a5o0. J. '' F 1 T t r ' tmol:al," aitd ha 55 as lit sed oil ilio stage. OY coni so Jail: pvnsoutpr: to Pt .!)indAliheu.he 15ouid take my ortierand ga• Ci1itVDI"S .1OG, e round. ORANGES and_I+1MONS aJo, per doz., " p ORAI p l alae one or alvay 5vith it, alul at'tel, the 'morklian of my" ^ And lou'6-er had they sun„ but th`t 5roluian' two tri, s with'h In to show him the mpos, Tile tindnortenetl''-int]) the iollow '1' g t ^ . .who talk; b.ss 'r:o:nrl tli0 lode by'croaki:i�; It happenccl that wu the first trip,the mncls n $ oty oR .,e�'C•�'� ®�j�• �'�ci �. AIN SEE"Doj.:EXT'Pl�il`j� ,DN�Gify}�, Y the, sole and 5 elow .leaf, 'ivltoa he came' . .- .... "Because5nocou:du'tgetalongwithouther." togethertker•o,'vasnnaceldcnt,and tlnecar buck:stililooldugquite youii and never Datro.t Yost. ` . was thrown from tiro trach. Jeplt caught fi' e having. forg t•en me, recognizing me read. . . firmly hot(l of his table 1%bon lie Tell; it Eirst . .' . �_.:ilii....=illi-._.�:.�.,.:..�:- -,; -where Oar eonrts Haver "No- I y, alter tne'.luitc, dull, deioiate years, I * �j a. , I . darlssllctinn.' jm!, and ca'maouG Of rho ucc;dont unsc'i.thud wit., i:lnd,. nus 1 felt. the, Ire .deserved ome" fil,L Q. . b I V. Ill IL She hall rytilrrpied 5ilth biin, Willi he 1,•ft and not the leABt.disconcerted. ''the, novice . tlt.n;.1, ore than lucre of !ity thanks and* ! �` her aid ilial tied aanteholy e'ss ztftor. the was flung in a Heap into 'one corner aud said fo lilm: "Ah sir, 1 ott till E ■ . engagomelit Karl been ]ten,ling some time. badly br'ui+ell. 1 , y s nomeuihegr' He was ivvalthy; nail she wns: mad, i uil viiia "Docs, this sort of,:thiug lrA' n v it o of e1' years oP n ivatton, and su{feria � 7 , tliptive. 4he c0nsttlted a 1 5 : a pI?e, ery 11'hen e-V•=L ono else iA:New. VorlL hats -,tor: Like T � ' „ a' , �' .. • . nttrn' ill Yx'il tli e i - ' ' vyel oftenP ho'aliked,Jeok.: - Like iL n0fe O?F•_'t11(3 fact tlltlt' `�,M, 'NLl\'S-1lI..com) 11 - _: Did you tell him to ohy out?' : gskad ilio "Oli 1'r t @• h a xcept on of trio oou Y l3 , yesi 'Said Deck. cAnd T forgot to' fitltnee nuui, you ftin to file with tub glad, �.A 19.4 �'� added inore boiict file, I1ew� Subsciiibe S:' •Cilil'im, the:,, tell you that lave n11 have a place' to chug to,. ''light of _roeogfi{tfvu iu' golll ,clear eyes..: I la "No; . `.'No; I only told him .I never wAntoci to.' viten it'comog You must llavo'.a ItbldIn; .11:ou1r1 3`ou t,Q afl'ended if I' ave "'ou this `S ]?ribsent.s ell' tllail'.41Iy other papelt ill this Se(;tlCll,. see hint ou a.'+ :. . Place purpasoly fl$t3d to got a stiff grip oil' ti` fi.ilty, testimonial of my regiu•di" at the UTLER �' `'Did you saq'that thpenaagemont was :al ( 5vith.your haails, atriio Ltnie ,giving,. him iu note. fit thirty-, T c n qn endl. 'The top of the dar'Wns much 1) ittor0d' it 'y , Y.. IL ote the. -fact • fact ilial illlJ _ . 1.11, TiI,Cco1,D 11'as lL �lal,ger tyir e • y,•'' ' days; . . � ­­�� i ,.- . I No;: I only $aid tb,,t•I would not marry 'time, and.the, uew man ,asltr'tt, before, tbey I wait.tecl hi n to h Al fl. - 1ati1.;01�' 11111111' illi . .Ot11(1 :1'l 7e1• l th ' i na a sotneth{ngIiy 5vlittsll• Iy 1; I1 . IS •SC'Ct1OI1. . . 1:'m. • •. I hii.cl g'oile nntreh further of -rho 1'011.e c 11i7. to always ! erneniber rte, and i ;;tress Ile.lias. "Intim.' Did lie ever promise .y0a' should Jeck,'what has nianie.ali: those seals Jul tha Speaking `:. of 55ai. ieniiurts nlobf one at.: pt0 tlle-fil '`t t1 t � T , 11 . le his 5l]lion 011 of this car? tC lit TIii, 1 Ti,WS-IiECOIII) 11i1S One. Tlce.'011l "A million times . Ila l.i�btc l hist:i h to '.'J hat's nothing +l `l, Glendive, :51, P. 11-p bad ' to. tele;raph ' '-GOD-ER10 H P y� •,' p ,, said Jock., _Its only ahetid ill ordei 16 'geta,place'to sloop, And , -111111 •thin. lTl•ice 1'8i1S01111�J].('. '" mo three tirneg a week for a v6hr. I e stole ,vitere my heels bavp stru0c ,.i lion I've been .when 55e re;:;l-ltered the laftdl6rd shoved out 1 ' ' IIS my young sf-'CJOu;- I tell you,. I •.ails his torsed into the:au• by accidents such as 1'i=e pit old'do4Lle>r+ntl• rilirntol for, s- o I ' wife in.tlie slgst of heaven:": liavo hnd'thii. niorniit 3 J r u, t. iwiorl1. "Hum a. lIt %'raid. 15' g''•, our nnnies and postuffice addnessnn. 1he.: . flSGE,I.,ANil'UliS---rte I.TE . s� "Hump'?. itss, the warts: tit Iters they fiulyhe.l thou run the new aa,- office y's the bat,'.aud liefvre' 'we could et ' a .r -� ° ' 'Italie no jurisdiction .in :that '.lass" -Boat puintee said lie gtiessed lip hail enough h of i qt � and would o. back to sell! t,• our rounds usstg:red ria ice. liiid to•wa! t'orty Fiauci;co , hronic•l:. .. . g lin grogeries for a, ' flue lninlites Tor the .Inutllord'to OolLpet pay .' O O'lJ ,• ' •• o•. -.. linin,; and Jpdt stayed in xhe railwfly li ail' for thf"Joel' dri ks ailii lick.' a personal to s • ' >l P i�E s • ,®®aa""���� ��""``� �gayq <' .. I. " iFnshbigton'o rirst.Altirmish. syt;vite thin au l aver after.-LOWiaoon ,'lrlewl. Z: unity, when he got around to lata,B"4T tam �J p o ® Ji�J '• o- ''O.A i ylJ .i4 t. . Joaradl. he -t6 d ilia 'that I gquld coop fn'the ill -lit, J ions, _ `& / `�'". tl I bnrtcurler's l;od,''as tie 5t 0uhl be up all iiiglit a ' "Ke' ��'� �4 1. c Conspltation. w Q _ 3 1. .. 1 ', I andnlightpos•ibly get klCod and never need 5 e Qom, q 6 OTHOUSANDS ■ ) d e �� [Ito•KtiBrAvtd frutil7%1111. y , _ ..nguin nuyhow. It•N'Duld Cost ilia: 4 cash r.. ' 4S. k�`' tt`` tyc=' in s(Ivauca ao al e' lone' u, h --Uf All hllttls, 1 !: [ti ?r.. e 1> g G iii tha .bar.. - . _ r/� lI' �'i..! n1 � ,t_ , �. y •• .,etidei s i,&tt, fie• said, nutk the. hens%.was so>. • 0 1 �i1yT a, ' h 1 , �, ,,�, ? 1::9 lac". r. ; 1� .si I . t' . •w; 9 rad;, v ?, d1i .. i,lame t fall that.he' and his. info' h:id of to . '. • y,. I . Pi I • , .k r ..t�, LL I �i welt till things I;nld of ureto.l down and i � pp'� rr�� pp' }}�� {{(n�J 0, �y ll�/�J I 1 ,i,,,. ., ..r. 1'r:''1%�.l ' � si`:v.,..;tt.4..., cll'iY:�:ti `ia�'41jti _ . t; ale theu.the avottld have t t a �.Al �5 v5 I /l/i ins; Y o ])n a'riiattress on ' ,�•� tr�� �1 y z .air `• 1/t �5....l - r _ '' tf:e fifteen-utill pool'-taulo and.§leap this, o.O i L O H. on Aw star ov _ . Y• 4i. � c , Or ALL IiI\D5. ' . , ti _ , . 1 v^ Q; t. I cal et afteution to illy valuable valise r f z ' �'' 1 i 1 a 1taJ ti u 1'c i.. n 1:. !" : , �i✓, 11 e6 pu 1 tiae,l At great.co3t, aud :.� s , �� 7 ,; ' nu.... - ; t1' v told him that µDoli!, be snfe..t 1 81161 �n of -t l' Yi/ twdU • i ' •.� "'1'M' �; U .` . 1' o keep that ply i 1 ,n' o ork:... uu�ayl 1[ I' 111'1. 1'f ' w . - y behind ilia ;utir till. 1 paid, .but he tiafd ho �� -�- V alt y ---„flo�i f'l '0.O f . z L p r;; a . �sttsu t lir tho'socontl-llauti ;ynliso .businpsf, j. fJ �•4 t« ?J r ttnSiav T' iutd iu advance.' 'n, It was huiniltat- i <)1. .'1[C 1v0Uk:I'iriTla, .... . r t` . - � , - • ..-:. _ %W ': i11,.. b :. .. .., -.. -. 'asp' Al '1ttiSS- .,'t�, , ,•. fit he lad the a iga on xn0.. •.t�, `-_ _ �-�' t EUTLE :: ' I. /. ..�� At.tuo tea tavie I uoticgd.tbaa {.La 5l alter S. , . ' =-�� 1J , r \. `� Ryris a 3 ouuq, rlisu ay ho e,Vi:lcntly had 'not tiltiliC Y ti ' 19410 - . � Ili f E W / / V 1�4:�f .lJ tai . ..;.. y / , ^_�:��. ..been.altcays:itbuv. :He had'ti,e air of ons.' , Ct�DE EC�i. �. 11. ' . �/ . ' .... ��I 11'` L. i : - , • T' who yeaens to. haSa.soino oile 'tread on the' ' n. Tlstor stat0s 'that w i " - 1111!' of itis > oat `. 11Iee'ues= with mo . fs no .I 1. y hlii Wasriington. Ag .. _ . , , . 9 - - a young roan 'tivas ongage t .with of my: character itis almost a as- - r .' ; ,. • I. ' th a ziill. '- A p sem° B>r%rlyrlr' r,Lr CSI : OP:\TS ]t' INTE. -Ladies ore Ctontlen•t:h - ,r. ] S �S. PAPE, 39 n ;' - . •- f:ig*p rty they wrrtt ottitC,� bac ln,li, V.. _ .' ` rail poissUt it fiajurta (`,` •n n'i v un fetal work. c-,sy. Adihusa �` .�%'�=fir' � .n1�i 111 ii i G prge was th0 first to 'ret eat recelyod, in formel•,'y6ara At trio hands, Of . FT7 C(7L .CL71ya)I0 r6i ol) (1 , LE est%• t. Cats \.,5'a•lif,col U, ( lilteli. . 384 _^ i ..land neber I L l parties. who excelie.l.late iii .brute force and, i " ` �- .. stopped'rnnnint; irttil ilii rriaciied home. lila' " H tI. -m j��3 �l'r� �j mother.:on leannwg n N`llo:'�ucewo ied 1u-dra5viu m0 out in : .• J 1liJ4l.l CEilo' w. " ` f his conatdlLo .1's re g . con �+ l� :: ported to .have situ; "I' have o£ e ' to d _ Sulith]titis-I' i.'.J e3 versat:on, its ,'it were, tf,l l hallo rainarks .. �, q �jf r' rel ,, I aln;fnt distress- , F�;�i ti ( or" go be, had bet Ie' -go bacli'to woric on the . (ngly fat. fit 1 .ha; e o that;wore .injudicious..' : dri Vl ' e t �, A ne•corisolai 11111: In ' I`t rm,,£or'ho tvili never bo good for an thin . t.tlie'hafi here' -if. er l.sh' bold{d nbc disagr'ea Kith ,his 5galterI a1 , '. • - . .. Y. g 1, all not ha, fronliloii•, tliotigll 1. hill:. grounds. ltTheu'''ho elms. , I.w Alse." i 1111th this adipose excess: the tintlerplf,lled arO...alrpointed to.net Rl'pnud And,t+.11pt;ted lilt m eiar '.'Salti �' + r�t 149 : 'Jolles -How ` my'ear, porl5 111111 1' .D , '' '`t' jigoitts in the 7,'i,51`it' I 'of Endairh•Jcn ':• .. . ariteto nand cold tadns " at'' tiro sumo title S 1 a sfel Pner - Patl,erna L . .. Iciols.lTantoll; Sound in blind nntT, i,inih. J",. Self hkiiii-Wh ,you know, co o tib s '• l p 1 its, Colli hila . An wr:elin wi..,binrt.to Y 1111 u 1 1 J 1. The liiniloo't; says an: brig:i•Ir, nY ,'r tiro nave uorou,s' p letiiiiug his lullweight•oui'tiybitdk, Y thou ht Sold ill Stri is for ;.imfnr oiiler I3r'; itliii== ] p , t.. g, 0 . 1 Ye. 1 > nlsurtr' fit .this,oltl' nu!l rdiali}c hair ni s : complaining bltterly'nlrout .tine Boor ryun{{t 1 would call'Toi' what bo had the must o£, etc.; nisei cutin ,tete. tlp,s'i'rus for Sli ; ,cth' 4 , o£ the idols fur ' Y o'l said '{f h Qid ' 1 ('sig"114 1 1 , Conti ally .should' n) l>lyt to citlie J t. u%6 . unihr.d then, .by till) 13nnling. Itnxs of st.nshitio. h o n t nuatl audit �1'oUId71 t . 13rireketit, Aprons, 7 trltes, Goias,• uu'kindf Tiatr.A�s IJarlv.rlc L', `0. • yr " %)111•.1, ' hnni'mauuiac ureas: • 7"hattho manors %lift TII$Y $inD 14XVIIIL q I,e''too'niuL'h',trodble; I, would take cold Caps,.ete, 'W"J'ho, tichfiflr _ w,IrrftIl(etl writ iaa' a tin+tit t � ' li- . C.tt,. , t + S n 1,: 0':, tonlpt.. Vendors o£idols should be ihoroughly' Bern tLitettr �iDung 1; beans, P. E l 1 stet tg crnniplc,ull'tito l,apor pattcan cin t0 ttttenfi,nt,tVill be •ivcu.,. pulous porsous there cali be iso doubt '' 0oekoi, wltat'dv ady "j1li.' 'IS nicker- twill ]cavo .it to. the impaSsionate.' ,"d , € - �'�: rub oil' thu ftrhric, whetrAriulil'cr1'ptl•' A ,_, you'thirnk;of Wor(lsworthl y' 111K!T�i11up; Ju]itt'3rtl,`16$0, „il,,.iin and a .house Tornishin,r Inferior Idols . 111x, Tthickerbocker- NiTortls;vmth=lti: t h , and-funpartisan'Yeailer'to-tato,wltotberthilt' sjlund l a5.m•tutent of'' ' caiiziot be ' exiactod 10n; .to, inalntalu ! • lvorthl don`t bd9ove I ]1'l w' o ts• Yentar,k otlg,lt to, create il'-fee ring: 1 do;not , tri lirin.. . Prlarket .Square, : - •FANCY ,GOODS AM�i3�' 40 DAILY. _ {tsolf in 'tile con,tneroial world• Tho think it ought, HO WOW;r; he was,irl;dabl' `. JEFF=M. IAN. At�IP1:ICITy4 : ' A]]d life t0 tl{ln'selhnbd t0 113 e01d 'slid dark. ' honorable spirit of the old land familiar tin le %:Dail '' sttf h r . n �C� /��f Q (� t.. t e resxtput, Lar;ies T , . ou ,, o h'e went to tha general delivery .window 'If, & ' ' CHI -18 7►? � I S. nesurnnces:. ^All �5`uol; and a yarl tyid0;» R. y `y* S Y; t *, �4 ^ _a. . nillit, tie 'anord careful"when selecting wine , that led -into the ;cold bean laborator ..rind " 0 �/ � per � "� �' • anri "Wad ranted riot to cut at •the 'eye or, ;. ,: u e Y - • he, 1Vhipli 1+ib .tie. yPit „aud'' reraartedm a'lioarso,:msolt;nt and iroufcal.• - -` `- t•aveiai. tt _heel, utast hoitostlyentor into 1.111 uirac Dxit :1 . CSe idol b siiitss if {t i4 t0 L0 'successfii i, n i hero oto .even klil(U in,' .toile of voice:. ,' , . • :�•. •, �. . Successfully , ,lis 'c ellar,".. ,'Tile c, 'i r : +, I 5,-.. ' a at. 1 h Atcl I;varts ilothei'craliined sus iicious Ionit u' 'li' - 1.'"•a•�� • enrrierl oti'or city leugxtt of time. Sliring� : 1. i g,c lar ,; . r , 1'_n 1'1 tell big:llaighlioi'' ehnt'tho claraL %vas Dory • tsc i r•SJauts cold Iiwaus. Lilt R''l) in lies':. �VTS.I' -QF. T\ ( LA.ND ST. `^ ' �� � . ,- y , A ch J V ing i oor jolt lots on the IXitidovs wdlt stnaiy b;d, Get' it fresh"j). I , no mattic °What it, iuu Gleba bring rip'>u t'ho-merelnailti4' who engaryo ' 1� 1'S tai 111()Ur5I�l5:• (x5, y In the 1ins0rupulutis dutorl>rit{e.-liar 1ai•a1 <oats.'i . . , . -. , ., 1 -.- A1Q 'tllVitPFyARI)ir]Y 7I;F R I She •{'4'ill ltr.runln shi,•le... ' ,'' L. ,, , . �',�, y ;.. ,.. �'ftI ' 17:101 ; bonrrht'nnt ,lo; vwll 1'i�:i'r0; o Weekly.. � + o T• S•COI<,II 1�17:1�,I1'. SU,CI.INTGS tC in'(+tderich, 1?c aro ]low.prepatetl.toftn'- � uk's . 1Tao'ess (4 -ho .has litui•; au eligrav'ng of Mis is'w•hat it young lad' ;b t% )Or',cl to.. . > �� , ati.tlr, oa eengnnnhle tiums,A S:attlta,ey Lessop I:tueison fn tli0s;caro chaiiiber,,Indeteio x•e kava Raul a toper of ninrriagw" '1Yull;;an, C, tiU(TSl,It1 (..5,. •, . ,.I`:ILr1I1Si0N1�3 ,Alii) ..tilolvv+n.;r1s: B1 [ciil .11go .mast] to bol T3o,tou guekt)-ll.d you notice rho au- 1 don t• know if l 5 ou a. iu:trry for_ nuiney ,, i ? r ; r , r , , , , . , . tAvingo?ei theintautsl in mond; .lut,ifitntan;;hid plenty, of'morley, TREXNOT) ,AND I.\GLISIL1� OI,. . URAAdlh A.SPECIAL11. "Dr. Seitliemah says rho women of prehis- p b your roo;n•1•tst „. ,, -- - . torio GNo-cd titidoubto:lly.wot•e corsets." , (light, Mrs.' 1Valtlod I Jbou•'ht It nvoulrl 011101 to a.waet di••potiition wilt amus achy S1ED C W 115, :�Vo are n'a rttrerl to ..4611: clic% ,m� tlsin any ' � ' "iCei m 'dpitr anil'it tense ou: 141 V = n . tlint curled at Both euds'tiud till) Lituv a e3 i' 1 1 1 �, CA1I Ml C; ('f 1111 ]c'114K,'.N:1u1V FIXUI'1 S, , , n y. + ought. to teach you, t P . y n s. , Valdn Olr, ,Yes. What y . . r oth6t (irut to flip, co nt.t3. Al it. I' a I� , ; Ialeeson, a filo-looping oldgentlealaul Isit Iatnro audit a social, position; it he had. a {listrn• :Molle tlp.(n �'3trxt 751;/1e 7tttcl 1T ofk-.. L'►,r,utti•c, nl' flnAcrich', Tins been a ,,oliitc,rl Cwlifurttin f.li,1J..L+, i 1 1V 1I(t5, . "How so, hilhb I" Df _ oil• faith. r a p g,ui• heli status ill a pro esli.00, or wa's.even'a' i ' r, + I i Ir'1.1V 2)11"J'X.K . rt Y I• . y -- iltcztirrll.ill cafAbt•u/tuna 75A1f't`./t d, .,,Ln I air;fit`{or.thc,enijnty,. iWul.lrbrtics. : Ot'L Lyhy, ek erq 111st ono of'om. iB d0ad.ti • n,F5arllorrA»Ls' ORAztt. ipei chant;. and itis £athei were i uh.antl itis wn'ttt.ln+r iinythin ,r "- i, +t1' , i. t .r platas0. Ihat i1'. "What's mother and £athur,"aristocratic• •and' e . . r tirtl,lslingtvill Iini1'ii•iii �*.S �cSd.0 S.L ,IaS.. �50.j50i'tJti "r' ' , i lnrt t ,ought of.thak Whats them things nlado of?" n�lted au ' __ then utteruk to oscine their orders until, : Did lady ofx u Laliian image vendor "lslas- NN)ited -to inarry me and he world promise h0 ot{lls: , . kk I I 1, • ter of .1'ereo4 rinadain:'• 1T'r n to let me have lac pawn act itt ever thing Nutri iii sCnel• otte'of file chert �(fd T T01,ACC0;3, :1'di,11CCa 1: i. t i a boainifnd isnot loll me.lib' all sti'i i led 5wnth nolo% �' 1 ,' I{O11L1i7S0� ,c 1ti:%T., : WU."IRSs.. C?( all{q, , •" " rte re^son .L+'ve 5vati trot created txitorg 1 vo board +bgoa.[ da ll'lately +bout this Pw,- r ' Y ! 1 ' Y+, uticl blast sftrcl ,y r f 12ay 17tlt; 1s3i3: ; fl1 tiinr 'a al hn5e a spl rididly fun nishod town 110 50 titre of I'at t , an I s' p06 it's al, the' n, . 1 1 _. -'- R� 'rLcfip,st-i�o5i-liasrnu,•-.�'etv'C'nrrttttit:,` A nm .was, the Lord: ktlotv«if lla ]nod,) we i lass I' g „ , . ftil l a Ila, ndsolne eonutry residenve; t5ai lib- ! w,0tnan'first and then tried ,o got a nuni.A. to I' ll tako them two cuplds,for thoset.iti. N. 13.- ellI)II1 lOc. till lit. 'oo"V ermk about dinmoridbend. o hot gems, also WINTER' nit her Iia 1nl,;ltt.as swell' quit and go uslzr, millinery, nov0r,l;anlCllntg, and 1 really and ~ FLIER 01; "1TIt:S' 'l,I 1t1- I`.Il I' 1 ALL STVLMS.'- 11,:_ iu*'-Merchant Tiaveler. ' . . .- duty loved Itbn,•i wiouldutc cuusirler.'mar1.- Bes BI�LLBB�J '•What a murderous-looking'vilidiu tlfo NVIlUfti; to `XI' lts••ttx13't►ncl. riaga'udrawback.-�•Panou Courier. AN'�� .OL'OTH^t�' . ,, , , 13tttter,Ivantt,d -ill Mill'i; ?.+ori'1 oI alt; . prhrofiar Is,!, wilt an ofd incl' 4ua••ourt, "SV hat (10 -you m,,ttti b u `-'�i ".'"'.'-' -4�i L.lIQa1'�. At CIV,Rr,i kinds l)ot) lilt: . yY gentleman a;: A Full Llne of C'xENTS' 'FUR- r' room to fiat li0shaur "1'd :Le'afraid to but 'gout • of Onk;•r y' araad it we,, tern cit.zen who ivTFRtATirrts t$1tF4v:o thf z. BRAN � ' �r118 : �t7n ' Oil. OWI. - nearhim." , �1iaintownW%?Ingitalriwitra.,'"xiuydrlPeteat "IaJintDuhurdlrau I1"roundti 's _ i AT v r, r "Sht" warned her. husband, "that ninyt I from tha,regylni baine'd' g i Ida %parts, NISHINGS alWeys In s$U01f. Al live,.. �•E!t CIVIV. DK$ :5 howiadays? . asked a pas-ginger„fromi,a Otte . ,y tllo,prlsonei'. Ino ain't l een broug t.fnyrut " 'y Wil ,alto each;, o her'it word for what', winciow, of a Dakota cit!"m "Jhn w•as, Xt illi, ]oy t ou to call ori Doliverpd Prep of (•Margo ivhy% Iwj• c I I town. ® � V 'Ili nin'tl Who Is it, th• II1v o live got,, and 1Ion': have to show downy' aong,n"1'ouu l last weep, stranger." "i3ht. 1 J J, -•'. , ' ; ' 'itls:the judge..."••-••i:apfi;anpa. is tbata,f halal: tiw wdnternor, btgf+wfng eau see hlniir ' 011, yes; d ltatl 1101d.nY tlui - . r 4, r 1111lt�os°.1/D1�11 is Ai 411\� r Jab n',i Iilotk, i mm�• Strnct, 4' dot,g,i' ° to 'get eXcited, "Wvo, tie 60a, haul,, of. ,.Qp0•'.'•-+Iww TOrJt;/�uu.,: it HWANA;A F411 Nr Tlios. C6(iliEr;s..old,ltt ing,, ", QIILNTOX tlutu.Dh,-5son,ts linok,.i,tgq' ,, " ej ip�:-W;1lfa,I 1 t .. . . . . , • .. . - . b - .. 1. • , "• .. ,/ - 1'..t ea," ..i.. - t% ', , ' ` • , '� M1 .I ,, '%. . . I • S ... ....I. ... 1...... -... - -