HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-01-05, Page 2Stelae. - Piet' _a The Huron News-Reeord Wodibtaday, 41:ttitittry OB OUR OToneTgAntRa. cAT OLD SOL'S TAVERN NCOLT.EOTIoet. op A BACrilwOODS ITZW ,ynAn 1tVE, 000hie has been 'bout the snappiest ".day we've had in a moOth, au' yt11it •,. balaiii been 'nough fros't initotO !poke a barefooted, boy ourthis toes:" Old Sol, the 111,13410rd, wae. disgust, 4.td. The: oldest inhabitant of the Ridge coukt. not remember such a .spo11 bf . froreasonahle weather as ••they had over since the winter opou-• 'ed.'. There had been warm weather, lond seggY• Weather,atel everybody • liod the blocs. It was New Year qv°. The 'hickory logs snapped in the big, :Ohl 'fashionet. fireplage, ond a kettle sang aocheaty song -as it wreathed ita 'self in VapPe that' suggested some - 'thing hop arid savorby lid by; ; Intt in spite of that there WAs'. any. tiling Mit abeerfoOnese stirring the •celloction of. loiongera, who sat ••iu the 'glare of the lire' among the •daugiug shadows of 'the low•callinaed .old,berrootn.- The weather had .been son. that 'venison wouldn't :freeze, "atid it Was..hanging up all aroundtbe Ridge 'hod- .ohnost spoiling. This in itself. was .onough to put tho aVorago d \Mier In the bailiwick of Sol's-Ridge, in • the worst Of humor, 'and the feeling in the cohnotthity was probably ?excellently reProsonted at. the tavern by the crotchay-ana. contrary ma Settlor, anU tho tbe equally irascible •ant obstinate .Sqnire, 'two,. ancient landroaoks of the Ridge, who uoyer otgrded Otti anything and neYer mote -even iu thebeat of times; without 'falling into a More or lects•-;:beat- .od • argument 'On' • this partiCular New Year • oyeo when evairY body 'had the lanes, .cteacept . the distriet •Scho.ol totteher - who beardad ' reit nd , ..arid•had.'gat uood to taking everything as Oldie,. awl always expected the 'woret-ottlio Ohl' Settler and the :Squire occopied their favorito.plattoo '4,140046f tholotir4lace, and Mahan - tors anti wo.odaniongreopeqhere•and there in their .viciniby expected. to heatllhe. t*Zo ohL. growlers at their 'very worst.. o. • ? • • "Wc3 didn't.uSety•licv:isech hatvixt betweenwaatlior as this, at • this 'thaw o' Sol, thalami's lightiog his pipe with; aopiife. Ituot :splinter, intimlight ofationicir• his red foes gliatened. mover' hoo.soch meet sp'ilin"• Wanther ez this. at New Years. tui' Oleo* it." •'`""Oourso.ye eticlohned tho 'Squire. Azi'• why do we' hey it now ? I'll tell .'yewhy: It's cause' we'Va •Ciegon'roted. Ib'e.1.0anse Wei'N'te shop. ;pod over an gento'dlOttit hack on good Ditninyeratie. peincipleafr '3"711o, co • I iearct p!havin'aseCh .wpother CZ this: for New: Year's in -tile • daya, an!' Ciitoil • 41ticicitatt'?, AV Nal warbesseS• wit$ *ruii mu' - • thiegiino this,kontry, thiogs Was riglit tiv".ry timo, an' wo ilidut.bov• no April. weather a' w?orryin":. us- owhen thr mionieterti oter hen t, Imetift'• out their-balbsi. 'otiose the notro'ryconld. at't git tto lower; Yo kin Vet yet: last gnJlss bUttten th't if Gov'bor Wolf nu' 4 AtiiraCJaciksion was a ltoesin'. bliings atosv, th'bOtOn'sen.o.d.ne.friz•stiffor'lt tg polo, • "any a feller -woulde't he afeerd4o kill a turkey, a day 'fora he wan ted to eat it." • • . • o'iqo an' you don't oftein Ooreo to'7 gotlier, Squire,tbs.nirtt to 'youltt et Riet'ait tlispositione". said the 01(1 :Settler, "bet PIO With ye on • theta 1 tst,soutitnents o yottu'it, ev'ey Woe-. :1\T JW, itt 184) oaf' n Wards, Welf wore 'Ooy'uor,, tit' tower as Sech Now Yoar'S we atb er eYer. h000 .:911'0% •'We.th£0 year)" • ...• , „ . . . -"In .1840 ati" in/la/ale 'said dot 'Squire, bristling a littite loWatf wo"-. tOt Covinor tutor '40, an' aiiY A Year. 01' Bohy. oat.): know that, Cont''to think 00 it, lie wohit::060iitir, even, .itt 1.$40, His tiooi run out in ',W." • • ov.-en(i-oYttior in ot.), vopited the 011 Sattior, settlinghis one/ oetieltatically ou the home "if( *tut, li•2y ? • • W V, i ),11 ji'st oz ,,v.,11 t,ill nio WA 1 wa'a't both Ju 1813 . • • "I (101 1'6 ear0 wbutitor yoU wits' born in 1813 or • aftrett tlac."frood,"• ox• claimed- blot Kortire ; "alit t 'do cotro 'boot the time oz iVolf were Govbior, en' 1 toll ye th't his time :rtin out in. '40 V' . • . . D.oi you itionotor. t 01 I tiro, tif t i ion!t !inombor the yoar Elonnzor Spriggs Wti:C3 e'llViated e' 1W-38 StiVatitl"?"-1Saia tile Mt SALler, elialtiug hie con.: at tho Sgitiro. "Do :you Me:inter teal •mo th't mo tur' Deacon Vg 1. dit In' t go clown to see • ols (tov'ner Wel:. to git 1onozor• par. atoned, 'mune tha hum ho stole Waif nothiof lint' a Wool OU(', ate bloomed toot wan who voted ao' -worked. agio' .tho GovOlor '1 Do you mono to toll nie thit it wa"n'e•ill the yoktro' 1610•21' "T Me:utter aety Pet Ohs," replied the Squire., eitiyhesiabiree his rotearke by ponthiieg hie 11 -t on hie knee, "au' that fe tiet you nor nolsolo clao didn't 11 :Nur go to soo Clov'eot. N't" tit to IOW, !mime his thou ran tint in That's. •av'ooc, 1 lijc ,i111,,,r 64.3 G You habit tt 'JO g.ochn tor atop tit 4 von ii yhtt was hurn -40 o • ? • _ "Ettiouezer Spriggs wore yoni witlit't he r -Shouted the oll Settler. ,yoo., be were,' raided the Squire: 'but • - 'An' did't ite thr•al that blind "boss an' bave to go don the river for dojo' Of it f' 'What if he did?' 'Does that'— 'Au' pardouea ?' • ‘No but*sat'sthat got to do Pillar. ye he l' shouted the Old Set- tler, trlutophaotly. 'ibar ye he Yor coustu stole a hose an Gotenor Wolf di(l'ut pardon Win, au' yit you stau' up au* orgy with me th't 1 don't know- what 1 recettiember. That's prituy Belly ey'ileuce th'b Wolf *ere grov'ilor from '40 up tads, or you woOldn't try to make out that be vva'e't, jist bepaune ' you fool ;itaila agiu 'him fer uot pord'aio' aiut yer _cousin l' This logic of the Q1d Sottler'e had anythiog but the effeet of couvineing tho.Stpure, and he whetted" up Ilia memory and turned on the Old. Set- tler in kind. , "Some folks, . triebby,1 hov no longer metii'pes. thin. some other folks," said ho ; 'au' 'f know 'mere in the fall 'o"30 Witt my father iniased • them lquo shouldere 1 roe ttoti; gittiu' out a s'arch waaint he foun" , lora in Polog DibbItt'a oelltir, an' thAt wore the fall th't GoV'ner Wolf's timo ruti out, :an' well I 'member it. But, dote it, you'llobef to 'souse me, for I• t'got tlet Peleg Dibble were your uncle. or I wouldn't said aothiu; 'boot it !! - • The Old Settler was about to pour bot 'allot into the Squire, when .cold .SQ1,1tiRlandloril; took his pipe out of bus mootif, and spoke.. . .."rw halo% nothin1 like IfaOhla good nietu'iy,' Said he, 'but thu.. such a, tijicig ez .Itavn.O one th't lealfs'a tootle, an' lets a few fac's drop by •tilio. way- side 'easiou'ly. • • • . • '2, lo : 'That's 'bout the way' With yoti an' the Squire, .111ajor. You both 'noon. • bee a good ettalobot thuz also a thing or two ye don't neither ov ye ilbont• her, . For inftauee, .(1OV'nor Waif hadn't•ben'•Gov'nor fer tonyear the thrie•you fellers is speak' , • le were 'looted' in 420.,. a1Ccoiiso1outTi that's the tittle he. Were *Gov'nor. OtheOwise • I bliove both yer...ftle!ss . is "certlin' to history... :Wolf, were . GOrnor lo • "Thar , Squire!' exclaitned• the Old Settler', ".Didn't I tell ye?. 1knovc1. ye Was :way Out yer ref:kende' .1iPen I say a fellers wrong yo kia Set it ,clowu forleefalietlet lie is •wrolige.au' no mistake ! ••.MobbY ye Want to !stand .up ooW an 'deny Mat this weather is. wutis th'u w a' t we usoty heroin' .tualte • yeraelf giattr'ly no: company far hodVI" • .• .• ' ' :But further.: dispute between the. Squire and the Old:Sotitlei.was intor•• •rupteti by. tho distriet-oelloof teaolier. -4•-',1:103re might be.woree Malaga' thou :having atiola weather 'a-.§ this" at .tliis 'festive scasolo'.sifid he. bettor to Imotoliati 'Weather .cud Soinething. to eat titan 'have the jolliesti.of ogle ',and • .bracing ;air , and a loan larder.. We hove: a 000ddeal to be thaukful •for - • . , • rrl diinno bet Ov'at Yeor 'bout.right, .soaaoy,' Saki old Sol. .4Froet . Makes the blood hop; skip gild jump, wuth a bushel:0' ctootor'e staff, frost is; it it only.emnes 'Wag wou its due. Bu ler a stithlY diet to put meat' ou yer beueA, the sh 0113 of a turkey or hook o' sparerib is Wutli, it :twat at tho•hull blanie Ar'tie regions.' : "I'llat'S so,S61, sid th6 "Sqtiire ; oz long oz folks has get the.: tur- key.' au! UM eparoribti an' all the beim.. 11I1Us au' a Wife ez km/Nee-416w .to•diell 'eni Op till yce uioutti Waters alookill' et 'ow, they hadn't ertx: Liu& fault with'. ap. tiaie tittle os.' year. But some loike hain't got '.1111 1111' it'd Oe a uninet • Mau eZ WOUldn t • diva lo with a foller. to start the, year -With.' - 'Yee; and I kuetv inch a' 10110 once, • said the •Halitail teacher, !Mid as be :had all the ineatineas kinieltud aub or hiw Cale .UW Year'e cloY new- will la• • a good time tb bed yontlitist06.. name wai, J 113:011 J1100 53, salt: ite' had th•o Immo of heiicg t1I.i Meatiest man • that Over hood. lie :Was a groat Imo, titY audit" groat ;eater.. POUple UiOIL to say etineteet WItI 11 0010 11011 eth i ng • for hoe toeatafoliolo turkey,.1111(1 tiott hiS, w ifot al waya ptept ted . hie tu.ads ,.1.16 if alai gotylag.bicezic for noir to nf. Ho o ailOW, .ed any .Of It [it loot:Lily 'to Mit oath !Ito liad. .teleo a tiellee appetitee el • half a dozeu (loge 11.0711 the Li.1.1 )10. 11 Wa411't, 11 Yttioy- chattr; tit mom :old yon /.11,1,y \volt hootoolits that his'ipoptlitteity tieeeit ;4)11G:ea:Lb' dcu Li Jt 1Liin 'Ono sonson there bed. heel] rible 7 113011 th o • streemoo tool great: doel of id itil er o 11$ It way. Several tnill Inc iids wete cirownedill tr.Ving to save peopOrty. They all left largo la:Allis:a 'destitute,. W hon. tho Ito I it Ito s oginatotre tool attme. of the folks thought it WOilift:IM 11. good: bit 11 indite up a ivagott load ol things atel dieted/ate them on NO. • Year's day tiinoug timer/ poor fctunihes,ns otherwise their 01111110084 01 tci,iiuini. the, 0 ew yeat. vai t h any% thingto oat would be deaf:doily Shot • der, Fit -sides that; almost Lovely man in the set tiOnMnt vOlUilteered to Chop.- WOial fortwo hullos on New reify's day for the bonen& of the.; lip conitiiittee was ocrtain -that y meLt n. tts he toes, Jansen adobe would do it httle something in a case •like this. • Whett tiaked if itO WOUfd giVO S. turkey, ole. piece: of vonison, or itny thing tot pleasetl, he said '4 1 Wulli 1.'ve got 07110 till'Arlys) 0111 ;rut.' got some Yen'son, 411' Poo got scone har woot. ATV 1:vo got Plenty oia 'coot too,. Zia 110 agoin tor koop 'em, If anybody "cept me an' my 01 women an' young unto widders or no withiorto orlinte or no °rants, socks their teeth inter hny o' Diem proven' der, it'll be because I don't git no from the woods Now Yeare to see to it - 1111' ra like to Bee the power tht 'II atop tne from doin' a! that. Rz ler cutttn' wood, I'd ruttier be ketohed 111 a War trap l' New Year'e tporning Jansen start- ed.for the woods at3 usual. Ire told his wife he wanted his dinner ready by 12 o'clock... 4 Nirat 1 don't eat betwixt 12 and ettit1 he, "ye kin divide twixt y,er- selfs oh' ite poor,' and Ito went out laughing at the good joke he thought he had made. - • 'Well, 12 o'clock cameabut no Jae: -Ben. ,One o'clock, and still no Jan-, coin. This was most ettiarkahle, as he had never been known to be o rnimita behind time to his dinner. But his good wife kept his' dinner bet, and suppressed her own and her oltildren's craving., for irts .savory viands, Two o'clock, and • still no Jansen. • , ' said young Peter .Jacobs, a lad of Fa, 'don't; let's wait no longer. Dad's struck the trail of adee0 an' he'll toiler it till be kills tbat Atar,. an' no mistake. Anyhow, be said that w at he didn't eat 'twixt 12 cin 1 W5 COWL] dietribit 'twi at oureelf's an . the poor. Let s take him at his word an' pitch in. I'll staled, by ye, Mother.' . "That wasenough, and they: 0.14 pitch in. •Jansenle family • had suoli 4 New Year'S dinner as they never had before; andthe widow and or' • phanstinit were to have no reminder • Nona Jatoseit's hooso:-. had tie elicit • treat, alter • all; as came from- his house that day, fto: Mrs. Jansen. was • • a fainons cook. • . "Old man Jacobs did not; corer - home ••that night nor the next day, •ner the next night, and then itis Wife began to feel alarmed ; for Was he' not her husband 'and the father of her children ? So she agevaited upoh a party of "neigithors to go in: eeet"ch of hine, moph against her will; Four miles,back 111 the woods. they found bitm jansenhad doubt ed there being any power that could .. keeP bine froni• returning home to .'etit the dinner be hod • boasted no 'widoW or orphans -should thate, • but 'there ball beenone ; and as he hail 'Owed thnt be would sooner be caughtin a bear trap than chop wood, for his unfOritinitte neighbors, his elioide had .heen givenjiimeJansen wee found a lose prisoner in :one ol his bear pens. Ile Inol, gone 'in, it to arrange it for tne, eight, and. While insi'le•the log enclosure in some way • had sprung Lite hill, cool dovvn dame' heavy door, which ccitild•bnly be opened front the otitsido, and Jan sen's visions of New Year's good things' vonislied....'When taken out fie was 4.1early, alead from Cold and hunger, • .FIe was, brought safely artiund again; howeveto but Ile Was not tIta d onset). jacebs of old. :The 'lesson 61 that New Yetteat day afrot .• • been offeePted by him as a speeial 'Providence, and the Poor nevaPo Intel .a better fyie.ndthan he 149 .ever Offer, and life was a rootlel. men fn his fent" itilth43i‘11.0..kft:11.118.:f.:. o• "Served hint; right !" said le 'Squire. "Jansen's family had s : ' • 1 11111 t'i 1.4 flict:- But 1,1. tali Me W1ut, We'..ye to be thankful for, this. Now Year's, e'OauSe ve'n' consarn • ye !" exclairned the Ohl Settler. •"'Chtese, wtt lotin't.noPe on us boo called Om. to leave no wiclder's an''•oralits abind •tal, sonee last year ,this time, l'hat'e sempin' to be a leetle thankful fer, lonstways.for thorn az has disposi- tion tli't's Intlfwily human. , I know I ati'..1 Was only sayin:' • fai. tny ol' w.conan.. this ..noilning.: eays, 'ain't you thttokful',' I says, th't you woo't be a weaein' noewidtler's fixin.'s t tnarrer? Ain't you. thankful •fer that t SayS,•rriar kind thunk 11. mintite 'an' says, "Well, 1 &pose' I 'he,'. she says, '"letririlliti't take much - tit notko me thankful,'•site. I clon't know 'zoolly Witt 'Ibitio? meant, but I'M dreadful 'reerod the robtny • (In Lo her tig'in.' ; After • whiell old Sed brewed. e 88.V ' bOWIL liy- bye they.. all itgreed.Fliat SOP'S' -Ridge WTRiii7.1 . I IALppy New: Year, anyhow. Ed, 'Mott, ; An old physieiatt, retired from tattetieea having lied pineed .in his hands hy 111 Pelst ledia ntissithiary the formula of it IIljIilt vatteMble remedy for the tqwetti • met potiontent :cure or Consent; tine, fintitehltia; Asthma. 'and al. throat aml Lung &111.ettoni4, abet a pie it ive tuel railited eon' for Noryouttliebilito tio Sci•vottit Complaints, after ha vino • testsei it , wonderful oval Ivo powers ji, thou -ands or citp,,!s, has felt it Ins duty tI, • 1114110 'it known to his stilforiag fellows. .a.rt tutted.by: this motive oitil a desire to lotiottit so:loving,: I will fend hoe of eintigit, • to all who desire 4,, this rce ripe, in Freneh ot Itughsh, with • 11 dirvatione tor prepatieg •and usitig Sent byenail by addressing, with stamp, naming this paper, W.' A. Novas, 140 Roch.edir, Y. •• .• ' ' . • 3111.10M4V4V.V4=-:,...i4474. • - Dore's. a mighty lot of peoNple wit'S get heaps o' common sense, Dat ain't idluz pertiCular about dere mood an' tenee. 'Zan rasses lots of pretty gals dat's hid be- hind a , ,Aaa' dere's pilee of 'sponsibility rests on an iron rail, :"Tabit tbe slicks' hose dat Makes de • quickes' time, Taint alluz from the riches' Man the poor one gibs de dime. It's a mighty slenelisr polley to go far out to sea, Ina beat wlat's rotten to do core, to show Too big a crop ols apples is e, gwine to bust hdoewiinblrab;ve you. be. dialtaleiriath4leaviiip.s4 janllus taste best w'en de light „. , -Cleveland Te‘ader. ' if an S and an 1 awl an o and a u, with an at the end. spell ' Stal And an e and a y and, an e spell "1," pray • what ts a speller to act? .Then it aloe an $ and an 1 and a g and ma h -e -d snell "cide " r hare's nothing much left for a spel er -to do Lint. to go and commit Siourteyrsighed.' -Chicago News; .• A rancy THE 011 THE .-olotiegende Blattner. • -nrevittes. Two of •Congresianau Burleigifs: strong ,points aro bis emphatic language arid his av ars, on.te drrss deals, 'Winn Tie left home his wife said: "Now,'my dear, have only two thingt to ask of. you: I want you to give up swearing,- and beeyear a dress ePat on proper occasional 'I wou do -any-. thing; my 'dear, .to pleate you was the congressmaa's reply,: -and I have fully de- JerrninetItiot to swear any more; but I wit) •:be:d—d if I. wilt iiv'ear a dress, cOat."-Ex- change - , It is believed that • the &Nil 'takes Off his. hat whenever hem:wets a hypecrite..L.--Chipego ; Ledger., , . . -Bvery, bride; beaitifui :MI it a 11.1Yb!' 1 • tery :whore. ali the plain married won= WM 3 from, .o-Nely Oeleeas Picayune. • •• A inuity old boaholor met e woman on a bad erossjpg the other day ana she crowded htiit off into the n nil,' Ile et rites, Saying: it any re isou teoatete a -Man is.a, man that a woman shout(' 1.ei hogi" We refu-e to netMvere,this eung.a.i. ant questioner Lima refer him to the woman lierself.-L-Chicage MerChaut Traveler. The weather 'prophets: said this was to ba• . goou. winter, but they neglected to In- form us beforeh aid cloth it -Would be open -at 1.0th taids,Lawl that the biggest opening would be toward Manitoba.--Vyandotte aim.) . . • "I believe Ieould jnet live on pig's feet' •said.a Chieagoduile at hineh with hiti blu-h- ing adinit•ee, . "Yon live and move and have Yam:. being on them -don't Vont" *as the 011 affected and ticripitiral replye-Exehauge. Nel`1,0 11S, llebilitateil 1101, Itall are allowed afcee Itial of ihirty ,i(tris of the Ilse 'of Dr Dye's Celebrated Voiotia Belt with Electric Stispensory Appliances, for the Speedy 'relief and PCI nutrient care of Nervous Debility, loss of,Vitallty and Manhood, and all kindred tem! Wes. 'Alpo, for mau.v other diseases. Complete teatoratiop to 'heel th; vigor and nianliood • guaranteed. No riak is. incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with ettlf information, terms, cte., mailed !re" bY • addressing Voltaio 11. -It ,Poo, thooliall; "41011; , 31 8y-we343 Ago leisais drawbacks. There are Men in Atlanta to -day 'who would ,give .$1.0a cash for 13 titian ginger cake warranted CO tag°, like those they ate. in their schoolboy days. And yet $100, 'will not buy such a cake,-Ai- Lauta Constinitiote • ,, "In •'-my opinion all men are liars,," said Mrs. Blister to her husband. "Permit:me to remerk, my dear, in tbat-cenueation, her re,sponde 1 gallaiitiv, "that YOu are ao augel.'1.eeMerchant Traveler. • - The ehiValry of the ayerage man con- sists in protecting a womanagainst every man•but Wheeler Tryin; to ,do busintss without. advertis- ing is like winking ata girl in the dark. You may lraCrw, what you, are doing, but nct- bedy else dads. -Colorado Silver Standard,. • A• Maryland fisherman tells int exlansive. storY, of hit exwrionce with a sturgeott he • hooted fix aro Porontolte. Ile cidle'd Upon a frlead to as-ist Win in getting tlut 'fiSh into, the beet, but the frail, l', beteg afraid. of it, tett him toenatinge as bestehe adult'. Being. afraid of losing his v• z., he sprang upon the cacik Of•the fish, Caught it by the gilts 1.0 tom, its head oat of the Water, and with kicks nod yeels iode it u.shore.-1/ukuown leiaa • A recOrit American perty at. the French • capital RAS wu1l,ent ba the nettt repartee • et a fair daughter of the 'wost, lim liestesS; critielzieg it compatriet, lof ily ebservcelt is a pretty girl;but she leeks style and what 1 call 'grand datneishne,s,'" qt which ' instantly rejoined the youtt; lady: "I pro 101 the lack of that to :your 'd ungratithsli- nes -Williain lienry ho Siandard. having pablisned a story aboitt a 110114 'wog. of tutprocedentPd Rix.), a vutIonlen writee to ietY that, be posees,e, ate eg; of still more tuipro. &tented s z 3." This &a clear ease of an huglieh bulL-London Glee°. • • Ju igine, from, +he remark of The Paw/lee P1054 . he prod gal 14011 bUsitlesS IS co taint}, p ayed out in Noinaska. it reports that a young sett of arse 1 farmer, mem ran away from ho • o and 1 octane a hog tender, wait recently eaten by his charges wire lislev In IL sirawstac.c.--Oinaha 11 raki, Mr. t Iso c IS abellt to take a wife. As a 'talking mica ne nes phottograph was not a stow a -Chlotgo Teats.. • "Potion.," askod iltt1 johnny, "why is it Via -they altioys, beg 13 the legislattve se - 6 wall .1 rite( r-aso "I don't know. my son,' topliai Ms fa her, "aiticas it is to wilt le bal tee (730)50 1! the Lord tie Want is t.oit of er tho wooer le ootled.' -pos on iraa- 7,8ast. • 8.* WciONbs OP. THE WAR. 'UNHEALED. A $evir 'Corker 'Who Never Saw Ifight Vubesoms ittmeelf. Ur. Larry Jerome ha$ Loeneimusiug Wm• selt again. Combo; over trout New York to Wasintogton a few days ago, he found him- oelf •a young num from Virginia, who turned out to Le as need itive as be Vas eyed'. Seeing that bis companion pined too inform/Wen with au appetite teitly (ninny- erous; Jerome sentinel liiiitt.rne4vIff.fiyginalitlnoisiluintgo time. De lured the lintti • the smnking conmartuient, and, by the use ot various arts whereof he is master, launched li m in a raging sea, of niterroga» t on. Iltivnig discovered that tbe you 11 was ,froth Virghita anti saturated with the pe- cmher ideas of his freedom Jerome fired his Wine: "I'm try Ing," a, 11 Jerome, "to get over the pa,siotis aiel wounds., of the ear, yon kuoma-terrible thing, the war, wasn't two • "Yes, tei'rible. But what----Ol "1 in doing it, though. Tin geting so can Wave' through :West Virginia without wanting to kill the leading eitizeas. The bloody chasm is almost bridged. Wiry, when I thiuk of that infamous butchety,r ahrieked Jerome; waving his arms wildly about nod making his eyes protrude, "1 want to a allow in Virginia blood, I feel as though the sacrifice of the mayor and eity council of R cinuond wouldu t tea) off Out edge oO my fury. Yee sir, I do.'a ."1-trant to to rat,ote. in TriPiiinia-bloog." • .• 'You ought to have. eeea me when was with my reaintent 111 Oa 'Ilovoalthe battle, if .killed one rebet itVe killed 100.. Always with my sword, sir -always, Those fellows Wore their hair . very long, • (Wet 01(0 it always. amused me to see their heeds lyin ; around where 1'had been and allthat absurd hair ton:tied-about Diel you eaer notice it! No; '1 supp.osa you must have been too yoUng.t wonidn't have .timused me, anyhoW,", said tbe Virginian, white. “Wouldia 6• it, indeed( I'low odd! 1,T0w.,.. . 1 el wive leiteeeta d-eoneumedly at Or fellows who gotleilleal You know, I commanded a • regnnent of Vermonters.. Geerge EImuuds -lie's a senator now,but beevas one �f ny • betiteuants then. Gallant fellow, George ' west:: 'too Muchdash-too: reckless, you know -wanted to kill rebels all .the time. 'I used to argno With him, buttt was no good. lie tveuidn't take timo to tifieri. Just Wore himself out.. 1 never expected to sc.() him go, thretiglf. lie was shot right tht•ough and through once with a gl ape.. 'Thatle *het • gave •him that. red: -noseeereally diefigured alto vier fellowI declare. 'But as .I. was. saying, I used to laugh at our lellosys wbon they got killed; Beertai,s.eort of .thing to, 710; lecouldn't help my -elf. . you haite heard. been to .Vermont?. •Noi ;then you don't know, hat you imiy 'belie heard what :big foot Vrvnionters have... Well, My fetloWs ltnd ;-uctir Mg feet they co.uldut dewn.: ..WhOu they. were shot ,.tbey would . die . „ •standing, and.then •tee'd heye to go round after • the rate's am(' ron ewey and pusli the •boys over with, p01 05 before we could Jury .'ern. Fanniest thing -yetis ever saw, dello+ Here We are iu Washington. • 'Very dad GS have' mot yOu...• See you in:Ric:1a enon-ta. • • : . Andeferpme' bustled • out of .the.ear, lea.'- • lug the Viretnian speeehless. and the eolored... porter..dourtled -up 111 'convul dons .on. the fluor ea:the pantry,-e-lVashiugeoii Coeeeepoii- deut N. Y. Stat. • Bianchi°, in the Wrong Donkey,. ,•• A lady who lived not 100 miles from Faii, mount park has a pony of • which slie is very • fond, but not long .since she thought that ha was a dittle .cireopy, SQ she called hi a • veterinary surgeon; who prescribed a powder' fOr the (tune favorite.. The nekt inoridog she said to her man of all work: "rat dal you givethe pony his medicinal" ••"I put it: with his tlitly, murn," wao the reply, "but lids the cunningist littlo Lieste leer mite •He etall. the hay, but not It bit • of the powthee el121 he toucleakell; ' Oh, 'Ph . fee, him to -eight 111 axe it toadni a lie 'next morning the; lady called Poe . again anti ,was surptieed to soe him looklag • very ru • hut s tho niatter now/ ", seta Sisi • • "Faith, 1 gou a.big glass pipe an' I put • the medicine nt it, in 1 hacked the• • pally in the corner.. I putt the pipe in hit niouth an' Wo. NO, goat' to, blow i1 dowfl into him, but he te•oathed first. an' I hey the pow hee itt tint Matta' 02 111 ' • ' how it faceted too Iliberniatt;lies not yet t„reuspinalieedentadelphla News. • • Tit for Tat: • • . moot! mottle.) ?. At a recent reception held by. Baroness Duni Oa:mitts, Moto; Patti sang 'the "Lotter • .Arlie' front "Don Juan," after having toc- cettd several' bravura placeS. 21.1 its close sniall old lady Stilppbd 110 to her and said: "In liorlture. itone Can equal yeo, but lltoeart seenial harri1kd. to ine youe interproca- tion. New, that you May not fauey I .speak of your Hinging HS L1i6 b1111(1 Mao does of ooloro, 1 win mention my nation Jenny Lind 11fino, l'atti seemed d141Itrbo.1 by this cool censure, but quiettrfetertkalt "i know you were once a celebrated singer. • Grandfothor used to speak of you."' After this rep y jenny Lind returned to her Wareat the liostees" evithont another Word • • atentsitecalls °wit Preeeripilon. • • , A taeltetor phesician' of Cleo nuati was roost tolled po Ste 11. oqung widow. "You are toneionto," said tat) dootor. ")tour ho- t and haf been dead three yeare. I el adytto spin to vial ry ' "014 Doctor, 011 marry you toortorrow you tool havo ma" • oat Wri111". mot' ere& the eV/etch', geplvillg 141.0k Mid leveeing, "yen know, inte la ta, That physicians never take VotOr ore') p,ce.aeptioaa' Seem George Washington'e BI Jam p. When Washingtem Yas a Young ma% tree -owe Awe; the bailer Potent%) hest° pet; at au inn Otto day and iuquired thonew The landlord told lino the sensation of tYw19413Pirg:ifnrarl4e0 sate )04frre;1r1rst ii•oiteioetr Onbeing told that it wns open to all coot% "toeoaington starlet for tlef ea.. and rived there just as the hunpiu; was ab0 completed lie inhume diet the yOnnglai 'qu./stoii was highly •pleaseel wl Is tlieaat eessful jempine of ono of the coMpqtitol who bad ontelietaneed all of the <Ahem the close Washinetou adted If iss might ti bi. chances:, lie was told to go aheed, Lt he 'Made by far the be t jump of the ( AA be returned to the ere/melba melee(' the young lady'e face faden, aii Want up to her /ma -Yon R helve preferrea I had not been the on excel the other?" The I y vend tey this was so. 4•Thril,', said 1Vashante give my ebance to ban '71 el be return unknown 7 he elem. Telyarrls the 11..Volutfon thisyoung ladv; • n wife df a coamel of mettle, inetWashi and on telting tor busbniel teat she he hem before be doubted the •fect, tied th weut to Wastrugiou to deelde it e replied. Gen, I 'Wash ingtoe,' 41..81 W yalM Wife at the jumping match ba'ore she was en r- riect' n'iAllTe:m1";:ittir:01:,olo7:'etierr• • " . "Good =video, Joliwon, ' • ming man to un I dtibv OVA nval•- p(t,s-eg0:gii 118)1 ('1)711 offkh gi,csn;cralg113tev1 Yes; got • to do 4 lot of tied' stores, on' I don't know low On eir-h. along nriihont lily gito.$)s "Cle:ting• ready for the wedding. , pose?" .e•yes; my dart; r Bearet is going ti) g mar lod„ She an' that iimed for • nothin' Hank liaae Menlo e Matct of it ate lase, 1 thought that vouna men would 'lever eat down to.basiness; lIe'e as slow as . surghttin inolaotes iu Joimary •art' as Shitt- le;s, as an Ivel •n, 1 elaii't 7 elieve he :elm earn VIS salt mad sappose 111 liaya, to sup- • •por him." • • "'Bet,' Mr, ITOlinson---" ."011, he's. plod Onoogh for Emmet., Th,res. ,the.wmot girl I ever reiSetl. She heitel ft Me like her, Mother, ner like 1 • atTsh •too...Tassz. ,.. iliill'einutat5, alt 10:141't e .•;MS 503 hIll 011 eit:Jfe r feet 11 Hese •pertatees; •nif she can ltoss.. An' the w tararrri .for .inetflor that g. ep herself clean, 0u! sho never slid:in' up her hair nor pu+tiu' on tor nice 'rept when compmv's i§::perted. Shae a render • slouch, Femnee is,' and She kin : wear out seeen mire shoos a •yeer. Put -the's gone" enonell fot: filet Itenk sit! if he'll ally supeort her 111 be. tarted glad to gib her off !tante..., S'poatiYou'Ve . 50 alt i4,p1;13tlei 1.v.sditpii" u'di),n,•t seem know me. Mr;.Johnso • • ,.." fdo, 1it l• c't.n.'t just place, 71 Let mie haven't adt iny gleeses . me -bet i know you: ' Your intme -Ulm* Williems, ier."-e-Excheng,e, „ : • , 'is .th6 Way of the :filet (.'itly gas bill, lo ice," saia Ina het/ the grLS "conippaly'.'a office,. some this month 'that 1133118faSt.'" ‘...Y6V; s r;:" riop(inded theclerk, "we try to do the'faia. . ••• • : . "That itew Meter yne. Putlit my cellar is.' ft, won/toilet bovcatoot," cOutinueathe con- suther.". . •. ' Olt 1 &net know nix ut that; it doesn't di tree •intici5 front the old cines,?• • "ls th'tit to?'Wcill, do yon.knory, I thought it v:aS...sornething rentOrkabla Why; ft not only measures all*. cosigns we bine., but ithis of• getting airOund ihe hoire 'and coneertinee all: 'the tallow- candles and linim• ell info gas end ragthternig-, altatiee Ink, the -same as 12 11 tame fro. 'quarters.. C•in't'y-oit aryam.folt seine way, So . Viet a line of dentareatlon, es it were; ' mey he drawn,. and my 'share: of t 'raw material furnished:be,. cretin:41-e_• . het -natter was referred fo..th direatera-Merelfeut 'Traveller; • .. . . , 141caly te P•rova .L.L 1" olialar 4toniodiy.,,, .T lie' cputr'tz ,CUrb for malaria rheuma- tism Oyer • complaiiit„• heart ' disease ,and' fracturnel .constil n. inn . generally, ,I. be- condee ;Very .poeular Ma . the Co : .''rile."-;eis 'i/reptii•ed as fo 7: itii. stock. ' Ile medieheee-under ehe, man of 'til ea to 10.WR: • Tal<Q1 three 'or fourpieces' of .pura •WhOo quarts; anotie the size of .a bieltory nut, wash. Medea'', eeld water; and a tumbler. Next pourover t thedepth Of an Inca or two, whisky,and take .etteh • mornin breakfast The Same pieces of qua , 1st a whole yiar, antl..reena • gond as at tee first, A little nide- 'be ridded in case ef. tbeerp : Week' tea strotig.-f-,'alt Lake T ,. .. A .WeIghtS• Question fietelr',', "eWYoeMleonok-,--t; ,roeueblsa l old cha p i3 fuekinglUan Stu bbe, me 'ia h1 .•nt o. "Alt! yett'ye Kimme:4 Am in an eft''state," sii . Or debt, or bothr nothing tort--ah-fact s, / find It uttorl impo-wrble, dont y know, to Make up my mind whther I-ah-slall. have the cope of nlyah-nowone or -4111"- t wo feet long" saki "Two toot, my do r fellow -eh -two feat, Ly all mae" ejeculated .1. lttekiaghatn. '1 hauit-eke-4hanks, awiwivYou ee taketa-eh-pr eel I11(nintain cot ny-alo- • mletinOd.e,-P-ilaven t 11015, nlco--alt.-t •ch ine.ong in yearsno, l or to not In )(i Ah, hu', a tie 41') of 80 a latheah-a cash of Iwattly. 1 Loaf- •kuokd to lifeeeiataetin, I stqose," And boy tullouned to the neitrost eareaLlaaWillie aVtllottgliby 11 •