HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-24, Page 7rtilDAlt, 1)40. 24. 11386.
PT Wane nhliNitS.
Russia lea ephinx. She may not inapt.
les be compared to a great bee -hive, with
Walls so Wale that to outsiders a sound is
aeldettilleardWhile within is an intensely
'active population whope occupation is not
merelyto gather pollen from °meek roses
on their own vast plains, but whose pinions
-axe Capable of flying from the Illacle Sea on
the sontb to the Arctic Ocean on the north,
slued from the German Erapire in the west
cf Europeto Behring Streits of gastern
Ltda. Neither is the imperial stomach
rged by swallowing smell provinces on
r own berdets, but she gulps down, sP••
ntly without discomfort, vvhole YIP-
, like Roland, Turkestan, and rinland,
now, jndging trete appearancee, she is
Out. to ,establish herself on the Persian
ulf. A. cordon of eerithiels guard her
'frontier at every point, and censors irontrol
the press, inspect telegrams, and gverhaul
the mails. The gauge. of railroad tracke
is broken at the frontier tows, se that no
oar or its commodities can enter or leave
the territory without serutiny. Even her
language iti e liar to intercotirse, The
Russian alphabet con:eine thirty.six, char.
Adore partly Renian, and Pertly composit.
Seeing ray own name written in Russian I
•'could not read it. The mulbiPlied vowels
' and peculiar contensent sound e effectually
prevent a foreigner from understanding a
• wore when pronounced, and it is imposs
tible for a foreigner to inquirator worsen,
town, street, pr numbers -a bad place to be
'Tett in. The Russian dictionary contains
'over 90,000 words. Poetry in such a di.
, luted language would seem to lack that epi-
grammatic terseness -which is essential to
• nvey.foece and emphaeis. To describe
oh a people under such conditions and et
ingle sitting is impossible. It would re.
re a local residence for years and ehe
I.:mire sPace of twenty newspapers to con.
leo', nything like an adequate idea of the
. i ian Empire -tie country, and its peo.
woe q
say nothing.of its history. e
from:entered Rusiate from the uorth, It
• set -el have made no -difference had it been
ea ,
fort the east, the south,1or the west. Russ
fortified on all sides, not alone by
deee ssos and guns, but by is secret espio.
\ mod which, without being aye to locate or
kuci ibe, is felts•and 'one insensibly pro-
. hose with ()tuition. One ip not permit -
yes, 6 leave a ear or a boat or to enter a
•dor i or. tegein 4o Jeave a. city, without
•c ing a passport and having it duly in.
Pet ild- •
-nstadt is Oro seaward sentinel . of St.
. by sberg. bevels islands in the middle
ee'e. wideseelsiallemenayetheislaeldsecoyered- -regular-
ege aptieetntlinebingelostesof-611-
,14-iniense •fetes, and the channel to be there must prevaildn the existence of such
.., &seemed by vessels witidingbetween them,
, ? into ie az impression that this is not one el
. eey ie's Weak po nts. Indeed, one look:
• " the throateef those f •owning guns con -
aside& cif• ;impregnability. The -next
Iine sssion of etrength made. upon • my
min was' by the extent of Russia's .wheat'
field lt has So happened that I followed
the eel -vesting of &weals through Belgium,
Den ark; Sweden, an i parts of Russia,
preen the English •Channel to the Ural
Menntains, and, I understand far beyond
now xdre shong--wee. to Par ts
Heeenie centenarian.
The' London Standard having recent,.
•ly had obtruded upon its notice the
existence of e. centenarian here awl of
- another there in England, inakes SOMA
r9f1ections Open ttos subject of the pos.
sildlities of attaining to the ago Of 100
• years and of the desirability of living to
be so old, Tim Standard says:
4, There is much in nsodern life thM
tondo to shorten existence se.nd to died
nish the probability that a man or
woman will reach 90, to say nothing of
100, We lead more exciting and more
wearing lives. It is in vain that a per.
• son has a splendid constitution to begin
• with, wears flannel, or the equivilent of
flannel next tohis skin, dwells in a warm,
dry house, and eats sad drinks every-
thing that is good and wholesome, ft ai
the game time be habitually overtaxes
his strength, looks upon his muscles as
more machinery, to be driven at high
pressure, and ruthlessly Ofilja npOn his
nerves to squander their reserve power
When every othernource of energy is ex-
hausted. Men or women who intend to
be centenarians in these days must com-
bine something of the old mode of lifo.
with som th in g of the new mode of living.
They mat, while availing themselves
of all the scientific discoveries and sani-
tary appliances of the age, imitate their
grandsires in the steady and tranquil
•habits that prevailed before the invenl,
tion W loeomotives Enid the telegraph.
They must have their eight hours of sleep
regularly; they must have intervals of'
repose and viteancyin the daytime; they
must spend a goodly portion of their
waking hours in the open air. Nor will
that suffice; there will have to her raw'.
larity in the hours of their meals, and
ditepline in the ordering of the dishes of
which the meals are composed. We
cannot believe that, anybody will ever
live to 100 who eats a h'eavy dinner even -
night of his life, at 8 o'clock. ' Chem,
pane in abundance, and Bordeaux or
I3urgundy ad./a/item, are very delightful
things, but they aro to be foresworn by
• persons who deliherately set before them
the attaining �ftheir hundredth birth-
day. Neither, with such an end in view,
would the active lifo of a peliticiane
lawyer., or a doctor be tesane enterprise;
In order t� roach that distant gaol thee
mnst bo a"training, if notsevereeat least
. a person a tranqull serenity, an unruffled
calm; Neither geneY6O4 plieeione nor en-
thusiastic :ideals must -bo allowed.admit-
Uncle:" ? The pules Must never be driven
- up, beyond a certain point, .either by
' work,- by anxiety, by fear,. or. by hope.
At• the same time, Mere stagnation ,Will
in all probabilty noverenadile a person
to live to 100. Theee•is eueba.thingeas
".rostin out as well as wearing:out If
a candle does not burn . brightly etioneh •
: • . • them, it seemed to ' bo a • eeterlyuhloroken it does not cousurne the .wax -with sunk
: ' e fie1.4. of yellow. vain. ,America has no cient•repidity, and gees out for want of.
, loniSer 6 corner on wheat. . The average adequate ccienbisstion. 'It is so. tiodeulsei
••trap.of elaSCinited- States ii • about ewelee•with th-abutrian .body and the 'hunlen'
bushels peeaere. • If leussi0,* :reason of • .seirie. es e , •is. ' . , . • • ee.
poor farming, averages. 'eight bushels per: 4.
'acre, she can, I think, owing to the Cheap.- "To ina.ke yours' elf Miserable at 40 in
• nese of .lier land and labor; undersell no. : the wretcd rcibe a 9 :. . w.
h itiaa 't add 'a . fe
Apparently, she has enough w1,16at•harvest. eworthless years to your satire alter yeii
ed this year t� feed the ofitire wierlsee , ' ,‘ * have turned 70 or. SO _ . _.
is surely eeioor- .
cit. Petersburg they :well bo• styled- the • spirited feed of garne—Toncrid,--Ones-:
inginidatit City -A5Ttlits steeetplife feelieg 'one's pulse,' looking at one's
bsoad, IMildines Maisive, parks nu-- ;tongue, and asking one's • self if.' sine is
• OM, • museums interesting, .and • its treatiqg one's* constitution . quite fairly
• *fitments grand. I have endeavored, to • is not life at'all. IriS to -live in alicts.
rain -from giving Ppa•O•foe rofeeen e to ,.., pltal,;or, atany. rate,. itn infirmary. Stine
'tikes, statuary, elmeohes„ arehiteCtute •
nd art, which most travellers describe. • there aro Somesparsoris Who are cengenie
itlemintetisness, ..But a nart.of the eharm . :telly eautiotis,tongenitillly cOld,congeni-.
' nd• 'bloom Of Ea:storm &made§ would' be ., tally calm,. ' lb •is :their • nature to take
anting were the esthetic Wholly elinSinat- . th' e e nietly" , never to ho in a . burry, '
A from what I saw. • . ..... . nelVt'rs to excite themselves. They are
, In front of- the Herrn/tag° ,Museum at. . content to int in an easy Oak" for se
1St. Petersburg are *ton monolith ,Siberian inauy bouro, deive in a . carriage . when
marble statues: supporting the portio, ,; tlio weather ia. favorable. for se • many
.eacli.ene of whichis fifteen .feet high, fully bonie; And to regulate bheir . existence
•developing in . trio .niost ideal mariner Mr- by elooltsverks." They. may live. to. 100,
culean strength, ., In ails great .depository ' .tliey.m.ly live 66 ,1:000,.bot in truth they
•of national' Wealth, , among many 'other w.e.e._„ .....- - not Jived at all.. The man Who
---Litil*villtrimadrvs-S-6.-tellAorh-ririt4---r: sally-gets-thossi,that -can-Lbe:cgc,t-dut.-
sixteen feet liongeand abent nine feet high. ,
- St. Isaac's Cathedral bas four equal fronte ' of lite is, 'he "'mass/lice:With a fairlyAood
s. in the form eif-sa, -cross.. At t't *V t • b in with,.is read .to
.,,ece „se tho ' eons i u ion en eg , _ , y
'le -cedes project greet p eticee supported. by "•
squender.it at- anyenom ent and on every
double rows of inonolith eqlumns seeee. ocoasion in a sufficient cause. Bo keeps
feet in diameter arid•sixty feet higle.etietys S no accomit of profit and loss with his.
four in all. Sublimely beentiful and ie, ; Vital energy ; • be sees work to do, and
• effesb cPeti.tlie mind:net. unlike that pro. .. be does it : he Sees pleasure tobe.enjOy.
&iced by a view. Of dui Egyptierepyro,naids; etletted ha enjoy.eit. He is'alites all his
• Tee River Nova is her abont hell amile- • 'life save when be sleeps; endelie 'wakes
wide. It is crossed by ten bialdgeselighted .
• from - paebetresh aluenhee, -looking the
by ,,as or e.ectreety: Seep in the evening, ' World- ebeerfelly and :.courageousiyeia
illi•• , .. with neilos of similar fights reflected in the, . the face an .reeely and even eager in
lee -water from the quays Made besy, by 'bor.. ..
• • • be ccenhatant when there-is......ft -geed-
•Tying crowds of men, Womee., end:Vehicle-es
honest fight;.niicl• a . :runner when -there'
the sighir'is brie .9f.- 0S-centiecal lumutY-
Driviog in the streets .et 86. Petersburg i;et . a good, lionerable Mee • 'ef11
eet. e
•.somethinglis be rereem'bereefs ..Tho private may not live* to be 100, lent he nearwell.
-- carriages are fine 1*i-ouches, quite like oure: live to 1)0,70, 75., or,oyen. *80s Be may
• n, and generally .drawn by •black Tar-. . haver); career, if riot lio conspiemess yet*
srian o'r Bulgerianstitilion horses." These' - as active, as- iiariod,: awl. as restless•tis'
un'aitilaliteve long 'need aed tails and aro • that, say, of Mr Gladstone, and yet not
&leen at a rt . f speed that would make ;•be keens' old when time" registers bins
, the .boirtiniFeionere ot Central Park stare , arrimig the. 'aged. '' ' "letter .51) years of '
and elm r th ' centiourse.of neople in a Short
: time. . 'Rlic deeeky is a. small, fon e•wlietiloS4 Europe 'tlie,n. a cycle of Cathay:I and .
• one.horee carriage, very lew la ie. body, better' 20 years 6e unealoulaterl activity'
. .
• 'seating tWo passenger's, andse, river in. than the elove pulse and .measured sten
. front. All drivers wes.elond.'sur out• coats. .4- the .circumspect'snail that .treeptiv.
: teaching to.their feeteplait4 twee the h i.pe Kiraly oh tte 100. - Weare :nob dennune- •
aed bilatled.behind.• a lie pap jetties, broad . • ing dootooariaTIS, . Tbay_are'llIte angels' '
'invton,;with a curved•brim, exaetly like that- .Visits, fe W ruul far bctnecti, and.they are
' of it gentleman's steropipe. bat. Around • • too' Nee. not to la:welcomed. - Moreerer,
..,.• • .• tho. top of the bat are .'ettedlittleseverat : eve tionllb nob •ti.m,b• .thay deserve. their
••• * ' -.small (suing or feathers; in rianiborsomord• length of yrntt$:.:Etnt.' it .Would.be'leinis-
s big to the Come* be potent, al rank see .
. . fortune if it wits ever thought an object
.• the driver, the liarnees is inal.e. of IsetY" .
.. •email pieceS' of. Sevres. leather. It is. at. -- el -life to live Ye-ry long. Tbe. object of
life is to live..live gonerously„live brave.
taeried to- the. carriage -or - wagon. leyetionlile , . IY. . Ai, 8 ha „ bs„easays, . Rips,isss is.
erects,. one to 'the wInffietrese • end Sine et *, ,, '. •
the end of the exletrd eonfeide of tliellub • all. .. ' • ' . ' -.......:-..... • .
-an eetm preeseftiet-t egaieet aecidente. e.. . • ' •
Over the.horse's shoUldere. and' his -collar its . ' : 'Ginger llor‘r,---()%e sod 1.1 Veit ounce
' raised an ornamental webew, about tiventy • . of the 1.)ss8..irtmaios, gi iger, oil° and 4
inches in height. Within and on thi.i bow ' half OnnCO-uf crown of ertars. one nestled
- t arraiiged pretty tassel.; ancl. small bell, • 1,1 brov,,n sngar, iwo 14110,nt InnaOrt8i. four
-Vloseow hoesee labelle(l' to' 0111111)1%os, esterse of leesee *Htcqr. 040.1itylt 1)11# Of
1 CO3C1,10,1 all'i private earriagss ale, ...,,t'eatit, . i,et,,it. rpergoilt. • ' • • . - •
•fourabreaSt. 1-feing conveyed from s ' -•' . ., . • ' • ...
lepot. in one of those Oriental e oilpago-: . • , • '• ..• - . . • . „... . , . , r ,, •
'smell Beer. - • I•
beets end admit et:Ilene
-0010 as it lie or. she wore etetetriag the .01 Nv.st4:e, One pint .ul peen, nail gallon of
lob races • of . tho . Olympia ; teati,... ..niOlniines, half a .Ont, o C corn and. a hand-
. .. .
)'U 'prate.. . . . • • - ful or hops; boil eud.etrain; when cool;
add halt a ..pint of •seast. Lot stand,
Well cOvorod 6ver night, tlfen bottle.., •
- l'Asnlen IleonseCet tWo• large lemons
ie tillees aud pule them in a jar, •and4one•
alwaye covets that whiola ie for-
, hidden liiin ; end yet the Ail-Re:nine of erne e. ot white sneer and one•galion of
lain households c,011s1015, for tit .ineit.part,iUttg watil; le6..16 stand till 000ll, then
in the cline:tree:et esel enforcement of •pro- 1 0I Lwo tablor;poonfullsof ydast; tob
hibitory law-. 1:01it'h 1106. testo not, I, :1.10 tee1 it, ft:moots. Ilottlo in stone
Amodio not," inACTibthl; • 1111011 rosiosb j.tg, coth 1 ightly,
overything wltieh th., child i Moll 11) (1, ." Utat s of terserlo
'needier ranee A il the Voile ie the esirden in-ce
foie filled with forbidden fruit. Ile le told .
seet•ne luta eer- lemon; bell all to
that he 'met eot etko amything seltliont ,
usldng ; told lin .1.1 well .n.Wiro diet Peking 1 ',E,4 ‘016*4.,e--ble 04d..1/10.'whilies of
will les lit Now, ill you want to bring 111-54-,,411,1.1rtif El CLIP
)00) 001) 000 Mined of evinteeserean.
up your chit:leen lei that they may botona; I-
somothimc, mon. 11:1,v0 i.omething .t. 1.!•'!•t!"`• t3b1P4Poentills of
their mu diluretion. 10I0a1 jj,.••, ft,17 itgitISS OE 1‘10 water, to
numb nec..i 4 tt) ail well as Ow whi it ad,' a pluck tf soda,.
moral sons,...
FOP tlie next Nay slave we will sellemy article in our ininiense stook of CROOK
BIM and GLASSWARE, at a discount of 10 per ceq. Just think of it,
$15 00 •:China Tea Sets, 44 pieces for $13 50 Cash.
8 00 •fc ,t ,i It •4 t 7 20 "-
0 00 " " " ft 4.i
15 00 Dinner <0 .
.119 4g 153 453 4 i
11 00' " " 104 %4 . 9 90 ti
t I
8 00 Combination" • 85 7 10
4( 46
6 00 Decorated stone tea 44 gg , 5 49 gg.
850 Irony 'rea ;Sets, ' 44 tt•
4 00 "
" , 10 .6 13 01500
2 25 Stone " " . 44 ; if 2 03 44
5 00 Decorated chamber i0 ;4 4c
2i) gt one chamber sets 9 " " 2 25
Mile Hanging Lamps for. , 2 69 gg
fo per cent off GLASSWARE, LAMPS, FANOY4A RE, B.re. • Remember
• the sale just lasts TRIRTY DAYS.
. .
' In Gro4ries, stick was neier more complete. All our new
. , •1
Are in and will be sold -as cheap as the elleapest. Call and see the leindseme
presents we are giving with ,
AtV,t .C. tirulokeeharati.
sty iftockrof BOOTS and saoEs usir
• large, and I will sell' at the -very Lowest Prisk
possitile. Having made largo addition to !fit
previous large store, and filled the same vs •W
POLI 1111 Falrty, „keit?! th; best goods in the znar•
a de mind on the veres best az**
for tho least money.
Lams', now CEELDRENS USE. CUSTOM WORK as usaal iirleurPocosed and.**
-TRY IT.• • short notice.
Allierigan & Canadian OVERSHOES.85 RUBBERS
in Endless Variety. • °
Try my DUCHESS and TOPSY DRESSING whloh can't be beat.
• .
'Call on C. ,Cruickshalik, the Boot Maker!,
To every purchaser at our store on Doc. 2.1411, we will giv:e.a, decorated •cup
and saucer. Aire wont any -seeentity of “ond Dotter Eaf,9 Potrliry, Potatoes and
' • ,
• Woad ,in ex,change for groceries. Give ns a call, it will pay you.
• ,
o§. Cooper & Son,
I 0
Jammu,. • .• otove._Alous
•:•,„,..:IIAMI11 A SP1',ERDIb 48801:1".NT 01?
t'Orn the hcit noloof:tetorlosin Cerinda and: of the latest pettel'qa, bOnght at the
Very :lowest.pricete qnd will be: old they cot. Our tock o' .
• .
• . • - • • Hirdwaire, Cliti . IPs;. s P.aint:q &-
.1 • -
ES FULf4 .AN poll:LPL-B.1%1: .
, C.ASHMERX DoQuier P1,11WITMEI ' \
Fine line of Hairs, MERRORS, Cheap.
Pilaus (Er4oLnia) SOAP
,, PURE .PARIS GREEN • Nana Bloozt ev IN 'Nati'.
, . .
We poi ;special attention t� TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in tloe comaty:
Best 6 Cent CIGAR in town.
' ..
• • •
Removal! Reniova
Dr. Worthington having bought out the..businesS latc ly. carried on' by Wit:Sink
son, purposes removing it to the building lately ocCupird by Thompson 43 :Saito• *
Where lie intends to open"np a large steek'of •
Books, » Stationery and Chnstmas
Whibli Will be 'seconel to ..neee in :the -eounty. Fte 4186 intends titirioving•:
DRUG. STORE to these.preiniSei:..•,. As be has., taken edvaqtage of the times
bmicrhb at 'very 16W pics,- Lecan give yon ,gteed Valets -NI' your monger..
. . .
• .* •» call and hewed his•pteiek..
• 7V,VOI.,717.E.-T:T.
• Bu- the rale has -very few e.ceptions,'that every one who buys
a -Suit, a Tinir of Pants, a Nest or Overcoat or any covering for.
• the body at the.
HALL • .,,,..,pLOTHING liOuSE
PAT -Wake au 1- the Trimnliage
.that when they want another suit they always come back to :t.4,
and-Sendr-or-bring theirTfriends ir'itti-th-orn..' This is why. our
business hasinereased so rapidly.
•. a,s the AneSt and 0116PeSt R�(' ti t°wil
111,rs; A. Fischer, Prop., Fischer, Planor,Ar.
4C4C.)(0137C.:114.114t-IC., and iOr A..lEt
• . , . 7 •
At prices:which downs theta, ail, .,1rx
I Any (plant* of •ApPles ?ears uns
. .
. . and all kinds of Farin Produce..
• fcrawkow-.
J, ,A E R S Proprieteq;lw
3:4f1C,* (112',i"!' arta.....i 00.11 Wal C!'. rt • ekt(tr
, . re- .. •
. •
.j° es„a,,Artbrat3cvs. NPAT GlIA.ND UNION CILICITTOIT 1 • •
isimrcrfxessimmwiomimsnroex,a!•pracmF.ricz-r.n-sxtargeaiagsimguwipizv.r,ivrarroxrsrr..--atrt,.=kwixaresinsirnseirrmc_rctx.T*t-, 1.0
' re rstSVIZZIni• -:
:---,7.1ir . .
. ...44:
Cooper & Swaffiel
H. STEVENS 4. :SO» guhrrom
Manufacturers Of SASIl'S DOOM, BUN OS, 1.10011ING, -
' CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRAIIES, PICKETS, .4.Sco., and all.kind:S of
Interior and Exterior ;Finishing's. L VIII and SHINGLES kept •
• • on hand. Mill on Wellington St., opposite Woollen MIL
S. Cooper, •
11111(.1,1111111 1 111 ttt 1 ti ;Ill'
. The ntylAniigned begs to notify the people el Clinton and vicinity that be hes hough t the
s HARNESS BUSIBSS formorly oarriod oil by 117-, L Nowtoilt
11, r•te'° • SP '4' (11' A (if P-fi ALSSIIIS
t`$ s „ 4
Tteol at-v..11;1s4t in %took. • 'rents nre tritelt 40 Pnvelnoer8 In OrtiV'e goAlanctles4*
T11(.7111'0 Ti11111n1c.'int.gl 11-A111111))1,11.1 11AVI, 14•011 we( thn Premilont, VIVP,
Preskleet, leeleeeldeet n r»Vii mifb,111 or Ittplieirr AN.401. 'angtria; 510 Pms1-
rho cItow, physic:dm: eltront)s Cppluw; 1110 :trod!! 4,1' tile Modltnl Foonfty 0?
TANItT Vnix,rsIty1 11,0 T'it.,!c;frot 11lt EN•lir. Nicholls nt the cooncol nI Novn Sent13,
w,”11::tittl'101,0 1... la 1.4) 11.1 W*1:I i» lint It titrIlitri,r0Ot 10
r• q. taTI 11)
• 4:31 ti•nt.oit .
• Una that he is prepared to furniele
ifiarnass, Uoilr tiV143, Trunksitialloos, BuffaleRohes,
iwerythints 111,1 Illy lo,pt ill a lirst•cl. ss itarnpAg 4 -lion, At ilo' liitit T,zhs,!.;1)0,:s15
Attentinti is (lire.:.ted to my Atook of Lionr 1 sill make a spoeiAlty,
'.1?)101V.ItZ:31intrlr AL71:1ISITL/F,I)To
ilttOntion to lin cnos4, Ana 0.1.1%4101y studying tii,,wa ii .1' 1 • • j ,
Me it ghee, 01 oltron.tee. wry() nin 0 esti liefere reliseele elsettemo,
numicmvaut T.T. ST 4 ID--01.)POSI'rE T1111 MARKIN?
c."4.1-3530 11A., g SI et Al '14 A*Z172