HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-24, Page 4vinesersimelleteeserelsewartant 3 0 Ti.it.E14E0r1:',ORS.. • . .:or WEST RTYR.O.N.,„ k•••••••••••••••••••,* OEN TIsEM - ' , 'The °merle inegislature has beeindlisolved, and the Mowed Administration, anti fourteen lean: of faithful( service in the intereat of the P.oviuee, again appeale to the peeple for a renewal of their Confidence. Its record or honest end et:enemies' Ad- , eatinistration, wise and Prudent legiala,tion, and maely, defence of Provincial Rightmought to enttkle it M. a favorable verdict, .48 a ineraber ef that administration, sham Jag in and proud of its athieventeitte and un• blimotted teputation, reeponsible also for intehoriettininge, 1 submit myself to the elec- tors of West Harem On thiee 8t1CO888iVe 000881,0118, 1%3 a private member, you gave me tour confident*, I am , t ot conseemeint having, while lilting the more portaet po,eirion'of 0ainnet- Minister for 'the past thregyearettegleoted your interests, s If you approve of my paste:outset and think lean servo you with advantege iu the future, reseeetfully ask you once again to give to ntonr I am, gentleman, your obedient servant, . t A, tit RO3S • iftglo •gicivfrttoent.cnt.o. • Clearing sale -W. LtOtiiutette. The crowdse-telm Rebertsop. To theteleotors-tit rittlanning. To the altotorse-Btktorteett. Heise wantedt--J. Rough, °igen for sale -1L Steveee. ttle for tsate-tit. Elcoat, tILritts,-3tts, Twitenell, Fare° for sate -j. B. (keelson. .A happy season-Jac:keen l3ros, , Tuek, rsmith uiuuinpitl notice----W;Mettoneell ram, us eltithiers-3neksou Brim. 'Wood wanted -Jas. Teitehill, Olinfint int eta l'RfE)AY. DEO 114,- 186. ' . . WE WISH. ALL • - ete • a tErnllit to tt..4 • Ftlfillti. Before. atiothet ietne of. the NEW -ERA , tlle ptople of Onterip will...have decided ;who shall be in eiititeriiy. as their te.pres sentatives. .,.. • . . . Linn fidtUy itnil cap Oct , that remit!. Will Ite favoittble. te the Mowat ' dministraquo. . . We see no geed -.it egoit \vie •sit mild be otherwite. • , •InUc foertz!on 'years titan:the Members' thereof have atimithetered the atifeirs of this Pit:Vince, thili 'hovel ehoWn wisdom: and 't Lid:tout-it t it ItII legiebitivn Inatlerth and exercised .prudence aud ecenton.y 11 'life been latently developed iu the meant, their finatioiel otanagement." . - • If men ere to hide:deed tn.:MU:gin tecordt • tune, and et this ittet 1. (50 to Coppeeition only toe!' eaception to abeet $10,000 at and lioneray• and uprightnees" ate .aptire- the titte, the et inflates woe.naSCl., near it in Intiod. A week or two sloe° we published the .following paregraph. We republish it in order that it may be impressed upou the mind Read it carefully ;— , . " Ontario is the one country .on earth that owes not a d 'liar of debt. On the eonfrary this Province has in its treasury a surplus of $6,75ti,000 It ha this surplus, nottptek, standwg the fact that it ha 4 tit the pastfour- teen years ex ended $19,621,489 on educa- tion, agrieu ture and arts, hospttals and 0 Mariam, nantains, administration et justice, `"°3Uit Bauk "1°4°41 •13ibd'aguatt le* 1 ant and building of colonization, root/0. .it has ed with shams and diehontetties.-: And the spent in aid of railways $6,00,086 iherebp l'est of all eliaree ,are these ones and effecting the coristructiou of 2.734 miles of stitrinnelin of religious animosity at elect. lines. Allthis has been' done withota asking ictt tit?JesWhat ia all this row over the, the people of Ontario to contribute one mill bock of selection readings for our Public Behind ? Any body who takes the trouble of taxation. . , t,,- go to tho .bottorn facts will find, it seenis *T11)8 ie due to the careful and prudent to nie, a ustege and dishoueet cry. Has the Bible been ordered out of the itchoolt 1., you' know it is left to the diacretiontif true - teas and parent to aity whethert or the 13tble _shall be read in the achotil, but here is a got etinnent regulation in addition which makes it imperetive that a seleetect portion of Scripture shall be read. s The result is that a portion ofthe Word of God is read daily in 98 per hunt. of ttor Public School, whereae before it was • not read in halfef them Yet the wait is sent up that crc the 1:3Ible, hdt%' en driven mit Of our -Tobin: Seheole to m leper this hot& of an- thorined gelemione, That is not so: It the whole volume of -the Bible be deeired, weltend goon ; int, school can baye it. irt 'tiddition to thee ' Seriptere Readings, What is -there then to Stuplein of 1 ;"Why it is a mutilated Bible '!" Wis have just shown that it ia not Intended to dis- place the Scripture. It je trAelp inexper ienned young teacitenat tilt indite seleett Mem have Neu Medir for qyeth a parit of the ' reehlar curse of aoltoill instrncion. Is. the Bible 1 haymnently from thignitorning mu tilated because in :eeleotitig:. my iesscitie 1 thave had to 'omit all the rest of the Bible ? ls tbe Bunk. of Common Prayer a nitt tiletettBihlo because the lessons at:410400d to he reed . in the el.:etches do notincinde thm whele Scripture ? Whatever .thee is Elt. leetion. there :must • 1!0 bIlliStli011, I- Ilt orniesitin ie tiet necessarily ninth:dim. I, it the chlitactee Of these seleetion that is objected totelnimmetranintemitelnaltele, judgiumm, and competency of the cent tint - •tee, ' made, up -.from ith the Proteetant. Churches to cooperate in this .work. The ielectioes have beep prepared with a view to the needs bf el:nitro, they are fairly. repreeentatfie of every portion of the Scrip - lures,. arid are a complete and. variedcol leetitin for. devotioual reading. , •The first• flinty' 1 I over saw a' coptitof theit renche abused' reading's was in the hotee of our la- mented father, Mr. Reborn Welker. Ar family orayer he put it into my bands' n a eenvenieet'fortn of --Sthe Blinn,. and seid Vast he watt using it iii family sclovotionst I. .was ett tick With the. beitety, 'apple:pen titaness, and ranee.of the, select -ions.; But. l'he great. tretthle, is the hook haie the 'Ittnt mums • 4111111•.1801118111111110 CPrniervative Mobster °Atha Question. Rev. Hugh Johnewn, of Toronto, is 84a1 to be a. Congervativet but he evi- demi), will not follow the,lead of the par. ty. In his Sunday night berm .n he gave utterance to tbe following sentiments ou the' " Sex. ii)ture Selection," and bis re- marks are worthy the consideration of every honest man, be he Conservative or Reformer, Titere is the Bible for the school -e -I bad managenient of Mr. lilowat'e Goyerrent. Surely men who have tortudielously man- aged the affaits of the Province, 'are again worthy Of the confidence and support tif the' electors. All who think they are should mark their ballots for the condi-. dates supportio,g the hlowat Government, Week and . vein. We:warn opt friende against; the Oppo- sition campaige lies. Our opponentelre Idesperate, and will make any . statement • . idsorder to win votes. 061..Rose is known • es a, man .of honor. 'The peoplet West Huron can trust hint to do the righttthing. Let mg. lover of 'noble administration rally around .our gifted representative, a. mairof whout any constituency would be ritond, and send hiM back "lit th inerensed mejority. L'et .every. Liberal, vote . be _yelled. • W-drippeal. to our friends in the townehi pa totlend their tigstiodtheir en- ergies to bringims Mit every.. voter in. thetti 'enh-tlivistoil for ;Ross, We.t Litirote's hon- . tired son: • 11,110 same' litomittge epithet equally .well to every. 'Liberal canals -bite intim' deunty of Ituron,-.. Libetals slitiuld remeMbet that their °pion:tents wilt 011 every nyailable vote, and it ,is therefore the du ty..of all t'riends, Of the thowat Gov- ernmennto Workt with a will until every vote favorable. thereto :le . :pelted on the ... 28thinstt: ' : ite •tencteeitnitneest • " Mr. Meredith his .suppottets say that under Mr. Mdwat'e administration the anneal expenditure of the Province •has doubled:", • show .hovg little truth there is in .1. re atterunin , u .i. to -the' °Mobil .figtetes: iIii 187;1. the' controllable .expenditute et: ()aerie iftitiounitti to $2,- 430;000: 1.108S5 -'-twelve years; later,- the' expenditure was $.2,0:1,000; an it:grease of , $23:;),O,C.f),_ certainly ,net, a large apiouht whei. it.ie tennembered that.. the -Province. ciated as they titeeld be; - itto ..detibttatliatt . . a • • • • . . . . . ever-eolild,,exiA as to the ptdpett cottite Ito pOreued in this election. . etil)etb4ir Mneola Host. , The metnhers Oftbelliewat tien have shove thentael Yee 'to he abotit it:1=Mb tttdLti,WrtMiktttJtttllttltte %Vials out -a stain,. ----• •• . • • • Not a charge of wrongdoing has been sustained egnittet theta. ; It has not be proven tdint-teitte-heityle cent •of the public „feriae -It -at :been tais- used. The eitlef charge Made. againt them that they:" tvailder• to . Rennin Cittlidtin influence." •e • And even this charge lies never laeen proven. MV. Mowat' e opPenents do not • attempt to peeve it. • They make an aesertion and then take for granted that the peeple will belieye it. Why •Slossid they. risr'cr out Of the six members of thcc Mewatainistry• areas • staunch Pcotestants as cati be found any - lire, and are just as reedy to etUnd Up for Protestant liberties, as any Of their op• . ponents. •- • „ The Goveraineet bay° stood lip boldly for ProvinCial Rights. . , It bah giitled' every case contested in • the courts. . , • . •,• It has, itt a Word, Shown itselfthe trite' friend' of tint Province, and eitits looked carefully ate:: its welfare.' Belieihise, at Wel firtnly. do,' that the Iowatpoyernsimit has shown itself to be worthy of Ote people's tinifidexice, and that it cannetbe replaced by abetter eov- ,.erntnent, we ask for its sopport,' 'Every votesiven in favor .of it Liberal, 'candidate is vote' oreonfidence in Mr. MoWat, aod wo aro stirs • that those who 'that record themselves will have no meson to regret it. Electo4iii the Ease' Riding mark your ballobi for TROIKAS C411150X1' the South Riding KIT Await:am 13rolf017, 'ain't in -the Mteat Riding for. 'Vox'. A. M, ltoss. / • FOB Ditittr.fTtt•RETTIltiglitiO 01,1ICIERS, • The ltevieed atittates of Ontario, Chap', 10, eniet tweak:tee; NVIteneyer atm Deputy ltettiranig Officer hag i•easen to know or Inn • neve that frittul or violence is being pram tised 10 *latish:oil of the tights ofeltetors by whiett undue vote% aro tendered, or that voter is het niMlified,'or hats already vacant the said election. and Were to vote agelan Ar ten'dera his vote, under a false name or desig. ' Haien; or pamonates or renresents himself falsely as being oil the liat 'of voters, suck Deputy Bottoming Officer, under a peettlty et • $200, and ntitninettet,tho oath authorized bit stieluvoter4vhetlier-he reeptited, to do AO or notby any party; and incbtionVhrc .1 of shall be made in the Vetere' het, VmmingsloWidromor .iivounisminviacemeromm linistaiwiraffigassingavir— TUE Oonservative Papers are otill pub. Something New in ilimhing Meohh liabitig the t'aiiiehoutl that Nelson, of Edin. • a bu oh, gets $15,000 a year out of the sale oar enterprising throttling nmehing firm, of school readers. Copp,'Olark & Co., Of /views tnl'Itrran, Maeptitereon ds Hovey, tate Toronto, the publishers of the Beadere, naelYstyleeonf tbrtabtog Late:it:gaol a°01"ott say over their own signature,' that no such tied are they with the working, 0'1 it ihat ,k„i The following accounts were paseeti.:—R. f-tolmes, printing, $2.25 ; T. Cooper de Son etindriee, $1 BO; bicKenaxie, ber;$41 61 -S. Daviis euonlies $31 64; W W. Ferran, ineuraoce, $60; rent and cam. taker for church basement, $35. On me - tion of Mr. Foeter seconded by Mr. Me- Garv.a, it was reselsved that alsouns of $36 lutend building a barge ember of them for 'sum whatever is paid to Nelson, and the,' [next "„„0„,„ tr„d„. wa ars informed thee be gtven the Principal, Mr, Lough, ter this 'mom° hell Lee west effective aponai,e,ea entratiervices rendered in connection with *Mould know, the model class, said bonus not te be con- sidered as a precedent or as an increase of salary, The Principal handed in a re - Port, which was adopted,.and from wii* the following paragraph is taken; The average attendance for Nevem was 137, This is the highest attenclanee in the history of the school except for the month of May of the present year,when it ran up to 446. Very few non-residents are in attendance at present. The atten4'. duce for the year will be much higher than for. 1885 and if the sabot poptilite tion increases at the same rate Tani afraid that you vvil I have to consider the qeestien of accommodation before the end of 1887.. PUIPPC ISphoot En lament. THE Toronto Globe points out that the Mechanics' • Lien Law, passed under the for therwigh agitation of the straw of auy cansedan or t.A.testricau machine, . ie of Lite vibrating clam, but differs from all other Canadian machines, in that the maw and Mowat Agneinistration, guarantees every gram are earned ou the liame deck, thus dun peueing with tbe heavy grain floor or table workingman the wages they earn. Un - plea** beneath and used iu all other vibrating der sneh law the enslaVement of the masses, or. the long continuance of any grave injustice to.tkem is impossible, fir it makes the workmen independent of the employer. Iv WE thought that Mr, J. Rangthrd was sineerely " seeicing' after light," in the•various eeintpunicationa of his that appear in print, .we would take the space and trouble to help him out of darkness. But we do not believe' he le. and it weuld only be the woriA sir 19, 144'moments to show that he is r e: since in bis decide - tions or °mollusk:tun A be appeara to Want our opinion on the action of Bishop Cleary in compelling his %congregation to pray against the overthrow ' of the Movvat Government, we will frankly tell • him that we do not approve of it, though we at the same time are not fully :menet nt- i d with the Bishop's reasons. Will. our friend now be so kind. as .to give us his opinion of Sir John A. 'Macdonald, who wrote A terrain " private and confidential" letter to the R. 0.. Bishop of Ontario, In. 1882 . OTT t'l L.:STTiiii, -R, .110X : dorse no mire f Ainlihisirop-Lynch and-thejt9- man.Catholic clergy: . W.hy don't we'ob.- ject to: the. .docriincs-.rif •t'rA3 Trinity,the dorsed by .Itorime Oatlibliee ? LeValsave elnii,iry end fair dealing, '1 methieed Ott ovo.tlifrds of the 'tomtits Cetlittliesehildree of On theta are it our PahlteSchoole and that tho3i are grolTiOg- llp nptie.r thdinfluence anteaclitng ofBibletrutts 'Cis: eery. Well to :ebetit phut ..rretet no tie mt. Ittit whon We cry out sitgeinst:.Romen Catholic din teinatiey do let. int`6'ill Something a little nateretretional thnn this Seriptitte Reader . cont.roverey, ...far in tltit •else relies. •:must take their Share of the odiunl along • wttl: the.Crovernment and .the- Mieister nI Perhaps Col . • itoss. -Undertake the_ 2,Ineation. Party pelitice aregetting pretty job of explaining tellie:people why tlie Tjsrawo....,Ronntrent.,ya.mttr.s b_mi clumps_ _v when they ha vo te trade on_pretudieg Caaliedral -$600 for nab hire, and, payi-to- 'allai'dillious'alltiPat'llic-o;'A-never-gave -a the I'retestant churches net one cent - vote in inylife.on party issues but 1 do ro- • • ce , est aaaiusb the dragging of religious fends ' • 'into tt question which ought to give the sin - •The facts are 'biesPle and,. .Whou fairly cereet iejeicing to all p'artiis—theettended . • such .readinrcof Bible truth in. all our Po blie atid Stated, are not tusceptible of :any Utah •bchool. misebntruction. its• the Newo Iteeord in- • , • tentionally or otherwise Places upon them.- ' • .Prioitto thol4th of 1SS0,.itwatbe practice' fot the Government to supply • cab s for the convenience of,thoie clergyl men and teachers, who, without renumer- ation, kindlY atteud at the public inetitu, tions.and co.ncluet religious' eXereises for thebenefit of the inmates. It was. then ,for various reasons thought best 10:Set • aPp,rt a fixed suetrepresenting the aver ago-. cod of *the servie&-Ouch sum te be apportioned betweeo :the Prisoners! lid Sssociation, aetirig for the. Peotestante, and the Chancellor of 4114.4'Roman Catho' lie Diocese Of • Toronto, the Association • and 'the Chanceller being willing and do:, oirous to (138i:tine the tosPonsibility of ar-' ranging the details of the dqty-roster the 'expenclittl re. connected with the .work. 1,11mt.the AssocitIon and the gh.andellar .were best qualified to atteod to these was, • Of cootie, beyond dispute. Accordingly, on thedate tnentioned, tot Order-in-Coun, ell was passed granting $700 per annum to the. Prisoners' &id Association '9u consideration of their conducting and ar- ranging for the religious services end Sunday Scheele fpr th'e Protestant in- mates of the Central Prison, Reformatory for Females and Refuge for Girlo," and granting ars& the sum of $500 La the Arch- bishop' of Torouto "tocover siluilite sets vices to ffir as the Beth au Catholic inmates of the gaid institution are concerned," the tivo SUMS to bo paid quarterly in certain proportiotio from the'uppropriations for the several institutione. It Was alee erdeigel that so soon Tis this arratigetoeut .svits in „operation no further suing for_the aboverpurpose should he paid, So farms the Ittheati, Catholic services were amt. cerned,Ilie arrangement was also to ex' tend to tlie inmates of the Teroto loin without extra payment but se far as the Protetitants were dencernetli the ar- rangetnents tlfen in force liras to be con. tinned, vi7,., that one of the asylum ve- hicles should be sent fbr the ollielatjng -clergyineW.—Thie-arrangetrientio-nowArt,„ opera,tion and is satisfactory to everybody, to the piesent eampai,gin WO have care- fully avoided Unpleasant iperimial iefer- ences to. the :Opposition enudidatee; be- cause we de not believe „in that :method of 'conducting 'a campaign% Hence, when' correspondent asked . us lest Week if Dr. Taylor was a supporter or oppintent nr the eott•Act; we purposely made our answer as brief as possible, iii that it could not be said we were„"personaliy abusing him', Thot who know Pr., Taller best, know thnt our ailswer waS'a Very sva,Y of expiesSing the actual •eireintietatiees'; and we winild not have referred to the matter agaiti did not bio friends in their ieal,make statentents to the contrary. We are ere& iblziotormed that lir. Tayler ditl CippOSo the Seett Act by kis vote, arid those who, ought to know tissertr most • Positively tbat-he has shown !its practieal opPosi- tiontoitne act in a manner that dannet be mistilken. R is not •pleasant Co hold up ik to public elees the WCakileaa of certain portione of the honstio race, but there are oceasions when it is lit the interests of truth and justice that it must be done. '1.;t) the Eator .of Yaw .tstre: . Sree,-7 it is no, new thing to have portion's* of the :Bible in iindlie sehoole. Pifty cears ago, went to the publin• sehoni in the north of Seothind,and one of out daily lessons was rens:Firm:1 a part of the Bible, comprising the Book of Job, the, Book et Psalms -and the Book of Proverbs ; we were,examine once eer y a• overne merit inepector, accompanied by the Var- ludi and our teacher was' mmi of the Elders in the "auld Kirk of Seetland -Nobody will attempt to shy thdt we were ander the dentrol of Bishop Lynch . . fitiotnaND, Mn. SVEN'tArrox,ef Exeter,who is run- ning in the Conservative interest, in the South Riding; and claims to be a temper- ance man, does not keeil the bestof temperanee" company. He ean.vass- leg' with ex -Reeve Graham., of Stanley, end ei-lteeve Hardy,' of Exeter, two bit- ter and uncompromising opponents of the Scott. A et. ' • . • • Ttte littblie Accounts ofOntviashow • • surplus tb. the credit of the' Province of nearly $11000,6002-andwheb ally Conserva- tive paper or individual states that " On- tario has not a surpluo" they are miiktng mis.statement, \tinite, the expenditure in Ontario, un. der the Mont Government, basinerersied only about $235,000 slime 1813, tbebee, under Conservative Admioisttalion, hos latUler_exp_endlistradnma Red el most $1,00,000 in the:game time, • ••.•••70••••••• •' Ote•Edit,o7 o:f flut Olinton New Era • • Ria;—Spetilting. from an experienCe of four years connection .with our school systedi as teacher; plofeSa. to o :some knowledge.of its ,warats, mid believe: tin) Sariptuie tions,,sanctioxicd. by cor Educational Penart. mentiare most adMirably adopted to the wante •of our.public iehools,.aud with cranium' sense. mtublar,cd:by-party--.pisjaclicei they heed co dormice., look",upon your I'pcout article. 00 that inhject as one, of tire clearest azial.tfest .cenviticing expositions ' Of .tlie perfect, f sire OeS 8/Lid.). characterized the proparatiOnS of the :Selehtiotol and their int roduetion 'into on). sclmo4.„ Which has yet aPpeared 41ist snit- fect:.• „... . . • ., . untehinee. There sue eo beaters. lookers or rollera cotteaqiiently them can he no winding of the etraW, The cembined straw aud gram deck is mend twomections, one working intet the other, end aro' driyen by two pitmans from underneath, the deeke are thug coutiterealtinced, and am the heavy grain floor is diapeneed with, the inaohine is of ,ex tremely light draft. The cylinder is made differently trom those in any other maonine, and hes but very few teeth; which are set in such • nonuser that it istimpessible for any grain to pass between them, without being thiesheil from the head, while itt tho same time it takes a great deal less power to oper- ate the madiine than it does where a greater number ot teeth are used, besides making a great deal less cheftmeM.Ch la turn make easier separation and less for the mill, enabling the grain to be cleaned. in the finest manner: The cylinder teeth are so made that when • worn they Mal be turned in the bar, thus ae- curing a double amount of wear. The oon- eaves are made in five Bections, each hay,- ing but one row of hole for teeth;so that they can quickly be adapted to •the numberof teeth required- for the •different kinds and varying conditions of grain, which avoids the necessity nf'telchtgam utting in teeth in concaves eviler' changing to fish' different .1.tinds of gran'. To deeoribe this machine fully would, take up morocapace than we can command, but ths appliances for the thorough toseing and agitating of the straw, deserve. toore thane pas -sine notiee, and are"briefly as Wows. After the mingled, straw emigrate 'Mine the threshing oytindel it,comee con-. toot .with'• hinged deflecting boards, which. direct.it to the separating' pan-or,rieck.. The straw is, held up by long • uetched strips and tint grain goes to the bottom of the pay,which is oerrugeted,lo pa -s it on .to the 'roar end of the machine. sItninediately back •of the do. fleeting beards.p placed a kicker; Which con- sists of leer forks working` on' a dotible ciat4 oxite---',ctes-k-towpitettes-ti and backward very rapidly. Along (he bottoms of the separethig (leeks ore 'placed at intervals four sets of lifting fingers, which lift •up the straw flora -underneath, thus keeping ,it in constant agitation in 'every inch of straw space. • Back ...of the kickers is placed •e curtain corliposed of narrow strips .of hard- wood, through whieh holes ore 1.)01'8C1 ft little above hall of their length, and these are strung on an iron rod, ,The Object of this curtain is th" s..me as the deflecting arde, to further prevent: any shooting Of the 'fir the rear of the curtain is placed a ,second ltigker believe that there similar to the firtt. 'The neparatieg divines their efforts, nnd. we Wee scarcely onetof the largo number ores, may be summed up as follows t tvp• sets Of kiettiug forks n four sets of lifting or toesing negate ;, teni.. sets of long •notettea Masers; which are constantly tearing thd straw apart -and li-he-deeks-being,i- twn "Seetiot.s, wot king into and away .fretri tie avoidably. to be omi.ted, from the pro-. gramme, as 'ei each -other; tear the :strew apart reunistances would ' not ale • t 4 elf Attilitt IN' PlIOnnt.ttT, • ''• .;• • • VP' • Ectit*r trr, c..,4012 ?!.? t.74' Sjiu-LSVhil,sussing threngh Blvtlt latelm taw es' idences • of :the .old. state et tinting id- •Cliatattertstidoi eleationtimes:: iii nee natio vitingd..ettfarge ittepertied of the stable:and The annual 0bristinas entertainment of Clinton Public School, came off in the town hall on liVednesclay evening. To say ,that it wag a big gatemen from firet to last does not begin to deserihe it. The hall was jammed fall, even the "gallery," , and people clung to the window sills and . doer fremeb, and anywhere else it was possible to get an inch of foothold, , Williams acted as manager; while the. members of the trustee board and teachers lent their assistance in carrying out the programme. We cannot speteify the dif- ferent features of the programme that merited special menttone but there were several that had involved infinite amount of labor and practice theimpre- paratiou, and the manner in svhich the pupils performed their pests, reflected the greatest credit on the teaehers,all of whom had heartily coniperatdd in making the entertainment the success it ayds, , • The programme was certainly far ahead of • anything tn,this line that has been given yet, and the eothusiaem manifeeted by the audience was an evident° that the, zealous efforts of the teachers; front the worthy • pi'neipel down to the one who mar:agog the most diffieult departiment in theesetimojetemil the " teachability" of the •seholage,,from the youngest to the eldest, were fully appreciated It Ir. Th9H. Jack-, • eon jr: and, wife,with that kiednese which has been so' manifest on many similar occasions, bad lent their asaistence the training ,of the' children, and are en- titled to credit and praise therefor. The • deachers an the school, while certainly :not paid in a moineotarv.„. sense, for tbe labor involved in .getting ready for this ehtertainment;have the proud satisfaCti en . • . • • of knowing that the public appreciated ent, who would tot withegly have staid for tarepatitino of the splendid programme. • is to be regtotted thitt a song prepared' iteelstseeofrlet_ with Miss Relyar. lutd meet at every movement.. .• • Thisis .the Only: entichie in (Minna that, agitates above, below and through thedtraw the entire leittolt of tniill'41041tIe; „Having thus desdrthed . the meet important part of this tnachine,. viz 11(8 separation; we will inerslv add. that the shoe, fans,, elevatOZ'e4e.., 'ell do. their Welk equally at:effectively.' • • • .• The firm hileo expect to do p veiy.' large nen colvvinri.----Considerable ainuse.: trade , ‘.,ndiliavia," solid.:qq.ven . cottun mew, caused .by altttle 6ireumstance. Main Dieting:Belts for steerd thieshing. ma that happened on Monday afternoon last. ethines,. es their cestomers who have piirchas. The $alVatioiiist.had a:jubilee here,. and. edtbtn ere loact in their praises of its darn- went 'fo the ,statiou..at • 4 Melo& meet. some of ,their trie• frons'the north. It low• of it being rendeted, e cannot Make rorim -the ;Programine in full, ivbib embraced singingtby the school and bY claseeit, readings, reeitslintts. tableaux, r Calisthenics, Cub and dumb bell siting' ng etc: Initty•and driving mowers, aim declare it to be respectable inhabitants ou the village, wed. 011lthe best belt ill c`.•vty respeet eritr introdneml• the lou g petted of inis.rule of the preeent local into Can Ma. • • . • • ' " SO happened ' Gm , DiVision • Court • had . been held itt 111v th .the • eamo day, and the -Riot shipathat in.the chair of the <thief :nil: ortium, beve btougla ont a eeeeitataeot. ,, tea .,...,,_,,,ttt, gttt........ , tat . i . . . . timonn those. who "Slippert-ofitqlte traill ' . . • ative-elliee will-elo-thenor-to (bo onot tteitedity, tiffirtlintritttlirgetWOTThe ninnicipity. Tim gentleman so chosen is Mr, Blyles Young. All °las*. of cum - inanity have bonded together in bis interest, MreYoutig; lam assured, is a reati of find at -linty ; is :well•Verspa iu the forms' and'cus, temp of the,laws; Mid oft 'indeed, tallbusiness traneaetionst he it moreover, a Christian gen• tlerarin, well acquainted Withwhet reletee to the preservation of•wholesome morality in high and low places.. A vigorous canvass has been made, and if the .people that have 'pledged themselvee proms true to.hiseauge, Mr.Youngl is, the chosen Reeve`for.1887. Bat let: me gi90 them the advice: cease not working until 5 o'clock oleetion dey, With the excellent camMes'alrearly made, a long and stronemill CPBUr88"beyondsbridventure, the suecaes of . the reforming party; • Years, ete,, W. It. S. fee our laskie raw win be .foijuil e.ther Cent -honked°, but we are again eolapelled to ontitra lot that we %mild harp Ices glad to martin this issue, as "their userninee gene" berove net week. • Wo have nearly enough communications on " Beriptiire Selections" te All one paper„ and several of them aro too long_to curtail, abil ilci it satisfactorily We regret that their laistion is unavoidable, partietilady when the writerstas lathe easewita soine'df them) are Persons of vecognized position, and ablpy. After the elections are aver, so inuchnewe will nothelieveteitto editorial neater, ata elli,entemes win likely then hest liberty ter' the discus, aloe of all public quesiions..-ED. • : Additional Local News, . . Abo.inoci:T.—One day 'Fait week .11i. Thos, Brownlee, who, 4s,..einployed on the railroad, was attettiPting•to liftia heavy piece of timber, on theshoulder of a com- panion, twhen it fell back, and dropping on ,hie toes, stueshed 'them pretty badly. He will be off work for some time. • Wiumixo.—A' very quiet wedding took' place at the residenee of Mr,' A. Gorrell, on Wednesday morning. In fact so quirt Was it kept that scarcely any one outside of the• folly .knew anything about itt the contracting parties wevo Mies Susan J,, eldest daughter of Mr, Gorrell, and Mr. 13.13(301i, it resident of qu'Apielle, .7ii% W. T,, and after the ceremony tbey. left on the morning train to visit friends in the east, after which they will return to town before leaving fordho Northwest ; the bride carries away . the good will of a large circle of acquaintances. litistgta , IMP Stiont.—The diaplay of fat cattle in eenneetien with the ChristinaShow of the Hui lett Agrieul, turai Society, an Saturday last was not large, but, the. animals ,tvere very good •that• were them': I p potfltty..there was it splendid 'exhibit. • The foliowingis the prize list etecr—A.-Conch .,lat cow or hoffer—l.' and 40., conbbi fate elieep-1 alid 2, A. Couch ; fat pig— 'it7ter* 2, A. Mick ; fitt goose— I and 2, Timms Pear; fatduck-1, X. (levier., 2 T. Pear ; fat (Miami—I and 2, 'It Vett ; fat turkey T, Fear, 2, ;f. Govier; tablp butter— prints or ro118-1, Rich, .Carter, Irullett ; 2, W, Robinson, Ooderich township ; crook butter -4, R. Carter,' 2, N. Robson. Thejodges were :—IL'Atidrews, Clederich; fl, ovon)ook, littIiitop; (J iqeyerit , The Ohriitinas .display of meat' shown by the Clinton butchers is sernetliing• Wiorth coming a lon.g way 'to see, and must be seen to be appreciated. Tnab' the.people.do preeiato it, is evidenced by the fact that in each aticaeeding year the butchers try ,W oat - strip their previous magnificent displays ib would seem almost ,impossible to do,.. .At tom rate the altibit is a peetligle any plain, even though ,it were ten times+ as large as Clinton.• • • . • • rtizstnone Moser:. Two heifers live yeare old- fed by E. Lear, • with Others wat..-Liteitner_Oampionatof Goilerieh, andwhen theta Army oilier4 "felt into liner-Mr,tCampion was among. aeon, 'and so' marched uptown. To these, who Ineyi WM the eirecunstance had an annising aspect. • . • Tim New Elt.A. 'WOUld like to Horse iaeing etopped Onthe "gain street. •A .lively Christmas trade done and the bank account of our merchants " fatten". • no, Everybody talce a nottiomt to Innate up before the 1st. Or January, 18874,;-1 , Sleighing last during the holiday talon.", 0 Hullett, weight 2800 lbe. One heifer. two Thehest Men get the vatiotte municipal, .years old; fed by Jas. Stetverb, Stanley, 1200 lbs. One 2.yeitt• oltlbeifer fed by 11. Crawford, Hallett, 1100 lbs. ' dow fed by Malt, 'clroderich tetWnship, 1500 lbs, One 6 nienths .old pig, fad by John Balla Hallett, 22.0 lbs. One 6 -months old•pig fed by John .Honking, • Hallett,' 255 lbs. One 5-morithe old pig fed. by Charles Howson, Hellen, 215 lbs. Seven pip fed by It. Fitzsimons. One 3.months old mg,fed by John.. Ford, Hullett, 105 lbs. • Two lamha fed by Wm, Ifethison, Onderith town- ship; one vveightel. 70 lbe.. and the 'other 01 'Twenty turkeys • frem Isaac [Upson, Hullett. • Ten turkeys from John Cluff,Gode- rich tewnship, Ten turkeys from Chas Cole, Gederich toweship.• Ten turkeys front llobt Acheson, Goderich township. Geese, chick. ens, rabbits, pigeons, and aii "ernatnentett' A. OM 8ITOW4 .•• One 6ret class steer bred by John Elliott, Goderieh township. • One heifer bred by F. Walters, Tnekersmilli. One heifer bred by Chas. Avery, Stanley. Otte heifer bred by George Middleton, Gantlet), township. One cow bred by 2, Glen, Stanley: One cow bred by,laraes VanEgmend, Ifullett. Two sheep bred and fed by E. Snell, Hallett. . Six lambs bred by James klet'arlatte,„§tanley, ted by A. Couch, Thiele pigs bred and fed by John Govier. One pig fed by D. Jackson; flullett. 0 deer, Tutkey and geese front Mr, Gross. man, Ifullett. A large masortment of mall stock. fildithe horned, atoek were fatted by Mr. Couch himself.• , emwstee move Oho heifer fed by A. Elliott, Goderieh towe. ship, dressed weight 781 lint One heifer fed F. Brown, liullett, dressed weight 0LI lbs. One heifer fea by D. Reynolds, sea: Hullett, dressed weight 700 lbs. One pig fed by Hy. Hill, lfullett, dimmed weight 410 lbs, Ono lamb fed by Gee, Cookerline, liallett, dressed 'weight 76 lbs. Five pip fed by John Taylor, Huliett, dressed weight 240 lbs. each, Five turkeys live weight 25 Me, moan and several geese 121bs: (lath, raised by S. St, SAM A largo quantity -of other small BUM". • ;T. semen's sn0w8 One heifer fed by john Lindsay, Goderlith Mettiehip, 1100%14. Ono heifer fed by lake;, llederieh township, IVO lbs, Two cows fed by Geo, Statibury, Stanley, 2600 the, One calf fed. by G, litatibury. TWo lambs fed by A, Islay, Goderielt township, Two pigs foci. by Joeeph Allison. Three pigs fed by J. Serittem. Also tutiteys, geese, dilate, pigecne offites in the gift of the:people. . People who swear bfr about this seasoir to keep': s' -their good resoftitiOne more • than two weeks. Everybody fined who drives with- out sleigh bells. • Another line of railroad brought into Clinton in the near future. A lot. of buildings erected ne.xt summer in toWn; and things -in general to Continue... • L"tit:°0111Ailg." CHURCH ICH' IMES tim Sunday last, Rey. Dr. Burns, of Heroin tom preached morning Lied evening in the Rettenbury fin Methodist church; and we are within the mark in ;eying that he gave -two of the bestmermons that have emir been de- livered Within the walls of that edifice.. He had largelandienese on both oceaeions. Rev, tlit Mills, ef Itlytht passed through towit on Ttiesday, on his way to Brantford, where: goes to engage in mercantile pnrsuits for a time; to see if it will be no improvement to bis heelth, which 1183 been very poet, Hid family remain at the parsoaago Myth, and bis ministerial duties will:be performed in his ithsence by Rev, Mr, Ketinedy,,late of Beivie circuit. ' • • !PIM prograMtne prepared by the 2xecutive Committee of the (Jaunty S. S. Mgt:Mistime is int exceedingly. attractiye oue. •The annual (Invention will be held at Myth, on the ee., conil Tetesday and Wednesday, in Febrnarr t"ty uext. Among the topics to be dismissed ere the following How shall we lead the echolars Into enureli membership? now shall we din euro the • deepest epiritnal interest in otigit work 1 How *Mall we train the childien igt temperatice pt•ineiples? The 8pirit Whieh S. 8. work ehoulcl be purseed. - Home work tied ,parente' gesponsihility, • Sunday school waste, its place and importance. Primary and intermediate class instmetion. Black. • board work. Among the speakers hxpeoted are Rev. Ma Sitroteowt Brimfield ; Rev, W. V. Campbell, Dutmannon ;Rev. Mr. Charlton, Gerrie; Mr, joint Buchanan Winghain • Ray. Itoes, Brussels - Revs Stewart, Clinton ; limn W. Joni:sten, (toderich ; Rev. ktr. Musgrove, Whitt:rote ; Dr, William, Clieton; Pint Mr, Howell mid Wm, Ority,Seafortn paia allots% a. good time istonfidently expected. The Seeretary would eonsiderit a -favor if the ether eennty prime , \wield pietist: copy OAS allnomionrient. and rehbits, Nomination took pita() in een all stittieneles ' Settee' Irenettm ;sleeting, .• Tho regular meeting of the tichoo 'Board- Wtts-lielttLon_Artattlay_Aveninz_. Inc the Ontatio Elections on Titeeday, Clarke, of Wellington East, ,and tiiul, el Waterloo' North, Liberate, being elected be acclamation, and Stewart, mf Duffetin, Corteervatite, being • Ake elated; Ail °thee seats are contested '