HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-24, Page 3FRIDAY, rtgO. 21, 11386,
'Oaten New Era.
Ilei; Johnny IA, tot; up thy pee.
Anatiagetsp these writer men,
l'h°P.9•Ye'w1111* but this I ken,
Whey're untie tougbt
But when you tackle them again, •
Gie them enugh.
Bet John, when you again dal) write.
Tee help in tin election
'gion_ Exigenceee.
leMber leein Tammy
And, gmlesake, diun a jest indite
Coefounded Ices, •
Mind SeMson's fees how they were *lain
„,Wi' A bit caddy's told jaw bane.,
MAC lie a weapon o' the same,
dinne, perett,
lint just ;lay on eelwig% end Main --
They weeldeserv't.
- Tee gal:wand bring in a selection,
;est in the face o' an electime,
. And even if it were petfectioe,
• We'll gl'et a toss,
• We'll tak a planifor its rejection,
Tae anger Ross.
!o� when ye hae rit up your log
The Grammar Sebule, gielt a flog,
Seed a tau that wee enarlin deg.
. quickly awallew '
4. ye bats writ, like outwit hog.
Ile likes tio wallow.
Ind, thisIt nee play.
' The. aught tuld twentieth is the dsy,
• Qeta thing quickly under way,
perfit order,
A should lute miekle mair tae say.
Non mi ricordo.
oirhat is McGregor% Speedy Cure fort"
018 tor Dyspepsia'Liver timapialut\,Tildigets
• tien, and is the iluost blood partite in the
Irnown world te-day, . .„
. 190(h4 it give eatiefectiont" • ••.
We omelet point tonne Maumee where it did
not. . . •
4Wbere doedit have the largest sale I"
• ,Itight in the city of Hamilton where it is
Onanufacturod, there has been over ono • thous.
▪ ankdonerse worth teed in the last plat., retail,
*" and;thogleat majority of sales aro by one re
• commending it to another. For sale at see and
•;Riper bottle at Worthington's Drug'Store,
.r. 'the .alitor of the Arno Bret. • " • •-.
• :._41in,---Ip looking through your outempomey 'Of
Ate 8th inst.. I cotioed a Letter of Mr. .John
:Baesford's uponehis vexed, (to the Tory),ques.
. o• Re_ . Inlimvs for schools, and
could uot but t nn • it s rWrVidrls-ry-tircolV-
- *latent In hint a professed non -p.(11[0-019.0 . Or, at
least, non-partisan,' to enter•thepolitical. arena
• . at this jenctitre With Finch a silly- cry :in. his
•. month ; and I could not help exclaiming', after
perusing• his labored production, •.`• Well• i the
•- mountain hs'. been in:labor, and, behold; whet
..• it has brought forth—a mouse !". Is it an3ithin,g
.. Ishie more weighty or serious? for,•after ell his
' • driving and interviewing;le just learned; what
Ise.m'ght and ought to haveeltnown before, if
• be ieso aniciets abut the moat and spirituel
• • welfare of the' rising generation, as he appears
. re desirous of making tho community', believe-.
that a well-chnson seleetion of leseofie freni the
• . Bible was being used by the teachers in Opening'
their several pleases every day, .Was not this a
• . veritable mare's nest? every
. 281, lessens. ranging froth„ 12 to aceverses iksach
, lesson-tmoi•e than enough for a lesson eiteh
•school day. in the year, and well sliited for Chil-
dren generally. Now, what' reason -IS there for
wenplaint in this selection? One,yrliate Ver. eee
oept that it does not. ontain the whole Bible:
• If that cententiou. is worthy of notice,thee te
• 'print the old and ffew testament eoperatelee.or
• '8unday.rohoor tablets of Bible yerse.eis emudle
• .Ili vieong; in feet no quotation or 'sending dotild be'
' Made without.grounds of complaint. 11r. Thins,
• ' ford Winild not like to be called a diceiorter.ni
' 'facts, but has ,be not d one' so in styling the Ite?,(!-
bige RuPiii.vor181'&40 i,lig.'Bible ? It is nothnig•
of the kind, hue, justeelieV it.is represented to
• fm --a selection. of scripture' readings. There
• are•two versions of the Bible in the English
language—King .Tames' Red the Doueye. and to
eMi the readings a yansie'Ar is a ranyenstria of
• the truth.'- A few deys ago I was be the aim-
pany of ton female teachers, '(not, in Clinton)
and Teettehe question to them as to What faille
Maty shape, • conkl be made agaituit the Bead,
ings, and all of them replied -that nothing could,
• be said; in. fact tlicy. thought they were just
• . what was -:wanted -e- feetlitating tho labete.Of
• Abe teacher much better:them a• list of select,
tions On D te • h 9 • e thelfail. gave.a,
: very flatterieg-notice of the' readiogseat a time
when no ulterior Purpose was in view, so• r.that
its praise then may be nonsidefed warranted by
, the Witelern of,
the seloctionS. ..As a:preorof the
Meanness of Mr; J. L...1Inglies, in his &Made:
against the Scripture reedineeein the Mail 'of
' 'November 1,1882; may be seen .4 notice ,of his
• baying requested four eleteppen to make a se-
lection of twenty readings cola—Archbishop
• Lynch being one tif the clergymen, -and the
Mail seys that the selectices Were'nearly Wen!.
• tical in every esee, and speaks in a cornmencia-
tory tone of MT. Hughes! motion. "The :mere
• thie anti -St ripture Readipgecrusade is •sifted.
the more it is found to. be a false and hypocriti,
cal campaign move. • If every voter would read
• the letter of the ReV, Mr. Dem* .1ilditor• of
•, the Guardian, published hi the Oldie of theItth
• Inst„ he could net help but be convineed of the
• righteousness of.the stand be takeupon. this.
, . question. if lie weteopen totlie eonviction of
A, 1 -,overt et? Tnurrt.
' • "truth. Iniuns,
, .r.vidici4 . now: •
•' •The eRrillexion is often rendered unsightly'
by Pimples, Liver Svelte,. and Yeltownees.
, These it la. well ,known ere eineed •froin an
inactive Liver and. bad. blood. Die °heeds
Liver pare perilids 'the blood • andsyliole
fairatien. Sao Repine Book, for toilet reelp•s
Aliints and suggestions on how to preserve the
• • eeinplexton, Seiti by alt dr.tty,grsis,..„,
A1e16, or. ,> 'trip West.
:round. The dwellinto fo this section ore,
4s a rule, smell and Inferior looking, and
very far apart. Such a thing tut A garden,
lawn, or ornamental or shade trees,. are
rarely seep, owe io the cities, as the,httle
hatulete along the, line are ealled, Night
.w hides the landscape from our view.
Wednesday morning the firet eight that'
meets our gaze is the Si, letnis bridge, .
',Welt its a magnificent structure °reseed
by, two railroad tracks at great heig it
above the Alietirierie liererond Rbve Imo
top of tile cars the bridge ts ti)vered over ,
mei forms a general' pesseutter bridge.
fleving had such ii. comfortable eight's
mat in our aleeper, we deeided pet to step
•iver atiSt. LelUis„ as at first Arranged. NVe
ind the run to 'tenses city an exceedingly !
Pleettant oee, ae the reed is. firat•class and
••• day bettotifully clear and very Mild.
le country is very lunch the game as that
oready described, but the prairie more i
erteitstve, the a ra fields much. larger, Old
the cattle horde more nitir.erous, The
'eirses seem to be ofr an inferier clatue and
melee are largely used. We rent h Kellen
eity at 8 p m. and intend stoppitig- a day
or two in this progressive and wonderful
ente of the west. Wdl write yen again
from Denver, G. E. Onewrcatn,
Diewven, Col,, Dec. lS 1880. '
Dilgt Sinee-In iny Wet we hid gone as
t•tr as listless city-, and 1 bed intended to
eiye a deseription, bnkit weuld be oaelese
tO attempt it in the short space at my dis•
Paal•., is aertaitely a. most wonderful
eity---huilt, netlike ancient Rome en seven
hillftt hut on abilue seven times that num-
bine 13ut 'what 'surprised me most was to
thee hilla dug dowo ,converted into
brick and built up into inagnificent bleeka
ight Ori the Right of the feraker- hill. I
have heard from goeti authority that there
Is not, ell the Anuirlean continent, to•daY
a city that is growing -so rapidly, and
well.' dieter, it for yen can Scarcely cross a
hlualc to the eity with tot ,no•icing some
public works', end buildines aro . going Re
hy the hundred. • Well; etfter Craving, the
city by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe,
we have quite Change of scenery. • We
run foe A long distance (pita close to the
Arkansas River 011 the right, witli various
mountain peaks, woodland and plain on
ho left, goiter tomantic and beautifol. In
• southerrt and western Kansas the country
is very level •and is said to be eXcelleut
farming land. As night 18 Uow closing 11."
wil sett no more cd the coutitritill the fol
lowing morning. We are in Colorado and
eau see in the ,bemitifurinorning light a
f tint outline' of a 'range of the nock3
.enel 'otte Pullman is bete treneferred to the
PollYor.and. RioOraittle A.R.. Prom.this
't,iuiut to: the Mid. Of ourj;anrcey we• hare
meet he el seeriery: 0 u eker, left. ett a
distance of: from' tive:to teii miles are cdir-
'.tirtioins rao0s of mountains to the end ol
our journeyo'ver two hi:mired These
peaks. are Of indescribable grandeur many
of theeeemow capped, . some nicely ewt,,4,1
'beer. n 411 eiet•gteensi-w tole others aro Jost
• to view in the elands. At the .root of -the
inlimitairet.there are 'Steve smart little
tewue. On , the -right .we .ha've sonic lint
tremiteain peultee some, plain eedseni e eel y ,
feriile•land. guieradO Springs is a bean.
tif u I tewte • About two h•en deed . purl ire
across a lovelyle:rel farm is the " AntlerS"
Hotel id to bat the 'finest meth e eon tinent
Bank of thia on a nice iticlirte is -4 he
town, apd on the oppositeeide ofihe Pat
iho nientr ales ii4e in Magnificent eV° idor.
qii1mnstiug in'Pike's Peak w hese summit.
Appears. to pierce the 'cloade. '14;6,11 t, 20,
to ilea freeCalor:L(10 'Scrines is Pelmet •
bike, This' is en artifice -II ,lake, ttlittitt. tive
hit od red yarda•: !id - and e. qeartsr of a
.long and is qpite Olohe to t•he.R.
The teeter is en pPlied .from theadjeeeni
totem taina'and is as deer as crystal. .Tlit-
ino-Ittitains opposite 'erelnearitifolly dot'
withevergreens and shrti hbery. This,to uay•
• 0.5) 41d is.tbe, most besutifnl scenery ori the
Whole rionte., • We. reached our
j.1:111 Satordasi, afteza yery
n))t and. 'cep er table• trip: •'There is 11"
epew. herr, tliteann- le shiting.heantiftilly
deer and the 'sir is bat ei y.. end epripelikei
itetitietetf u 0 P. 'Cate
To Niter a Oze Clinton .21rcip Era
• 1.11.1rOBINSON, , Doc."Or (1..1886
• DnartEirlt,—As matey:if lily friends wish
• to heat; fano nite tied not, baying time to
Write so many letters nt• present,, I httyo
•decided to cot -linty With year tee; u est, end
eletA pm 0 briefekateh of .oer trip to the
Grest W. We left Giinton by the 4.13
pan, train on rifel1dey,The.0 le hot did not
leave L ndun.ill 11.25 a. 'tn. on Tuesday.
What 'true. ilIerit -Will Do; , • . .
. .
., The on prenedented • ssle..of .IlositheWs A...4A-
men Syi up, within a fe.w years,has astoutitied .
apt) world.. It is :without doubt the esefeet
and •-best remedyever -drecomerecl,• for .t.lic
speedy null effectiiehin14'Of coughs, colds and,
.the soyerest lung troubl•is,' • It eets .on ettl• 4n,
tirely,differeat preiciple .from. •tho usual lire-
screption given by: phy. idans, .as it. floes not
dry OP it cough and le ye' the, disease still. le
eheeystetn, but ou'thel contrary rennoies the
cause ofehe trouble, h ais..the p11 r& affeeted•
and loaves there in a purely healthy' emedi
-Min. A bottle •kept in the house, for use
when the ;diseases make their .. appearance, •
Will•easeedocter!s.bills and a long spell of.ser-
ionailliiess.. A trial bottle: Will convince you,
of these fade. . It is positively sold .by all
artiggiste nail general' doslers , itt the lend
Price 7tietr, large bottles,.
" . .• . . .
Alhaby, N. Y,, has Monti hearses. A
fort'days ago, every one of them ewer°, in
esee.and at; the same, hour._ , ..
- The smallest man in Philadelphia tveighti::
. •
nine " petinds, . and . is sixteen nichea iti
height. HOS 18'yeers old. ", • .
• Cht mile, • nasal' .cat ittrh positively Cured
by Dr. 'Sege's, Reined,y. ... • '
: A Welliengton Oontity farmer, il VOler of
200 Scree of land, visited Drayton lad
.week and fellinavith o' sharper who was
Working the nutshell game.' 'I'llieking he
saw it chance to make:rethe former put
tip the rooney,„ betting tliat he cieild pick
np I he netaltell which contained the pea—.
which he did and- Won. :This enconEaged
him toventureC.k15 on el:nether tried, but
this lime he Mittel to pick op the right
Shell, audlest, He '.clesereed the expert,'
NICE =AM .13±1.74SEfirr,
JEW .E.L:.,..1h.4S
AND::- .SILVER....,
WARE . or zyunv
A 'SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10 per sent
will be given on a� cash purchases
for the remainder of the month .of
December. My stock hits heen‘ carefully
seleeted, and a cell will satiefy'yon that in
GOid &SLIVer Watches, Lad -
hi Engilsh Gold Sets., Na-
m mAs., Llitlicet4 and itn s,
Gold Pins; PciwAIR, Oidir —
lons, Wateln!Y, ()bolus* wad
4-.•••• •
every —descrip-
top.: .
can give you a 1)ct
ter selection than any
other' house .the
Co 1)
y, 41R.
tom. prices •
20C; •TO13-•..A TAIL
•R-0 06
At 25e. 35e. 60e,
and $1.
ESCOCIft.-ft 111,C.T01081,117.,.
We bad a veil' 11"0 sy°°aY3""'.'l All diseases of lower bowel, including .
piles, humors, radically, cored, Book of
particulars, 1.0 poets in etattipse . World's
Deipensery Medical A sseciatien, 663 Mate.
Street, Buffalo, N. Y. .. •
ieev to NV tildsorAttlt lett hot a low t1llint1103
Ib Chethain. Wo noticed -every little anew
• after leaving Ti eden, aud . at Wtndsor it
*las scai °sly perceptible, • Tito cntintry o31
run, is Mostly poor laid doOli flea coin-
p•tre at ell wait the'conntry north of Lon..
tivn. The only atittlirittege.is, they do not
Lave much, snow, There wee very 1ia14
snow after leaving Detroit. Wo, thou nc,.
ticed a very marked difference in the ap
pearstice of the cionnfry.. Tito outstanding
corn in shock.antl rhocatlo grazing itir-tho
6elrls at tract nilt tatoution, ttnd indicate ii
different toodu.of agriculture, and a much
• milder ellintite. Wewctu siirprised to ace
so little preposition for lutee',0e grain and
Str,ck. hi most .places the stock is -Winter
ed in a little cluster of serebby trees, tour
the food Recent% ti he writ strsikl hauled 81
• from :I' he cod all ii (Faired, and scattered'
iminfig rte.:trees on the gwanid, While
Ave 111.1 her liked the pr'airie-hke appearance
nf the country, we very (flitch missed the
fiuhle• Wrest troo of Ontorio lit the bock•
In tho Methodist Choral' at 'Eniperia,
on Thanksgiving Day, it iii•trtgaste.
had burg rested on the church proporry,
and whioh hail been can o led the day before
was publicly burned, the congregation si g -
kg the doxology. •.
',MIN' on, hope erce,"• How many de
Haste ladies there are crheiwIii1e ,t.hey at.
tend to their daily duties, 'do an with 'tide.
Inge heade, it sense of fulness, pain in the
back and depressed spirifs, who aro "(nth.
keeping about," as thephrase is. 5 tp
day they " go •inte.tt deeline," and leafs
their children Motherless. To such we
say, "Omar tip," Timely Ilse of
Dr. rtet•ce's 4INVotite Preserlietioh" or-
renti ail feniele irregillarities, weaknesses,
and kindred Ovations easily, pleasantly
end . . •
ir t,ty
We offer the following very special induesmenti to parties who
• make their purchase of uhristmas' Groceries in.one lot. •
12 lbs. New Currants, • -• at 94: 81 08
7 /,
& .
New Valencia; Raishis,very fine 16c. 1 00
610. ..1
8e. 56
130. 26
Refilled Sugar,
Granulated Sugar,
Iceing Sugar,
Each Cinnamin,Cloves& Ginger 404 30
Alspice, - • 25e.
caraway. Candy, ° 40c.
Peel. Lemon or Orange, 404:
1 Ounce, Mace,
1 " ,Nutmegs,
2 Bottles Extract Lemon
1 Box very fine Toilet Soap
1 Bar Dingiban's Electric Soap
• •
10 ,
•Amounting in all to
We will give the above selected lot to any person taking the
lot in one purchase tor $5, This offer will only l'Prnain open
until J.-uurirv't,it 1887:
We are sho1ving.special Yalmi n OVER 00A2S, _Ready' made.
sancrs. Ladies%and Gent's FUR CAPS, Ladies FUR SETS,,
and a decided baraain m 'Ladies FUR CAP.I.4:S. Call and see
what we are offering.
'49 41
BcOsleyK liiiiinery•Pancy ryGooits Elip31u.1111
The us re, il I ettout,zon t: h one potions ia Called.10.this aneenbeement dee
• e ez
I.SFE94 ; ..11013,:, DENUINE,..:.•cil.RISTMAS..; c,ASH.:', SALE ,1
.-.,,o,,i, , nook. ie inn lateee • Wu need'reoney ‘te make heavy payments in Antiary, and in,oyder
that our b,..ink. se -0001 may be increased, and Mir. heavy stoCk of gouda reduced,' wc•offer you. '
from now till too ..N•ow 1. er.r o enirthat make it well worth your while to purchase' •
. 4 • ' . • ' '•) • . . 1. . .frr(rt::" ii 8 Ith %T. ell the P.A.1.4.5: D1 GOODS,' tnmaaw-LA.n, reLkiiN'F,ms,`WIN.CEYS,
i 1
Di cslopotiol. to or '
Id i. s CASEINERES tied Plel•Zenr. w..00,LIJIIN .GOODS that euu may tequire' for a year's nee. ,•
il. . Oar great F.PecialtY is ',M,l'ILT.,:n:KfEliCv and hrebis depattment we van promise you.
: After beita; ti ores:4'111yriv irhatited lune, re:fitted with
NEW At ACIIIN.HIY litho m. st, approved shut; .0 040
i .Milid arc liow u 14pivr.dia running- order •Itnehaitt not
• ! nekterpaa..ed ir the lit ellity en• the work dope, by any
nett Itt the etemtry. •
, .
ail0,41.frM.41tt .- . i Spedal.Aitoil,ipii.,.giim.i.4;....111,STING.,
artii4i0 ran be attained anyndiere, and .al. axrroiatorp4.' Low rercs. Our
stock of RIBBONS, t.ILOVE, .11.0sLEItY and CORSETS is enormous and Ilea been itnporte
Silk Plush, Volvtts,.Sliks, Satins, tlae huisieS„ & ehawic
ed fiom the. ineasufaci,urers. timiee in the trade envies, uo .absert.inerit bt
ety,tindjublude Many entirely now eltadee ud colorOur aseell elves r aded wi
anise goads as we do, nor. earl any other firm quote yetees low•pricte. 0111' /111BOINTS are
endless in vari
• . • •
' ' • .
We have -the latest Amides in GLOVES, of the beet. "44 and • abo;.,• ..rcre olsplay
, 1 10 •tvn. A• lth $41 4
InValms owed amirproll, smihe
orgetliecd triee evie.eiseireeige eeeteeee
. ,
of Black and ()detect 0a,Oimele Glovys tied' Woollen 11, iSIE.te X.• ',We have purchased 'an
exeefe ionally 'choice eteck • of 'SILK and 'FANCY fiAl%J.DVERLIIIION and,ITandkerebief
eltelieli4: noes O.•••: stioier Mertteit.
BOXES, enitabls, for e;hii•Airiai•gifts. ,Our goods conrt. lospection, nod oar 11r:ices. will sur-
Satifseti• n guarantee...1. Parties) wanting Anything • . .
win Over in Allis line min -nod itto their mtercat
• .
. •41•1•0 o•,:•• ,•„t1 • •
• • '
21E2E t" T. ),-.-Jivr ._ . 0 0 •• .. .
..."•.•;. •47,zare, Le
r1Vi . • ,.•. _ . .. . - r
• '
• prise reed delight yon, if •you will favor its call,
-111;xvieririseci ow." rly-ystelirscs• it- it [fgt.(' Yropriatm.,•
• tagla ti15c20t 513.. "
g40 (11,1i; aneri$8,.
‘Cro.ctie. de,...al'a3ittotrii, .ri.1,at, nnd
Ln tit; t5atn'1l'o4, s,51v4r ental
Di se nakm. el al • t e rtqJw„... orisitasio4
• Of NW otteeet•teo(l. 1st nioo ras qt. 'Ne) -
erre AR'Sricest orl, c.:•ere..1 here 41* lit home,
'With Or Witt:4004. ONO Hi; VW 'pal ;eat c.'0,3)08. .
Soo 08, 01,.! Send 081 .CC.018lit rniiirs for oue
Giaido oc•14' wItch a•iyes
.14Utillujavs" ' • e'iere' *Deb -
Uri, 3Itri(>4. 4:4g i•g!pil Fjog4o08,-
lt and an ropt.tai<i 110-il4lf.t3c4tr• a
caused by
Olgy ARTR. ieu .PPrrricionit.
ee,eee. 8,517 eereettieen t•je8ralily:
lagunGcalr-ewPtue mut performently. ouree,, ley
epeolagste, LCA)14, p014t-pf)/41., 10 018. in,stainpe. .
4I22710S3,a-- giti1144a50 or Breach, radt•
cally cored, *Without the kr " ,
riunrit!u> titddpendent...)
71.: • . •. •
XNAS l'ArlitEg 1110 FRUITS
.NEw CiAibriEs lila.. per Ns'
OVItitANTS, liu•nsrx DDIE.
TOBAGOOS O'ir.441t8 awl PIPES,
C4VS V r'41 Fio IVA', per- q,, • eryed,
1(1 011 styled, Olioiceiqt,of finnesurn.,,3511 new.
\VA NTEID. /1011 Bitterre-1, hg‘t
'peroe 1? -0/1 oll hiede heiteht,
____.,'., truseee, rinwith eery Attie JAc11:801' ihnuni Ilytten ,ertener.,Oete•role, •
h. sta..:=Z". pain. 'look neat for tem cents --------.---- - ----. . . . •-•.„ ....-.-.....„.. ,:e--...........'"
' PILE IrfiTifft,t/Loi anti E411.1741.10YETRIES a •
treated with the greatest success.. Book sea 1 /17041N r ri r "" 11,,
'A 4
A .!u,
DiSPUIVSARY ilaenzreZ .4.0000teeitee, 0.13 Main ,:.' in.i. )
'for tett cents ta stamps. AildeqA •;•rtittr.o%•
,,, s, 0 4
•Btreeti Buffalo, kl: Y. ,
q 1 ,trentalent of l'asilY 1)
aros.ss........ess.• ..'..te , , t 1 .
,,,,„ timiisaral's ol eases o t.u.a.o
DisEAsEs up (0iest,(%11e111tor .10 •
• .......
Ifk,,,,,,, • •ni t/".:;:t
lamina'. • .td,, tho rtivittios, Hotel ant?
vuroicol Iiitilltute- has -
fordsid largo citrurience in adapting runt - es
for *noir (MVO, and •
Favorite I /ascription
ISthe reentt, Of• this viist•experience.
It is a powerful', elesnorntivo
and Pferville,• •Iniparta vier and strength
to thelystent, and cures, as by magic, Mou..
cork, oe tiventten,11 • excessIve
flowlia poi triesisirtratiori, OH.
natural. ouppresision59 prolaputo • cror
!tailing of liie uicelts woilic been,
tuttoversion, retro VOPE:i01119 bearing..
.doWille CA ti CAS at i.t) AIN • 011.01110 coupes.
Clone inflammation d, duulceration
of tiro tVOSth511A Es nint atkot, pails
And iota erious 1.niz Ovaries', internal
heat,' arta 11 1'0111410 '
It promptly relieves and cures 1,:istrea
and Wottictions Oft Storittois 11•31(11 'en.•
tUoti 5tosths5 Nerirotas Prostrat olds
end, 1tiC0»1085t1P(t1i tti. eittiser 0en.4
PrnrnilluE SI 00 41'1'• OrtocrtrAns
• 9 END% 43,5iA:so.
• THEpp_p_KIpE. si J933 EAT
The Great English' Preseriptign:
A eucceSsful .Meclicine Used over •
80 years tir • thousands of cases.
Ourea Spermotorrhett, atervou»
Weakness, EraisstoIts, Impotency
4. and all diseases caused by abuse.
Wrote] indiscrete:ewer over-exertion. Weise.)
Six paCkages,Gottranteed to. Citretrmt (Wafflers
Ask yetuaircebrotoiggglieibtptieitru'ttel.Le OGnrcea.t.r.gaeskithIro
StAr S5 -be men. Write for Pamphlet, itsitlress
Eureka Chernital Co".10leirolt4 iUich
Sabi otintm by J. IL 1 um t1i.19.at .brupritisto
•• 4 •everywhere
• '
. .
•'Me subscribertiers to return hid meicare thanks to
rill who Intro •so IUers1lv .patrenized him tinting, the
past three yearg, and to inform theft that iiti stilt on
the track,
..3:17ROPI •,-517.0or.torra.r.;.•
. .
With nt NS line 14 • -
Tregtiso DIseatis Of Woman, Illuntrgted.- LOUR' FEED $.'VEGETABli"S
_tett onto in Alamos.11r. intiree's largo F
Silld by Druggieto evoirstvliere. Send •_
World's SISpoilsary Marled Assop141103 lkst, tiit, whieh wni sell at the lowest
Veinnnerative prirei to ail who may lam, bun vete it
ore , s env imlut (Is 1 X t cnoi, fittortT,
AN, OT1.18.
S, ‘S, 11 tIN 1E111),G1Lmmi/
• PLOU it, off ,eicno writ114'1"..0it A N Uf, :nolo
•,Ait, and $tt N DAM} 41, and (10)04151 lila la,
all kinds of Vegetables, 11Viitthit1 SA 1,', sli of which
T v111)101 for cash or edam grains, PItAN, SHORTS
ind 1,1,0170 by the ton or etet eavl everything sold
alai' prides Ali ertieleg didtvered freeof sharp
wain the earporatio 1 Air motto will ha "Geed
veds,jitst weight lind Imo price,'
•• T11tt WT1�N.
• linen) street, Metes.
• 663 Street, ,BVIIVALO, f1. t4
111111otto raeradaeltee
Dizzlitesr4 Constipm.
and salliotis Attnolts,
promptly, cured by SISr,
Piereton Pie ate Oita t
Plargative Polleta. 25
cents eioviedi by DrUggists.
. . .
And are offering :them at' 'extremely low prices:, A. ilue as..!
soittnent. .of
0±—± -±*'.A ,t$V
• P.P..t14,211EJTS:EIJIR4 --0044
• . C44.4WX101°T.
• ,
INITU 11 41 (
Oyenca. out ill 171.7.MIXOTTE3 *BLO• C=
*EXT D0011, TO dill CITY. BOOk TOT.4411 'CLINTOX'.
A.104 A tr:oran Assammnwe 017. TIM :vnity I3gST Xe.1:01
•k£3011ABLA PRICES; •
x?.. Titc..):Ettritz:74 ond. $17.4t.0,114.q.„
. ,
The subscriber bas 'bought out °the llz, took* of 3:', Itobh,consisting of
'GROCE113„IES, 01100I<EitY (41:14.4,.SSI;ATARE, ito;.:••
wiitoh, heirl botight fit Icniv rates, he ia enabled to offer at the yeti croonst prices'
' Patronage respectfully, aelleited, All °him s promptly fille(17 Room e to let.
1-1,,, R,IiVALKER eLitiarerk1
. ,..0 I. ••
, ,