HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-24, Page 111
Christmas is always a hap-
season for both old ilia
Ming, 'but more ' especially so
ethe head of the house; When
tlio financial part of the ,pror
raninne is discussed.
To give presents, andhave
°amusement .'costs -thad deal
f money, but after all, the
the . .
cost -is not begrudged, when
anybody•contemplatee the great
agiount of good which usually°
lesults at this tirae of t•he year.
t is almost too late to
ik about ho Nv • in.uch good
oould- be done byt,bnying.some
e your Christmas Gifts from'
us but if this ea ches the eye
, • ,
of anybody who wants o give
a nice present, come and see
our stock.
We Ought ,to be able to
pease you, very much, as we
- .
taVe the reputation of keeping'
he finest stock in the West.
After Christnias we intend
to present a good many gifts
ourselves, which will be in the
shape oft, dun, and we can say
the.t we won't be a bit stingy
either: We will. give just as
'many as it is possible for us to
do, and we hope they will be
duly appreclated. We will
give no,chancifor any gruinbl-
lug who. it is possible for •us
to prosent one.
Wishing everyb(idy
ORBS XlVIA.S and ,
o remain yours truly,
A CICS0)1 BRO80,
ILICotttort. t;611#
BUIEFe.-one of the beet, most elecess.
ful politioal meeting* ever held. hell+ took
place last Monday, called by A Bishop,
caltdidate for Souiti litirmt in tne 'Retort]]
int ereet ; he woe assisted bv Oolline,
()LINTON, ON1 . FRIDAY, D11443, 24. 1sS6
. . 4ipt.t.wee.'
NEATLY' Ca:Win -e0ne night last
vreek a poll.ical tneetittg wee held in Rut -
lett Separate School house 'Among the
crowd present were about a dozen netive
Oonservetives from Moon, moet of them
trem Exiiter; the opposition Was retire- being Q.angemen. „It is stated that at the
sewed by Mr. White, •Infl'it,.Marys, and chow of the meeting cheers were pronoeed•
Mr. Moir, of Exeter; Reeve Eeson oe- , and given- for both the. candidates-0lb-
eupied ,the chair in hie -usual impartial amt. and !Jaye, And ettio for the ileven
manner; both sides bad an eXcellent.hear:, Before the, entbuelasni or name had died
ing and the large oudieneepresent. (seemed away, x resident, of the meighborheiol pro,
to take the utmost interest in allthat was potted 'three C1 'r for Irish Elorne Itule".
said ; the•very best ot order prevailed; otand these were giveii. by' meet of these
coins° this. iti a Coneervative strongkeld present, some of the Orangemen even
and whet the electors will do on the 38tb , cheering before they realized what they
WO. do ,not attempti'. to .Cay. One very i were deing, ; . • '
stupid objection to -the . election. being 1 Baum -Mr. Isaac. Lewretive does not
brought un at this •seaflon is that it de- seem to improve !nut*, and Nall keeps
stro,)s the peace and geod will that should .ble bed and will likely do Ho for seine
take place -at • Christi:Mtn Now on this time. His neighbor. Mr. Wm.,Bentisdon,
principle muuiei pal, elections should not is again connotV to Mall ' In oith a luind
be held at, tine time of the year, aa . you back. Mr. • ek .,,,Buriki ., also on. the
Iteow nothirri makes 'more dieturbance. 13tit, is laid:up • 'l,b tui Lung trotible
(and with ignoratit'pereens).. mobil! feel-. The therm: ete got town' to zero
ing than does the municipal elections, and Several times lately -and , stelae of the,
they are held itortgailly", and tiering the naughty -13ay it is to. freeze the whiskey
eotire festive season, the objection is net' for "Shielde.dt 0o," for the coming' elec.,
well taken. " Another" that the Begietrer tiOn canmaigrivery likely . Municipal
.(un.aceount.of his large •ealary),:ehould he election matters tore . Very lively in the
appeinied bv•the County Council. Nowtovvliehin this year. midboth sides are
•evetybody knows that •the Registrar le ..working with a determination to sueceed;•1
paid by fees, and unless the law in this.t.heonly thing certain about. the matter.
.respect ie also changed, the faith :if the.. is that some one will be lett • Mr, R. J.
,ap.pointment • resting .with the Con,nty :Miller and, sister; (if the 3rd con., have
CeUncil woad not matte any , difference,. gon.e.on a eisit to friende„at...Hainitton.-
sioee tne people . ave the. large salary Commie e, -A. meeting of council was held
, .,.. „ , - ,
busin'ess in their. own bands Why our , at Itoiscieslibre, on the 15th D... All the
own ,eurry h.eided JaMiemight remain in . members present ,The annual meeting, .of
that demo office of, his in Otider'Oli Until electors for. nomination of oindidates for the.
he w:18 a black Its 411ow in tne life, ti,f„re offiees of.reeve, deputy reeve and councillors
he wpolci get 06000 a' year er an other .f"E'n'xr' altil'IIT'Y'ar, .will b.a h.ald ililbaliCla •
..sum ulliem 111 e. p" p le Hen L h i m papers 0.: • peranoe Hall, Londeshoro, on Monday 27th
recoid, Redtice' fees, gentlemen;
1 1 z iost„at float), ,and if more than, the necesalary
' the I nt number. of candidates b proposed and a p li
I will bet % ,tie(witlug hat -that yom will •d ,4,• d.d..4,4; . ante.] that ale ei4,041,,,,,, for
Very: Poen reduce tire' salary. Alr:is regretilfi• .3 .,° be hld / .
cere eon Itioncla, the 3rd Jan.,•
none ot our politiciansseem to take U) lee?, ,,t-t,be .following places :-For electoral
the tax.xeinlitipp •-question* X thoik divIsioti Ne. 1, in Z.:me:erotic:- Hall, Ki bo
this. tin) important. at the present_time to •Johii Thiasler,-„D. It. 0 E: D. No 2, School,
be left, eut,. Whatebotit tax, exemption ! house No. 6, Thos. Neelans, r:., It 0. R D.
gentlemen ? .... : ., . ' .. . No. 9, Sehool lienae No 2. Chas Melnicsth•.0.•
. 4 II J. E D. INT!,.. 4, roresters fla I, L.mdes,
.... .
.' GREY. „ , • . • , ; boro, A. Wiodinart,'D R. -0. 11 D. bo ' 5,
Behold. 1).,') -8 No: '5, Wm,' MoCent, D .11 •0.
ExaittivAriotr„,-The most successful exam,
Mutant •eiter held in S. S. No. 5. Gr. -y. took' R D. No. 6,, Temporatiee • Ball, LondesbOro
. . , I
*Pilieft On Fiaday., the.18-h inst..' At an early aa•Cemil al . u. 0. , . 0, 7,4 c ant
No. 9. R. On, Sprung, D. 0.. • Ree:ve
hker..maey•A.v.ere.oieti wending their _way. tO . h911"
.wards .theMetropelis•ortite Sectien -which •is . wile emoted $31.25 to Stipp -loom ,t cOtoity
at; indieliiiiim 0Am:educational die end in. ' b.‘Odary liiie appropriation. •Tbel.follOwing
ecootints to be paid:-Bobt. flohnes. print iog,
tweet, which is characteriatic of ihe•people et.:
this comeninity. The Mffeient .classes 'were- OS 75 ; F metealf• midiaaaiY, $4.71;
ably examined by 11 ighboling teauhers.'. all °jell. 111), keraPer, 8.11,1 L8wreliee.'33 ; ite•
ofwhom*. tiawressed theinseives Ile bong 1)101) Iv • 0,;eier. $2 ;,•john M i1l,,,.$1; Thos. Clit.t.h . , . .,
.Sanclei-on, $3. diminges ha tearnin!
Pleased. w.ii la the yery.ethciene and creditable...mid "Ar,
slatidlea.of the School.. The reedy answers. •ura.vali It; It Knox.' Plonk, Sit 43.; L..bklati.;
and protein wotk'of the children. Wall a living' • niPg.406.1'svel. . 08 80.; SoPll ct. tialitil, rerr.
eisraper, etc.., $110'; Pk. Beni, • gilivel to oon-
proof of the IX' 1)1111 di 1181'? ability and eel neat.
nese of 'the, teacher, and the otrldP•Wilich tire 1 ratatoi4•: 'and tinna4Ct3. teaming gravek $8 ; J.
haa• . B.11.us,o• of .ronto for .couneil tro;etings for
vailed..shovied tlikt aa a disciplinarian he
feWt• operiors. Al. 'the close of the" examine: 1086, $15.; . '•, L. Chalmette, postage and, tele ,
Lion, the trnAtees and others delivere&sheie il'aPhlagi $11 GS'i, .it -13'1..i.padett, • gravat'te"
complimentary speeches, to which the -'x- 00 cou'reetor, 60 aenta J. Shoburn0i, gravel to
'entitracint $4_P0: J. Govicr, rep, 'bridge,. eon.
p' P1515111 their 711011,151 at4isfaation witb the'ra.: '
1)1(1 pyogr!pli Of i.he .sehool. . The . • pleashro N..12, 13* aa., $1•0' 30; . J91M Nliltdoep.
bridee. conc. E. 120.3, lint.49. .4$ 7,, John Me.,
and •dellght Of.-the,:.•efternecori-vas however
11) 71 • gravel • a rl appletree - deetroyud in
miaed with 1)1111. beeanse we ate so soon:collet-cll.:
...ttainittp....gravl,l. $19 SG :L_Ooli mil lors_for_ser,
on -to say' farewell td. 11111'present .esteeme -
i444,1.4er,;t44, at,.. meRliat,y. .1,01„.two .),:i.i, .vioes: ite.4-4...Mokliilan, 2:31 days at 41.75
per ay, $41-12 ; J Britton, 26 days et $1.75
we.havolieem favored wii h his. sterling 1111)1 'r15 • . a
and dering that time 'be has gained for hint- Par Y•.• • • •• • t am* - . (h1y8 a ' ' •
.ifelt maws •warin•friends. . His influence h. the. . per day, $42 ; B. Oburehiu,..23i jays .lit $,,75
. ; .f
achool and out of. it, hns been of great %81110 perday.
" .
.. i. .it.b 'Iilri 3, . . .1.: . y; aid 11 . $1.75 pet 'day -$41:12 $39.37. einincillad.J: Brigham, 22dm s at
journed to
. . .
.. meet, amnia at Loud:413pm' .ort the. 27. b Dec.,.•
fore With tieep segret ihat the parents and
children ore now called upon to part, al th-71-88Pr at. ten a.m. ' Oitse.BeAiTilwAtTE,elerk, •
him. Frfend • . .0eorge. carries with hiii the, Commtr, WEetuse,-The.reeideneo of Mr':
tenderest regaols of the Section,espeCially of mid Al re...O•eo,'Cutiinglielle Lot S:1, 3rd :eon.
., . . . . .
the yOung ladies; andj wo,4il wish him success .''of ' Hnllett, was' on the .2tid instant the:Simile'
io preparing .bdins.,)f for a sphered, reater of happineSS and'reetivity, being the.oelebra-
usefulneas% - On the Same .orening a literary tion of the• fiftieth anniversary Of-thiiif.'mar.;
entertainment in,,nonnection • with...the school, rise. .Frieotl's came from not'oniy all over
given. 'The, house was literallY Packed,- Burin .ci.;; kit olso a nuither fromtbe coma-.
nanny s.Were iinable 1i 051- iosicle.: ,evee the :ties of Oxford and Waterloo,te witness•the
lobby doors, 4t.7 cteloCk the ;chair Was to. ', eelehrai ion of 'this Ciolderi .W.edding, ancl to
ken by Mr, T:... 'Wesley' 'Orizene, ..PrinCipal ofshoW lay their presericei-the.trile interest tali..
the Trowbridge -public ' nehool. • ' After..„a short .en in Mr. and • Mr e Ouninehatti!oi Welfare, anti
address, lie pr11e14deci with theprogranime of, 1p4ippiness.. Mr. Orminghina was beim iii .8.1 -
the evening. The scholars and young people lurkshir, , $cotlatid,, on the • 27t1i Deo: 180.
of the:'Seetion 'did 1 hair Piii:t -nobly, and .the • Mr.S.: ;0 a nin ahem ' -W88 •also horn in Selkirk.
august „assembly were lield.-speriboond for elute, cotland, in the year 1819, het mniden
three, boors, 'after 'which all retired ,to their....name was Agnes Wight. . They emigrated to
hornea highly a,lighted 'With the whole enter- Oilnarla.in the spring of 1834,1ted were united -
tato meat, especially with ,theinusidat part,---:. by the .borele of matrinnauy . on 00 ' 2 ad , of
at• - . • Debeinber, '1836, by the RuT. Joha •Bayne, of
, , • . . .. . . . .
,--7,-.........:-,-, • ' ,,. • . , ,.1 Galt. The youti0. couple settled on lot 24
• and 25 in the 9th' con of North Dumfries
. • WI•116,11Ant. • ... . •
• cntinty of • Waterloo',. *here Mr,-Caninghinla
No'rEs -:Muni i ati ivatlera • are. TeL3 an ,.1118 011101' brnthei. as., for0)eil partnership
gait!. ...Quite ' a large npther went 'kith' and cleared 115 acres. Mi. and Mrs. O. con-
bere to bear the Hon. 0. Mowat and party tinned to reside the.re until Oot. 1850, . when'
itt Brussels, 'Friday .niglit.'"•-lioalies to rent they'reoved to. the township of •Reilett,...in the
are veryticarce. The. Orleans Uttiversity el unty of Linton, and again brared tbe herd-
jubilee.aingera entertained.a good number , ships ()fit .new settlement ID. thS1. Elect:woods,
in the, PresnYterian elifireh, l'idenday I but being pOssesaedof a.determination • that
.night. Hon. .A., M. Rosa addressed .st..;;Tti.!dairinteoponlattoneonaIltaelakidivever„fornaidable,:,
a to Make for himsetrand
Meeting. in the , Town. Ball on
night :A 'mit etsei.m.,..vbeity/i'esitabicecill"dilL.famTly, 34 .houis on lot 37: in the...0 eonLof,.
niaitjave the Olifit mome 'work Tneedifi nutretto where he . by hard and: persovering
evening Vale and Feathers didu't shear" .ien1edadiset,712sOuneecia•estidet o% tornfaatEtrresilor.re;?t,''
tip on the rink Monday -night, 340: there but anceeeded in clearing of sfulnpit., having
W.48 na race ' . -Mr; Li. ,W, 0 . Meyer has 'buret out all the. hardwood and01'9 out all
purehaeed the. McCabe° property:- • • l'the henalociiiii, hesides putting in •1400.roils
. TOItIr paliciisTRATION.,-4he Thry de.. . of uoth"drain. TheY raised a family -of tive
monstration ill Friday:* was ti ,suecess so sons and three daughters,•havo 27 grandehil.
'far aa numbers Make a auccess: Of ei n--• dren, 24 being at the.weadirig ceretrionY on
every thing, woo. favorable co, a crowd--'-krnd° ', twil.:nbdotibmict;stiTybe present:3 en thi5. occasion
the affair wee well adVertised, Those who , as,;tat, and • ornamental, RS Weil Oa
. Arndeg others •wc Wight Mention a
came to hear-georl speeches were sadly dis-' i pipe and a "air of gold 8 pectaelt.8 to the grourn,
apPointed: •None of them contained' any. ! end a massive .gold ring an.l. china • teapot to
thing new or very inueb information The ! the bide, and whet is very noiewerthr of the
best, .that delivered by Bon. Thes„White, present occasion is that. the bridettailaid of 50
was devoted . wholly to an attempt to 1 years ago was also bridesmaid at the tnilden
answer Dr. McDonald's spnecii. In Blue., wedding. Itis the earnest wish °tali that
vale, it.feat in Whieli T.Parrove.•NLPsand Mr and Mrs. O. may he kah
eg spared to are
the local talent were ernhlieutly ul. ' '.' each other's companionship in the evening of
ful, And which the • on ,Thos. performed 1111. Mr. 111"; CI' "1(11'181"m 1111816' and "'tired
none.trio eatistacto,rily. The most notice -
. ,,, to us presentreidence,lot 33 lit the 12(h con.
able feat urs ,of the aftermien. were „the of Flulletti whore he has four liod a half acres
chorus lead. by Mr. T„ Farrow in a 'high of lend: Me, Onningluint has 3140 represented_
'tenor, and the little girls with thAbo uets the townships in the council, well tool efil
ciently in ill.dctilinge. 110 ie hale end bearte
yet and gives promise of liviog to a good old
age, Mrs. C., although not so strong ett her
. • s'. . uttutittlqi11.1). husband, nevertheless,: pnesesses -a good de.
greet of health and contentment, eel promises
Outese FAerraltY,-0‘‘ ing te tile in- to atilt filltViVa the Me Of We for a finnd num-.
trod u_etlen,...pf. the .oreantery_bueiness let°. _ber.._ef year 10 ?Jay nil their b0151 Ae3._
the 13rucefield cheeee factory; there Ils80,e3 be...WA, granted i::1 llanY thoY loug lir!), to
not been thil UStial, heavy easiasse•....ia-.0O3oy lam beautiful presents, of the goniett
elleeae ful &HIM; former rseasoes,' The wedding' and when the eterwiti and conflicts
amotint of milk received (luting the year otlife are peat,, tniirthey teach twine it go).
wile( Vil 741 lbs. :This Wes made i'd-e. doe drown froth the lated$1 et the Jtidge, of
30464 lbs 'cheese, Prom the proeeedicHoq 1 Inshhind with th° wurd°' "'Weil (1°13°146°d
this rpitodity patrona realized 'he sem of Ond Iliful ""atiT"' l'ill'ti h" been 14414°1
. . . • Wier e .ow things, . wt.l make thee rit.er over
$491 V or ets • tWerage of nearly eight many tuinge, cuter then into the joy ef thy
tente per pound,- tord."--e0oft.
larA, • •
. ,Puptileter
Harm. *Air. Howell, of SeAfOrth, N-, Davie, Ooderiela, "for 6 ‘Itoti biotee,01,70. ,Solaum-Ilie. seereo p At ithe.ligt.bodiefoi,,
1 0 VP 0 UM 10 Ill TOW Notts P Robt Juboton, yog v.ard, mow. $10.48. . G i
each. Jaeuee herie, 0-mierice, stationery for .churett ert Obrieimae day, premise, to ,b0...... ,
,,b9NDElli130,40.. . . .;
chairman of the diStrict, delivered vats- clerk, 45.2°, pavhi L'IarisaY• 98 Yardti glavel, an attractive affair. Dem Rupert and,7
flay ; he la au able and very convineing
eionery 'addresses et the varioue appeint.•• 47.84
ments, on the Bayge.0 circuit, last Sun. Clerk One year's postage, $10 18, • T, . .
Wah" IN)dawrikrth' 43 "414 Snarling, Of Clinton and Itannisty' ii.
3.,onriestiorti, have prefased andreeselean v.
,3 . .. .3 .,
speaker. Donee mom announces that It 11:Iitirga,P2er9'r6o8daY awrg•se ?ea:cal,' $.$25.8404' ':1'*‘Ttiritian.1114eS0Plaeri: tlatisio, recitatemantsp,baottodetyreellaintta4 0%,;ochtte,....
certain young lady of the Oilfield vim, is land2"40 yards gravel, $3.20. . The !ember nr
I h , , thrown in, '1:
shortly GO become s, Reaa-er Ur. Peter t II were
De fellOWei Reeve $24 Doputy.lteeve 318, 'BIMEE'S 7 -Mrs, Chas. Meyer le Ala
COO, sr„, and. wife, have been, visiting absent balance. 4iditi M0310140 $24.; James very • poorly and- wee early in the week,
friends on the Rayfield line. - ' • 1-1, glliott $24. Ittlward Acheson $24. (Jerks very- low ; she ie eon-ill:A:hat better again. •
the nominatiens nettt Monday,. a pretty
,M.nutouia.b.•-.1t is anticipated that at
ureert eatery $75 Collector$75 Treasur r
golarY, $11.0. A. Runs Mot ball, 250, "Alms -
tittle in the stores and en', the iftreetajuet
There is any quantity of beef and fowl for .
the ratepayer's have several Matters they
lively lime will be witnessed, as seine of rich two tip on township appeal case, $4, trow - people are
for extra dutieri 410. Reeve attending at Gode.
Collector for extra dutieceostage nod etetionery Peop'le hereare wondering who theljpetor
Otacticing for Cbrietnitte.• •
ititcncl to ask explanations on 'rho. mem $7. al council adjoernea to meet again per would take to 'speak for bini in Arlie.
bers at the old mouticil 'and proapeetive statute.. * dames PATTON', Clerk merit, le case it woe poCeible foe him to he
members of the new, will no doubt ;en- OximrtrArimt.-,-0,.1 Wecitieedey after- elected; it, has been suggested thet the'
lighten Abe' people on various matteregif noon took place one of the most eucceesfel speakieg would be "clispeneer tvitti. awl .
local intereet Among' the latest names exam; naiena awn. boa inthe acenet 3.n, that he would go in on , lila .iatlimeavii .:
mentioned, as a eandidate Or the council. the Bityfield•lille.; The visitors ceme ear. whatever that le worth, On Tuesday er
la that of Mr. James Laithwaite, who ly and aeon stvelled the number to about, last week Ur. T, Cole had a wood b44- at '
faithfully served the rat:payers for some one, hundred. Th. teacher, Mr Cornier, wilieh tbe boyirdid good 'service, buoyed,
time, and few better men' tor the Position -
can he.found in. the townibip.; Toe fell Cheirchill•apd;Misse, Doan and
iiiisiliteld by three visiiiiig teticbtrs, Mr. tin • by the antielpatidn, ofl'O"gotici t.t.e,e.).1 ,
Williema, , awaiting them «in the evening, one were' '
list of caudidates Who are in the field are of Olinton exami:ifed the eeholers pret '
V , not disoppointedfOrthetweenthedistritiol
DA" fel IhWe I --"Cf. Elliott, J. Beacom, J tttoroug ily The SChidare anewered well
CoX, J. Leithwaite, Jas. Elliott, J Pga, and showed that they ha.4 frceiVeti a ous' other gatnes liuggestedby the'lair sex ,,
: thin of talking candy awl; nate and noniert .
cock, :J• McLennan, $ Sturdy end 1% ,
Churchill, arid perhaps; .0 there's more to Mena, readings, diaingees eiete given itY ; home well satiefie'd With thg toial, result or
thorough training... A, number of redtn• and aeted upon by,the boye, all reiurtit4 '
tot low ." , the scholars and listened to with interest, the affair Mr.,.A.',Jetniefinn•8010 irdreileed '
Smoot, 4 Oritt2E13.,"Tith School was- by itli. After a manlier 4 epeechea 17 hog which. tuined;the scales at, 496 hitt-,
+levee Of the pupils having- gone in to wrile noon's work and er tertainment. M r. ,
closed , it No. 2 on ruendey, De I& had be- visitors, the meeting broke up about daeli, I
come itenewhat.broken up on account of ca1,1107eerrnhiansglryeasci,emligtoh,tfcetdowgtitlaiti,othi ehisatelue: i toStilreP:tp.nt
at the entrance examination at (31aleiich.. b, -e ImIT:he 011:114elso8-41stml:nedsLva,it'41147:Foonir et's lle..rri se lel dr: •
The teficher presented each of the pupils aess, in teaching his,firet year. te flu oyster supper shortlyt '
ICVitintlidya anidirittaltuntiaa? cwilhediellanUd'earePgaPreearti4yaget°1-f 1 -- ..T11-0---"Iiiiirelti."--1111,- --- 1 Ituutifons,-Itev. -Mark Itutebalefrovet. '•
ile)Yttecdrierb,Yattehteidecl"h•PienshCritiVhlerr'speiesialL; ilte-. 'Ti'ontFeitort,iursintS,Ii?,:lit:1,o1) /-4,,ttstigsried(r(ijni 11:airs.LI et asRrITI is..,P:allital(11)011h. it)! !'f sIlt(it1:411(14)ixtIttheiCf.fettlivilinglMen' get;11:0111cliediTtdt(c:ciitiv.°tetelea:IF:Aei 41: led), r (1,1fial lste:t .
tibia in Stanley on Theo:day. .
Johti Sinclair, fnr the mum or 0606. Th,3 able . discourse ..o a large congreo•ation • .
TtiE,011aISMASTEEE.-on Tuesday' the'
farm contains 93 acres and is,euid to have liT has also kindly eoutteeted to preatth in
mana,,,eing. cuminittee for the Christmas
tree in Zion' (twitch, were 'in to:No pur-
chasing preseritti for the tree, and in the
evening the committee and a number of
91 her frienda' met ai ,the chureh for th
purpoSe of.decoreting it and making ether
preparations, •A scripture . text arid a
nuuther or wreaths' were Inade,WiliCh,W heir fanners' club.; irraeltithat No, prey! og ' get the boom- reedy. .While'doing $0, (he. ,
placed up will .filake the church look deeided succes'a ;••'or,..::1-EUe:MAY evening horse'becarim frightenea, .get. feet.. and
As this IS the first; entertainment of the last; gr J' .1)11 Hantialt.:dt4vered' tot in- Apparently left iu, haste 'for Colborne
kind, We hope to see it.a simeess. • to:eating address on Dairying, ixt-au ap. where h.e doubtlesa would h 'ir
beBeatti,:vi.si,o_nind rwiiii.am :viccelicit; clerk I tith:s7,$11Ainet etsiumreithh,poetx .sk.t ir.ranbitb;.actbdIdeuviletisii,filhe
• •
Ili, iie..1 tnlirning service..• . . g•
Of the tewnship, has been seriously
'is -now recovering. Miss Mery Townsend 1, ' POLLISI0i4.-41C1 I... Ktnix, our betelkeeP-
is hi Ltindoe.. Mm.:aret Miss Hva Turner er, ba ving a desire to go to „Ilit3 field last
me Spending`Chrii,lines in. Likow,el,. The Sabbath morning, ordered his hostler to.
. • a e. arrived
preciative audience ; nest Tuesday irtglit hail a stump not stood persistently in the .
. TEA .MBETING••--4 .ten meeting in o . ar, open dehal. e wilt be held (am the 4ftlijeet, road. As it %vas the 1J .11' woe badly:
nection with the Sunday. School of the
there on Monday .evening and was a alle" more profitable branch of agritulture for i
weete,..r horse raising t.r dairv ire: is the : sm;tosihieode...14' ,.....T ile' y,arinus nillssen in our
Public School • have lately been auliketett
.church itt Cole's appointinent was • held .
cossful • flair. The church wee nicety Iltirbn farmers to take uo as
Norak. accordiug
1"41veill tY; . to it written examin ti Th f II '
filled and the audience, after beingtrAtted Metribe'13, are allowed to
to an abundance of good things II) supply • • .. ' •- I are the .hree tnoat successful pu 'I in
ttt their own views on the ouestitio. en 'clA wass Tile. :me:: are :iv: '::: itn:.., .
the bodily..witrits, vvere given .1.0 n ellen.- SOCIAL.- rim resbyterlans of Chisel- 1 der or merit 2 ...,.,5(11 moms_ John. tiollos.
horst hrd a. p,oe.ial 'ai the h9use Of Mr. I
tual treat in listening to three eloquent ,
'Batten, of Goderieh, and .Rupert ILIA inAt- .
Dia instrective addresses frem the Ile ire
Peter 91P11P t:vre' 1::t1h1 trrl%(v1:t1v, aelVietill'it::tg e' ti 1)11,11 dl°bteh 1, scs.rjalr:st-illrliehtilesEr)1 lib) eedk I, n gt7V IV. mEri tAl°,rt'Llc,.' E4 vt all 1 -.
.8Parlitig, 'of Olinfon. Good musie '*,e. do-liri,d and the eleighing' exec, lent, Con- N1.41,dstts,. , aid ei.a„..,_,p04 Qc,,,,,,,,,, xs.,a
netted a goodly surn.„.... which'. will .be ap- 1:14)1.n .4ild awl y ou n g ' Ailer the wanis of Potter, Audrey Osbalde 'font- „Arthur .
“ • 4; h d h hl
furnished by did choir.. The proceeds sequently there .wits u ittrgr turnout of. at erebrAgnes Phipps ^2titelase-Ett
Plied to defraying the cUrreet eXpenses of the 'finer man a een-thoroug Y., W.Anu.ieF,II,,, prans
the Sahhath School. . Tee•.v4;reliet ...of the :aatnisfierrdk:lier the frt lai?; preseii,e.d mg:. George Lion 4
people was ," This is the plaee to come pwas eligtley t Torr.- ev, 'Y. S. Fisher. .
:a. good tea ineetine!' elsieted Of dialogue:4, recitations vo
Eriday,,tliel7th, lost
P,onezet SenOOL vocal and 11,aiLl' e'"*".41 laut4ic'
a very sm)tx007):sill 51100059inevery u rrsest paereet,tpabi wed , (tihnegigioHoul. 1.11),(i),ranying.n,..a.agt the (4a*riy, hourt:srixilg(e),:-: ere:
examination was behl
R. Diehl, was ably assisted by his'br cm°716stuestaeLlessfai school 'exatninatiOn hi:ppy pidx. knit
Guile ich township. The teacher. Mr 'Li'
()tau intact ler the efficient l( 11(1? in which i,t
• '17 tZ I
tis fo.reE1:eit)ePrY act?dliPpeoistrisedstlignYthe. Wle tavsi
Mr. L W. Dieh trent Lae er. he work • * • "r.". No.4, "on MoridIY, Of the season.. eeremonies are, .
ne(m ection
b.'egon at 9 30 a. , and at noon a pleament ras iver fifty visitors were oreseot,
0.• Live understand. about to tr.ke place on the
rephst was partaken' of by all, after which at'.
the a (irk' was columned until about 180 .81doorg, Niir 76ur E, Mhissr4Mvcizlia;;Iiost D111:2111;1171-: .1111,. al..1,nct* S6 11...-.... ••••••
p. in., when the programme wee changed, hay school• and Mr Fred Pearen and 3) i's . ,. • Fron all -accaskosi corresieladcat• • • ,
the rest ot tlie time until four o'clock be- [ school. The THE Taoul Titunitalvoti. PARTY., At .
ing spent in singing, reading; recitations, 1 (241.0.7pYielIV:ecqku'itt°efd t.Wheint/It'slelrit:,ePs admirably, re. the Tlempt,ratice EfeCtorai (talon meeting ,
caliethenics etc.. reed:erect' by the phildren
fleeting great crediten themselves aiid:on. held in HolniesVille, on Mend -ay evening.
..and others. After this • very 'interesting
their teticher; both in their ordinary lei- hist, .it Was very plainly 1(7 Le 'seen that
..p • i * ' - --..-,-0,..-: ' . ' . h.' sons and In recitations, dialogues, singing, the Referm party wa.s Ole tcyeperanef,
teacher Was presented with a beautifel iStc. ' The people ant, 4 will be sorry to . poriy, and the 1.1.4ormers•:,the, pnly•onee .
photograph album and an addreesi .,te -.lose so goocl.st teacher as Mi,,s Govenlock,. (With few exceptiona) that were willing to
thank:4. Tile exam i ti atibn was..one of the
which ilir' Diehl txPressfd 'his .beftr.t141 l" w ha gave. up -the school in order to it tend worlie;rkfosrint:dineebeyritunerew7pfirtfiottto., tlIttiiita..4'virx ...
best ever held in the school, an'd the men-. : the Normal, -At Toronto: A. pleairefelt. ! rem
I titre at the, close 0! tile examination whs Aerriperance man; he said that. be bad, ,
ner lb which the pupils gavo their an- . :.
M• • 0 , 1. - b th
%ewers' Was very creditable. to,thetti The -P• • : •
singing, recitatiOns, etc., wee' greatly ad- (4. th.e snhc°1•'.c.f a .ci'iniPiralen,t!ir,Y.,
together with. an .elegantesilver.
. trawler:dB. .9hs...a4.slhistilat dark: Of the ea-,
taught the osIXty eheol succeasor seventy fully'for the laat ""'" " -'1`"
two years end ja..about fo , leave for ExAmizraTION..A-Ad„ex'amitfittion of the
fteld,.. whereope will meet. with • pupils of S.. S: No. 2,1‘ttertersinitb,.
the same success a9 he has done here..
I one hundred visitois 'Omni from t
:holdion the'17th There" Were over.
, Marra,
I EXAMitiAITION. -ad:a examination ia section.' and • the neighboring seations,.all • A aunty cliristinse :WA 'a 'ptafipeMuu.now Year to,
' don iiection with .rS • S No 12; .WaS. held of .,w,hotri seemed to takes deep- inter*. all. It pti want big bargains in Watotaan.dowencry oc.,'
on TaeSday afterneen •when the teacher, in the day's. proceedings-. The various. hiliday goodadtati't.ilitt to cation F,tts.441r AMTOALF,
Mr. Churchill, assisted the neighbor- elassee were examined • by thMteapher 111 .
ing teachers; Messrs. Cooper and Atider. charge, Mr. •Andrew Scott, Desisted br': : mina •fies•goile • for
soli, tested .111.- scholArs. thoroughly in the Messrs, Herten, Ping, Mildre,w,Ifyl M416 trip for the benefit of his health' oind
varions-s"ubjects. The scholar* acquitted : MeTayialt, teachers :from, ad.nouing eee- *Keundity.hati taken hie pliteeler.'the pre:,
themselVes itea very ereclitable manner; . tions. After the different.elasses had hen?. , tient ; .31 ea.. Mille and family' tivill remain,
showing that they had received ,, their '` b h.t h ..; Mr la lieret...i................Trel-4-49-awn.Y-441-4-bcciitet*-7,
4r-aining--frona,; iv .good teAcher:-.--1.tr-ther•-':ittex-4-r-was--'-aieveib-red-e-ha rit-r--to trip tit Britiltfor Annie
'evening turentertaincrient 'was given arid enumerated the qualities of successfttl. Bat linty ne, :of.Brosselariti the,gueet of her .
the school" house wae.filled•to over-iioWing teachers and thout.ht 'Mr. Scott possessed 'brother this week. Alex.. •MeItellar bas' •
The programme consisted of readings; these. Short addresses Were then made returned from his trip to the WorthWest„
reeitations and dialogues by the thilliren by several of the visitprs sifter whieh the looking ; he retorts ,b•Oinesti nu the
and inusiclu reishod by Mr; 'Thos. Jack-- pupils presented Mr. •Sct;tt With O henna- increase up there. The Or(ertha jubilee
son, jr., of• Clinton,' Me. 'George Dyke (al writing 'deek and albionas a parting, sifigers sang 10 '8 crowded &tense here, oft
.sicted. as chairtnati. The large assembly tribute to their teacher. , Mr Scott, wile Tuesday' evening ; they tielitltbeut doubt •
Which gathered in the evening, the pleased, $4,4aS takea eampletely aarpriie, aplied ,,the best that, have vialtedthiti section arid
none .should,mi 'a hearing 'them: .
Taylor Was around eanvasseing his' imp-
portere, on Thursday, and '16 molly seems
to think hae,otte chaece, bpi 7 By all.
appeArttoces at prent.wo. bay eitpeet an .
exciting contest in bunicipelmaairs;tt erg r
hearted:Mod, Mr, . ChurefilTl.is leaving turned trent the NottbWest ; he IntlY go- are two' candidatesen the -field for reeve,
totalling to follow preeehif4e,' fled back in the.speing, "Municipal affitird are Mr. Xelly and Mt. PA. knung those:
, enters, tin his verlt at allee at Servie, and ' so far not, much the subject of eonverea- mentioned for cowl eillore.are Messrs D.
are plettaed to knoW that in this ,crioa- tioo ; Mr. Thos. Tayloi is canvassing oc- B. MeKinnon; Thos. 13avvden, J. Willord,
city he hos aireedy %hewn the possession Lively for the reeVeshm; Mr. les, Potter s' A. Hider, twa Symonds. The Christ.
of those.qtialifieatione which Are esgential name 'has been mentioned :111 eontleetinn-mits:•4ree-entertainitent derinectiott
to suecees arid useht ineas,; With the deptity-reeviship; so far89cowl, with the•Engliali church, Wee, held io tho •
Coexext•Ootnicil 'met On tlicil8th pursant Cillora etincerneiL very littleie eairl ; hall, oe Wedeesday, and 'WO a greed suc-
cess. Sehoel closed On . Wednesday to
epee Again On the IOth toe teachers
for next •year %till be: W. Shaw, Mite
Bradt& And Mies Doan.' Mrs,.McDott-
aid died this week at the old ttge. oI- 93
years; she bad been sick rot fseyettil feel's;
-the- funeral was -en-- Wedhotlify;=47,110
fifth class of the Public School tnitae Mr,
J. W. Shaw, the PHU 4131 of. tbe
preseot (if a beautiful Alblitri, dri Wed-
worked for the. passing ef Seen AcV.
as hard as any one in this tieightiorbi,41; •
WithAlre exceptien of Mr....lalferd, arid he =
did not know but be had tti Work harder
ne he had his party (Conser:va:tive) to fight,. •
while Mr. Elford bad his prt,y, (Reform)
wite him.
looks or all, and the presents which Mr. inimitable terefe, thanking the pupils tor
'Churchill receiVed, all go to ehow ehat the • handsome presetat.. After Willch the
during the two ears that he has been exaMination closed.
teaeher le this mehool, he has won for
himself a warm place in the hearts of the ica.8T WAUANiosit. ,
pe ,ple, as en efficient teener and large- BItiltFL- Mr, Pobt, Stewart has' re
concluding with the Right Hon. Sir John
A's renowned kitising act,
to adjournnaent Members all present. Min. rettnirtattons held on Monday at Scott s
utes of last meeting read and passed. Byelaw echool. 114e.'Will ROSS is home from To-
lle. 5 read arid pasted. The reeve, as chairtnett rotate, ; he returns about the 5th el./eau-
of the board of health, handed in the annual re- ..
port which was ircad to council and approved' ar•ye- Me. JaEl. johnson has 1400 .0 a
regerillee the ceedition of the preinises ottliehr I :
acheol in Loudon township at 8380,
of. The sevatal menlbera of the board stated, ,
resoective achool hooses, that they were in a 00131101tNZ
.--entisfactary ,conditintr, that notempleiute• bed 1 Berpre,-tites Ida Varian° 'has re.
been made by any person in the township, eve
in regard to the slaughter houses near Clinton,
- turtred •from Toronto to spend vacation
ti ege th 4 reeve att nted to, and the are now ' 111 hcm°' Mr. 147°s1e.Y •nutt. of nask, is
, proper state. It witeresolved that the mein» visiting relatiVea m thie vieloity. MISS nesday. Miss Bougu. 3.60 is leaving, ,
hers of the Board of 'Health be paid two clothe% F,ttit Potter has been teaching in Betimil. Also got a book of -poems, and rases,
eaoh for serviees, The reeve was authorized to ler school frit the pest week during. the '
reclie arreneenwrite with BAt. Buhl to have
a wire fence ereetcd on side line., pse follow .. nbeence of Mr, Tbos Tillliott, Mr. I. •
ill tmeenets w,ere peidl-Aes, Theientoti for 'M°rri4h is busily "g' agea in .iii'VOaridg .00214/16T61t51 811°Xtli M4il.l:C-irliMn
MO 111d4wire unite, 2ti cents per red. .$62, timer and Inthber for the beat Which is BALLOT.; P011, TB hIBItItAft tlatillf.
Hogh Johnston,. 265 r ifrds, gravel, $21,20, lieW Under construction at (40deteen. (DATES NEXV TpESDAY, . '