HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 6'F1, ' DEO, 17, le80, ei.isot on the "Wicked Rolle, tentiouse Exelt yourself' ,not; contend not; RERSII NEWS; Alittle boy Was rap over in Stratferd, *-wliich resulted ia breaking both his legs. Mr. jas. Watt, of Mitchell, haepurchles- eid the stallion, old Lord Bade, from Mr. , olquhoun, e • Mre. Jolarieton, of T4ogan, died eel:Wetter last week, by the bursting of a blood !else eel in the head: • ' - . A ' The trustee e at Motherwell have engaged Msa Jennie Francie as assistant teacher for next year, at A salary of $21. Last week Mrs. ,Wieel!doedyedeliteliell, left on thee floor e boiler cent -Main hot , water, into which a four-year old child Etc- ' eideritally fell'end was badly Bolded, -, After a residenee of forty years in idle- . °hell, M. Boyd„ sr, mid wife 'have left there to spend the remainder of their days with john Boyd, at Beleamit, Ont: - In the eVenti of Mr. Mcclay offering again for the Reeveship of Mitchelh`either Mr. Campbell or Mr, Hurlbutt, (formerl) of Brecefielc1),will offek for the.Mayeralty, Staucleagen, 'Of .Motherwell, has . given • his farra ea the rivereadjoining Mr. Wm,, Parker% add •six • thousand dollars, •or Mr. John Melgaster's farm of • 147 acres. • •- . • • Op Sattiedey riight, a .G. T. 'R. firemen, , named Ireung, a resident of Stratford, out his throat frorn eat teeear with a raw, in • hie bedroom. Wo•reasen can heaesigned for the mit other than that he bas been sick for some time and very deepondent, • •A clear head is indicative of good health e. and regitlareisibits, When the.bedYefeels • 'Alanguid, arid -the Mind, worke sluggishly,. ..e -Ayers Cathartic ' Pills will assist to -are- . . coverer of Physicalbeeyincy.and- ineutal •• vigor. The cofietipated should else thein. Eyall deuggists.". • ' • . • • . • Mi. Thos. Lang, ed. }Michell, aiskin compensation foe theiejuries dope to his , by 'caused by a runaway horse :a few •-Weeks ago, on fire Main etreist o ll'eah ell. The heme took fright at dome, rolling b •tido front, the, pork factory; which were be, ' ieg,rollecl eigrosatbe road. On 'Wecheettelay evening, Silas, ion _of Jas. Baikwell, of Blanshard, in company with a companion named leerrybill., was amusing himself by firing a Coit's revolver of large calibre. Berryhill, while in the aot of loading the weapon, Accidentally discharged it, the ball passing through his hand and lodging in the thigh of young Barkivell. , ' • Argue not ; but act nobly ; (speak 'littnably; "I never See any ghoots o hoodeoe and with becoming pleasantry; smilohon. on the erefek,ii -sew an .old, grizzled eze, essay; appeal to men's better nature, and gineer ontheNorthviestera road yes- he ea/3' net el/eeee be 'eurrender uneen- ditionally. Fire word for word and it will terelay, "but there/e a apt a piece uP be a battle with neither man nor liero. the track that 1 ueveiqums without feel-, Better than halting right op your side, be rent° and became converted. One night, ing sort or uneasy. Several yearwage. you orktbe sigh,* aide. Then use ehristian in the midst of a great ware of religious I was coming into terra at a pretty live; tictice, zny friend, and you shall gain the fervour,as he was about to kueel be caught ly trot vilion Jake, my fireman, who Was on the lookout yelled to me tlaat there was sof:nothing on the track.. though it was late in the. evening and rain was falling furiously, I could see a dark object on the track -at the Ashland- .A.yenue crossing, I gave the whistle lever a yank, reversed the engine, and sanded the track, but all to •no purpose. We 'were going too fast to make a quick stop, and ht less than five seconds tile engine shot into the obstruction, if such it may he _called, and hurled it to one side. ' AS- We.sped, by T heard e screain •ancl..saw a girt dancing wildly on, the sidewalk,• As soon AS we came to a full ,stoPI found that we hadrun into a baby carriage, which a servant girlhad aban- doned an her fright at the fast approach- ing headlight of our engine. The child ft Poor thine, it was crushed like an egg shell. •„every tide I pass, that' 'cross- ing. '063 the little white face andthe 'broidered dress all stained with red. Eyen the old engine seems to tremble as Ole,, wheels over the spot. To me this Stretch of track is the worse on the whole line. Other engineers have tlaeir vvick: Saya the Globe 1—Sotne tiln• ago hardware merchant in -the city, had a dis- pute with his dentist about ecnne teeth which he alleged had been improperly He wan so indignant thet he re- fused to pay the account, The hardware man attended Sam Jorsers' meetings in Te - 14.r. Hamilton Kelly; 12th con. Downie, • was overtaken by a mixed train • at St. Peels as he Was weeking in op the track to Stratford on Friday. The snow Was deep and in drift's. He had no time to get out • of the way, but the frieredly, cattle guard, was near end- into this -he plunged and buried in nature's. soft eaentle of match-' less purity, the train passed -over him arid left him there:unhurt. . • A very 'sad death occured a.' few miles from St. Marys on Wednesday night or Thursdey morning. On the evening of the • day first named, Mrs.: Calhoun, wife of Wm. Calhoun, of St. Mary's, was returee ing by railway from a visit -to her eon in • London, and on reaching Kelly's hiding, abent five miles from St; Marys, it is pup"- posedehat she mistook it ist• the SeMaeys aidin,enelealighted from the train. On' • discovering her error, it is further con- jectured that she started to walk .down , the track;led had not proped'ed aloe& than a mile or two before she fell irito a cattle guard. ' liOweverovhether this imp - position is corre'ct or not, it is almost Cer- tain that she came to her death in the cattle guard. Sometime during Thuradtsy (the tgriniest day we have had this 'season) the sectioe men fond -her lifeless body al st submerged in water tied still- elingieg some rough timbers.. •• GOOKICICH.:. TOWNSHIP • Council met on the 6th, pursuant to Ade • journMent. Members all present: 'Minutes of Wit meeting readand.passed. 1tYlews No 3 and 4 of present yeer reed and pess•-:. ed. Moved by John-McClelittii, seconded by Edward Aehesen, that' the: follewine accounts be paid ••..e -Patrick bronyn, gravel and ',ridding, $20 ;„ Alfeed• Naftel, 80 rode 7- wire fence, $16*; ThOmee Jewett; 8 rods • wire fetes°, $1.60 e 'Dunn, indi- gent, one years board at Wm. Mreabeks; r2; one suit to Berne; $13 ; Charles Cole, 40 rods wire fence; $8 ; C. J. Middletrin, 16 reds wire fence, $17. e0 ; George Sturdy, • 40 rods Wire fence, $8,' ' , David Orr, 80 rods • wile fence, $16, Elliott, gravel . and roadway, $10 ; Alfred Goodwin; 40 rodti wire feriae $8 ; Rebert 'Orr 80 tech • wire fence -$16; Rciwsell and Hutchineon, 'Toronto, for municipal blanks, $7, 58 ;*.R... McKenzie, Goderich, for six brass locks for ballot boxes, $4,20 ; Donald Junor, 70 rods Wire fence, .$14.% Francis 'Hillock, 44 rods wire fence, $8:80' ;: lames Stephes, 110.rods wire. fence, 02 ; A, 11 Neabitt, 40 rods wire fence, $8 ; 0. J, ,Neabitt, 60 • rods wire fence, $12 Oharles Blake, 40 rods tvira fence, $8 ;.E, McCann, Weellen factory taxes refunded, $17.26; John Por, ter, 60 rods wire fence,- $12 ; Richard • "Weston', gravel $120 ; 'Wei.' Crooks, gra- vel, $6.40; Andrew Curtics, grayel, $7.68 ; Mrs. Win. Tebbe tt, 40 rods wire fence $8; John Porter, gravel, $16 ; John Calbeck, gravel, $e7.44 ; Wm. Murch 29 rods wire fence, $5,80; Henry Hibbs, gravel, $.56; L Manning, gravel, $7.20. ; An- drew fortis, gravel, $26 ; janies Counolly, gravel $21.60 ; Me.Baechler, gravel, $8.96: w;wisei gsavel, $46.16; Geo, Cautelon, 32 rods wire fence, $6.40 ; Samuel Wafters, e.. gravele $19.60 ; Arthur. • Whittingham, week., per Holland Pt -M. .$2 00 ; Pred - , fillinggravel ono day, $1. ; JOhn Trewartha, $1.84; Thos. Pickard, 112 tods wire fence, 02.40 John Lindsay 40 rods Wire fence, $8 ; Andrew Drysdale, gravel, $26,80 ; James McDonald,.graVel; ' $9.00 ; Horny Merphyt gravel, $4,80 ; Joseph Prootort 40 rods wire fence, $8 ; James el. Elliott,. gravel $10,80 ; Dr, Dowileee attendance on L l'itzeersild, in. digerit, $10.60 ; Robert Sterling, gravel, $21;841; John Weir, gravel, $19.04 ; Peter Perdue, gravel, and roadway, $30.70 ; '5, RAhwell, gravel, $18,40 ; Thos, Muroh, gravel, 80cts ; James Alexander, gravel, $8.80 ; Arthur Curry, boggy spring broken ou defectiVe road, $2,60 Wm. Herbison, 80 rods wire fence, $16; A.ndrevr Mc- Gregor, indieent, $25 ; Thos. Potter, grti. vet, $3:80 ; Wm, Corry,John Elliott, Wm, Setteley, and W. ItIngford, wore each ree fended $1 dog tax omitted at Coott vision. Council adjourned to meet again on the 13th inst. :` J.S..Pkrro.Y, clerk,' ed. rails farther out of town." Story or the ••111real Nheert.” • it is a common practise in:Neiv York eit for ladies to hire male 'escorts to aces of rning entertainment, the en- gApplertt usually being made with some of the messenger .cOrnpanies, which kc a cerps of youths for that purpose. In I'hiladlephia a young than has branched -out on his individual account. He' tells the Press business isn't good ite it rnighe be, but it is improving. , He keeps an advertisement in the paper,' and says of his mode of procedUre; • , • • If they want me they write me to .call, I go in the afternoon, show my •referericee, .which are -good, and make arrangernents as to whether they want a carriagg or not, for instance,' and whether I shall wear evening dress, in. which ease' charge $1. extra. Then in the evening I appear, send .up my card, and no. one knows, I think, that I am not wasting my money in taking, my af• fianced, my mother or rny wife, as the cage may. beote theplay, and, by Jove• , I don't rayselfeornetimes." YOU mean thenee-' Nothing, nothing. Still yo uwoeld be surprised • sir to know how ranch even a hired eseorkis to some wo- men. 'gen my word they hang on my• arm—I tion't.tnecra all of them—when we cross the gutters, and they thatter-L- I really believe they're a great deal more interested in keeping up the make -be. lievellian. I' am.. facie I am eetrite certain that thee Lancaster womdee--she Ordered me a dress suit,, by the waer—hae formed. her idea of a' city eociety. man completely from my Make -rip. But yoit. mustn't say. anything about ..It Would injure the business.'• 'You spoke of staying ehrough steme- performances. a merely takinr to eedwelling for •Itete. Can you reake-Ve7engagernenti eseight.l' • " 1cef arnetelteet4P- My. adyertiaenient,,read;' ...anSwered the hired escort ----e4Iiiererore:witeat many !untie** beside dee theatre—lectures corieerte and tableaux. Nearly- ellnr e -these.are but anhourehefore the thea-: tris In Boson, where' there are so inanyold maidS, you. know,'..'anA yet erteletiVltrege ainueernentrloving- peptfia; 'fion, I altoost always had two engage- menie a night.' e' You have lately come • frem 'thetel" The hired escort, sighed.' have. WOuld -that I.• cotild have etayeel there .5 Ah I' e' Yes took rotary, yea, two vtotories,—one, over eel , and, one overithe othee Man, and receive the Lord's "Well'doue !" Clar, aeksuro. , The Scott 4et. , Hon. Meesrs, Blake and Mowat ad- dressed enormous gatherings of the elec- torate of Elgin County at Aylmer'and St. Thomas on Tuesday afternoon and evening. At .A.ylmer Mr. Blake topic ecciasion to epeak ae length on the Scott Act. cu prored a cleeete that the A.cit should leave a fair trial wherever it had been passed,and that dynamite and other ,outrages should be put down with a erne bend. He was himself a. total abstainer, and he was inter- lude(' with all good citizens irrhaving in- temperance put down; but he thought it would be wriong to decide the qttestion of prohibition on a plebiscite of fife Dornin- ion. On this subject the boti.'gebtlen2an said : n 71 am for or against the subailbsion'of the Act in new localities ccording as there is or is not a fait prospect, en the -Cendition of linnet Opinion thet it will be tisitionably efficacious. (Applahses,) It is on this con- sicleration, that I myeeleeteuId rote irecase weve aubmiteed- in ea county in which had a vote. Lam against the submission of the Aot as es more test of public opinion by a vote of a plebiscite 'on prohibition, without a firm determination' to work it thorougly if on its trial, I have been an- xiously watching its operation in that view, as also to use it as one test whether there yet exists in Canada such ti tone and quali- ty of public opinion as would render. further legislation efficacious and perma- nent: .- This I tegard as a much better teat' than the mere vote at the polls. .catinet.sayl think the test as yet justifies theproposed „le'gislatiene I arm: glad to • say that -in in'eny,plaperf -the Spott Actis working fairly, actin some Oases the re- sults are not 'favorable. But I notice large numbers of our citizens, good, 'saber" vir- tuous, and exemplary, as yet unconvinced as to the duty of total abstinence them- selvesvand therefore up& to enforce it upon others. „find -renter supporters of temperance 'legislation who do not look upon„dripking,even in Scdtt Act counties, as a" erica°, and who refuse that moral sup- port and help to the enforcement Of tliet laiv whieh they give to the geeeral erimi nal law. ' sight of the dentist's earnest, red face. looming up over the back of the pew,prap, ing fervently, while the tears were wen- -ing.down Ms cheeks. The sight proved leo much for the hardware man's quicken- ed conecience, He walked over to the apot where the good man was pouring out his heart with his eyes closed, twilled him on the arm to attract hie attention, and hand- ed latm the amount of the account, No other medicine has won for itself such universal epprobation in ite own. city, state and country, end -*among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, It is the bearcombination of 'vegetable 'blood, puri- fiers,, with the Iodide of Potassiura and Iron, ever nffered to the public. By all druggiats. A grizzly bear, weighing,.1;000 poun and measuring eighteen feet from Up to Lip, was recently killed in the enountains near Hepptier, Oregon. young lady :three times to a nausetun. The third .time --well, .ber.father was an invalid. I am -very glad he was. If be posseSsed his full vigor I do- .not think that I would have been able to do what I did—that is to say, leavetown' ••cqteader," in informingdf this wonderful remedy for ()Tighe, Cold, Asthina. Bronchitis, 'Consumption,. and all-affentions of the, throat ta and JunWe feel that We are doirg you a great kindness, as If yen baxe.any of tho al/oat% corn. plaints, If you will only tryit wo win guarantee satisfaction in every case•or naoney refunded. .Ask for mooregors Lung Compound; Price tO cents and $1, per bottle, at Worthington's Drug .Store. . DON'T BEG TO. DtITE11. Writteli for the Clinton New Era. ECIAmorous sketches .A, man in, fennesse IMO blown up the lir other day trying to t „ .a piece of dyna- mite. He thawed -it isn't loaded. Bang! . . T e rockers on a chair never stick out haif so far behind anyother tinie as when a 4sn is prowling around in the dark bare- fo ted. • .NEWS NOTES: — A prominent planter of elayington, Newbury County, S.-.0„ says, the condi- tion of the people in that section is dis- tressing, in , the extreme. The farmers have loat their crops by bad weather and *floods. ' ' "'• Some eighteen months age ,an English fernier sedeessfelly amputated one of the - hind lege of a valuable and well,tied.shoet- horn COW, the object being to retain the cow for breeding purposes,. vs-hile a wooden leg was affixed to.elies eau -repel' ; • • • . . Chicago ulergynsen sake: "Can a man be a ohristian and at the same time a successful business man 1" He can if he advertises largely and with judgment. ."Why is a small boy like a woman 7" Bald a mau 0 'his tronbleschne wife. No response. "Because he Will make a rant grown," said the conundrumist: A.t a Meeting of the Agricultural SeArts, Association of °uteri°, • held in • Geelph ,Vetisrada'y, it was decidedefififeld elerforty- • second"Provincial Exhibition inel1iltawate commencing on the 19th Septetinber, 1887. . An attempt was made in' the Halton • County Council Allis week tepees agesolu- tion favoring theintroduction of a meaciiire to allow wine and bear to be 'sold iiiScott • .Act constituendies, but after tie spirited discuslan. a reiitiori confidence in -the 'Scette-Act was. Carrie.d,Aly fie voting egeinst oung ,ariddle,reed met", eu ffe ring .freininervotle debility and kindred affec- -dear; as loss' of memory :and - hypocbon- dria, eeclose'10 cents in stamps for.large illustrated pamphlet suggesting fture cure. Addtees, World's -Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, . The '• cattle' blockade in Texas grows, There are'1;000 car loads of beef oettle be- tween Fort Worth • and .Toyaliawaiting shiptnent, witb'necars, to move them. At Colorado City there. are 600 car loads, at lltidland 100; and at ..Ranger, Abilene, Sweetwater,and other points 300 car leads. The Texas 86 Pacific cats are tied tip to a great extenejn thenorth where the toads about St. 'Louis and ()bleeper:easing-theta The Fort „Worth & Denver and elle Missouri:Pacific are algo short (dears, and numbers Of cattle ate -in. sicick-pens and being held near the end of the linee await- ing shipment, This blockade is a serious blow to the stirekteen, who have.theer beeps in fine order for shipment,bue they ere losing'weight daily by this tier Up. Is the ruin who begs to differ, not a beggar Beggars generally differ ; they make their business a success as much by differing as by.begging. "Oircurnstanees alter cases." But "bard oasee" oftener. alter Oran:latent:we. Nem both the map iti,eitrs to be and the man who begs te differ generally alter circumstances to suit their cases. They oluy to win by hook or crook, reepectively. • • I don't ask yen not to differ from a man if in all goo e conscienee you know him to be wrong. Differ,but don't "beg to differ." If he, however, begs to differ from you, fully convince yourself that he is Wrong, but don't try to convince the other 'man against his will, you can't drive an iron wedge into a rail-ent with a tack -hammer. Theugh y,otir argument may be aa tstrong as ftone tied shaped to the very best ad- varliage simple tonote power is too light a ;maul to drive them into •rock -elm obstin- acy-, cleaving all knots. 3f you attempt to rouse.an obetinate man's reason, yon will rotted -his terfrpel. instead,quicker than a bee etring. • The tesei eer s the bone and sinew of a knife, but in a stubborn man it ie a knife itself rouse it, and he will cut you to the quick. • the Me tis—with contempt. They say they Sob's friende bogged to differ," Job 1 made an appeal to the department of the Shined not until he got into ail argument with hie Manes. . Avoid cententione men, • like Sob's friends they aro all "physicians Of MO trUlue." It is conceit largely that seatrea us con- • ca 13.4 A a 41 rh, 1- ^ 7-1 . re5. o • .M 0 . cc) Ve have enlarged eur premiel oy an addition of one story on the rear of cue fitor,e nd'have new on hand one of the largest and best assorted stooks of STOVES, in he county, hang deer 100 to select from. We keep -only the leading inee and. re Sole Agora's for the CELEBRATED RADIANT -HOME, ART, GARLAND and REAL, PENINSULA. COAL STOVES, COOK STOYES and FAR. LOR•STOVES in great yarietfand at reduced prices. . a HOT AIR IPT.TRZTACES SPECIA.LT And satisfaction guaranteed. W,e are now manufacturing a HOT Al Et F'0'Pe, NACE*suitable for ordinary &Lied dwellings. They come lovr in price,atse Aive tire .best of satiefactiop. Also a lot of AlCOND-HAND STOVES au-E,.AP. Jones—"Here's a letter 1,..clon't want my wife to see. Can't you hide it where it won'e be disturbed 1 Serriant Girl— 'Tea, sir. 1111 stick it.in this *lenity Bible." • An Atlanta roan is dying from the bite of a mule. When a mule becomes danger- ous at • both ends; itis time to prepound the political conundrum, Whither aee we drifting.' ' . Miller (to , bey with ,grisq—I suppose, bub, you think you know most everything, eh 1" "No sir ; not everything ; I know miller's hogs are always fat, but 1 don't know winless Cern they get -fat 'on." - • • ellow'cl the good wife, Mr.: Hayseed?' asked the minister of an Indiana farmer.. 'iShe's got the fever and argue' powerful bad." "I am sorry to hear that. Is she in bed 1" `.`No ; she's out itt. the back yard shakin' the dinin'eroom,carpet." • • Liver Complaint causes Dyspepsia,Indigestion Liver Complaint causes Sick Headache, Dizzi..7 nese. ' Liver Complaint taesee all Kidney Troubles. TAVer, Complaint • causes three %ouruia of all disease. Liver complaint cared by Dr. Chase's Liver. HARDWARE in. all its 'branches. jkinericatt Canadian COAL OIL. Dr. Blister, of Texas, is one ,of those physicians telitedeenot stand: any nonsense from their patients.: According to a.Texas paper, one. day lately he preciented his -pill te Mose Schiiiimburg. 'Oe bunated'and fifty tollare exclaimed Mose: mine gutness, .two funerals be dot fareily vould net, have coes tnce'sO much as dot ! it's Pet too -late to have a ftinerel,irethe house yet; 'replied Dr. Blister, drawing st• .ree-,,teelier. His bill was paid. • A swan reettereee - will:sink a great, ship ee.and at first. appear* to be ,%.,,trifiinki Cotigh is apt tb. culminate in..constuription, which is scrof, ula of_the lungs, and for all blood and •skin dieeeeeeeDr. Pierce's " Golden Medi - pal Discovery has no equal: e ' CYART A FIRST-CLASS 'BRICK. STORE, -Suitable for any' business, In Searle's :peek, en Long Tonis ef Credit: Also A extremely romantic- marriage, which took :place at Ottawa on Thursday, fur- nislies'eubject Matter for ell the young people of the city. The facts 'are briefly .these Miss Elizabeth King i of Rochester- ville, a maiden lady eighty -tee years of age, diecl on Sunday last. She was pee- aessed .of copsiderable .„wealth, estimated at abouf $100,000, prineipally in 'real es- tate securities. In her will she loft it all conditionally to Miss • Chrisaie ging, a• younglady of nineteen,who had lived with her as companion, and. to Gilbert Allan, a young Irian of twenty-tou ,r who had paid 'considerable attention to Miss Chrissie and bad wen the old lady's favor. The condi- tion was Wet the young doUpie should be married to each other the day the testatrix • was buried. Tho beriarrook place S o'clock Thursday, and at 4 the marriage Ceremony was celebrAted in 'the hops e of recent mourning, A Winnipeg telegram says'•--Settlere living hero prior to thb transfer of the country of Canada, are propelling to peti- • don the GovernoreGenetal, setting forth that their claims to property acquired by thetn under their laws is not recognized by the Dtitninion Government, whieh without the leaSt trouble is granted to any other parties who tisk for it, The Settlers •set forth other grievaiwee and gay that all their representations,' to the govei•ntnent hales been treated as were the protests of interior fourteen years ago with no result, elthoegh vagee promises were made. They are new determined to lay) the case before the representative of her Majesty., The petition bas secured 630 signatures, . It willpay you to give us a call before purohasinge HARLAND BROS Siga of the Padlock, I I Ain mit St, Clinton. - ..A.P•T_Jil\T THE 001" MAKER, MOTTO --GOOD WORK, PRICES ACCORDINGLY AND • • -MAYS READY. HAS. CA . 1.4-7 • .. • (DOME:GE en:00K; CLINTQN, — MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAA 10: ALL GO TO 9,17ANSvGkoeeWp iliSst-oacskittilli•sthteblealPs.titPianolavrelticas°,!coinrsisGtiEnSgl d'S' Ties, 'Collirs; Cuffs, Illorsitian 'Lash' Caps; „OsiBefs St..Cuffs,f1mItatioit PERSIAN LAMB, BEAVER CAPS, COLLARS tied CUFFS, e.' S.' SEAL and umrre SEAL. ..Heiip,s in stock a very 'fine selection of UNDERWEAR, arid is offering his goods at • r..,,,,,_ea'sonable price and which cari mot ho ,andeisold by any one in the businers. ita a steWf.T.tES,..11;13 latest style and moat fashionable— inz:--Exoeisiori Toledo,. Kndt, Scarf,' POlo, (,tjf,er.„;:lie has also iri stock a beautiful DRIVING; GLOVE, and which he claims cannot; -be sureesssain.the town. Hie stock -or.BOYS'..- CLOTHING.is. fine i6la can be tit:night at a •yeey low pride. His, selection of SILK CHIEffiselre handsome, and so cheap. Big essorttnent of PAPER LARS vier--Orp, et:fillet and Ogere. His CELLULOID n LINEN 0 el.r..ARS ant C, are of the lateei style and from the best mansifactu • In'efee'sJegye.' RAC , he ib having a great demand for thee.). ' • '41: nommis • • ,601Litiki.ITON... The People's IIARNESS Depo 1.440.N1DOMS13001R , . • One Divelling fientraily sktuated: For further pa, !IcAdars apply to W. C. sEARLE; . CLINTON.. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. .• Prescription Of a. physician who has had a, life long- Witperiente-in, treating female° diseases. Is used ' monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant; safe„ effectual. Ladles ask your druV . gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age:forsealed particulars.Sold by \ all druggists, ill per box. Address WIZ EUREKA CHICMICAL CO„ DEraorr, MICH. SOU in Clinton by j. ff. COMBE and Druggists • everywhere. TkE MERCH ANTS.° - Protective :and Tollaciiiig . • —OF CA.NADA-JIL Head Oniee, Hamilton, ppt. . • ' • PariaLlfillED 1884, XS at 'Association of business and professional men; having for its object Jiro . OOLLEOTI.ON. OF DEBTS; ' And to prevent its members snaking bad debts by furnishing 'them with lists of Parties who do pot pay. Mei•cbants and others hiving ateounts to collect and wisuiog to become members, by remitting $7 to our, Managers, Hamilton, Ont,; wiltreceivo by return mall • full particulars, certificate of memberaltip, ego. J. B. MILLS & 00,, Managers, Hamilton. • Gr to. Js, Tucratrsor, Agent, Clinton. - N. 11,—All persons aro warned against a man nam- . ed rt. Faulkne)?lialling tram St. Marys; we will. not recognise any motabora taken by bun after this date, or monies paid to him, • Read This' and be Wise. • I have opened- in, Myth, a first.class BOOT, SEZOE - and ltamsEss. szior Make and Mend all kinds of-lloota and Shoes; and keep an excellent stock on hand, Fitst.class work. HARNESS 7,1" nnilti:% In and w pay you Otne sec me, I keep •from a hame strap to a No.1, set of tilINCI,g or MUMMA nAntrzss, best of stock and worktnansbsp may always ha expected. Please give me a call. eeee•---e- • vATes, Having -enlarged my -Show roonrand :"got in a. ,full stock of all classes cif goods.' • usually kept • the e• • ' . • • }Wax yfets ere pixtd. • 'T'inwnr'e idne.- I atia prepared to furnish the public witha:II kinds of HARSTESS, BUFFALO' and GOAT ROBES, TRUN.10 YA.LISES, CrU.11;11,Y- COMBS, BRUSHES. A large stockeif first-class HONSE . BLANKETS, at .lowest rates. . SLEIG-H- - • BELLS, I have e large4toeke Which I will sell Cheap. . . - • , I'mak-e- ell my oWn COLLARS, anwiii". went:IA.:them to--giVe--satisfaotion. •'REPAIRING rpreniptly 'ittende'd- d. -tiTc Alf kinde. of TINWARE- on -band..- j•-• - ;Thanking my mistoinere forpast faakqs, 1,respectfully, oak efor a continuance- . •/ • • a their Ratronage.." GROCERIES -I, have decided on. going into the grocery business, in Conniption . with-my.other tines, anhave purcbased a niee' and idea stook of all pods usually kept in e • the grocery line. • Piirtivi wanting anythink Whatever. 'in this .depirtinent can save meet by calling on me. , LPRIDES001139 :cgo. NEw+oni, somneemssomeno Eas commenced and we are prepared to show one ofthe: finest liner ,of 011113 SIIII3A /413N 98 SVIAIX• n the county. Our Stock -of Vases 'toilet Sets,. China Figures. .and FOost.Chirlaware • Is unsurpassed. Also a t:plendid line of 14 PHOTO. And AUTOGRAPH A.LBIPIS, .TOYS; PLUSH GOODS, BERLIN WOOLS .86 FINGERING YARNS, wad a full assortment of Children's • SLEIGHS from 60c. up. Call and 'iiispect our'iramense stock. • .. *WM COOPER BEAVER 'BLOCK BOOK g , STORE, CLINTON.