HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 547247PPIPP7 0 • • EVERYTHING IN.CONNECTION WITI1 GIAL4,A.911 GIEANIIC.O1PT:SALE • Is in full working order,,and presents are rolling out by the • oart • load. Remember, EVERY CASH PURCHASE, from SO cents and upwards, entitles you to a gift.' A. box of tickets is handed you, from which you take one ; the corresponding y,,,ipimber on the table is the GIFT you receive. We guarantee poach and every donation is equal to from 10 to 25 per cent .discount. , . Do you wish to give any of 'your friends a Xmas • Present? Then make .a B line for' • Where you, call buy goods. the cheapest and get a, present for *ourself into the bargain. • We,mean to Share our wafts with the public, for •the next 80day,s, as a proof of ourappreciation of their pateonage ..for the past 12 months. • • A. Merry Christmas AND•A lATE WISH YOU' ALL , ALID • • YEAR TE -LATE JOHN. HODCENS HAVE JUST OPENEDjrOUT VERY LARCI-E OFcoveitiet; and :Fancy Goods Suitable for the Holiday Season, We will also offer for the next three weeks Genuine Bargains in , . DRESS COOS. Mantle Clothif- cf'd MILLINERY'. Don't fail to see our GRAND DISPLAYOF N9VELTIES, 5 poi c, off for cash. JOHif :WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J.; 1101)CENS, AND wiNTE 887 • Dm�pp &ocys MOOTS ' Grand cgszHoliday SA Bi urolase of LAZDXES HATS- at 50c, on the dolla/ Slippers, Ladies' 'and Gent's 11.5o I.A.x)]ms 1Liatest tyl es, Full lines IVIen's Felt Boots, American and Cana-, (Ban Overshoe& and Rubbers, German Felt g P -• •• • • Pine Shoes. •at nearly halfnplee. • Our stock in other lines is large and well assorted, add will be soldat close prices This month they offer. Extraordinary Ber ains in' Plain and. FIVE PER CENT, OFF ;FOR' CAS! Hem -stitched and Silk HANDKERCHIE S, KII GLOVES, CORSETS, SASII • RIBBONS, CASHMERE GLOVES, LOR •86 SON .KNIT WOOL SHAWLS. Their big sale of DRESS GOODS, • BLACK SILKS and MANTLE CLOTHS is attracting um.- • veig4 attention. -.1€N. 0 • 1401.11101200100100Zil r . 4G---)Et3E AL -r 1:1-40 011,104. ....N.wsgmnu.wmap Change of usinesse IlailamothOVe t s J .,.011 13! HAVE' A.SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF •CUNINGHAME 86NritURRAY. 000K3 PARLOR COAL STOVES Forrrierltr ,704EL. q.u.32.1.z64.azwil; Now is yone .time to get bargains, 4. finelot of now goods for Xmas.' FRUITSW—e13-RR-.A-N ORING-ES;--17EBIONS,—R2VIRINS DT VAL= ENCIA,• BULK, BUNCII AND LAYERS, .FRESII CRANBERRIES, BER, • MUDA ONIONS. LEM.ON, ORANGE AND -CITRQN PEELS. FINN -AN HADDIE, BLOTERS, CISCO 'HERRING, Lte: FRESH OYSTER'S, always•on hand. Cmof the finest assortments' of CONFECTIONERY BIS- CUITS in town, all fresh andnew, and with other goods will be'sold SPECIALTY IN EXTRACTS.Fine piize to the bile that gets the firize bottle of Extract. ; Come and sue tho prize: • • • . . , • • o• '". . 1X , o , Gl1PLALT411M emv 1E1, Ay- • • imentrin. tle Live Stock Rri"vate advices to the Ottawa Free Press • The supply at Cern' mon and inferior butchers fronisontleinen who are traveling over all cattle is very large for snob. a short time before Westera.Ontarioi inoioate the most decisive, :Christmas, and trade in these is very dnll with Libeial victory there known for years,..:The remarkably iloyr prices: A fewtehoice beet0 •Conservatives are disorganized, the mass _DE were offered Monday and eoldlat from 4o to 4./o electors view 'with disgust their tactics, and•a per lb. There were also several extra anitnals crushing defeat awaits.the Meredith party. For Christmas market, but very few of them were sold. Mr; Slattery, of Ottawa, •bought the beat heifer which was offered on this market for several years, the price paidis said to have been ten cents per lb. live,wetght,with a luokpenny back, Pretty good' beef critters sold at about 3ic,,and common dy'o-eTthout 3o,with leanish stook down to two cents per lbSheep and lambs, especially two, latter, vire in active demand, as thobutchers-are-gett• ing in 0 their *inter supply of mutton, and prices are advanoing all round, sheep selling at about n per Ib., and good lambs at about 4/o do. There are not,many live hogs offered. and prices are without material change, or about 41e per lb.• dressed hogs are higher in or from Oct to 134o' for large lots and, 614a per lb. for small lbs, The horse market. has been very active last weekend a good tn an y ch anged hands both for exportation and for working in lumber sbanties. The shipments from here to the 'Gaited Stateslast week consisted -of mxty- two working horses, costing $7,1307.50, or an average of 6122.70 each ; Ave breeding mares, costing an average of $155 each,and a Stallion whioh cost 6465. • CLINTON MARKEL S, )r Corrected a very Thursday aftert oon. .Thorsday, Dec. 16, 1886. • Wheat, spring - 0 70 a 0 76 • White anct red • 0 70 a, 0.7e, Through tickets to all pont s in Air —ANITOA IT Oats, • *. 0 27 a 0 28 • and the NOItTlIWEST via the new short Barley, • • • 0 40 •a' 0 48 line front Tcfronto. , Peas, • • • • 0 4..r a 0 48 • A passenger leaving 0 Clinton at 1.05 pm. .Plour, pee bbl. 4 80 a 4 80 Monday, can be in Winnipeg on Thursday Potatoes. • • 040 a 0 45 . morning at 0 40. Tickets to all points in Turkeys per lb, . -.0013 a 0 05 •British Columbia and California, Chickens, poi- pair, - 0 25 .a 0 30 Baas per pair, • - 0 50 a 0.00 , 11,INTING MASS.,— MISS IIESTnR MOORt trauld he pleased to giro Instructions in painting on velvet and satin to any who may wish to learn that art. Vor particulars enquire at the rosidenee of Mr Hugh Moore, corner of Orange and Mary Streets, XMAS CANDIES and FRUITS From :the .best• manufactoriee in 'Canada and ..f the' latest patterns,' bought at Very lowest ttries, and will be sold as close as. they cub. Our stock of , DRESS4and Mantle Making •• , • On the premises. , MANTLES cut free ofcharge. Ladies' and Gents, VCRS at pricesto clear. . ' DETL4•R & CO, , . FOR 0 OAT.S, 7"—trcizt::•.ft: NICE MAS PRESENT. ST. SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10 per cent - will be given °wall cash purchases for the remainder of the month of December. My stook has been ,carefully •selected, anda callwill satisfy yon•that AiolditSilver Watchel,-Lad—L. • • les. inglish. Gold Sets, Plat-. irjardWa-m-.• Gutlerh-Lana.ps;. • Oils, Taints, (Ste:0 . • . IS ...FULL AND COMPLETg. iDA:virs.3 , ' . . • For the next thirty days will sell any articlo out. immense stock e.f onocK.- ERY. and GLASSWAR t a discotint of 10 per cent. Just . thinkof tt, • 15 00 China Tea Seta, . 44 pieces for ;$13 50 Cash. 8 00 • " " '7 .21) o 00 15 00 Dinner ' " 119 V. Decorated 'stone tea 44 " •• .5 Irony Tea Sets, 44 .„" 3 Stone " 44 • " 2 Decorated chamber 10 4 AT BRODEKICKS. r s .00 —. . • ' e, 00 Niw Ciatinits '16c. per lb., Npir FIGS, • 3 .5.0 DATES, ORANGES; LEMONS AND 2 25 RA'tkarts; CintnAwrs, FlIESII HADDIE. TOBACPOS, CIGA.RS and prns. 5 00 850. per nI.. served 4 00 in a I styles. Choice lot of GnocratieSdall new. WANTED.—Choice Roll Butter, .higbest • price paid. Fowl of all kinds.bought. 3311.02DERICIt'S. SAcissoN Stoox, lItmort 8Tuttne. CLINTON. Canada Pacific Railway, W. JACKSON, AGT; CLINTON. "V." ' Geese par lb. * • -0 05 a 0,05 : Butter, . • 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs, . A 0 15 a (1 PT. Pork, ' • • 5 25 a . 1340 nay, • • • • 8 00 a 8 00 /FENDERS WILL DC ItMOCIVED BY TILE UN. . nnesioxto up toW01)NgStiAlt, Om 2nth DRODM- Wool ha trade, — . 0 20 a. • 0 22 nnct, ism; at 3 ol'eloek, p.m., for tbe. position of 'Wool for onst.,, ,.. . ' . 0 18 n, 0 78 Caretaker of the pntarlo ,Stfeet Methodist -church. Sheep pelts • • d () 50 a 0 75 – Duties and otliet_partionlatf May. lie obtained from tomb gkthA, . 0 00 it 0 BO, the utidersmned, (Ti Towesirer an:ii-tender not no. tessarily aeceptc I. JACOB TaY1,014 8:34.. ward Clover, pat Inuit. 4 00 a 4 03 Id trustees, , . -5 40 ‘` -, 13 :50 . " • 104. (` . 9 90 Conibination •" 85 " . 10 " ,t .10- -3 2 50 Stone c4aiii.ber sets 9 " 2 Fine Hanging Lamps for. " 2 10 por cent off GEASSWARE, 1;411PS, rAlibYWARE, Mig.1 illentember • the sale just lake THIRTY DAYS. • 15 " 03 '‘'‘ 50 eg 60 • ' 25 " 60 "• • ed sets, Lockets 00111 tens;. Watches, Chains and GOLD flzSiry,Eis.?.. SY"CT.A.OLtS'i- M O.P" G !1 tlyELLIt4: • AD ----- — *WARE .OF EVER ••ptscaiprioN. .• • CHRISTMAS ,GROpERIE:$• In Groceriesi our stook was iteVer: more . complete. A.11 our new RAISINS, OURRA.NTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL- 1110NDS, 'F.IL,BERTS *CONFECTIONERY, Are in and will be sold as cheap es tb� cheapest. Call and see the handsome presents. we are giving with • COOPEIL'S. BAKING POWDER AND • JONAS' FLAVORING XTRACTS • To every purchasee at our store on Dec:. 24th, we • will give a decorated cup and saucer. Wo want any quantity of good Butter, Eggi, Poultry, Potatoes, and •Wood in exchange for groceries. Give us call, it will pay you. • se1. ooper Son, 0EIN-rroN. • •ve. 1f• 41k ROIrGERS'.. PLATED KNIVES, FORKS-& SPOONS. NO* cliA.INs, BROOCHFs: and JEWELLER, .of every descrip7 tion. 1 can give you ti bet- ter selection than any other house the c'ounty, and at :bot- tom •prices. SPECTACLES FROM 20C. TO $3 A PAIR. liothedor 2010 e. Discount ter the remain- der of December. ROB W. COATS CLINTON. • 1. -- •