HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 4To Tull ELEcToRs will tell you of the tempest that hoe been raised., . hem in reroute, on amount a the eaPPoaitien that hoe viewe are extreme as to the Leah quell - tion. %hie might destroy his future, audit has, therefore been arranged between the Hoe. F. leenith tied O'Donohoe that the former is to re- present the Trisle Catholiqs in the Cabinet,while O'D. will...get-a seat in the Senate. " FRANK BMITli IS TO MAKE WAY FOB O'DON0110E IN TRH MINISTRY, WHEN THEY THINK THE TIME IS OPPOIVI'UNE. Those gentlemen ate acting in perfect accord, and desire that I ohould ex- plain to your Lordship the nature of their ar- rangement,which, of course,A1UST BE KEPT A PROFOUND SECRET AT PRESENT. Believe me, rny dear 14oe4, faithfully yours, (Signed) Joule A.. MACDONALD," olio or tne ottoer Winne, Mr, Porter, speeial-pleader for Dr. Taylor, insinuates.. that the Scripture • readings were prepared to suit Arehbishees • Lynch. Mr, ICerr,the Conservative author w4sv1 HURON. GENTLE M ENS - The Ootario Legislature has been dissolved, end the Movest Administrationeetter fourteen yeara of faithful service in the interest of tbe Proviece, again appeals to the people for a renewal of $heir oonlideme. Ita record of. honest and economical ad- ministration, wise and prudent legislation, And timely defence of Provincial Ilighteeought to entitle it to ft favorable verdict. 4.4 a member of that administratien, shar- . ing in and proud of its achievements ancl un. blomishscl Tepetatioh, responeible •also for its shortcomings; 1submit myself to the elm - tors of West lemon. On three pummel:ye occasions, as a private member, you gave me our confidence. 1 am noeconseious of having, while filling the more important position .of Cabinet Minister fot the end three years,negleeted year interests. • •If you approve of niy past course, and.think I eameprve yon with advantage in the future, 1 respectfully tees you once again to give me your aupport. I am, geutleman, your obedient servant, A. M, ROS S ftetu °Adrottsamatto„ Stoves-sess Davis. Caution -le eetveley. stray steer -c. Tighe. Stray heifer -H. Baker. A Chance -Cooper & Sou. Bimetal eale-Beeilej & Co. Ore t Ohance-Jackson Bros. Executers netice-Ify,Steep. Local notices-Chtis. Dickson, Xmas Trees -John Robertson Xmas candies -Mrs. Broderick. Dnplement Agenty-E. IL Snell. Notice ter patrons -Palliser tt co. Solections"-Geo. E. Pay As Co. Holiday esterenies-rackson Bros, Change-Ouningham & McMurray. Ten per cent discount -Rob. W. coats. New Christmas Presonts-Rob. W. Coats. Change of Government -Foster 4 Bayley. glutton Kew etc, FRIDAY! DEC. 17, 1886. of the readings, asserts that the Arch- bishop had nothing to do with theireste- partition, and exercised no influence over them. Which its likely to know hest? Mr. Porter,special pleader,asserts that a large amount is paid Neleon,of Edinburgh, as royalty for the school readers. Copp, Clark & Ce., the riublishers, of the Read - PoIitIed liteetiow eiessinne recorda of the growing* of gaebee under bons ,Toroute elorreenonelenee. servative rules and Ontario under Reform, both -of which bed started on an equal footing • If the attendance al Reform meetinge On Setntils7 nigh" meeting in the intetedat this time of Confederation,and today there. is any indication 9f the feelings of the 'osvf,,Dstr.RTuaiyolz,viCwrheerlvaatiivne tehaendtiodwante a our. was large eurieue ie. the ()aerie Treasury, people, it may betaken for granted that a while Omen° waa nearly bankrupt, strong current has set in in their favor at There was a good% crowd present -possibly BRANCH -a 07 EXPENDITITRIM. • the preseut time, for hi ;18 the Reformers needy as many Liberals' as Conservatives. referred minutely to the six brautihee of could scarcely get an hearing in this city, Mw was. 8. en0.nisTeellrableldoicecaupppioelanttnthee:tliatior'maTuhyeorelie f exPendimie under the Mowat Governinerth ex but now it Is the vbry reverse. A. fele • weeks ago the Adelitide street rink eon. tinned a are crowd to hear Blake,Came- ron, Patterson and one Or two others, and on Friday last the Horticultural hall was more than crowded to hear Messrs. Lau- rier and. Blake,- tor a large .pumber got upon the roof ancl opened side windows to hear the speakers, who spoke for nearly two hours ewes, most of the tun:Renee et:tying till the close'which was some- what remarkable, as there were a large ou tuber of ladies, as well as a good sprink- lins of Tories, Mr. :Laurier soon finding that Out and saying so, from the repeated interruptione he met with, But I have- nis doubt be was well satisfied with the. enthusiastic hearing he obtained. He is a good speaker, without makirig any at- tempt to catch 'the audience with 'empty deelametions or promieeetsluits just states his case ancl gives sensible reasons for his course in potiticel matters. Mrs Blake, who appeared on the platform without books, papers or note of any kind, spoke better than I had ever hear him, and I am not alone in entertaining this idea, for every person I spoke to about it said the same thing I canuot but think that every person who heard him but what • would admit that he is not onlysincere in his advocacy. i of the rights and nterests of the people of Canada, but that he has good grounds for the serious charges he makes against the government at Ottawa; in fact there is scarcely any one now but what admits that the government of John .A.. is based upon ft foundation of cerrup- don, the money being supplied by the favored ones, The Montreal Witness, a few days ago; said that the,firtia of Ogilvie & Co. werr favored with a freight tariff on: the C. P. R. of ten cents a bushel from_ Manitoba. On the quantity they Inrrand- s4ip how mueli could they afford to give in this behalf? If tke people of Canada the electors when. Dr. Taylor in a fow re- marks, practically admitted his inability to make a speech, and intimated Mr. Porter would talk for him, and more thau one Con- servative expressed. his disgust 'at tbe party bringing out a man that had tot even the ability to announce his platform, Mn. Poem. then Oaine forward, and after a little preliminary talk, started on hie le - bored address in behalf of the candidate. As Mr. Boas was Minister of Agriculture, rand, therefore, reopopaiblo for the management of the Agriculture College, he (Porter) took ex. that institution were properly numaged, and • the eXpeltilitill'ell auder these vermin needs, in Sandeelci-Modopald's time and the pree- mption thereto; did not think the finances of' he nbjeoted to the Advisory Board of manage. ent, ao, asked did a solitary number in the smut, Was aorry that farmer's sons heti armee elsPese grants tO these inatitutiOne 7 privileges given thein in tbe extension of the Not one, all were approved by. the Oppose franchise that Other C1atee4 had not had at tient It was the duty. of the Opposition in the saws time; this he ehamose was eerie for the House to objeet to these, but they had political purposes. He was glad to see, how, not done so. It was his duty, as Treasurer, ever. that the franchise had been since ex, to prepare the estimates of current expendi- tended to others. • Owing to the"eatly dissolia tux* ee'l wben he Rave every item in detail, tiolo PC the Howie, there were some of the new of the exelleates, amounting rioarly to $3,000, 000, the Opposition had only objected to $1,400. The Province of Ontario had largely beitused railways. Hemel? meaty alone give 0600,000, bat the Derail:lion Goverment bad appropriated every mile of ilway • Quebee it representatives, .because the 'toed firm had got a bentneof $3,296,00Vo rds local' rail - wore before they weed give their consent -to • the suesidy of $$0,000,000, for the 0. P. D., but, when Mr. -Blake asked for the Berne fa- vors to be fhown Ontario, every Tory repre- sentative from Ontarki had voted against this Province, • , s ' .sonooe trielte, In reference to the charge that a " School Book Monopoly" had been created, he said the Government should be held responsible, if it bad createde monopoly,. but in the gen- eral ecceptetiop of that terna. they had not dones. The c ontraot with the publishers provides that the price cannot. be Increased, and if the Government think 'the publishers are makine too large a profit, they have the pewee to 1 educe the selling price to the con, sumer. Mr. Roes showed samples of. the now readers, and compared. them with fennel. is saes, proving clearly- that the present eohool hooks were the cheaeme ever issued in Can • ada or the theted.States; and further, t were the only series ever issued in Canada, fernier books having been got Up.in England, Irelenti, Scotland ad the T.Inited States. • 'fire KRITTUDE SELECTIONS. .11.6 • stfited that it' was repine of importins enee on the part of AL. Porter to say teat the Reforreers had started tbeagitation about tha Scripture readings, • 41 large number in the audience, ho believed, took the Mail, and• they knew from reading its columns, thatthe facts were against Mr. Porter's Assertion. Was itlikely, -he asked,that Reformers would start. in lei agittition agaiest the leaders of their Own party; which had no: foundation in feet. Every intelligent _man •in the audience knew thatthe agitation was started long bee .too .Dr. Laing or MreMilligan's name entered itte the coetrovetsy, and the. Coneervativem and0oeservatives alone, were the ones who bed started it. He teen explaiped. bow the Soriptute. Selections- had cipme to be adopted,' quoting the resolutions of' the irtinisters and teachers who had approved Of them ,and. show', ed that Archhishep Lyech had nothing to do. with 'their pl Oparation, and wasonly respon sible for Suggesting tho changeof "ithieh" in- to " Ulla,' .after the proofs had been ;stinted:. It was: pteerosperous' to Maine the B:efotmers for the sectaritte. Ory; Which bad its • Origin with Inseeetor if ughesethe Tory enspeotor of the Tory School board of Toronto, and wit12 the Mee, which gas the organ:of the.Geneer• vane° tarty., ' ' more properly a, distribution of the mune, among tee people themselves. The 1st of these was for Educatiort-the more the goy ernment paid, the less the people had te pay. The 2nd, Agriculture & Arts--uncier Chia heeding was the Agricultural Assooiation,Me. &lams' Institutes, etc, Sandfield Macclon- Wei government never gave a mut to the latter, while the present government made large grants eminent... The /3rd was Hospi- tals and Charities. The 4th Public Asylums. The 5111 Administretion of Justice, and the 6th, Colonization Roads, and he compared voters who:Would not be able to 'vote; because era, In a letter to the Mailestate that,a the liSts Would Me be ready. •If the eissolo. large -SUM isnot paid to Nelson. or to any- tion, however, was in tbe intereet of., the Province, and the people eepreased, their opinions thorecniehis Would not complain. Ho did ndt care to discuss financial mattera; as they were dry and uninteresting for .most hearers. As to the 'moaned school book Monopoly, he: did not oomplain. so much it the price per vein's* that was charged, as he did that the people mere taxed to pay Nelson & Co.; of ,Edinbuegh. In reference to theSetio tarian cry he was eeety that it should have been introduced, and be repudiated the charge that t be Conservatives were responsible for ib. Who, he asked, wore the originatdts of the cry, and he answered the question by alleging. that it Was Reformers-Preabyterians who had been writing against the government; slice mop as Dr. Laing, Mr, Milligan and There was, be believerl, teasonable ground for difference of opinion acoong Pro. testents as to whether tbe Bible or eelections from Scripture should be used, but De Laing ,from asserted that in malting these selectione undue hi:flue:me had been used'by Archbishop Lynch; His opinion • was that equal- rights 4honla be- &corded all climates, end no tine should be•favored at the expense Of the ether. In referencetothe Boundary Award, foe which the Reformer's claimed credit to Mr. Moviett, he alleged that Sir .Tohn had always beee anx- ious to effete a 'euttlemOnt, but Mr. Mowat .weenOt, because it .wasseto good an .election • city to he dispose:1 cif.. • He asserted that Mr. elowat always happ.eded to Mee a " popultir : cry" at . election times,- on which he rode into power, : In bis reference. to the License tines. Lion he inedvertarely admitted that by elle McCarthy Act being declared aftra eieee the Deminion Government were compelled to crawl through &very sinall hole. He asserted. that the Creeks Act was used for political purposes.- pressure. being brdught to bear on license holders to compel them to Vote, ire support of the.Government, or :len their li- • eenses. He .edvoceited sem ee ballot; which, he 'Asiatic' the - Ontario ballet-wasenots-He said that. Mr,' Moselle:had intioeuced a Gereete mender Bill, atd altered 35 constituenoies, inorder testietigthen his. own :positien, and claimed that great dispaiity population ex isted in sante of the consteuenaies,. elaimed that Sir Jelin had good.reason for making his Gerrymanders but Ale Mowat had none. lIe did net think the teseof " minority Toreson- -tation",shoule have been. made in Termite thernwere plenty et rural ceustituencies ether° ' the cored havelieen fried: He was h". . . eartily cheered on taking Me seat. . Hoe. A. MeRoei: rem to resey, bee elle cheering wassmsgreitt that it was e feweino- mentelefoie silence vial restoreciS ' He said the people had .come to hear something•from both 'sides.' Ho -was sorry Dr, Tielor had .. • not spoken for himself, as centese was bo . THE '8)0?A0ATi $CIIOOLS • tween him and Mr. Bose, not hotteeen Mr.'• . • - • Ross and Mr. Porter., elfe: telitiesee that if . Ho agreed with Mr. Porter 'later' eat les. ,lere Taylor' -were elected he weelh.• have • to. Mee should. be -done to ell. That was all the .•. - Send for Mr. Porter every thee he wanted Mowat Governinenthad Chine wasthe to iinikea motion' before the Home. Surelythe dhte of the: Goverument to carry out the. .guarantee, . mitered into at Confederation, .people wepted soineone who mine at-leastsex- press their wants, And 40 a "'Mid talking which was that separate sthooldeihould be theii;belifee but Di. Taylor was not 'able to Part. of Our. educatienal • system, and. the Speak at all: ' It was AltePortere ditty to lay. amendmenta made to the Separate. Sobel before the eleetereeihe shortcominga ofeth_es :Law were only to ankle tlie Iaw more ,work. - Mowat, Governmelit, if 'It beclermyserHad he -a-bler•••:-These-ameedmentisehadebeen-careiode cited A single charge_ of corruption? Had he in 16704 in the -House, without objection, and mashia solitary charge -of :wkotig-deing ? Had now the opponents of the GovernmentWere. • be Sleet before the eleebers any reason :vshe •trying to amuse ,religionsSatimosity Miele in they should. clisininetheldoWat . Government the. hoe° Of making political capital. It was androplam itSby riteiefeitteed b MieMeredithe easy to raise prejudices hitt it would take :Not ones and therefore it was somewhat diffis geheration to wipe them out. If his•hearers , cult for him to -say anseteitte he reply to Male expected the CoMereatives. week"- do euy Porter; as that gentletnah had not said any- diffetently than they. hal done, if :they got' la- thing thee Celled for a reply.- However, he to power, Item would be mistaken. • The0en- weeld :briefly make 'seine reference, to the servatiees had lose their bold Upon the Catho- , general administration of the Government of lie vote by their opposition to Hentelleleettil_ which:he had the honor. to bese Member. • they weretrying to regain- lest ground AI. ss-• , aomeumaniar, INSTITUTION. ' raising the Sectarian cry. • • - ' bne else. Perhaps Mr, Porter is abetter authority than the publishers of the b.00kse but one would naturally think that they should know. Stand by Diowat. ' A Brant county fanner in a letter to the press, •refers to the. epormous increase of elsebt under the Dominion Gevernmeneand its -responsibility for the northwest rebel- lion,. and cencludes with these words of advice to hits fellow-farmere Cannot be . Proven. • The opponents of the Mowat,govern, went allege that the "Scripture Readings?' (all passages of Scripture)were putin the Public Schools at the det4tioil 01 Arch- yetthe Mail, while assert- ing that stiali WM the case; frctnly'. con-: josses its iriability to prove its assertion,. The reason it cannot be proven' is bodanse there is no foundation whatever for the • charge, and the Conservatives know this ' :to be the Case: •.• . The Man iInba Emotions; . . . -- • • In the elections held fastThursday, the IN ()reties,. Clievernteent has bean sustained by a majority of 7 or .8. It. the last House he heti majority of 17ese that, he has not, much to beast of this dram . A feature of the electione 'is- that among th English-speaking electors, ho-. has :beee badly beaten, while -le has been' upheld by the Freuch half-breetis, being himself one. In Winnipeg, Gootte,-.--111-reeWl. F. Letzten, editor �f tee Free Piles's, and. formerly of • eh:0 Seaforth Expositor, 'defeated edr... 13. Searfb, who was virtually theesoms inhe of Sir John A,Mitedpeald. gon. Noreray was,eleoled hy a majueity of e.eont 70, While -Mr, Thos. Greenway only had 4. Mfr. nariseersi again to ethe -.lrieeeue4 • - In this. week.% issue &four hied cotem.,- Mi. John leansfOrd takes, tip coneiderahln space in professedly eeplyipes to hineritiese and te the edttor of the: Nier- :Epee Act our coluiens ere pretty well OroWded at the present time,w6 cannot devotothe editorial -01thee-wwwouldalike bo-in-teselying.to our- -esteemed oensor, 001fine-ourso1yee briefly to one or two points ittem far as they are of public interest. He "If the 13ible is not fit for our schools,heither o is it fit for our homes. And if teachers are not fit to select passage, helther are parents. Mr. Holtoee lemon that this iS unanswerible." Mr. Solutes knows nething-of the kitid, • and admits nothing of the kind. :We be- lieve that certain passages of the bible are not suitable to read in schools, While. the 'same -passages being read at home, permit. of explanations tleat eoeld not possibly bee made in a school rootisend we are.surpriss ed that -Mi. Berisford Iffj so 'Cinititte-teil in his inental vision as inake thelasertioe that he does. Again, in •referrieg to the editor of this paper, he'says . • • "What will he think of himself in :Minter moments,.he, prominehttyyeligious man, for • ' having aided in strengthening the 'power :of Rome to interfere or even counsel m to the eon - duct of our schools?" . We do not doubt our friend's word,. but we require sotliething more than . his ipso dixit to prove that "we havestrengthened • the power of Rome." Hie assertion -.that we have done so duties no inere'weight,'• than ours that we have not. It ifs simply ft matter of Opinion .as to the illtitnate result of it ortain couitte of actions. The main point at isetie "aro the • Scripture Selectione. pier sititable for use •in • school than the •Who o bi le." Mr. • Ranstord thinks not, On the other hand clergymen of alidenominations fhinkThey are. Teaehors otall political views think -they aro, and a .gOod many ' of the .0 core en" PeePles" who Ilitesfir given the matter some Consideration', take the serne The opinion of theites persona' is, possibly, ef jest as meth value as their critics, Mr, Kerr, the Compiler of the selection, says the Archbishop be any ethee Roman representative, had practically nothing to do with them. Mr, G. W, Ros says the Battle thing, as .does also the Archbishop himself.' When there is not a particle of proof to the 'contrery,' common Ourtesy, should accept their statemente as correct. annelncling; Ransford gays:- " Let Mr. Meredith, Sit john A, Macdonald, .'ot any °thorium in authority, ehow the same servile truckling *kit that Mt, Mowat has, and would do all inany pewer :to oust bim from his Mende." ' , The only answer rieceesaty.to this is to say that out of fotitteen teinistere in the Domeniert Oibinet seven of them are Ro- man Catholics, and to call ar,Itansford's attention to the following letter . metier from Sir johnlincdonald to the Itenian Catholic Dislums of Ontario.) " Tomer°, june 5,1882. (Private mid son. felential,) 1Vly Dear Lod,' -Mr, 04Donohoe Farmers of Ontario help in the election ite which we are now engagsd and sustain our Lobel Government' wlitch has guarded our rights, and instead of involving us_ hopelessly in debt has, after expending all that was necessary for our welfare, and es- tablishing' and ineintaiping the different noble institutions which are ,an honor to our Proviece,heen'able to still have a sur- plus of K000,000, And when ger Doe ntinion electioes are upon us, let ha anni- hilate by our vote the :Oneservative Gov - %mitotic which has. &Med ele this blood- shed and misery,and 'plunged ea 0250,00o,- 000, in debt, and nothing comparatively of aby real value to the Dominion to ahow for it," , snot' Hypocrisy. The Couservative School Inspector, Hughes, of Toronto, seems 'to be a hypo- crite. of the meanest kind; He is now siunsping Ontario against the Mowat Gov- ernmeute his mein elierge 'being that Archbishop Lynch should tot have been ceiasultechconeerning the Scripture reacl ings. eYet in 1882 this very same indi- vidtial informed the Toronte Teachers' Association that he had requested 'four ,clergymen to make eitoli twenty selections Of passages of Scripture :suitable foe uso schools, and that „there was a wooder- la. degree: of unapimity in the choice. The four clerymen were the Rev. Septi - mus. Jonee for the Anglican Churoh, the Rev. H. M. Parsons for the Presbyterian Chit rch the'Rev Dr. Potts for the' Meth ce- dist 01;urch, and Archbishop *Lynch for the Roman Catholic -Church. When -did Mr. Hughes become horror-struck at the thought of emestietteg the Archbishop about Scripture eettdiegs for.school ? • This was nut all, 'About the sante time he Was editing a series of.School Readers for W. J. Gage &.:Co., and he went to ArehbishOw. Lynch to ask him to prepare. a piece -for insertion in the Fourth Reader. The Archbishopgood-naturedly consented and the piece remains in the bOokto this day, to be. seen by anyone ; vvho. 'wishes to look atet. sesportreseal of -the• feelings-. Seggettensto tilleVOut man by the:contem- plation of Niagara' Falls. To .make mat- ters vsorse for Mrs Hegheslistow,he Wasted to difierent people, after he had secured the Arehhishop's friendly co-operation, that he had virtuelly secured also the in- troduction di his readers into the Reiman. Catholic Sp.arate . Schools. And this is the man; forsooth, who has the,:brazen bnpudence to go areund the country.lec- hiring on Roman Catholic interference in Eddeational matters:" ' • • • — : • teersenall and Political . — • It may appeat like a paradox, but Mr, Frost iiimaking things warnefor the Tories in South Lanark. - • • • H. lliokforil, of "Dundee, nominated by the Conservatives of North Wentworth for the Legislatpre, haft retired. •. • Only 55 per cent4 of the public sehoola used tbe Bible before the "Soripteal Selections" were made; now Scripture le read in 98 per cent. of the wheelie - • , NLIBERAL RULE TORY • RULE Ontario has a sur- The Dominion has plus tif a defieit 01- $G, 766,990 .' 865, 554 Hon. Davin MeLelleu, provincial secretary of New Brunswick does not' want annexation to the 'United States but if not granted. recis ptocity, Will leave confederation. Seven thou:sand men took part in the torchlight .prooession ...that -Tuesday' night atteaded- Hen. Messrs. Blake and Mowat within the $elections, but 1 failed to find the Slightest emiseion that- woad iced me to think they had been suede for the benefit Of IthreearaealenottithaticestreelMecrioht:othtahtaI°4noirlgrA must be offeneive, and objectionable to per. sons of that faith, and, I began to wonder it Mr. Bamford had not been. Mistaken in his conolueions. I lied his letter a mond time, and again looked up the Selectione, Only to be more bewildered than ever, bemuse I could not see any reason whatever for the Pehlke, tion of ins letter. I never thought be was. a bitter partizan, because I have heard him ex. press himself as opposed to both the present political parties in Canada, and I certainly did not expect that agentlemiu of his rem- nized intelligence would be a religious bigot, but I did conclude, after my investigate) that he was either considerable of both, grievously in error. I venture to goty tka no person can honestly examine the book of - Scripture selectione without comluding Wet they are a otost admirable compendium, ex may suited for the purposee they were intend- ; *Si ed for, and the reading of which., in all ma. oriel _points, is equivalent to the reading of thi bible. For political purpmes they may • not be willing to admit this aitich, then& I am firrn in the belief that it would be the conviction 'of their minds, In copolusioes . Mr, Editor, I wciulcl just like to any, without • boine coneidered. personal or abusive, that I s. ao not consider Mr. Raneford, or the party her,. represents, one whit more a supporter of.the Prciteetant filth and liberty than myself and: seems ef others, who do not find ieetecessary ,; to get upon the house tops to announce cm principles, 1 detest personalitiee in letters, and would, therefore, have .gladly avoided thane in this instance, only that Mr. Ws id- ' ter is aech that notice cannot be taken of it without, to some extent, personal eillued;:on" being made. Thanking yore Mr. Editor, ore • the tourtelsy of inserting this, I remaineeeturse A DEFENDER OF THE tWe are unavoidably compelleil to leave over until ne at week three letters on tloe Scripture Soloctionesia so_tmti_trom Mr. Goo, E. Crawford, atid other, matter, -Ed Naw BEA. were. honest, or a majority of them, they 'would impeach Jahn A. and his crew for the corrupt Manner in -which they have •been managing the affairs. of the Domin- ion ; in truth, if a reverse rebuke is not given in sonae shape for cruel and tryran,ous ,Control of the north west, fu- ture generdtions will. look upon us with • While ho Was Provincial' Trreasnrer he was Ho then made a shcirt reference to Proves. also Commissioner of Agriculture, and in that cial tights, showing tbat Mr. Mowat had cepacity had done omething to advance the done his best to get an early .settlement'from s most important interest in the Province. The the Demi-pion of all disputed questions, the Government had encouraged theFruit-Groning Boundary Award in partietilar, hut Sir John Association ;tbe Dairying institute:0ns, by the had persistently refused a settleinent, and 'establishment of Practical and Experimental why, nearly every foot of the disputed terre tory had been parcelled out in timbereimits Creameries ; had nisisted in the formatioff of the Beekeeper's Association,' and had sahib-. to supporters of the Dominion .Government, lished the very important Bureau of Statile and should Mr. Meredith be returned to power tics,wherebtrinformation of advantege to all be would ratify' all these grants, and Qatari° parties was gathered mid disseminated. would thus lose thee' territory again.' After ti reference to the Agricultural College, whish, ' thanking the' eleeters fer their patient hear - Mr, Porter thought should be abolished, we bad teoeived moat preetical results thereftom, and he was strongly in favor of its centime., ance ; it was the only educational institution in the Province which was for the: benefit of the farmers alone. Mn Porter propesed that the amount fspont at the College should be distributed artioeg the municipalities for the purpose of securing ciroulating libraries, and the sum, if divided, would giro orteh limekiln Ray the enormous sues ' of $2.30 each. Mr. Ross mid that ineieder-to-remove-theimpres. from tlio station at Se Thomas to the place 81011 that the Collegewas. le any. respect a of meeting in ihat city. The streets were Partizan onb., the Advisory Board; composed thronged with apectators, and the loaders wore of both Conservatives and Reformers, had •ereggently cheered, . imen appointed, When the government pro- .ve one farmer's 800 trete each Mr. A. W. Wright has refused the Censer. gi posed to vetive nommatiou in East Lambton. Though he is a Dominion Government offioial, he knows he has not the ghost of a chance ins dejeating Bon T. B. Pardee mikes be. can 'domed the fact that he is a Conservative. Tun Brussels Pat thihks the Decetnber session of the County Connell might be dispensed with altogether. We are will- iegsto go further than that and would dis- pense With at least one-half of tho county, councilidra. ., Tx the 14 years -of Mr, Mowat's cidmin- isttatiott they have expended in variods ways 01,147,887, and an disbursing that large amount, not ono cent has been unac- counted for, and their bOoks stapd open to the ptiblio inspection today. ' At a mass meeting of the Ileforinere of London on Thursday night,for the purpose ef nominating candidates for the !louse of eleintrons and the Ontario Legislature,Charlee Hyman was the' ututhimous choice of the rooting for the COMMON. It Was decided to support S. Peddle, tbe Labor eanclida,teifoe the (nal House, ounty, tree tuition at the college for a year, the OppositiOn ridiculed the idea, and said that no farmer would accept such a peeped - tion; but he was pleased to say that out of 40 counties in Ontario, 27 of them had sent young mon to the Golloge on the terms proposed. ()IMAM() VCIANCES, Metinrii. Porter and • Taylor admitted their inability to discuss the iinanoial affairs of UM Province. What were they good for, if they could lot criticise the record of the Goverritoent, He (Mi. RA), lia,d sobered from the Government $03,000 en the Municipal Loan Fund, more than they had ai first intended allawinp, this melety, and he had diceovcrOd duriag tbe duties of his officeswhore the Dominion Goyernment was charging the Province with $88,000 more than they should,aed his financial knowledge bad boon at least of that muell benefit te On. tario. Ile ehallenged liis opponents to point to e government in the worll with suelt • Clean vreeetcl fill the Moved Germinate or 14 'seam eo serious °barge had overheat) made against the Government, and none had been attempted to be provee. Ire compare the , 6 iug, he sat down amidst tremendous applause. • . Mr, Porter got up to reply, and just is be tem with the Catholics, and areethe 50,000 did so tent*/ a nurneet, mainly Reformers, got 9athelic ratepayers to be treated fie so many tip and went oub. Although the hour was inferior animals, and have no say ail' to what contempt asheing the upholders of int us- tice and robbery, while professing to be so enlightened and christianized, Never was a political opposition more' put to: it to find a cm with which to go to the country to seek support than the ets- ponepts of the Mowat governnaeut. They have' literally nothing, for the one they are nowusing condemns them more than it 'does Mr. Mowat, if there are any grounds for using it., for, for many years they have been. doing all they could t� gain and keepi theitinippert. but, any •pert is better than none% a,storm. • There.% no telling what may babe out - Come of the elections. but one can scarce.% ly believe the people would be so foolish' as to turn out a government with, so good reeord and p0110 one Witheut the slight- est claim toer certifidate ot eecemmende- tion. NE310. , • • ()VTR LETTER 130X . NOT A SlIPPORTEll. .7'o the Eclitor'cif Clinton -New -Era. • firees-0an you tell me whether the Censer: yetis%) candidate for West Eiden, Dreritylot, is a supporter or Opponeet of the eeatt Act? Your, TEMPERANCE ENQUIRER. CWe understand thatolio is an ,opponent of the Ace -ED. New Eat.] ,BIBLE:REA.DINGe. • Editor. of the Clinton New Era. • SM, -I see .that t1iMaiT. is straining at a 'gnat and swallowing a dame!, with reference Acrt ho-above-readitigw. Surely its ideas -en tbis questieti are far-fetched. 1 'thought 1. would relate a• eirouraitaiice in my own eic- lenience:in this connection. In 1859a Cethos lie parent -came to rne in e. greatrage, and said Iia din not wearies boy to be present in the' common scbooleettlien . the protestant bible •Was Joel there. He aiiil he woule, • rather take his boy atal cut hi& m .pieces, and cut a hole iu the fee an chuck him .into the river, than have him read,or hear that bible road. This you • will say was .an exhibition oflue iguiseannee-hateyerr. irn-mi-ett-itercirente mau is wiser in his own :conceit thie ten. men who 'can render a reasod. The thoueht.oc- ecirred to me at once, that it was a pity there wes not a suitable selection of scripture, for use in schools, that would be esatisfaetoryto both Catholics and Protestants, and when the reedingseappearede sanctioned by the Pro- testant ministers, and also by Archbishcip Lyneh, I thought that a want long felt by.the. teachera had been supplied, and if it had not bean for the .Maileevith its "brawling. brood of bribers," endeavoileg' to squelch Mr.. G. W, Ross, the inattor amnia haverested there. Thee vexed -question, of the Ptokeefaut bibles in mir schools has long been abone of miaow late, it would have lookelbetter, at teaselled had they remained until the close4 as ntueli of Mr. Porter's second speech was inaudible front the noise.. Mr. Porter then pitched into" the Mowat Administration right -end left for about 15 minutes, reiterating maler of his former assertiona, and being less guarded than he was ae the outset. The meeting short- slyeaftetwercle broke up amid chesee_lor,th Oueen • NOTES. Mr. Porter is again be the candidate against Mr.Oameron ; honeehile‘e stumping the riding" for 1)r. Tayler. Hoe. A. AL Boss Inver spokebetter here than on Saturday night,. and s' everal Conservatives expressed their approval of his remarks.. ' Said ono disgusted Conservititre, AA he eatne down the stairway on Saturday night, " ClonfoUncl fsuch a caticlidate any- how; why we were beaten on our own platform,' ' 01)r, Taylor is not a *bad fellow; I've known him for "Sohn time " Aid a medical man of the county, "but Ite has no' quell, fications-for a. member of parliament, arid I'm eurptised that he allows himeelf to be the tool of the patty, for he might ktiow. that it there was any chain° of redeeming the riding, span of the num promineet themberti of the Coneorvatiwe party would have received the nomination, The met who aro supporting him to -day will kick him down when ho is defeated and say he wasn't a etrong niau,' and nutlike.. talk," is to be taught in our schools -surely not. This contention has been a source of great injury in many sections, which could support one good school vaulting in harmony, but are new struggling to support two very inferior eichools, a publio and a separate one, but this is a matter of no concern to the Mail and its satelites, so long as they can make political capital of the bible reademeand there is no proot to show that they weee -got up leyethe- Catholics, or to please the Catholics. Ilad these selections been introduced twenty-five years ago4 it is my opinion that manyof the Separate seine:ill whith are eking onta miser. able existence would noter have been fortned, hut it is not the Catholics alonte.that suffer, if it Were, we might say it serves them right, lett the public schools are proportionately weakened. 11 any blame is to be attaehed to Mr. Rose; he should be ,consurcd, for not hay- ing brought otift these eeleCtions years ago. ' A Ex.TsAcnnxe.. Trig SORIPTtlitkl SELEOTIONS, the Zelyor of the Clinton Neto Era, Dean Sin, -After reading Mr. "tendert:Vs letter in lime Week -Wizen° of -the News -Record, 1 thought "Possibly there is eome ground for his staterrusete," end I determined to lookup.. the matter myself, because 1 concluded that nes ono moving in the society in whieh he dm and holding a position in a church, would make such a sWeepieg charge, unloo there was a reeson for it. I brrowsda °Spy of the Seleetions and began to tette than • taking my own 11100 10 so doing, as 1 wanted to discover if there were such serious anis- dons as Mr. Bamford indicated. I certainly fauna that the whole bible was not embraced • Rev. W T. McMullen, .of Woodstoek comes forward ane adds his testimony to that of Bev.' Principal Caveri, Mr, W. H. 0.• Kerr and others who aided in, the compilation of 'the Seripthre tieleotions now in use in the schools:. He unhesitatingly asserts he agrees with Prinoipal Caven, tithe said : When publi men 'Wye to •do right and .to follow the very best eentirnent of the community be it e most authentic expression as Me Rose has done in , the molter of this book, they ere entitled to expe.ot 'that tboae wilebrave'prompt- ed their actio, ane as it were, pushed them' forward,faliall not, witheat emphatic' protest, 7 allow that actiou to lseocinse the „greund of party attack'. e .„ P• AYUP. • We want money. ; We' went ipmdly. -It takes a lot of money to.,.rneet the'ettereet exmepses Of a 'neredpaper, leceanse paper hills, wages, dte., must be paid in.; eases, We mint parties who, are indebted; to call ie and equare up at once, There.ere -lottof unpaid suhscr iptions san our list and.they must be paid without delay. • • • • BORN COPP:-.4n Clinton, on the 13111- lit3t, the wife, ei Mr..Chas. Cupp, of a datightei. ' • '• • MARRIED r: covEyrity-cocicERLINE..itomairo. St. Par. Soncip,. Clinton, on the Oth inst., by Rev% W. W. -Spading.; Mr. Jas.' Coventry, of )3ast.yfiwanosh,, to Mit 'pule C001;01140, of Mutt. Salo Register. skruar.ti,, 38. -Household furniture, etc., it 1 p.M., on the Ittailtot -Squary. Jas. Howscrt, riot, t, prop, • , • *. IN" COULSE OP TIME, BUT A Lite Size Vortical t , 'mete e 11r FO.S.frjER BAYLt NEW 13PPIVIIDE , PROCESS, will neither change or pass away.. 'Get one for ChrieteniS, in.,fadrEadrorne Gilt ,Frame, gtxv AtIvertiOnEnti. r100D GENETIAL SERVANT WANTED AT A.:Ironco. Apply -to MRS. JAMES FAIlt: I E EBY GIVEN THAT OltlhollaNdarZoTcf 0iii.•?1118notibertreepdheibie for any debts contracted in his norm! without his written:order. E. TEWSLEY, Clinton. , CJTRAY STEER. -CAME INTO SUBSCRIBERS' premises, lot 21, con. 0, Hullo% on otabout the • middle of November,. *2 yr -old Red Steer. The owner, Is hereby notified to prove property • pay Charges and • takd It away. CEIA,S. TIGES, Clinton,P,O. • ciTRAY HEIFER:- CAME INTO SIDISCRIBIRVS OpromiSos, lot 72, Maitland con., Goderieh township, . about the end of October. 1 yearling, a 'Reddish Heifer. The ownot is hereby notMed to prove property, pay charges and take it away. HENRY BAKER. xxEurrous Bro.leiez to on EDT011{0 Notieo is hereby given, in pursuance of Sec. 84,00ap. 107 of tho Revised Statutes of Ontario, as mentioned by 46 Viet., Chap. 0, that all creditors and other per- sons having claims against the estate of John Cooper, deceased, lato of tho town of Clinton, in the Climate of Huron, who died on or about the sixth day of 1886, are hereby required to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise delivered to the undersigned, Executors of the last will and testament of the said lato John Nap- er, at Clinton, Ontario, on or before the fourth day of February, A. D, 1887, their christian names and stir- nanieh-addrosses and description, the full particulars Of their claims, fk statement of their accounts, and the 'nave tif thoseettritioa,41aity) held hy them And .that immediately after tho said fOurtteday of February next the asset4 of the estate of the said late John Coop- er will be 4is rib itod among the parties entitled there having regard only to the claims of which notice. shalThave boon received ; and the Exocrtters will not be liable for the said assets, or any phrt.thereof, to any poison of whose claire noticeshalf net have boon re- ceived by them at the time of Such distribution. • Dated this,17th day of Doxe.:cAmra.0D., 1880. HENRY STEEP, ) . WM. COOPER, j Clinton I'. o. Implement; Agency. E. H. SITETat Having accepted the agency Mr the Ayr Manufsotur ing Co., (Watson's)ovill open Out Art office in tho mints lately Occupied by tir. Eddy, Anted ate olinton..... nearly opposite Fali's Mill, when he will he pleased to receive' orders for tho celebrated STEEL 1-31N tiett And the NEW ittendee stowenema DAISY A full lino of repairs wiU alto -bo kept in stook,' Prinnpt atteetion will bo given to all orders, whether by mail " or otherwise. Also PLOIVK 8:11.2SAST curtails, And ell other terneentelemerits kept lit ateak. M. allaToZ, OWIITOns