HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 3FBIDAY, DEC. 17, 1886. 'COUNTY. COUNCIL, The Decterober session of tide bedY Were - bled in the town hall, Brunets, on Wertneeday aftereeon of Int week; Warden, Rate in the chair. The wardenaddressed the council, etating that the petitions •ordered by the council bad, been forwerded to the proper quarter; that end Bonmiller, roll Albert.e.Igmendville , Zetlencl 'bridges had ell heete ed -built 'One° last meeting: Hruesele bridge thould have been dubbed by Ootohee at, but it had -not Yet been completed. be repairs to the evoun. ty buildinga ordered by you have been. carried opt. I beg also to nate that demands helm • ri! tenement othe fCanada Temperance Aor of ten Teq,ufred drent this been made upon me to pay over the proper. county for the en - 1878, whieli will require per atteetion. - The following commurnothme, were read: From the county count:el of Norfolk, request- ing the corporation ot this council topetition the, Dominion Government el repeal the Scott •An', Referred to the Special 0.onareittee. From Mr, Totten, requesting • the council to pay the proportion required from the nun: ty to carry the Canada Temperance Act iuto effect. Referred to the Finance Committee. ' From theiecense Commiseioners of the three , ridings, requesting the sem of $1327.28 as the proportion due by the county for the enforce- ment of: the Scott .Ace: Referred to the mance Committee. A number of accounts Were read and referred to the Pitmen CoOte.' mitten. • The jailer wao instructed, When reporting the Another a vagrants in the county jail, tn• atn re, to Oath where they are eent from And to what menielpality they belong, It wae decided. thist the assessment rolls of the different menicipalities be edealtzed in future dnring the !Tannery wawa of the eaneeil, instead of the Attie session, The County Commiesioners were inetracted to examine the two eounty,bridges et the en - Inge of Kirkten'on the boundary Of Usborrie ; end /31anshard cows:whips, as they are not considered safe. for public travel; and °rim - meted° ,with the Engineer Of the cOunty of • Perth in reference to the examination, and. report to the council at the January session.. Moiled by Mr. Clegg, sem by M. Rogers, that by-law Ne. 10 of 1886, intituted a by- law gown -ping hawkers and pedlars, be amend. ed by increasing the fee charged fora Person. Belling with one or two horses to $25. Re- ferred to the Finance Ooninaittee. . On'inotion • of Mr. Either, .the !min .of $200 was paid the township- of Stephen, for the building of n lock up; said leek tip now being completed. • The clerk; was intimated to memorialize the Local Legislethre to annul the section of the Municipal Act requiring an Overtise. meet in a ceunty toWn, .paper, whaeildminie- cipality is stopping.uP or selling ,0 ance, provided there 73 a ne3vspaper published in the municipality, or adjacent to it; . ' The •Sheriff was granted the use of •tlie. Gantt Houso. fer, the: hohling of . tlio locel nomination, ' ' •The treasurer wieiestructed to inalte a.ro- port. of the expepses, of the Wardens Com. mittee. for 1886, and lay the same. betore the conned at the .leintitivey meeting. , The Read. Conimissioner was instructed to repair the bridge cin the boundary between Hoveick 'and Weilace, as. i t is -unsafe. • :On iv:Alen .of.Mr. Magillau the clerk _and. Warden 'were instructed • to memorialize' the °Unita GOvernmeet teepees a law rendering it a puuishable offeendeddifity -salt manufac- darer to sod salt in barrel, saks,. bags r other' paokaged having'the name of the manufaeturer, and net weight of. the salt contained thereiu, iegibly ..printed 'on thd. saran, and that the diet 'weight of ,ealt in a 'barrel be Eye buthels -.or-2e0113se apd further rendeting it fdpunishiable offence. to Isell. salt so branded,' that don rot contain the Weight as branded thereon. • • -• . ' The usual.. grants toetlio County 1fod-er1 Scheele were paned., • • e • On motion of Mr. Kelly, it was: decided that the Treasurer be paid his•expensee when- ever he wets, required t� leave •Goderich tie ad. tend•to county bounail business; ' Council. then ad jouened . • • hiportteorerce • JAILOR.. • ••.... . The jailor reported .that there are et pre- sent 13 veneers iu the jail, 7' reales end 6 females. • Of the males 2 are itsaneeand both very troublesome.. Wm. Kelly; who has been there creeetveceyears ; his ease'has been. 'duly reported :by the. Sheriff. ;The• other,. Hugh Hall,. has put in iieeen. months '; hie., nee ho also been. feported. Of the remain- ing 5 Miles, one is undersentence for illicit distilling And one for peddling without license. The three •remaining 'ones are eagettiats, two of them abledhodied men, and Work very iiigly every day 'by cutting arobd ; they•have four months • &Loh . The 'third is .$3.years of. age. Ile will dnish' hie tin m. of. 6 *months 'on. the 6th of December, and will go out probably to be sent back for another term. Of the 6. females, one, Sarah Henley; is busies' and liarmless. • She las now been in nearly 16 'menthe, and her casehas •beee duly eel:ended by:the Sheriff.. One .cif the .others .is ender sentence for . threets and abusive jangnage. The remaining four. 'are vagranie, all under sentence; 3 of there for 'a term of 6 months each. Theyare Mother and two daughters, one of the committed for herd labor. The •conditien ofthese' three, When brought in, was such nett they had atom:tete go to the, bath, • and their rage, for they were literally clotted:1M raga, had to. be taken from them, and the greater portion of them burned. These' three will have to be clothed when the:it:lithe; eel:Ares. I teas under the necessity of getting Stockings andboots for several Of the Wetmore, as they w ere•a$Nally barefooted. I had to get. some yepairs done to, the coils for insane prismagra u „ . REPORT OF THE SPELIAL COMMITTEE. in reference to a communication from Nor- folk dainty, relative to the repeal of the Ca- nada Temperance Aet, the Committee room- ingurthat no action be taken. In refetence to the Petition of Dr. Rollins,aakine for A ineinoriat tte the Attorney General; requeeting him to provide such legislation ne Will de asetty with the debility by the °minty, or in case of non -liability tonne legislatiem to ria. move doubts,. or else ted pees legielation as will put ire the hap& of the County' council the app.:nate:lent- of 'Licosa Oonaminioneree inictother nfficere, de that they will be teepee. sible to thee:entity ciithoilesed ode have their accounts and estimates properly audited and limited; the committee recommend that the motion be derided. • , . • .. When this report was read before the nutt- ed, Mie Wileon meted, tied Mr. McMillan seconded, that this elepse relating to Lieense. Cointnissweers be omitted altogether, and on it vote being -taken, tle. Wilson's atainidment vette carried by a majority of O. ' • • rep noen ,C0Iiteitssimmide n:nrottee The Road Commiseiotier gave a detailed repert showing What Werk had. been under. taken Shlide ,Tone last. • The toted amtannt of orders issued from let of February to let of December 18,86, for bridges and approaches, On:dieted to $11,851.09. Yoe repairs to comity buildings and offing, $144.98, The conunieniong rentemended the folleverng week for next year e Nees cedar bridge otter the 18.reile rived leke shore road. Now bridge; kneWn as the beayer meadow bridge, on the toed between Godedieh and Luoknow, New stiderstrlietieidatuldibitiment for Morris. bank bticlgo, .New inidge over the. Savable . , ' river, between Hey and Kippen, Iteeem. Mended that a new von tense bridge be built Otter the Hayfield river near Clinton. The comtniesioner suggested that all necessary preparation be made for letting the contrans at the January meeting of council, and thie woulcl facilitiate work, bung at once in. the interest of the County and the content:tor. REPORT OP ewe vtleeNeE COMWITRE. Circulate from the Provincial Seeretary referenee to the payment of two-thirde of the eateries of expenses of the Inspectors of Boards of Cornmontionere for the three Rid- ings of Huron were referred te this commit. tee. The amount required for West Huron being 3270 South Huron $520 and East Efiron, .$53478, making a total of $1327.78, weich Is requested to be placed to the credit of the Liesose Fund Special account for the • License District of the odd Ridingedve recom- mend that no action be taken' et present in reference to the above claime. Claim of Vet in connection with expeuses , incurred by the township of. liowick in eon. ' neotion with 'an indigent insane child, re- commend that it be paid,' Recommend payment of following ac- counts :—Winghatn, .Advance' 35,50; A. Sprone, lock up keeper, EastWawanosh, 320; E. Sharman, plastering, 24.60; En- trance Examination opensee, July, at Gode. rich, 384.14; Exeter, $33.78 ; Court Efouse and Registery repairs, $45.40; Brussels Post, • 23.50 ; West Huron Teachers Association, $250, Payne, cleaning closets, 35.00; J. • Pretelainer, caretaker, Wroxeter lockup, $20; B. Gerry, lauterns, 24.10; J. Ainsley, County Engineer, 319.67e J. Walker,' repairs, Court House and Registry Office, 3118,38; W. Clegg, diereie lock-upe $20 ; Miss Climie..re- porting County Court sittiugs, 312. J. Yule, Goderigh look.up, spo; Olietou New Era, 32.50; W. J. King, repairing bridge between Mullett and Virawanosh, $5 ; Goderich Star, 27.58; G. Tedford, care county tools for six months, 36; P. Hawthorne, repairs to bridge between Hullett and MoKillop $5 ; Huron Neweeltecord, $1.50. Seaforth San, 316.50; Entrance examination, July, Wingbana, $64 : Clinton, $55.18 ; Seaforth, 351;. Exeter Times $111.74; Jas. MeCoomb, care of lamps at Bruasels bridge, 315; J. Gill, Exeter look. -up, 320; T. N. Danoey, coal for Registry offiee,$28.12; JImrie,stationery, eto., cum; W. Paisley, Clinton lock-ute $20 ; J. Hays, amining painting of Londeebore bridge, $3 ; T. Town tie Son, gravel for true - sets bridges 333; Huron Signal, $8.06 ; Gor. rie Vidette, $1 ; Exeter Reflector, 32.50 .• A. C. .extre work Port Albert briide, $lee • Latinos oray. • The eaniplexicie is often rendered unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spote,, and Yellowness. These itv is well known are caned from an Annetive 'Liver and bad *bind. Dr. Chase's' Liver Outer pariflee the blood end tyleole, hystend. dee Reeled. Book foeetoilet recipes tents and euggestions on how tte-preserye the cemplexten. Sold by all druglitete: " • Dakota DI:VW§ LAKE DISTRItm, 'Nov. 20,1880, To Ole Bctitor of the Minton Hew Era. ' .e.anTOR,-- iv ill you allow me a Mall span in your paper to make a few remarks in regard to the fall ancl the starting of the winter. 'We have hail no rain since June last. It has been one of the finest season§ that I ever spent in Dakota, the farmers have alf their Plowing finished in first class seyle, and the majority have their land .dragged ready for seeding; that is the style of farming here, The first snow of the eeasoei fell Nov.. 22nd, it came a little at first but net' storming ml blocking the roads ,like it did in the east. The tieing run every day. The min of Wheat, which renges from 52 cent; to 61, cente, and the shortage of , yield this Beanie Las been a little 'hard on the farmers. „I understand—that 'Captain McDonald has • reached Uocle SIMITL'a cold State, but I, have not seen him yet. I hope he will enjoy his visit. •I .see itlynur last issue that he wants to get a, smell of Jack Prose, this if7juBtAvhere get it fresh enough to keep fresh meat: 'Ma Stirling, -one day last week, while watering his stock, left the well uncovered,. which is abont 57 feet deep, and a pig running. around fell in, Mr. Stirling, by the help of neighbors, was quickly lowexecl into thewell and 'brought the pig out.aliva Mr. Wm. Stirling., of the 6 con. Goderich township; imported an entire colt to this county aged 18 menthe; which turned the soaks at 1675 lbs.' Beat that you horsemen of Porter's Hill, if you nil.. It is a credit to the owner as well as to the importer. Wood 10 this district ranges from $1.50 to $4 Per coed, but after the half breede get over . the lake, which is frozen over now. it will be h great deal cheerier. • It was pretty lively -here at'election: times but they are over now and the place is as dull as ever. . They eee millet here as the worst feblein Canada. It take et money to run here and some men make .theniselveS pbor at election. A reader and an old timer from Perteies Hill, War. SMILING.. • headache Billouriness, • ' "Whenever I feel out of Baits, bilious, iny liver not workingaight. or racked with a head - Rene, I take Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. There is more real benefit teem one dose of your Liver Cure than In many bottles of some medicine." •dohri hieNesser, Bond Read. For sale by Dr. Worthington. Caught in their own Net • Mr. C. W. Bunting, of the Mail, has in. a rather slippery manner denied that he had anything to did with the campaign sheet isened by the Tories in 1883, calling upon the Irish Catholics of.. Ontario t� tern out the Mowat government because they were net giving Catholics fair play. ' It has also asserted that neither Sir John nor Mr. Meredith knew any- thing ahout the preparation of the campaign sheet. But Capeein Kir'in, vein Who prepared . the sheet, who received. 3100 a =with from. the Tory party for doing so, and who knows all the fens, says that the,proofs of the pub' deaden were submitted to Messrs. Bunting, •Meredith, and Sir .Meedotald, and approved by them. In a letter from Quebec to the Montreal Pest, Captain Kirwia Bads• In 1883 the Conservative party; acting on the advice of SirJohneA. Macdonaldeengaged this journalist to write campaign. literature for then). He was paid 'fel. giving the party, some of his time $100 a month. Wall; hd he went to work. He wrote a sheet called. "faete for Irish °let:tore." It was a etrobg appeal- to Ile Irish Catholic.; of Ontario to seppott the Conservatives, It was in fact t) "pro popery'? cry. And this journalist sent the proofb of that sheet to Sir Jonn. ^Ire al so shewed the proof to Mr, v Meredith, the leadok of the Ontario Ooneervatives, and Mr. Bnuting, the editor of the Mail. The argu- ment put forth was that the, Hon. Mr. Moveit was no friend of the Irish Cathodes. This position the sheet eteleavored to sustain by eiaberate quotations. Now remember that was in 1883. Then Mowat was the enemy ef the Irish Catholics. So Sir Jobe, Meredith and Bunting believed, But now in 1886 the sante Mowat is under the ibiluence of the "mine." no is new t'oo friendly to the Irish. In 1883 it 'was"Popery" forever with the Tories 4 now it is "No Popery." Well, let mo tell you that I know all about the bushing, and when I tnrallI mean all." And be it retrienthered that the Separate echoed law and all amendments thereto about Whielt Sir John, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Bunting and their friends are now mistier; etch a dust, were in full force and effect:to:mg before 1883, and When the appeal wits made to the Min to turn Mowat out and put Meredithin, Ilete Utterly ehallow and transparent is the 'hypocrisy with width tho Conservatives are seeking to gull the electors.of this province. What Tram Xerie Will DO. • Ira4ehsM neell"" th 41"944' 1 The unprendented sale of Beeehee'e Gen. . The following litter from Sir 0. J. Cart - weight fully explain inelf and requires no Comment :— ICIEGSTON, Nov. 271h 1886. To Thomas Eraser, Esq., Secretary Refcirm Association for South Huton eide Deed ene.....e have- the honor to rte. • knowledge youra of the 24th Met., which reached me yesterday evening, advisiug Me that the Reform Obevention of South Huron hae nominated me as candidate fer that Rid. hig in the approaohing electidn for the Do. minden, It le with the mot sincere regret that I find myself obliged to decline the nom- ination thee tendered. I have already ex- plained te the convention in thy epeeth to them at Brucedeld on the 29th of June last, the main reason which induced me in [greet- ing a connection at once So pleasant and so honorable to myself, and it is neediest; to re- peat it ; but I cannot permit this occasion to pass without expressing my deep and last- ing sense of kindness which I have experi- enced at the hands of the electors, first of the original Riding of Centre Heron, apd next of those counprising the constituency .I pow re- present. Although I came before them in the tint instanceas an absolute stranger, I found many among them who might natural- ly have aspired to represent the Eliding them, selves, yet who were, notwithstanding, the Aventine -A° welcome and support me, under all eircuinstanees. I will alWeys look back to my connection with Huron with pride and pleasure, and will ponit to it as a proof that there are many in one ranks Who steed ready- Att sacrifice .tur oeia ambition and peedileo. Alp tion fee the ' od of the, cause whose interest they; bailey aello identioel with- the interest of their country. 'In conolusion I would ex- press my hope that in Ceasing to retain the nrimerouti friendships d have formed with my old-time supporters, and to assure them, one and all, that I will always continue to en. tertain the warmest rebolleetions of the geed. will and assistance I receierect from them ie the very darkest moment of defeat and die. couragenaent—When the cane of' Reform looked most hopeless. I trust in the future to be tibia in some measure to repay their zeal and patriotism, and to prove that the coed, derma they then • reposed in me was not alto- gether misplaced.I.have the honor, to re- main your obliged and obedient ssrvarit, R. .T, CARTWRIGRT, si...4,--• • Ontario bits plo debt • CdeeTAndo is the one country on earth that owes not a dollar of debt. On the contrary this Province hae in its Treasury a surplus of 36,756, 090. _ It hasjthis sur- plus notwithstanding the fact that it has. jO the past fourteen years expended.$19,- 621,489 ori eclucationeagriculture and arts, ,heepitale and charities, aeytemsoidminis- teation of justice and building of Celoni- zetion roads. It hat spent in aid. to rail- Waye $0,030,0f3d thereby effecting the con- steection of 2,734 miles of lines: All this has,been done without asking the people of Ontario to contribute one rnill of taxa: tion. To the wise and prudent- adminis- tration et Mr:. Mowed's- OVernmen t be aecordeattall the praise: man Syt up, within a few viand:en Astonished the world. It is without doubt the West and best remedy eeer discovered, for the speedy end effectual sure of coughs, cold's and the terforeet lung treublee. It Acts on an en- tirely different prin.:del° front the usual pre- scription given by physicians, as it does not dry up a cough and leave the disease still in the system, but op the contrary removal the cause of the trouble, beide the parts abated and leaves them in a purely healthy condi- tion: A. bottle kept in the house for Use - hon the diseases make their appearance, will save doetor's bills and a long spell of see. jowl Mom A trial bottle wilt convince you of these facts. It' is positively nail by all druggists aud general dealers in the land, Price 75ots, large bottled 0. 0, , Good Va1131C. • Many sufferers buying mediciue itave been disappointed, dou?t giee uj, bny reliable articledike Dr. Chase's Litier Cure and with it yon get:a recipe book Inoue worth the nioney. Xi8r11o"edItjia -Iliad company MR.. MEREDITH. thinks4lnli-SSOtt•Act,sheuld be better onfareed than itis. Se do We, 'and so do' a ereat rawly Oth era, but Mr.- Meredith's _ • • masters at Ottawa, have done everything they possibly cold to prevent it being- enforced. MisMeredith does not go the right way about getting it enferced. . What assistance does be expect from such .men aa Gorderham Worts anti E. Xing Dodds; Tciiitie; both of whom are doing their level best to get him into power. Mr, Meredith may be e temper. mice man id pea -edge for all we kilo*' . and if he is so.m.uth the better for him, buthe is iur very bad ceennany to:seetire e better entorce. ment of the Scott Ad; lflnoraI *EP silo els Dotson. liatlaing.but_pirc extracts from epbiets aud roots are'.used prepariug eteGregcnes Lung Compound, the modern and 7)OW impolite reme- dy foP Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Asth- ma and all affeetkiens of the throat, lungs and. Ont. Alt mineral, poisons and dausroulgule- stanees are avoideedwhich rendered it saf Mr' children or adults. • Sold at 500 and$1 per bottle t Weeteingion's Drug Store. .. • Just wnat Simi are alter , • THE' last issue. of Grip. containa a cafe Aeon on the Lobel elections that fully ex- plains•the eagerness of the Conservatives to get inte.office. On a hooi . hang's. a bag • labelled" Ontirib surplus, 37,000,009," • „. while beneath it is a lot with John A'S' face and "Meredith" on the tail, looking evistfund tip at the " spoils." On the Welk is a placard of Monett,. with then words beneath it "Unlimited reWard. of. • . fered for theelefeat ot the above party, by any means whatever." That is the situa- • goo in .4 nutahell. :Mowat, by economy, • having 'acquired, a surplus of nearly17 '- .000,000,. his oppanents want to get .into; office solely to use for their own endi that large amount of money. ADVD8E TO MOTBEEE.—Are you: disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ot Cutting Teeth? • If so' send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup" 'for Clinch ren Teething. Ite videois incalculable. It will relievethe poor little sufferer•immediately. Depend epee it, mothers ;there is no Mistake about it. It tures Dysentery aed. Diarrhaie, regulates the Stomach Ana Bowels,' turn Wind Colicsofteus the Gums, reduces Inflaramatiorie and gives tone and energYto the whole 'system. Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," 'for child ren trebled' is '.pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tor gale by all druggists throughout the world. 'Price twenty.five gents a bottle. Be suit and ask for "MRS. WIRSLOVE SOOTHINO SPEW'," and take no other kind. ' toildoshorollgit After being thoroughly overhauled atid reditted with NEW elACIIINDBX Of the most approved kinds, those meta are now in splendid running order, and wilt not be surpassed in the quality of the work 'done, by any mill in the country. Specia1, Attontion givn to tiltISTING. • CHOPPING DONE 011 81101IT NOTICE, Entisfaction guaranteed, Patties wanting anything whotovee in this lino wIll find it to their interest to give ul a call, B. Til!didet, Proprietor. CURES ALL HUMORS from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheurn, "Fever -sores,,, Sealy or Baugh Skin, In sliert, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this petverful, puritding, and invigorating medicine. Great Eating Vie eers rapidly heal under its benign influence, Especialie has it manifested ita potency in bouurilinegul.se:stoeer,odeEoyseosjlesnersboreultooultstes Co ra er and Swelling's, Ilip .Joint Disease, • White Swellings, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and lEnlargsd Glands. Send -tea cents la stamps for a large firmtise, with col- ored plates, on. Skin Diseaseb, or the satin amount for treatise on &moth ions Affections. "THE BLOOD IS TUE LIM", Thoroughly clean° it by using Dr, Pierce's Golden liledleal Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant .pie.. its, Vitali strength, and soundness of constitution, will be establiehecl. • CONSUMPTION, whigh is Serofuloms Disease of the Lungs, is promptly and certainly arrested and oured by this God4riven remedy, it taken befere the last stages of the disease are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly fatal send when that offering' this now eel-. ebrated remedy to tho public, Dr. Pierian thoweht seriously of calling it his "Con. intimpti o Cure'', but abandoned thatname as too limited f0 a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen- ing; alterative, or blood-cleansingamti-bilious, i pectoral, and nutritive properties, s unequaled, not oely as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all ,, . 01.'ITZONIC DISEA$ES • orwr . e Liver, wood, afiri Lungs. it you feel dun, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of Skin, or yellowish -brown •spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi- ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, alternating with hot fleshes, low spirits and gloomy borebodinge, iereguiar appetite, and coated tonguedyou aro suffering ,from Ind- gostion, and Torpid Liver,, pr 66 Biliousness.o ,In many cases • only pare of these symptoms are e2sperienced. As a remedy for alt such easee, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, has no. equal. For Weak Zullgs, Spittivig of Blood) Shortness of Breath, Severe Coughs, Consumption, 'and kindred Affections, 11 18 a sovdreign remark. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. ,rierce 8' book on Consumption. soiet hy DruggisIO• ..•,? .1.1 E 0 re tie . lac nn OR 6 BOTTLES , . • . World's Dispensary. Medical Associatim PrOprietoi:0, 001 Main Ste Berro.o, N.Y. 1Thi4 \y' T• •'sgc LIVER L E ' PELLETS lave -4)-9 'evil, 01.5 PILLS, ANT7,2BILlious, and CIA TUARTIC... S'old 'by Drvaggists. • 25 cents a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for a case of catarrh whieh they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from . the nose, offensive or other- wise; /initial kiss of spell, taste; • ' .or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain. • or pressure in bead, you have Catarrh. 'Thou- flan.is of cases terminate in consumption. 'Dr. Sage's CATAID771 REMEDY curethe wend casesoLeatarrit, "Col&ist and Catarrhal Headache. 50 cents. W. GOODS T dRODEHICKS. ORANGES, lEIVIONS and 00.wpE0TI0N- Eitir OP ALL 'RIND% : • • OYSTERS! OYSTERS I 85a, per qt., .cl frock .fro Baltiniere- 1.50. and 29c. per dish. WANTED. -Choice Roll Butter, • Orin paid. Fowl of. it)I kinds bouglIt. mxtonExticivs. JACK0ON BLOCW, HI717071 STREET. CLINTON. • THE,COOK'S BEST FRIEND The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 80 yearn in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous • Weaknese, Emission's, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. dissentid indiseretion or over-exertion. femme Six packages Guaran'teed to Cure When all others Fait, Ank yourDrpgg jut ftoitrute.O The gnreesspEacnksallgsbe • Prescription,takeno 11. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address •Eureka Chemical Cow Detroit, Mich. Sold in Clieton by E. COlefitE ana Druggists .0 everywhere. STILL on the TRAM The aubscribor bogs to return his einem thanks to all Who have •so ipatronized Mtn duringthe past three years, arid to inform them that he is still cm tjio, track, • HURON ST., CLINTON,. • With a full lino a FLOUR FEED .& VEGETABLES Ofthe best qualities, which ho will sell at the lotvest remunerative prices to all who may favor him with.a doll, Ilis stock includes FLOUR, CHOP, 51001118, RUN', OATS, PEAS, TIEN PEED, GRATA FLOUR, CRAW= NYIlEAT, GRANULATED :ROL- LER, and STANDARD OATMEAL and CORNMEAL, kindenVogotablee, BARREL SALT, all of which I will roll for cash or coarse grains. MAN, MOMS and Moult by the ton or cwt., and everything sold at mill pricaa. All medlar delivered free of eharge within the corporation. My motto will be "Good. goodS, just weight and ono pried" THOS. WATSON, Huron Street, Clinton. •'• SPECIAL, "FOR THE l NY _offer the following very special inclumments 'to parties who make their purchase of Christmas Groceries in ouP lot. 12 lbs. New Currants, at 9c. $1 08 12 " New Valencia Raisins,very fin,e1. 10c, 1 20 18" Refined, Sugar, " •6-4-0- 1 18 7 " Granulated. Sugar, fk. 56 2 " Teeing Sugar, - - .13c.-- 26 Each' Cinnamin,Cloves8i Ginger 40b, 30 /) I 1; Alspice, 7 Carraway Candy, Peel. Lemon or Orange; ‘. 7) 4 ee If 1 Ounce, Mace, 1 Nutmegs, rBottles Extract Lemon .1:Box very fine Toilet Soap 1 Bar Dingman's Electric Soap •••• 25c. 40c. 10 4081 20 10 •'lo 10c, 20 40 10 $5.80 Amounting in all to We will give the above selected lot to any person taking-th lot in one purchase tor $5. This offer will enly,, remain ;open until 4.anuary 1st, 1887. 0. , • We aro. showing special value in OVERCOATS,. Ready' made. SHIRTS,. Ladies' and' G,ent's, FUR CAPS, Ladies II.TR•SETS, and a decided bargain in Ladies.FUR CAPES. Call n,nd see • • 0 LON D ES BO R what we .are, offering, jIMET Beesleys &FetuOyDryGoods Emporium Tle.carehil attend.= of our patron is called to thisannouncereent of h .S.PECIAL.: AND: GENUINE:: CHRISTMAS : CASH ;,• SALE. • Otir stook is the carp. We teed money to make heavy payments in January, and 1* order that our 'bank aecourit may be increased, and one heavy stock Of goods reduced, we offer you pricerfrein now till the Netv Year miens that make it well , worth your 'while to predictivo. from. us hove all the FANCY DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS; WINCEYS, CASHMERES. and VAWYWOOLLEN GOODS:that you may require Tor a year's use. .tOlitiermgroest BrPtiesatiiaeltwlairsesiliatlicaLnfeNolfaltineltd anywhere, and hainsdilaer eirxtemetennteew'r e•Loc:rnercti." you the RIBBONS; GLOVES,: HOSIERY and CORSETS. is enormon and has been iniporte . ed direct from the manufaeturen. No house in the trade • carries so rteh an astiortment of these goods as • we do, nor pan any other lirm quote yoeets low prices. Onr III -MONS are endless in,veriety,andenclude many entirely now bhudes and colors. Our shelves,ari dvaded with Silk:Plush, Velveti,'Silks, Satins, Cas Mates, Flannels & Woollen Shawls We haye the latestehades in KID GLOVES; of the best ' 'it and inee ee rare display of Black. and Colored Cashreete Gloves and Woollen HOSIE.n.Y. We have.perchased an exceptionally choice stink. of SeLK and FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS and Handkerchief . BOXES, suitable. for • Christmas gifts. Our gocids court inspection; and our prices will lure ••••• prise aed delight you if you will laver es with a cad.' BEESLEY' 'c& CO. CLINTON'. TOOIC ADVANTAGE OF THE EA12.1,Y NTARKE7S TO ' • • . And, axe 'offering them at eitremely lew prices.. A •line as- sortment of : amAe8w-Amem, CLINTON. , 4) enimanne FURN EIRE STOCK Opened, out in ELLIOTTB ELOCIC.. NEXT DOOR TO TEE CITY BOOX sTont; CLINTON: ' spintoom SETS, PARLOR- SETS, LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, '..A.Nfe A 4E1ERAY4 ASSORTMENT •OF THE VEEN' 'BEST MADE FORNITI/RE • Iteasomenix PRICES. ' • JOS. C311?I.A75r. miliskassimaiwummariaxmirwal;irmrk Central Grocery, It0;0313'Itcl. Stain.d. The .subscribr has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consiiiting of GROQERIES; oRooKERy, GriASSWAIE, Svc. Which, being bousilit at low rats, is'enabled to offer at the Vfillr elOsoet pried Patronage respectfullk solicited. All orders promptly Mod, Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON r