HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 2*1. FRIDAY, Mg. 1111866. a A Fascinatiiag AY P. W. Aohh11401a. CONMUSD. when he returned_ to Baetteean be junCtion refreshment counter.' It is harder work here,' said Miss Daly. There is more reSpOntilblitty and leas atnueement,' 'Oh deal ;Why, you don't men to No ; 1 •-lon't sae anything,' replied Miss Daly, with a erotic), as if enjoyitig ea - for wee Daly was not to be seen at Xaj. ,Cra.wshaves sur only that thsrefreshment counter, and BAttlet0M. Pri"rer my rise in life to the junction,' Junction and Bettletou Junction- folk "el °1at am indebted te Mr; Fresh- water for putting sarth confidence in lwAenilvaaueety it was i 1 hopo on are very I '1 am very well, r ank you,' replied • Miss Daly, regsrdid him theughtfully, evenadeitically. • '1 ant very plentsed toeheer it. 'This LS an agreeable cshange of life from. tlie was stili a feett man, however ehe heti not acted precipitately;• he was taken times to conaider his future course, he thought, aritlioshad an idea in his mind that it would be 'jelly,' after all this society, to see Miss Daly again for a little while. Herein he was disappoint - knew her no more, , She had vantelted astwaypinal the 3 oung ladies behindthe perk pies and the sandwiches. .did net kaowovhat had become' of her; They were not even curious as to what:had become of her; and Mises Racket was rude enough to add ; 'and a good job, toe,' when: shrtinforined gr, Todd„some,- 140,t spitefully, that Miss Daly lied withdrawn from service at the refresh - meet buffet forever and ever, that she had been gone, 'oh, :goodness knows how long!' rind she 70net the only one who thought it was a fair rich -1;3110e of a, stuck-up young person. There was a Miss Creasy in her pleas], a very large young woman, with a pair of soft, rosy cheeks, and a tower 'of false yellow • baba with n'gold Arrow and a ribber% in it; but Mr. • Todd did net l•ike the looks of Miss Greasy, .end faded from bor and • the Battleton girls altogether after this. He went back --to London, and to the lady with the wen', earl to his uncleto whom he said nptt C. word: concerning Ruth .DalY's disappearance firm • the 'Junction counter, keeping that little feet to himself fora 3.eason.,which bp could hardly have explained had he been called upon todo so. He liked to keep things to himself did Master Todd. Na- ture had not endowed latan witlia.capas cious or cemmittnicative pthalaaviiith was nature's fault, of course, and net his own. He had a faint. 'eotion• th.at his • uncle 'would haVe been very glad to hoer that Miss Daly had get the .' seek,' and so be woulc. not tell his uncle that she had gene. It was young 'Todd's WAY, and . ii stteed unpleasant eorrattents at any rete. made Might have said, with Miss Racketa:'And, a .good•joba too;' and at ell. itaepts Maj.. CtraWeltaw ' should not hey° thesettPlietursity Of *r- • ing it before one who had been 'mere dreadful Speen& •oti.Miai Daly than he. had ever cated.to confess': • And it wasebsolutely certain; that* Crantsbak Was uottelare' of , Miss Daly's departure from Battleton, orslid that able and indefatigable old'ateldier know -more -ef-tbat-yottng:-lctdy"a-move•e meets. than his nephewi For :Maj. Crawshaw wee not of a .COnitiauntatitive disposition.; any more than young :Todd was; and h9 Was sly at•all events iti•the matter, though iteweaafer yeting-'Todd's good --and -Miss ..baly'S that Ale. shriek" keep things to himself, and a .cloud fcit: • ever between thole. 'There was no sta- bility in young Todd, no respect for those °•beneath hint in social position ao real love in his entire system ; and .hang it !. little Ruth Daly was too good :for the: knit altogethee,. kiss Daly, thought the ' major, Was a clearer, and Seeeible .little woman. with her.' pretty .head screwed on the right Way, atel with- less infernal nonsense about her thenbe had discovsred irutnf'tvnenan yet ;• and lie re°, • • spected Miw Daly' because she was a • girt who knew how to respect herself. told -MtlFreshwater thie -at-the- Interniatiorial hotelaS. VT.Twrlins and Freshwater'S new and colossal specula- tion. at• Lambeth. Bridge, Where'aiddlY. enough, Miss Daly was to be; found in the post of cashier And- book • keeper -aa piece of Promotion which gr. Fresh- weter hadconsidered -.himself 'jhatified in offering' to Miss Daly, after a quiet, little talk, of whiCh Mise.Daly was never awareabetween,Maj. ••Crakshaw and his speculative 'self. • • Miss Daly was surprised •Ortil morning. to find Maj. Crawehaw heieg' flown ite to her. own little ,counting, house, some three or four months after their last ine terview. at Eatttieton. . 'Mite's a gentlematt 1 this* you know,' Miss 'Daly,' said Froshketer, •as the major. Made his:. best bow and Shook hands with her. ,, I did say :so. I used to dune here 'The major V Miss Daly. exclaimed.' very frNuelitly; Said the major; 'but I have altered my habit lately,' 4 ' • ' • 'Beside:a? he added with a suddenness which made Miss Daly jump, -' I' ciid not watt: to be a spy again upen you • and my nephew: I. --I thought If , he cboee to come here, and had.mide up his ,mind to •come hare,'1 had better keep away, and lettee yon to yOureelves.' • That: 'Was very kind of you,' said Miss• Daly, quietly but his people would have been very much alarmed, and aot at all obliged b you.' I don't care,' said the major, hluffiy,.. 'Ob, but yotedid caro once,' uot afraid tow of yaw" Making a fool of tny' nephew, or of my nephew's being ' able td make' a fool of yeti,' he And it has struck me that if be were really in love with you he could tot have a more sensible wife, and the, sooner you eettler the matter the better, if Ws omit* round to that. There.' 'Thank yett," said Miss Wt.. • • . 'And if he has said anything to you, -Ilea infernally sly, and I eatt't make him out tttt all -.I shotikl like-' ' 'I have not Spoken. to Me. Todd. That • petit:flan dOeS not. Itnow 1 a% at the International,' interruptedMO., Not yet exelaityal tho mej tal'a 'And yea don't want him to know, perhaps11 '1 shollid leave the plate at onco if he knew I was .here, and if he became me. 'Yes, yes -exactly,' said the major, ; and I am sere you were never fit for •the counter, and feeding the strengers and eads in front of it ; A false position, young lady --ea totally/false position, I assure you.' • You must not he too hard upqn My glass major . You remetnber ' How yon took me to task,'. he re: plied. '1 shoeld think I did remember that. T-I-e:edmired- .But there, you don't like compliments.' ' And you are very busy Yea, 1 am rather busy jest now.' • 4 • would not disturb you for the world,' said Maj. Crawshaw ; but I'. thoaght I should like to see youaagsin for a few' minutes, after Freshwater had told me that it was the real Miss Daly in office liqar. It was almoet like corn- ing to see an old friend. " Perhape you awoaldealikeeto-aee--Miss Daly," Fresh- water said to mejust now ;' and "By Jove ! 1 should," I told hint. ` And that is the reason for inytioubling you.' trouble at all,' said Miss Daly, , smiling again and taking up her pen, at Whieh significant hint he terned to go away, h4ding out his•handiertie 'More to her after a mement'e hesitation. 'Good evening,' he said: Good evening; major.' , • ' You --you don't ask after. nay neph, _thvai.he said • what has become of him --,whether 1 aim doing my duty by him and looking after him, as yeu, advised me tos do 1‘.' - ; . • ie Isewell, I hope,' • Quite well, thank you.' I thotight hoss. I see .liitn very often, and he appears to, possess all his old' health:and Good bled •has he found you. out ,again thee, '1' exclaimed the major. 'The artful 'scainp 1 he has never told-' . „ . • /Hellas not seen Me,' said Miss:Daly, domarely ,‘ but through these. wire blinds I see him very frequently com- ittg up the steps to luncheon With, his fdends, 1.1m glad he is well.' • ':�h! yes; exactly:so. We are .:all glad,' muttered the inejcita-LBut if he finds out you .are here he, will be very tnech-astonished and 'delighted, am afraid.' •" ' ' Afraid,' Murmured Miss Daly. Yes, because -a:. 'But there, rcannot help your meeting. I don't.ki;)riv that' I should try, if thought -:r ash" it !- Good everting ;Alas% Daly--aood even- . ,Maj. Crawshaw rode away' in a con- dition very much perturbed, and the In- tereetionat° hotel, S. W.recheed not with his` martial tread for many a afterwArd. • • ' AS foolish a fellow as be was at the Juno lion,' replied, Ituth, I thought of telling him you thre here. 1-'1' ;If you do, 1 will never speak to you again V cried Ruth. . The major loakedastonished; but he teak her hand, - prontieed not to tell young Todd, hoped he had nOt -offended her, and went his way. He came very regtilarly to the 'titer: natiooal after this ;. lie attired itia J. bits, again. He was evidently a man not very long of One mind, thought Mitre Dili, The Old Cronies' club, PAW Mall, saw very little of Itim once more. Its -peace and reet, its capacious arm chairs in the smoke room, its smug din- ing.room, where the viands were to his teete, and the waiters net hungry for fees; were all deeerted _for the stir and bustle. of the flash establish Went .s,t Lath - beth :Bridge, and the mixed Assembly which poured into its mammoth dining room every evening at six, and ,talked and laughed loudly, and went out ' red: faced and sterineeinto the Streets.' The. terrier dicr net speak to Miss Daly on every occasion that he patronized the International; on the contreey; he kept his distance to an inordinate extent,and wastomitent'with a good eveping once week. .He knew she,wa:s in the count- ing hotase-eictfe in the counting house - and that no young Todd was hanging about the doors, and that was. enough for him And his purpose, For his Oita pose'thottg,ht Miss Daly, a little indig- ' •nantly, now and. then, was. to keep his• etre tiposi her, to stiapect her; his misson in life,was te keep guard on his nephew and herself, despite all that she had said: As it she were notlo be believed and Wasted ; its if he had any right to watelt her in this odd, ineanless fashion. as if it answered any good putposeeor would have .been of any. nse, hadshe beenae disposed to assert her rightsattid elude bis old-fashioned ,yigilenee. • • ' !' And yet he wesnot a Spy, and scarce - 1y acted like one.. :Wheel expressed his .horrorof playing the .spy even,. and seemed -art earneet,. thoughtful, • grave gentleman at thesb-titnes. She wondered *hy he Caine sooften to the Internation- al, for she. was eure he did not 'like' the hotel, and she could not ineleistend why -he put himself sent Of the Way se .frequently to exchange stfeW wordswith. Mr. Freshwater, she being'alsosurethat he didanot tike Mr. Freshwater, whose manners were obtrusive and 'loud,' and whose head had been not a little turke• d by the suceese of his main Moth estAblish- inent. twist -come to•meice sere Ms ;aepletw' wes not hovering about still,' aotherwise there periled to be .no valid reason *by heshould take so Much pains to feeder himself uncesefot table. . ' One.? dayle Asme bathe hotel before • eleven in The moectincs, dressed in a• new. surtoet ceat, with a dower' in his button, hole. and a hat se glossy that he might have sliaeed himself in it,. Ho marched,• to the'caunting, house, as if the place belonged 'tallith,' 'Old the heed waiter, to a epbordifiatea... • • :• . ' Do you. kiatik what to -day is, Miss Day' he inquired,. ' Tuesday, is it rioter •, tut! I mean , whet anspiciolis • N4ut;' said, Ruth. Theta the looked at his new. goat:and •shiny hat,: and thought he wee going to be Married. She e very sorry heaves 'caught ," and sure in her heart ...that: it was by '.9, designing widew with money. in the fund, And' some half a dozen s gown -up sons and daughters' by ,,way of fittnily -.-encume brancesa, . '1 am going to A wedding.' •• s . ,‘ indeed !' • . : • 'My .neeliete'S wedding. .,Mr. Todd enters the holy state this morning. I Mu his beat -man:. ••. Ilo watebed hor very closely,With lils clear agreY 'eyes fixed. and . unbtinking, eed RuthDaly ,objected to his Eitare,aed felt herself reddening .beneath hisgaze. • 'This is a, stirpriee,' sheremaeked.„, 'Yes. • HA], Married title niciraieg' .he said, in a..tone alnioat too triuniphant to please Miss Daly. It seemed to say• I have won the game you, are out of the reckoning atlast, 'wild there's an end °fit and You?'• .• 1 • CHAPTER Yr. .. A eitisis. • • Two months had gone • by , before -Maj;,--draavehew -eater the huge caravan- sary again. :• It wes six in the evening when lie comthencecl his dinner there; it was half past eight ere he had finished. It was a quarter to aline When he took the liberty of proceeding to the count- ing house, which Miss Daly was thitik- ing of closing for the night as he ap- peared: , Goodevening ss Daly. •1 trost you will excuse•so late a visitor.' f, Certainly, major.' . They. Shook hands „together, and then . Ruth ,Daly adked if he had been in the country or abroad. ' Why sheuld you think that he Asked almost peremptorily. , • ' I thought you dined here very -fre- quently -at least 1..unclerstoOi you to say 86, remarked Miss Daly. I forget you tame ; but Mr. Todd's. un- cle, is it not I' Major Clrawshew coughed as • 111r. _Freshwater took his departure. It is not pleasatit for onoS tunic to be forgot- ten, and to stand a wittless to a short rnemoried individaars struggling to re- call it, and he told his name Wpm with a grim survey of her. Me. Todd's un- cle, too! What -a terrible way of recol- lecting a man, and a major.t strange you shoilld • find me bere 1 that Mr. Frealvesater-'' Maj. °rickshaw hastened to explain. fat ,Noe;&all strange,' he said qttioltly, Dditeelere :very frequently; there are troneratfe and bustle than at ney club- clubratery old faelfiOned now, and half my tdends away at the wet., and 40' on ; anetjavelies end Presh*ater are eircel- lerit caterers to.the British public, and .iOne gots something to oat that is decent -and Itere 1 ase.' 'Yes; but how did you know. I Was thd counting house departmentro. Oh,' said the major eeddeeing" chance word or two with Ditchwater„ Freshwater'niean- ,about hie manage- tuent and his finance and book keeping, And he Fetid he found that lediee made . aim° lien t clerks, and that he could trust the bats or the inter:national to Miss Daly ; and Wen 1 riaturally said, 'What Miss Daly'l----not crop Battletorpsurelyr I hcipe he has mede a wise 'choice,' said she. • ' 1 thillk so. She is nota chit of a girl, but a women of mind,who will leek after him and the money she brings him.' Yoe are satisfied • PerfectlY satisfied,' That is all right; then,' she murmur- ed, in so dry, a tone that he looked at her. very sharply. • ',I suppose you think that when I am satisfied everybody ought to be, Miss Daly V lie ,said 'or, rather, you think that I think sO 'Miss Daly laughed. 'I cannot say, I have eonstdered the matter very deeply,' she replied; the 9ontrary, my thoughts have been .ad'dcring somewhat et' artgely.' ;In what direction, Ilda y I ask r In yours.' 'My 'dear young be exclaimed. eagerly, what do you Meat. I Did you say in tnine • 'When you asked tee what auppielout day this was, I thought you were going to your own weddittg,' she said. • The major stared hastier than ever, and his lower jaw dropped on tobis 84- tinstook. • Ho took his new hat off,and breshed it the wrono, way With his coat sleeve, and then put it carefully on again. God bless my soul! what an extre- ordinary thought,' he said. Not very extraordinary, stately.' 'That anyone ebould think -that you should, think -1 was gbing to be mar- ried this morning ! dear no `, I wish you rereitot troubled with such stilly idea,• liss Daly: . . 4 Silly I., '1 WOUld have preferred you think, ag I was gontg.to be hanged,' he said,, j. easily, - as lie walked &trey in, great , taste, 'Cross old bachelor!' she ssid, with a 1014t, as she tamed to her books; 'it is a well, for the lady's sake, that you are tot going •te he tnarried, Maj, Craw - haw.' . ,- - • ------ -e•-see-ese---. . Our provress As stages are quickly abandoned with • he completion of railromis, so the huge irastric cathartic pills, composed of crtide tnd bulky medicines are quickly aban- ion ed with the introduction of Dr.Pieree'a 4 Pleasant Purgative Pellets]," which are sugar posted, and little larger than *us- :a.rd seeds, but composed of highly cons 3entrated vegetable extracts. By druggists •-P-.-011.0.-•-, _ rSTRATFoRD, Aug. fith, 1885. •Agik„,"-Ilk) 1 have much pleasure in recom- VJUGS mending you Dr.3ng's medicine and ° , - it mei, if, pills. As for the latter lean strongly - ' recommend them. For the last fiye ' Limos weeks 1 have .been suffering fropi a LIVER 8, severe 'pain ie my 'right Mad sad 8 LOO u have found tlie pills aignist effectual remedy when other reinedie^aVe failed. Foam truly, E. B. GREEN, 137 3. II Combe. • - MAXIMA:7i incriE. CARD Trains leave Clinton. OlfaiNn Taincx Going East. • 7.25 a.m. express 1.05 p.m. mixed 4,15 p;m: mixed - sosar wesTsas Going North. 9,55 a.m. express • 0:50 p.m.. express as follows:- ' RAILWAY. '• • Going West. 104 a.m. mixei 2.20p.m. express 9.16 p.ra. express Ramat. • Going South. 8.09 a.m. express ' N 4.13 p.M.expreSs it • tl 5 DIA.IINING .- . Barristers / • - UONVEYANCERS OODIMISSiOrlerafGr Ontario OFFICE NEXT DOOR . . & SCOTT • r , • 1 Solicitors; ' e, . , 5 R an d Manitoba. I NE ERA., CLINTON . • . MONEY 7,2,,LA0!.pm..°R"6.Gtitscdr gifro; . ..,„ J. Jaelt.son's store. Albert Street. • ItirARRIAGE LICENSES. ---APPLY TO THE . 111- undersigned at Abe Library Rooms, Smith's Block. 86: . ' JAMES SCOTT. lt TONEY TO .LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL -0-1. sunas on good. mortgage • security, moderate ate of interest. H. HALE, Clinton. . • gl- H. DOWSLET, hi, D., 5J, it. C.'S. ENGLAND .1.1 Physician, Surgeon, OM, Office and residence 'next hlolson.'s Bank, market square, Clinton. . . . .: TAIL APPLETON.--.OFFICE-AT.RE§MENCE , -I'm Ontario street, Clinton,oppositethe English I ninon. blarianee by side gate, H. PROUDFOOT,' CIVIL ENGINEER, i . Provincial and Do ealnicin Land Surveyor; Architect •und, Draughtsman', PEttRIN BLock, Clinton. , ' . • nee REEVE. ---OFFICE RATTENDURY ' ST= - LP Merray Block, two doors east of, Hodgene en - Huron Street, Clinton. gide &hours; 8 a.m. to 6 p.ro. TAmts' newsose . LICVSED AUCTIONEER tf for the County of Huron. . Sales attended anywhere iri the County, at reaSeriable•rnes. Itcsidence,Alhert Street, Clinten. •• . • • • . , •-, - • OR. 5 TANBITRI, G RADUATE OP THE- MED. oar.,Departmentof Victoria/ niversi ty,Toronto,fcr merly of the Hospitals aid Dispensaries, New York Coroner/ or the Cot y of II urea ,B ay field,0 at . • . . • .1ktRS W.HITT, --TEACHER OF MUSIC- RESI- , .0.1. D,ESOA at Mrs..R. II. Read's, comer of Huron and Orange streets. Agett for the Ontario Musle.Teachers Association. Sec,, 15. 0. Collins 21. Carleton St., Te- rmite; Pres.; Dr. 0. A. Sippl, London, Ont. ' . . IRANIC It.• POWELL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 42 Notary Public, etc. - OM :.0; ,,,SAARGE'EL DLOGIS; AL- TiERT STREET, .CLINTON. Toronth agents, Messes. Mc- • Carthy, Osier, Marin & Creelman. . Private f unds-tb • oan at .loWest rates ot interest, . • • • - R. W. WILLIAMS, ILA...at-1.B., GilADUATE OP. . .Toronto University ; member of theCollegeofPhy sienna andS argebno, Ont. •Opines & • RESIDENCE the honseforinerlyoecupleda y Dr.-R(10re, Albeit Fared Clinton. • . .• - . D•B. voliTHINGTos,PHYSICIA'N.," SURGEON Aceoneheur,Linehtiateof the CollegeofPlaysiolan, an 4 Surgeon Fr of Lower Caned a,ond PrcvineialLicen. Mate and Corouerf Or theCounty oflinron . ofoceand residenee,-The building iorinerly °couple/by Mr. Thwaites, Huron street ; . . • olintoniaan.10,1871. • • TE. HR- • CILINTON MECHANICS' . ENTITUJA k.lAnY and Readingitoolts, Perrin block, down titairSL_Aberit,1,700 volumes in the Library and all thaLeading Newspapers. and PoriodiCals of the day on the table. • Membership ticket $1.per annum. Open from 2 to 5p.m., and. from 1 to e pan. Applications for membershsp recived by the Librarian itt in the room. • • " UNION SHAVING PARLOR' . , . SHAVING. uaia CUTTING AND SHAM- - POOING done 'very neat and to suit .. ' • • every person, , InTIN FAILOILIIRSON. Smith's Brock , J; T. , • 'svitokEorr DENTIST. • • Hold the exclusive right for the county for the Hard proeess of administering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the Wen and best system yet di - covered for the 'painless extraction of teeth. 'Charges moderate, satisfaction uhrauteed. OrrteE, EL- LIOTT'S BLOM, over Rance4 Tailor Shop, Zuron Street,'Clinton. ,• • • . • McKillop Mutual Fire instirance Co. • Noiwit -ThO undernigned are appeinted to act5t5 agents in the township of Goderich, for the company. Any person wishing to In- sure i nthis old and reliable Farmers Company, will apply to either THOS. NEELANS, Oar - look, or $AKVEl, CaltNOCIIAN, Seaforth, Prolnpt attention will bo given. • , DZItITIST -s • COATS BLOCK 'iessenisieloMcsawarntroWs • . M,M1PfM1., oiOm . ceettoss INGDERATE 0 X. LIST T 0 4tT t:oar, Children .1 • . • ":antly .expo;u11 to •thinger• froni .q. .Con.,11.„ Croup, and pounder • to the throat :and - 1' sr,. Ti. atinients„ Ayers • • • • . Tar 7.t.,tptly adminis, • r. ' si•einly read and cure, r-riody for Whooping Cough, , inanv of our .children were traded, itSeit. during the past wiri- er, with much! satisfaction, Aysi"s :berry Pectoral, Vor this affection, wo insider this preparation the most Oil-. •cioits of all the mediCines which have. ,..ne to our knowledge. -Mary Park - I -rat, rreceptross, for Little snderers, Doncaster, 3'14.. • • children have been peculiarly sub, ' •et to attacks of Croup, arid I failed to ..al. any effective reme,ty until• I .com, Permed. administering Ayer's- Cherry Pectoral, This. prepar.ition relieves the difficulty- of breathinir and invariably sures the -c.omplaint,-11.avid (1.• StarlfS, Chatham, Coltimbia. Co.,, Y. have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral in ray family for Many years, and. Lave found it especially valuable in 'whpoping Cough, This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation -from extending, to the lungs, and quickly Sub- dues any tendency to Lung-Complaiitt, -JAL Wellington, Plainville Mich. • „ • • find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's • Cherry•Peetoral, It was • the means of saving tho life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying him safely through • the worst ease of Whooping Cough ever saw. - Jane Malone, Piney Plvits5Terin. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, Prrpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer .k Co'., Lowell, Masa. Sold by all Druggists. -Prim $1; six bott1es,$5. • JUNMtLLEfl NURSN41r. FRUIT AN. ORNAIKENTA.1; TEEM' NQE WAT SPRUCE. 8COTOR AND AsTRAcsiAN EVA TAN LAWN/ Or WOW WEE A 'WOW • LARGE. OTOOK ON HAND The Om ornamental trees and 811011"0"4411 bciid at Very low prices, sad those wearies aaything a tide 08101041013 Will naVa smnify smsciiming *go. OriOra Nag eteggai fO sidircsai JOHN STEWA*T, 4 Wire InsureAlee• • R013ERT DOWNS, - CLINTON, • anufacturer and Proprietor for the hest SziwiiI og in use. Agent for the sale and application of zar PURIM PATENT ii.IITORATIO'BolLER CLPLANEri. rEAM .FITTINGS furnished and applied ens short notice. . *tiers. Engines: and all kinds of Pia ohinery repaired eapetlittenyily and • in a satisfactory wanner. • . . arm Implements manufactured and repaired. Steam d Water Pipes furnished walnut in position. Dry tins fitted up on application. Charges moderato. TIMIT,ELOPED...r.tinn TASIRMIMOIMENOMMIMIIMOIMMOMMX, Or . TUE ROMAN ISODIr••• ENLARGED. DEVELOPER, iltrEENGTH ENE% Eta., is no Interesting ogivortwoment.loo rata,„1.24.2=6.aula abOUt the .dverttners ore very h gbl iudOreed. Interooted pOrElons nut ot.',..2.5.....t24.1=T4,1=2.1tUaat...,....,...,,Lo, ,oddreselp Rum ilsmost Oo., Maas, N. Y.-Tolecio Evening Be% ALLAN UNE ' 0 4 A.9iiitis prifporty Waned at lowelit tatiff rates. • First -dna cossnanies. fIlIONETS VIA, N. W. 7. Ord. LINE IROATS WINNIPEO LIM ALL L.S.EN POINTS, hT by all rail limo over Mae SHAND MAUL Mal CA DA PACIFIC .to ay' point on' that Moo, Winn Brandon, Ikir.,Batota, iritsans, er any pond r ee�Sd by raft, local or foreign. Cone wad, see inc Indere you. taritn anywhere. 1410)IPSON, 1 ivolo.d9loalciony, lc arlies going teethe old-countrythis_sumniet should ake this popular lino. The boats are the most com- Iota re the Atlantic, and accommedation umnirpassed Alrki:ifIrPAA.VSEI.CTAVS14141ITILATES. ,• STEISAAGE AT 1101T031 •• Call and 'get all .parti•oulars of A. 0. 17A.,T2i-oilp N.!r.?1.1.,,,i !Nero N p Ok AMMO. ORGAN ThosStevenson Leading Undertaker Anticep- tic in -16144 Hold kept on hand. • My Funeral Director, .5tevisn-, son, has attended the • School of Em- balming, in Toronto., to make himself profieient in the art of embalming. 'REMEMBER TME,IPLACE, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. THOS, 'STEVENSON A tet the severest test at the late fair in °Hutch), it was universally admitted that roit rEll,FECT Axe EASY ACTION, EDAUTy OF -FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OE TONE, the EXCELSIOR Was away ahead of all 'oth- ers, and.destined to be the Popular instru- Merit of the day. The], along witlethe fact that a special prise waaaiVarded. it, eertaie it-epee:Its volumes for the les tro Tents, and parties purchasinishoutd pee the Exam- . . 810.R before buyiaaeelsewh'ere, GEO. F. OAKES, Peoeitairon., Factory three doors w.est of-111tilloY's Pthip -----ShiapeRattenbtiry St., Clinton. - ••••••':•.:•;,.• ''' • •.••,- • omen -THE LEADING _ BIUCT011 BALMER '.401" CH's -bats. The BEST- Of 'EGYPTIAN FLUIDS used iri .11111BALMING ,A. large assortment of evelything . in the 'Undertaking line. Ra' *Racier, Store, .C11.0. RESIDENCE, ORANGE ST., NBAlt METHODIST CIITYR011 01-4 IN-1'01NT OAT - MEALI 'PLANING MILL _AND_ $5e,000 To LOAN aL6_or Ct; • why pay othere 8, it ad 10 pereent, " when you Can get money from us at 6 per...e. First,c1ass1oant5i per cant, : large loifis • 5 per cent, , TP1111 Made to suit borrower, regarding . pay arent-arid3eriod-el • Plenty ' ot Oatmeal on band, 'Granulated Standard, Rellea and Pine for 13lactuts, CORN NIZAL, coinsi VINE, BUCIOVItEAT FLOM OttACEBD WHEAT. Wm' Entrant VIE OATS. ' STRAP. iNTON Apply to ., PARRAN& T1S1.)A LL„. •Be.ructRs, TIIL MOLSONb BANK. 1 Incorporated by AO of Parlianeviei 1558.• - • CAPITAL; $2,000,000 • HEAD OFFICE,. MONTREAL. THOMAS ,WORKMAX, • President. • R. ..MOLSON - ... '' „Vice -Pees. F. WOLFERSTAN THOM:,,,i5, General Manager . • . • • Notes discounted,' Collections. • made, Draf issued, Sterling arid Anceriean exceereee bougla and sold at lowest • "• D V It X L /4' frillE SUE% BSCRIBHAVING JUST C,OMPLET .L and furnished his new Planing ifill withmachin. cry et the latest improved patterns, le now prepared tO attend to all ordersin lin8 10 the mot prompt and satIsfaotory manner. and at reasonable rates, Ile would also return thanks to all Who pktrobinfd the old firm before they Were 'wiled out, and now .being .111 bottor nissition to execute orders oMpeditiously, feelscanildent lie an glvls satisfaction to nil, FACT011Y-1Viar Ike Grand TrSoik Paiti way* Clinton. TIZOMAS MWENZIE . current rates. •• •" • Interest at e percent allowed en 'deposits. , .F...A.13,1113MRS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with Ale or more endor•sers. No mortgage required as. . • • . H. 0.EREWAR Manager,• , januarv 188. olinton J. »DLEcoMB•L',. Watch and -Clock Maier JEWELI3iR, &o., mrp.oeuTE THE CULA.IRKIET, CLINTON • Where be keeps a select assoitreent •WATClitS, CLOCKS, JE'IOLLERY, • ''Oviticti ;N:0 will soil at roasonablerates. • Repairing of every description promptly . tended to, and all work Warranted. J. BIDDLECOMBE. (Ante n , NOT. 1882. A.V.E 20 PER CENT •:1838-:-SEMI--CENTENNIAL4880. , • • Teen or, TEE GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO Conducted both, on dash and Mutual Plans, XAS: YOuNO. U. E. • - Eresident. AMU WARNOcgir,E8C1..- Vice.Presidellt R. S. SrlioNo, Esql, - Managing Director • T H E loortm 'Filters aptio its PIrT/ETII YELP, Mash, stronger and. more prosperous than at any previous period, having $218,800 of Assets • and pratically ND LIABILITY except. a Pm insurante Reserve of $30,000. There are $20; 000 deposited with the Ontario Dovernment 1 and over 890,000 held in Mortgages,Dobai. turesand Cash, immediately available to . nuiet losses. • Mutual Polley -holders iri the "Gore" save 20 per tent. With undoubted security, For tattpartioalarsaPrlY to rticeat °noes OAtt or to 40107 BlIDAVOTy• Agent, ClintOil 4 ROLLER FLOUR AT. .10P1313. CWT. BItA.N by TON or &VT" . 00ces. PER CWT., Delivered any wherein t..own free of Charglie 31114. •JOIIN 11 AYSolf. •