HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-17, Page 1$11818111111111111181111118118811181RMEni, - ._'06`isssusseelses Sees ,Nr• L 21, ISO 21411.11S4Lail n a sdrsava CLINTON, ONT., FRID.A.Y, DEC. 17, 1886, A GMT CMS To close-out the balance of our Fur MANTLES We intend to offer a discount of .20 per. cent: from now till the first of "the new year. This is a grand opportunity cure one at 'wholesale figures. Note the big reduction this makes : ' $30 guiles less 20ver c. off $24 $40 Nalltles less 20per C. of. $32 $45 Rifles 4ss 20per c. off $3,6 Anybody who thinks of making a pur- chase shenld net miss this chance. They . are 'the cheapest goods ever offered in Clinton, quality and Make considered. We are also offering big reductions in. S.S. SE AL, CAPS, PEIi7 SIAN LAMB (5A. -PS,' BALTIC SEAL CA.PS, MINIc : CAPS,' And all kinds of Fur Sets. ' We carry one of the largest and finest assortments in thie swami. . Holiday. Nroveltis SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, FixENECKIVEARLOVES, MITTS, MUFFLERS, UN- DERWEAR, BRACES, COL- LARS, CUFFS.AND. SHIRTS. You will find rnany useful and valuable presents in our establishment, and yoa certainly should ptrt us on your list, If you examine our stock, yott will see that we have the largest and finestsep- • leetiensin this distriet. • .... JACKSON BROS,, Cliriton, — /ruNitnitss. Brum/IL—Miss s sAntsie McIntosh, who hie beeu confined to bed for some time, with rheumatiein, is improving. Mr. John Murray, our genial cheese maker, left on! Friday to vend the winter with this auld fence at hame. ; come again ano- ther year, John. No political meetings at Kinburn this election ; how is thi'a, every- body %venders. Our merehents. deelare. tradeis good for this Wire of the year,`'and why not, when theycan get their goods al cheap here as by going to town. , SoOranse-The social announced for Tuesday evening. last at the residence of Mrs. Ball, was in every respect a grensl auccees. At about 8 o'clock, a large conas peny aesembled, Mr. John Britten occu- pied the chair,and ,we must say, he filled ttreposition with profit to himself and cre- dit to the company. .After a few remarks by the chairman, Mr. Geo. :Stanley was called on to read an addresirater which Mrs- H. A. Cameron presented 'ihe Reyes Metiers. Musgrove and • Ramsey with a purse of money, as a token of the faithful Manner in winch they have labored among us for the past year. Both gentleman. .niarle suitable replies. Abundance • of eatables wer e provided by the ladies, after which wohort programme was gone through with. -The Rev, gentlemen present gave two excellent speeches as well as some good sound advice. Music Was furnished by the • chiiirs 'After moving a vete Of thanks 1 to:the chairmen, the meeting was brought r to a close.. ' • • • . t s—, -s----....... . ........,____, v ' HOLLKTT. • . d WAVS: COltilEit — Bums's.. -,-.-. Mrs t Waites house is finished now ; Will, the a boys are Waiting patiently for. the heisee . P *Arming; When are you going to bring the p. house keeper, he Messrs. Sprung„ and u Repsen-are making preparations to build s -brick' houses next summer; they Will -.be . w something pretty nice. Is there a line in . the county can. show .more fine house thin the Base Line betWeen Clinton .ap Manchester. . Mr. Long has rented lot 24 Forks farm, froni 1VIr. 'Draper, Sand ha moved his Mangy there: • :Mr. Draper and 104 are going to try the lumber bueines this white's '. Mr. .Walker from .Clipton brings a. portable saw Mill into hie (Mr Draper's) •buili, so 'things.' Will be lively this winter, Mrs; JeMcBrien has leased the farm to Mr. 'Sohn ,Wright, for a term ot years ; Mrs. .11cBrien and family Move. to the Hub to live. . Bees **the order of the' day; Mr, *Rapson broke the ice and had a inc lot of weed ent,S Mr. Sprung the carpenterssVork. . ..' .: . • • . . , .„ has all. the .1rick drawn for the house; Mr.'Young,sofsgenchester, hair his eye cin .. . sexism's ' BasieS.-egies I.• Jr:areas:of:London, is visiting at gr. J. Jones,cof Stanley. ..Mrs. Chas. Sheffer,. of Rapid City,. garritob, a daughter of Jelin .Auderson, of Stanley, is 'borne on Xs -visit. , • .Mtse Sadie Landers ii.visitiirg friende in St. Maryis M. Md..; Kihhon, of Dungannon, paid a flying visit ster friends here last. week. - : • • . .. . . . ' PaasexTeigoss—OrsWednesdaY evening .of last. week,. about 'thirty young people of the: Methodist church •here, assembled ia the Parsonage in Hensalls TheY tools With them a load.Of nats,Which was entrails, divided; between RSV. Mr., Torrance and :his 'coljaague, lifis Barnby, es set, a dishes arid hilltp for Mr. Torrarice, and a great wady baskete,well laden With good things. :After kindly 'greetings... had bee°. inter, changed, Sitliss TrIellison 'behalf ofsthe young. peoples'reed_ the following address. Miss Fanme lyison and IVIts. 'Jae: Moore bringhig in gre. Torrance'e presents, .nice- ly arranged on trays, ' • _ -..• •.. .' .. - .;• -Dealt PAsroas,--Oily object in meeting this evening is to eXpreSs,'M a. slight degree, our ap.. preciation of ypur untiring, whole-eouled work since you came among us, but more esueially flitting the four.weeks you spent in 'special tier - vibes at our appti.intinent. . God hai. blessed your efforts heresei giving you precious souls for your hire, and in after years many Wilt look back and say you were the instrtiments in God's hands of leading- them to Christ. Mrs. Tor- rance, we would new ask to accept ofthis, as A. slight taken of our: esteem for you as our pea. tor's wife. . We regret the parsonage is so lo- cated that it has been impossible for you to meet more frequently with us in our .place of Public woriihip. -..:We are sorrSr Mr: Barnby is not in a' position 'similar to 'Mr. -Torrance, •as it would have.hecin a pleasure for us to ha,ve remembered his better half in the seine way, We hope you May have a-.prospiiiiiiii Mil happy future, and trust we may all live so that whenineetings.and .partings here are ended, we may 'meet above, where parting is unknown. . s. gr. Torrance replied in a very feeling ' manner, credited the 'Kippers .congregetion. with having the suiprisiest surpriseParty he was ever surprised by; during his fifteen Years ministry he had been visited with a number of so-called surprise parties, but this was thafirsk ono had had no ink-. .lingTot beforehand. Alr; Barnby then thanked the company for their kind ex7 preesiens, after • which as few hours was spent in social chat, tea and music. Bo - fore leaving for home, Messrs,' Torrance and Barnby engaged. in prayer. All en- joyed the evening, with -tho parsons; and roes/ go tack again, just to have a pleasant time. ' ' • . . SAYNIELH. ROBERT infesir,lteses Pnblieher. SuRritisx.-4 very pleasent, sprprise took place at the Alettrodist parsonage last Friday night, in which Rev. T. Gee wai the recipient of about eighty bushels of oats. About nine o'clock, when the occupants of the house were thinking more about retiriug for the night,than surpriee, a few of hie friends from the Bethel ap- pointment, where he has been engaged in epeeist' services fpr a length of timegirove in with a large loacl of oats, glying him to feel that his labors among them from year to year, were wholly appreciated,and that his friends in that community were not a few. • • BRIERs.—The regular monthly meeting of council was held last Monday evening, reeve in the chair, councillors Connor-, Wild, and Ptilock,'.were present; Bailey was not therrs, (it is reported that he ie like a fish out of water . since Morrison left;) a' few accattnts-Wereriiitniined and passed, and the by-laws regarding elec- tions, read and signed; that was about all. The vessel stranded near here was taken nfr the beach last Sunday morning by a tug, ad taken dowel° the river ; it was fine weather all last week and the men were busy at her night and day until she was at last got off; most of her cargo was 'thrown overboard. Swenarton, the Liberal -Conservative candidate for South Huron, accompanied by ex -reeve Hardy, Of Exeter, And ex -reeve Graham, of Stan- ey, paid us a visit a few days ago ; heis epoxied to be a temperance Tory,(a rare hing now;) trying • to catch Scott Act otes from the grits by that means, brit Id nbt take well here; you knew we are he only Anti-Seott town in Huron, and re not goinglo be taken in by any third arty man. • Archy the , .Bishop has not • ut in an appearance yet; he must hurry p if he *ants to be elected. We have a plendid opening for e general 'merchant cen afford to keep up with the times. s "'• • •STANLEI. ' s. cuLlsonNE. Alasosirce--On the 811i in. the follow- ing were elected officer; for the following year, in Morning Star Lodge A. F. and A. M., at Smith's Hill I—Alexander Glen, Chapli n ; John Tiffin, 'Treasurer ; john Wilson, Secretary ;Jesse Grummitt, Tyler. rrisistainsvir,tas. • • 13aris1is.—Alr. Knox and his daughter, Mrs. Wade, are in Goderieh attending to the Scott Aet'assault We. Several of the voters land others) have joined the Holmesville Electoral Temperance Union and in so doing agree to exercise their franchise for parliamentarismuniti eland educational matters in behalf of those candidates only who are known and pro- fessed prohibitionists. • Several of our sportsmen have been pefarnbulating the swamps lately and asit result the ." rab- bits Are come to town," Mr. George Perris who has (pent several monthe 111 Manitoba; returned on Monday.. . • • ,Bninvs.—Mr. Joseph . McEwe,n, hist week, moiled froth the farm of Mr. Con. nor's into .Bayfield. .Robert Richardson, - who has attended the Model School, Clin- ton, is noltis at home • Waiting for the re: - turns of the final examination.There will besa Christmas tree held ere 'Goshen line, on .the evening of Thursday, Dec. 23rd, in connection with the English Sab- bath School and Church' there. AnotherOlsr*mas_ tree will be held at -Varna town hall, on Friday evening, New Year's Eve, id. connection with the Englialr"Sabbisthe School of that place, , On Friday first there' 'will In no echoolin_No.. 3s as ..theacacher, L. W. Diehl, will attend the examination of his.hrether's school at NO. 2, Goderich township. The public 'examinetions of school No. 3, Stanley, will • take place on the .afternoon of Thursday; 28rd nee:. Mrs.. Johnson, widow of soldiers.lohneen, is Very 111,-41.nd not expected to -recover, not having taken anything to eel or drink for 3 or .4 dep. Mr. Chas. Wells, of Missouri, formerly of Stanley, lest his driving' mare about a month ago, by it getting, out of. the stable one night, but has sinee.. found it about twenty miles awssiY• ssisinitaN. -- BRIEFS.—A. ciSok, a former resident of this,. piece, and his nepfreitsR. Cree,are at present visit* in this neighlsorbood and 'receiving many a hearty hand shake, es- pecially from the ladies. We -.again dee the .pleasant countenance of H Clut- ton Jii 'our midst, he having returned tient Toronto on Saturday.. An entertAitiment .and Christmas tree Wills he held in Lee - burn church; on Friday, Christmas Eve ; it cantata consiting o' Christmas carols, reatliegs, red tatiens and such like is being got up by the Sunday School scholars un- der the leadership of J. Linklatere)which cannot fail to , be intesrestings it collection Will be taken up in aid: .of the Sunday' School, fund S. all are 'cordially invited. The members of the Leeburn 1. .0; G. T. intend holding their annual supper on New Years Eve; it grand Hine is expected. We are glad to say that Mr, and Mrs. (Mutton and also Miss Clutters aro now recovering from their illness. Poi/maws HILL. • BRIEss.—One Frederick Towel was up before Geo. Cox and H. Hincks, J Ps.., on the 1,4th cone's- for tre,spassing. on the ground of 'school)No. 3, Undersell, town-, ship; after hearing the evidence he was fined $1 and costs ; the defendant appealed the case to the next competent-court.— Robert Elliott, 3rd con. got twenty-five corde of wood drawn to 'Clinton at it bee last week. The Rey. Mr. Gee, of Bayfield, had it sawing bee in J. Wood's bush, and got over 10 cords cut. Sas. Cox, jr., Oth con., is getting the material on the ground for a new house A driver,18-hands high, it bran new cutter, a dark -complexioned young gentleman a young lady with au- burn curls, keep the roads well broken on the 0th. Our deputy -reeve makesfrequent visits to Porter's Elill late, is he canvassing or what is it? One more trip to the wes- tern States, another election, one more parlor social, and We are of opinion Lon- don will add one more to its population. Municipal matters are getting interesting now, the. County Council shifters' won't Loire a ghost of a show in this neighbors hood. An entertainment and • Christmas tree is to he held in Bethany church, with No. 1 propects. The •new stewards of Bethel church, li. Rutledge and W. El- liott, gathered oyer 70 bushels of oats for their minister. The lion, I'. M. Elliott is visiting his old friendshere. Mr. John Roberts of Dakota, is visiting his brother at Porter'e Hill. We hear Constable Newton has been putting the irons on ser - oral fine mink lately. , , • --TimPrii. PDXATICAL xxo'rnrtf.—One of the best and most successful political meetings ever held in Blyth was last Friday evens ing, when Col, A,11. Boss and Mr. Porter addressed the electors ofillyth, Although'. It was Mr, Itass' meeting Mr, Porter lied just the same Amount of tithe Alloted him, and during the whole hour and a half did sses not slimed in making one point against him, and Mr. Ross went away a greater favorite than ever, not only among the Grits,but the Tories as well. There were it large•number sif ladies present, which added greatly to the good order that was mkeirpnt.. Mr. Mylea Young acted as chairs Masoxics—The following have been elected officers for next year in Blyth A. F. and A. M., No. 303 :—A. Murdock, W. M., D, Carder, S. W.; S. Giclley, J. W.; W. Wilson, Chap.; C. Tanner, Beare Potter, Treas.; J. Emigh, Tyler,. :Mrs McLennan, of Mitchell, DeD.G.M, visited Blyth A. I?. and A. M. lodge, on Tuesday night. Barzt's.---,The semi-annual examination of Blyth Public School will begin in the Principal's room, on Tuesday afternoon, and on Wednesday in the other. depart- ments ;11 cordial invitation is extended to all. Quite a large delegation from here will go to, Brussels . to hoer ' Ontario's Premier'on Friday night. Revs Mr. Cluff. ofBrussele, preached in the English church, on Sunday eMr. Cluff is an ex- cellsnc imeaker and is feat becoming one of our leading men in the church. The Orleans University jubilee' eingers will give one of their concerts here on' Tuesday next, tinder the auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners. Miss Bina Farrow, of Bluevale, is the guest of Miss Kelly, this week.— A merry Christnias and a prosperous New Year to all. If you want big bargains iti Watches, Jewellery or holiday goods don'tfail tp canon FRANh. METCALF, Myth. - saAnortpu. Asslkirvents.env..—Next Sunday the Rev. Wm. Wyllie, late of New York, now of. Paris will preach 'anniversary sermons at the Presbyterian churelf.—'0n the felicity- ing evening the annual tea meeting will take place, when the resident Ministers, together with the Revs. Messrs. Simpson, of. Brucefield, McCoy, of Egmondvilles and MusgraVe of McKillop are an nounc- b ed to be present to deliver addresses. , Seimar, Sairvices.-The -special eel's vices at the Methodist church still con- tinue, • and much good is being dime. During the past .two• weeks the pastor, Rev. J. E. Howell, has' been 'assisted by Wee L. H, Dimsdale; of' Barrie, .and 00 Several occasions' the church has been, packed to the doors with people :eager to hear this talented preach. Nisi Dimscitileis. Young and very clever; .she presents her subjects plain and in a very clear She leaves here Saturday linernipg for other fields of labor, • •••••'DitrEFs.—Municipal .election matters remain quiet as yet. Mr. T.. D. Phillipe, of Port Enron, lectured in Cardno's Hall, lest Tuesday evening, to a large audience, on the "Mission of the Knights of Labor;" the assembly of the Ireighte of' Labor•of this place uumber OW nearly one hun- dred niernhers; Wedding bells chime this week in it certain location on Main street. The Josie Mills Comedy Co. played here every night last week to large audiences, The Rev. Wm. Burgess, of Listewel, was in town Jest Friday ; he was on his. way to Winthrop, where he *eared that evening. • EN'ThaiseisistarsT.---At Cardno's Hall, last Monday evening, was held -the best entertainment yet given . by the Good Templars of this place. Notwithstanding other meetings being held IA town there was A good attendance. :Kent, chief tensplar of the Lodge, ably occupied' the chair. The Revs John Gray of Clin- ton, termed here m ere as the Sledge Hamer Oretor, was present and gave one of his temperance addresses in his lintel earnesb. nianner, and with'sledge hammer force. The lodge choir gave several selections in gond style, Bro. Dan was present with one of bus originaland latest efrorts'iin "Dan's,plug laat.'S Mr. M. Pitman was, as usual, on 'hand with One of his .original and pointed sayings, together with a couple . of character selections. Mr. and Mrs.' J. H. Pyper gave a deist. entitled: inc to move a Vote .of than,Irs,P and 'being encored, sang " The King's' Highway.'" Mr. E. B. Hollis sang "Nil D.eeperanclum," and in response to an, en- core sang a humorous piece, Misses Brett and Hunt played a dint on the pi- ano very nicely: The singingof God save the Queen brought to it close another of those Good Templars' popular entertain- ments', and we's apparently enjoyed by all ;present. .. 1.10NDESBORO • • Bitslos.--:The parties committing the theft from the church shed on Sunday night, had better return the stolen Artie., eles or the suspicious parties will be look- ed after; this is carrying the thing too far. Municipal matters are quiet yet, but the saying is still water runs deep, how deep is not known yet. All kind of can- dies and.C.htiatmas groceriee are at bet - tom prices at Newton's new store. Some 'fltst work in grain erushing was done At, J. Brunsdon's chopping mill on Saturday last; farmers °timing in to hear Mr. 'less speak: brought their grist to his mill, and drew their loads inter his yard and left them there for , him- to grind and handle himself, there being 90 bags in all, which would be upwards of 200 bushels, which work he accomplished between the hours of 8 and 15 minutes to six; the grain be- ingall loaded ready for the parties to fake away when they eats° for it. RAST WAIVANOS/i. BitIEFS...-litin, A. M.: ROBS spoke in. Soett's school �'n Thursday, it is reported that the trustees at Marnoch refused him tho use, of their school after notice of a meeting to be held there had been given. Revival services haves commenced and will probably .continue forsome time at Hoover's chnrch. The pupile attending Scott's school interid giving an entertain ment on Christmas eve, It is reported that a form of (swindle has beenpracticed in this township, this being the mode of operation :--Tivo mon called at a farmer°8 house and ostensibly were enxioui to in- trodnce a patent washer and wringer, cons- bihed • they did the waahing of the family at tho lime, and the same for other famil- ies hi the neighborhood; tho work having been done well, the first farmer was ind ed to take the right of sale for the tot ship, on the consideration that he sho pay a fixed sum by note, have the righ sale. to the other persons canvassed, a shouldne-it get his machiie a neighbor town, a sample Machine, it being und .stood, would be supplied to the age from headrsearters. of the firin in Ontari but no machine has been mentand t whole affair has the appearance of a frau 110- ture on "Bright side of life in Libby - vn- Prison," is only, postponed for if uld while, until his son recOvers his health_ t of Miss Jaennie Martin iwtelowly recovering.' nd S. S. anniversary sermons will be preach- ing ed in North St, church next Sabbath. er- The best missionary services ever known nt. in Victoria St. church were bold last Sab- o; bath ; the'RSh ev. John aw! D. D., of To - he ronto, preached his magnificent sernsione; d. the pastor plead for double the givings 'Of last year ; but instead, nearly three times the amount was freely contributed and that, strange • tossay, without anyone go- ing round the church aoliciting subscrip- • dons; Gederieh's little church') is fast running away from its old backward posi, Oen. • , Exismit. A yonug nian named Washburn, belong- ing to Exeter, vsbile on u visit to hit bro- ther near Comber, hitched up a team ,and went filter water. A short time afterwards his lifeless body was found lying on the ground, and 11 16 not known whether he was. kicked by a horse or fell underneath the wagon. His reaming, in charge.of bis bro. ther, were taken to Exeter for Interment. WAST 'WA WANOSIE DEATI16.—An old resident of the town- ship was interred in St. Augustine ceme- tery last week; the cause of death was rheumatism and old age. On the Stli inst., one of the oldest residents of this township breathed his:last. The party alluded to is Mr, John Frazer, who took up his residence on his farm, on the 911i con. about 39 years ago.; his nearest neigh- bor being about two miles distant. After chopping a fallow, he threw hie axe down in disgust, and left the neighborhood for six years.. On returning • he found the roads opened up, where formerlya blaze marked the way. i succeeded n accu- mulating considerablesproperty, owning, at his,deat4, 690 acres in a block. In politics he was a Liberal. For the past year helms suffered from several paralytic, strokes, one of which was the cause of his death. His remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery last Saturday, be- side the grave of his partner in life, who preceded him to the grave only ten days previously, . Deceased was 84 yeara of age, ancrleaves it family. 00D.131till.).0 TO WNtifil p ". ThA.MBETrziet.—A 'teasmeeting, on he hatof the Sunday.SchOol connected with Cole's church,' willi he held on Moeday eveninglrext—Ther7Bey. Mr. lionssll and others are expected to be present. •STILL IN THE FIRLD,—I4eve Elliott, of Goderieh township, wishes us; to -state thatle is againsin the field as a candidate for the reeveehiPoll the staternents Of his opponents to the contrary notwithstand- ing. His record is before the people, and be is willing to be judged thereby.. PARI.011 SOCIAL:A-A parlor streirks;iWie. held at the house *Of Mr, John. Torrance Oth con., on Tuesday evening. Owing to the stormy weather it was' feared that it would not be iiirccessful, but the atten- dance turned out .iniich .bettorthan was anticipated, and all had a Very' good time, After refreshments, Mr. B. Wspo was declared chairman; a splendid programme was rendered, enbracing readings by Mr. Irwin, Forrest,J.Torranee and .$,,s McPhail: Music was given by Miss 'Cox, Mies Ros berts :arid a song , front, the chairman; Special mention should be made of the violin playing, of Miss Flora MoDenald, who is quite a young musician The pros ceeds amounting to $13, areto go towards the organ fund of Bethany S. S.: • • Y.ARNA. BilIEES.-4.ecording to firrailgelitente) MY. Mr. Burgess, of Listowel; visiteftir, villdge on Monday, and delivered a ir'erS,' interesting address, in which he dealt at some 'hipgth' with the question ; of 'Labor apd Liquor,' and also gave some valuable suggestions ' on the Matter of electoral unneu., A union.,was formed, but we fear party feeling is running too high in this locality, t� secure many sig- natures, 'though %verb,' on •:brith sides Of potties are determined not to vote at all; unless they. can be 'made sure .that they are- supporting w thorough temperance man. , The Reform meeting of Tuesday evening Was well attended.; MessrS.Bishep, 'McLean and D. D. Wilson defended the present'Administration; and 'Dr. itollini; of Exeter, and Lawyer White, of .St. Mary's, took up the cudgels against the said Administration; considerable inter- est was occasioned. A tea 'Meeting IS ar- ranged to be held in the Methodist church here, on SabbathandMonday,' glith and 27th . inst., of -Which due notice will be given. A young people's improvenient societyhassbeen organized in the village, which, until further notice, will. hold meetings in the Methodist church; the (Aeon of the society are as follows :— Pres., Rey. A. E. Smith ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Thos. Boles; Sec., Thee, Johnson; Treas., MiasHobso,n ; Critic, J. B. Secord. It is expected that Prof. MeKny will give in- structions in music, in connection with the aboVe'soCiety. • ' • DUNGANNON. . , • . Bniers.—A Christmas tree and enter- tainment will be held in the school holise here,on 23rd hist.; a good time is expeeteds Our thriving village now boasts of 'a Watch' maker and jeweler; Mr, 0. W. Christie, of Rogersville has opened out in that line and, as Ire tliaroughly under- stands his businees and keeps atria° stock, there is no doubt but he will be successful in working up a good trade. The annual tea meeting in the Methodist church Will be held on the 31st inst. Service in Pres- byterian chpreh on Jan. 41h. Notwith-. standing the stormy weather the political meeting held on Tuesday evening last was well attended; tlie electors were ad- dressed by Messrs. Porter, Taylor, Came ron and McGillicuddy. The temperance nuestion will ben prominent feature here, An the•coming election.. • eionnitunti. Bitters. -- The annual entertainment and Christmas tree of the Vietoxia street Sabbath sehool will be held next Thurss day evening, in the baSement of the chlirch ; parents and others wishful to dis- tribute gifts to those who will be, preSen t 'eV the entertainment, are requtsted to leave them with one of the teachers. We hear conflicting reports conderning the health of our friend Stephen Yates, now In New York ;' the' truth seems to be that he is =eh better than formerly, but that he is yet in great danger °nosing his life, The teaehers of the miesion school will give their echolars an en tertgnineht and Christmas tree on Christmas EY°. The Joel° Mills Co. are preforming ,in Ache. son's hall all this week With only indif. ferent houses, Chaphttn MeCabe's lee - Additional Local News. 1.9.c.aoon EXiasurrATiux..---The public examination of the several departments . of the Model School will take place on Tuesdayafternoon next, to which weds • and others are invited. The annual school. entertainment will take place in the Town Hall, on the evening of Wednesday next, commencing .at 7.80 p.M. An unusually interesting programme has been prepared. Scholars who are actual attendants at the school admitted free; ail others, 10 cents admiseims. „Pnesassa'Aggoss.--We have to record this wee ls 'one of those pleasing events go so far to smooth rough places and make labor light. On Tuesday even- ing last•the teachers in•trahling here dur- ing the pita term took possession of the house of their esteemed principal, Mr. Lough, and presented him with Momin- sen's History of Rome," (4 vols.,). and Mra. Lough with a beautiful silver vase, and then spent a pleasant evening in so- • 041 enjoyment. An appropriate address Soconipeniedthe presents, sbot we have • not room to give it; Mr. Lough fittingly expressed his thanks for the class' appre- . elation of.laie labors. •. Ititound Am County. . W. A, MeClymonteof Wlngliam, is' maltin,g ar- rangements to go ,into businelse at Innovate. . , • • It is reported tliat Councillor istoantriwntne broughtout by his frnds. tor-tne-poilition GI Reeve of Mcirris. - • ' , • Miss Robertson hasbecif engaged to take Miss Ross' position RR teacher in the Gth departinent otthei Brussels•Publio school's. • . . . . . . The indications are that it great majority of the present Birth couneuwilt he re -Meted by • acclamation, thatis if they want to hold oillee another year. • . . A' 8011 of Mrr.F . Teteiyon. Reechwood, Met . . %with a severe accident ou wedaesday. Ahorse •lirepped on hisleg, Producing a compound frac- , 1140,3Miles protruaing through the thiph. The Board of Directors of the Ilowick Mutual met in Dane' hall,. Gorrieron Saturday. Twen- ty-two applications passed, covering risks amounting to twenty-five thousand, six, hund- red( and ninety-dvii dollars. Mrs. Jacob Wilson, oice of the oldest settlers in • thispart o f. Ontstrio,)lell at the y01(10100 of her daughter, Ellie Ann Sayers, Wilson, Goderielt, . on Wednesday, The deceasedleft it large num.; • ber ef relatives:behind her, !among them O. ' Wilson, of &Worth.. Thos.-, Elliott, (brother of Tleeve Elliott of .' (hoderreliToIvnship,) recently elected . to the • 'Territorial' Legislature of -Dakota, is in Ontario •town, visiting. relatives. The "Hon, Tom," ar' :110is now called, 38 run or energy,. and got a roushiginajority at the polls. • rite.peeple Of 13rtissoli'Were shodkeillinit- Wed; . • nesday •morning, over the report' that Thomas ' • ITall,sr., had been found dead, by George Love, hanging on•hia.front•gato at his little home On Thomas street. •Medical attendance was ottiek- ly to •ltand, but the vital spark had lied. Last meek, T. J. Dearing; of Exeter, met. with an accident, whichlaid hull up for several days." . 116*as wrestling with another party and not having a good hold, slippedand fell, his oPpon- ent, who le a heavy person. lulling on top of him. A slight dislocation was the restilt. About • thirtymenthol's of Knox 'ClitireitSun- day school dro,venut thee°. McKay's, .south of .• Brinwel' s for the purpose of presenting Mr. • McKay, who lute tilled the nosition of assietant • superintendent and teacher in the.school, with, mueli acceptance, with it handsome. teaeher's bible, a hymn book, andit gold watch Chain.. • . Mi'. R. Ross', of Gerrie, met With 'what might have proved it serious accident. Ile left his horse -standing while he got 0111 01' a cutter to • talk to another gentleman, and while he was so • engaged the horse get frightened and attem pted • to run away, and in trytng to stop it Mr, Ross was' knoCked down, the cutter. passing over - him. He was completely stunned, hut escaped Without any serious injuries. . - At i3russe1s.on Monday morning; the alarm of . • fire was sounded audit' rush was made for the flte engine. •Before the lire apparatils got to - the river, however, it was ascertained that the ere was already extinguished. A coal stove had upset In axro. Henry's iresidenee, and the • burning coal had ignited the carpet and stir - rounding% but by prompt action, what threat- ened at one,tinie to prove it serious blaze, was subdued. . • • It falls to our lot to olmniele the. dedease of Atex.•Stewartor., lot 2, con. 8, Grey, who pas- se(1 away Ou Wednesday afternoon, at the ad- vanced Age of 8O years. The deceased has been . steadily tatling sine() the death Of his wIle•which occurred last April, and -for tho. last two or three weekti he lias been sinking rapidly. The fandiy settled on the Stil con. Of Grey, In the fall of lam Moth Mr, and Mi. atoWart died On 4 Wednesday forenoon and Wore lairied•oil a Pri- ddy afternoon. The deceased was it life-long member of the Presbyterian churn)), and also it • staunch lteforinet., . • • 'A ntost lamentable Watt occtirred lest week In Weal Wawitinfialt, hy which it young Mau nained Oliver Ferrier, son of Wesley Ferrier, of ' the 10th concession of that township, met with a terrible death.- OnlVednesilay night of kum. week the young mail left home for the purpotio of . going to hisuncle% it mile distant, to have hie hair cut. Ho reached his destination safely, mid started for home about nine o'clock.. At the time it terrible literal was prevaineg, but lie thought he would reach homnall right AO he did not retinal his parentstattirally thought he was litit„ting all night 'at his uncle's, but Mile (lid not return tharollowiug morning, a messen- ger was Sent over; Only to aiteertaln thst OliVer had loft for honae the night before, A swoon Was at once inetituthd, and although front 50 to ' seentighborssecanged the -country .overy day, he was Mit round uiitul Monday morning, vfliett his body, frozen stliT, was found beneath an apple t co on Lockridge's old place, on tire iste, eon., about five nitteS from 111810E1W. 11 11 posed that the yeung man becalm) bewildered in the stern!, lost his bearinge, arra wan-sterea aindeesly about Until' the thine Of death took hold of him, when lie lay down Mader the. shel tor of a tree to die. rot hocv long he wander- ed ithely; it is thilletilt to say, but his triteka were found hi the' snow for nines arotind, and., lt was ,eVitiont that he had a very tong and. weary tramp. The .deneasecl was Man years or It Nand the bereaved family have the sym- ly atiel the community. •