HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA, FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1886. 'LOCAL NOTICES. That ..$13 :Siker Mounted ,laflcrnesa at TWITCIIB11E'S is awfully cheap, noes' Goat and Buffcilo Robes at JAMBS '.11'ITOHELL S are going ,j t tlteil are so cheap. Woollen Broods given in •cachanye for Weal ee Wood at Clinton Woollen Male. .D4 IP ORA - IIPHOLSTORIr—Senck in your orders at once, and avoid the rush.. Be/mat, at the Red Rooker, Clinton, has two upholsterers making in Michigan for some time, is here and intends to remain for his "Christmas din- ner," after which event he will take up hispermanent residence in Mieblgau. On Monday four• grade cattle belonging a to Messrs. H. Pnell & Sons, Mullett, get out of the yard and ran down the conces- sion:as: ter as the railway track, which they attempted to cross, just asthe freight train came along ; three out of the ;four were killed. We observe bythe London papers, that Mr. W. S. Barkwelt, chemist of that city, addressed the Chautaugua Literary and Scientific Circle at their last meeting, upon the chemical analysis of different claya in that vicinity, for which he was highly complimented by leading gip Parlor Furniture for the Ohrtstmas trade•scientists of the circle ; he is a son of Ottomans, Easy Chairs, Loyntes, Parlor sets, ° Mr. R. ,Backwell, of this town. Misa J. tete:, made to order.. gawvtt ugapfi'O, YGUI G LIBaRA.L. CLAB•--A meeting :for the formation of a Young. Liberal Club, will be held in the Reform' Qom- mitte'Rooms,Searle's block, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. All, who are in. sympathy with the Liberal cause are nor- dially invited to attend. Several promin out Reformers will deliver addresses, PQLITICAL, MF+ETIZ;GS.—HOn . Mr. Fra- ' ser will speak at Seaforth, on Tuesday, .Dec. 14, providedhe has .recovered from an affection.of the• throat. with which he is suffering just now, Hon. biiesors. Mow- at, Young, Hardy and Pardee, epeak'at Brussels on the evening of the 17th inst. Mr. U. Porter. -will address a meeting he Clinton, on Saturday night next, on be- half of Dr Taylor; an opportunity will be given for Hon. Mr. Ross, or some of his supporters; to reply. PUBLIC Setioorn T1tu$Tees.—The an- nual meeting for the nomination of School Trustees, will be held in the Town Hall, at 1.2 o'clock .on Wedneaday, the 29th inst,,•and the election, if such is necessary, on the 5th of Jan: 1887. The. •retiring members of the board are Messrs; H. Fos-. ter; W. C. Searle, J.'•Cunningbame and H. Steep, allof whom are eligible for:re- election. The best thing the '{ratepayers can do is to re-elect theni'alt by acclama- tion. • ' ` COUNTY Oou c L MATTEtts.--It is ,re• ported that quite a .change will take place in the County Council for next year, as several of those .who have .been members for years,: carr et�n—nlatretiring. '... Among. those- whom rumor credits with an inten-. tion to retire, are Thee. Straclislg, Reeve of Grey ; F. W. Clegg, • Johnston, re liott, reeve said also t un again for the reeveship, and.. ex -Reeve Hardy of Exeter, • .will also op- pose Dr: Rollins. ' • BuiEriS.-411k;'Geo. Gordon ±received word on Monday of thedeath ofhis broth- er William, at Flint, Mich., deceased had only been sick a very,short tithe, and hie death was unexpected.; he was formerly in business here in the firm of Gordon & Finlayson, and was married to the eldest.. .daughter df Me. , 0.• .Gilchrist.;. Miss-C- Giiehrist accompanied MrGorden to Flintto.atte}}rl the funeral. • On Friday • bight some one eutered -the stable. of Mr: G. E. Crawfo, rd; :and stole therefrom a splendid buffalo robe.''. Mr. Dan. Calbick returned to British'Columbia.on'Saturday, purchasing a ticket front A. 0: Pattison ; Mr: Crawford and family left for Denver on Monday, purchasing through tickets' from •the same. Mr. Jelin McMurray, (late of Egmendetille).formerly a; resident here, has entered into partnership with, Mr. J, Cuninghame, and his family 'will atonce• move backlere: 1, astweek while Dr. Holmes; Co.' Treasurer, was on his way to tle•meeting of the council at Brus'- sels, he left a pair of buckskin gloves on the _coe.seat,.when'he,. came.,. back the gloves were not. to he found; ;shortly after, this some one walked off with his walkigg stick • the eleetii r is in hopes the Co unty -Coun it ill hereafter stay at home, and not go gadding about the•country.: Mrs. Pirie, of Dundas, is here on :avisit to,. • friends.. Mr. John Leyte, the Liberal can— didate for the Local in East. Toronto; is a cousin of Mrs. A.. •Gorrell of this place, Mr. D: A. Forrester. has been confined to• the house for several days by. a•severe attack of rheumatism,' but is new •better. The Liberals 'have engaged the vacant _.atore of Mr. W.. C. Searle, as -'a Committee room, to be used. during the election campaign, and: all friends of the • party will bemade welconie there,Mr, Moved McGee has into:the .house of Mr. Gorrell, on Mary Street. Mr. • Henry Ste• verse; after being. confined to the house for a number of weeks, .has •recovered stifii- oiently from his illness to be able to get out again. Mr. Radcliffe, (who is well- known to Clintonians), is.a_candidate for the Goderich mayoralty, for nextyear,and• in bis address to the•el.ectorst be admits that Goderichhea crab, is going back- wards; on a ther"•hand Clinton is bounding forward. •The Local Labor candidate in Hamilton'. is a nephew of 13; M. Reeey, of Clinton, Mr, Paisley has already succeeded in collecti:ngnearly.one half of the taxes. Mr. Jos. Copp bas been confined to the house by a severe cold, but is out again. lV,ir. Mob. W. Coats has now a 24-hoerilluminated clock, as a' sign. It is reported, that Mr. N. IRobson "•••••.,.will start store in his old stand, in the `I3tick•Block. Mr.'ihos. Mason has sold one-ef his 'teams of geldinggs, mentioned last week, to Mr. •A, Tiplady, for a good • figure, and:now the latter thinks he bas the best team along the line ; be has a pretty good one, anyhow. Thos, Flem- ing, of Goderich township, delivered to odgers, Reeve of Brussels; eeve of Wingham; F. W. ve of Goderich, and G. El- f Goderich 'township. It is t ex -Reeve Simpson, of Stan Mr. Irwin, on Sature weighing nearly '7 Farrah is.visitir Quite . numb a%, twodressed hogs, • 'lbs. Mrs. W. W. !tends at Pert; Perry. have signified their in- tentions o vxatri'ng. at the Entrance Ex- amination. Notwithstanding that Friday last was a bitterly cold and stormy day, a large number showed their respects to thp:. late Thos. Cooper, by attending his fun- eral ; un-eral; `the Masehic and. Orange Societies walked in the procession. The County Photo Association was to have met:here • to Friday last, but the storm prevented. teat of the members from attending, and 't'atettsequently nothing was done: Mr. '; Welter Coats, of Teesweter, (son. of Mrs, ' Coats, Clintofl). bus disposed of his busi e What heUeq$ there, we haver,ii tint learned • intends to do. Mr. Stever firiekendon is faid rX ..will] congestCon oftherlungs. We itiirpleased to'see Mr. 13iggiiis out again, aftmr•bting laid u yore 'Cold, Mr. tt" Patton, of Goderich township, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, W. ;I': Paisley, this week. The disgraceful proceedings car- ried on by boys and young Merl ori Wed- nesday night, while Mr, Paisley'was en- gaged at the town hall, were an outrage that should be discountenanced by every member of the community.. Mrs. MC - Donald and son; left here the other day for Black River, Mich. MasterBen Qib. binge has been confined to the house with pleurisy. John Smith left Tuesday for Bay City, Mich:, and Miss Kate Mulligan has gone to Bad Aare, Michigan. - Mr. G. Carter, of Huiletb, . leaves iiia few days for Los Angelos, Cal., for the benefit of his health. Dr. Worthington bas •amal- gamated hisdrug and book store business- es under one roof, the premises. lately oc- cupied by Thompson it Switzer, At a Roman Catholic fair held recently at Aberdeen, Dak., we notice that Dr. M. R. El liott,formerly of Goderich township, was the recipient' of si old -headed cane as being the most popular physician in the city ;, the vote standing 731 for him,' and 471 for another physician; the doctor has evidently• jumped into. prominence and popularity at a.. single bound. The uocophone Band met with a big reception at: Exeter, on . Wednesday, and speak in the highest terms of the kind treatment they received, ' We are devoting consider- able space to *laical matters ,lust noir, but still give our customary amount of local matter we will .do even better after the election ;is over, Our .report of the County Council proceedings, in. type, is °roeded out• till next week. We under- stand that Mr. Collinson, of West. Wawa - nosh, has rented the 200 acre farm of Mr M. McTaggart, in Hullett. for a tern of seven years ; it is reported that the rent is in• the neighborhood of $400a year. TRIFLES.—Thursday and . Friday last were es blustering and stormy days as ever experienced here at the 'time of the year, This is the season when the nimble candidate pursues the fleet•footed elector along the back concession, and for saving, the country exacts hay in the sbape.of dinner for self and hay for horses. There are 35 travellers representing. Wholesale grocery houses, Who visit Clinton regulate iy; how. many "other travellers" there are goodness only knows: Two weeks froth' nest Monday. is nomination • day for municipal candidates: 'On Sunday morn- ing last the. thermometer•stood• 10 ° below zero ; on Monday . at 4, and en Tuesday at 2: Wheat has advanced to 75c. a bush_%. el ;..Sour hes also-talre i a. slight rise." LO AL--CHURCiht CHIMES. A meeting .of.the Relief Socity will be held, at the house of Mrs: , J. Biddlecgmbe; on the afternoon of the lath insb • • Rev. W .araig, of`mRt. Paul'it, will preach' Missionary Sermons in Seaforth. on Sunday neiit,:'Eev" Mr:: Ednionda .taking the work At the Annual meeting of the-feache'ra and' •darters of the Rattenbory St.. Sunday School on Monday evening, ,the entire staffwasre elected for the ensiling year. Re`v. Gep, Richardson, 'pf Listowel, (who was'at one time askedto come here), has..ac- copted the unanimous request of the Quarter,' ly.Board of the Methodist church to remain with them for another year. • Rev. Dr. Burns, of Hamilton, will lecture in the Town Mall, on•the evening. of the'lt3th. i:nst.,• and on the.following Sunday willpreach t.• ethodi chs Fur. :id atten ur S M st church. . 11. b • y tber particulars Will be given neat week. A very pleasant and sociable time - was ,spent at the social hold in the basement of Ontario St, Cihurch,on Tuesday evening.: The paster,:Rev. Mr. Sperling,' occupied the. chair, and after refreshtaents had been gerved a pro- gramme of reading, recitations, mesio eta., was rendered.':The proceeds amounted to $15. ' A meeting of the Executive Committee of the.Contity 'Sabbath -School. Association was held in Rattenbury St. church on Monday, wheu it wee decided to held the next meeting of•the Association, the Second week 1n Feb. raaiy—the date yet to,bofixed. A prdgramme was alao':arranged, , The meeting will be held in Blyth Presbyterian Church, 1ylr. A. McKibben,. of Dlinganaou circuit, occupied the pulpit of Rattenbur i St, church' on Sunday, giving two really excellent ter;-` mons The young men who are preparing for ministerial work, give prolliise of a teep.- tional ability and usefulness., and if they keep en as they have Started, will be a power to the church of their choice • The Presbytery 'of Barrie recently met for the induction of . a 'well•known' Cliotonian, Rev. A. H.•Drumm, into the pastoral charge of Ardtrea; Waehago and Severn, after :which a•" welcome meeting" was held on his behalf fn the Colon ohuroh, Severn, on which the Orillft• -Packet says;-" The. entertainment wasin all respects an admirable one. Tho large audience not only condiicted themselves with deoorum, bet entered into the spirit of the. proceedings with°-tlre—liveliet3rii5•tere`s"l. We heartily join in . the welcome to Mr, Drumm, all the more becaut o wo understand he is, or rather was, a "typo" who served, with diatinotioi,, ou several well-known journals,.tr The presbytery of Sarnia met at Forest on the 25th ult., for the induction of the Rev. 1 E d Manch stet 'int. al (late f 0 a rs Prftah xt o jam es , the charge of the congregation there and was . constituted. A large congregation being ar8• sembled intimation was given that if guy had objections to the lite or doctrine of Mr. Prit- °hold the•Presbytery #sero now ready to hear them. No objections -being offered, the Rev. A. 13eauior, of Petrolita, proceeded to the pul- pit and pretreated, an able and appropriate ser• man from Zach,, 4 chap., 4 ver. The sermon being ended the Moderator gave a narrative of the various stelae taken in the call.and pat the quostiene usual in tech eases to the min • tater, which were satisfactorily. answered, e: id after the solemn prayer inducted Mr, brit• • chard into the' charge of the congregation of 'Forest; in token whereof he, gave t'tem the right hand of fellowship, as eel 'ofg° ill.• oth- er members of Court present. •Rc'v, Dr.' Thompson addressed the minister at d the Xie'. Get,, McClennan adrires,,erl the po Tie 'in suitable terms in reference to' their res•u,o • tive duties. MI. Pritchard received a bear y !for_a wee. wft.b a se- welcome from the congregation as they retic• eter�tole, wh, has been ed from tine ahuroh, AS.CARDS&NOVELTIES, Imported direct froth Raphael, Tuck ds Sons. and. Thos. Stevens, of London,, Eng., and other leading publishers, such. as Hildesheimer & Faultier, and Wirths Bros., Numburg, Germany, and several others. If you want anything artistic in the Christmas CARD and OVFLTY line The only place you can get it is. at Dickson's Bookstore ARIES for X X GRIP'S ALMANAC, C ANIAN•.ALMANAC. VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OE ,- �--. tlivsniilee I.I.1.113.%7M4 :7C` D J3ookts •Direct. from D. Lethro d, Co. Boston. Fine ssortment of • Tl� T FRaM AN Whisk Holders & other Goods E N &: ,R • ,SEW Y ER:. FINE ASSORTMENT OP Brtti, 0011111 and Minor Sets at vel 1- CREISThAS ;lion. NUMBERS .OJ 'MONTREAL STAR, , L.ON,L)ON GRAPWO alict NEWSin'a few clays BILES IN GREAT V9RIETY • Buy your holiday;geodeuow 'and havethem, Pia away till you want hem, 'as wo will be too busy just 'befere Christriias to Wait. en vete as well as we would like to, owing: to the great rush for our goods 'at that time. DICKSON;="GtINT01 ILORIIV If you are in need of anytling I<rk,• theClothing line, call on RA And they can show you `a fine selected stock of �eEds? Worsteds Which forr price and quality'cs,ilnot be..equalled elsewhere. • They .have •a few more of those • ...AT S R . C 0 Q INEWORSTED . That beat anything, that has been offered to the people of Clinton before. Perfect satisfaction given or no sale. CAO. V/ � RA.NCE & THE HUB CLOTHIERS, CLLI.4y JL -'ON. Three Doors' West of Mason's Book Stora • •.. I• Al•,vn>•a+.a •.•a•. ..... .,f.., 0r, as v. • HRISTMASr 4 CHRISTMAS WILI4 BE HERE IN TWO WEEKS. TQR TEAR`' IT MIGHT BE OVERLOOKED WE GIVE THIS NOTICE TREE.. We have not forgot our customers. We have a large consign, - mint of goods for the Christmas trade, especially something new, something cheap, something good. Also and-ther lot of those Cheap Dress Goods Same as we had earlier in, the season, and which we faunei very Bard to repeat:. ° , C•HEA,E, BLANKETS just opened: out. OUR OVERCOLTS. are very low in price: p Loww Priced GREY ,FLANNELtS. BED COIVIFORTABLES any price ANOTHER. BIG SLOT OF lst in::: • Fine asortmeplt„low in price, OLOVES & H S i ERY • all markecl down Satisfy and asl iil�f Cur rice ': We `will.. coi�tvillice, . yourself by: colnln�, � , p s , you'' .the: are right at y Y.g. D S THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUMVM OF CLINTON NOU 0 • fi — -IF YOU . WAN',r`. ANYTIiiN'O IN THE" WA1'. of . CLOTHING OR FURNISHINGS Now • he time to make youv, : selectiolis.. We present an as:.: soent. rarely found in`:this section, and in figuring out your. y Christmas re i. embrancesi don't tail to p><it us on your list: • LOOK AT OU1t SPECIALTIES. IN OVERCoATS. A Great Tweed Overcoat: at $8.. A great E.taffe Overcoat, Coon Collar at $11..., A, Fine Boys Over... coat at *3. A ' Splendid .Youth's : Overcoat at $7. Our aesor.timelit of FINE READY MADE CLOTHING is the largest in this section.. the bulk being our own manufacture,' consetjuent•ly, wo can guarantee all our good*. If you want good goods at the lowest living prices, come and see us. In (*), and Gd -.g.-+' rkfr S' We carry the finettt good to be obtained, .and wo are at this time offeringg Some very cheap goods. . Out. S. S. SLi'AL_ and PERSIAN LAMB CAPS tare°really•--• beautiful goods, and should"bo seen by all intending .purchasers. ' We are offering a beautiful P13ft MANTLE. Satin Lined at $30, which• is the cheapest article ever off'eired in 'thins section, All the latest novelties in Children's and Boys' CAPS.. A fine assortment in GIRLS, CAPS. ACEON BROS 9 4CYI.,.XN."'.11'(: 'T (.