HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 5.12Aq • • 1 - Is in., full ;working order,. and presents are rolling out by the cart load. Remember, EVERY" CASH PURCIL LSE, from 50 cents and upwards, entitles you to a gift. A bob of tickets is handed you, from which you take one; the .corresponding number on the table is the GIFT yii 1eceive.- We guarantee each and every donation is equal to from 10 to 25 per cent discount. von wish to• give any of your friends a Xmas Present? Then make. a B line for ,. • 'G�EA.,T GIGANTIC GIFT IthE OBE;<TS.O N Where -you can ',buy goods the cheapest and get ti present ;for yourself into the bargain. We mean to share''our: profits- with >4 . the public, for the. next 30 days;••as a proof of our appreciation of their patronage for the past 12 months. .• WE WISH :YOU ALL A Merry Christmas ANDA HAPPY :111EW YEAR S1ATE..::LATE JQHW HODCEIVS'' ' I_IAVE JUST OPENED OUT A VERY LARGE STOOK OF O1T,1tiCS... and- Pancy Goods .Su table for the Holiday Season. We will also ofier for the next thr-fie weeks Genuine Bargains in. rinEss COO$, -101Cagtle cloths ;44 WazoroiarERT.. Aon't fail to see our GRAND DISPLAY OF Npy,ELTIES. JQH11T'WIBEMAN,Manager. S. PAL r ISER & CO. TooK; ADVANTAGE pi THE EARLY MARKETS •TO BUY ,THEIR And are offering olein at extremely low prices. A fine as= sortment . of SP A:LLTS R, az -cp., CLX TION.:., SPECIAL ;.FOR THE I. -PpAINTING .CLASS. MISS'•HESTER MOORE .-.would. be pleased to give instructions in painting on velvet and satni to any who may.wish to learn that art, Po^ particulars. enquire at the residence of Dir, �' 1 Hugb 11oore,:dorner of Orange and bilis Stroots. OL ITICAti �I�ETI � . STRAY' CATTLE -=CAME SUBSCRIBERS premises, 2nd con., Tuckeraintth, a short time since Five Yearlings, part of them red, the others red and white. -Also a:three-year. old Grey Heifer. Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and, e em away. THOS..O'BRIEN• . S�� R CATTLE. -SAME INTO SUBSCRIBERS premises, on Nov. 1st, 80, con. 1; East. Waw a- noeh,1 red Heifer 2 yrs. old, red Steer, 1 spotted Steer.and'8 spotted Ileifor.o 1-vr old. The owner' Hon.Ai.Ross, Provincial Treasurer t TtAy AND .OTHER SPEAKERS,.' Will address tba eleotcra: of3Yeat Huroa�_. -----at-4he-fvlio.wing-places; • at -the. .dates' named. MARNOCH SCHOOL HOUSE, 'EAST W9.-• • . WANOSH„Friday, Dee.•,10th, at•2 P. m,. BLYTH, Friday, Dec.106h',•at 7 30 p.' m ' LONDESBORO, Saturday, Dec.* 11th, ati The Conservative Cagd•idate•is invited to attend. • I • .• - t Political Meetings,, . TR 0.11/AS. GIBSON, HE LIBERAL• -CANDIDATE FOR THE LOCAL LEGISLATURE' FOR EAST .13.ITRQN, AND THOMAS E.: HAYS,. THE OONSERVAT]Ev1 CANDIDATE Will hold joint meetings at HULLETT SEPARATE SCHOOL (Reynold's) on Wednesday, Dec. 15. WHITE SCHOOL HOUSE,. McKillop, Thursday, Dec. 16th McNAMARAS ITALL, Leadbury, (Me1 illop), Friday, Dec. 17th.. All the above meetings ill commence at 7 o'clock p, m, Montreal ,Cress 'Stock market. The arrivals of live stook: by rail at Point St: Charles since last Friday evening, were 234 cattle, 247 hogs, 105 sheep and lambs and 17 horses. Tho supply of butchers' cattle on the markets today was smaller than for seine time past, but the butchers have, still 'consid- erable old stock on hand, and are not willing to pay advanced 'prices, at least until near hristmas,and the trade was rather slow,with tigher prices asked all round..' Superior j 'beeves eels at from 40 to 4.(o, and pretty good l�> animals at abeet 34o per lb:, with common dry cows and rough steers at. from 3 to 3io, and lean stock at from 2,3 to 2g per lb. Calves are scarce and pretty high priced, Sheep and lambs are rather scarce and. prices are looking up; old sheep solling at from 8o to 310, and lambs at from 4e to. 411c per lb. The supply of live hogs is 'pretty large and prices$c'on• tinue without material change, or from 41 to 44 per lb. Dressed hogs are not nainerous and prices aro' firmer, large lots belling at a little loss than Oo per lb., aucl small lots at from Ole to Oi• per lb, Tho horse 'market is somewhat' excited to day Owing to the large sale of horses by auction, which takes place at the Eirchange stables,. in Point St.. Charles, this afternoon. At cloven c'oloolt this fore• noon a riU otter of American an r c andother • lot buyers were at the stables examining- tbo horses, about eighty of which had ,already arrived at the stables and more were expected. hereby notified to prove property, pay .charges and lT take theiti.avagr HENRY GOBI&R, 41 g Carral�W-Candy; -� '#0c, 0 0. We offer the following very special inducements to parties who 'make theirpurchase of Christmas 'Groceries in orie'lot., 12 ms. ew Currariti, 7---61--9c. $1 08 12 ” New Valencia Raisins,v1 ery • fine, ,10c. 1 20- 18 Refined Sugar,ar - • 6*c- 7 !! 2� Granulated Sugar, - 8c. Teeing Sugar, ` 13c EachCi nnannnClove • & • s Ginger 40c. ace: r _ 25e. STRAY 313EEP.—A NUMBER OP SHEEP, OWN- lrousd a in the premises on lot 4, Bayfield con., Gode. rich township, 1 Black Ewe, 2 Ewes, Downs, tails un- cut, and other common stostockEwe?t, tails cut and ears marked. It not claimed withina month they will be sold to pay costs. 'Bayfield, Nov. 7.2, 1880. 41}., ens unknown, havo for ,some bine been fed and Peel, 'Lemon'or `Orange, � .., 't TRAY -GALP. — CAME INTO SUBSORIBERS. 1 • premises, Bayfield road, Goderich township about the .20th of October, a small Red and White Calf. The Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and tate it away. LE�'I TRICE. *41 QTRAY STEER:•CAME INTO' SUBSCRIBER'S 17. premises, Base Line, Summerhill, Godorieb town- ship, about• the 1st Nov.,' a Red and White steer, two years old past. Tho owner is hereby notified -to prove property, pay charges and take it away. L. MANNING LTRLY _CALF.—CAME INTO. SUBSCRIBER'S 1 premises, lot 18, 6tk con. of Rullott, about the latter part of October, a White Calf, soma red, about theiteck: The owner is hereby notified to prove pro= perty pay charges,, and take it away. P. BRENN'AN, iiullott. `TRAT CATTLE.—CAME INTO SUBSCRIBER'S premiss, lot 72, Maitland eon., Goderlch township, about the end of October, -three yearlings beingg one R.•1 Steer, One Gfayish Heifer, and one Reddish Heifer. The owner is hereby notified • to prove property, pay charges and take them away. HENRY BAKER. iniAY ISEIFER.—CAME INTO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 . premises, North street south, Clinton, about two weeks since, a two year old red Heifer, Tho owner' is hereby notified to proVe property, pay charges and take it away, PETER WILSON. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UN. naasrattenup to WEDNESDAY, the 20th DECEM- BER, 1880, at S.o'olo•.ek, p.m., for the position of Caretaker of the Ontario Street Methodist 'Church. Duties and other :particulars may bo obtained from. the undersigned,. The lowest or any tender not ne.,. cessarily acooptod JACOB TAYLOR, Seq. Board of Trustees. • CLINTON MARKET..$. • Correctedevory Thursday aftertoon. Tirpraday, Dec.; 0, 1886. • Wheat, spring - 0 73 a 0 76 White and red • 0 73 a. 0 76 Oats,. . _ ` 6 27 a 0 29 Barley, •• • - 0 40 a 0 48 Peas,. 0 48 .a 0 48 Flour, per bbi.� • - 4 00 a 4.00 Potatoes, • 0 40 a 0 45 Turkeys per ib. • 0 06 a 0 06 Chickcus, per pair, .0 25 a 0 30 Ducks per pair, 0 50 - a "0 60 Geese per lb. • , 0 05 ' a 0 05 0 14 a 0 15 0 15 a 0 17, 5 25 a 5 40 Hay, y 8 00 a 8 00 Wool In trade,, • . • 0 20 a 0 22 Wool for crib, - 0 18 a 0 18 Sheep pelts • • . 0 50 , a 0 75 Lamb skids, 0 00 a 0 80 Clover, por bush. y• 4.00 a 4 be E...._.... Butter, • Fggs,: fork,. The GUNTON 1f1AV 1i1tA, will be :,tint tree for the balaince ot`the year, to ail riesV subscribers, i bCl S on condition of theist paying in ad- vance for 1887.. The New `i�,ra. Witltotit e:teclitioH, the best local Dater in I1iuuron. 1 Ounce, Mace, 1 " Nutmegs, b ! 2 Bottles Extract Lemon 1 Box ver y fine Toilet Soap 1 Bar. Ding= man's Electric Soap 40c. r 5 per 0. off for cash. ROPOE.11.1S--. DETLOR 8a CO't3 Grand....H�liday SQIE .p Big purchase. of LADIES S1 ATa.t 50c. „on The dollar.. �• 150 IJAL. IES 1 IA.T Latest Styles, at... nearly; half priee.-•- .. . This month. they offer Extraordinary Bargains In .Plain and - Hem -stitched and Silk 'HANDKERCHIEFS, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, SASH: RIBBONS, . CASHMERE: GLOVES, KNIT WOOL SIIA big WLS. Their sale of DRESS GOODS, BLACK SILKS and 1VMA T'TLE CLOTHS is attracting uni-__• • versal attention. DREGS and: Mantle Main On the premises: • MANTLES cuthfree of charge: Ladiesand Gents FURS' at prices to. clear. DE ! YL OR & CO, .56.• 2V.• 30 7 •2 10.. .1� 40 •:1b Amounting in: all to _ •$5.80 • . ���e •�illgive the above selected--lot:.to anyperson ,taking the W w ,P• .s lot•in one 'purchase for $5. This offer. will only: ,remain open until January 1st, 1887: We are 'showing special -value in OVERCOATS, Ready macre SHIRTS Ladies' and Gent's FUR CAPS,Ladies FUR SETS and a decided bargain in Ladies FUR CPES. Call and see . ,what we are offering. W �: • Q . A,1 IMETTE, LONDESIBORO. .wtw...a... B eesteys Nidi acry' &F ancyDryGood$ Emporium The careful attention of our patrons is called to title announcement of a SPECIAL AND: GENUINE CHRISTMAS CASH SALE. Our stook is too large. We need money to make heavy payments in Ianuary, and in order that our bank account may be increased, and our heavy stook of goods reduced, wo offer yon prioes from now till the New Year opens that make At well worth • your while to purchase OD Item no now all the FANCY DRY Goa*, UNDE1tWEAn, IfLANNELS, WINCEVS, CASHMERES and FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS that you may require for a year's use. Our great specialty is MILLINERY and. intbIS department we.. can -Tromso -yon.. the meet artistic wares that can be obtained anywhere,. and at ERTREaa=v=.X Low PR/CES. • Our stock of 1.U13130NS,.GLOVES, HOSIERY and CORSETS 'is enormous and has been•import- od direct from the manufacturers, No house in the trade carries, so rich an assortment of tele goods as we do, nor can any other firm quote you as low prices,. 'Our RIBBONS Are endless in1varfety,andpnclude many entirely now shades and colors. Our shelves are loaded with Otlr stock in. other lines' is large and Won assorted, 'anti will; b3 sold at close `rice p s Sint Plush, Velvets, Silks, Satins,, Cashmeres, Flannels & .Woollen Shawls. WVo how) tbo latest shades in KID GLOVES,, of. -the, fest quality,: and make a rare dis ley of Mack and Colored Cashmere (i•leves and Woollen 1I1)'Ii fY, 'i Vo have )urohased an r,;rceptionally ehoico 'stook of SILT' and FANCY 1IANDXE12.CIIIIEI�',S and Iiandkerchief' BOXES, suitable for Chritttnas gifts. Oar goods r em itt inspection, and our prices will our. • • py .1' us with a call. ileo anddelight you, i au wild favor E ESLE " Ce4 co.rCLIP" C IST; .. O To our many friends and,•eustomers, and the. . public generally; we beg'.to announce that our- business will,be carried on the same asbefore the death of the senior partner.:: While •returning .; thanks for•the liberal. patronage :bestowed on us.. in the past; we. hope:byy strict ' attention Ito'busi- tress,` courtsey to customers, and'by beepingb, first cla st 'ck --. ss o to .merit a::colltnuance df-tlre'-same,,. Hoping toreceive the sameatronag P �,e from put" friends and the public generally.in the future as. • . -Ave did in the past.... ast.. We remain`. your tumble servants, Thos. Cooper-& Son, ' CLI"NTQN`. MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW -Y'EA ; TO ALL L GO TO GLASGOW'S as it is the popalar place for GENTS FURNISHINGS= We keep in stook ell the Welt; novelties; consisting in Ties, Collars; Cuffs,:IAersian (Lamb OCas, Collars &- days,. .p , u fs,• imitation , 'PERSIAN LAMB, BEAVER CAPS, COLLARS And emirs; S. S.. SEALnd SEAL. He has: in stook a very tine selection of UNDER BALTId SPEAR, and is offering his geode at a reasonableprice, and which can not be undersold by any ode is the businers. He has in a stook of TIES, the latest style and most fashionable viz: -Excelsior, Toledo, Knot, Saadi Polo, &o, He has also in stook a beautiful DRIVING GLOVE, •and which he claims cannob: .be surpassed in the town. )Elis stock of BOYS CLOTHING its fine and can be bought at ti very low price. His selection of SILK HANDKERCHIEFS aro handsome, and so cheap.. Big assortment of PAPER COLLARS viz: -Ore,' siemet and Opera. His CELLULOID and LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS are of the latest style and from .the best' manufacturers'. In Men's Boys' BRACES, he is having a great demand for, them. GEO. GLASGOW ‘886Fpa AND WINTF941 867 O QPS .4z • X20. .S ausisiimiiiiirrisaasemaimmointe Full lines '111en's Felt . Boots American and Cana dian Overshoes and Rubbers, German. Felt Slippers; _ Ladies' and Gent's pp ! rine Shoes. . • T.IVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH TALOB,